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02x09 - Double Black

Posted: 01/12/24 17:56
by bunniefuu
The head may air, but never the blood.


I really don't feel like working.

Are you seriously going to mope around like this the whole morning?

Any other time I'd be up for

having this conversation with you. But not now, please.

What happened to the energetic young hero

who just helped save this town from the brink of destruction?

Your boss has me lined up for this new job, and I don't want.

Oh, is that the same one Atsushi

and the boss were talking about yesterday? Correct.

Good morning, sir. Does I? What's the status

of that meeting with the Port Mafia? I've made the arrangements.

Do you think their boss will come?

I'm positive. It's the perfect opportunity for

him to k*ll you after all.

I'd prefer that to having bloodshed amongst our people.

Hey, Darci, what's the secret meeting with the Port Mafia all about?

Well, I have to admit, our little

Atsushi's idea has really snowballed since the

Guild is now our biggest threat.

We decided to. Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Wait, wait, wait. I am totally lost here.

First of all, why are you the one arranging this meeting?

Because I used to be with the Port Mafia.

Oh, did I not tell you that? My bad.

What? We've incurred over casualties in our organization alone.

I hate to admit it, but if Darcy hadn't neutralized the curse,

that number would have increased by tenfold.

I imagine my predecessors would have been

rather upset with me.

Why are you here?

Darci decided to kick me out of the Armed Detective Agency,

saying he had no need for such a useless prisoner.

He was even having me run errands in exchange for my stay.

This is from the boss of the agency.

It seems he'd like to meet with you.

Oh. So that's his play. How are you feeling today, boss?

Doctor, tell the board this is an order.

k*ll all enemy organizations, military police, anyone

else who opposes the Port Mafia by sundown.

That would be most unwise. I don't

care how many of our own need to die.

Just k*ll them. Just k*ll them all. k*ll them. k*ll them. k*ll.

I hear you loud and clear. k*ll.

The boss has succumbed to illness. He left

behind a will, entrusting me with his position.

You're the witness to that fact. Understood.

Welcome, boss. It's been four years. Do you happen

to remember the coat that I gave you? Daisy.

Of course. I had it burned.

Ogai Mori, boss of the Port Mafia.

President of the Agency. Yukichi. Fukuzawa.

So the time has finally come.

If the government found out the leaders of the most powerful,

gifted organizations were meeting like this, I'm

sure they would be absolutely furious, to say the least.

I'll get straight to business then. A new

member of the agency proposed an alliance between our organizations,

and I objected at first. The idea

of cooperating with criminals goes against everything we stand for.

But the request came from someone who has been shot,

kidnapped, slashed and beaten by the port mafia.

Thus, his words carry weight. I felt

that I should investigate his request. At the very least.

It would seem that we are both in a rather difficult position.

These are my thoughts. At the very least,

I would like to propose a temporary truce between us.

Have you ever read the works of Schelling?

Or are you more familiar with Kissinger?

Both are researchers of strategic studies taught by a certain You-Know-Who.

I do read Sun Tzu. There is a parallel

between state warfare and the strategies of organizations like ours.

No force shall reprimand us if we violate an agreement.

What sanctions could be imposed if the Port

Mafia suddenly broke a cease fire?

Or your people, for that matter.

Only the party that decided to uphold

the agreement would suffer as long as circumstances prevail which incentivize betrayal.

A limited cease fire cannot be established.

The only option left is for complete cooperation.

That's also impossible. Indeed. The Port Mafia

is an organization of pride and resentments.

Many of my people have been dragged through the grime and muck.

Many of mine have been brought to the brink of death as well.

But they didn't die, did they? That is a source

of great shame for the Port Mafia.

Then why don't we have it out now?

Let's settle this and put all of our grievances to rest.

Thought you had discarded your katana. You

really haven't changed at all, have you, Fukuzawa.

And you still haven't outgrown your obsession with scalpels, Dr. Mori.

You still carry on like a little girl.

This from the man who thinks he can communicate with cats.

A hologram ability. I see. I enjoyed our encounter.

Let's continue it on the b*ttlefield.

The agency will be recovering tonight. What of it?

I would advise you not to get in our way.

For our sake as well as yours.

Why is that? We actually have something

in common. Something important to us.

We both have a love for this city.

As people who live here and work to keep it safe.

We cannot allow outside forces to destroy it.

The guild is powerful. You stand no chance against them.

That's right. Before I go. My offer

still stands if you wish to come back into the fold. Darci.

Not a chance. After all, you're the reason

why I was pushed out of the Port Mafia in the first place.

As I recall, you left out of your own volition.

You were afraid of me, weren't you?

Afraid that I would aspire to take your position.

That one day I'd run a knife across your throat,

just like you did to your predecessor?

They say that evil expects evil from others.

I don't like the idea of allying with you either.

Our troops. They've been deployed as ordered.

You're aware I've been with the Port

Mafia under you longer than with the previous boss.

You are quite senior here. The organization

was practically in ruins toward the end of his tenure.

He was gravely ill and his orders

were erratic, to say the least,

in what we thought were its last throes.

The port Mafia engaged in one fruitless conflict after another.

If not for you, he would have eventually destroyed the city.

Is there a point to all this babble?

I simply wanted to state that I

believe Darci fully understands your intentions.

So this is where Q is being kept.

Pleasant evening, isn't it? Seems our strategist

has hit the nail on the head

once again in predicting your movements.

. Figures it'd be a trap.

Even in the event that Darcy didn't intend to usurp my position.

All of my decisions in the moment

were calculated and optimized. Therefore, I have no regrets.

But if Darcy had stayed to be my right

hand man against the guild, they'd have been no match.

They say that evil expects evil from others.

Mr. Hirotsu, fetch me the communicator to the front lines.

I have it right here, sir. Despite what I said to the agency,

there is a rational path toward a proper alliance.

Advance payment is the essence of trust.

One party initially incurs a loss up front

with the prospect of gaining a return hundreds of times over.

Only then will an alliance quell bad blood.

Those two once defeated an enemy gifted organization overnight.

Their alliance was considered the most devastating

rivalry in history. Tonight shall mark their reunion.

Let me set one thing straight.

Once I'm done taking out the trash. You're next, buddy.

Give me a break, will ya? I knew

there was a reason today was gonna suck.

The hell? I never heard anything about this in the strategic forecast.

Sorry. I can't let you do that.

Cancelling ability. This is such a drag.

Hey, don't be stealing my lines.

Now let us take back our lead.

This retaliation will be our common front against the Guild.

For crying out loud. This is the worst day I've had in years.

Yo, does I ever heard of Petrus?

The exorbitantly expensive wine.. The

night you vanished from the organization?

I opened up an bottle in celebration.

That's how fed up with you I was.

How sweet. I remember setting a b*mb under your car that night.

Wait, that was your doing? You make me sick.

Yeah, well, you're no ray of sunshine either.

Only thing I like about you is your taste in shoes.

Huh? You do? Yeah. As if. Give it up.

I know your moves far too well

to be hit with a kick like that.

I was going easy on you. If I were

serious, you would have been toast.

Oh, yeah. You're so scary.

There he is, the sleeping beauty awaiting his savior.

Wouldn't have gone with Sleeping Beauty, but. All right.

Give me your knife. Why? Oh, wait.

I swiped it off you earlier, just in case. God, I hate you.

Not going to stop me. My orders were to take him back alive.

But seeing that kid's face again gives

me flashbacks to all the body bags my people came home in.

Thanks to his curse. Do what you want.

Very well. I'll do just that.

You sure got soft.

This angelic behavior doesn't suit you one bit.

As long as Q is alive, the Port

Mafia still needs my ability as a countermeasure against his curse.

Therefore, it won't be in their interest

to k*ll me. It's a strategic move.

I don't know if I buy that.

Hey, Darci, how about you give me that doll, you jerk.

You wish This doll right here is my insurance.

assh*le. I swear I'm gonna get.

This shoulder has been stiff as of late.

Perhaps I have been working too hard.

What was that ability? I'd expect no less from the Guild.

What amazing power. Get off of me!

Hey, Darcy. What's the plan? What do you mean?

What's the plan? With my gift, all I have

to do is touch them with one itty bitty thing.

Does I?

That punch was strong.


You okay? Yeah. No, you're not. What happened back there?

Those tentacles are very strange. I can't disable them with my ability.

No way. How can that be? There are no..

Exceptions to my disabling ability. Which leaves only one possible answer.

It's not a gift at all. What?

Come on. You got to be joking with me now, right?

If it's not some kind of gift, then just what is it?

Who's to say we'll do things the old fashioned way?

How about Operation Shame and Toad? Huh?

What is this? Rain beyond the window?

I'm not so sure about that.

Come now. Have my tactical decisions ever led us astray before?

I'm so very hungry. Yo, after I dispatch this enemy,

I'm going home. He was a decoy. Interesting.

Gravity manipulation.

My special ability controls the gravity of those I touch.

It's time for a nap. Octopus. Nicely

done. I can't believe.. You so sleepy. I'd rather not move.

However, I still have to fulfill my deal with Francis.


Gotta be kidding me with this crap.

It's something inhuman. Does your arm. Julia,

there's something you should know before I die.

What the hell, man? You're not dying in a place like Psych.

I just love that old gag. And it seemed

like the perfect time to use it.

How about concentrating on how to k*ll

that thing instead of your second rate magic tricks?

It's hopeless. We should probably give up,

but maybe we have one more course of action.

Hang on. Is it what I'm thinking of?

We could show that creature how we wiped

out an entire gifted organization overnight and

received the title of Devastating Rivals.

Of course, if I don't get to you in time, you might die.

I'll leave the decision to you.

Really? You're going to put the ball in my court.

I hate it when you say stuff like that.

It always means that I actually don't have a choice.

Granters of dark disgrace.

You need not wake me again.

What am I even looking at right now?

Want me to fill you in? Worker bee.

That right there is the fully realized form of China's gift.

His corrupted form allows him to manipulate nearby gravitons,

creating a black hole which swallows everything in its path.

The drawback is he relinquishes control, attacking

in a blind rage until he wastes away.

Seriously, though, just what is that creature?

No matter what he does, it regenerates immediately.

Given that you're its partner, I imagine

you must know what it truly is. I don't. And even if I did

know, why would I tell you?

This is bad. His body won't last much longer.

That's a shame. Doesn't matter, because there's

no way to destroy Lovecraft from the

outside when he's in that state.

The outside. So does that mean he's

vulnerable if he's att*cked from the inside?

All right, Shujah. Finish him.

You've annihilated the enemy. It's time to take a break.

If I told you to stop me as soon as it was over.

I was going to. But it was so entertaining to watch.

The reason I used corruption was because I trusted you.

Well, you better listen to me if you

don't take me to the extraction point. I'm going to k*ll you.

Don't worry, buddy. I've got.. You.
