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02x07 - Will of Tycoon

Posted: 01/12/24 17:55
by bunniefuu
Step on it. We need to get

as much distance from.. Here as possible.

Hey, Naomi.

Are you sure they'll come for us? The people from the agency.

I have faith in my brother. I know

he'll come and get us out of this mess.

What a great lodge. If we ploughed the land,

we could grow a nice orchard here.

Shall I capture the girls? You just

end up ripping their heads off If we used your ability.

Why don't we use mine instead?

There you are.

What? The. Something's lifting the car. I can't open the door.

Those routes. This keeps up, we're gonna get totally crushed.

That must have been scary. Apologies, my ladies.

Tell me, do either of you know much about grapevines?

What they do is they seek out other

plants to attach themselves to and then graft their sh**t together.

Allow me to demonstrate.

By merging my grapevines with the surrounding flora,

I can use all the plants in this area

as an extension of my own body.

And because the senses of this vegetation

are in tune with my own,

I'm afraid that running away from me is simply an impossibility.

Now, Now, don't look so upset. All I need is a little favor.

When a villain asks you for a favor.

All they're going to do is take

something from you and then throw you away.

Not everyone in the guild is pure evil. I'm just pragmatic.

I have a really large family back home.

Every time we have dinner, it feels almost like a w*r zone.

I have a sister who's about your age,

who loves pie and always takes my share.

But she's so adorable. I let her get away with it.

Could you do the same for us then?

I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.

The work's a bit seedy, but the pay itself is quite good.

If I were to lose my job, my family would starve.

This is for my sister. I don't

care in the slightest what happens to you to.

Snow in this season.

Naomi. You guys okay? Listen to me. In five minutes. A

train's going to pass by here.

Kunikida and I will take care of these guild guys.

You just get on that train. I'll be okay. Just keep running.

I had a feeling this might happen.

It seems my sources weren't as reliable as I thought.

If I understand his ability correctly, he could

use his power to manipulate the roots

at the base of this hill, effectively stopping the train.

If I can keep him occupied for the next five minutes,

that should buy enough time for our people to escape.

Nikita. Let me guess. Your plan is to keep

me away from the vegetation so I can't

use my powers to stop those girls.

If you oversimplify battle strategy, you become easy to predict.

Is that so? I'll have to write that down in my notebook.

By that same token, allow me to guess your line of thinking.

If you remove my firearm, you remove any means of attack.


If you oversimplify battle strategy, you become easy to predict.

You should heed your own words. A secret

group from a superpower goes abroad to abduct people.

Those are hurtful words. But as my boss once said,

the purpose of the guild isn't to be a force for good.

It's to do what needs to be done. Kunikida behind you.

Does his ability make him immune to b*ll*ts?

You're late, Lovecraft. What took you so long?

I was sleeping. Oh, you. Sorry.

Junichiro. Use your ability to hide.

She's impossible. I've never seen a gift this powerful.

Are we supposed to k*ll them? I'm

not sure We can ask for orders

after we catch the girls. Let's see where they are.

Ha, ha. No.

It's leaving. All right. That wraps up our story. Let's get

out of here before the police show up.

There's no point hiding myself with light

snow now. What else can I do?

I'm borrowing your sister for a bit.

What are you going to do with Naomi?

She'll be out of my hands, so I couldn't

say if I had to. Guess they'll probably t*rture her.

She'll never get away with this. You bastard.

This is just a job. But I realize

that's something you moralists, could never understand.


A truck. Things could get nasty if we're seen like this.

It's true that the.. Agency has a set of morals. But when

it comes to Naomi, it's a different thing altogether.

You can talk about justice or morality,

but her life means more to me

than all of those things combined.

That's strange. Hasn't the driver noticed..

Us by now? No way. Do we look

like part of the road to you? If it was for Naomi, I would

gladly burn this world to the ground.

The roots. Let go. We got to go. Okay.

Grab my hand.


How unexpected. Do you know where they went?

I can't sense them. It seems that they hid themselves. Damn it.

Freeze HQ. We've located the suspects of the reported kidnappings.

Looks like the agency called us in ahead of time.

Still no sign of the train yet.

I hope they're okay. The head of the port Mafia embodies efficiency.

You can definitely count on Mr. Mori for a number of things,

and that includes taking advantage of our weak spots,

especially while we have our guard down.

All right. We should be safe here

for now. Thank goodness. Oh, I'm sorry.

Did you say sorry?

Uh, I should apologize as well. Are you hurt?

Atsushi. What's up? There's an urgent errand I need

to carry out. What is it?

I need to use the bathroom. I'm not gonna make it. Oh.

There's no one else around. You can come out now.

Nice to see you again. Have you gotten taller?

How did you know we were watching you this whole time?

Well, I was the one who created

all of the Port Mafia surveillance techniques.

So what do you want from me?

Doesn't this g*n tell you what we want?

Seriously? I think you guys could benefit from some better veiled threats.

And Jean, could you put that away? It's dangerous.

We didn't come here to take your life.

I have a message addressed to you from the boss.

Really? From Mr. Mori. I'm on the edge of my seat.

The message is this. Dear Darci, would

you like to return to the Port Mafia as an executive?

Wow, that is such a pleasant invitation.

I've looked through your records. Your blood is Port mafia black?

More so than anyone in the country.

What can I say? People change. I

mean, take Jean here, for example.

I remember when you were only this big.

You were such a dainty little lass.

Don't change the subject. Games. A girl.

Oh, Haruna. Naomi, are you all right? We are.

I never thought they'd come after the clerks in the office.

At least you're safe now. We're going

to escort you both to the extraction point.

Something doesn't add up here. Why would

Ogai allocate his trusted staff for the charade?

It's to protect you. Protect me from what?

The boss has decided to release Q from his prison.

Oh, I wanted you to meet someone.

We got to know each other a little on the train.

What is this? He has a razor blades taped to his arm.

Even the slightest bump.. Would cut him up.

Want to play a game? What stupidity? Do you have any idea

what he's unleashed? Q is a walking catastrophe.

He'll doom everyone, friend and foe alike.

The Port Mafia achieves its ends by any means necessary.

Do you even know why he was in prison in the first place?

He is. He has the most vile gift of them all.

The ability to control people's minds.

Better act fast if you don't want to die.

I have to do what.. I can to protect them.

What can you.. Hope to accomplish?

You're not capable of saving anyone.

You're wrong. I'm not the same as before.

I'm so much stronger now.

Sorry about this.

His curse induces hallucinations, causing his enemies

to attack those around them indiscriminately.

The curse is activated only when Cuz doll has been mutilated.

However, even when this event is triggered,

only a designated receiver is affected.

In order to be targeted by Q, that person has to hurt him.

You can tell who a receiver is

by the bruise like mark on their body,

similar to being grabbed or strangled.

You mentioned before that you came here to protect me.

Damn it.

Listen to me, Atsushi. Look carefully.


No, wait. The only one being manipulated was me.

All I wanted to do was to protect everyone.

All of this is your fault. Such is your fate.

Using your power to inflict harm to those around you. No.

I can change, I swear. I just want to save my friends.

The shopping.

So then do you understand who you are

now? Enough ability. No longer human.

Your new friends are so fragile, Mr. Darcy.

But don't worry. What I really look forward to is breaking you.

Remember how you made me suffer. Soon

you're gonna feel the pain, Mr..

And instead of capturing you next time,

I'll just rip your heart out.

Can't wait to play again. See you later.

Come on, get up. Atsushi, it's time to go. I'm just no..

Good. Should have never been born.

Look at me, huh?

Listen to me very closely.

I'll give you some advice. Like a proper senpai.

Don't pity yourself. Once you go down that road,

life turns into an endless nightmare.

Now then it appears that the enemy

has forced our collective hand on this one.

They've played their trump card, so I

guess we'll have to follow suit.

Another strategy proposal. Well, I. You see? Yes.

Did you have to write an epic novel about it?

Uh, no. I'm sorry. I'll rewrite it.

I'll read it along the way. Where's our next mission site?

It's not safe right now. The Zelda was just destroyed.

I'd feel much better if you stayed here. Lord Francis.

Wherever I go is where the home

of the guild lies. Am I wrong?

Hello, young one. Are you alone? Why are you here?

I agreed to make a little deal with Mr. Dazai.

If he'll find and save my dear Kyoka,

I will stay here and wait patiently.

What about you, child? Why aren't you with Dazai right now?

That's because he went out to negotiate with a government agent.

Just how long has it been? Darci

I have to say I was surprised

when I received your call. Ongo. You're looking well.

I'm really glad you came out, but be honest with me.

Did you really think I'd forgiven your double crossing?

I'm just kidding. I bet you left

this thing unloaded anyway. What do you want?

I see the gifted Operations division. They are

the strongest of all the gifted organizations.

Get them to join your side, and they'll

be sure to become the agency's greatest w*apon.

If that actually.. Happens, then

Kiyoka might be able to come back to us soon.

I wonder. Tell me, boy, do you

truly believe that with only a few short months of combat training,

a girl can m*rder people at only ?

It's her gift. And for as long

as that gift is bound to her soul,

her being, she will never escape the darkness.

Much the same way that I never could.

I ask you? Look after Kyoka.

Isn't your job to go after gifted crime groups?

It was the last time I checked anyway.

Someone's having a hard time keeping up.

If it's about the guild, we're aware of their activities.

And yet you guys still let them off the hook.

They applied pressure on a number of political

players and thereby acquired a comparable level of diplomatic immunities.

They're practically above the law now. The police

don't even have the power to take the guild's members into custody.

You need to get out of here, Darci.

Right now. Tell everyone at the agency

that their lives are in danger.. And that they.

Her dad is taking a while. Been waiting long.

Such a predictable reaction. How dull does he have?

Special combat.. Abilities. He's strong.

But if I can take him down. This w*r is over.

That was a really nice kick.

I'd say it was worth about ten grand. However.

It doesn't come close to the bounty

of billion we've put on you.

Not what I'd call a great return.

But I wouldn't feel too badly. You have other assets?