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01x08 - Teaching Them To k*ll; Then To Die

Posted: 01/12/24 17:46
by bunniefuu
[phone ringing]

[phone ringing]

[phone ringing]


Hey, girlie, you waiting for someone or something?

[GREY SUIT] I'm pretty sure this is where

I saw her yesterday too.

It's like she hasn't even moved!

Maybe she's actually a mannequin.

[HOODIE] Ooo, look, she blinked!

[phone ringing]


Uh, can I help you?

[KYOUKA] Found you.

[OSAMU] Uh...

This doesn't look good.

[DOPPO] You can't track down Dazai?

He's not returning any of my calls,

and I can't find him at home either.

He's probably floating down some river again.

Maybe he got himself thrown in jail.

[RAMPO] My guess is he's off with a woman.


...what if he's been att*cked by the Port Mafia...?

Aren't you worried?

That man's ability to avoid death

approaches nightmarish proficiency.

Even after all those su1c1de attempts,

he's still as lively as ever.

[RAMPO] Ha! I doubt even the Mafia

could get the better of him.

[ATSUSHI] Yeah, but still...

[JUNICHIROU] I'll go look into it.

[ATSUSHI] Junichirou, are you feeling better now?

I am, thankfully.

[ATSUSHI] I didn't know what to do when everything happened,

I'm so glad you're all right.

[JUNICHIROU] Sorry, if I worried you.

[DOPPO] Good to see you back on your feet.

It's all thanks to Dr. Yosano's treatment.

Of course...

How many times?

F-F-Four times...

That's a lot...


As long as you're here at the Agency,

make sure you never get injured, okay?


The moment you think you'll get hurt, run.

You should hone your ability to sense

when danger is coming your way.


For example, ten seconds from now...


[ATSUSHI] Oh, Dr. Yosano. Good morning.

Hey, Atsushi.

Are you hurt anywhere?

No, I'm... I'm fine, actually.



Ya know, I need someone to go shopping with me today.

Looks like you're the only one around.



They knew this was gonna happen...

...didn't they?

D-Dr. Yosano, you're still not finished?

Don't drop anything!

[ATSUSHI grunts]

[BEIGE SUIT] What the hell do you think you're doing?

What incompetence!

Hurry up and send my car over now!




[ATSUSHI] U-Um, are you okay, sir?

Watch where you're going, you little rat.

Can't you see this is a custom- made suit imported from Europe?!

I... I'm sorry!

I apologize, sir.

Are you hurt?

[BEIGE SUIT] Don't touch me!

I'll be lodging a complaint with your superiors!

So... where do you work?

You a waitress?

Maybe a receptionist?

Or perhaps...

...something a little more "specialized," huh?



I'm a doctor, you pervert.

Oh, look...

I can't help but notice you have two arms...

That's one too many, I think.

Shall I remove one of them for you?

[crunching sound]

[BEIGE SUIT screams]


I'm really sorry about... what happened earlier.

Your packages really took a beating.

[AKIKO] There's nothing to be sorry about.

By the way...


Oh, no... Here it comes!


Such a beautiful leg.

I heard... your leg was amputated,

when you and Tanizaki ran into the Port Mafia.

[AKIKO] No signs of scarring or fusion...

More like restoration than regeneration...

His weretiger form did this instantly?

[ATSUSHI] Ummm...

Is there a problem here?


I'm just a little disappointed

I wasn't able to treat your wounds.

But be on the lookout, Atsushi...


The Port Mafia is well known for carrying out surprise att*cks.

You should be extra vigilant at night.

You never know when they might strike next.

[ATSUSHI] She's right.

I'm their prime target.

I need to know how to protect myself when I'm alone.

[announcement ring]

[MOTOJIROU] Uhh... testing, testing.

This is your conductor speaking.

We apologize for the inconvenience,

but we will now be conducting a minor physics experiment!

The topic: expl*sive Reactions

and Sensory Response in a Non-Inertial Reference Frame.

We thank all of you lovely passengers

for being a part of this experiment!

So, without further ado, please sit back and enjoy!

[MOTOJIROU] I'm guessing that one k*lled two or three of you.

But that's nothing compared

to what we've got in store for you next!

We've rigged enough expl*sives in the front and back cars

to blow everyone sky high!

Can you hear me, test subject Atsushi?

Unless you surrender yourself, all of these passengers

will be meeting a glorious, untimely death!

No way...

Well, would ya speak of the devil...

Wh-What should we do?

[AKIKO] Option one, turn yourself in.

Option two, jump off this moving train

with as many passengers as you can and escape.

Option three... Hmph.

I'm gonna guess... beat 'em up.

[AKIKO] You got it.

We are the Armed Detective Agency, after all.

[AKIKO] All right, Atsushi.

Let's split up and look for the bombs.

I'll take the front car, and you go take the rear.

What if we spot the enemy?

[AKIKO] Terminate them.

You got it!

[AKIKO] A b*mb threat on a train with civilian passengers

in broad daylight...

That's audacious even for the Port Mafia.

Seems suicidal.

Perhaps obsessive...

I wonder who's behind this.


I'd like to bid you a warm welcome, milady...

...and unfortunately...

...a sad goodbye as well!

[AKIKO grunts] Well, well...


[AKIKO] We've got a real celebrity here, don't we?


Still alive?

I didn't see that one coming!

Women are so resilient these days.

[AKIKO] Women have always been resilient.

In my opinion, it's more surprising to find

a wanted criminal like you in a place like this...

Motojirou Kajii!

Despite the secrecy of most of the Port Mafia members,

you're surprisingly famous--

responsible for the recent Marizen Building b*mb Incident,

which k*lled civilians.

That truly was a wonderful day.

Neural hypoxia... the sudden slowing of the pulse...

Lactic acidosis!

Death is like a glorious symphony

of physical transformations!

Finally silenced by the Big Sleep... Awww...

Death's just an experiment, huh?

[MOTOJIROU] God and death are the ultimate forms of science...

That's why we're so drawn to them,

to know what it is that makes us tick...

[MOTOJIROU] Now then...

Can you describe the color of your own blood?

Why don't you see for yourself?

[ATSUSHI] If we don't remove the bombs,

all of these people will die.

Can I really do this though?

Hey! Don't go that way!

It's too dangerous!

Please, go back to the central car.

There's an expl*sive in this direction.

[cellphone ringing]

Hey, um... are you...

[AKUTAGAWA] You are to protect the b*mb at all costs.

Hey, you're...

[ATSUSHI] I've seen you before...

[AKUTAGAWA] Use your Demon Snow ability

to annihilate anyone who interferes with your mission.


[ATSUSHI grunts]


[MOTOJIROU laughs]

[AKUTAGAWA] Shred your enemy to pieces... Demon Snow.


[ATSUSHI] Sh... She's too strong!

[ATSUSHI screams]


Why would a girl like that...

My name is Kyouka Izumi, I'm an orphan like you.

I like bunny rabbits and boiled tofu.

I do not like dogs or lightning.

I've k*lled people... six months with the Port Mafia.

[AKUTAGAWA] Protect the b*mb,

and k*ll anyone who dares to interfere.


[MOTOJIROU] I have to say,

I was expecting more out of an Agency member.

Oh, well...

But before you do die, I'd like you to answer a question.

What is "death"?

Are you serious?

[MOTOJIROU] Consider it a scholarly interest.

All the effects that give rise to death, such as

hypoxia of neurons and telomere degradation,

are easily reversible

when placed under laboratory settings.

Yet, why is death itself irreversible?

Why are all humans resigned to it?

[AKIKO laughs]

You don't even know the answer to that?

I have to say I was expecting more from the Port Mafia.

[MOTOJIROU] You want me to believe a meddlesome private eye

like you would know something

that I, a seeker of science, do not?

[AKIKO] Absolutely.

And there's a simple reason for that.

You're just an enormous idiot.



That's wonderful feedback...


If you're so smart, you don't need me to tell you this...

...but I'll give you a recap anyway.

Once the body dies from blood loss,

the mind is said to survive for another eight hours.

[AKIKO grunts]

I look forward to asking you later,

"You're dead... How's it feel?"

I'll be waiiitiiing.

[AKIKO grunts]

[ATSUSHI] I can't win...

It's impossible...

is this the end?

[door sliding open]

[ATSUSHI] All these people are in danger...

...and all because

they had the misfortune of being on the same train as me.

[AKUTAGAWA] That is your karma, weretiger.

Your life is bound to cause only misfortune to those around you.

Get out, you good-for-nothing!

[ORPHANAGE WOMAN ] The world would be a better place

if you'd just die in a ditch somewhere!

[ORPHANAGE MAN ] We don't need worthless leeches like you!

[ORPHANAGE MAN ] Why are you even alive?

You serve no purpose,

and only cause misfortunate for those around you.

Such ingrates do not deserve to live!

[ATSUSHI] And just like that... idea popped into my head.

It was a stupid idea,

but I couldn't seem to shake it off.

If I could save them...

If I could get all of the passengers on the train

back to their homes safe and sound...

...wouldn't that be enough?

[ATSUSHI] I'll do it!

[ATSUSHI] I'll prove that I deserve to live.

Stay away.


I can't do that!

[ATSUSHI] She's too fast...

There's no way.

If only I was able to use my ability...

Nooow then...

Let's check in to see how our experiment is doing...


[MOTOJIROU laughs]


Let's see...


Aww, that was disappointing.

I was hoping you'd fly a bit further.

Wait... how'd you...?

[AKIKO] Did you think that little sparkler would k*ll me?

Now then, which side did I just hit you on?

Uh, I think... it was this side...?

Why do you ask?


But how...?

When I left you, you were nearly dead!

Despite how I look, I'm a doctor.

I've seen more death than you can imagine.


[AKIKO] Allow me to answer your previous question.

"Death" is simply the loss of life.

No matter how hard we doctors try,

our patients' lives still manage

to slip right through our fingers.

"Death is the ultimate form of science"?

What a load!

I will k*ll anyone who does not venerate life!


I remember now...

You must be the Agency's physician...

You're Akiko Yosano, aren't you?

My special ability is called "Thou Shalt Not Die."

It's able to heal any type of injury.

This includes my own wounds, as you can see.

The conditions, however, are unpleasant.

It only works when the injury is fatal.

So terribly inconvenient.

In order to cure moderate injuries,

I need to bring my patients to the brink of death.

[MOTOJIROU whimpers]

Myyyy... you're hurt, aren't you, little boy?

Would you like me to treat you?


[ATSUSHI] This is...

[ATSUSHI] It's over.

My name is Kyouka Izumi.

I've k*lled people.

Where can I find the b*mb?

My latest victims included an entire family of three:

A father, a mother, and their little boy...

Their throats were slit by Demon Snow.

Why would you do this?

What are you?!

Your words sound so empty...

It's like there's nothing inside you.

No emotions at all.

You're like a k*lling machine.

If you feel anything right now, then tell me.

'Cause I really don't understand what's going on.

Please tell me that you don't actually want to do this!

This is the conductor.

Atsushi... you still alive?

Dr. Yosano!

[AKIKO] According to this sorry sack of meat here,

that b*mb has a remote detonator.

If you make one mistake trying to defuse it, it'll explode.

You'll have to use the detonator to deactivate it.

It should be on that Mafia agent.

You heard what she said.

Give it to me.

Uh! No way!

[AKUTAGAWA] Did you press the button, Kyouka?

There's no need to deactivate the b*mb.

When you die with the rest of the passengers,

you'll teach the world to fear us.

We've gotta take the b*mb off!

[ATSUSHI] How much longer do we have?!

There's no time!


[ATSUSHI] I'm such an idiot...

It wasn't until she pushed me away that I finally realized...

Her power was always activated by the voice

on her cell phone.

She's not able to control her own ability.

[KYOUKA] My name is Kyouka Izumi.

I've k*lled people.

I don't wanna k*ll anybody else ever again!

Not ever!

[ATSUSHI gasps]

[AKIKO] Atsushi!

[ATSUSHI pants]

[KYOUKA coughs]


[KYOUKA] Uh...

[disconnected beeping]

No matter how fierce, a pawn is just a pawn...

How about you then?

Are you the player

or a lowly pawn to be used until its own inevitable demise?

[ATSUSHI] She didn't k*ll people of her own free will.

These abilities can be as much of a curse as a blessing.

I know that better than anyone!

But if I hand her over to the police,

they'll execute her for sure.

[KYOUKA] Where are you taking me?

[ATSUSHI] That's... Um... Hey!

You wanna go out on a date?

[KYOUKA] A date?

With you?

[ATSUSHI] Next time on Bungo Stray Dogs ,

episode : "The Beauty Is Quiet Like a Stone Statue."

[KYOUKA] Boiled tofu is delicious.