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08x15 - Broken

Posted: 01/12/24 13:09
by bunniefuu
It's a big, big job.

Hopefully, we don't k*ll
each other in the process.


I'm freaking sorry.
I screwed up. Okay?


Fire it up.

-Come on, baby.
-There she goes.

First cleanup
is going to be awesome.


This is bull [bleep]

are you all right?

Hey, we need a medic
down here.


Things just got really
[bleep] complicated.


I'm way too close
to that [bleep] edge.


Whoa, whoa, whoa! Holy --


I am freaking exhausted.


[ Metal grinding ]


It's my cut. It's my [bleep] up.

It's so gross.

So, today we're starting
our big move to the last cut.

Hopefully, the last cut here
has the gold in it

To get us to that
5,000-ounce target.

As soon as we get the plant up
and going and fire it up,

We'll see what we come up with.

Narrator: in the klondike,
parker schnabel is pushing hard

To set up his final operation
on tony beets' ground.

hopefully, this move goes well,
and we can be back to sluicing

And making money
as soon as possible.

Narrator: opening up a new cut
means the crew must move

Wash plant sluicifer
from the upper cut,

Where it's been
running all season.


Here we go.

Howdy, fellas.

So I guess it's time
to move this thing, huh?


Ness: the pad's not ready.

The cut's not drained.

We don't have
a spot for the feeder.

We don't have a spot
for tailings.

You know, I mean, we've got
a lot of work to do.

I'm going to say that we'll
need four days to do this,

And I'd like to try
to keep it to that.

Four days is going
to be pushing it.

We're going to have
a busy three or four days.

-Yeah, we are.
-Let's get this [bleep]

-On the road.

We've got a timeline for getting
the plant running, you know.

It's getting close to the end
of the season,

And it's just
damn near overwhelming.

Narrator: before they begin
the move, parker's crew

Still has to finish
stripping the last cut.


Next, they'll dig
a tailings pond

The size of a football field,

Then build a wash plant pad
that's 60 feet high,

All before parker
drags sluicifer down

And fires it back up
in just four days.


It's a pretty big
dirt-moving project here

To get a pit opened up.

Narrator: at the new site,

Parker and rick
dig out the tailings pond.

Parker: a lot of this area
has been mined before.

Where we're at right now
is all tailings piles and mud.


What the [bleep]

That's some nice-looking gravel.



Sure as hell looks like pay.

I guess we'll
take a pan and see.


Well, looks like pay.

We've got some
nice colors up there.

If this keeps up, there's pay
under the whole thing.

-You see what I found over here?

what does that look like?

it's virgin ground under here.

So we started off
digging a hole for tailings,

And we are ending up
with a cut.

I mean, it'd be a real sin
to just sluice on top of this.


This is not coinciding
with the deadline, though.


The other thing, too,
I mean,

It is also
scheduled days off

And all that [bleep]
you know what I mean?

Oh, right.

We'll just have to tell them
they're not off.


Narrator: to meet the deadline,
parker's crew

Will have to give up
their scheduled time off.

Hey, brennan, you got a copy?

Things just got really
[bleep] complicated.

Basically, where we were
going to put tailings,

Now we got to mine it out.

We still got to get
the last cut ready,

And we still got to build
the pad for sluicifer.

[bleep] that.

It's [bleep] insane
that we got all this work

To do all the time,
and we're all tired.

We really enjoy
our days off

To get a little bit of sleep
and rest for --

You know, it's been
a long five months so far.

with the end of the season
less than seven weeks away,

Parker is keeping
the pressure on.

If this pay is really good,

Then it'll really help us
get to our goal.

If it's not good, then it just
costs us a bunch of time.

Who knows? Maybe it'll be
the best ground in the world.


this season's been tough.

A lot of things have happened
that were out of our control.

And we're way short of our goal.

in colorado, todd hoffman
has two running wash plants.

At sacramento, monster red

Is sluicing dirt
from the jewelry box.

And rusty red is running
pay dirt at fairplay.

Todd started out
with a 5,000-ounce goal.

But so far, he's only produced
around 1,100 ounces.


I'm not giving up.
I do have an ace up my sleeve.

I got this brand-new trommel.

I'm calling it the holy roller.

It does several hundred
yards an hour.

Narrator: but 10 days in, his
new plant is still not running,

And the crew is frustrated.

Hunter: you know, I'm pretty
pissed off right now.

I'm really getting tired

Of trying to make
this wash plant work.

I don't know.
We're all just tired of losing,

And we need to win finally.

Narrator: above the trommel,
todd and hunter

Anchor the feeder to the hill.


Hurry up, hunter.

We got to get this done,
get out of here.


[ Man shouts indistinctly ]

Narrator: below, juan connects
the feeder to the trommel

Using a chute he's fabricated
to bridge the final two feet.

it's the last piece that we need

To get that feeder
hooked up to the trommel,

So I want to get it done
before the end of the day.

the trommel's just about ready.

I think the very first day,

We're going to have some
big gold right in the box.

Narrator: 200 feet away,

Trey is stripping a boulder
field in the new cut.

He needs to get down to the pay
that will feed their trommel,

The holy roller.

Golden gulch is probably
like 80 feet deep behind me.

Tough digging, it's tough
handling these boulders.

The biggest badass boulder
I've ever seen.

Hey, trey, you got a copy?

Go ahead, todd.

just about ready.

How are you doing
down there in the cut?

We're going as fast
as we can here.

Can you move any faster
down there and get us pay?


I'm doing this on my own.
I damn sure don't need

This kind of pressure
to go along with it.

I've already got enough
pressure on my own.

I don't need any help from him.




Oh, the [bleep] pin --

The pin's backed out
of the bucket on this.

a steel pin connects the
excavator's thumb to the bucket.

When the flange
holding the pin failed,

The pin slipped out,
and the thumb jammed.



We're never going to get to pay
without this machine.

Hopefully I can
get ahold of juan.

He can get up here
and get this pin put back in.

Hey, juan, do you have a copy?


-You okay, jeff?
-I'm good.

Sorry about that, man.

while he installs the chute,

Juan has switched his radio off.


Juan, juan, do you have a copy?


Oh, what happened there?
[ Chuckles ]

Anybody at fairplay,

Does anybody know
where the mechanics are?


Other way, other way!

This chute is wider
than this chute.

-You're [bleep] me.
-I'm not.

It should've been 38 1/2
on the inside.

Oh, we're cocked.

-Are we cocked?


I don't think
it's going to go, man.

Narrator: juan has made
the chute too small.

I screwed up, guys.
I screwed up.

Way to go. Now, we're not even
going to have it in

Before we have to shut down
for the day.

I'm freaking sorry.
I screwed up. Okay? [Bleep]

Guys, another day
we're not running.

It's $20,000 in gold
that we're out.

Day 10, still waiting for juan.


How you doing, guys?

Where in the [bleep]
have you been, juan?

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.

What do you mean,
"whoa, whoa, whoa?"

What the [bleep] this all about?
"Hey, juan. Juan.

Whoa, my radio's good, man.
Juan, do you have a copy, juan?"

-Did you call me on my phone?

Yes. I called you
on your [bleep] phone.

Look, I didn't see anything.

You never carry
your [bleep] radio.

Do you want me to get the plant
done? What do you want me to do?

Are you gonna ever
gonna get done?

You know what?
This is bull [bleep]




Narrator: tony beets is flying
in to see his daughter, monica.



Tony's second dredge

Is still stuck at thistle creek.

Kevin has been running
his dredge

At eureka creek.

But at the center cut,
monica has told tony

She has run out of good ground

And has shut down her operation.





so, my cut's done.

So, what's next?
What's happening?


Not ominous at all.


Tony has set up a new
trommel beside a cut

On the east side of his claim.

Well, it's cute.

Yeah. Show me how
this thing works.



Lisa, ruby, kelly,
do you copy?

-Yes, monica, we copy.

So tony's got a new
wash plant for us,

If you want to head
towards the bridge,

Hit a hard right,
and meet me here.

Copy that.
Let's go for it.


Lisa: well, I guess we better
get over there

And [bleep] get her done.

Dig some more pay.

Now it looks like
we're on to a new one,

And I can't wait.




Wonder what the [bleep]
he wants.

Doesn't sound like
he's in the best [bleep] mood.




Two, three colors.

One, two, three,
four, five.


Narrator: in the center cut,
the bedrock is uneven.


Monica's crew ran
all the pay dirt

Down to the highest
point of the bedrock.


But they missed
the valuable pockets

Of gold-rich pay dirt beneath.


Not overly, no.

It's my [bleep] up.


Not worth a [bleep]
to be honest with you,

But I'll get me
and the girls on it.



It's my cut. It's my [bleep] up,

So I should be the one
to fix it.


We're good?

Narrator: parker gave his team
a four-day deadline

To prepare their cut
for sluicifer's move.

They have until sunset
to deliver.

Parker: there you go.

Nice and easy.

The biggest thing
we have to watch for

Is that we don't bust
one of the pontoons

Out from underneath
the wash plant.

I really should have some
extra hands here helping me out.

Narrator: sluicifer's move
is normally a six-man job,

But he needs
every member of the crew

Prepping the pad for the plant.

Blaschke: we're just
going to leave him to it.

We've got a bunch of work
to do over at the cut.

Hopefully, we've got
everything ready

By the time he gets it there.


Narrator: a mile west,
brennan's just about finished

Digging pay
out of the tailings pond.

Well, as usual,
we're right under the wire

Trying to move a plant and get
50 other things done at once.

We would've been on schedule

If it hadn't been
for digging this pay

Out of the fine
tailings holes.

nearby, rick has just 10 hours

To single-handedly build a pad
30 feet wide

And 60 feet high before parker
arrives with sluicifer.

Ness: we've got a tight deadline
to get all this dirt work done.

It's going to be one hell
of a challenge.


It's a lot to do over there
at the sluicifer pad.

Every hour we lose

Is a lot of money
going down the drain.

Narrator: driving backwards
in an excavator,

Parker must drag
his 45-ton wash plant

Single-handed on a 1-mile
journey to the new cut.


He has to make
a tough 90-degree turn

Into a culvert crossing,

Then head down a narrow road

Before pulling sluicifer
up a hill and onto the pad,

Assuming it's built.



It's dragging good so far.

I can't see the conveyor
is the only problem, but...

Out of sight,
out of mind, I guess.


[ Sighing ] oh, boy.

Narrator: parker's first
challenge -- navigate the plant

Around the sharp,
90-degree corner

And over
a narrow culvert crossing.

Turning this damn thing
is one of the hardest bits.

You turn too soon,
you're all screwed up.

You turn too late,
you're in the river.


Just about.

Narrator: parker lines up
the plant with the bridge.

There is no room for error.

This is a real narrow
culvert crossing.


I'm way too close
to that [bleep] edge.

parker's $600,000 wash plant

Is inches from toppling
into the creek

And dragging parker with it.

I've got myself
in a pretty bad spot here.


Keep it from

Going off the road here.

Come on, you [bleep] [bleep]


Made her past the culvert.

Hopefully, things don't get
any sketchier than that.

Narrator: over at the last cut,
brennan has come

To help rick build the pad,

But after five hours, they're
only 1/3 of the way through.

Ruault: we can't slack
for one second during this move,

Or it will bite us in the ass.

Now it's a race against
the clock to get it set up

And running,
so it's go, go, go.

they still need to move
another 1,500 tons of tailings,

The weight of seven jumbo jets,
to complete the pad.

We're going to want to max
out our height, you know,

Get it up as high as possible,

You know, make sure
we get it right.



[ Metal creaking ]


That's a nice noise.

parker has one more challenge
with his solo sluicifer move.

All right.
Well, here comes that damn hill.

Hopefully, this old girl's
got the jam to get her up there.


It does not like going uphill.

That's for damn sure.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Parker: whoa, whoa, whoa!

Holy [bleep]

Narrator: parker is 1/4 mile
from the last cut,

But his excavator is struggling

To get sluicifer up
the final hill.


Parker: oh, this hill's
pretty damn steep.

It's just dragging me
forward down the hill,

Picking the whole
ass end of the machine up.

There's not much you can do

About trying to drag
a wash plant up a hill.

Horsepower's all you got.


Come on, baby.


Oh, yeah. We got this.


Narrator: parker is less
than an hour from the pad.

Parker: hey, mitch,
I made it up the hill,

And I'm not too far away, here.

Is that pad ready?

Yeah, man.
We're on it.

Narrator: mitch joins brennan,
rick, and mike.

With four excavators, they race
to complete the pad

Before parker arrives.

I am freaking exhausted.

I cannot wait for this
to be over with.

Finally. Geez.

It has been a brutal week.


Ness: swing her wide
and bring her in!

Coming this way!

we got to be really careful here

That this thing
doesn't slough off

And we lose everything
down in the hole.

Few more inches!

One more little bump!

That's pretty much money.

All right!
[Bleep] yeah.

That looks good.

Looking good.
Thanks for the help, guys.

-Oh, yeah.

Narrator: the crew connects
power and water.

First [bleep] scoop.

Fire it up!


Narrator: rick loads the first
bucket of pay

From the last cut tailings pond.

Time to make some money.

It took a lot of time
from everybody,

But, you know,
we got her done.

Plant's up and going,
and things are looking good.


-He's too short for a high five.
-[ Laughs ]



Todd's telling me
to get the chute done.

Trey wants me over here
to fix this thumb.

You know, I'm only one guy.

I can only be at one place
at one time.

Narrator: at fairplay, juan
fixes trey's broken excavator

By welding a new flange
onto the pin.

All right, trey.
There it is, man.


-Looks good, huh?

Looks good. Run it.


thank [bleep] juan finally
got this damn thing fixed

And took his damn time.


Narrator: after losing half
a day, trey can finally get back

To removing boulders
from the golden gulch.



why have you stopped, trey?



Are you all right?

My chest is tight.

Hey, we need a medic
down here.


Your heart was pumping faster
than it usually does?

[ Slurring ] I just got where
I was kind of not thinking,

Probably, as clear as normal,
and then

I got --
I just started pouring sweat.

All right.
Well, how do you feel right now?

I don't know, really.

You don't notice it,
but you're slurring your speech.

You're making weird facial
adjustments, and you're --

That's always.

We could take your blood
pressure, too, if you wanted.

Yeah, man.

That's high in my books.

That's high everywhere else.

What is it?



You know, I would just recommend
taking the rest of the day off.

Just grab my shoulder,
and --



-Feeling okay?

-Yeah? Good.

you could just look in his eyes
and tell something wasn't right.

That's a patient
that's not doing well.


I come to check on trey.

How you doing, big guy?

I didn't --
what are you guys doing here?


We got a lot to do, but I
tell you what, it's not worth,

You know, crashing
and burning over,

So take it easy, huh?

Well, I'm just going to -- if
you don't mind, I'll just rest

The rest of the day,
get some fluids in me,

And I'll be back
and hit it hard tomorrow.

You need to take some time.

If tomorrow, you're not
feeling good, stay in bed.

-All right.

All right, man.

-Thanks for swinging by.
-You bet.

You'll be
all right, buddy.


So we're getting everything
fixed up here.

I got kelly on track.

I've got lisa on haul.

Narrator: monica has brought
her all-girl crew back

To finish mining the center cut

After tony discovered
they left valuable pay behind.



you know, can't leave that pay.

So we'll just start up,
run it through,

And then actually be done.



[ Metal grinding ]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[ Engine shuts off ]

Kevin, do you copy, kevin?

calling me, monica?

Yeah, I need some shovels
and some shovelers.

Belt stopped?

She did, indeed.



Narrator: the skirting
that keeps pay dirt on the belt

Has ripped.

Dirt has built up beneath
and jammed the conveyor.


Kevin takes the easy job

Of stapling a rubber patch
over the hole.

The girls get the tough job

Of digging out
half a ton of dirt

From beneath the feeder.

One of those hazards
of the job, let's call it.

[ Grunts ]
oh, gushy.

It's about 6 inches
of packed dirt.

-Oh, for [bleep] sakes.
-I love my job.

I love my job.
I love my job. I love my job.

I need you on my side shoveling
out the side of this belt.

I need logan on that side

Shoveling what ruby
can shovel to him.

I need two people on that belt
getting rid of that dirt.


Oh [bleep] it's so gross.


Just, honestly,
it's just a [bleep] headache.

[Bleep] [bleep]

I'm not complaining, but
I'm [bleep] complaining here.

[Bleep] my life.

[ Grunts ]

All right.

So, we've been down
for about three hours

Clearing this out.

Hopefully, we can start it up
and get done.

monica's breakdown has cost them

Around $3,000 worth of gold.


there it is going.




Everybody's going
as fast as they can.

after yesterday's health scare,

Trey is back to moving boulders
in the golden gulch.

hey, how you feeling?

-Yeah, much better.

Just needed to get
a little rest, get something

-To eat, drink. I'm good.
-Good, good, good.

Okay. Keep it up.

I need pay
as soon as you can.

I got a hungry trommel to feed
on the hill, there.

-No problem. We're there.
-All right. All right.

-Get on it, trey.
-All right.


all hands are on deck right now.

We even got fred
out here welding.

todd's new trommel is a further
two days behind schedule,

Costing him up to $40,000.

If juan can't get
the rebuilt chute to fit,

They'll fall further behind.

Nailed it, huh?

I like it.

you're welcome.

You wanted to throw
that chute in your pickup?

Todd: we just got to get this
trommel running the best we can,

And, you know,
the quicker the better,

The more gold we can get.


Ibarra: the chute's
the final piece that we need

To be able to connect the feeder
to the trommel.

Kind of fighting us,

But hopefully it'll be
able to go in now.


Well, that's it.
We got that chute in.

This plant's ready to run.

-Hey, todd, do you have a copy?

Narrator: in golden gulch, trey
has cleared away the boulders.

Ready to start sending pay.
Get some trucks headed my way.


The hoffman crew
is finally ready to run

Golden gulch dirt
in their new trommel.

All right, guys. Holy roller,
she's about ready to fire up.

Trey, love you.

Juan, I love you.

That fight broke our hearts.

Juan, I want you to know,
no hard feelings, you know?

It was just -- I was trying to
do what was best for the team.

Nothing personal.

-It's just work.

Hey, dad, well,
christen the holy roller,

Will you?

Heavenly father, we thank you

For putting the gold
in the ground,

And we thank you
that juan and trey

Could put the differences aside.


May god help our wash plant
not to fall off the cliff.

-Whoo! Fire it up.
-All right. Fire it up!

All right.

This is it, man.

We're going to get
this thing started.


All right.
Let's see what she does.

-Holy roller.
-Here she goes.

There. Yes.

-All right.


-Good job, man.

Looks good, dude.

So far, so good.

Trommel's running.

Try to get some rock in her.

Feeder coming on.

-There she goes.

Okay. Kevin, give us
some freaking water.


First bucket!

Come on, baby!

Okay. Here we go.


That's what I like.
You just put it in.

-Here she goes.
-[ Laughs ]

Look. It's coming out.

I'm loving it.

First cleanup
is going to be awesome.





That'd be nice.

Narrator: it's time for the
beets family weekly gold weigh.

We are sitting here waiting.

So, kevin, think
you beat me, or what?

I'm going to go with
maybe not.

-You have the bigger container.

That's a good sign,
right there.

You want to weigh it up?
Let's see what I got.

tony is only 700 ounces short

Of his 3,000-ounce season goal.

To stay on track, he needs
just 50 ounces from each plant.




Narrator: worth $117,000.

It's about 3/4 of an ounce
an hour,

So it's not [bleep] great.

Narrator: next up, the pay
that tony made monica

Go back to mine
from the center cut.

See if it was
actually worth it.

Tony predicted there would be
100 ounces left behind.




150. 160.


worth a staggering $216,000.


Yeah, 'cause that's
a lot of money.

I should've checked it.
I'll take the blame for this.

Would've sucked
to have left that.

Lesson learned.

the pay monica left behind

Has boosted her average
weekly cleanup by 40%.

-See you.
-Bye, guys.

And it takes tony
to within 430 ounces

Of his 3,000-ounce season goal.


Narrator: up ahead...

-What else we got?
-Well, we got sluicifer.

-Holy [bleep] there we go.
-Holy cow.


-Nice week.

[ Laughter ]




how's it going?

Narrator: parker stops in for a
friendly chat with his landlord.

-Nice hair.
-Hey, you know we have

-Hairdressers in town?
-I was just --

I was wondering
about your hair.

I don't know. I'm going
for the tony beets look.


You're not doing
a very good job of it.

Well, it's going
to take a few years.

Minnie: I haven't picked on you
all year, so...

I know. I feel like
I'm getting it in one dose.

I don't mind that.
I'd rather get it all at once.

No, no, no.
If we pick on you, we like you.

If we don't pick on you,
we don't like you,

So take it from there.

[ Laughter ]


First week
running holy roller.

Narrator: in colorado,
the hoffmans have had a cleanup

From three different
wash plants.

Thanks for everybody's
hard work on that trommel,

Everything that we
put into it.

I'm pretty damn excited
to see what it'll do.

How's monster red running?

Man: hope I'm wrong,
but the sluice box

Has not looked good
this week.

Freddy, rusty red, man.

It's running good.

after spending $300,000
setting up a new wash plant,

Todd still needs 356 ounces
of gold

Just to turn a profit.

The one jar looks good.

That's at least
50 ounces a week.

Monster red,


worth less than $50,000.


Jack: but...

Give you a little good news,

Rusty red got 76.15.



worth almost $100,000.

Now holy roller must deliver
to keep their season alive.


And with a day run
on holy roller,


[ All cheering ]

Narrator: that's an impressive
$30,000 in just one day.


Todd: first cleanup, man.

Guys, our grand total
for all three plants

Is 140.4.


almost $170,000.

All right, guys. Good week.
Let's get some sleep,

Hit it again in the morning,

Narrator: the holy roller
has helped deliver

Todd's best cleanup
in three months.

Todd: pretty cool
that we got holy roller going.

Awesome feeling
to go from scratch,

You know, from the design,
to an actual working wash plant,

And then seeing gold in the box.
Pretty cool.


That's a pile of gold
right there.

-You know it?
-Oh, yeah.

That's really looking good.

Yeah, it is.

Narrator: after a tough week
setting up the new cut,

It's time for
parker's gold weigh.


-Howdy, howdy.

How you guys doing?

Excited to find out what
kind of gold's on that side.

-Big red stayed running?

Should we start
with that one?

Okay. We got 10.

Narrator: to hit his season goal
of 5,000 ounces,

Parker now needs each plant
to deliver just 80 ounces.



-Oh, geez.

Worth just over $117,000.

That's 151 ounces
less than last week.


well, stay on top of her.

-All right.

-What else we got?
-Well, we got sluicifer.

-There we go.

Narrator: this first cleanup
from the last cut

Is from three days
of running the pay dirt

Parker found
in the tailings pond.

Ashley: 130. 140.

160. 180.

200. 240.

260. 280.


We got 327.4.

[ Laughter ]

worth nearly $400,000,

A combined total this week

Of over half a million dollars.

Parker's gamble to mine pay dirt
from the tailings pond

Has paid off.

-That's one hell of a bonus.

Best tailings pond ever.

[ Laughter ]

For the week, it's 425 ounces.

-Wow. Nice week.

Yeah. One week.

parker now has 4,276 ounces.

He needs another 724

To hit his 5,000-ounce,

$6 Million goal.

We're in striking
distance, though.

-700 Ounces?

-That's [bleep] good to hear.

Appreciate what you guys have
done and getting it all finished

And done in a hurry,
and it's obviously worth it.

-Oh, yeah.


Good job, guys.
Thanks again.

-Good. Yay.

keep kicking ass.

Everybody did a damn good job

Getting sluicifer
set back up and moved

And, like, you know,
we're definitely firing

On all cylinders right now.

We should be able to get
to 5,000, you know.

Big red's running.
It's just the gold's not there.

on the next "gold rush"...

-[Bleep] [bleep]

So, when were you planning
on telling me,

Or were you not going to?

I don't know
what you want me to do.

We're shutting it down.

You have to prospect.

-[ Cackles ]
-i like it.

Man: we need gold.

This is actually
getting pretty scary.

Shut her down!

I got too many skills,

And there's not enough of me
to go around.