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08x04 - The Curse of the Fairplay Mountains

Posted: 01/12/24 13:00
by bunniefuu
on this "gold rush"...

it's finally happening.

We finally got both
plants up and going.

Damn it!

Rick: there's a giant chunk
of frozen pay in here.

The last [bleep] thing
I want to be doing

Is shutting down in
the middle of the day.

Why are you shut down?

This whole area is frozen.

-That's not good enough.

I just see rick not really
getting the job done right now.

I thought we'd be way
farther ahead than this.

Man: there it goes.

[ Crash! ]

Nothing ventured,
nothing gained.

It's not easy,
and it ain't cheap.

That water right there,
that means gold.

Finally got both plants
up and going

And things are looking good.

Narrator: one month into the
season, parker schnabel

Has mined
599 ounces of gold.

No matter what, we've got to be
committed to that 5,000 ounces.

Narrator: to hit his 5,000-ounce
$6 million goal,

Parker needs 2,500 ounces
from sluicifer,

And foreman rick ness has
promised to deliver

The other 2,500
from big red.

And the main this is, now that
both plants are up and going,

We just can't shut down.

Yeah, I agree.


in the indian river cut,
rick's right-hand man, brennan,

Is digging the pay dirt.

We're having a little bit
of a struggle down here today.

I can only peel off about
2 feet of pay at a time,

And then I'm right back
into the frozen ground.

I hope this doesn't slow up
putting pay in the plant.

in the klondike, a lot of
pay dirt is frozen permafrost.

It needs to be thawed
before they can run it.

Hey, rick, we've got
a little problem down here.

You mind coming down
and taking a look?

So, like, this whole area
is pretty much frozen?

Yeah, you can see
the ice in it,

[Bleep] frost, man.

Holy [bleep]

We're just going to have to
scrape up what you can get,

Anything you can
get up there to run,

So I don't want
to shut down.

Sounds good.

It feels like all the pressure

Is on my shoulders
to keep the plant running.

That's the bottom line
right now.

running frozen pay dirt
means less gold extracted,

Damage to the plant,
and costly downtime.

-Damn it!
-Flow over!

Flow over!

That's bypass-looking material.

[ Water rushes ]

Now open it up.


There's a giant chunk
of frozen pay in here.

Some real big flat
[bleep] got caught in here.


Brennan: we're not really used
to running frozen pay.

I don't know how you're
standing there in a t-shirt.

Even without wind
blowing, it's cold.

Yeah, I know.

It looks like he's fighting
every foot of it.

You can see
the ice from here.

I know. I know.

It's just because
it's all frozen, right?

He's not keeping up that way,
so I don't see any choice.

I mean, we might as well
shut down now,

[Bleep] figure this out.

It's the last [bleep]
thing I want to be doing

Is shutting down
in the middle of the day,

But I don't think we have
much of a choice.

[ Rattles ]

Shut it down.



Parker: what the hell?


Why are you shut down?

this whole area is frozen.

That's not good enough.

I mean, I can keep scratching
away and see how much more

I can get rid of.

Well, at this rate, you're going
to be shut down for a week

If you don't do something.

[Bleep] figure it out.

[ Engine starts ]


Parker: I mean, I'm doing my
part up at sluicifer,

And I look at the setup
down here,

And I just see rick not really
getting the job down right now.

It's just pretty
short-term view.

He needs to be getting that pay
exposed and getting it thawed.

Right now, there's no pay
in that cut thawing

Except the little stretch
that they're working on.

Well, I mean,
it ain't my [bleep]

Fault if we run out of pay.

What am I supposed to do?

It's not like these machines
are sitting idle.

We're out here
[bleep] working.

It's just, you know,
it's just how things are

[Bleep] working out
here right now.

We can't get ahead.



Churning through
a lot of ground.

two thousand miles south
in the rocky mountains,

Todd hoffman has just
482 ounces of colorado gold

Towards his 5,000-ounce
$6 million goal.

Todd: we've got to go
full speed ahead,

And hopefully,
we can catch up.

Narrator: todd has two
wash plants up and running.

He feeds the ancient
double trouble.

We borrowed this plant,
fixed it up.

This plant is ugly, kind of
smoky, but she's reliable.

his 18-year-old son, hunter,
runs monster red.

Todd: hunter is over there.
I don't know.

I'm just real proud of him.

but they're falling behind.

To get back on track,
todd needs freddy dodge

To get their third wash plant,

Rusty red, online.

Freddy over there,
he's not having a good run.

We got to get
rusty red in the game.

four weeks in, freddy has
yet to run a yard of dirt.

With the new conveyors,
all the other new stuff,

Some new tools,
the new screen,

I probably spent about $150,000,
$175,000 out-of-pocket.

You know, we worked our butts
off to get this ready to go,

And then to end up not being
able to use any of the water

Is kind of a kick in the ass.

a month ago, freddy was
shut down by the state.

He was banned from using the
water source he was banking on

To get the hoffman's
third wash plant sluicing.

These ponds right down here,

They're outside
your permit area,

So I got to shut you down there.

I don't know what I'll do
if I can't use them.

now freddy needs a solution.


Dodge: here is our only option,
our cut from last year.

Line it.

Get it filled with water.

how much you think it'll cost?

Thirty to $50,000
to line the pond.


We are getting crushed
at every turn.

But if this property is not
running, we're in deep trouble.

How long do you think
it'll take?

If I can get this liner in in a
week and we can start sluicing,

We've still got a hell
of a shot at 5,000, I think.

I don't know, freddy.

One week,
we got a shot at five.

We'll bust ass and make
rusty red start making gold.

Narrator: freddy's plan --
turn his cut from last year

Into a giant holding pond

By lining it with massive
polyethylene sheets.

He'll fill it with 4.5 million
gallons of fresh water

Pumped 300 feet
from the platte river.

So we got to get this road in,
get a pump set.

safety officer trey poulson
needs a stable road

To set the pump down
by the river and keep it fueled,

But the slope is so unstable,

Shifting boulders have made
the old road impassable.

I mean, this is a pain
in the butt getting down here

To the river, super dangerous.

This is the last place
I wanted to be,

Get on the side of this
fricking marble cliff.


there it goes.

[ Stone rumbles ]

That's what you got to
look out for right there.

Those rocks get
underneath your tracks,

Pop you up and can pop you
right off the edge.

Every time you go down this, I
mean, the risk is always there.

[ Dozer whirs ]

You really have
to pay attention.

[ Dozer whirring ]

Holy [bleep]


[ Dozer scrapes ]

It's like running
a dozer on marbles.

trey has cleared the road.

Now he needs to get
his 44-ton dozer...


...back up
the 35-degree incline.

[ Dozer whirring ]

Oh, [bleep]


[ Dozer whirring ]

Oh [bleep]

trey poulson has lost control

Of his 88,000-pound dozer
on a 35-degree incline.

The steel tracks can't get
a grip on the rocks,

And he is slipping dangerously
close to the platte river.

Just too steep.

I cannot get any traction
on this [bleep] rock.


[ Tracks grating ]

Come on.

Come on, you [bleep]


[ Engine revs ]


Holy [bleep]

That was close.

Whew, I won't be
doing that again.

We got the road done.

Now I got to go find andy or
todd and see who has the pump,

See if we can get down there,

Get it in the river
and make some water.


tony beets has poured $2 million
into his second dredge

At thistle creek.

He urgently needs dredge
number one producing gold.

But last week, son kevin
persuaded him

To replace the dredge's
broken winches.

Instead of fixing this old
[bleep] let's get new winches.

Last year, we bled 2 1/2 months
plus of downtime.

Let's spend a bit of money.

Then we know they work.

It's finally happening.

We're finally getting
the new [bleep]

I've been talking about
for forever, so that feels good.

engineer wendell malmberg
will make the $600,000 upgrade.

Oh, yeah.

Whoa, whoa, grandkids?

I don't need you to show me
how to make grandkids.

I really want to know how the
[bleep] that's going to work.

they're dangerous.

We need to put
all hydraulics on there.

Push a button and tell
a winch what to do,

And it'll do it a*t*matic so
that you have ultimate control.

tony's plan -- remove the old
8,000-pound winch pack,

Replace with seven
new individual winches

Around the perimeter
of the dredge.

Two hydraulic units
will power the new winches

Via 1,600 feet
of hydraulic hoses

Driven by a central console
in the wheelhouse.

They torch off the bolts holding
the winch pack to the deck.

Both: yeah.


[ Clang! ]


[ Hissing ]

We're ready.

it's okay. You never liked those
stairs anyways, right?

Man: go! Go!


I don't think I've ever had
this much room here.


I don't like throwing rick
under the bus too much.

Narrator: to hit his
5,000-ounce season goal,

Parker needs both his wash
plants running 24 hours a day.

the truth is he's doing,

I wouldn't quite say
the best he can,

But he's doing close to the best

He can with
the equipment he's got.

but down at indian river,
big red is at a standstill

Because they have
no thawed pay to run.

parker was trying to say that
we don't have enough ground open

And this and that.

It just kind of pissed me off,
so if he wants ground open,

He's going to get ground open.

parker needs rick to produce
2,500 ounces from big red.

Every hour that rick is down,
he's losing at least

$1,200 Worth of gold.

what's going on, buddy?

Rick: so you can just
see it back there.

There's a cooler
full of cold ones.

That's our line.

So we need to get strips
back all the way to there.

That beer is desperate
to be drank, brennan.


I don't give a [bleep]
about the gravel.

I want the beer.

All right.
[Bleep] it.

I'm going to jump
in another machine,

And we'll get another couple
more trucks down here,

And I'll give you a hand.

-Sounds like a plan to me.
-All right, buddy.



Narrator: rick's plan --
remove a zone of overburden

The size of two football fields

So the sun can then
melt frozen pay.

By always keeping an area
of that size open,

The plant can sluice
thawed pay 24/7.

We'll crush this ground together

And get it down
as quick as possible,

And then the sun can take over

And do what it's got to do.



Two main goals right now
are to keep parker happy

And keep big red fed.

Both of them are a full-time
job, but I'll make it work.

Won't you be upset
when you get there and realize

The cooler
has already been emptied?

[ Laughs ]


As long as the sun is out,
that's good news for us.

Pretty soon, we'll be
up to no darkness.

at this time of year, just 200
miles from the arctic circle,

The sun barely sets.

It thaws exposed ground
19 hours a day.



Swing her around and shut
her down there, brennan.

We made it.



Get them in the truck
and get them drank.

Sounds like a plan.

Drive away into
the midnight sun.

next morning, rick and brennan
are straight back at it.

So what do you think
there brennan?

You think we got any thaw?

I hope so.

Woo-hoo! [Bleep] thaw,
just what I want.

Oh, yeah!


You know, I think
we're past the hump now.

It's nice out.
We've got thaw.

I don't think we should have
to worry about that

For the rest of the year.


Indian river is back
online 24 hours a day.

-All right.


Parker: it's nice to see it
running, man.

Rick: yeah,
it's nice to be running.

It took some long hours from
brennan and I in the trucks,

But we got her there.

Well, now that we got
her all opened up,

I just hope there's
a pile of gold in it, huh?

Yeah, no [bleep]

That's what we're
here for, right?

Parker: it looks like him and
brennan did a real good job

Of getting the cut organized
and working the thaw

And doing things
the right way.

Now we just need the gold
in the box.


Kevin: it's an exciting day.

[Bleep] is finally happening.

Narrator: the beets family is in
the middle of a $600,000

Dredge one upgrade.

With the old winch pack gone,

It's time to add
the new hydraulic units.

these hydraulic units are
going to move right on the deck

Where that winch came out.


It'll go right back in in place
where the winch was.


Narrator: it's down to kevin
to safely maneuver

The hydraulic power
units into position.

Tony's one request was
to keep the motor

Up high enough off the deck

If they do sink the dredge
that the electronics

Aren't going to get wet.

Narrator: wendell
custom-designed the units

To fit exactly onto the dredge.

If he's got it wrong,
the closest replacement

Is at his workshop
in washington state,

Over 1,000 miles away.

The clearances are pretty tight.

If we screw this up, tony is
not going to be digging gold,

And we got to get him up
and running,

Or he's going to be pissed.


we going to have enough room?

Let's find out.
[ Grunts ]

Look out.

Let's see if she [bleep] goes.

[ Chuckles ]

[Bleep] yeah.

I think these look [bleep] good.

Man: weld it!


Malmberg: so these are the new
swing wenches.

They swing the dredge side
to side, and they're set up

So that we get a nice,
smooth operation back and forth.


four of the winches on the decks

Will control
the movement of the dredge.

Three more control the spud, the
bucket line, and the gangplank.


Kevin: we've got a short
season to mine.

We've got to make every
[bleep] day count.

Lay it down.

We got all seven winches
on the boat.

Number seven has landed.

finally, it's out with the
dredge's old pneumatic controls.

Malmberg: well, you're going to
have less downtime, kevin.

It's going to be easier
for you to run,

And you're going to spend
more time running the dredge.

Miss that and the bird.

Let's do it, kevin.

Yeah, let's get at it.



This is a big job.

at fairplay, freddy has promised

Todd he'll have the crew's
third wash plant

Running by the end of the week.

We've got to get this water
filling this huge

Basically swimming pool.

here comes the liner, guys.

they need to line the old cut

With 170,000 square feet
of felt and plastic

Before they can
turn the water on.

It's not easy,
and it ain't cheap.

We've got some weather
coming in at noon.

Get wind, we won't be able
to put it down,

So right now,
the weather is good,

But in this country, the weather
doesn't stay that way very long,

So it's time to make hay
while the sun shines.

We good?

-Loader coming in.


I want to be filling
this pond up tonight.

Angle over this way
in front of you.

Well, that's the first
piece of many.

at over 10,000 feet, there's
30 percent less oxygen.

All physical tasks take longer.

[ Exhales sharply ]

We're going to have
a storm later,

So we got to figure out a way
to do this a little bit faster.

Narrator: with high winds
fast approaching,

Freddy swaps man power
for horsepower.

Here goes nothing, guys.

this is the last time you all
are going to see freddy dodge.


Oh [bleep]

[ Laughing ] I'll be...

-Oh, yeah!

Hunter: one down!

That's a steep [bleep]

Makes my butthole pucker.



After this, we put in the liner.

It's in three pieces.

Once we have it lined,
we can kick on the pump

And start filling it.

This wind is going to screw us.

wind speeds in the rockies

Are three times
the national average.

Man: one, two, three!

Don't let air
catch in there.

Man: tug down.

Well, the wind is
coming up worse now.

Man: hey, guys, easy!

This is going to all come down
if we go too fast!


Man #2:
keep going if we can go.

But the wind has got the liner
pinned to the far side,

So we're going to have
to use two excavators

To get it up
out of here.

Okay, freddy, you're hooked up.

Man: float it!

Man #2: that's all right!
Keep going!

Oh [bleep]

Oh [bleep]
air, air!

-Hey, you don't want to be...
-There it goes.

-Oh [bleep]


-Kevin, you all right?

This is crazy, man.

Just the wind took it, took it
like a parachute, and I held on.

I made the mistake
of holding on.

Got it! On it!
Get your foot on it!

Get some rocks on there!

This is the only time
when 300 pounds helps.


If we're going to hit
any kind of goal this year,

We can't do it
without rusty red,

And this fairplay mine here
is our superstar.


We're ready to roll.
All we need is water.

Thurber, go ahead
and fire that pump up.

[ Engine starts ]




Finally got water.
It feels good, man.


It feels damn good to see water
going in this pond.

That water right there,

That means gold.



Narrator: tony beets has risked
over a half a million dollars

On a full upgrade
to his first dredge.

If everything turns on
in the order it should

And in the way it should.

Everything is ready to go, tony.

[ Switch clicks, engine starts ]

Yeah, we've got power.

Narrator: before the dredge
can get any gold,

Kevin needs to maneuver it
50 yards to the pay dirt.

To move the dredge,
kevin will use four new wenches

Connected to dozers on the shore
that act as anchors.

We're moving.

kevin has to use each winch
cable with extreme precision

To safely maneuver
into the new dredge pond.

That felt weird.

The new winches have a lot
more power than the old ones,

So they're able to
pull a lot harder.

Shut up, tony.
That's what I'm [bleep] doing.


Where the [bleep]
are you going?

I'm ramming the [bleep]
bank now.

Go in.

Since I'm the one running
the controls, I'm in charge.

Narrator: successfully in
the new dredge pond,

Kevin can finally
start to mine.

So should we start
dredging then?

Malmberg: let's do this.
Let's get started.

All right.

[ Whirs ]


There we go.

Kevin: yes, it is.

Yes, indeed.

[ Creaking ]


Hey, it works!




want a cold brewski?

oh, I'd love one.

Narrator: after a tough week
of sluicing on two plants,

Parker is ready
for the cleanup.

Parker: all dried up.

Looking really good.

Which is which, doumitt?

-So this is sluicifer.
-All right.

Well, let's weight
this [bleep] out.

Narrator: to hit his 5,000-ounce
season goal...

Parker: there we go.

...parker needs at least
100 ounces from each plant.

-Ninety, 100...
-Got a hundy.

...hundred and ten.

Holy [bleep]

One thirteen point five.

another drop-off.

Narrator: he's over 100, but the
haul is nearly 20 ounces

Down on last week.

We need to stop decreasing.

Rick: yeah, that's not the trend
we want to be on

Is going down every week.

Parker: no.
All right.

Well, here is big red.

I know you guys had
some problems this week,

But it looks like you
found some gold anyway.

-Oh, there we go.

Narrator: next up, it's rick's
turn to see if he's hit 100.

Seventy, 79.5.


That's a big drop.

That's pretty terrible.

That's 40 ounces
less than last week.

It's not really the direction
we want to head.

[Bleep] no.

So for the week,
you got 192 ounces.

Narrator: worth around $230,000.

That gives us an overall total,
791 ounces.

We're paying for those mistakes.

Weeks that are less
that 200 ounces,

The only person
making money is tony beets.


Doumitt: well, I think you'd get
a lot more of the pay dirt

If it wasn't frozen.

We ran into some problems
at indian river,

But, you know, brennan and i,
we got things shaped up,

And I'm pretty confident

That we ain't going to run
into that problem again.

Don't worry about it.

We're all on the same team.


Where are we compared
to the hoffman's?

Parker: I actually don't know
where todd is at.

Like, he unfriended me.



So he's not telling me
what's going on.

-What is he, 12?

-I know, right?
-[ Laughter ]

we had a bad breakup.

If it was good,
he would be bragging about it.

-True story. Yeah.

No news is good news.


But no matter what todd
is doing, you know,

I think that we'll cream him
if we do 5,000 ounces,

And that's what we're here
to do no matter what,

So we just have to keep
those plants going.

To better cleanups.

Man: yes, sir.

up ahead...


Who is this?

Cease and desist means
stop whatever the [bleep]

You're doing, I guess.

I've got most my life
savings tied up in that plant.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
tony's engineer,

Wendell, has a finishing
touch for the dredge.

Hey, kevin, you know, I've got
one more present for you.

Oh, my god.
It'll fit.

It'll fit.
There you go.

Now you're set to run the dredge
in the 21st century.

I like it.
I like it.

I think it's good.


Hey, guys, we're getting to run
about 800 yards an hour!

We've never done that before!

We're going to kick ass!

Narrator: the hoffman crew
is making history.

They're about to run three wash
plants in an attempt to get back

On track for their
5,000-ounce season goal.

We're getting close
to being fired up now,

Closer by the minute.

four weeks behind schedule,
freddy has finally got the water

He needs to start
sluicing with rusty red.

Fire it up.

[ Engine starts ]

Man: nice.

Here it comes, kev.

we got water coming through it.


Drag that pipe back.

That'll work.

[ Phone rings ]


Yes, it is.

Who is this?

I haven't got a copy of it.


[ Clears throat ]

Andy, kevin...

We got a cease and desist
to stop mining activities.

I got it verbally
over the phone.

That's all I know
at this moment.


You don't have any idea
what's it's based on?

I don't know.

Sorry, guys.


Dodge: I don't know
what's going on, for sure.

Cease and desist means
stop whatever the [bleep]

You're doing,
I guess.

Narrator: the only place freddy
is going to get an explanation

Is at the county offices.

I honestly don't know a thing
until I read this letter.

We were minutes from running.



You don't have my consent
to film me.

[ Clears throat ]

So it says, "you are
in violation of park county

Land use regulations.

Your property, which is
zoned residential,

Mining and commercial
uses are not permitted

In a residential
zone district.

Order -- based on the foregoing,

You are hereby ordered
to cease and desist

All mining and commercial
activities immediately."

[ Clears throat ]

That's it.

this cease-and-desist order ends

158 Years of mining
on the property.

I've got most of my life
savings tied up in that plant.

[ Clears throat ]


And I've got friends
that need a job.

[ Sniffs ]


That piece of paper
has got more power

To stop me than anything else.

I can fix the wash plant.

I can get another pump
for water.

I can do all those things.

I can try to do
everything right,

Everything above the book,
[ sniffs ]

But I can't beat
that piece of paper.

I can't beat this, you know.


Narrator: on the next...

"Gold rush"...

Tony: pretend it's a rental.

Look out!

Be interesting to see
who makes it and who doesn't.

Get your hand off that lever.

Got the balls to come
shut my plant off.

Let's hope he's right.

Stand back!

Parker: she's smoked.
That's a [bleep] disaster.

We're going to have
a flooded cut in a matter

Of a couple of hours.

Turn that [bleep] thing off!