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07x04 - Slow Boat to Madness: Part 2

Posted: 01/12/24 12:15
by bunniefuu
Quincy: I just hope they
run into those kids

Before the people
on the island do.

I'd hate to see this
epidemic spread.

I paid for that helicopter,
and we're gonna use it!

Nobody gives a damn about
the people on board this ship.

You're all just as happy
to see us die off one by one.

There's no way we're gonna get
away from it! We're all gonna die!

Quincy: please tell
them to hold their fire.

- Those are innocent people.
- Not innocent people.

Threats to the health
of our population.

Gentlemen, you
are about to enter

The most fascinating
sphere of police work:

The world of forensic medicine.

Here are some scenes from part
one of "slow boat to madness."

Janet, you make it so easy. You've
had such an impact on quincy.

Last time, I almost had to change
the locks to get you to take a vacation.

You gave me a day and a half. Where
was I gonna go in a day and a half?

Quincy, just think... Seven days

Without having
to look at a body.

- Yeah.
- Are you enjoying
the scenery?

I have never seen so
many beautiful girls!

They're sh**ting a
motion picture on board.

I hope it's not
an inconvenience.

It's not gonna inconvenience me.

Uh, haven't I seen you
on tv or somewhere?

No, no. You must be mistaken.

I am not gregor,
remember? I am alex.

How can we remain incognito

If the steward thinks
he has seen us on tv,

And you insist on using
my real name in public?

We took this cruise to see
if there was a future for us,

Not to create a past.

Yeah, but we're not
exactly teenagers.


Dr. Quincy, I'm
sorry to bother you.

We've developed a problem...

I'm flannery, head of security,

And, doctor, we need your
assistance in the engine room.

This is dr. Janet carlyle. This
is our ship's doctor, dr. Knight.

How do you do, doctor? I think you should
come look at the man they have in custody.

Oh, good. I just told janet
I wanted to talk to him.

I think you'll find
that a little difficult.

Just found him dead.

If this man died
from the same thing

The guy we fished
out of the water did,

We could be sitting
on a powder keg.

What are you
suggesting, dr. Quincy?

The only way I know
of getting at the truth:

I want to perform an
autopsy on this man.

The drowning could've
masked some of the symptoms,

But there were some
pretty disturbing similarities.

Constricted blood vessels,
the internal bleeding. What else?

An act of madness.

Some kind of k*ller bug.

All you have to do is get
breathed on by the wrong person,

You're as good as dead.

- Nonsense.
- Not nonsense.

It's why that boy
jumped off the ship.

There's a volatile
epidemic on this ship,

And nobody knows what it is.

Maybe the dying has just begun.

I've been in situations
like this before...

26 Men dying on a
carrier in the atlantic.

Only eight from the
virus, the rest from panic.

Let me know the minute
you find anything, will you?

The public health authorities
barred our entry into the port,

And we've been asked to
retreat to international waters.

What about the other nearby
islands? One of them has to let us in.

Every request has been denied.

As of now, this is a
ship without a country.

When the crisis is over,

There will be hundreds of
reporters waiting to meet the ship

What are you asking?

Tonight, late, we
will swim ashore.

And now, the conclusion
of "slow boat to madness."

We don't know how many
people may have jumped,

Or if, for that
matter, anyone did.

Are there any lifeboats
or lifejackets missing?

No, and all the rafts
are accounted for.

What about people? Have
you started a head count?

Yeah, my men have
been at it since 7:00.

You really think somebody
could've made it to shore?

Has to be a pretty good swimmer.

Man: officer flannery?

You'll have to excuse me.
This guy's been a real pain.

I'd better go talk to him.
I'll catch up to you later.

- Problem, sir?
- I'm just about to
ask you the same question.

When are we going to get
this bucket moving again?

I'm in no position to say, sir.

You want to talk position?

Let me tell you
the position I'm in.

I'm on the verge of a deal

That could make
me a very rich man,

But if I'm not in los
angeles to conclude

The transactions personally,
I could be wiped out.

- Is this getting
through to you?
- Yes, sir.

When can you get
me back to port?

No one can leave the ship,
at least not right now, sir.

What about a helicopter?
I'll pay for the damn thing.

Hopefully, we'll get clearance
to dock in a couple of days.

Maybe you'd like to
rot on a stinking ship.

I wouldn't.

Have a good day, sir.

Yeah. Yeah, that's right.

R-i-m-i-n? Okay.
Flannery fill you in?

He said somebody may
have tried to escape.

Yeah, I just got the word. Two of
our passengers are not accounted for.

A mr. And mrs. Alex graumann.

We'd better alert the
people on the island.

Are you sure, captain?

Yes, we're certain
they're not on the ship.

They must have swam ashore.

How many more, captain?

Just the two.

We had hoped that you'd make
it clear to your passengers

That no one was
to leave the ship,

That we wanted no part
of your diseased population.

Governor, at this point,

We are almost certain that neither
one of them are sick in any way.

No insult intended, captain,

But your assurances
are meaningless.

With your permission,
I'd like to send

A small party to the
island to retrieve them.

Absolutely not. No one...

No one else is
to leave the ship.

To disobey is to risk the
most dire of consequences.

My own men will see to it
that they return to the ship.

He wants his own
people to bring them back.

No, it's too dangerous!

Governor, I'd like you
to talk to dr. Quincy.

He's familiar with
our medical problem.

Governor, we don't think the people on
your island represent a health threat,

But if they do, it would best if
your people didn't go near them.

We don't need your
lectures, doctor.

Six years ago,
an epidemic k*lled

Over 200 people here.

Then you must see the
need for every precaution.

When you locate those people,
keep your men away, please.

Call us. We'll arrange
to pick them up.

I'll... Keep you informed.



Gregor, are you all right?


Just weak from the swim.

The town must be
around here somewhere.

I just don't know where.

I'm telling you, the
only safe way to bring

Those kids back is to
retrieve them ourselves.

I cannot risk anyone going from the ship
to the island, contaminating those people.

I'm not talking about
anybody from the ship.

I've got two good
men in los angeles

Trained to handle both
communicable disease

And search and rescue.

We can fly them out, they can
find the kids and bring them back.

What about the
risk to those people?

They could bring
anti-contamination suits.

All right. Go.

Look, gregor.
There's some people.

Maybe they can show
us where the town is. Hey!

My god! Those men
are trying to k*ll us!

I cleared it with dr. Linderman at
the center for disease control.

Man: yeah, I know. I spoke
to him about ten minutes ago.

Oh, I just can't believe
it. How many are sick now?

- Eleven.
- Not to mention three deaths.

Yeah. Dr. Asten, just make sure

That sam and marc know
this is no jet-setters' holiday.

Even with those biohazard
suits, there are dangers.

If one of those kids is sick,

This thing could make
them pretty hard to handle.

Well, you know, some
of the work they've done

Is downright treacherous
in search and rescue.

I'll need an answer right away.

I've already asked. I couldn't
talk them out of it if I wanted to.

I knew they'd come through.

They will be shuttled to a military flight
within an hour. Linderman arranged that.

I just hope they run into those kids
before the people on the island do.

I'd hate to see this
epidemic spread.

Dr. Asten, I've never seen
anything like this before.

Quincy, now, listen.

I'm gonna tell you
what I told sam and marc:

No heroics, please.

I want you guys back here
safe and sound. Janet too.

So, uh, be careful,
and hang in there, now.


- I've got to rest.
- But we just...

Gregor, you're flushed.

I'm still weak from the swim.

You don't look very
good. You have a fever.

No, I'm fine. At least
we're off the ship.

Well, what if...

Look, gregor, we
have to go back.

We have to get you a doctor.

If we walk back along the beach,
we'll be able to find the town.


Those men tried to k*ll us.

Maybe our government sent them.

We must move away
from the beach.

I'm ready.

I'm so tired.

Gregor, please, this is
crazy. You can't keep this up!

Get down!


Sir, only authorized personnel
in here. Sign's on the door.

Sorry. I just came up to
see about making a call.

Just dial 8 from your
room for ship-to-shore.

Boy, this is really a nice
setup you've got here.

I'm an old radio man myself.

Korea, the navy.

That's the sending
unit, isn't it?

Yes, sir. Thousand-watt linear,

Frequency modulation,
quadruple dipole.

That's amazing. It
almost looks like

The one I was operating
at the gulf of inchon.

Could be the same one.

- Listen, I really think
that you should...
- Look,

I've got a... A personal
call I have to make.

I mean it, it's so personal I think I
would turn three shades of crimson

If I even thought
somebody was listening in.

Are you, uh, catching my drift?

- Yeah, sort of.
- Look, uh,

Why don't you go get
yourself a cup of coffee?

Here. I hope that'll cover it.

Thanks a lot.

Sam. Down there.
This side of the stream.

I don't see anything.

I saw something moving.

Okay. Carl, set us down

As close as you
can to that spot.

They have found
us. We must move.

Okay, marc, set up the radio.

Dr. Quincy, excuse me.

Your l.a. Team is on the island.
We've made radio contact.

I'll patch him in
for you. Go ahead.

- Quince?
- Sam, you made it.

You guys really move. What'd
they do, sh**t you out of a cannon?

Close to it.

Quince, we may have spotted them

About a half mile
into the jungle.

As soon as they're in
sight, get those protective

Suits on. You brought
them, didn't you?

Not exactly dressing for the
weather, but yeah, we've got them.

How's it going on the ship?

Not good, sam. We're still
wrestling with a phantom.

- Three patients
are critical.
- Two.

Just a second, sam.

Mr. Ellentree just died. We
couldn't stop the internal bleeding.

He's number four.

You'd better get started, sam.

Okay, we'll keep
you posted. Clear.

Here. I'll ditch this
raft in the bushes.

Oh, easy, gregor.

The fever's come back.
Take it easy, gregor.

You're burning up.

Just take deep
breaths. That's it.

You're gonna be fine, darling.

On fire.

I'm burning.

I'm on fire.

Come on. We've got
to get this fever down.

Listen to me, gregor.

You are very sick.

I have to go get help.

Do you understand?

I have to go.

The stream's going
to keep you cool.

I'll be back in just a
little while with a doctor.


I won't let you die. I won't.

Sam: we found the stream, all
right, but there's no sign of them.

Tell you the truth,
quince, I'm not even sure

This is the same place we
spotted from the chopper.

You're telling me you're lost.

That's one way of putting it.

This terrain is pretty slow
going. They may just be hiding out.

The local authorities
haven't found them either.

The radio room intercepted a radio
communication from their search team.

- It's good to know we're not
the only ones looking.
- I'm not so sure.

The regional government in charge of
this didn't exactly inspire my confidence.

Be careful out there, will you?

Okay. But compared to
keeping up with you, quince,

This is smooth sailing.

Yeah, very funny.

Call me again in an hour.
Sooner if you get lucky, okay?


I hope I did the right thing,
sending those guys out there.

They know what they're
doing. They're gonna be just fine.

You want to worry,
take a look at this.

There is no connection
between the guy that dies

And the ones that are
sick and their temperatures

And where they were living
and where they got on the boat.

I mean, there is
nothing in common.

What about the center
for disease control?

Why haven't they come
up with something?

It's not their fault either.

It just takes so long
to culture bacteria.

Viruses take even more time.

Time is one commodity this
ship is gonna run out of fast.

Dr. Carlyle, mind if I join you?

No, please.

The first thing I am gonna do

After this vacation
is to take a vacation.

- Yes. You get to
everyone on your list?
- I think so.

Which means we've isolated
everyone with a prolonged

Or primary exposure to a victim.

Not quite, I'm afraid.

What do you mean?

I was just questioning a
couple of the stewards.

Some scuttlebutt about
ron cousins, the actor.

It seems like he had a
late-night visitor after all.

What is it?

Give me the binoculars.
I think I see something.

I think I see one of
them down there.

Okay. We'd better
get our suits on.

Clyde: maybe one of you
isn't trying to k*ll me.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Maybe you're all
trying to k*ll me.

If I didn't know better, love,

I'd say you were
getting a little paranoid.

Cut and print it.

Our next setup will
be a close-up on clyde.

- Excuse me.
- Excuse me, but we're
sh**ting a film here.

- Could you, uh...
- Mr. Casserie.

- Yes?
- I'm dr. Carlyle.

We are going to have to
confine one of your people

To our isolation area on deck b.

I'm sure all this can be straightened
out. Would you see the a.d., Please?

Mr. Casserie, I don't think
you heard the doctor.

We can't allow highly exposed
people to roam the ship freely.

Maybe we're talking about a couple of
days. If we're lucky, a couple of hours.

Are you with the steamship line?

No, I'm a medical examiner
from los angeles.

- Diana, darling...
- Mr. Casserie...

- Yes?
- I am with the ship,
and it's captain's orders.

We have to take all high-risk
people out of circulation.

- Look, just who are we
talking about, anyway?
- Corrina.

What is going on here?

What? This is a joke,
right? A big laugh?

"Scare the daylights out
of the director" time, huh?

Okay, boys, fun is fun,

But, uh, we're
sh**ting a film here.

Believe me, this is
not funny to anybody.

Let me set you people straight.

You want one of my extras?
Fine. I won't go to the mat for it.

But corrina?

She's the star of this
movie. She is this movie.

Now, wait a minute.

You are just going to
have to work around her

Until we get the all-clear from
the center for disease control.

You just don't make do
when your star gets yanked.

Miss girard, I'm afraid you're
going to have to go to isolation.

She put you up to
this. I know she did.

Let's go.

Well, we could
always do my close-ups.

Hello? Come on. Hey, hey.

It's okay. We're friends.
We're trying to help.

Please trust me.

We were sent by the ship to bring you
back. These suits are just a precaution.

Are you doctors?

Not exactly, but we
have medical supplies.

Where's your husband?
Is he sick or hurt?

Yes, he's very sick!
You've got to help him!

We'll radio the ship.
It'll take just a second.

No, please!

There were
soldiers... Or police,

I don't know, but
they tried to k*ll us!

Well, if you don't believe
me, then believe this.

It does look like
a b*llet graze.

I'll get some antiseptic on that.
We'll take care of it. Just a second.

If you use the radio, they
might be able to intercept it.

It's not like sam. I told him to
call in an hour. It's over two now.

Yeah, maybe he had a
problem with his radio,

Or he could've found something.

Gregor? Gregor?

He's alive! Do something, quick!

Let's get him out of here.

Get quincy on the radio.

We've got to risk it.

Dr. Quincy, please.
Do you read us?

Yes, we read you. Stand by.

Dr. Quincy, it's for
you. It's the island.

- Yeah.
- It's marc. We found them both.

The girl's okay. Some
exposure, exhaustion.

We got a real sick kid here.

- Sam: quince?
- Yeah, sam. How bad off is he?

Well, his pulse is weak,

Metabolism way down.

He's hypothermic, quince.

You sure?

He's lost a lot of body heat.

You have to warm him up,
get his temperature back

To where he can maintain
his own body heat.

And you can't risk body-to-body
contact. He may be contagious.

Listen, dry him off,
get him out in the sun.

- Do you have an extra
biohazard suit?
- Yeah.

Put it on. It's the best
insulation you've got out there.

Look, once he's stable, do you
think you can get him back to the ship?

Well, we've got a raft.
We can do it, quince.

Quincy: good luck,
buddy. See you soon.

How far you figure from
here to the beach, marc?

Three quarters of
a mile. Maybe less.

Okay, let's get him on there.

Easy, easy.

- Easy. Easy.
- Put the straps on him.


I'd feel a lot better if we
could send a launch for them.

I wish I could do that, doctor.

We're talking about a governor that
sends out his greetings by gunboat.

I have 600 people on board.

I can't risk a confrontation.


Set up the radio, marc.

I'll get the raft ready.

- Where are you now?
- Marc: we're on the beach.

We're inflating the raft now.
We're about ready to shove off.

Good. We're standing by.

Quince, are you there?

- What was that?
- Somebody's sh**ting at us.

Get me the governor
of the island, will you?

He's on the line.

Governor tokamo,
this is dr. Quincy.

- I remember, doctor.
- There's no time to argue.

Your men are firing on
our medical rescue team.

Please tell them to hold their
fire. Those are innocent people.

Not innocent people.

Threats to the health of our
population. You were warned.

They represent no
danger to you at all.

There's a sick boy with them,
but he can't pass on the illness.

I don't have time to explain,
but if you harm any one of them,

It's going to create an international
incident that can only hurt your country.

Governor, please
call off your men.

It's over, quince.
We're coming in.

Quincy: it's still not clear to me
how the boy ended up in the creek.

His wife says she sat him in the
water to bring his temperature down.

- Said he was burning up.
- Brought his temperature
down, all right.

Couple of more degrees, his
metabolism would've stopped cold.

- How's the boy.
- Stable. Of course,
I don't know for how long.

But he does seem to be fighting,
and his temperature's near normal.

Was this the first encounter
with subnormal temperature?

No. As a matter of fact,

There were depressed readings
in at least two other cases.

But it's the first time we've seen
a temperature swing in a victim.

If we're dealing with
something that can knock out

The body's
temperature regulator,

Maybe we're not
dealing with a disease.

Back to a poison or a drug.

The cdc could be
culturing bacteria

And viruses until doomsday,
it could be a poison.

They're doing toxicology
too, aren't they?

I've also sent them
400 food samples,

And by this morning, they're
only halfway through the process.

Excuse me. Dr. Quincy,

Did you request
another helicopter today

For specimen pickup
or any other reason?

No, not since sam and marc
were dropped off. Why?

We've got a chopper coming
in. Looks like a charter aircraft.

- What's it doing here?
- I don't know, but I think
we'd better find out.

Excuse me.

There isn't anything that's gonna
get me over the fear of airplanes!

- Come on! Let's go!
- I'm coming, I'm coming!

- Where do you think
you're going?
- Get your hands off me.

- We're getting off
this death trap.
- You're not going anywhere.

Listen, flannery, I know
enough shipping people

To keep you out of
work for a lifetime.

All it would take
is a few phone calls.

Mr. Aynsley, don't thr*aten me.

I paid for that helicopter,
and we're gonna use it!

Nobody gives a damn about
the people on board this ship.

You're all just as happy
to see us die off one by one.

That's not gonna happen to
us. We're getting out of here!

You say nobody cares
about anybody on this ship?

You're the one that doesn't care.
You're the one trying to save his own skin.

What you choose to do is your concern,
doctor. What I choose to do is mine.

Not quite. You go back
to los angeles now,

You'll be jeopardizing
more lives than you realize.

Why? We're not sick. We
just want to keep it that way.

Oh, it's survival
of the richest, huh?

Look, we'll even send a helicopter
back with medical supplies.

- Just tell us what you want.
- You don't understand, do you?

We just want to
see our family again.

Is that such a terrible crime?

No. I guess the only crime

Is not realizing that
everybody aboard this ship

Wants to do exactly
the same thing.


I've got to see her. I'm sure
dr. Knight would understand.

My instructions
are not to let anyone

In the infirmary, period.

Dr. Quincy, I really would rather
you not be in here right now.

- How is she?
- She's... Steady.

The hallucinations come and go.

May I see her? Just
for a minute, please?

Well, I suppose both
of us have been exposed

To whatever the hell is on this
ship at least a dozen times over,

So go ahead.

But, please, I've given her a
sedative, so I wouldn't try to wake her.


Some vacation.

I just want you to know
you're gonna be okay.

I wouldn't let
anything happen to you.

Now, why are you trying to
bust up a good team like this?

You're very
special to me, janet.

Very special.

I'm burning up!

I've got to get out
of here! Let me out!

Let me out! I'm burning
up! Get out of the way!

Get out of the way!

Get out of my
way! I'm burning up!

He's one! He's got the disease!

People are going berserk, captain.
They're going out of their minds.

Alert the starboard watch.

Yes, sir.

May I have your
attention, please.

May I please have
your attention.

This is captain edwards.

Hot. I'm so hot!

Let me urge you
to please stay calm.

Please stay calm.

- What's going on?
- There's no way we're
gonna get away from it!

- We're all gonna die!
- Take it easy. Slow down. Take it easy.

There is no need to
be overly alarmed.

We do have a medical
problem on board the ship.

- We are working
to contain it.
- I'm hot.

It is far more dangerous

To panic over
unsubstantiated rumors.

Let me assure you
that the ship's crew

And some very capable
medical personnel

Are doing everything they can

To deal with the problem,

But your cooperation

Is of the utmost importance.

Thank you.

Janet's been covering all
the bases from the beginning.

She compiled data on the eating
habits of all but the most recent victims.

- And?
- We collated them
during the night.

An interesting
pattern showed up.

You serve breakfast, lunch,
dinner, and a midnight snack.

A little over half the victims had
breakfast prior to being stricken,

65% Had lunch, 74% dinner,

And the midnight
buffet was only 30%.

So it's more likely that something
we served at dinner was responsible.

Well, not necessarily.

Janet came up with
something that correlated

- Much higher than
any of the meals.
- What?

More than 90% had afternoon
drinks at one of the bars.

Something that they all drank?

Possibly. We're gonna
have to shut down all

The bars till we find
out what's going on.

That's our engines.
We're still at anchor.

Bridge, this is the captain.
What the hell is going on?


- What is it?
- That's martin,
our first mate.

I think he said

The sea made him do it.

I have to get up to the bridge.

We've got loose.
The anchor chain!

- Take this man to the brig.
- No, no, take him down
to the infirmary.

Shut down those engines!

Captain, there's a woman in
the main bar in a lot of pain.

All right, get a
stretcher down there.

Looks like we have another one on our
hands. Can you tell me where it hurts?

Baby. Baby.

She's going into
labor. Tell dr. Knight.

She can't be in labor.
It's barely seven months.

Quincy: try not to fight it.

Try not to fight it.
Take deep breaths.

Deep breaths. Try to relax.

Help her, doctor! Do something!

- Get her to
the infirmary right away.
- All right.

Gently, please.
That's it. Nice and easy.

That's it. Shh, shh.

- Take deep breaths.
- Mr. Crowley...

Mr. Crowley,
please, don't worry.

You wife is in excellent
hands with dr. Knight.

Yes. Sir, why don't you just sit and
relax for a couple minutes, please.


- What?
- Ergot.

It's a fungus which
produces a deadly toxin.

One of the components of
this poison is sometimes used

In a very small
dose to induce labor

In difficult pregnancies.

Was your wife on
any kind of medication?

- No, none at all.
- Then it all fits.

The pieces are
coming together...

The vascular constrictions,

The wide range of
body temperatures.

And the poison in ergot is a
close cousin to lysergic acid.

- "Lysergic acid"?
- Lsd.

The hallucinations, all those
people going around crazy.

How could they get it here?

It contaminates grain.
That's what it's known for.

Did your wife eat or drink
anything prior to the attack?

Yeah, she had been real
nervous. We had a drink.

Which one's hers?

On the right.

Bartender, what's in this?

- Just white wine.
- And this hors d'oeuvre?

Guacamole and chips.
It's a happy-hour special.

Yeah, but I ate more of that
than she did, and I feel fine.

What about this?

That's a flour tortilla

Pressed into that bowl shape.

Now, some people eat it,

But it's mainly ornamental,
just to hold the dip.

Did your wife eat any of this?

- Yeah, she did.
- But you didn't?

No. Is that what did it?

How many of these have
you served on this cruise?

Quite a few, but like I say,

We usually end
up throwing it out.

As a matter of fact, we sent one up
to the bridge a couple of hours ago,

To the first mate.

Well, that confirms
it, doesn't it?

I want you to collect
all the tortillas

Anywhere on this boat
and bag them for me.

No one is to eat anything
made of flour until we're sure.

- Right.
- I want to talk
to dr. Knight.

Dr. Knight, are you preparing
for a vaginal delivery?

Yes. The baby's
position is good.

I have a strong suspicion
that this woman ate something

Contaminated with ergot fungus.

I think that's what brought on the
premature labor. How are the contractions?

Well, they've been getting
increasingly severe.

Then I don't think you can
risk a natural delivery.

Those contractions could become
severe enough to crush the fetus.

Well, if I'm gonna be
doing a cesarean, doctor.

I could certainly use
an extra pair of hands.

I'll get into scrubs.

Quincy, the fetal heart rate was
down to 84 at the last contraction,

And these contractions are
the strongest I've ever seen.

The contractions are
endangering the fetus.

We've got to get the
baby out right away.




A little more
exposure. Easy. Easy.

Oh. There she is.

Come on.

Mr. Crowley, I'm sure they're
doing everything they possibly can.

Yeah, but why does it
have to take so long?

Mr. Crowley, a
beautiful little girl.

- Dr. Knight is
checking her over now.
- How's my wife?

Her pregnancy told
us what the poison is,

So the cdc is flying
in some anti-toxin.

She's gonna be fine,
and so is everybody else.

I'm gonna look in on janet.


Come in.

- Land ahoy.
- Oh, wouldn't you know it?

We are in port,
and-and I'm in bed.

Couldn't I go for just
a couple of hours?

Absolutely not. Doctor's orders.

Now, the anti-toxin may have
knocked out the worst symptoms,

- But you're still
pretty weak, you know?
- How are the others?

Good progress on all fronts.
Mother and baby are doing fine,

Gregor, the ice skater... I just
saw him walking around this morning.

- Oh, that's wonderful.
- And we got confirmation
from the cdc

On the ergot on the tortillas.

Did they ever find
where it came from?

I talked to flannery.

They traced it down to a
middleman who had substituted

Some of the ship's provisions
for a cheaper alternative.

And the shipping line is mad.
They're gonna press charges.


You shouldn't stay
cooped up here.

Why don't you go out
and enjoy yourself?

As a matter of fact, I did promise
somebody I was gonna help him.

Oh. Good samaritan.

You have got to learn to
do something for yourself.

Oh, I like to help people.
I get a lot of fun...

When I help somebody,
and they're enjoying it,

Listen, I get more fun out
of that than almost any...

- Hi.
- Hi.

Listen, clyde is not happy

With the lighting
for the next scene,

And he's throwing
another tantrum, so...

We're ready for you to stand in.

- Okay.
- You promised.

Mother's little helper.

I promised. See you later.

"So captain edwards
of the mare nostrum

"Awarded dr. Quincy
and dr. Carlyle

"The cruise line's golden key

"In recognition of their
extraordinary efforts

"In tracking down the
source of the deaths,

Thereby removing the threat
to the remaining passengers."

Excuse me. What's
the golden key?

Oh, we get a free
cruise each year.

Hey, that's terrific.

- Read on, dr. Asten.
- Uh...

"Silver keys were
also handed out

To sam fujiyama and marc
taylor of the coroner's office."

One cruise to acapulco.

Oh, gee. Only one free cruise.

- You're complaining about only
one free cruise to acapulco?
- And back.

Listen, do you think this cruise
line needs a new security officer?

- Or two?
- Or a photographer?

Hey, how about a bartender?

All my customers
and a bartender?

Maybe they need somebody
to run the restaurant.

Quincy, I'll bet the next vacation,
you want to take a train, right?

Fellas, give me
a break, will ya?

I haven't been with
janet alone for so long.

- Please?
- Oh, well...

Thank you.

- Wait a minute.
- What?

What if our vacations
don't coincide next year.

They have to coincide.
That key I'm getting?

- Yeah.
- Fits one state room.

Oh, you never give up.