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07x23 - w*r and Peace

Posted: 01/12/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
Somebody wanted my
truck more than I did

cause they stole it.

The miners dig deep.

Here's the deal. There's
a lot of people that, um...

And reveal
the secrets of this season.

I don't know
if I should show that.

How Parker's crew
faces life and death.

Oh f*ck.

- Chris is down.
- Aww.

I thought he was dead.

That hurt.
Aw, damn.

Doumitt's wife has cancer.

Look at you, hey hey hey.

I was fighting
back tears that day.

How the Beets family relaxes.

Ooh. Ow.

And how a simple
piece of paper...

destroyed Tony's season.

Tony's not good with paperwork.


-Get off of me.
-Knock it off.

how a bare-knuckled fight...

I don't know why
it got so violent.


tore the Hoffman crew apart.

Somebody takes a swing...

Let go of me now!

Things change.

I don't want to be judged on
this one mistake that I made.

They wanted to, like...

Trey! Trey!

k*ll each other.

And as this epic
season comes to an end,

one of the key
"Gold Rush" miners

is finally quitting.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

Any miner who tells you they
know for sure what's in the ground

is either a liar or a fool.

Hey, guys, this is gonna be
our promised land.

At the start of the season,

Todd Hoffman turns his
back on the Klondike

after mining over
$5 million in gold

and moves his entire operation
2,000 miles south to Oregon.

It's easy to mine,
no overburden,

your home state in the USA.

High Bar was great.

It was the best thing
we'd ever seen.

We prospected it.

We got the most gold
we've ever had on a prospect.

I mean, nuggets.
Big, chunky gold.

It was great.

Todd set a very ambitious goal.

We're on a mountain.

It's got nuggets, okay.

We've never even
seen nuggets like these.

I want 5,000 ounces.

I don't care where you're at,
that's a damn hard one to

to get, especially on
a new piece of ground.

I want to see a miracle
on this mountain.

3.55 ounces.

-That's it?
-That's it.

Where's the rest of it?

I wish there was more.

After my first cleanup or two, then
I realized, Dude, we're in trouble.

We're in trouble
at the High Bar."

The claim owners
were up there
and would tell
us where to dig.

You got good stuff right here,
the blonde.

Nothing in this red stuff
in our experience.

Then what's that down below?

Down below is
another good pay layer.

Anything that's this rocky

has been great for us.

I mean, we're doing
what they said and
they'd mined
here before.

If the claim owner got
that much gold before you,

and now we're mining in the same
area, you should get similar results.

Gold doesn't jump.

Todd takes his concerns
to the claim owners.

We're not used to not seeing
something in the box, you know.

That's the way
the High Bar mines.

This is some of the
stuff that we pulled.

You hit these really rich
deposits every now and then,

but you're going to hit
quite a few of them.

Where is the gold?
That's what everybody asked.

I don't know.

It's a mystery.

We have the proven
results of what we did.

Um, what should have
happened on their part
was them doing some
testing before
they came up.

We did a test last year
and got 1.7 ounces

out of 150 yards,
I think it was.

And you know that was a little
over an ounce a hundred.

Then, early this season,

he does a second round
of testing.

Freddy went on a treasure hunt.

He hit the bottoms
of the creeks.

So basically it's turned us
from miners into prospectors.

He hit the tops
of the mountains.

By the time Freddy was done,
it was like swiss cheese.

One color.

It's turning out to be
way worse than I thought.

The geology there was different
than anywhere else I'd seen.

What a glacier does,
it can take a very rich deposit

and it's the world's biggest
bulldozer, it pushes through.

And it also picks up all other types
of material as it goes along, and
sometimes it waters it down.

The gold was spotty,
too spotty.

It'd be good in one spot,
and then nothing, nothing, nothing.

Who knows? There could be
a pot of gold on that hill.

Just couldn't afford
to keep looking for it.

There is gold there.

It's definitely not enough to
support what we've got going on

not anywhere near.

You know, he shot for the moon,
he only hit the fence.

This season's gonna be different.

I lost my grandpa, the man who
taught me how to mine, and honestly

I don't know what
it's gonna be like without him.

With my grandpa passing away,
it made me think about why
we're doing this, and if

this is really what
I'm gonna be doing.

-Is that all right?
-That's fine.

Ashley being there helped

with a lot of stuff there.

She gave me somebody to talk to
that had a different perspective, and um,

definitely helped me stay out
of the darkness, I'd like to say.

Just two months earlier during
their last visit together,

grandpa John gave Parker
one final piece of sage advice.

Parker, I don't...


wish you to have

billions of dollars
like Bill Gates, cause

I do want you to

have a wonderful feeling

for someone

who becomes part of your life.

That's all that's important.

Ashley and I met
in a bar in Australia.

She was a bartender in some little
town where I was bumming around.

This is of our trip from down south

of Australia, where I live.

We went to the great
barrier reef. Look at that.

We spent five days on a boat and
we traveled around the islands.

We got to go snorkeling
and fishing

and just walk the beaches
when nobody else was around.

It was pretty amazing.

I don't know
if I should show that.

Ashley came up.

I think she was a huge benefit

to the whole crew,
to the whole camp.

Uh, always in a good mood,

always smiling, always happy.
And that

became almost a contagious
attitude through the camp.

So how's it going
over there anyways?

The all-star
truck crews keeping up?

- Trying.
- Hell yeah.

She turned out to be a great girl.
She worked hard.
She didn't have to,

You know what I mean?
He didn't bring her there
to work, but

You know. She was there.
She pitched in, she helped out.

I'm loving this.

You know, every time
Parker and Ashley
were together, the
cameras were out.

(Flying camera drone is spying)

- What's up?
- Hiya.

What the f*ck!

- Hungry?
- Starving.

Me eating lunch has never been
anything special, and now all of a sudden,

Ashley is here and me eating
lunch with her is some big event.

It's just cheeseburgers.

They look pretty good.

I had a huge amount of
reservations about having

Ashley come out to the claim.

When they wanted...
A private time together

and you have a camera
sitting right there,

no bueno.


You guys and your
f*ckin' "Gold Rush."

No, I'm famous
because I'm an assh*le.

No, the assh*le came first.

It'd be really nice for that
to just be, you know,

something between her
and I that's not...

on national TV.

The big thing was to get Parker
and Ashley to kiss on camera.

There was actually...It was known
as the big kiss competition going on.

The first guy to get it on
camera got a bottle of
whiskey, so it was... relentless.

Come on, guys, just one kiss.

Of course I held out, you know,
I can't let anybody cash in on that.

- Don't!
- What?

We don't want Ed
to collect the money.

I never saw them kiss actually.


Yeah, I don't know.

This could be it,
this could be it.

f*ck off, bud.

He fought the kiss
to the very last day.

By the final gold weigh, Ashley is
determined to help the camera men.

He's not gonna do it,
so, f*ck off.


Look at that.

-Stop it.
-It's inside.
-Stop it.

-Stop it.

I know what you're trying to do.

-Do it.

-Cause I won't give it to 'em.

You know, there are some things
out there that are just best
to be private.

-What ha...Why?

-What do you mean?
-I said so.

-It's not happening.


Well, that bottle of whiskey
is still sitting on the shelf
and up for grabs

because Parker made sure
to not let that happen.

They never did get it.

Coming up...

Me and Trey never hit it off.

Dave and him do not get along.
They're like oil and water.

This wall is gonna have
to come down, plain and simple.

He set me up.

Ha ha ha ha.

And that's the sneaky way he was.

He's ready for the river.

The biggest challenge
with the whole second
dredge move is the river.

I've only

ever seen my dad in, like,

a canoe

in a lake.

To realize
Tony's ambitious dream,

He and Gene built an entire
fleet of tugboats and barges.

It's floating.


I think I want to go fishing.

Tony may have been a bit

overenthusiastic with
what he figured he
can get done this year.

I went up to the Yukon to
move the second dredge and

the reality of it is, all I did was build
tugboats and barges all summer.

I think he completely
underestimated it.

You know, bit off way
more than he can chew.

Tony brands his fleet
with the Beets' family colors.

But it all starts to go wrong the moment
his main tug fails its stability test.

Well, I don't think having a
tippy tugboat is a good thing.

I didn't think much of the Kid
Commando and still really don't.

As fall approaches, Tony
finally has the right ship
to move dredge number two...

His 60-foot power barge.

Yeah, I felt good about building the
power barge, putting it in the water,

putting it together, and making it work
without it having a bunch of problems.

5 months and $2 million later,
Tony's ready to move his dredge

when bureaucracy
catches up with him.

You have to have this piece
of paper and without it,
you're not doing anything.

Tony is not good with paperwork,
that's why Minnie handles

as much of it as she can.

A land use permit,
never even thought about it.

So I mean, I can say
it's my fault, but

if I didn't...If I knew about it and
didn't do it, then it was my fault.

But I didn't have any idea.

My dad spells phone with an 'f',

and I don't mean f-o-n-e,
I mean f-h-o-n-e.

Why don't you do it?

You're kidding me, right?

Safety trumps everything
in the United States.

This season,
316 mining has a new sheriff...

Safety officer Trey Poulson.

I've got the solution...
switch packet

the whole way down
just like a mountain pass.

Trey's responsibility is safety.

And Trey literally has the power

to make sure that everybody's
following the rules.

Todd gave me full reins.

That did kind of,
I think, rub some
guys the wrong way.

Me and Trey never hit it off.

From the very beginning,
there was friction, there was uh,

tension between us.

Dave and him do not get along.
They're like oil and...water.

So these are the lockout
tagout clasps that we use to

terminate the power
to the entire plant.

In order to energize
any motor on the plant,

we've got to pull each
individual lock.

Just pull them off, guys.

Nobody can take that
lock off other than you,

so that way, you're safe when
you're working on the plant.

We can't fire the generator.

We've got a lock left
on there, no key.

Who is it?


Dave's a foreman.
Dave should have his key.

There was one day
I left my lock on

and we had to cut it off.

I was embarrassed.

If somebody was messing up,
you just had to call them out.

By mid-season,

Trey has reason
to set Dave straight.


Nice, Hunter.

Me and Hunter built the wall.

It was my design.

We were gonna have that
feeder up on there and
that weighs a ton
and it shakes, so.

You're gonna want your
base to be super safe.

When I started that wall, I didn't have
as good a footing

as I really needed.

So as we started to stack

with the weight behind
that wall, it started to tip.

If you come around here, you can
see we're bulged out right
underneath our load point.

We need to make sure everything's
square before we get going.

Oh geez.

He set me up.

He went to the camera guys.

This wall is gonna have
to come down, plain and simple.

The TV crew was the first
to know about the wall.

They were standing with me
when I spotted it.

The whole thing could fall
and come down.

I think we did a piss-poor job.

Did you tell these guys?


That's the part that...

That bothers me.

And that's the
sneaky way he was.

Heh heh heh heh.

Next, the two adversaries are forced
to work together on the settling pond.

Let's grab some rocks.

And you will just

tie them around the bottom.

I was in the canoe
to uh, secure the baffles.

Grab that rope if you need.

Okay, Trey.

Dave has to secure the rocks
to the base of the screen
to keep it in place.

Ohhh Dave.

I don't want
to really go swimming.

No, not in that stuff.

Look at him.

He's ready for the river.

When he came back to shore, um...

I don't know what I was thinking,
but I tried to help him around,

pull the front of the canoe up,

up the bank so he could get out.

Got a little water.
heh, heh, heh, heh

That's got to feel good.
heh, heh, heh, heh

He was pissed.

You could see, he was angry
when he hit the water.

But I don't think he ever expected
one of his teammates to put
him in the drink.

I don't know why Trey did that.

I was genuinely trying to help.

It pissed me off.

From that point forward, I just
felt like there was no reason to

you know, to interact
or work with Trey.

Coming up...

One of you's has gotta stop.

Let go of me now!

I don't know why
it got so violent.

Come on, Dave, let's finish it.

- Look at him, he's f*ckin' taunting me.
- No, he's not.

I punched Dave.

Laid him out.

Is that your best shot?

The great Dave Turin
embarrassed me that day.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

After a disastrous
start in Oregon

that delivered
only 200 ounces of gold,

Todd gets a second chance to salvage
his mining season on new ground
high in the Colorado Rockies.

Freddy threw me a lifeline, man, and
I grabbed on with both hands
and away we went, man.

The snow on the
mountains up there.

- Saw it coming in.
- Yeah.

We've got maybe five or six
weeks to get everything done.

To mine 1,000 ounces
before winter,

they split in two.

Freddy and Trey
at the Fairplay mine,

and Dave running
Sacramento Creek.

There was a lot of
pressure put on us.

And then the fact
that we split the team

added that much more pressure.

The competition between
the two claims

kind of sparked off right away.

Dad, what did we
get on Fairplay?


Whoo, Yeah!

So what did we do at Sacramento?


Heh heh heh.

Some people take things
too serious

and they get
their feelings hurt.

Competition sometimes
can breed excellence,

sometimes it can
breed trouble, too.

There was a day

when Fairplay called

and they had lost a loader.

I'll go ahead and shut down,

send Dave down there
with a loader.

He ain't gonna be happy, though.

This is bullshit.

I was a little bit upset
that we shut our
operation down.

Sometimes you've
gotta sacrifice

to keep the mother ship running,

and right now the
mother ship is Fairplay.

He pulls in,
he sees our
plant down.

I probably had
an attitude.

He was pissed,
everybody could
tell he was pissed.

I have no idea what
I said, I don't know
what triggered him.

He said, "'f' you."

He came at me
with his arm cocked.

I swatted his hard hat off his
head and went after him.

The minute somebody
takes a swing, things change.

Let go of me now

I'm gonna f*ckin' k*ll him right now.

-Let me at him.
-Knock it off.

It all went downhill fast.
I couldn't stop it.

I punched Dave,

Laid him out.

Is that your best shot?

Get down here right now.

I don't know why
it got so violent.

Trey, one of you just stop.

- Please Dave.
- Just walk away.

They were, like, wanted
to like,

k*ll each other.

Let me at him!

-Hey, knock it off.

Bring the fury down.
Bring the fury down.

Bring the fury down.

That was an emotional day.

When two of your best friends are
trying to beat the shit out of each other.

- Where are they?
- Dave left.

- You?
- They okay?

Finally got him to walk away.

Give me a ride, I'm done,

I'm f*cking going home.

- Come on, Dave!
Let's finish it.
-No no.
-f*ckin' coward.

Look at him.
Look at him,
f*ckin' taunting me.

He's not.

As I'm leaving,
he starts taunting me again.

He calls me a coward
in front of all my friends.

I went back at him
for another shot.


-Get the...

Whoa, whoa.

No no no no no no. f*ck.

-No no no no.
-Trey, stop.

-Let me at him.
-Trey, Trey.

f*ck, Come on.

Stop stop stop.
-Chill it.

Beat him

He had a lot of chances
to walk away.

And if you're gonna be
the leader of men,

you've gotta make decisions that are more mature than

Stand there. You've gotta walk away

Me and you have
been friends forever, please.

The great Dave Turin
embarrassed me that day,

and I love that guy to death.

Here's the deal.
There's a lot of people that, um...

There's a lot of people
that respect me,

Um. There's a lot of people
respect my work ethic,

There's a lot of people
that respect

the profession that I've chosen.

And I don't want to be judged on
this one mistake that I made.

I should have never
put myself in that position,

and that's the thing
that I apologize for.

They say that everybody
has a bad day.

I think, for the Doumitts,
that bad day was probably

the end of February
to about mid-July.

One month before
the start of the mining season,

Chris Doumitt shares
some devastating news.

Doumitt's wife has cancer.

I have to get home.

She's going for surgery and
they just start taking parts off until...

they run out of parts,
I guess, I'm not sure.

-I'm sorry.
-Sharon, my wife

found out that she had cancer.

But not just cancer, two different
kinds of very aggressive


A less than 10% survival
rate of four to five years,

-But she's pretty on it.
-Um huh.


Rough winter. It's been a
rough year for all of us.

She had but just a few months,

that's why I really
didn't want to go.

She kept insisting, "Parker needs
you up there. I have my sisters.
They'll take care of me.


It was tough.
It was the toughest year

pulling out of the
driveway was this year,

because I thought I was leaving
behind a dying wife.

Chris Doumitt.

But Sharon's cancer isn't
their only health problem.

Spinal surgery delays
Chris' arrival in the Klondike.

Sharon is dealing with this
cancer and the chemo and all this,

At the same time,
I'm dealing with a bad back.

It's been getting worse over the
last few years to the point where

I could hardly walk.

How are you doing, kid?

-Oh my god.
-You're a wreck.

Rick. Good to see you.

They finally let me
off my leash.

I wasn't sure I was
coming back this year.

And we found a doctor, and

A miracle worker.

And it's great,
I feel like a kid again.

Then, like most men, Chris
pushes himself too far,

too fast.

So how's your grill running?


-That's amazing.

Poor Doumitt's doing the
cleanup all by his lonesome.


Ah, ow, I'm down. Oh f*ck


Chris is down. f*ck.

-Ah ah.

Oh, f*ck.

You know, when I saw Doumitt laid out
next to that truck, that's probably

one of the most serious
moments I've had up at the mine.

That was full-blown panic right
there. I thought he was dead.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hang on.

-You all right?
-Oh, ho.

Aw, damn.

I was really worried. Yeah, I
thought he'd broke his back.

You hit your head?

-No, my...
-Your back?

I slipped off of...

My foot got caught
underneath the t*nk

and I went over the bed.

Don't is it...Don't get up.

No, no, I won't.
I just slipped.

Yeah, I am.
I am good.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

No. It's sore, but...

- Do you want a helicopter ride?


First of all, I felt fortunate

that I didn't break
my leg, or I didn't

damage my back,

because of the surgery.

But it's embarrassing.

Doumitt's laying on the ground

and he's still holding
his cigar, hadn't dropped it,

and just, like,
ready to take a puff.

We asked him, "dude, why
didn't you, like, throw your cigar down"

try and , you know, grab
a hold of yourself?"

he was like, "No, I'm good."


I thought you were
dead over here.

Ha, ha, umm...

No such luck. You're stuck
with me for a while yet.


But this season, Chris suffers a loss
that affects Parker's entire crew.

I lost the one thing
that cannot be replaced.

None of us could believe it.

Yeah, that was bad.


Everything I have is gone.

While we're doing
our cleanup yesterday,

apparently somebody
wanted my truck more than I did

because they stole it.

With his wife battling
cancer at home,

Chris Doumitt suddenly finds
himself stranded in the Yukon.

I lost everything,
I lost all my cash.

I lost my wallet,
driver's license,

credit cards,
health-insurance cards.

I lost my passport.

Without a passport,
I couldn't get home.

If Sharon had a turn
for the worst, I was stuck.

The guy that took it...

If he took it

because he wanted it,
I hope it breaks down on him

and he doesn't get
a penny for it.

If he needed it, I hope it
serves him as well as it did me.

You know, it's a thing.

Things can be replaced.

Everybody was looking for it.
The whole town knew about it.

Parker got on social
media and got the word out.

It's a unique-looking truck, so
hopefully they won't get far.

It's been a heck of a year.

For one month,
Chris struggles with no truck

and no way to get back
to the lower 48,

if he needs to look
after Sharon.

But the Mounties
always get their man.

All right, so where's my truck?

Oh my goodness.

Fortunately I did get
my passport back.

It was still in the truck,
but everything else was gone.

We guess it was about
2,000 miles from here.

The insurance totaled the truck.

It was just too
expensive to get it back

to me in the Yukon, and

they just wrote it off
as a loss.

The insurance money on Chris'
truck is put to good use.

- Hey.
- What's up, dad?

-It's good to see you.
-Hey, man.

Long time no see, buddy.

Look at you, hey hey hey.

I like your haircut.

Hi, we're the bald family.

Yeah. I'm Mr. Bald,
this is Mrs. Bald

Look what we
brought you, papa.

Oh my word.

-There's your new truck.
-Oh my gosh, baby.

That is absolutely gorgeous.

She had bought me a new truck.

And between her and Jason,
they were able to bring it up.

That is beautiful.

Sorry you didn't get
to pick it yourself.

Oh, I think you did
a wonderful job.


I feel like I won a game show.

You did.

Here's this beautiful,
shiny, new truck

being delivered

by a wife that had gone through

what she had gone through and

had changed so much
physically that...

Happy and sad at the same time.

At the end of the season,

Sharon Doumitt opens up
about her fight with cancer.

My reaction when I first saw
Chris is just hugging him.

I just wanted to feel
myself up against him

and, you know, just be happy
that I was alive and

He was happy
and so, no, it was lovely.

When I did see her,
I don't get real emotional,

but I know I was fighting
back tears that day.

I really was.

So how are you doing, baby?

Doing really well.

- Yeah?
- Yes. Finished with all
the treatments now.

-I don't have to do radiation.

Oh, that's cool.
That's cool.

Well, no more excuse about,
"I've gotta do my hair now" huh.

No, no, not anymore.

Well, for a while anyway. Yes.

All righty. Check this out.
This is where I work.

This's the gold room.

It didn't take long for her

to get another illness that

I don't think she's
gonna beat this one.

She has gold fever.

Oh my gosh, look.
I thought that was a rock.

It looks like
a tooth, doesn't it?

I know.
It looks like my gold
teeth with the filling in it.

I had the best time
in that gold room.

I think I stayed in there
the whole time.

This is a real cook, when you
know you're cooking gold.

My gosh, can you imagine that?

You can't, like, overcook it?

- No. No.
- I'm a good overcooker.

Yeah, I know.

You went for years thinking
the smoke alarm was a timer.

A year ago, Sharon found out she
had two very aggressive cancers.

Very low odds of survival...
Less than 10% survival.

Here we are, a year later,
and I thought I would be gone.

And I'm here.

And not just here,
but I'm cancer free.

The, the good god good wife.

-The good wife.
-I picked what I wanted.

Thanks for taking care of mom,
too, spud and bringing her up here.

I don't want you to leave.

I know. You've just been a joy.

You guys hitting the road?


It was wonderful to meet you.

It was wonderful
to meet you, too.

Thanks for all the help,
both of you guys.

My health now is amazing.

My hair is growing back.

Chris says it feels
like puppy hair.

He says I smell
like a puppy, too.

This whole season, I lost a lot.

I lost a lot of different
things, but at least

I got to keep the best of it all.

You know, I still have my wife
and you can't beat that.

Michael fights for fun.

So what is your specialty?

Ooh. Ow.

How awesome.

How about you suiting up?

You seemed to enjoy it.

This season, Tony Beets fails

to move his
second dredge an inch.

But dredge number one

turns out to be an awesome
gold-mining machine...

And brings Tony within 137 ounces
of his 2,000-ounce, $2.4 million goal.

Dredge one this year,
we made two and a half times

what we did last year in ounces.

We pulled in more gold
than the Hoffmans did all year.

But it's Monica who takes the
Beets family over the finish line.

So how much gold is in there?

The combined total
between the dredge

and Monica is 2,176 ounces.

My plant, in the short
amount of time we ran,

pulled out over 300 ounces.

And if it wasn't for that, we
wouldn't have hit 2,000 ounces.

It does a mama good
when she sees that.

Tony's got unfinished
business for next season.

So, Doumitt,
what's our season total?

You ready for this one?

How about 4,311 ounces?

For the fourth year in a row,

Parker Schnabel
smashes his season goal,

with 4,311 ounces...

A haul worth over $5 million.

Rick and Mitch and Brandon and
all these guys, Chris Doumitt,

when we set a goal,
they really want to hit it,

they want to exceed it.

Parker and I have mined
a lot of gold together,

Over 11,400 ounces

You know, that's $13 million.


You guys did a good
f*ckin' job this year.

I'm damn proud of all you guys.

And, Rick, that all
is thanks to you.

Hey, man, thank you.

Rick didn't even start sluicing until
about halfway through the season and

still managed 1,200 ounces out of Indian River this year.

But in the off season,

Parker and Rick's partnership

will be put
to the ultimate test.

Rick and I are taking on
a big, new adventure that

may be the dumbest
thing I ever do.

Rick and I have been planning
a trip up the Chilkoot Trail

to go from Skagway
all the way to Dawson...

The exact same track
that they did 118 years ago.

We're going to go and follow
in the footsteps of the

original gold rush stampeders.

Six days for us to hike over a

basically a mountain range.

And then it's like 150
miles worth of lakes.

And then 400 miles of river.

It's a bit of a testament to what
the old timers went through.

It's a bit of a testament to
what my grandpa went through.

And as long
as Rick's still in...

You guys know me, right?

I've never hiked a day in my life,
and I think canoes are stupid.

But I'm about to do something
right out of my wheelhouse.

We're making it.

We're making it to Dawson city,
one way or another.

I hope I don't die.

Stay tuned!


After striking out in Oregon,

Todd Hoffman hits
a home run in Colorado.

This is the best ground I've ever
been on, including the Klondike.

And you know what?
I'm not gonna give up my dream

and my freaking dream
is 5,000 ounces.

There at Fairplay, if we can
get going early next year

and run until the snow
kicks us out again,

You never know.
The sky's the limit.

I'm gonna move Monster
Red to Colorado.

And we're gonna get
5,000 ounces.

I'm gonna kick Parker's ass,

I'm gonna kick
freaking Tony's ass.

And that's how it's gonna
go down and in the end

the fat guy is gonna
get the last laugh.

But for seven years,
Todd's band of brothers

has depended on one man.

Dave Turin is coming
up to advise us.

Let's find some gold.

And put an angle iron on here.

Cut all the excess weight off,

I don't think we need this.
What do you think, James?

I think it'll work great.

Dave's a genius.

- It works good, man.
- Yeah, dude, looks good.

And now that era is over.

I'm done mining
with 316 mining
and Todd Hoffman.

I want to be in
charge of my future,

work with people that
I like and respect,

because then

I'll make the plan,
I'll call the sh*ts.