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07x15 - Excavator Down

Posted: 01/12/24 10:56
by bunniefuu
Man: you'd better get
the [bleep] down here.

It's not looking good.

on this "gold rush"...

There's nothing
to even say about this

'Cause of how big of
a [bleep] us it is.

Parker is just too moody.
I can't read him.

Parker: let's see what
old sluicifer done.

There's 50.

It's pretty obvious
in these two cleanups

That this is gonna be a pretty
good fight till the end.

Looks like
it's in pieces.

This [bleep] thing is heavy.


Today will be
the moment of truth

When we look in that box.


I really believe
that colorado gold

Is gonna save our season.

Shut it down!

it's weird seeing all this gold

And not having
the guys with us.

Breaks my heart.

You know why I'm calling.

The boundary cut extension's
just been

A real disappointment
all around.

Narrator: this season, parker
has set a mammoth target --

To mine 4,000 ounces
of gold worth $4.8 million.

He's running two claims.

Rick must sluice 1,000 ounces
from indian river

While parker is aiming
for 3,000 ounces

From his boundary
cut extension at scribner creek.

But the cut is
currently delivering

Only half the gold he needs.

Parker: you just keep putting
more money and it's been,

Uh, been really tough run.

Yeah, go ahead.

[bleep] damn it.

That is monumental [bleep] up.

What'd you do?

backed in a little

And then it was just
a little too far.

Next thing you know,
it sunk.

You couldn't walk
across that, like,

With your legs let alone
a [bleep] excavator.

100% My fault.

Yeah, there's
no doubt about that.

So are you gonna
fire me over this?

Uh, I haven't decided yet.

It really wasn't that bad
when I got in there.

There's nothing
to even say about this

'Cause of how big of
a [bleep] up it is.

-I agree.
-Yeah, so just --

Let's just keep
our [bleep] mouth shut.

The swamp part
is the no-go zone.

I didn't really tell them that
before they set out out here,

But, uh,

I thought it was
pretty self-explanatory.

It's a swamp.

Nice, huh?

no, not good at all.

My concern is [bleep]
it's a lot of [bleep]

In the water
and if it don't start,

We're really
in trouble then.

You know,
if it won't start,

It's definitely not
coming out of there.

Narrator: the 52-ton excavator
has been in the swamp,

Submerged up to its engine
housing, for over an hour.

Parker: mitch, brennan,
grab a couple hoes

And help pull me out of here.

You ready?

It just died.

Oh, this is gonna be bad.

got your safety on!

There you go.
We can get it.

Ruault: come on.


It's really leaning
on this corner.

Lean over this way.

Aw, man.
It's really leaning now.

[Bleep] stop.

Geez [bleep]

Well, I pulled out
a lot of stuck machines

In the mud,
but not this bad.

It's suctioned in
to the bottom.

It's all that mud.
It's like quicksand.

So you'll [bleep]
sink instantly.

This isn't working.

There's so much mud in here.

We just got to get the mud out
so we can break the suction.

It's gonna be messy.

Maybe we can just pull out
some of this soft stuff here.

And then we kind of work
this down a little bit.

mitch and brennan must

Dig a hole beside
the stranded excavator

To allow air between
the thick mud and the machine.

Nice mud.

We got to do this as fast
as we can here

'Cause, uh, the machine's
sinking as we speak.

It's moving.
-Come on. Go, go, go.

Get in it, parker.

with the suction broken,

Mitch and brennan
have one more shot

At pulling the excavator free.

Parker: come on, baby.

-Come on.
-Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

I should be able to make it.

Spin it.

I should be able
to get out of here.


Slick rick.

Did it.

-I'm glad that worked.

Blaschke: no damage other than
a door, it looks like.

So, uh,
we got really lucky.

We could've lost
that whole machine.

It can be scrap metal.

So glad it came out
as good as it did.


That's awesome.

Narrator: the five remaining
members of the hoffman crew

Are at the fairplay mine
in colorado.

Freddy threw us a lifeline,
went out on a limb.

it's todd's last chance
to dig himself out of debt.

Todd: but we ain't out
of the woods yet.

Let's just hope that there's
some damn gold with this dirt.

Today will be
the moment of truth

When we look in that box.

Narrator: freddy is managing
his plant, rusty red.

Hunter bails pay dirt
from the stockpile.

Jack feeds the hopper.

And jim thurber is
on tailings.

Thurber: yeah, we definitely
miss everybody.

We're just a band of brothers.

And, uh, half of 'em
aren't here.

They need to be here.

That's all there is to it.

Narrator: after six weeks
with no paycheck,

The rest of the crew quit
to find other work.

here we are three days in.

We got to get gold in the box.

Shut her down, todd.

See what the box looks like.

Hey, guys.
You ought to see this.


Look at that crap, buddy.


Todd: that's what we were
going for all summer.

It's weird seeing
all this gold

And not having
the guys with us.

Breaks my heart.

All right, we got hammers?

Let's pull 'em.


freddy found this claim

To help todd pay back
the rest of his crew.

It's freddy's wash plant
and todd's equipment.

But neither will
be taking a cent

Until they pay the missing
crew members

The money they're owed
in lost wages.

all I really want to do

Is get gold
in the guys' pockets.

Todd: you're right.

I really don't care
if I lose money.

This whole thing,
I'm taking it as my fault.

I just want
to get these guys

The gold that they need
to make it through the winter.

Thurber: okay.

Scoop number one,
here we go.

Jack: yeah, that doesn't
look all that bad.

Yeah, there's a lot
of gold on the table.

That's 1/2 inch deep.

Todd: what do we got?

Thurber: well, we haven't
weighed it up yet.

Oh, man.
That looks good.

Narrator: for fairplay
to be worth mining,

Todd needs this cleanup
to deliver around 40 ounces.

10, 15, 20, 25, 35...

Jack: 40.

Come on, 50.




Might as well
call it 50.


Freddy: if you add my 19
to that, todd,

We've got almost 69 ounces
of gold from fairplay already.

Narrator: 69 ounces
is worth $80,000.

But after running costs,

It will leave todd
around $20,000

Towards the $150,000
he owes his crew.

Todd: good gold.

Well, it looks good,
but it's not enough.

Hunter: if we're gonna get
gold to the guys,

We're gonna need
their help.

You know, just us,
we're not gonna be able

To get 'em anything.

Hunter's right.
We ain't gonna accomplish

What we really need to do
without more people.

We ain't gonna
do it with us five.

If we'd had
more guys, todd,

We'd have almost double
that in the pan.

We're barely mining,
but we're mining.

You know why I'm calling, dave,
is I need you back.

Dude, you're not telling me
anything I don't know.

Come on.

Don't do this.

All right.


How's it going, todd?

Well, I tried.

I was hoping
dave would come.

Yeah, if dave
would've came,

I'll bet a bunch of them
would've came.

Well, I don't know
what we're gonna do.

We need to think
of plan "b."

I don't know
what plan "b" is, todd.

But we need more people.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, dave.
It's freddy.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
tony's dredge is out of action.

He's still 223 ounces short

Of his 2,000-ounce,
$2.4 million goal.

And with less than two months
of the season remaining,

He's come up with
a radical solution.

Tony already has a 25-year-old
wash plant for monica.

There's just one problem.

Looks like
it's in pieces.

Half of them on the dredge,
half of them are in piles

Waiting to be put there.

-So what'd you steal from me?

that's a long list.

We stole those hoses
and that pipe.

Also, all the matting
is [bleep] gone.

Well, you're gonna have
to get all those parts,

Put them back in and get
this thing going again.

Kevin's gonna work
for me this time.

I put it together.

Once it's running,
that's her [bleep] problem.

I should be able
to do that.

I...see no reason why not.

tony wants monica to mine

1,800 Feet downstream
from the dredge

On a good patch of proven
ground known as the center cut.

To get monica's
operation up and running,

Kevin needs to haul
the wash plant 3,000 feet

Over an old tailings pile

Past the dredge

To its new pad beside
the settling pond

And the center cut.

Hook the cables up
and get the [bleep] out of here.

Beaudry: we're definitely
gonna have to work

In coordination with each other.

We'll pull it and, hopefully,

We don't tear
the [bleep] lines apart.

it takes 1,100 horsepower,

The combined strength of the d9
and the d10 dozer

To pull the 50-ton wash plant
through the soft ground.

This had better work.

Kevin: we got it here.

It was starting
to [bleep] sink.

[Bleep] sakes.

You [bleep] kidding me?

the wash plant is in place,

But it's wedged at an angle
nose-down in the dirt.

It's all on fresh moved dirt.

So it's gonna dig in
'cause it's loose.

[Bleep] trying to get it level
is -- is vital.

If we don't, within a week,
we'll be down for the week.

Narrator: mike brings in
tony's new pipe layer

To lift the wash plant.

Beaudry: we're gonna hook it up
to the pipe layer,

Lift the corner up, shovel
a bunch of dirt underneath.

Narrator: the pipe layer
can lift 51 tons,

About the same weight
as the wash plant.

This [bleep] thing is heavy.


We're running out
of [bleep] choices.

What can we run in there that's
gonna have the power to lift it?

Beaudry: what I'm thinking is
we can use the d9 ripper

And lift that corner
and put the side boom up here.

And with the two of them,
they might lift it.

Kevin: we're gonna hook up
with both the dozer

And the pipe layer.

Hopefully, we can
get it high enough.

about time we lift this thing.

There it is.

She looks pretty [bleep]
level this way.


It's a little blood,
sweat and tears.

And we get what we want.

-About [bleep] time.

You guys did good.
I'm -- I'm impressed.

My cut's finally
on its way to happening.

Is that what it's gonna
be like every time

I tell you
to do something?

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

Todd: I had no idea that this
summer was gonna be this tough.

But we're gonna push through.

We're gonna try
to make this work.

One -- one way or another,
we got to make this work.

Narrator: the last five members
of the hoffman crew

Are struggling
to run their new operation

At the fairplay mine
in colorado.

Hunter: it's good gold for what
yards we're running,

But it's not a ton of gold.

Seems like 75% of the stuff
we're running is pure rock.

Todd: dad!

We got a huge pile
on top of them grizzly bars.

I'll tell you what.

This feeder is not used
to this kind of rock.

the grizzlies can't deal

With this number
of mid-sized rocks.

They're jamming up.

Todd: the rocks are
stacking in there.

They're not letting the pay
get through the grizzly bars.

We're not running dirt,
we're losing gold.

Okay, guys.
Just scraping it off.

Todd: y'all ready?

Hey, guys, uh,
these rocks are backing up.

Thurber: once you start pushing
rocks at an angle,

It's shoving that rock
down into the grizzly.

This is not working.
I don't know what to do.

You're gonna have to
figure something out.

Hey, dad, why don't we, uh,
what if we brought in the 300,

The long boom and we scraped

The rocks
off the grizzly with that?

let's go for it.

Todd: my dad's tooth bucket

Was pushing the rocks
into the grizzly bars

And getting 'em stuck.

So I got this long stick 300.

I'm gonna bring it in,
have freddy scrape it

'Cause it's got a flat bucket.

I think he can pull
all the rocks off.

I'm really having a hard time
judging my distance here.

It's like trying
to do surgery with a --

With a butcher knife.

Freddy: this is gonna be
a pain in the ass

If we don't get it figured out.

Nailed it.
Dump 'em, jack.

Is that working?

It's hauling ass.

Jack: pay's going on down.

We're rocking and rolling.

We're just gonna have
to scrape the grizzly bars

With this
once in a while.

It's gonna be a lot of --

A lot of work going
back and forth.

Whatever we need
to do out here.

Narrator: at eureka creek,
the dredge is out of action.

So tony has put monica
in charge of getting

A traditional mining
operation up and running.

It's kind of nice
to finally be working on,

You know, my own [bleep]

I'm a simple woman.

All I need to be happy
is to move dirt.

But kevin's dredge is down.

So it puts a lot of pressure
on me getting gold.

Narrator: while monica strips
her new center cut,

Brother kevin is racing
to resurrect a wash plant.

Kevin: right now, we don't
have anything running.

Time isn't really
on our side anymore

And we just get [bleep] going.

to load the wash plant,

Tony has promised monica
a second excavator.

Monica: good.

We're just about
ready to go here,

But I'm missing a hoe.


Is that a thing?

If you say so.

Narrator: first task --

Remove the main pin
securing the crane boom.

Hit it
like you got a pair.

Beaudry: we were just, uh,

Had a little issues
getting the pins out.

A little rusty, some of them

That had been exposed
to the weather.

They were giving us
troubles coming out.

Cheeseman: I think the only way
we're gonna get this pin out

Is to use, uh, a 110 press
and hydraulic pressure.

Narrator: gene's plan --
weld a nut to the end of the pin

And screw in a long bolt
attached to a hydraulic ram.

A large steel
cylinder holds the ram

From the arm of the pipe layer.

As the ram extends,
it pushes the cylinder

Against the pipe layer arm

And should pull the pin
out of the socket.

Man: got it?

Okay, she's all yours, man.


-Oh [bleep]

Monica: oh, you [bleep]

Kevin: well, that didn't work
very [bleep] well, did it?

the weld on the nut failed,

Causing the long bolt
to sheer off.

And now we got the [bleep]
thing stuck in there.

Cheeseman: what's taking you
so [bleep] long?

Their only option --
weld the bolt back together.

-Okay. Yep.

yep, here she comes.

Yeah, she's coming now.



Cheeseman: you know, a little
perseverance, we got it out.

So, got it done.

It took longer than we wanted,
but it's done.

So ready to start
putting it back together now.

Let's get to work.

Monica: that's neat.

Everything went pretty good

And didn't break anything,
and we're ready to go.

this pipe layer's full.

We got to get that
wash plant running.

Yesterday isn't soon enough.

Things have been good
the last few days,

So, uh, yeah.

We just add another shift
and it should double our goal.

Narrator: rick ness is starting
his second week

Running pay dirt
at indian river.

To stay on track
for his 1,000 ounces

Towards parker's
4,000-ounce season goal,

He's planning to sluice
around the clock.

Run time's been good
during the day.

There's no reason
it shouldn't be at night.

There's a lot of good
gold in the ground.

Uh, can't really
change anything

Except add more hours to it.

So we're adding
the night shift tonight.

And we're just gonna try to run
this thing as much as we can.

What's up?

We got a problem
with the water pump.

Aw, for [bleep] sake.

Well, we got to shut it down
and find out why.

Copy that.

Narrator: only half the normal
volume of water

Is running through the plant.

Blaschke: this is rock
right off the bottom

Deck of the screen.

And as you can see, we still
lots of fines on it here.

The biggest problem
is we don't have the water

Coming through at the volume

And the pressure
to clean the rock.

And, uh, that means
we probably got lots of gold

Just rolling right on out.

Shut all this off.

the pump at the intake pond

Is capable of pumping
5,000 gallons

Of water per minute.

it has a regen system.

It's giving us some
issues right now.

Narrator: but because
of a computer malfunction,

It's moving only
a fraction of that.

-How's it going?

Some problems
with the pump.

That's not [bleep] good.

-No, I know.
-We have to do something.

Hopefully, mitch can get,
uh, that pump back online.

Well, you have to be
sluicing by the night shift,

So just make it happen.

All right.

Yeah, it's probably
gonna be a good 4, 5 days,

Even a week before I get parts
for our pump,

So I found, uh, a neighbor

Who was willing
to lend me one.

Narrator: at indian river,
rick is under pressure.

His pump is down and parker
wants him sluicing again

In time for the night shift.

Uh, major setbacks today.

It's 1,000 ounces.
It was looking good.

Now it's looking bad.
I tell you what, though.

We shut down for 4 or 5 days,

There's absolutely no way
we're gonna get there.

I honestly don't know, uh, um,
how parker views me,

If -- if it's just as a friend
or a colleague.

It's, uh, it's --
it always seems different.

I don't know.

Depending on his mood,
he's just too moody.

I can't read him.

Hey, clint.

Are you kidding me?

It was last used
three years ago.

But it's just got a tree
growing through it now.

Well, if it runs,
it'll get me out of a jam

For a couple of days.

-Hopefully, it works for you.

Narrator: it's 5:00 p.m.,

Just 3 hours
till the night crew

Is due to start the shift.

And mitch still needs

To hook the pump up
to big red.

This is like going
from a sports car

To a pedal car.

You know, it's just
a temporary, uh, fix.

It's been sitting
for a lot of years

And, uh, just trying
to get some life back in it.

Hopefully, we can
start sluicing today.

Better than sitting
idle for days.

Oh, yeah.

[ Engine sputtering ]

All right.

So, we went to fire
the pump up.

Noticed it isn't
wanting to run.

Well, the fuel system

Was hooked up
to an auxiliary t*nk.

So we've got to
plumb our lines

Here into the fuel t*nk.

Definitely is not gonna run
without any fuel.

the fuel line has been modified

To connect to an auxiliary t*nk.

They're not using
an external t*nk.

So mitch needs to reconnect
the pipe

To the pump's internal t*nk
before it can run.

If we had a better option,

We'd definitely be using it
and taking it right now.

But this is all we got.

So we're gonna try and make
something out of nothing here.

Put pickups in
and rerouted the lines

Back to the original t*nk.

Oh, yeah.
That's feeling good.

[ Engine starts ]

Yeah, it's going.

Come on, baby.
Pumping water now.

She's back up and running.

Back up to speed.

Narrator: big red once again
has 1,500 gallons

Of water per minute
running through the sluices.

Man: all right,
here we go.

First scoop of
the night shift.

Let's get some gold here.

We are sluicing.

-How's it going?

It's doing the job.

There's some water.
It's nice.

Is he gonna make it
through the night?

Yeah, it's good run time.

I mean, we're 20,
22, 23 hours a day.

Better to be putting in laps
than, uh, sitting in the pits.

Oh, for sure, man.
We're making money

Instead of not
making money.

Getting gold.

Good job, guys.

-Hey, chick.
-What's up?

Narrator: monica beets

Is starting her own operation
to help her father, tony,

Reach his 2,000-ounce,

$2.4 million season goal.

-You ready to go or what?
-Of course.

Beaudry: everything's
ready to [bleep] fire up.

Narrator: kevin and mike have
finished restoring

The 25-year-old wash plant.

No time like
the present, right?

Let's see if she fires.

-All right.
-If you could do the pump,

Mike, I'd love to see
this thing [bleep] running.

-[Bleep] I'll get on that.
-Thanks, brah.

Good to go, kevin.


Ready or not,
here comes the water.

Kevin: [bleep]

We got [bleep] up
all here, mike.

No water at all.


It's a piece of [bleep]

Well, we got
a little bit of a leak.

Shut her down.

Beaudry: the pipeline here
burst apart.

How [bleep] bolts [bleep]

The bolt's threads
are [bleep]

So mike's fixing those up.

Narrator: a bolt has failed
on the clamp holding together

Two sections of 18-inch
cast-iron pipe.

Yeah, that whole
pipeline split.

So now we got to [bleep] run to
pull that [bleep] back together.

Monica: we got to get that
wash plant running now.

I mean, it's the end
of the season.

I got to make money.

Everybody else has.

it's a simple fix --

Replace the stripped bolt
and refit the gasket and clamp.

It's as good as it's gonna get.


Finally, it is
the moment of truth.

Monica: whoo.
[Bleep] awesome.

It is nice to start sluicing.

Everybody kind of knows
what their job is.

And dad's pretty adamant

About getting this [bleep]
2,000-ounce goal done.

So my crew and I are
going to push through

And get these 2,000 ounces.

If I can help him achieve that,
I will be pretty happy.

Narrator: 22-year-old monica

Is finally up and running
with her own operation.

-Thanks, guys.

It's your baby now.

Put it together.
You gonna make it run.

No, no.
See, you made it run,

But I'll make it produce.

Oh, I get one, too.
Holy [bleep]

I was working out
like a freight train.

-How's it going?

Good to see you.

Todd's called me.
He wants us back.

Has he called
any of you guys?

Man #1: he's talking about
colorado, dave.

That's further from home,
it's more risk.

Man #2: it's a big gamble.

I've got a baby
due in a few months.

I can't be taking gambles
at this point.

Just heard it
and seen it all before.

There's gold there.

I'm not going on todd's word.
I'm going on freddy's word.

Panful of gold.

Narrator: with just a third
of the season left,

Parker is less than halfway
to his 4,000-ounce,

$4.8 million goal.

Since you beat us last time,
you're up first, rick.


To stay on track for indian
river's 1,000-ounce target,

Rick needs just
over 100 ounces.

-Indian river. Let's go.
-Count it out, rick.

Ness: all right.

Here's 20, 30, 40...

There's 100.
-Broke 100.


-There you go.

106 On the button.

-Holy crap.

Ooh, a nice little nugget
in there, too.

$125,000 worth of gold.

That's just over
an ounce an hour.

Ness: I mean, we had some
downtime with the pump.

Yeah, it's too bad
about that pump,

But it's just got a lot
of new, fancy stuff on it

That the yukon
likes to chew up

And spit out.

We can still get --
we can still get to 1,000.

-Oh, yeah. Good job, rick.

-All right.
-All right.

Let's see what
old sluicifer done.

Narrator: last week,
parker got less gold than rick.

To save face,

He needs to beat
rick's 106 ounces.

There's 50, 80, 100...

-Oh, you're over.
-Oh, yeah.

-What is it?

Man: shuka!

-10-Ounce difference, huh?
-10 Ounce.

That's from sluicifer.


We -- we're --

We're kind of celebrating
two not great cleanups.

For the hours we ran,
that still should be twice that.

Narrator: 116 ounces
is worth around $140,000.

But to reach his season goal,

Parker needs sluicifer

To deliver over
200 ounces every week.

Yeah, I mean,
this our best cleanup yet

From that boundary cut

And it's still half
of what we need.


we've been cursed this week.

Pumps failing and excavators
in the [bleep] swamp.

Still got a lot of gold to find.

It's a long ways
to 4,000 ounces.

Narrator: todd and freddy have
started producing gold

From their new
colorado operation

With the aim of paying
their old crew

The money todd owes them.

They've earned it.

They just need to get paid.

We spend more time
with the crew

Than our families at home.

So when we're not together,
it just doesn't seem right.


Stop feeding it.


Get a [bleep] radio.

Shut it off.

[Bleep] man.


big-ass rock got in there

And blew a hole in the conveyor.

Damn it.

We're screwed.

The pay dirt may have
quite a bit of gold in it.

But if we don't get it run

Through the plant,
doesn't matter.

So the rocks
are tearing up the belt.

We're gonna have to figure out
how to peel 'em out.

Narrator: working solo
to come up with a fix,

Freddy faces an uphill battle

To get the plant
back up and running.

time to fix it right.

Can't keep doing this.

Hopefully, it keep
those damn rocks

From getting in that tailwheel.

[ Horn honking ]

What the heck?

What the heck's going on?

this is a surprise.

What are you guys doing here?

Tony: watch yourself.

on the next "gold rush"...

Tony: not the cleanest head,
the lowest head.

Now we're gonna see
some commotion at thistle creek.

this is the whole plan.

Named it double trouble.

we need this thing to work.

It's not exactly
what I expected.

This week needs to be
a 200-ounce week.

We just got to crank
everything to 11.

What the [bleep]

Hey, chris.
Look at the tailings.

Doumitt: andrew.
No, no, no, no.