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01x23 - End of w*r

Posted: 01/12/24 07:24
by bunniefuu
Of.. Bocce. How the hell

am I supposed to go on now without you?

I was told to expect to be in here at least ten years.

But is even that enough? I'm not running away.

I need to face up to what I did.

At least I learned that much from him.

And. So this time I'm going to actually do the right thing.

Don't k*ll yourself, Kazuteru.

How did you.

I know what you meant because I

know what you're thinking right now.

And I'll never forgive you if you take

your own life to try to make amends.

But I just. I don't know what

else there is. What else can I do?

I have a message from Mikey. He told me to tell you this.

You're still a part of Tommen.

And I forgive you.

This is what you wanted me to do, isn't it? Apache.

Man. It's cold out here. Yep. Winter's here.

Please take care of yourself. Kasutori.

Oh, yeah. And I've got a message

from Mikey for you to take. Mikey. Huh?

What did Mikey have to say? Well,

he wanted me to tell you to be sure

to show up at our next meeting.

He's got something important to tell you.

Something important. I wonder what it is.

That sounds a little scary, to be honest.

In the end, I couldn't do anything

useful at all. In the bloody Halloween battle,

Baji died and Kazutoyo was arrested.

But Kazutoyo wasn't k*lled by myki, which means

that just maybe we were able to prevent

the future where Kizaki takes over Tommen.

I guess that'll be clear at our next meeting,

huh? Shibuya Where are we going?

My place. It's around the corner. So we're stopping by..

Around the corner. From what? Uh, I mean,

we're right in the middle of Shibuya here.

Huh? Are you telling me this is your place?

Geez. Do you ever shut up? Man, you scored.

Are you jealous? Wow. You're a total city boy.

Honestly, it's not what you think.

Come on in, guys.

Sorry. I think we came in the wrong door somehow. I'm home.

Oh, sorry. I didn't notice it was you. What are you..

Doing home so early, Kenny boy? What

kind of delinquent acts like that?

As long as you're here, take out that load of dirty towels.

Oh, yeah. And you need to change

the light bulb in the break room.

It wouldn't k*ll either of you to say please once in a while.

Sorry about this. Just wait for me in the lobby

for a little while, okay? Ha ha.

Schoƶcken lives in a brothel. How the hell did that ever happen?

And how is that even possible?

And why does this guy keep clipping his nails?

All right, now, just a little bathroom break.

Thank you for waiting for me.

Thank you so much for requesting me. I'm Raimy.

Just come with me, okay? Uh. Okay.

You're young.

Let's get you in the shower first.

I'm so glad you chose me, Takamichi. You're totally my type.

Wait is jacking trying to give me a surprise

present here so I can finally say goodbye to my virginity.

Are you telling me it's time to become a man? Drunken.


Is it okay if I come in?

Is this okay? Me? Are you really going to do this? Michie.

Yes. Thank you. Dragon.

Now, what the hell do you think you're doing?

You got to be kidding. This guy's just one of your friends.

Raimy, you can't assume every man you run into is a customer.

Well, keep your friends out of the damn lobby, then. Dumb ass.

Idiot. I have no idea what's going on anymore.

I grew up without any parents, so I guess

you could say I ended up getting raised by everyone here.

You just casually dropped a bombshell like it was nothing.

Come on.

This is hilarious because other than Mikey,

you're the first person I've had here.

This has been your room for your whole life.

Yeah, it's not big, but it's got

everything I need. Have a seat.

I think I'm starting to see why

Drakken's always seemed so grown up.

Okay. Huh? Whoa. Look at all these pictures you have.

That's a great one of Mikey. And here's Emma, too.

I guess you actually do care about her. What? Shut up.

Oh. There's bocce. These are all the people

who are most important to me. Huh?

I can never let anything happen to them.

And that's why I wanted to k*ll Kazuteru.

I know that would have been wrong.

What's still. So thank you for stopping, Mikey.

I wanted to, but I couldn't.

I think I understand how Jackson feels.

I'm trying to do my best to for

all the people who are most important to me.

Uh. But it's nice to know Joplin really does like Emma.

Despite the tough guy routine he puts on.

You've got this Emma. Keep after him.

And he might come around someday.

What am I? Wow. Speak of the

devil. Hey, Emma, wait up. Oh.

Love you, Mikey.


You've got to be sh1tting me.

You're kidding, right, Emma? Cheating is bad enough,

but of all people, it had to be with Mikey.

It's hitting way too close to home.

Don't you know what would happen if Drokken saw this?

You've got some explaining to do. What

the hell do you think you're doing with them, huh?

This girl belongs to me. That does it.

From now on, you're my blood enemy.

Jackass. Yeah. Then bring it on, pal. I'll m*rder you. Whoa.

Whoa. It's all over for sure this time.

Tomorrow's final battle is about to begin. This is Armageddon. Indeed.

I do smell an intriguing mystery. My dear Watson. Huh? Heena.

Hi, Takamichi. And you're here too. Sorry for sneaking up on you.

We were out shopping, and we just happened to see you here.

Oh, well, good to see you, Naruto.

Quit hanging on to me. Nope.

This is strange. Emma lives and breathes Dragon. So what

we're seeing just can't be happening.

There's something quite suspicious going on. Don't you agree with me, Takamichi?

Uh huh, Well, I intend to solve this mystery.

Solve it in the name of my grandpa.

Ought to just go along with it.

Takamichi She watched so many of these detective

series lately. She's kind of nuts.

Come on, get over here, you guys.

We don't want to lose sight of them.

Uh. Uh. It just came out about

a week ago. Say, ah. Oh.

Thanks. You see, I still know what you like.

So where'd you get that pipe? Gina.

Pay attention, dear. Watson. Focus on Emma's eyes.

Her eyes? Those are definitely the eyes

of a girl in love. Women can tell.

Is it that clear? Yeah. I see what you mean.

She does look like she's in love.

Creep. I told you to look at her eyes.

There it is. Hinata's. Detective Punch-out.

Hey, Takamichi, is that you? Huh? Whoa. Yamagishi.

Yeah. From what you say, I definitely smell a case here.

No doubt. That's why we're following them

around to try and find out the truth.

But so far, we still don't have any solid evidence. Hmm.

I've been hearing rumors about this Emma chick myself.

My sources tell me that there have been

numerous sightings of Emma recently leaving Mikey's house along with him,

and it's almost invariably early in the morning.

The obvious conclusion would be she's spending

the night with him and going home the next day.

That's super bad news. As tragic as it is,

we have to face the fact that this

mystery has now been completely solved.

Emma and Mikey are positively a couple.

Timers. No way. All that's left now is to get their confessions.

Um. You're not going to ambush them, are you?

I really don't think that's a very good idea.

It's the only way to know for sure if this is happening.

I feel terrible for Drokken hyena.

But if it's true and Drokken finds out,

there's going to be blood for sure. Oh.

Oh, God, no. What is he doing here now?

Who did your girlfriend say she feels

terrible for? Talk about bad timing.

Hey, what's up? Please, you two. Don't even try to lie.

Tell me what's going on, huh?

Hello? Emma and Mikey.

It's not what it looks like. Jargon, I swear. Dragon.

It's all over. What a disaster.

Check this out. Hanging out with your

little sister on her birthday. Mikey.

Shut up. Huh? Little sister. Oh, wait.

Did you not already know about that? Take Mikey,

Mikey and Emma. Here are brother and

sister, though their moms are different.

Now that you mention it, I guess they do sort of look alike.

You think so? You know, I could have..

Sworn I told you about this hyena. Damn.

Is that true, Detective? And how about you, Yamagishi? Whoa.

Doesn't this parfait look delicious? Yeah, it sure does.

Humm, it's a fluffy. Yeah, she just forgot. Here.

Huh? Have a happy birthday, Emma. Well.

That's the thing. You wanted from the arcade the other day. Oh.

Well, then I guess I'll see you later.

Oh. He's so cool. I'm so happy for you, Emma.

When I grow up.

I've never seen Emma look so happy before.

Yeah. I hope those two get everything worked out. Yeah.

And, hey.

I hope that everything's going

to work out okay between the two of us to.

I have a feeling they will.

What just happened?

Looks like you and I have been totally forgotten. Like yesterday's paper.

We're home. Thanks for walking me back home. Good night.

Uh huh..


It's Metzia. Hey, what's up?

Huh? Hey, Taki Mitchy.

Damn. Is that Per. Wow. He looks so unnerving.

Hey, man, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long.

I know Mitsuya called you here, but he's busy right now,

so I'll take you in instead.

Come on. Oh, yeah, sure. So I guess

you go to the same junior high as me. To you, right? Yeah.

We're the same school and the same division.

Why? Do you have a problem with that? No.

We're here. Huh? The home ec room.

Man, I hate dealing with her. Huh? With who? Hayashi.

Are you here to bother our president again?

Maybe I could. Well, he's..

Busy now anyway, so just get lost.

But could I just. And also. Why are you dressed like that?

It's only because you dress that way

that the teachers are always picking on you. Uh.

What's up. President? Hayashi is here for you again, huh? Mitsuya.

Hey, Taki. Michie. Hi. And Yasuda. Come on. Go easy on pay.

I asked him to run an errand for me, so it's all good.

I can't help it. I hate all delinquents. Except you.

Why does she keep calling you President

Mitsuya? Come in and you'll see.

Oh, President, can you take a look at this?

I need you over here too.

President, I'll get to you all. He's president of the sewing club.

Wait right here for just a bit. Taki Michie. It's almost done.

Okay. Yamada, let me suggest maybe a

half stitch would work better there.

All right. And, Kawai, I think you should

try a blanket stitch to close off those sides.

Okay. Careful not to hurt your fingers when you're in close.

He's in a biker g*ng, but he's

still living his school life to the fullest. Man, Mitsuya is amazing.

What's he mean by almost done? What was he talking about?

Your jacket. Huh? It's really pretty..

Impressive that Misha himself took on the job

of making your new jacket for you.

Oh, that's hard to believe, actually.

First time since the OG members, right?

Misha and Teoman. Our only actual formal wear is our jackets.

I just wanted to show you my thanks to Akimichi.

You saved Rockin at the Battle of August rd.

And you open everyone's eyes at the belated Halloween.

It was really pretty amazing. So I wanted

to be the one to do your jacket. Uh.

Thank you so much, you dumb ass.

Doing this for you is my pleasure.

There. It's done. Now try it on

Takamichi so I can make adjustments.

Glad to. Tomorrow's meeting is.. Going to be a big deal.

Is he smiling? Yes. I'll wait by myself

over here.

Yeah. Yeah. Hey, hurry up. Tsukimichi this

attention. It's all kind of embarrassing.

We want to show you off. All right, then.

Myself. There you go. One way to say, Hey, over here.

Get up here.


Her look, actually.

You've changed up your look. I see.

Yeah. I think the jacket is wearing

me instead of the other way around.

At this time, I formally welcome you into Toma. Right.

I accept this honor. Thank you. Yeah. Okay.

This meeting is now.. In order, right?

This night's going to be important for you. I hope you're ready.

If. Are you?

Valhalla, huh? Oh, God.

What's going? Mr. Honma and JI for you.

Our gathering tonight is about to get messy.

We're settling things for good after the bloody Halloween.

. I know. I know. I think.

Going to say. God, they may have thrown the dummy. Dummy. No.