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01x16 - Once upon a time

Posted: 01/12/24 07:19
by bunniefuu
I'll help you do that. Kazuteru. Hold on just a second.

You're one of the founding members of Towman along with Mikey,

isn't that right? Why are you betraying them?

You know nothing about it. If you did,

you'd know he's a founding member, too. Huh?

Mm. Casa Toro has an old grudge against Toma.

I'll never forget it. The summer of .

When I was a first year in

middle school, we were running wild.

Was the middle of summer, but it was a slightly chilly day.

Speech time, b*tches.

Damn, this rock's so amazing.

Man, that ocean breeze feels so good.

Hey, Grandpa. Why you got to go so slow?

What the hell am I supposed to do?

It's not my fault. He's so damn slow.

Hurry it up, Mikey.

Mikey. Dude, you got to quit trying to rock that moped.

You're our commander. Get a real motorcycle already?

Nah, thanks, but my old ride suits me just fine.

You're not trying to shit on my street, Hawk.

My cb t cc model man.

You can call it anything you want,

but it's still just a damn moped.

You know, you can't even rev that wimpy thing..

Now without it taking off on you.

Believe me, I've seen that happen to guys.

So it's just like Mikey, actually. Only with Mikey, it'd be slower.

I know you'd prefer to have a real cb,

but there's no one older here who's

about to let you have one.

Hey. Hey. Look at what we got here.

Seriously? Look at the cute little boys

in their brand new matching g*ng jackets. Tokyo Manji g*ng, huh?

Nope. Never heard of you. Where the hell

you loser wannabes wash up from? This here is Yokohama cupcakes.

If you little shits want to play pretend gangster,

then you came to the wrong place. Get your asses back home.

Uh, well, I don't know about you,

but I figure as long as we're all here getting acquainted,

I'm going to scrap that piece of shit

moped of yours. I'm sure you won't mind.

If you lay one finger on my

precious streethawk. You're dead, huh?

Yeah. It's not worth it.

But next time we catch you around here,

we're going to mess you up big time.

Yeah, we're going to torch all your crap bikes, too.

Come on back when you grow some balls.

What do you want to do? Go and k*ll him.

Go in five against five, we'd kick their heads in in no time.

They already left. So I say let it go.

I ain't exactly the brains here. So you guys decide.

Anyway, it's all because of your stupid bike,

Mikey. Yeah, you got that right.

What's that supposed to mean?

I think you guys really pushed out.

We should have ripped those assholes a new one, man.

Yeah, you got that right. Mikey's gotten

way mellow ever since he started hanging out with Drokken.

Yeah, I'd have beaten that guy's ugly face to a pulp.

What's the matter, Mikey? I think I'm

out of gas. You're sh1tting..

Me. How many times did we tell you to fill it up..

For a leader? You kind of suck at planning stuff, huh, Mikey?

Push it to a gas station. We'll

meet up with you later on at the beach.

You know what? This is a full blown emergency, you guys.

Tillman is in some serious shit now.

Say what? Hate to break it to you,

Mikey, but you're running out of gas. Is your problem.

It's not just my problem. Which means

the guy who's walking to the gas station is.

You can't mean that seriously. And here we go again.

The loser at Rochambeau. Yeah, I knew it. That's harsh, man.

Damn it. It's freaking hot over here.

How the hell did I get stuck

with this? Thanks for nothing, Mikey.

Oh, we're at the beach, b*tches. Yeah.

Let's do it. Mitsuya. You can't keep up with me.

Last one in open water buys lunch. You don't stand a chance.

Seriously when there are all these beautiful babes here.

Oh, man. Now those are a sight for sore eyes.

Oh, hey, wait. Where's Mikey?

Sure. Just push the damn thing to a gas station.

Except there ain't one anyone near here.

Well. Well, what do we have here?

It's one of those little shits from before.

How to guess, huh? Can't get lamer than that.

Your little friends left you a.

Remember how we told you we were going

to mess you up the next time we saw you?

Ha ha.. Ha.. Ha.

You're tougher than you look. I'll give you that.

We can destroy that punk ass moped of his at least. Ha

ha ha

ha. Uh huh.

You gotta be shittin me.

Piece of shit. Lay one hand on

Mikey's precious ride and you're dead.

What the is that.. Stupid

moped really all that important to you?

What the hell are you smiling about?

You're all just sheep. What? You.

And now one of you is even worthy to ride those bikes.

The hell do you say? Shut up,

you little shit. Smash them both, guys.

Hey there. Huh? Huh?

And now what? Another victim. Hey, guys.

Another piece of trash just strolled in.

Whoa. It's Mikey. Had to come back. I forgot my trunks.

Holy shit, dude, Did you really do that?

You assholes. Oh,

you'll pay for wrecking something so near and dear to me.

You're the one.. Who kicked it over. Oh.

Body. Good.

You ended up getting hurt over such a dumb thing. I'm sorry.

It's all right, Mikey. If you're okay, then

let's finish this off. Let's k*ll them all.

We'll see who gets k*lled. Dumb asses.

Even back then, Mikey was an invincible badass.

Hey, Kazuteru. Where are we going to now?

Well, Mikey's birthday is coming up, right?

So we're going shopping for a present for him.

What kind of present? We got no money. No need, huh?

We're going to get him a cb t. Nobody has one of those.

What's up?

Just trust me. I got this.

Over there. That's the place.

It's here. Yeah. There it is. Oh.

A cb t. It's beautiful. All right, let's steal it.

Huh? Wait. We can't do that. Why not?

There's no way Mikey would go for that.

He'd never want us to get him one That way.

You dumb ass. We don't need to tell him how we got it.

The only way kids like us ever

get one is if somebody gives us one or if we steal one.

Come on. What are you freaking out about?

There's no way that gas t*nk is going to be empty.

This is a piece of cake, dumbass.

That is not the point here. I'm

trying to tell you stealing is bad.

But you want to see Mikey happy, right? This is the way.

And you know, this is the bike he's always dreamed of.

I know all that, but.

This is messed up. You're always the first one to complain.

And yet here you are again, right by my side.

Let's go. Seriously?

Oh, it actually opened.

And no security alarms or anything. Sweet.

What are you doing? Just standing there? Bodjie.

Are we really going to do this

because of Tora? Keep it down, dude.

Well, there's no turning back now. Just shut up.

Which way do we go?

Look there, Bodgie.


It's a cb t. It's so.. Awesome.

Wait. This one isn't new. Oh, yeah, you're right.

It must be here for maintenance. This is a total custom job.

Look at those fat tires and wheels. Damn this bike.

Mike, you would look so super badass on this.

All right, Give me the bolt cutters.

Damn it.

Sucker doesn't want to break.

Hurry up, damn it. I think I almost got it.

Yeah. Yeah, we did it. All right, let's roll it out.

No, he's got gas in the t*nk. Let's start it.

No, not yet. I'll go out front and open the shutters up.

Yeah, okay. Hurry up.

This might actually work because. I know when we give this to

Mikey, he's going to freak out.

And I have the best birthday ever, Mikey.


The hell's this? You robbing me?

Oh, shit.

You picked the wrong shop to break into. You assh*le.

Damn. And he's got a w*apon there. This is bad.

You thieving little bastard. You thought you

could get away with this? No way.

Oh, man, we're so screwed. He totally saw my face.

Even if we make it out of here, we'll be arrested.

Now, what are we going to do?


Hey, wait a sec. You look familiar.

Are you okay?

Oh, she she. Did she throw.

What are you doing? Why are you in here?

More like. What are you doing here

in my shop? This is your shot, Shin'ichiro.

No cause. Tora! Don't.

Time to get out of here. Bodgie.


Oh, my God. What have you done? Cazadora.

Huh? What was I supposed to do? He saw your face.

No, dumbass. You don't know what I'm talking about.

This guy's name is Shin'ichiro. Huh? I know.. Him just..

Because he's Mikey's older brother.


seen it. . No.

Mikey's brother. No way.


What are we going to do tomorrow?

What are we going to do? Dude, he stopped breathing.

He's not breathing anymore.

Shit, shit, shit, shit. What have we.. Done?

This can't be happening.

How could we have made such a huge mistake?

We were trying to steal a bike

that.. Belonged to Mikey's older brother.

What do we do? What are we do? Ha ha.

Oo oo oo. I didn't do it. I didn't k*ll him, did I?

We have to get him help. My God. If I'd.. Known.

I never would have. I wouldn't hate

him if I knew it was my brother.

We have to call for napkins.

We'll call for an ambulance and then get out of here.

But it doesn't make any sense. I was only doing this for..

Mikey in the.. First place.

What's that number? Gotta think. I don't.

I don't understand. I only wanted to.

. Do something nice for Mikey.

Oh, shit. The cops.

We've got to get out of here. Come on. Wait a sec.

This whole thing wasn't me. Not my fault.

This is Mikey's fault, isn't it? Huh?

Now. I see. Uh cazadora.

So that's the answer. I have to k*ll Mikey.

Roger that, Dispatch. We have two suspects in custody at the scene.

One victim, severe head trauma en route

to the hospital by ambulance code three

condition critical and believed to be the shop owner.

Tentative ID one Shinichiro Sano, one suspect captured..

With w*apon on the scene. Lab is dusting

for prints over. I don't get it.

How could any of this have happened? Must k*ll.

Must k*ll. Mikey.

Way. Budgie.

What's going on?

Mikey. What happened in there? Shh. I'm so sorry.

nine. Nine by nine. Anybody know? I think

I believe I'm going to say God.

They may have thrown a dummy dummy.