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01x15 - No Pain, no gain

Posted: 01/12/24 07:19
by bunniefuu
All right, listen up, you grunts. Toman's

new captain of the third Division is sitting

here right behind me. Tita Kizaki.

Hey. So what's going on here, huh?

Looks like I nearly missed the fun, huh?

Why are you here, Bodjie? You've been

banned from attending our meetings, remember?

So does that mean I'm finally going

to be fired for ruining your precious meeting?

What the hell is this guy talking about?

You don't want any troublemakers, do you, Mikey? Budgie.

So your first division captain will just go ahead and resign.

And starting right now. Toman's former captain becomes its enemy.

I need something. A favor. Sure. I want

you to bring Budgie back from Valhalla. Think you can do that?

Yeah. If that's what you want. Mikey. You got it.

But. Do you think I could ask

for one thing in return? You've got. A key out of Tomo. Fine.

We're going to end up butting heads with Valhalla pretty soon.

Just bring bocce back before them. Prove

you can be even more useful to me than Kizuki.


Hey, girls. Slow down.

Oh, yeah, that's right. I couldn't even.

I want you to bring Bodjie back from Valhalla.

But if you fail, I'll k*ll you.

What am I going to do? Mitchie.

Now what? Hey, we heard the news.

So I guess you're officially part of Toma now, huh? Yeah, well.

Hey, what's the matter? Why so bummed out.

Huh? Oh, it's nothing. I'm not really

sure how it happened. It's kind of weird.

Hey, tell us all about it. I can't

even look arcoon in the eye.

I can't believe our crybabies in and man.

Man if you're in, then I want to join up too.

Yeah, well, it's really not as great as you guys are thinking.


Now. Not at the. What could

I tell you? To you. Hold on.

How many? Oh, my. One year, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.

The book.

Boom. I could take it. I could say. So. Hey now, old are you?

The Fannie Mae.

Of our. I get in any trouble? The.

The gangster. De Naka koto GA.

Daddy, get the vie.

Another daughter, Yorokobi. Go to your.

Cuny Setouchi. Shi Nagata.

I get it. So if you don't

get former First Division Captain Bhajji to

switch from Valhalla back to Toman,

then Mikey told you he's going to k*ll you.

Yeah, and I only have until Tommen's

showdown with Valhalla starts to do it.

And who the hell even knows when that might happen?

If it's today, then I guess this is goodbye.

But we'll all mourn for you. Not to mention,

I have no way of knowing what's going on internally with Tommen.

And I barely even know what this Valhalla g*ng is.

Hey, g*ng. A PDA? Huh? Okay, I'll explain.

I'll try to use small words.

The Tokyo Manji g*ng or just Toman for short.

The commander, of course, is Mickey, and the vice Commander's Dragon.

Under them are five divisions, with about members in each division,

which makes Toman a huge biker g*ng with about active members.

Everyone following all this so far?

Wow. I had no idea. Are you..

Kidding me? And you call yourself a delinquent? Sorry.

You better start taking some notes. This

is all going to be on the test. You three, quit goofing off.

Talk about overplaying the part. From what I had heard recently,

the former third Division Captain Parr was arrested by the police,

and so his former vice captain Parr,

was moved to the second division.

Huh. I didn't know that. So they

put in the division under Mitsuya.

Yes. That means I'm in the same division with Parr.

That guy's had it in for me from the start,

Chucky. Even his voice is scary.

And the one who took his place as Third Division Captain Keisuke?

That's right. Former leader of Mobius. Mobius

was a fractured entity right from the start of its existence.

One half was born in and led

by Osanai and the other in by Kizuki.

And they were always butting heads.

So even though they were all one g*ng,

there was a lot of internal conflict.

After Osanai got beaten by Mikey. Mobius was basically disbanded,

and then the group, led by Kizuki,

joined Tomo, which resulted in Toman going

instantly from members to .

It also meant that within Toman, Kazuki's

third Division ended up way bigger than any other division.

Is bad news. But he's strong and in

the future we'll need that strength.

Then what happened to the Mobius members that were followers of Osanai?

The remaining members from the and gangs

joined together under a different leader. Shuji Honma.

Him. Oh, that's right. At the battle on August rd,

he said he was just the temporary commander.

So then Honma took those remaining Mobius

members and joined them with all the Anti-ottoman forces to create Valhalla.

Valhalla is sitting at about members right now.

You've got to be kidding me. That freak is commanding men.

He's the acting commander, Remember, No one

knows yet who the real commander is.

The commander has no face. That's why

they call Valhalla. The Headless Angel.

So that's the g*ng bosses with now.

I guess I'm going to have to meet

with them in person and then try

to convince him to come back to Toman.

Hey there. Huh? I'm looking for a second

year kid named Hanagami. Uh, he's in class three.

Ah, cool. Okay. Thank you.


Since when is there a guy that hot

at our school with shoes like those? He must be a third year.

The former Mobius members are led by Valhalla's number two,

Shuji Honma, while the other Anti-ottoman forces gather under the leadership.

Of their number three. Kazuteru. Hanamiya.

Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Hi there.

Did I get here late? Her class is over already.

Who the hell are you? I've never seen you around here before.

Well, that's not a very polite thing to say.

No respect for an upperclassman, I guess, huh?

What are you talking about? I've never seen you before.

Uh uh. Uh oh. Uh.

Watch. What the hell you're..

Saying, Makoto. He's got a tiger tattoo

on his neck. Oh, yeah? So what?

Anyway, do you guys know Takamichi Hanasaki.

Oh, my God. Takamichi. It's him. Huh?

Tucky. Mitchy. You guys. It's really him.

Valhalla's Number three. Kazuteru. Hanami.

Ha ha ha ha. Hey. Awesome. I found you.

I can't believe there's a kid at

my school who belongs to Tomo.

Okay, now, Takamichi. Huh? I'm taking you to Valhalla's base.

Huh? What? Boys, I found Takemichi. Huh? So this is him? Yep.

Are these guys with you? Yep. These

two are my most trusted lieutenants.

Uh, but what happened to them? They're both walking with crutches.

Oh, I broke their legs yesterday. Huh?

Why would you break the legs of

your own most trusted guys, huh?

You got a problem with what the boss does?

Uh, no. Good. How can these two

be so calm and obedient when he's

literally just broken both their legs?

And how could he do that? He must be insane.

Hey, hurry up there, Takamichi. I can't believe I'm with Kazuteru.

Valhalla's Number three. If I go with this guy,

I could end up in serious trouble.

I'd be going straight to the enemy's base.

I can introduce you to everyone. You

got nothing to worry about. Everyone.

Wait. Then this could be the chance

I needed to talk to Bocchi.

But still, this is some scary shit.

Well, I'm so glad school is finally over today.

Aren't you? Yeah, totally. Where do you feel like going today?

How about that new China? I really

want to try it. Yeah, that's a great idea.

I swore to you back then. Did I do anything to protect you?

So Valhalla's Bass.

Bring it on. Mikey promised me if I can

just get Bodjie to come back to Tommen,

then he'll get rid of Kizuki.

And if Kizuki is out of Tommen, then the future will change.

I am not going to let that future happen again.

Just watch. You'll see. Heena.


Yeah. Going to go over here.

Who gave you permission to breathe? You little piece of shit.

Hey, Hannah. Mia. Sir. Huh? Just call me Kazura.

Okay. Well, um, at our school. You're

a third year now, right? Yes.

It just seems like it would be a lot

more widely known that our school had

a student as famous as you.

Well, I only went to school the first

term of my first year there. Huh. After that, I was in juvie.


You got arrested. What was that all

about? That was because of him.

We're almost to our headquarters now. Yeah.

Who's he talking about? Well, first I need

to worry about getting boggy out without all of Valhalla noticing.

Huh? This is it? Yep. An arcade.

It went out of business years ago.

Oh. The Headless Angel.

It's so much

lighter to.

They've definitely got a different vibe than Tom on. This is.



Oh, wow.

That's boccie. Whoa. Casa Toro. What the hell is

going on here? What is this?

What's it look.. Like? A test of faith. What for?

To test Boggs commitment to Valhalla. Going

from Toman to ash is like changing religions.

You have to prove to us you really mean it.

The guy Boggs beating on right now

is Toman's First Division vice captain.

He was Boggs, most trusted lieutenant.

The first division's vice, Captain..

Tillman is Valhalla's enemy. If he's going to betray his former God,

Mikey, he's got to stomp out his old beliefs.

Well, then, who is that good enough for you?

What do you say? Am I in Valhalla?


That was some brutal shit, dude. That guy's

been by your side, like, forever.

Yeah. I'm surprised you took it that far.

Shut up. I don't care about your opinions.

Cazadora. Hey, boss. You all set now?

Yeah. Let me present Toshimichi Tanigaki. He's

the newest member of Toman. Huh?

Oh, no. Don't tell me the next test of faith victim is.

So you're oligarchy. Step forward. Go.

You again, dumb ass. Did you come here to get k*lled?

Caleb. k*ll him. k*ll him. k*ll him.

k*ll him. k*ll him. k*ll him. k*ll him. k*ll.

He came here to take Bodgy back.

But now Bodgy is going to k*ll me.

k*ll him. k*ll her. k*ll her.


of Tillman's founding members and its first division, captain, Kasukabe Baji.

He now says he wants to leave Toman behind and join Valhalla.

Tomans fishy to me. Is that a good

thing or a bad thing? A good thing? Duh.

Sounds too good to be true to me.

For those of you wondering, the fact

is this is one hell of a deal.

Having Baji here will be a huge

help in our plan to finally crush Toman.

But for right now, there's still one

thing that we need to be absolutely sure of.

Because for all we know, he might just be a Toman spy.

Which is why we took the extra

precaution of having Cousin Zora bring us a witness.

This court will now summon the witness to testify.

Takumi Yanagi? Yes. Will you tell this court

exactly what words you heard Bajir say at the last Toman meeting?

Well, he. He said that he quit

and that from that day on, Toleman would be his enemy.

And Kazuchika. What do you think? We did

a test of faith and we heard a witness.

So I think that's good enough. Baji

could be very useful to us.

He knows what's new with Tommen since I've been gone.

He's definitely worth having in Valhalla.

So are you sure? Boggy Because we're going to crush Toman.

And in the process, of course. Mikey's going to die.

I'll help you do that. Kazuteru.

Haha. Well then I think it's decided.

Mm. Yeah. Then from this day on,

Keisuke Baji is officially a member of Valhalla.

No way. If this happens, I don't

have a chance of bringing Bodjie back to Tioman.

Hold on just a second. Bodjie. You're

one of the founding members of Tioman along with Mikey,

isn't that right? Why are you betraying them?

What's being a founder have to do

with anything? Anyone can change sides.

You know nothing about it. If you did,

you'd know. He's a founding member, too.


The sixth guy in that photo I saw, it was Kazuteru.

Kazuteru has an old grudge against Teoman.

I'll never forget it. The summer of ,

when I was a first year in

middle school, we were running wild.

It was the middle of summer, but

it was a slightly chilly day.

So Mikey asked to see you too, huh?

Yeah. The usual place, right? Hand over your money, you twerp.

I swear I don't have any more. Whoa. Huh?

Hey. Sorry we're late. Bodgie decided to beat up some punks.

Hey, wait. Don't blame the whole thing on me.

Oh, that's so freaking cool. Uh, what's that?

Look, the Toma jackets are finally here, you guys.

Whoa. That is awesome. Right. The lettering is.. Fantastic.

Don't you love it? Mitsuya. Yeah, but it's no..

Thanks to you. Not after you left

all of the hard work for me.

All right, now let's hurry up and get changed

so we can go take some pictures. Yo. Right, Mikey?


What? You bastard. Why the hell

are you eating all.. My chocolate parfait? Oh.

Yeah. Sorry about that. I said you could have one bite,

so just order another one. Ah, that's not the point.

What is the point, then? I wanted to eat this chocolate parfait.

Oh. What? Yeah. Why are you always like that? What?

Oh, get your asses outside. Hey, thanks for the grub.


Hey, I'm going to take the picture.

No talk. Just do it. Okay, everyone say cheese.

No one could have imagined what would happen next,

not even in their wildest dreams.

by nom. Diagnosis. Ain't gotta be. They got the baby.