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01x04 - Return

Posted: 01/12/24 07:07
by bunniefuu
Can you believe this picture? Oh, my

God. That's real. Oh, that's hilarious.

I know. Damn, they're loud. Oh, man. Hey.

Hey, Gina. You're taking up way too much space.

It's fine when it's not crowded, but

you're making that old lady stand.

Make her some.. Room. Okay. Hey, scooch over.

Thanks, guys. Yeah, sure. You're cute. Ma'am,

there's an open seat right here.

My. Thank you so much, young lady. Wow. Hannah's amazing.

Thank you for coming shopping with me. Takamichi.

Oh, it's no problem. How did your final exams go?

Wow. You know, I haven't thought about finals in forever.

How do you mean? We just finished with them.

Oh, yeah. Of course we did. Shit.

I was thinking out loud again.

Well, make sure you study. You have a dream, right?

A dream? Did I have dreams and aspirations back then?

Well, that settles it, huh? I'm going

to help you with your studying.

Oh. What's wrong? I, uh. I've just

never been inside a girl's room before.

Oh, stop gawking already. Yeah, okay. You

could be a bit less obvious.

Sorry to interrupt, and I don't have

much prepared because this is so sudden.

It's so sad because this is the first

time Heena's brought a boy home.

Mom. Oh, don't worry about me. He's a cutie.

How long have the two of you

been seeing each other? That's enough, Mom.

Out now. Thank you. Oh, Boyfriend.

Wow. I'm not getting this at all.

Oh, by the way, thanks for looking out for my brother, huh?

He told me that you saved him

from some bullies the other night.

Ah, my dad's not around much. He's so busy,

he rarely has time to come home.

Naruto and Dad don't really get along very well.

But lately, Naruto has started saying he

wants to be like him. Huh.

Our dad is a policeman. Ah.

So that's why Naoto became a police officer, huh?

Well, he isn't one yet because he's just a kid.

Yeah. Yeah, of course. Of course. What am I even talking about?

But honestly, you could say it was me that was saved by him.

Huh? I think now will make a great cop,

although he might turn out a bit loopy.

Takamichi. You've changed. You think like, changed. How? Hmm.

Well, for one thing, you seem nicer somehow these days.

And maybe more mature lately, too.

I feel like I'm talking to someone much older than I am.

Huh. Whoa. She's sharp. I am years older.

Or maybe I'm just seeing a side

of you that I never really knew before.

Huh. I'd love to know more. To know everything about you.

Huh? Fireworks. That's right. Tonight's the fireworks display, huh?

Huh? Hey, let's go up to the roof and watch.

This is awesome. They're so pretty. Hurry up, Turkey.

You're going to miss it all.

Damn, this is really fun. This never happened in my old life.

Oh, well, a heart. Hey, did you see that one?

I just want to stay here forever.

I don't want to go back to the future.

Because in the future he. Has gone.

It wouldn't hurt to hold her hand. Right? First. Years.

Oh. Oh. It's warm.


Um. Oh, hi. No. The handshake is the trigger.

No, no. Oh, I didn't know you were up here. Yeah.

You've gotta be kidding me. E.

How come Ichi. Damn it came back. Huh? What's that mean?

Did you return to the past?

Shaking hands really is the trigger.

And you? What were you doing there, man?

Huh? What are you talking about? Well,

anyway, at least now we know my hypothesis was correct.

Yeah. Hooray for you, I guess. So mission accomplished, huh?

Tell me everything. How did it go?

You're back because you must have changed

something while you were in the past, right? Yeah, well.

You shook my hand by mistake. This is not a joke.

Your second trip into the past did teach us one thing.

Your time travel capabilities dictate that you

return years into the past.

For example, if you were to go back into the past today,

you'd go back to today, years ago.

And if you came back here after spending a week there,

a week would have also passed here.

Meanwhile, while you were back in the past,

your body here would have been held in suspended animation.

Huh? You mean I was dead? Not dead, Exactly.

You're here, but just as an empty shell.

Ah, so that's suspended animation. It's dangerous.

So whenever you time travel, we'll make

sure you're here in my room. So tell me how your mission went

to keep Sano and Kisaki from meeting up.

Really? Good. I got to know Mikey pretty well. Mikey. Oh, Sano.

Check it out, though. Naoto. Mikey is a boss,

but he's actually a really good guy.

What? Why the hell didn't you k*ll him? Huh? k*ll him.

This is the guy who k*lled my sister.

And now you're trying to tell me he's a good guy?

Has he turned you because your new

friend Mikey is now so deep into

crime that the police can't even touch him anymore?

If I only could, I'd k*ll him with my own two hands.

Naoto. Let's go talk to Mikey. Too risky.

I want to talk to him in person in the present.

There's no point in doing that. I think you're wrong.

I think we can trust him. I need

to hear it from Mikey himself.

Toman changed, and I want the reason.

I need to know the answer before

I go back into the past again.

I need to make contact with Mikey, and I need your help.

Uh, I don't know what happened to you

there in the past, but you've changed Takamichi.

Huh? You really think so? Like how, exactly?

Your weak side seems to be gone.

Oh, well, at least a little of it.

But that's a good thing, right? So am I finally cool now?

Right. So let's figure out how to meet with Mikey.

Don't stop. Are you saying I'm super awesome? Now keep going.

Are you sure? Get carried away. I need

you to organize these documents. Takamichi.

Damn. The Tokyo Manji g*ng has been going nuts.

Mikey is extremely careful. He leaves no clues.

Even the police can't track him down.

His phone's also probably a burner that he got

under a fake name. Oh wait, who is this?

Atsushi Sendo part of Toleman's upper echelon Archon.

Aachen. As in your friend Aachen? Mm.

Something's wrong here. When he was ,

he was arrested for stabbing Kiyomitsu Masataka from Thomon.

After his release, he was nothing more than some no name punk.

I was on the verge of stabbing Kiyomasa.

He said that was his plan, but he

didn't. So the past has changed.

A-kun didn't follow through on stabbing Kiyomasa,

so he was never arrested for it.

The fact that you and Mikey became friendly allowed Sendo..

To then become part of Tommen's upper echelon.

Okay. Can you still get a hold of Sendo? Uh, yeah.

As long as his number hasn't changed since..

Sendo's in the upper echelon now. Use him to get to Miki.

I should warn you, my place is a disaster.

Yeah. Somehow that doesn't surprise me.

Oh, what's that smell? Oh, please. I warned you,

didn't I? No human.. Should ever live.. Like this.

Just hang on a sec. Let me find my old notebook.

Believe it or not, I have a filing system.

That hurt. Ooh. I'm going to break out..

In hives from all this dust. I have

to go out and buy some masks.

Okay. Yeah, but hurry up, though.

Ha ha. Found it. Ha ha.

Boy, seeing this really takes me back.

Talk about taking a trip down memory lane

and. No. Wow. Look at this.

Unbelievable, huh? Do you mind picking up the pace a little bit?

Uh huh. Oh, yeah, right. Arcoon. Found

it. Let's hope the number's good.

I can

see you tomorrow. See ya.

My whole body hurts. Hayarkon someday after

we all graduate and go our separate

ways and we stop seeing each other.

What would we talk about after we've become adults?

You dumb ass. Nothing is going to

change, huh? Friends for life.


This is really where Zendo is. Yeah.

Apparently he runs a high end hostess bar here.

Are you sure it's okay us dropping by?

Zendo is one of the higher ups at Tommen now.

And I can guarantee that none of

that will matter because A-kun still A-kun.

I do have to admit, he sounded

a little older on the phone, but otherwise the same.

Well, I'm still concerned. You shouldn't have

said you wanted to see Mikey.

Why not? You're being too open. He's

someone the police can't get close to.

We might be walking into a trap here.

That's dumb, Naoto. It takes more than

something like that to change a friendship.

Just follow me and we'll be totally fine.

Welcome, gentlemen. Who do you like? Huh?

Um. I don't going to be okay.

I. I've got an appointment here with your boss, Sendo.

What? Seriously? You and our boss. Hey,

there's some twerp here to see the

boss. Does he have any appointments?

My goodness. You should have just told

me that in the first place.

I would have let you right in if I'd

known you were a friend of the boss. Two VIPs coming through.

He's totally mocking me, isn't he? Oh, no, of course not.

Your hand is shaking. Takamichi. Are you all right?

Yeah. I'm not scared. It'll be okay.

No matter how different he looks, no

matter how important he is now.

Cocoon is still a cocoon. Yeah.

Tuck and Mitchy. Behind you, genius.

You haven't changed a bit. Takamichi.

Oh, come on. What? You didn't recognize me without my pompadour? No.

I know. I probably should have said something to you earlier,

but it's been a while, huh?

It's arcoon. He may look totally different, but it's definitely arcoon.

So you want to see Mikey, huh?

You know, I've been waiting all this time

for you to show up. Takamichi. Wait. What do you mean?

Let's go talk outside.

Just the two of us. All right.

Okay. I'll wait here. Be careful. I will.

Hey, there's nothing to worry about.

So how the hell.. You been doing, Takemichi?

Hey, take it easy. That kind of hurts. A-kun.

I'm just so happy to see you after so long.

It's been years, buddy. And just at that crucial moment, Yamagishi.

You farted and ruined everything, right? Yeah.

When I was looking so awesome to A-kun. You were so lame.

Been a while, huh? Huh? For you.

I figure it's been about ten years.

But wow, Archon, you own this cool lounge up here

and you're at home on Big Shot.

Yeah. You've got a luxury car, expensive clothes,

and you're sleeping with some fine ladies.

You're basically on a different planet than me.

Yeah, well, money can't buy you everything.

She hope I can say something like that someday.

So that guy you came here with is a cop, right? Uh.

I, uh. You don't have to lie. It's completely obvious.

He's Hinata Tachibana's younger brother, isn't he?

I had no idea she even had a brother.

But how? How'd you figure that out?

The Tokyo Manji organization. They have their methods.

Hey, do you remember the summer of

our second year in middle school?

The day you faced down CU Masa

after everyone went home. You asked me this one question.

What would we have to talk about

after we'd all gone off on our

separate ways and then met up again

as adults? Yeah, I remember that.

Well, how about we talk about this?

The person who pushed you onto the tracks. Was me.

Ha ha. It should have k*lled you.

But someone saved your life. It was Naoto Tachibana.

And it looked like he knew you were going

to fall into the tracks even before it happened.

I know this sounds insane. By you.

You can time travel, can't you? Didn't

you ask Naoto Tachibana from the past to help you?

That's it, right? It's the only explanation that makes sense.

There's no way he saves you without

knowing that that was going to go down.

But that's insane, right? I mean, isn't it? Huh?

What the hell are you talking about?

Who's the crazy one here? A-kun. I don't even recognize you, man.

You were always so cool, calm, and collected.

You were always willing to sacrifice yourself for your friends.

You are kind. We could count on you.

So. So. It has to be a lie.

I can't believe you would ever have tried

to k*ll me. You're my friend. I could.

Talking Nietzsche. I don't know how things

could have ended up like this.

I'm one of Kazuki's soldiers now.

Kazuki. Tatsuki Suzuki. Everyone in Domon has to obey Kazuki.

I haven't seen Miki in years.

It's not too late to get out.

Just tell them you're quitting. Tommy.

I can't. I'm scared. I'm terrified of Keisuke.

I can't.

Takamichi. Mikey was just never

the same after Drokken died. Huh? Truckin is dead now.

He wasn't supposed to die. It never should have happened.

But he bit it just the same.

And now here I am, thriving off of dirty money.

Ha. I always looked up to you.

You'd cry, but still hold your ground.

Raccoon. Is the reason that you want

to go back to the past. To save him.

Come down from there. You'll fall.

Now, see, that's real love right there.

I'm rooting for you, Takamichi.

Save everyone if you can.

I could. Our crybaby hero. No, don't do it. I'll come.


Ha ha ha.

If you don't mind, could you just

let him have a little more time?

It's fine. I know they need to

talk to me about what happened.

Please don't push.. Yourself. You should take it slow.

Now, I need you to find out about the day Henry Yaguchi died.

Huh? The one who turned tome on evil is to Takizaki.

Naruto I jocking Akunin.


I want you. I have to. Safe. All of them.

k*ll shit.