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01x03 - Resolve

Posted: 01/12/24 07:07
by bunniefuu
I have to get to the two leaders of the Tokyo Manji g*ng.

Both Sana and Kizaki.


guy doesn't stand a chance.

As long as I'm a sl*ve to these guys,

I'll never meet their bosses. Oh.

You're going to regret this.

There's no way I can win.

I can tell how much stronger he is just

with one hit. Yeah. What's wrong, Nagaki?

After all that talk, is that all you got?

Don't tell me you're going down with a single punch again.

No. Takamichi. Oh.



Go down, man.

Just tap out, Takamichi. Give it up. You're gonna die.


I'm not done. Just kidding.

k*ll him. Let him have it.

Keith Cooper.

I'm Andy.

John. Damn you k*ll Massa, you bastard.




Ha. Ha ha ha ha.

I'm not done yet. You've done enough now, Takamichi.

This isn't worth dying for. Come on.

Just give up before he kills you. I'm not done yet.

Not until I've had enough.

Enough to finally, finally cure my weak

ass heart of the last years.

What the hell is he saying? He's nuts.

I always ran. And I ran. And I ran. And I ran.

I just know you can save her.


You've done enough, Takamichi. You've shown

us all how tough you are.

Oh, yeah? So what? But I have a reason why I can't.

I can't turn back. So listen. Kiyomasa of the Tokyo Manji g*ng.

If you want to put an end to this and win this fight.

And you can have to k*ll me now.

I'm not going to lose. I'm going

to do it. I'm going to save Hinata.

Go get me my bat. Uh oh. That's bad.

We got to get down there. If he wants to die, then I'll

grant his wish. A baseball bat.

I thought this was a fistfight. Hurry

it up, Damn it! Hey, Kiyomasa.

Huh? Huh? You're scaring the crowd.

Who is that? Calm down, dumbass.

Blonde ponytail. Bald with a dragon tattoo.

It's really him. The vice commander of the Tokyo Manji g*ng.

Ken Yaguchi. Better known as.. Dragon. Oh.

Hey there, Kenny. Huh? Stop calling me that.

At least not when we're out in public.

Put them all out of Dorayaki. Who the hell is that guy?

Does he even realize where he is? Huh? Sir. Welcome, sir.

Sir. Welcome, sir. Sir. Welcome, sir.

Wait, is that. Good day, master. Welcome.

Can he really

be the head of the Tokyo Manji g*ng? Manjiro Sano.

Hello, sir. I'm Akaishi. I'm from your biker g*ng number three, sir.

Huh? Shut your mouth. Mikey never talks

to anyone he doesn't find interesting.

Of course. Sorry about that. Oh, wow.

Can you believe that shit? He shot that dude down.

Welcome, master.

Kiyomasa who died and made you the king around here.

Make sure you're always that far down when bowing to our commander.

Yes, sir.


So where are you? Uh. Meechy. Hanasaki.

I see. So, takamichi. Huh? Take Michie.

That's what Mikey just said. Take Michie. Don't you question him?


So you. You're really in middle school? Yeah.

Takamichi starting today. We're friends. Yeah. Huh?

Are you the one running these matches? Yes.

Huh? Oh, ya.

Who do you think you are? Oh. Oh. Oh. Kielbasa.

Okay, then. Let's go, Kenny. Taking

bets at this little fight club is

lame. Stop bringing tomans rep down. Takamichi. Huh? See you.

Oh, you losers. Wake up and scram already.

I can't believe I met Tommen's boss, Manjiro Rossano.

Huh? You were so awesome. Takamichi. Yeah.

That was the most amazing thing ever.

Huh? The invincible Mikey just told you you were his new buddy.

Don't you get how amazing that is?

I guess I wasn't imagining it.

Yeah, I just became friends with a total monster.

Like, I went from being..

Kiyomasa's sl*ve to being the latest plaything

of some eccentric and powerful g*ng leader.

This is an even worse hell. Why is this happening to me?

So I guess you're talking, Mitchie, from now on.

That's what the head guy called you.

So I guess you are Toca Mitchie.

It must be nice to be so stupid.

Just ignore those two. It's nice, though.

What? Kick to the head. That was like..

Those two just being.. Goofy. It's good to hear that again.

How about the way a second in command

smack down a guy like a boss? I know, right?

Did you catch Takamichi..

When you were fighting? That was awesome.

He looked like he was. I was

on the verge of stabbing Kiyomasa, Huh? Just think about it.

At the rate we're going, we would have been slaves forever

unless we took Kiyomasa out. Harken.

He always did care about his friends a lot.

We owe you, Takamichi. Why? Well, because

thanks to you toughing out that fight with him,

now, we don't have to be slaves anymore. You were awesome, dude.

Oh, stop it. My face hurts when I smile. Hey, I'm a kishi.

That's not it. You're doing that all wrong.

Oh, shut up. Mitchie, do I have .. To show you everything?

Man having to go to school right now is harsh.

a.m. is way too.. Early to be up.

Good morning, Takamichi. Oh, Hina. Hey, good for you.

You're actually headed to school on time today?

I have to go to cram school after class. Oh, yeah?

You want to have a date before that?

Well, sure, but can you really call that a date, though?

Sure. Even going to school together is sort of a date.

Oh, man. But I sure do wish

that you and I were in the same class. Yeah.

Okay. School is awesome. This part's important.

So make sure you write it down and remember it.

Guess there isn't going to be time

for me to have my head in the clouds.

Buses. Sano and Kizaki prevent those two from meeting.

Then we can save my sister.

Well, now. I've met Manjiro Sano. It was a coincidence.

In order to save Hinata, who died

just because she got caught up in that mess,

I need to stop the strife within the Tokyo Manji g*ng.

And to make that happen, I need

to make sure the two bosses don't meet In the era.

Getting to meet Manjiro, Sana, one of

the two leaders, is a start. But I have no idea what the hell

I'm supposed to do from here.

Making sure two people don't meet. Wouldn't

that be essentially an impossible task?

Are you bastards from Get the.. Hell out of here, Huh?

Hey, there he is. Come out and play with us. Taka Mitchy.

If you wouldn't mind. I'm teaching a class right now.

What the hell? This dude is totally insane. Oh.

Our third year is wiped out. Hey, what is all that.

Huh? All that? Well, this is a school, so I schooled them.

All right, all of you wimps line

up lying down on your stomachs

and no big gaps between you wimps.

This is going to hurt you more than me. Huh? What?

What are you going to do to us?

Oh, yeah. The Tokyo Manji g*ng is absolutely insane.

Word is Utagawa crew is trying to take over in Shinsen.

Cool. Let's go kick some ass. For them,

tormenting other people is totally normal.

It's just a part of their daily routine, like brushing their teeth.

Are you behaving yourself? You just saw me yesterday.

Sir, are you free today? Actually, I'm

kind of busy now. Coming with us anyway, huh?

Mikey, I don't think you understand. I'm in school here.

Wait. He's friends with Mikey. There's someone that awesome at our school.

No freaking way. Look. Isn't that Tsukimichi?

I thought Mikey liked him, but it's looking bad now.

What could happen in a single day?

Poor Takamichi is going to get k*lled.

Huh? Hinata, what are you doing? Do you mean the..

Mikey from Tommen and.. The taller dude must be Dragon.

Quiet, or we'll get our.. Asses kicked again.

You don't need to be so nervous, all right?

This is my chance. If I can

just get close to Mikey and somehow

keep him from ever meeting Tetta Kizaki.

Okay, let's go. Hold on. Huh? Huh?

Who are you? Sheena.

Essai. Sorry, I'm kind of tied up here.

Ha! Oh.

Let's go, Takamichi. Don't ever

let people like these guys bully you, huh? I can protect you.

Hinata. Oh.

She's shaking. Hey, I've got a death wish.

You think you can slap him and then just piss on out?

Who the hell do you think you are?

Who exactly do you think you are, huh?

You just waltz into a school you

don't even go to and try to take someone out by force.

That's not the kind of thing friends do.

Turkey. Mikey's been coming home beat up all the time lately.

And if it's happening because of you two,

I'll put a stop to it. Huh?

You take your hand off of her.

What you just say. I think I must have heard you wrong.

I'd always protect you. I said, you take

your hands off her right now, you dumb ass.

I promised myself. That I'd be the

one to protect Hinata this time.

Oh, my. It seems that you've forgotten who you're talking to.

There are some things I won't give up on again, huh? Again.

Oh, and here I thought you and I were going

to end up being great friends instead. You've decided to die.

Just promise me. Just promise me.. That you won't hurt her.

Don't you dare lay a finger on Hinata.

I do what I want. Ha! Psych.

Huh? You're so gullible, man. Relax, pal.

Like I'd ever had a woman.

Oh, talk, Mickey. You actually threatened me.

My bad. It's cool, huh? Some things you got to fight for.

Guys, today don't stand up for girls like that.

That's old school.

You're all right. Take. Oh. Hey. Who are those guys? And what

just happened here?

I'm so sorry about that.

I really had the wrong idea about you.

It's no problem. You did give me one

hell of a slap, though. I'm so sorry.

It's good to protect the people who

matter to you. But you should be careful.

Things can go wrong depending on who

you're dealing with. Yes. Thanks. Okay, I'm going.

Oh, okay. Wait. Aren't we going out?

We can do that another time. Your

friends came here to see you,

so you should go with them. Bye.

Bye. Don't slap me next time.

Nice girl, huh? It's not often you find someone like

that. Take good care of her.

From what Naoto told me, years in the future,

the Tokyo Manji g*ng are involved in

gambling, fraud, v*olence and even m*rder.

They're an evil organization that will resort to anything.

Taking bets at this little fight club is lame.

Like I'd ever hit a woman.

Cut the head of that evil toman. Really be this guy.

So. Mikey, I was. I was wondering

what made you think we ought to be friends?

Well, that's a stupid question. Uh, yeah. I'm sorry.

Truth is, you remind me of my older brother.

He's dead now. Oh, he was totally reckless.

Fearless about picking fights with guys that

were way stronger than he was.

Oh, I see. He must have been pretty cool.

Yeah. Tucker Michie. He was a lot like you.

But I'm really not even that into fighting.

How do you figure? I'm cool.

Yeah, you're right. You're actually pretty lame.

Well, you don't have to be mean about it.

Nowadays people just think the delinquents are all lame, huh?

I guess even he kind of cares what people think of him.

Back when my big bro was still alive.

There were so many biker gangs around here.

You always heard their super loud bikes blowing by.

Now, those guys were badass. They fought all the time,

but they always cleaned up their own messes.

I don't see what's so lame about that.

So I'm going to create a new era for delinquents.

You ought to join me.

I like you. Takamichi. Tanigaki.

There's no shortage of guys who are

good at fighting out there, but.

Guys who will stand up to anyone

for something they really believe in.

There are too many guys around like that.

You think about it? Taki? Mickey.

Mikey may be a delinquent, but he's not a bad guy.

At least not the kind of guy

who'd crash a truck into a festival and k*ll Hinata.

The Tokyo Manji g*ng of years in the future.

This guy is definitely not their leader.

What could have changed Mikey so much?

Sano and Kizaki. If these two had never met each other,

today's Tokyo Manji g*ng never would have existed.

Huh. It's not like you get do overs. I know, right? Huh?

That's weird. I think I've seen that guy somewhere.

think.. He wants.