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02x23 - Firecat

Posted: 01/12/24 06:00
by bunniefuu
Shinra. I know you had a run

in with Dr. Giovanni in the Nether.

What did he say to you down there? Well, sir.

He said an adult link can only

happen between people with an adult burst

or those who've been in contact with a doula.

So far, you've connected through an a doula

link with Dr. Giovanni and..

With Lieutenant Conroe of the seventh.. Hum.

Then it seems Lieutenant Conroe is questionable.

Never in a million years..

Standing around arguing about him is not going to get us anywhere.

Okay, so I'll go over there and talk

to him in person if I can find

out why I shared in a doula link with him,

it might shed some light on the evangelist.

In fact, I'll go over and see him right now.

Hey there, folks. I'm in a good

Man Isaacs is really hopping today. Are

you sure we shouldn't have made an appointment first?

The guy's in Company seven aren't all that big on formalities.

So anyway, is there a reason you came along?

Conroe could have ties to the Evangelist, and you're naive.

Trusting nature leads you to get fooled rather easily.

See what you want about me. But Lieutenant

Conroe is totally on the level.

Oh, the guy from the eighth. What brings you here, buddy?

I need to talk to Lieutenant Conroe about something.

Well, he's not here right now. He went

down the river over to our storage shed just outside of town.

Okay, I'll go look for him there. Good seeing you.

By the way, you brought this hottie

along for the stroll, you naughty devil. Girlfriend? Girlfriend.

What the hell, man? This is Captain Hibana from Company five.

The captain. Oh, I'm blushing. If you want my opinion.

She doesn't seem all that upset by the idea.

So he just happened to run off

to this remote shed with no one else around.

Huh? Seems highly suspicious to me. Suspicious? He's just running errands.

Him being a proto nationalist is a red flag, too.

Who knows what he could be doing? Hold on.

A white clad. See, I told you he was iffy.

You've been following me for days, haven't you?

Ah, you knew and yet still came here alone.

A samurai rendered a weakling by differences.

Let's do this. I'm sick of waiting around.

He's being att*cked. We got to run

over and save him before it's too late.

Don't be hasty. This may be our

chance to catch him in the act. Hey.

But his caprasius makes him vulnerable.

Lieutenant of the seventh. Prepare to die.

Lieutenant. Conro Shinra.

All right. So what you're saying is you and I shared

one of these a doula link things.

That's right. Tell me, have you had

any visions of a kind of hellish alternate world? Mm.

I have here. Two years ago, during the Great Fire of Asakusa.

When you encountered the demon, right?

It was. It's also when I came down with my two ferocious.

This infernal. He was different from all the others.

But more like a mirror image of myself.

Did you come here to take my place?

Well, I'm not gonna let that happen.

Crimson moon.

I'll send you back to hell.

If that was some other world, then

I guess I do have an a doula link.

You said that the demon was like a mirror image.

You felt it was a sort of doppelganger.

What? I'm not familiar with that. Essentially a person's double.

There's an old wives tale that says

somewhere out in the world there's a person

who looks exactly like you down to the last detail.

Another self. It's a silly fantasy, of course,

but apparently if you ever encounter them,

it's either k*ll or be k*lled. Say what?

I definitely got the feeling that he came here to k*ll me.

But since you're a big, tough fire soldier.

The demon was slain instead that day.

Of course you wouldn't lose, Lieutenant. Give me a break.

I believe I need

to do some research into this doppelganger theory.

So you're sophisticated and smart, huh? Anyway,

why'd the white clad target me?

Maybe it has something to do with

the fact that you've seen a doula.

Your scar. From what I can tell,

those who have seen a doula tend

to get some kind of disfigurement.

Oh, I'm not the only one still. Why us then?

Does it pose some threat to them

for there to be people out there who have seen a dollar?

Really? Conroe. You were att*cked.

He'd been tailing me for a while.

I figured he wouldn't do anything until I was alone.

You should have seen it. He took him down in one blow.

What was that all about, you Barbarian? Dodged it in time.

Only because you taught me how to listen

for the breath of life, Captain.

I guess that means your fighting skills

are finally worth a damn, huh?

Maybe. But the white are becoming more powerful, too.

Even my rapid and won't work on some of them.

So let me ask you, how would

you fight against someone like that?

Perhaps you can pull it off now.

The hysterical strength of fight or flight.

Hysterical strength was that.. In that moment of crisis,

when you overcome your limits and release

all the power deep inside of you,

it's known as tapping into your hysterical strength.

Yeah. How do you make it happen? I don't know. Figure it out.

Now, Walker, you can't just bring it

up and leave it at that. Mhm.

Go round up the rooks in your

company because I do not want to explain this more than once.

Lucky dog walker is going to give you his personal training again.

Thank you, sir. I can't wait to get stronger.

The Night Samurai returns to Grace Asakusa.

Wooden Samurai Night. Make more sense? I mean, you're becoming a samurai.

Why do I take the bait? Let's go in.

Hey, we're here for the training.

You're here early. Is it a empire

thing to show up ahead of time?

And I see you brought topknot with you.

Actually, there's another one. Whoa.

Crewman Kotatsu reporting.

I ask that you please treat me his.


You're already way too early. Thanks again for agreeing to train us.

Hmm. Hold on. There's another one with you.

I'm well aware that I'm not at the level

where I'm ready to receive your training, Captain.

But still, I want to grow past the weak person I am now.

So would you please allow me to observe?

I want to get stronger, huh? Yes, sir. Why is that?

Because I'm sick of being helpless. I'm

a burden on all the other crewmen.

And there have been lives lost that could have been saved

if I were stronger and more capable.

So you're giving me a sob story?

I'm not, sir. I'm resolving to give more.

I understand. But I'm afraid that just

observing us is likely to bore you

out of your mind. Hey, what is it?

Go and have some fun with that

girl, would you? Who? The airhead.

Huh? Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

So, what game do you want to play, you hussy?

Whatever it is, it had better be fun.

You hear me, you tramp? Huh?

Huh? It's a copy. You will definitely

not be bored with those two.

Listen, it's an exercise. I'm going to gauge

your strength by the way you play with them. Okay?

Lieutenant, aren't you going to watch the rookies from the eighth?

I'll go and watch once I'm finished with this.

I can take care of that for you. Enjoy yourself.

It's my chore today. I don't mind.

All right, twerp. Walker says you got

to keep away from us for one minute.

Just like a game of tag. Hurry,

hurry, hurry, hurry. Okay, I get it already.

I do know how to play tag. I should probably go easy on them

by outran them so quickly that it made

them cry. It would be pretty awkward. Here.

Geez, that hurt. Run like you

mean it or we're gonna k*ll you. Damn it.

Little brats. You know. That lady shouldn't

use potty language like, damn it.

And if you call us names, we'll..

Dump you right in the Sumida River.

You want me to run like I mean it.

Well, don't come crying to me if you can't keep up.

This is stupid. What's the point? I didn't

come all the way here to play children's games.

I need to close the gap with

Shinra and Arthur. Even just a little bit.

We told you not to hold back, you ugly pig.

Do you really want to get stronger

or keep being a piece of crap?

Trust me, we're being nice right now, so don't take us lightly.

Okay? These girls are kind of scary.

Suppose we should get started? Yes, sir. I'm ready.

To their old tricks. Captain Sheneman, is this really training?

I reckon. I haven't seen a site

quite like this in a dog's age.

Another peaceful, quiet day in Asakusa.

Oh, it starts, like, real. So hot I can barely stand it.

Kind of a day where you forget your troubles.

Eight seconds. That's nowhere near a minute.

Yeah, Get it? We'll just wait till you get a load of this.

Playtime's over. Go on and catch me

if you can, you little weirdos.

Guess she's fired up now. Nina, we should get moving to Heka.

Here we go.

Don't blame me for burning your kimonos.

Dream on. Five seconds. How lame. Where's the.

Time are getting serious is pretty funny.

That was a warm Let's go. Think a minute might be totally out

of her reach. s would be a miracle.

Shove these brats. I'm a real fire soldier.

How's school going? Tamaki You're getting your nuns credentials.

We're not a clerical family, so that means

I have to take a lot more tests.

But the teacher says I'm doing just

fine. Don't push yourself too hard.

Just because Mom and Dad wanted me to. Hey, Tommy.

Good morning. Good morning. Oh, your badge.

Cool, huh? I'm officially a sister now.

I still have to take the written

test and go through the interview before it becomes official for me.

Well, you're a smart cookie, so you'll do fine.

Just hang in there. Remember the great soil and..

Because everyone else was doing it.

Whoa, Tamaki.

And because I tripped at the right time. Are you okay?

That look like it really hurt. Something the matter?

There's fire coming from your bottom.

And because I started making flames. Hey.

Was that seconds better than the other times. Let's go again.

That is so amazing. If you're a third gen,

does that mean you're going to be

a fire soldier? A fire soldier.

Sister. That would be awesome. You'd enlist with the first, wouldn't you?

Are they the best one? Look, they're.

It's Lieutenant Rika.. Hoshimiya. He's

so cool. Hey, what's going on, girls?

If you want to get a closer look,

just come over here, and we'd love for you to enlist.

Because the first is always looking for tomorrow's stars.

Oh, no. What do we do?

Run away. Also just like everybody else.

I looked up to Lieutenant Recca.

Was all simply because I wanted to make everyone happy.

I want to become a sister and enlist in company one.

That's why I became a fire soldier.

I'll be right.. Beside you all.. The way to the end.

Okay. Tamaki. You said you would do anything for me.

So die in my place. Please defeat him.

You can't let Lieutenant Rika win. Don't worry. The hero always wins.

I'll show him all.

Magic. And I want to change.

Everyone else has been carrying me this whole time.

I know it's not going to be that easy for me to change,

but all the others are trying so hard.

So that means I gotta do it, too. I've gotta try even harder.

s left. So we're going to go all out to.

There's no way I'll let you catch me.

Oh, I'm so sorry. No, it's my fault. It was my lecture law.

I'm sure you already..

Knew this, but that guy you pounced on earlier.

He's my boyfriend. And this lecture was crap.

Admit you did it on purpose, you ugly skank.

Sorry, but it really was just an accident. I promise. Yeah.

You should go sit in the corner

so you don't bother anyone else.

I can't believe you still..

Wear twin tails in middle school trying

to flirt with those, you cow. Get over there.

Are twin tails supposed to be flirty?

They're fun. Like floppy animal ears.

Being a cat must be nice. They don't get creeped on.

I wish I could be like them. Quick and agile.

Just like a cat.


You're catching up.

Want to be nimble like a cat. seconds left.

Why are you in the corner by yourself? Come and sit with me.

If I sit over there, my lecturer

is just going to cause problems for you.

Well, then I'll sit in the corner. You can have the table.

It's okay. I'm used to it. I bet

I'm more used to sitting in the

corner. Give the devil his due. Yeah.

What isn't happening? Look, things are

better if I just stay in the corner, okay?

I'm not going to pretend things don't get awkward.

But you don't have to stay away forever.

I mean, look at that idiot. He's a peon,

but he sits at the head of the table

like it's his personal banquet. You just need some confidence.

My days are skulking in the corner are over.

Why did you stop? This mean you're

giving up.. These last s? I'm not gonna run away.

I'm busting through.

She's coming after us, huh? She had a better chance running away.

Mother, Fox.

I'm gonna tear right through.

We're not done yet. Damn you.

That was s. I'm not quite sure why,

but you seem to have a habit of suppressing your own power.

Captain Sheneman, you're here. But you're starting to shed that habit.

Thanks for your help. Sir, but that's shedding a little too much.

It's just a simple game of tag

enough to really make a lasting change in me.

If you can't take a simple game like this seriously,

I doubt you'd have a chance when you're really playing for keeps.

But now you've finally taken up the gauntlet. Keep at it.

How exactly am I supposed to respond to that? Oh, my.

Where did you go? Captain Cheeseman. You can't leave us here.

I didn't know better. I'd think he's forgotten all about us.

In the face of death. My nerves make me smile.

Next time on Fire Force. Season two..

Episode Signs of Upheaval..

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