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02x20 - w*apon of Destruction

Posted: 01/12/24 05:58
by bunniefuu
Many years ago, mankind faced a divine

fury in an event known as the Day

of the Cataclysm. Our entire world was burned.

The fire raged with an intensity that

threatened to reduce mankind to ash.

The places they lived, the languages they spoke,

the culture they had built. None could escape its wrath.

As the world man had built, was

buried in ash, a leader appeared,

a man who would later be known as raffles. The first

Raffles and his disciples embarked on a quest to find new light.

And they did what Raffles found was an unsullied flame,

the spark that would kindle an empire.

Raffles saw it once that the Unsullied

flame was a gift from the great soul.

He resolved to harness its power with technology and created amaterasu

by the light of Amaterasu sacred flame.

The people began to rebuild with its power.

They established a new state in the Far East.

Truman Shinra. I'm Lieutenant. Thanks for joining us.

Happy to be of service..

Where it is. You have some experience in the Nether.

We'll be counting on you. Yes, sir.

The eighth has never split up for a mission like this.

Not sure putting Arthur on another squad is a great idea.

Hope those tips I gave them won't be enough.

Hearken to my voice, gentlemen. I am Arthur Boyle.

The night King. You will heed my commands.

I'm running this squad. What? Stop all

your babbling and bow your foolish head.

What did you say, Lieutenant? Heckler, Sir.

According to company H. Care and feeding for Arthur Boyle manual,

If you just humor his delusions and play along,

he'll probably comply to some degree. Oh.

King Arthur I Knight Heckler have been granted

the title head of the order. Very well. You may take command.

Lieutenant Hinawa, very glad to have you along today.

I'm happy to be of assistance in any way I can.

Hey, what are you doing? I'm joining

this mission, so let me through. Takagi

Sid here to assist in this operation.

Are you sure that you're in the condition to join?

Yes, I'm sure. I won't slow you down.

I need to see this investigation to the end.

That's fine. Your Lieutenant Hinowa, aren't you

the one who tricked Maki tricked her?

I offer you personal protection so you can focus on your investigation.

I may not be a fire soldier, but I can handle myself.

Still wear this turnout coat.

Thank you.

We're going to lean on your experience down there.

I'll do my best to help, sir.

Okay, we're going in.

Hmm. A dead shopping mall in the Nether. It's so creepy.

Yes. I'm on the same squad as her.

You're being weirdly calm today, juggernaut. We're

in the nether, you know. Huh? Yeah, well.

I grew up out in the boonies where it was always dark,

so this kind of stuff doesn't really bother me.

It doesn't? Huh?

Huh? Well, it's a little too dark for me.

Oh, my gosh. Kotatsu is holding on to me.

Why do I have to wear so many freaking layers?

A juggernaut. Is this the same kotatsu

that you're always going on about? No. Hold on. Hojoki.

First class fire. Soldier of the second platoon leader. Hojoki.

I'm forgetful. But please don't hold that against me.

Sir, please be respectful to our team

member. What did I do that.

Oh my lucky lecher lure strikes again.

What's going on here? Why is she undressed?

Did I lose my memory? Toshiki. I'm surprised and appalled.

I really don't know what happened. Like

I lost my head for a second or something.

Because there's no hospital down here.

Holy was that? That came out of

nowhere. Medic. We need a medic.

You get your thermal sensors all set

up. That was the last one. Oh, man. Kind of feel like I'm

in a zombie movie right now.

Lieutenant Ohana. Yeah. What? We need you over here.

No. Oh.

There are infernals in the nether. How can there be so many?


I love the nether. The great

cataclysm has turned it into a treasure trove full of dead bodies.

There are many who serve the evangelist.

You know, the Knights of the Ashen Flame.

Where the Knights of the Purple Haze.

Your is.

Guy died on.

Without that to my eyes.

Is that all? Can see me? We got to tonight at. Say hello to.

Ashes. Thou wert in art. May thy soul return

to the great flame of fire.

Hey, Natasha wants this next mission is over. Let's get married.

Jonas. Do you mean it? Oh, yes. Uh. Stone.

Those bastards got to Jonas? No.

I'll be home for the baby. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

He'll be brave and handsome, just like you, Anton.

Damn you.

When I get back from this mission,

I'm going to show everybody my brand new kicks.

Huh? Hey, Grumman. Watch yourself. My life flashed before my eyes,

and it was pathetic. So I'll be fine.

Anton. Why?

The fallen crewmen are rising.

Those are the dead fire soldiers attacking us.

It's got to be that one white cloud.

We fought at Haijima. She had the power to control corpses.

I'll just have to stop her then.



Oh, come on. Somebody from the eighth. Please help me.

Necro Pyro.

Attack your crewman. k*ll your friends. Let go of me.

Jeez, at least I'm here to bail you out.

What's the big idea? You could have filled

me full of holes, you know?

I'm just glad I had all these layers on to protect me.

Relax, man. I know what's what inside there.

You always lean a bit to the left anyway.

No, to the right. You're forgetfulness almost got me k*lled.

All those b*ll*ts and not a single one hit you.

Well, it would have been pretty tough

to get through to me with all these layers, huh?

All right, guys, both of you need to stay behind me.

Start the prayer, if you would. Crewman Kotatsu.

Look out, Jackie. Behind you.

Wow. He's a great shot.

Beautiful, right? I wish I had those skills. Yeah, it's..

Incredible. How does he make it look so easy?

As far as I know, he's always been this good.

I mean, he was the unpowered MVP

at the rookie games five years ago

after all, huh? Hodges and Howard.

Whoa. His memory is not very good.

Apparently he just forgot about his ability when he applied to participate.

It's in his eyes. He's got, like, supervision.

He can see the heat that radiates

from everything like a human thermal scope.

He can even see targets through walls and stuff.

Apparently at that year's rookie games, he went straight to the goal.

Get past the.. Obstacles, rescue

anyone and be the first to reach

the crewman posing as an inferno..

Up there on the fourth floor.

Explains what happened with you, how we could

fire so many rounds and still not fill you full of holes.

Yep. He can see through all of my layers.

It's hard to not be self conscious around him.

Well, that's that infernals have been extinguished.

You saved our lives. Did I mention

how happy I am to be on your squad?

Platoon leader, Hajducki. That was incredible. Can

you use your ability to see where

the other squads and crewmen are right now?

Sure can. Let's go join back up with them.

Oh, White cloud. Wait. Stay right there.

Ha ha ha.

I am Orochi, a knight

of the Purple Haze known as she who tears her foes asunder.

Cease your lamentations for you will be joining him soon.

No, this can't be happening. He is just. This is bad.

Juggernaut's gone into total panic mode. It's

up to me to do something.

Platoon leader Hajduki got taken out in the blink of an eye.

How'd she do it? I didn't see a w*apon.

He had superhuman vision. And if he couldn't avoid her attack,

then I don't have a snowball's chance.

But if she hit him with a flame attack,

I may be able to withstand it.

Thanks to my resistance to fire. It's my only hope.

Ah, the plot thickens.

But how long can you last?

How fascinating. I'm putting tremendous force into every strike,

but they're simply bouncing off as though I'm attacking a rubber ball.

I suppose I'll have to run you through.

It's just a matter of time before I hollow out your insides.

Your seeming resistance to flame only means you'll end up suffering more.

But it will be over soon. If you end up needing to be saved,

call for me and I'll come.

Help me.




Now help me.

Seriously. Are you really that afraid of this lighter's flame?

Have you scared of something? It doesn't matter how small..

It is, even considering how big you are.

The ladies won't see you as a hero

if you act like a scaredy cat. Oh.

Come on. Like a girl would ever give me a second look anyway?

Have some faith in yourself. You have

an incredible amount of firepower inside of you, man.

Somewhere in there, there's courage that matches your size.

Don't be afraid of a little flame.

I'm sorry, Hajducki. I've been such a pathetic little baby.

I have to stop whining about everything all the time.

I have to protect Kotatsu.

I can do this. I'm a big, strong man.

But just a whip.

How could she deflect all my b*ll*ts?

My medusa whip strands spin with great power. Bask in your.

I can create a solid barrier with its

gyrations while at the same time attack

with the full force of every lash.

That's the power of the Medusa whip.

Now relent for your tactic of merely

scattering att*cks will be defeated with haste.

How about this?

No, really. Surface dwellers are simply pathetic.

We're in the nether, you fool.

What exactly is going on in there?

You should be torn to shreds.

First, I face a girl almost impervious

to flame. And now a hollow man.

A small obstacle to striking you down.

Huh? Seems I've hit you at last.

Shit. You're not cut out to just hang in there, okay?

I promise I'm not going to lose.

I'll protect you and avenge Hajiki.

I can't be a coward forever. Hey,

I've been looking all over hell creation for you, son.

Mama. I don't want to join no army.

I just want to raise up some taters.

You ain't got a choice in it.

You got that dang fire magic after all.

You got to go join that old

Tokyo fire force and make the world

less dangerous than tater fields could get

burned up. You can't abide that.

Come on, be a man, would you?

And stop freaking out all the time.

But how could you? Keith, that's impossible for a guy like me.

You joined the fire force to protect people, didn't you?

I didn't become a fire soldier because I wanted to.

I joined because I didn't have any other choice.

The people that become part of the special

fire force are brave and strong.

But to be perfectly honest, I don't

think I'm really cut out for it.

Don't sell yourself short, man. I mean,

are you absolutely sure you know what's really inside you?

So what do you see in there, huh?

You've grown to be such a big fella,

but nervous as a long tailed cat

in a room full of rocking chairs.

You got a flame to match your size, boy.

And your mama's doggone proud of you.

I just want to live a small

life.. Taking care of the taters.

That's plumb crazy talk. Tater fields ain't no small things.

And it ain't a job for a small man. Don't you know?

Have a great big old bar owner.

Struggle all you like, simpleton. Nothing can save you.

Juggernaut. Come on. Seems as though my Medusa

whip has found its way to your flesh.

I'm gonna be a man. I'm gonna find my courage.

You won't have a finger left to

touch me with. You cowering child.

I'll slice you to ribbons.

I don't understand. Why can't I stop him?

Hey, Sergeant, did you really have Mikey..

Doing battle with these kinds of monsters?

Next time on fire force. Season two

Episode Enemy Contact Return to the Great Flame of Fire LatAm.