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02x08 - Smoldering Malevolence

Posted: 01/12/24 05:50
by bunniefuu
Protect the forest. Huh? What's up, Shinra?

Got the heebie jeebies. Wait, Let me guess.

Did it just happen again? Yeah.

A voice. Protect the forest. It said protect the forest.

Oh, yeah. So it really isn't a doula link.

Who was it? You think it's the bandit boss or what? Well.

Honestly, I don't know who it is,

though. It came from over there. From the Tabernacle.

I wonder, is it from inside?

Okay. So if you heard it coming from the Tabernacle,

I suppose we could deduce that it uses

an Abdullah verse to hold up the

tabernacle is not a living thing. Can it even perform a link?

Do you get it now? Those guys aren't rational.

They just att*ck us for no reason.

There's no point trying to talk to them. Scope.

Hm. Please tell me about the Tabernacle.

You know how long it's been there?

Don't know how long it was dead

and abandoned before we got here,

but our benefactor came and brought it roaring back to life.

Who's that? Flash back a couple of centuries

right after the great cataclysm turned the world upside down.

One day, a lone traveler appeared out of nowhere.

A human woman in a robe blacker than a moonless night.

All these animals were basically waiting around to die in this wasteland.

But this woman preached to us and taught us how to speak.

You mind if I ask you why you came here in the first place?

I came from beyond the spatial rift,

and my purpose here is to create this world anew.

No. You must be hungry. Right. This flame will nourish you.

The flame that she produced was like nothing I'd ever felt before.

Soon enough, we realized all our hunger

was gone and our years stretched out before us.

But then one fateful day.

She breathed

new life into the broken down tabernacle and vanished into the haze.

The Tabernacle is the reason this oasis

exists today and why we're all still alive. True,

she is our benefactor, and some day she may come back again.

So until that time, we've got to keep

the tabernacle safe. Do you know..

Where she went and when she left here?

Sadly, we don't. No one has seen her since.

Still, if she's coming back here, we can't

let these rascals take over the place.

Protect the forest. It was her. That voice I heard. Yeah.

It's possible, I guess. Seems the hotspot

we were looking for turns out to be the tabernacle.

So what's the story with that?

There they are. A human. A former human.

Fernos here to..

Late. No trap. Go help leak ASAP. Yes, sir. Oh,

hang on.

He's dead. Late. Oh.

Are you.. Okay? Maybe I'm not dead, I think.

Thank goodness. Lieutenant Pons, defensive buff, saved your life.

He's not even a scratch on me. Amazing.

He's got friends. We're gonna die.


Take him somewhere safe. Yeah. Okay. The prayer, right?

The flame is the soul's breath. The

black smoke is the soul's release. Yoruba.


Tom, You want to eat me like potato?

You sure are a lot of these guys, huh?

How dare you hurt my friends and defile our precious oasis.

This place is sacred to us.

You better give it back right now.


Show me. Oh.

These ones can talk. Well, we are with the talking mode.

So do you really think you can

just ignore us animals or what? Come on.

I know you can hear me.

It's not the first we've seen. There was another.

What's wrong with you? I'm talking to you, scumbag. Are you deaf?

Look at me. A.

Do you need the creative energy at the Tabernacle to live?

Because if that's the case, why don't

you just try and coexist with the animals?

The fool has the power of creation.

What a ridiculous thought that was built for one reason.

It was built in order to destroy the world.

Have a w*apon created only to destroy.

I don't get it. That thing was

built to bring the world to an end.

Not the Amaterasu in Tokyo. No. It

does make some kind of sense.

Dr. Giovanni went to Vulcan's workshop to find the key to Amaterasu

his objective. And the entire goal of the White-clad

is to bring about a second great cataclysm.

I don't understand why, but it's pretty

clear that they want to destroy the world.

And in order to do that, they're going to use the amaterasu.

So it's true that it really is a w*apon of destruction.

Ah, our benefactor wouldn't have restored that if

it was meant to k*ll everyone.

Just look at this oasis. The tabernacle made this possible.

I mean, it is true that she looked kind of creepy.

She had this eerie, devilish smile.

But still, when things were looking grim for us,

she gave us language and a new life.

This whole oasis was a gift from her.

Listen. The voice that I just heard

didn't sound like an evil one.

I believe Scope is telling us the truth. Oh, you do?

We can't let them weaponize this. We gotta

drive them out of this place.

The remaining tablets. Shall you have gathered..

Them all then? Now we can initialize the w*apon of destruction.

Yes. The day of our soul's release draws near.

Let us face the end of times as one together.

At last we will be free from the pain

these flames have brought us. Thank you, Master. Tempeh.

Master. Tempeh. We've got human intruders. Is that so?

Humans have come all the way out here.

My servants. We cannot allow anyone to interfere.

It is time for you to perform your final labor.

Repose. And glory in the afterlife will

only be granted to those who serve me in this life.

Your unyielding devotion will be rewarded for all eternity.

I call on you in this time of need.

Perform one last labor to show your loyalty.

Tell anyone who would dare stand in our way.

Do this for me. Kneel down before

me and bow your heads to me. This is the path to salvation.

The only way to be released from

your suffering from these burning bodies. For the.

Returned to the great flame of fire. Lathom.

So here's the situation from what we know so far.

They plan to use the tabernacle to

try and destroy the entire world.

That's right. But since they haven't made it happen yet,

you got to wonder if these guys

still might be missing some critical piece of the puzzle.

Well, Scope, is there anything else you

can think of? Anything could help.

Hmm. Yeah. Let's see. I JUStrillionEMEMBERED. I have seen

them collecting those stone tablets. You're right. So have I.

Oh, really? Yeah. And from the rate they were collecting them,

they probably have a bunch of them by now.

Well, maybe they're a key. Some means

to activate the tabernacle's power. I don't..

Know. But I'm positive these so-called Infernals

were instructed to gather the tablets by their leader.

The one that has two terrifyingly pointy

horns growing out of his head like this. What? He's got horns.

That means he's a demon. Infernal. A demon?

Well, if that's the case, then it's your changes things.

Why are they that much stronger? From what I know about demons,

it takes a crap load of firepower to put one down.

Impossible for our little group to pull off.

The only real option we have is to turn back.

If there's a demon here, we can't control the area.

However, we can't ignore what they're trying

to accomplish using the tabernacle to trigger a cataclysm.

Come on. Leaked. You've got to have

some ideas about how to b*at the demon.

Let's see. Last time it was a miracle we had all that help.

Tons of people working together to put that one to rest.

Anyway, the amount of firepower we would

need would roast the whole forest.

Say what? No way in hell. You hold up a second.

I thought we were only here to check out the tabernacle. So why the hell are we talking

about putting this demon to rest?

Because we can't let this happen. Listen,

if we can't put it to rest, we can at least slow it down.

We can distract it somehow and see

what's up with the tabernacle while it's busy.

I'm pretty good at raising hell, you know?

Here's what we'll do. A team will go inside the Tabernacle

Shinran Ogun will use their mobility to distract the demon.

While that happens, Arthur Tamaki and Juggernaut will stand guard.

Yes, sir. That means Inspector leaked. And I will investigate the tabernacle.

Are you sure you can't just get rid of these ghouls?

We're here, so we'll do our best.

Which is to put a stop to their plan.

That's all we can hope for, at least with our manpower.

Don't worry, Scott. I'll take this place

back for you. You mean it? And take the demon down as a

bonus. After all, I'm a hero. Hero.

That's the entrance to the tabernacle.

Nobody's around. All right. We're going to go in now.

Anything? Well, we scoped out the place,

but there's no sign of the demon or any other infernals.

It's clear all the way to the inner chambers.

That's good. In fact, it's perfect. Let's change up the plan.

Shinra. Ogun Tamaki. Juggernaut. You'll stand guard outside.

Arthur, you'll be coming with leaked in me in case

we need you. Roger. Now let's split up.

Idiot. My bad. Try.

It's dark, but it's in pretty good shape.

This place has been here for years. Well, it's no..

Coincidence, brainiac. That's because we've been taking

care of it the whole time.

I guess these are the tablets. What do the numbers mean?

It's a trap.


Some behind us to. They've got us surrounded.

What drove him to it? I heard

there was some nosy humans lurking around.

Did these infernos really set a trap for us? I mean,

I thought that they couldn't think. Hey, look. That one.

Those horns. Demon. Oh, this is bad. You guys, we gotta run.

We can't leave the rest of the

team inside there, you scaredy cat.

Hot damn. You fire like a sacred ground.

We have to buy some more time no matter what.

We can't let them get inside. No. Till those who stand.

Why do they all want to chase me? Yeah.

This is our temple.. And sacred ground.

You will not find.. It under any circumstance.

It belongs to the animals. It's their oasis.

They're the ones who came in here and violated it.

So you don't get a say. You should have coexisted with them.

Are you insane? What you call the tabernacle

is a w*apon of mass destruction.

Using it to create an oasis goes against its purpose.

Instead, I will burn this.. All to Ashash.

Why the hell do you want to destroy the world anyway?

Because that's how I'll achieve internal salvation.

Come on. We're trying to save the forest.

Sorry for eternal salvation. What are you talking about?

I've wandered since the great cataclysm. Unable

to die for two and a half centuries.

All they want is death to take me.

That's for that to happen. I need

an expl*si*n so large it would raise this very temple.

And when one is grand, as I. Pressure's on.

They require servants to care for them in heaven.

The aftershock of the blast may wipe

out everything as far as your seaport.

But I will allow those who lose

their lives the honor of serving me in the afterlife.

Mississippi. We will follow you to the end of the.

Will you join me in my journey to the afterlife?

I can find some worthwhile way you can serve me there.

All I can do is grow potatoes.

Master. Tempeh. Are you saying you want to serve him?

I can't believe you would seriously take

away the lives of others just so you could die.

Screw you, buddy. If you want to die,

you do it on your own. You're right.

But that's hard to pull off, huh?

He said it. The firepower to take

him out is about the same as what would

eliminate this entire forest, at least.

So you mean we would have to sacrifice the forest? What are we going to do..

About a demon we can't put to rest?

There's nothing else we can do. Our only option is to fight.

What do you think you're doing?

Campers, hold the line.

One only granted to.. Those chosen to perish. Unless me.

Shinra. We can't b*at that demon on our own.

The best we can hope for now is to try and buy..

A little more time. Buying time isn't going to cut it.

If we don't stop him right here and now,

he's going to blow up the tabernacle and lives will be lost.

Ours and everybody in town. Yeah.

They didn't burn up all those precious potatoes.

Bigger things to worry about, you know? I know. But still.

We've got two things we need to do.

Investigate the tabernacle and put this demon to rest.

Let's go. We got to throw all

the firepower we have at this guy. Yeah, you got it.

Going against me. You will lose your

status in heaven. Go to..

Hell. Okay. How is our little group

going to put down this demon for good?

What can we do to get the same

kind of firepower as Captain Sheneman?

The Adolla link. If I can somehow

get the grace of the evangelist like

that time with show, that might be enough.

Not gonna happen. The evangelist isn't even on our side.

Besides, I'm way out here. Probably too far to get a link.

Lieutenant Pon and the others are probably

coming out of there any minute now.

Once they do, I can get a power up Buff.

What's up? Have a plan.

It was weird. And the dollar link. Now what? I can get

us out of here with my Excalibur.

Yeah. I vote that we let Sheena

in them deal with the ruckus outside

while we stay in here to investigate.

Agreed. I'll admit, I'm not exactly sure

what these number sequences are supposed to mean.

They stretch out all the way over there.

You think it could be a code? I don't. If it were a code,

there would be some regular pattern to them.

But from what I see, these numbers

are all over the place. Huh.

We've seen these before, but they don't seem to mean anything.

They may not mean anything to you and me,

but they meant something to whoever decided

to put them on these tablets.

Look, there's more numbers up there. They're everywhere.

Random number sequences are calling out. What

they mean is not going to be a walk in the park.

Avalon. Courageous. Arthur d*ed epically. Hey, guys, this is Pi, right?


Inside the tabernacle finally make their way to the central core.

There they hear an eerie pulse, echoing like a heartbeat.

It's actually kind of scary. There's something alive in there.

Next time on Fire Force. Season two

Episode nine The Corps Return to the Great Flame of Fire LatAm.