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02x06 - The Time to Choose

Posted: 01/12/24 05:49
by bunniefuu
Causes of death are many and varied.

Old age illness, su1c1de. But out of that long,

morbid list, there's one end that people

fear above all others.

Death by fire.

What is that? It looks like a huge pillar of ice.

What the hell is happening right now?

It's terrifying. You're the first person that's

been able to hurt me. That's quite an accomplishment.

And you better believe I'll do it again.

Taro time to make tracks. The flames

are dying down and the fire trucks aren't quite so busy anymore.

So grab that fifth pillar while to.

We're leaving now.

Hang on.

Did she just use magnetism to slow down her fall?

Hold it. I said the fire force will take care of her.

Your name's Inga, right? You know, you can

use your power to burn up those restraints. Come with me.

I figured out your strategy is to

try to go after my counterattacks.

And I won't fall for it again.

So what are you going to do now? Better think fast.

He's right. Since he knows what I'm doing,

I can't get the upper hand.

And I can't just charge at him blindly.

There's got to be some way to get him out of here.

Sir, How mayor keeps flooding our brainwaves,

telling us to hurry up. Let's go.

Inka. Come on. I can help. Use your power to break free.

I can wiggle.. My finger and start a fire. Just

trace the lines to the end and then boom.

I can't see those lines right now.

Which means I can't start a fire either.

At least not at this moment. Im pretty

sure my ability lets me see what's

going to happen in the future.

No. It feels weird to decide what to do now.

I mean, I can tell what's coming up next,

and the lines just aren't showing up for me.

Which can only mean. I'm going to go with these sketchy guys.

And I'm not going to put up any fight.

These people kidnapped my baby brother, stole

the life he should have had. You're not like them.

He can say whatever he wants, but it doesn't

matter because I can see how it's going to go down.

They'll find out I'm the fireground thief and there goes my freedom.

Actually, I'm going to lose it either way.

I get it. If I take his hand,

I'll definitely have to pay for my crimes.

But I'll still have a life of safety waiting for me.

But if I go with these other guys,

it'll be a very different life.

Take me away. Hey. I love danger. And going with them..

Will give me plenty of that.

What, are you kidding? Just look around you.

This is what the white clouds were

willing to do to get you in their clutches.

People who are desperate to live had their lives taken from them.

And you're throwing yours away. What in the hell

is the matter with you, Inga? What do you take your life for?

That won't work on me. What happened isn't my business.

And my life doesn't belong to anyone else.

Don't you dare compare me to those losers.

I'm not throwing it away. I'm doing what I want to with it.

I value my own life. That's why I love danger so much.

Okay. The fear of dying reminds me how

much mine is worth to me.

Ooh, ooh.

Useless people get offed all of the time.

So I can only care about what happens to me.

But you're right, Mr. Fire soldier. My life is precious.

Yeah. Let's go, big guy. And please make it worth my while.

Don't take me lightly.

Wait right there.

You think you're so tough? I'm going to k*ll you.

Oh, I like hearing that much more

than about how you're going to keep me safe.

You mean it? Come find me. I'll be waiting. Hey. Stop.

This is really what humans to do. You.

Is it possible he's staying with the white clad by choice?

No. No way. That's true.

Jeez, I was waiting forever. So you're the fifth pillar,

are you, Miss Inka? Casa Gaetani.

This chick is scary. Yikes. Looks like

just touching her would..

Fry you up. Time to blow this dump. You feel me?


Panda. Just CapEx k*lled my bro. You let her go now.

Come on, boss. Hurry up. Get away from them,

would ya? Don't mind if I do.

Huh? I see the line. So this is how it's going to be?

It's not really my decision. I mean, it's just fate.

Not my fault.

All right. Let's get going.

Uh huh. Is it over? Doubt it.

I mean, I don't see any of those

white clad guys still hanging around anymore, so.

Yeah. And I guess all those fires

were put out at some point, too.

That's good. All right. Just set her down there.

Are you doing okay, Shinra? Yes, sir.

I couldn't stop him. The Evangelist's men took the fifth pillar.

I'm sorry. When we were fighting earlier,

she said something about there being eight pillars.

Eight pillars. Plus the evangelist. We still barely know anything.

Do we really know who they are

or even what kind of evil scheme they're planning to?

Next. As long as we're in the dark,

we're just going to be playing a constant

game of catch up with them.

So it seems to me like we should investigate further,

try and shine some light on things.

I agree. We need to gather more information on Odola bursts.

I guess that's a starting point. Also, Arthur Shinra,

I want you both to know you did well today.

Nice. The matchbox is fine. Guys ready to roll?

Hop on.. In. Yeah. We're coming.

Thank you.

You're all so brave. Without your help,

I'd be dead right now. We owe our..

Lives to you. Yes, it's true. You saved us all.

Captain Agu from the fourth told me about

how seeing the destruction from the Great Fire had changed him.

How it made him realize there were

so many people whose lives he couldn't save.

Still, the first time I heard all the praise,

it was like music to my ears.

If the evangelist in the white clad

had never existed, could I have saved Dinka?

Would she have taken my hand?

Sir. I have the report on the casualties

from yesterday's fire. dead, injured.

buildings were lost in the blaze.

In addition, the total count on infernals

that were put to rest is .

I can take small comfort in those numbers.

We could have had casualties on par with the Great Fire.

However, our company's response was an embarrassment. We moved far too slowly.

I understand the eighth is working on

a plan to take on the evangelist.

That sounds like OBE to me. We have

our holy Soul temple discipline tying our hands

in contrast to the eighth, where there's

no hard headed cardinal slowing them down.

Is that so? I'll pretend like I didn't hear that.

Will the first aid in their mission.

Karim appears to have been sneaking over to the eighth,

and Tamaki is there under the pretext of being suspended.

I don't believe there's much more we can do.

So were all of the fires the other day started artificially?

Yeah. By the ones responsible for your arm and Rekha? Yes.

I want to get payback with revenge.

My right arm is like a trial bestowed upon me by God himself.

Don't get too upset. I've got one arm,

but there's still a lot of things

I can do except tint my hands. Although

return to the great flame of fire.

Lathom. I've got you to help with that.

Come on. I feel guilty already because I think it's my fault.

Oh. It's burning. Captain Honda, sir. Am I to understand

we are providing arrangements for the Imperial garrison.

Given the second's ties to the m*llitary, we're..

In the best.. Position to move things quickly.

Besides, we have a rookie here who

hails from the peninsula. He should be of help.

Ooh, I haven't performed ablutions in a while.

You're doing well. You deserve the praise.

Iris. Being the only sister here is a huge responsibility.

Something could happen again where you'd need some backup.

Know what I mean? So I need to stay pure so I can help

with prayers to put Infernals to rest. Oh.

That's like, see through.


Now. Now.

So you're going.. Then? You betcha.

I'm going to see it with my own eyes.

But holy smokes, I'll be a busy bee.

How will I ever decide what I'm going to bring with me?

I'd love to make the journey too,

but I would never make it past the checkpoints.

You should have become a fire soldier like me, Joker.

An interesting idea. Anyway, I worked with

Hibana of the Fifth and we made an educated guess.

So I'll go there and see what I can find out.

I've handed over my data. Hopefully they're

able to figure out some lead on a doula bursts.

As a scientist, it bothers me that I have to stay back here.

But as captain, I have obligations. No choice but to remain.

Listen up. It's new mission time. We're

doing a joint operation with some of the other companies.

The eighth will be sending four of our crewmen.

By that I mean you for..

A joint operation. What will we be doing?

Conducting an investigation into the evangelists and adolla bursts.

The White-clad have been busy gathering what they call the eight pillars,

each of whom possesses an adolla burst.

We know who some of them are already.

For example, Shinra and his brother have both been identified.

But what was made clear by Enki's

emergence as there are more to be activated.

Right now we are only aware of Shinra

show Inca and that haumea those who

serve the evangelists are trying to gather

the eight pillars and their adolla bursts for one goal

to once again trigger the great cataclysm from years ago.

It was such a massive disaster, it changed

the layout of our world forever.

I can't imagine why they'd want that to happen again.

But we have to do whatever it takes to stop them.

There's so much that we don't know

about what actually happened during the great cataclysm.

Unfortunately, we've been a step behind in preventing

the White-clad from finding and capturing those who have odola burst.

That's why we need to find out

more about that world wide catastrophe.

The good news is I've already figured out the best starting point.

Okay, so where are we going, sir?

Far away. Somewhere with unknown terrain and unknown ecology.

I mean, it's seriously unknown.

Huh? The Chinese peninsula outside the Tokyo Empire.

Oh, yeah.

Kind of can't believe we're getting away from Tokyo.

I've always wondered what the outside world is like.

We're really going to cross the ocean in that.

Who's the cabbie? Fall in. Coming. Sorry.

Is everyone here? I'm taking Roll call.

Now, then we've been chosen for a serious mission.

As you know, the thrust of this investigation

is to discover clues about the evangelist and a dollar bursts.

Upon our findings. We, the special fire force will.

You got to say the important part out loud, sir.

All right. Please take care of yourselves.

I've known most of these crewmen since their days at the academy,

so we can handle whatever comes our way.

Come on, Kotatsu juggernaut. Your family lives on the Chinese peninsula, right?

Yeah. Actually, I grew up on a potato farm over there.

That's the reason they chose me to

be the guide on this mission.

Although, honestly, I've never even been near the place we're going,

so I'm really not too sure how this is going to work out.

I'm sure you'll do great. No sweat.

I've never been inside a ship before.

Whoa. These are our potatoes. I had

no idea it was even possible to grow potatoes in a wasteland.

Oh, yeah, totally. Potatoes are a super

high yield crop that can thrive in the harshest soil conditions.

Huh. The green skin and buds contain the glycoalkaloids,

solanine and ciccone, which are poisonous.

So you've got to watch out for those.

But they're rich in nutrients. Vitamin C,

B complexes, potassium and dietary fibers.

So they're super healthy. You don't say.

If you're trying to make potato starch,

you can get about g from around g of potatoes.

You may be surprised that calorie wise,

it only comes in at a low calories,

which you can easily burn off with minutes of walking.

And the flowers are really pretty. They're white or light purple,

and just looking at them can make you really happy, you know?

Oh, and listen to this. Potatoes are actually holy.

Oh, you scared the crap out of me.

What are you doing down here? We're about to shove off.

They said we were free to use

the ship's cabins until we get there. So your instructor.

Meaning me, will pay respects to the captain.

Now, tell the others, would you? Roger.

You think we can go up and check out the deck?

The Imperial Armed Forces are there. I'm

afraid if we get too excited and run around looking at everything,

we're going to get on their nerves.

But once the ship takes off, let's do it.

Good luck. Make sure you follow Lieutenant Pond's orders. Got it.

I. Here we go.

Crazy. We're actually leaving Tokyo.

Wow. It's so cool. We're surrounded by the ocean, huh?

What's that? Looks like a submarine volcano.

Never even heard of that.

Probably formed all those years ago when the great cataclysm.

The great cataclysm.

It's such a mystery.

But we're going to find out what happened way back then.

Leaves the Tokyo empire for the Chinese peninsula.

There they run into mysterious creatures in an unknown territory.

Oh, I wish I could have gone with them.

Holy crap. I can actually see it now.

Next time on Fire Force. Season two

Episode seven Road to the Oasis.

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