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02x05 - Corna (Sign of the Devil)

Posted: 01/12/24 05:48
by bunniefuu
Sharon. I've still got.. My hands

full with this pest up here. So hurry up..

And grab the pillar. I read you will do.


You can't win. So give up.

It's like fighting a boulder. None of my

att*cks are even making him flinch.

Nothing seems to hurt him.

Damn it. After all this, there's still not a scratch on him.

I'm putting out tons of energy with my

kicks. Where is all that going?

Plus, he's got that expl*sive pyrokinetic ability.

I mean, when he walks, he triggers explosions with his feet.

But he's walking quietly now. Did those explosions

use up all his juice?

Something's not adding up here.

Need to think back and reconsider everything from the start.

There's energy that just seems to vanish.

His explosions and the way he calls out his att*cks.

He made a big show of that first

expl*si*n at the beginning of our fight.

All that led me to believe he was a third gen.

But was I wrong?

Tell me, what generation are you? Ha.

All of you get back and stay back.

Nice job. Incredible. It's really no big deal.

You turn that demon's flames into sound

and then turn that sound into ice.

A second gens all have our own specialties.

But yours is like nothing I've ever seen.

Thanks, but I wish I could fine

tune my power to have the kind

of ultra fine control you do over flames.

Are you second generation? Should you have some radical abilities?

We may not be able to create our own flames,

but if we're facing a third gen,

we can use their fire against them.

That's why a common tactic we use

when fighting them is to hide what we are.

We can goad them into creating the fire

and send it right back at them.

I know what's going on.

You set off that huge expl*si*n at the start

to fool me into thinking you were a virgin.

But what's really going on is you

convert the kinetic energy from my att*ck into heat,

then release it as your own att*ck.

That right? You're a second Gen. I just

thought you were a typical muscle headed, tough guy.

Yep. Hit the nail on the head, kid.

So how is that going to help you now? He's got a point.

I may have figured out what he's doing,

but still, that doesn't mean I'm landing any att*cks.

If I want to protect Inka, I have to b*at this guy. How

I'll hitting him does is give him fuel for an expl*sive counterattack.

But if I just stand here, he's gonna b*at me to a pulp.

Something wrong? Are you two afraid of my counters

to even put up a fight?

You know, you're eventually going to have

to att*ck me to win, don't you?

Come on, think. As long as I don't lay a hand on him,

he can't hit me back that hard. Help me out, man.




Hang on.

I got it. It's all about timing.

He absorbs energy, pulling it inward. But at

the moment he releases that energy.

His second generation control over the flames is directed outward.

So I have to counter his counter at just the right time.

I'm not % sure it'll work, but it's worth trying.

And that's all I can do right now. Using the corner.

I'll knock him down.. Right on his ass.

Wow. No.

No. It didn't work. It caused

an expl*si*n when I used it in Asakusa.

I know. Gotta be more psyched up. All right, let's do this.

Blow up. Damn you.

Why the hell did Captain Obi even tell me about

the coroner in the first place?

Different people have called it different..

Things the melodic sign, the devil's sign or the corner.

But the two fingers sticking up look

like the horns of a devil.

When we fire, soldiers lose heart. It's

the beginning of the end for us.

So when you feel things slipping, flash

the sign and let it fill you up with a fighting spirit.

But don't understand why, sir. Cause I'm

trying to be my best to be a hero, not a devil.

How about this? A long time ago,

there was rock, which was a type of music,

and the performers used this sign.

Now it's only an audio files at the museum.

But back in the day, it got people pumped up.

So when you're in a pinch, just

remember rock and then flash this sign.

It'll fill you with the power of rock.

That's pretty cool, isn't it? It's kind

of like your own trademark, huh?

I've got this sinking feeling that if I go down

here, I may never get up.

If I miss the timing by a fraction of a second,

it'll all come back on me even harder.

Can I really pull this off? Is it actually going to work?

I'm not afraid and I'm not freaking out.

I just want to be sure the odds are in my favor.

And find the courage I need to pull it off.

No matter how much I fight it,

this devil thing keeps following me.

That means I gotta be a devil that fights evil.

Is that?

So got this. Flames of hell.

Rock and roll.

Char on the reflectors. Really Down. Let the girl.. Go.

The fire force will take care of her.


Yeah. He already broke out of my ice.

Already I was hoping my ice would buy

us more time. Everybody needs to stand back.

We'll create a firewall for protection. Second chance,

team up and take defensive position.

Real demon. How are we supposed..

To take out something like that?

As far as I know, the special

fire force has only beaten a demon twice.

Both were in Asakusa, and Lieutenant Kondo

used the insane firepower of Crimson Moon.

And then again when Captain Shinmen used it.

I mean, theoretically, it's possible. We just

gotta cook up that much power.

How can we get up to that level, though?

You got any thoughts on that?

Why didn't you call Company seven to help

us? Sir, I can't.. Call, but those guys never answer.

We've got tons of flames. Should I freeze them again?

We've got all the flames we would ever need. Light bulb. Huh?

I thought of a plan that'll k*ll

two birds with one stone. The flames and the demon.

Okay, so how do we do that?

We use the layout.. Of the city,

plus all the second generations to round

up all the burning flames and take the demon with them.

Well, let's get started.

This is Yamazaki Turning point Reach.

This is Yamamoto in position. Moritani here at the target point.

Second platoon leader Taguchi. I've reached the target point.

This is fifth Platoon leader Tokuyama. We've

all reached our target points. Copy.

The second and fifth platoon members are all in position.

Hino, you're on the demon. Roger that.

Come on.

Are you sure I shouldn't be doing anything right now?

Yeah, because we're counting on you to

put on the finishing touch, Lieutenant.

The flames are burning like crazy all

over the city at the moment, so we'll gather them up into one

place and extinguish them all at once.

Sounds easy when you say it like that,

but it's going to be easier said than done since..

We have so many second generations on hand

who can manipulate and control flames.

We're going to harness that and pair

it with the town's inherent wind power.

Say what? Places have several different kinds of wind,

and this place specifically has valley winds

that blow between high rise buildings

and street winds that whizz down the main thoroughfares.

Those two types eventually meet up right about here,

smack dab in the central square.

That's the terminal point where the winds

blowing in from two directions combine their forces.

That means if we shepherd the flame

to a place where they can ride those air currents,

we can use that force with the power

of the second generations to concentrate all the fire together.

You see, the winds will move them down to the central square.

That's where Crewman Mackey will be waiting for them.

Everybody, please stay back. Stay back. Go to a safe

location, stay calm and be cautious.

This town needs your help. It's the only home I've ever known.

Just leave it to us. The special

fire force will keep you safe.

In order to put the demon to rest.. Will create a kind of..

Phenomenon with those concentrated flames. It's usually really bad when this happens.

A total disaster. But if Crewman McKee

can keep it all under control,

which we're definitely counting on, the winds

blowing into the square from different directions

will feed those hungry flames and form a vortex of fire.

And that is what we call.


I've read reports about these before and fire scene reports,

but you really made one that's unreal.

Yes, my calculations and are amazing, which actually made it happen.

It's exactly like leaked told us a huge fire tornado.

What now? How do we get the demon inside of that thing?


Lieutenant. Okay, then this is not going to be easy.

Come on. The guy got.

Uh oh. What a scorcher. Please, sir. He can't be reckless.

What can we do? We have to get him in there by force.

Hinawa, you.. Keep him occupied. Where are you? Vulcan.

Pulling up, sir.

The matchbox. What are you thinking, Captain?

I'm thinking about that harebrained fire extinguisher Vulcan built.

Wait, you're really going to use that?

Almost ready, setting the anchors now.

I just need to keep this thing distracted till you're ready.

I can help you with that. Deploying extinguisher.

That ridiculous thing has such an insane

amount of water pressure that it also destroys the target.

Captain Obey, you take the gunner's seat. What?

You want me to sh**t it? The aim

assist will automatically follow the sight.

That means all you have to do is target

the center and push the button. You sure about this?

Wow. Okay. Harder than it sounds.

All right, Captain. Now hit that button.

Captain. There a problem?

I got it. Something wrong? That's it, right? Come on, Captain. sh**t.

Now! Fire away. Right there. Like. Like now. Come on, do it.


What are you waiting for? Just sh**t it already.

I've always sucked at these kinds of games.

All you gotta do is sh**t the thing.

That's the part I'm the worst at.

A game would be way harder than this.

Oh, is this it? Boo. Doc, come on.

Hey, What the hell are you doing?

It's not making it easier to aim, you know?

I'm making it so you don't.. Even have to aim. Okay.

He's right in front of you. No, Go. You're going down.

The wind is whirling around in that firestorm at approximately m/s.

There's no way he's getting out of that.

Now. I'll take it from here, Captain.

Trajectory control.

This firestorm is a testament of the bond

shared by the entire fire force.

You can do this. What an amazing

thing to watch the lieutenants using the firestorm

as fuel to accelerate the projectile's velocity.

Oh, it's like the barrel of a humongous

railgun made completely.. Out of fire.

From this point, the fire force will be united as one.

Hey, Lieutenant Karim. I think that's about all I can do

right now. Very well.. Done. I can take it over from here.

That's got to be Lieutenant Karim. He

froze it in an instant, huh?

That's a lifetime of ice to last. A lifetime.

Company sevens captain and lieutenant are incredible.

They put one of those demons to rest by themselves.

Kind of hard to believe. It's over.

That was on the scale of the Great Fire two years ago,

and he still kept the damage down to a minimum.

I see. That's the greatness of Captain Obi.

And the amazing strength of the eighth.

You did well. Thanks. And thank you, Lieutenant.

It was so awesome to see a firestorm from this close.

That cool breeze is just what I needed.

Don't forget the help we got from the other companies.

We couldn't have done it without them.

But we still got to deal with the white clad g*ons.

Shinra. Arthur. It's up to you guys.

Where'd that huge pillar of ice come from?

What the hell is happening right now? It's terrifying.

You're the first person that's been able

to hurt me. That's quite an accomplishment.

And you better believe I'll do it again.

Shinra gives it all he's got to protect.

A fifth pillar, a fiery girl named Inka.

But what's her story? What does she want?

And I wonder, whose side is she really on?

If you're a man of your word,

then come find. I'll be waiting.

Next time on Fire Force. Season two Episode six.

The time to choose. Return to the great flame of fire. LatAm.