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02x04 - Groping Through the Fire

Posted: 01/12/24 05:47
by bunniefuu
Causes of death are many and varied.

Old age illness, su1c1de. But out of that long,

morbid list, there's one end that people

fear above all others.

Death by fire.

You all must evacuate now. We need

to start putting infernos to rest.

My God, there's no safe place.

Somebody, please. I can't watch my husband suffer like this.

The turtles are everywhere, Sister. Right.

The flame is the soul's breath. The black

smoke is the soul's release. Ashes thou wert and art.

May thy soul return to the great flame of fire. Ooh, la.

That was the third one.

There are so many and they keep spreading all over town.

I can see several near the lieutenant.

Somehow the number is increasing rapidly.

It's got to be those bugs. That's

the only way there could possibly be this many.

I'm guessing there's somebody nearby controlling them

like that white clad electric plasma user.

Recon reporting. We've explored the eastern quarter.

Our search has turned up no compatible vessel. Moving on.

Do you want to?

Get it in gear. The fire force is prowling nearby.

Blue stripes. We got an inferno.

There's so many. Keep spraying them to slow them down

until we can put them to rest. Roger that.

We've been holding the line over here,

but the sisters got to finish the job.

Copy the sisters heading our way as we speak. Hang in there.

Booker No, man. They keep coming from everywhere.

Please forgive me. I have to put

you to rest with no prayer. Don't worry.

Lieutenant. I'm right here.

The flame is the soul's breath.

The black smoke is the soul's release.

Ashes Thou wert an art. May thy

soul return to the great flame of fire. La tombe.

Lathom. You're not hurt, are you,

Vulcan? I'm okay. Thanks, you guys.

Sorry, we were slow. We just put another one to rest.

I need you to stop them on the front line.

We got to keep the firefighters safe

so they can contain the flames.

Understood, sir. You're good to go, Vulcan.

Ready when you are, sir. I'm picking

up two more infernos. Not that far from here.

Oh, jeez. I'm starting to wish I'd just stayed behind.

The distribution of these infernos. Isn't happening organically.

They're using those bugs to keep us spread out like this.

Marquee Vulcan. Find me that plasma user ASAP.

I'm positive she's giving orders to the hostiles.

Vulcan. I located the plasma user. Give

me the coordinates and then I can send Arthur her way. Copy.

Arthur, do you read me? We've located the plasma user.

You're going to have to take her on, so I'll pick you up.

You're going to be coming with me, too.

Got it. Don't get in my way. Just accept it. Screw that.

Who the hell do you guys think you are?

I make all my own decisions.

Now, I don't know what you're trying

to accomplish here, but whatever..

Happens with me is totally not your call.

You've got an indole burst under. You have no freedom. None.

Don't worry. I can get you to safety.

It's what I do. Just part of being a hero.

Safety. But why? That sounds so boring. No, thank you.

Having to go through life without any thrills.

Doesn't sound like living to me. Not interested.

What are you talking about? You steal money,

but you still save people's lives, don't you?

You may want to save me, but you're

not getting a damn thing in return. Okay?

I wasn't trying to get some kind of payment.

It's because of people like you that everyone

expects to get bailed out of trouble all the time.

If there's ever a problem, they sit

on their butts and wait to be rescued.

If their lives are being saved, then

what the heck does it matter?

You have a gift, but that doesn't make you better than everyone.

Nobody really even knows what's right or what's wrong, do they?

I won't be forced into some boring idea of safety. Huh?

Wow. This one's going to be tough.

Oh, well, I'm going to burn like every other schmuck, right?

What's up with you? Might as well do whatever I.

Hold up. The fifth pillar..

Is rightfully ours. Fire! Rat! Get out of my way.

I'm picking up multiple heat sources. Don't

leave my side, you hear me? Two of them at : . One of them

at : .

Wait up. There's more around.

Yes, it would seem so. So what now?

How are we supposed to deal with this?

Many of them, without putting them to rest?

Hold on.

One of them in that group up ahead

is giving off a much stronger heat signal. Are you kidding?

I see them.

It's a demon inferno.

No. No way.

So awesome. Of course, a demon..

Would be born. I mean, we just had someone awaken.

The doula burst, after all. I was hoping

if we used our fun little bugs around her,

we'd end up finding a demon or two.

They are going to have such a hard time with this.

They can't stand snuffing out Infernals without

putting.. Them to rest.

These Fireforce soldiers definitely have some kind

of fetish for tying their hands. Am I right, a common male namey?

Now there's a demon. We're in a bind here.

Copy. The sister is on her way. Just hold tight.

Easy for her to say. What are

we supposed to do with just the two of us?

Sorry to keep you waiting. I got here as fast as I could.

It was kind of tough to get changed so quickly.

I didn't know you'd gone. Your sister's training, too.

Well, I did come from the first, after all.

Though I've never put anyone to rest in the field.

You got this right. Let me at him. Whoa.

My look everything from the neck down.

Yet somehow the veil managed to stay on the bikini.

And veil is a pretty specific kink.

But if that's how you get to

heaven, there's gotta be worst ways.

Be professional. Come on.

Look out. You can't put him to rest.

What do we do? Yes. I'm getting dressed now.

Hang tight, Vulcan. Right. This is one

hell of a bad situation, isn't it?

Don't give up yet. I'm just about ready.

Wait a second. Damn. Crap. Vulcan. Damn it. I'm toast.

Guest habits are hard to break. Tamaki.

You never even change when you change. Didn't Karim?

This is Lieutenant Karim from the first has joined us.

He's here now. That's a huge help.

I thought none of the other companies were going to support us.

Well, no, not officially. But I did make a few personal requests.

Apparently you're short on clerical support. I'm so glad you're here.

We can put these infernals to rest.

Right. Let's go.

I need you to run after the one who fled.

Right. Hey, hold on. I'll move it. Let go of me.

Get down!

Backdraft bubble.. Ish. Gum should do the trick.

It's you from the fifth. Toru Kishi.

I got a message that things were getting

a little sticky for you guys over here.

Ah, another one. Hey, now, calm down, fellas.

I just happened to be in the neighborhood

and heard some commotion. I swear.

Oh, snap. Hell of a show. And this is super dangerous,

but I'm here for some reason. Juggernaut. You too. Get him.

Yes. We can't rush.. Them.

Stay away from us.

We're pretty.. Awesome team. I'll make sure they give

us some room and you just keep

on backing away and letting them rip. Don't let them near us.

We'll attack from long range then. Yes, sir.

I said stay.. Back.

Hate to bail on you guys, but you got this. What?

I won't let him lay a finger on that girl. Wait.

Shinra. Kusakabe, where are you going? You chasing after Inca?

Answer me, boy. I asked you a question. So tell me.

Damn you.

Let go of me. Shut up! Would you stop that? Let the girl go.

Just butt out. I told you, I don't

want your boring safety. I want danger.

But why? That's crazy.

Everyone Hurry. The Infernals

are coming. That way is blocked. Sister.

We got to put the next one to rest.

Yes, sir. We call it a prayer,

but she puts her entire soul into her. Please.

Even her strength and concentration have their limits. Are you okay, sister?

Oh, well, there's nothing wrong with me right now, sir.

The flame is the soul's breath. The

black smoke is the soul's release.

Who are you? We are a squad

of sisters with Lieutenant Karim. Oh, wow.

Company two. Ready to go? All right, Company..

Five, I need you to secure an evacuation route.

Back up. Yes, please. Captain Obi, I'm Taguchi, second platoon leader.

And I'm Tokuyama here from the fifth.

Thank you for answering my call. I

truly appreciate your assistance with this.

I'm just glad to be of help, sir.

Heard a lot about you since your

days as a firefighter. It's a real honor.

Company too. Let's put those infernos to rest.

Company five Secure the route and get the civilians evacuated. Yes, sir.

Wow, Captain, there are so many. It's amazing, huh? Yeah.

We're all working to protect the people. It's what unites us.

Look at it all burn. There's nothing

more beautiful, if you ask me.

Throw as many fire soldiers as you want at it.

It's not going to help one bit.

The fifth pillar is as good as ours now.

Celestial night Slash.

Whoa. Way to freak me out. Oh, crap. It's you again.

Hey, I found the shock lady. Marcie.

Take her out. So you're the enemy commander,

huh? I challenge you.. To a duel.. One on one.

Yo, I've got a problem here. Sharon.

Hurry it up. I am not joining up with..

Either one of you guys, so you better get your grabby..

Hands off me right now. Let the girl go now.

Hey, hold it right there, sir. I've

had just about enough of you. You big oaf. So get. La.

Nice truck.

Now clap.

Your att*cks have some speed, but not a liquor.

Screw you. Shut your mouth. Still, it doesn't

seem like my rabbit has any kind of effect on him.

He triggers explosions just by walking. So could

I if I put my mind to it. Let's give it a try.

The flame is the soul's breath. The black

smoke is the soul's release fire.

O ashes thou wert and art may

thy soul return to the great flame of fire. LatAm.

Captain Obi. The infernos are being put to rest like clockwork now.

But I'm wondering how we'll handle all these fires.

The way things are headed, the whole town's going to burn.

Return to the great flame of fire.

Tome. Now all we got to deal

with is this one horned bastard over here.

This sucks. I can't send out..

Any orders when you're around, you know?

Well, it's about to get.. A lot worse for you, huh?

Oh, you really think so? Well, the fifth pillar is ours already,

which means we are on our way

to assembling the eight key pillars.

Let me go. I'm no one's property.

Release me or you're gonna be sorry.

So that just leaves you. Fourth pillar.

I'm not going to beat him like this.

But when I was training with Captain Shimon,

there was one particular kata that caused an expl*si*n.

You want to learn the devil horn corner, huh?

It's as simple as sticking out your

index and pinky fingers like so.

That'll fill you with the power of rock.

Guess I'll give it a try. I've

got some heat for you, you big gorilla.

The farm. I learned from Captain Obi himself.

The corner.

Scenery faces off against the white clad

Sharon And while fighting an uphill battle

against a foe he can't seem to lay a scratch on,

he finally figures out the secret. Now Shinra, it's..

Time to rock your finishing move. We're not going to touch me.

Next time on Fire Force. Season two Episode five Corner.

Return to the Great Flame of Fire LatAm.