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02x03 - A New Flashpoint

Posted: 01/12/24 05:46
by bunniefuu
Get out of me right now. A let down.

I guess that was all the k*ller instinct you had.

At least I had more fun than I thought I would.

Wait a second. Earlier you told me that you

knew how to find my mom. Is that true? Is she still somewhere

out there, or were you lying? They?

That's a good question. But seeing as how

you rejected me, I don't feel like answering. Come back.

We've had Halmia.. Show you and now it looks like a new

pillar is about to be born.

I think I'll go play with them now.

A new pillar. You mean someone with an adult burst?

If I'm able to sense that a new pillar is coming,

you can bet that the evangelist knows too.

The fire force or the white clad?

Which one of you will reach it first?

Just. Who the hell are you?

Who's been watching this empire for a long time.

Pupil response is normal and you seem to be lucid now.

They're going to be perfectly fine.

Did something happen to us? I don't remember anything.

Apparently someone took both your bodies for a joy ride.

You think it was the same person who possessed Shinra?

I don't. They had a different energy.

Your guys were possessed by that electric girl.

It looks like the first pillar took off.

So I went ahead and released the guys from the fourth.

I'm glad we came out here. The first pillar said something interesting.

You'll tell me what? Right. She said

she could sense the coming birth of the world's fifth doula burst.

The fifth pillar is coming soon. You're kidding.

Is this for real? And what does

it mean for us? Should we get..

Ready? We are about to scramble against those fire force punks.

So the angel told you that another wielder

of the Adolla burst is about to be born.

And she warned you that the evangelist is aware of this?

Yes, sir. I don't know if this is true,

but from what they've said, the White-clad

want to collect every adolla burst and then

use us to trigger a repeat of the great cataclysm.

We would have to be fools to take

the word of our enemy at face value,

but it would be equally foolish to disregard them entirely.

I'm truly sorry about my conduct, sir.

I promise to submit a written apology.

That's all right. Why don't we sweep this one under the rug?

No one d*ed, and your flames helped

me steal a glimpse of a doula.

I have one more question about Odola.

Why do you think you saw it the first time?

In the red storm of the Great Fire.

I came close to the truth. I think that's why.

Thanks for helping me, Lieutenant. I was

happy to assist. Sorry about all the trouble.

Oh, I'm just glad that everybody's okay now.

Anyway, best of luck with your mission. The six is with you.

That psycho girl used in a doula link to screw with my head.

I have no reason to trust her, but if she did tell the truth,

then the fifth pillar is coming and we have

to protect them from the evangelist.

Can't believe you let that happen. You're

lucky I was around to smack you out of it.

Yeah. This one was on me. Sorry, Arthur.

The real Shinra is in half. This agreeable. Huh?

What do you mean? I'm a nice

guy when I'm not dealing with jerks like you, at least.


We aren't going to find the truth just by thinking about it.

We need to act. For me, that means

saving my family and protecting this fifth pillar.

Because that's my duty as a hero.

Now that we know what the evangelist and white-clad are after,

we should bring all the companies together and take them out.

Listen, I've already.. Talked to the other

companies and most have your white-clad on the back burner right now.

That isn't all. Another Adolla burst might be born

soon. We need to secure it.

It's not easy to get people to buy all this.

Our friends at Haijima Industries have been especially uncooperative.

The White-clad are turning people into infernos

as we speak. They need to be stopped.

Everyone agrees that this group is a problem,

but the scope of the thr*at isn't clear yet.

We aren't sure if they can cause another great cataclysm.

I can't mobilize all eight companies unless

you find hard evidence that won't.

. Exist till it's too late.

You're absolutely right. And that's why I've

given you a company of your own.

You're free to take the eighth where you please.

Same as you have been. I'll deal with the consequences.

So even though the stakes couldn't be higher,

we still can't expect more support.

Understood, sir. The eighth will continue to investigate

alone. Thank you for your time.

You're becoming a lot more reasonable, Obi.

Does this mean you're finally growing up?

I'm quicker to shut up about my

frustrations and shove my complaints aside,

but that doesn't make me more mature.

Sure sounds like maturity to me. What

the hell does growing up mean to you?

Caring more deeply and broadly. I will

never give up on protecting this world, sir. See you later.

Mm. Yeah, he would say that. Fact is, the man's right.

We can't let this carnage continue. We have

to snuff out this fire at the source.

You know that senior who just moved in? Uh huh.

He's like, ugly but hot, you know? Definitely not.

You're tasting guys is weird. What? That's not true.

Girl, you dated a hobo. He wasn't homeless.

He had a car. He smelled ink. Caraway in ink. You good?

Sorry. I left something at school again. Just go on without me.

Such a fragrant aroma.

No doubt about it. So what's the word? Is it coming

soon? That'd be some welcome news.

You two had better not show up this late again.

Sorry, boss. We'll be quicker next time.

Panda just had some trouble getting his butt into gear.

The smell is getting stronger now. Panda. Sun show. We're on.

If Lady Luck is with us, it'll

be a rich guy's house that catches fire this time.

This is the place there should be an easy in.

The flames should start any second. Then let's get to it.


Time to make some money.

There's something burning.

Oh, no. It's a fire. My house is on fire.

It seems pretty bad down there. I bet

the floor could give out any second. Oh, thank..

Goodness you're here. Help me, please.

I'll get you out of here safely if you want,

but only if you make it worth my while.

Understand? What are you talking about? Everything I have is burning.

Yeah. So there isn't much time to think on it.

If you want my help, you'll give me everything you've got.

Oh, there's a pin tray inside the bottom drawer in there.

My money's right under it. You can take whatever you want.

I have a bum leg. I won't make it alone.


You're one happy old geezer. I'm okay. I'm okay.

Well, we're done here. Let's go. We'll

split it. , . . Cool.

Wait, How is that fair? Because you

couldn't have done this without me.

Yeah, she has a point. We can

only do this because she knows where the fires will break out.

I've been wondering, how does that work?

Are you, like, a pyrokinetic? Didn't think

there was a generation that could guess where fires would break out.

So there's first gens. They burst into flame and become infernals.

Second, gens can manipulate and control existing flames.

And then there's third gens. They can

ignite their own flames and adjust how they burn.

But I don't have any control over fire at all.

Which means it's possible that I'm the first

member of the fourth generation. Oh, man, that'd be insane.

So that fire two years back, that b*rned up all those people,

not to mention all their valuables.

Before that fire. I didn't know why

I'd been born or what the point of living was.

I honestly hoped I would just spontaneously combust one day,

go out in a blaze of glory. Flames sprang up one by one, as

if fueled by the newly dead.

He'd never been in such a hopeless situation.

And it made me think for the first time I want to live.

The terror and the warmth of the flames. Engulfed my entire being.

It was exhilarating. Like nothing I'd ever felt.

Guess I'd better leave. Let's see. Shh. Uh oh. Hey.


It's weird. Can tell where the flames will flare up next.

The scent becomes a line that I can see.

Oh, I get it. The flames appear

wherever the light is thickest and brightest.

Now that I understand, this is easy.

The Great Fire took a lot of things on that day,

but it also gave me this amazing power.

And then you decided to use that power

to take advantage of the helpless. Think it's called Fireground robbery?

Nothing's more precious than life, right? If these

people want me to save them,

then handing over their shinies is the least they can do.

Okay. But it kind of seems like

you're doing this for the thrill.

More than the money. The Great Fire made you feel alive.

Gave you a rush. Right. And you want to feel that rush again.

So now you charge it. A house fires for fun.

I feel like you might be an adrenaline junkie.

Well, I do enjoy the thrill of danger.

And the greater the danger, the bigger the thrill.

Then you're in for a wonderful surprise

because you're about to be scared out of your little head.

If it's danger you want, then buckle up.

You're about to be in all the danger you could possibly want.

Huh? Is something wrong? You look spooked.

Who was that? She kind of came off like an unhinged psycho.

I'm gonna be in danger soon.

Hell yeah.

It's time. Pillar is about to be born. Hurry.

Hold on you again. All right. We're going to head back home.

Call us next time. You smell a job. Everything okay?

No, everything's going straight to hell.

Y. Y. So many massive fires about.. To break out.

I don't like this. Hold on. How many do you see?

Enough to k*ll lots of people and make us rich.

The whole area is going to become a raging sea of flame.

The fire ground thief, schoolgirl..

Whole empire knows about her. She's been

b*ating firefighters to the scenes of burning houses.

It was thought that she'd set the fires herself,

but witness testimony would suggest otherwise.

So what? You think she can sense

where the fires will appear, huh? Right there. Followed by.

I just got a report of someone

who was extorted and rescued by a strange girl.

This girl is near the scene of

the fire were currently heading to.

Good one of you grab me a stick. I want to conduct the show.

Given this girl's unusual ability, there's a

good chance she's the fifth pillar.

She saves people's lives, but also robs them.

Can't tell if that's evil or not.

The fireforce or the white clad. Which of you will reach?

If this girl really is the fifth pillar,

we have to keep the white clad away from her.

They'll take her down the wrong path.

Just like they did to show.

Look sharp. We're almost at the scene.

Hey, guys, Better check your equipment. Hockey.

Let's use the Allies on it.

Allies are online. I equip the hover units with ultra telephoto cameras.

Can you see the fire scene yet?

Yeah, it looks bad. Judging from the size

of these fires and the way they're spread out,

I'm betting the White-clad did this with their bugs.

Wait a second. We have to fight Infernals and the White-clad.

Not to be a downer, but don't we need more people?

We're here to save lives and put infernos to rest.

Moqui and Vulcan will keep us informed

so we can coordinate our movements. Right?

As far as I can tell, we've got eight infernos on the scene.

One of them is approaching our position from : .

I have separate missions for the two of you.

Shinra find and secure the fifth pillar.

Yes, sir. Arthur, you deal with that electric girl.

All right. Anyone have questions? Company eight Move out.


How are there this many fires? We're going to make a k*lling.

I think we should get somewhere safe. Are you..

Talking about. This is our chance to get rich.

What are you talking about? We just get ourselves k*lled.

We don't have the power to predict

where a fire will spring out next

like you do. We're just regular guys.

Okay, fine. I'll go by myself then.

Wait a sec. Don't do it. They'll be firefighters down there.

I'll get rich all by myself. No, don't.

A thrill like this. How can I not jump in?

Antenna is quivering. Thoughts are a popping

brainwaves from all over town are flowing toward me.

Oh, no. It's the cockroach. This is a little too watery.

Let's throw in a bit of chili and bam. Hey. Found you..

Now. Guerrilla radio. Radio Head time. Sending

thoughts your way. Jerome, you copy?

She's standing in the park at the top of the hill.

I read you. We're on our way.

Yeah. I can't let you do this. Let go of..

Me. I've lived through a much bigger

fire than this one. Yeah, but..

That doesn't mean you have to push your luck.

I take it you're the fifth pillar.

Wait. Am I wrong? Speak up. What is your name?

I'm after Inka, So you know. Tell me if I found you. Yo,

are you the fifth pillar or not? I need to know right now.

Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing, huh?

Oh, no. Sojo. I can't.. Breathe. I just.

What's the matter, Inga? Oh, I see.

You'll get used to that pretty quick. Used to it.

All right. Gotta find her.

Come on. The evangelist awaits you, kid.

Get used. To what? The sea of flames.

The smell of blood. Well, just keep chasing bigger dangers.

It's time to go. We need you. So come along.

Meet me. Huh? That's weird. What do you mean by we?

And what is it you.. Think you need me for?

Oh, I'm with the White-clad, and we serve the evangelist.

We're gathering the pillars so we can

recreate the great cataclysm from years ago.

Huh? Never seen a line with words on it.

There's another. What the.

Way to go, kid. Seems you've awakened to your powers.

You need to run for it, panda.

You won't escape.

Evangelist. Great cataclysm. What the hell is a pillar?

That's a weaker line than the others. But still. Huh?

So you can predict faint traces.

. Of heat to. I'm impressed.

You don't have anywhere to run to.

Just give up. We're here, sir. About time.

You see? Is it another fire?

Hey, tell me what you see. Come on. What does it look like?

Wait, Are you just pulling my leg? Hero has arrived.

It's okay. Now you're with the fire force.

Yeah, I am. And you must be the fifth pillar.

I'm here to secure you. Wait.

The fifth pillar. Why is the fire force after me now?

You want to secure me? Yeah, we'll see about that.

Take it easy. Leave these guys to me.

All right. Shinra Kusakabe, the fourth pillar comes to take the fifth.

If I b*at you here, I can bring you both in.

Would overwhelm him. Overwhelm him? Overwhelm. Oh

one Run him through. Run him through. Run him through.

You as fast.. As they say.

I heard you stood

your ground against Shell. But that was when the.

Lost grace. Right now you are just a nimble little fire rat.


Well, looks like Sharon's on the warpath.

You're up, Mr. Hero. Let's see if you can save the schoolgirl.

I'm betting you'll choke. Little anchor's gonna come home with us.

Go on, Fire, rat. Use those fast feet of yours to run away.

Why the hell should I? You're just a noisy gorilla.

I've got this in the bag.

Fire spread throughout the district..

While Infernals roam the streets. Company eight

fights hard to thwart the White Cloud's plans.

But when a demon infernal appears, it becomes

clear they can't win without help. Hey, fire..

Soldiers. Keep your weird roleplay to yourselves.

Okay? Next time on fire Force. Season

two Episode four Groping Through the Fire.

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