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02x01 - A Fire Soldier's Fight

Posted: 01/12/24 05:45
by bunniefuu
Causes of death are many and varied.

Old age illness, su1c1de. But out of that long,

morbid list, there's one end that people

fear above all others.

Death by fire.

So where to next? I think they're

selling ice cream over that way.

It looked really good, too. Come on.

Oh, they're so lucky. The two of them

both look so cute and feminine, you know?

If you want to wear girly stuff,

you should do it. I bet you'd look great. I guess I could.

Then again, maybe not. Huh?

It's like the fight in the nether never happened.

Everyone in this crowd is afraid that

one day they could turn infernal.

I don't want those happy smiles to turn into forced ones.

I'll find a way to cure Infernals

Learn the secrets of the evangelist and eidola

and make spontaneous human combustion a thing of the past.

What's going on? Why are you making that weird face?

You just had a crepe, right? How

can you eat all these sweets and not get sick?

Hey, guys, listen, I think I might have

a fun idea. Operation makeover. The lieutenant. Well.

It's been a while since my last day off.

I could brush up on my soccer skills.

Want to check out that place I told you about?

For sure. Let's do it. Cool. We can

shop for some new clothes together. I'll be up..

For whatever as long as we get ice cream, too.

A girls day out. I can't..

Wait. They're all going shopping. Enjoy your time off.

The three of us were planning..

To go out tomorrow. You're welcome to

join us if you'd like to.

Seriously? Are you sure you wouldn't mind?

Why did you invite him, Iris? Well,

do you have anything else going on? No, not really.

Good afternoon, Lieutenant. Good afternoon, sir. You're

all going shopping? That sounds nice.

You kids have a good time? Yes, sir.

His outfits are as out there as ever.

Even if he has no fashion sense, he knows how to read. Right.

I feel like he's the one who should be shopping

for new clothes tomorrow..

Instead of shopping for ourselves. Let's find

some stylish clothes for the lieutenant. Yeah, that..

Sounds like fun. Let's do it.

Sorry, sir. Should we go to first?

If we've turned you into a game.

Oh, my. What do you think of this one?

That's great. But check out..

This. Wait, look. You don't think we could get

him to wear something like this, do you?

A bald helmet. Even he would turn that down.

I don't feel like the lieutenant's likely

to put anything on his head that isn't

officially considered a hat. Well, then how about this?

Oh, is that what we're doing? Well,

I hate to burst your bubble, but a stuffed

animal head might be pushing it to.

That being said, I'm just as curious

as you two are about where he might draw the line.

I want to get him an outfit that really pushes it.

I love the lieutenant. This is so..

Fun. Hold on a second. What happened

to trying to help him dress better? Wait.

If we were actually planning to help him look cool,

why did we come to this store? Right, Because McKee picked it.

I think you'd look good in this genre. Huh?

Huh? She's so close.


this is fun.

Oh, stop being gross. What's your problem? Ah, skee ball.

Man, that girl is aggravating. Listen, Tamaki

was just as worried about you as Maki and I were.

We all heard about your mother, Shinra.

You can count on our help. I'm sure we'll find a way to save

her together. You were hurt..

So badly, and yet you managed to pull through.

I know. You'll see Sho again.

Thanks a bunch, you two. I really

am glad that all of us are with the eighth.

Do you really think he's going to wear it?

What's the plan? We need to ascertain

the thr*at and make sure these people are safe.

Shinra fly to the site and scout it out.

Help any civilians that are still there.

You two are with me. We need

to secure evacuation routes for the civilians here. Understood.



I am sworn to protect the weak, devils included.

You're welcome. Are you.. Sworn to be a smug jerk about..


Are you all right? Shinra. Uh, yeah.

It's not really an inferno.

I didn't know they could get this big.

We're ready, Captain. What do we do now that..

The civilian evacuation is complete? We can get right to it.

Go put on your bunker gear. Shinra.

Yes, sir. Leaked in Vulcan. I want

you to focus on finding that monster's core.

All over it, sir. Give it to us.

Be ready to start the prayer, sister.

Yes, sir. I need the rest of you

to help me keep this thing busy. Understood.

Hold on. Is this even possible? It's happening, so it must be.

Have you turned up anything yet? Oh, yeah.

We got him all figured out. Believe

it or not, this infernal has multiple cores.

So, like a couple or more. To be precise, it has five.

There's one in each of its arms

and legs, plus a reinforced main core.

That one's in his chest and it's extra sturdy.

And the only way to put this giant

to rest is to take out all five cores.

Yep, that's correct. I recommend that you

start by taking out the arms and legs to immobilize it.

That'll make it easier to target the main core.

If he's able to get a clean sh*t at maximum firepower,

Shinra should be able to bust through it.

All right. Hinawa Tamaki and Maki, you have ranged att*cks,

so you'll take out the arms.

Arthur And I'll get the legs. You'll end at Shinra.

Yes, sir. We can't afford to waste

any time. Let's move in together.

Commence the operation. Note the time is to . Yes, sir.

So that's the core, huh?

He said, I'll stop him in his tracks.

All right. You two, let's get to work.

Maximum power.

Thou art a fool to bare your fangs to the night king.

I am known as Sir Arthur Boyle.

I'm captain of the Order of the Round

Table and the rightful sovereign of Camelot.

Well done, everyone.

It's my turn.

I train every day. So I can do stuff like this.

Shinra. The rest is up to you, right?

The flame is the soul's breath. The

black smoke is the soul's release.

Ashes thou wert and art. May thy

soul return with its flame. The great flame of fire.

Now set your soul free.


I'm on a balcony. Wanakita neira. On a sunny.

I my Monogatari saikai in .

You're not.


You gotta keep on.

A crown.

Are you going to clown?

Oh, come on. Even you should know not to wear that.

Where's your sense of dignity? I'm terribly sorry, sir.

Did you come straight here from some

freaky night job you've been working?

No, sir. I didn't realize the outfit was a problem.

What the hell is the matter with you?

I wonder what's making the captain go off

like that. He sounds furious. Yeah.

And with Lieutenant Hino, of all people.

What the heck are we going to do?

He's getting in a ton of trouble, and it's all because of us.

We never thought he'd actually wear it. Oh, Lord, please help us.

Tell me, are you aware of what the words on that cap say?

No, sir. The caps front never entered my line of vision.

Where'd you even find these ridiculous clothes?

Did you buy all this for yourself?

This is bad. He's about to find us out.

What do we do? We'll apologize. Yes, sir.

I bought all these clothes myself.

Thanks, Lieutenant. You're the coolest. I see.

Well, in that case. Marquee. Iris. Tamaki. Shinra.

Come here. He worked it out.

I know you gave these clothes to the lieutenant.

You took advantage of Hina was utter

indifference to fashion and of the trust he gives his comrades.

Now, tell me which one of you playing this ridiculous stunt.

The girls asked me to go shopping

with them because they care about me.

They're my company, ET comrades and my friends.

The lieutenant wouldn't sell them out, and

I won't either. It was definitely Sheena.

Mom. Girls can be. Terrifying.

Shinra. Come here for a minute.

Yes, sir. Uh. It's that part of the year again.

And this time around, we're doing it right.

Doing what? Our page in the special Fire force nude calendar.


wait. So the special fire force

puts out its own nude calendar?

You bet your ass, kid.

It helps civvies get to know us. Makes us more approachable.

Okay. And you're saying the photo sh**t

for this year's calendar is coming up. In total.

There are currently eight special fire force companies.

Each company is assigned one month between January and August.

Company eight is responsible for August.

So what do they do for September Through December?

Those four months are done by popularity.

The top four start in September and then go in ascending order.

Whoever gets first place takes December.

Got it. What place did the eight get last year?

Was it last place? Maybe. Mind if I take

a look? I'm going to do it.

Uh, you said it was August, right?

Are you sure? Enthusiastic. We go hard. The eighth. Always has.

Okay. Who ended up in first? You said

that I'd find them in December. That company's popularity is unrivaled.

Yeah. They're crowd favorite. Rica did us

a big favor by getting himself k*lled.

I think we actually stand a chance this year.

That's right. It's our time that's..

Kind of messed up to say, even if the guy was a traitor.

And speaking of doctor Giovanni should be in here.

Did he show off his components?

Yeah, this picture must have been doctored. Giovanni.

So everyone did this. Well, then. Oh,

that would include the fifth. Which means

that one of these pages could reveal

the glory of Captain Habana's naked form.

Who are these guys? No one cares

about them. They're just human gravel.

Were you hoping to find something different? Shinra.

The fire force calendar is all male.

He'll be stark naked. I want to gaze upon Shinra's calendar picture.

I want to. I want to so bad. But on the other hand,

everyone else will see too. When that happens,

the whole world will understand his appeal.

And from that day on, my dear

Shinra won't just belong to me anymore.

Is that fate inevitable? Have I no choice

but to accept it? Excuse me, but..

We need you to approve. Silence, Gravel. Go with whatever.

I'm surprised you're all so into this.

Wait. There's no way the seventh cares about this, right?

Captain Shimon's picture was actually pretty popular, huh?

Captain Shimon posed for this thing. I can

understand why people would like him,

but how did they talk him into

doing it? He'll be July, right?

Did they take this without asking?

Hey, where's Waka? Just saw him head to the bath house.

Is it time for his next calendar sh**t?

I'll do whatever it takes to make

sure those empire dirtbags don't show us up.

I'm going to use this to snap some hot pics.

Best of luck, Lieutenant. I've got high expectations. Hey.

You got me real good last year, Kondo.

But did you actually think I wouldn't find out?

The people are waiting for a strong,

brash warrior who can win them all over without trying.

And I only know one man who fits that bill.

No one could do this. But you understand me?

Your favorite. Don't you understand? I'll have

to be in the picture. No, I'm keeping order.

A doctored photo, an illicit one. And the gravel brigade.

What does it say about us that we lost to this mess?

That's all behind us. This is a new year and a new company.

I trust our recruits to do us proud.

The eighth calendar days are just starting.

Call us the beef squad. That could help.

I mean, in last year's pic, it was

just Captain Obi and Lieutenant Hinawa.

And that does seem a little lonely

compared to some of these other pictures.

Sorry, sir, but I feel like I've

got to ask. What's that pose?

It's a little trick. I learned where

this here python becomes a cobra. Mhm.

There. See? It's an awesome pose. The ladies dig it.

No, no, no. Two ladies dig it.

You can't base your picture off an

inside joke no one's gonna hear.

What's the deal? Why the dead fish?

I'm not sure what you expect, sir.

Relax. I've got a plan that guarantees our victory.

You mean you've come up with a new weird joke?

Whoever masters this technique will get to stay

in front and center. So take a good look.

Make your python a cobra. And then bring out his twin.

Dead last.

Chigira visits Captain of Company

four in search of information about a dollar bursts.

The captain's strange demeanor takes him aback. Something strange comes over him.

Happen to you? Shinra have had enough.

All of you can drop. Get it next..

Time on Fire Force. Season two Episode two Flames of Madness.

Return to the Great Flame.. Of Fire LatAm.