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01x21 - Those Connected

Posted: 01/12/24 05:42
by bunniefuu
Lisa, stop.

Mm hm. How can you possibly expect to b*at us when you

have no powers to speak of? You don't have to do this, Lisa.

Due to the plague, that is human combustion.

Weak men like you live and die at the mercy of the flames.

But through Lisa's compatibility with the bugs.

She's kindled the flames within herself.

Both of my parents were k*lled during a fire

After that, I lived in terror until the bug

awakened my power and drove my fear away.

These guys are lying to you, Lisa.

I don't have any more powers than you did as a kid

and as a fire soldier. I know

the terror of the flames as well

as anyone. I face it every day.

Seems to me that Giovanni wants you to be scared.

He's using your fear to control you.

You accuse me as you brandish an a* at her.

The a* is for you.

He doesn't care about you, Lisa.

You have no reason to protect him.

The flaming tentacles which envelop me are magnetically attuned.

So they move to protect me of their own accord.

The flames I used to live in fear of. Now keep me safe.

What kind of bug is able to give people powers like that?

Would you like to know? Well, I'm not telling you.

Leave this world just as ignorant as you were coming in.

You are one annoying old man.

Did you actually believe that you could

put out my fire with a toy like that?

I don't think it's going to work, Captain. We'll see about that.

It seems like this fight is a joke to you.

It's not. I promise. I'm trying my hardest

to save you from the flames that hold

you c*ptive. So hang in there.

I'm not their c*ptive. If those feelers are defending you,

why do you look so scared? I'm not scared. But you should be.

I'm not fighting you. I'm fighting a fire.

Fire extinguishers have no place on the field

of battle. You truly are a fool.

You've forgotten. But there's a motto we fire

soldiers live by. Protect human life and property.

This piece of gear might not be flashy,

but it does its job every time.

It saved more lives than I can count.

k*ll them. Yes. Right. Your naivete will be the death of you.

Tell me, how do you plan to keep saving

people's lives when you've thrown your own away?

Believe it or not, I'm very protective of my life.

I'm sorry for making you wait, Lisa, but everything's in place now.

Albeit you took all those hits on purpose

so you could place extinguisher grenades beneath her tentacles.

I'm falling.

I've lost everything. Everyone. Mom. Dad.

Shh. Look.

You haven't forgotten what you are again, have you? Feel her.

Mayday, mayday, mayday. Pakistan

one, sir. We've lost one inch.

Take what you got and leave now.

You're wearing out your welcome. No one

here wants to see you here. Yeah.

You want from day one, the devil will come. Why you want to.

Fight to the racer. You.

Champagne. Try to save yourself like you. Every branch we.

Asset courtesy scream it makes.


It was I who saved you from the fear of the flames.

I who gave you purpose? Vulcan never

would have given you a home if not for me.

You'd best remember the debt you owe. Come back.. Here.

Don't do this. I have to, though.

Back when I had absolutely nothing, Dr. Giovanni came and rescued me.

I can't leave him now.

Just try to forget we ever met. Okay?

Damn. You take one more step and I'll

burn through her neck with this wire. No, don't.

Listen. Well, Vulcan, if you want to save her life,

you'll do exactly as I say. Pick up that g*n and sh**t. Obi.

You really are a rotten bastard to the core.

You should rejoice, fellow. Your life is being

put to use in the service of the evangelist right now.

Isn't that what you want? Milken? Do as he says.

Sorry, sir. This isn't your fault. No more stalling.

Act now or else. There's no point

in making a big production out of it.

Just do as I say. sh**t. And Fehler will live.

Don't. And Lisa will die. That's all there is to it.

I swear I'm going to k*ll you. Giovanni.

Are you? Well, before you do. You can

watch as my heating wire lops off this poor girl's head.

Go ahead. Pull the trigger. It's the

only way you can save Lisa.

Can't do it. Then Lisa is finished.

Do it, Vulcan. sh**t me. If you don't, he'll k*ll Lisa.

But if I.. Give in, then.

God damn it. God.

You k*lled your

captain and your only chance of winning just to save this girl.


Even knowing I'd be fine. That was scary.

The turnout coat isn't made to be bulletproof.

So what extra protection did you have?

Oh, would you like to know? Huh? You feeling curious? Well,

I'm not going to tell you. Best before we came.

Mm. I'm working as the engineer now.

There's no way I'm going to let my captain fight without protection.

Even so, that was a reckless ploy.

It's the trust we put into each

other that makes the members of Company eight a real team trust.

What an absurd, inexplicable concept. Your hardware is a disorganized mess.

You're lucky that Pop isn't here to see it.

Get ready, dirtbag. A quick penguin match.

Let's see if that machinery of yours can pass a strength test.

Oh, your heart was as weak as it looks.


Lisa. Good work. I'll take over.

Considering your lack of powers, you're managing quite well.

You used to be a fire soldier like me.

You were meant to protect people from the flames.

Why would you go from saving people to turning them into Infernals?

What does your evangelist hope to accomplish by spreading so much terror?

Earlier, you told me that the fire

soldiers maxim was to protect human life and property.

Did you not tell me? Can you

really not see how trivial such things are?

Humans are such a small portion of the Earth's energy.

We are vermin scuttling across the planet's crust.

Of course, mankind should burn. It's the only

way to become part of something greater.

What a load of crap. About years ago,

this planet's surface was torn apart by the great cataclysm.

This catastrophe was caused by the sudden

release of an immense adolla burst.

And the place that Adolla burst came from is one, you know.

It's a place you believe in if you have faith.

Long before the solar calendar began, before the great cataclysm,

since time immemorial, humankind has lived in perpetual fear of this place.

Regardless of what causes spontaneous human combustion.

I'll do my damnedest to stop it.

You still haven't made a case for burning people alive.

Spontaneous human combustion is a part of the natural order.

Would you defy the laws of nature?

The bugs you.. Use are made by people.

Do you honestly believe that the evangelist

is no more than a regular person?

It doesn't matter what the evangelist really is.

Your cult wanted an idol to worship,

so you prop one up for yourselves.

Honestly, what a ridiculous notion. You say that we worship an idol.

Then what's the great sun god of the Holy Solar temple?

Why bother offering prayers that you don't

know will be answered to a god that you don't know exists?

Yeah, well, at least the temple doesn't go around roasting people.

The evangelist is no mere idol. A powerless

man such as yourself cannot comprehend what the evangelist is,

but that truth is likely beginning to

dawn on your soldier. Shinra Kusakabe.

You good? Shinra. Talk to me.

Where am I? What is this?

Who are you?



Shinra. You okay? What happened? I, uh. I don't know.

The devil's footprints.

What's the matter? Do you see something?

It's show. He's up ahead waiting.

As we speak. Shinra Kusakabe's. Adolla burst

will be getting stronger through his link with Commander Show Link.

How exactly are they connected? What is an adolla burst? Really?

It is a special flame belonging to those

who have become more than pyrokinetic.

It affects all forms of heat and it's

the spark from which infernal spring.

You're saying that an adult burst like Shinra's are what make infernals?

Then what are those bugs you people use?

You wish to know how they relate.

Insects took a drastically different evolutionary path

than the rest of the animal kingdom.

Which begs the question where do bugs come from?

Some say it's the same place as the Adolla burst.

Like moths to a flame. Perhaps every burnt

insect is a child who tried to find its mother.

So you came after all? Shinra Kusakabe.

Yeah. I came here to keep my promise.

You say you made a vow, Nave. To whom?

To Mom. The woman who loved us both.

I have but one mother figure in my

life. And that is the evangelist.

The thought that you are my brother turns my stomach.

How can that be? I was not born from some filthy womb.

Don't talk about mom like that. I'm

about to watch two Abdullah bursts Go flame to flame.

This is awesome.


Here. I was hoping we could catch up a bit.

You saw that, too.

It wasn't just fast.

It was like he stopped time. How can a pyrokinetic do that?

Hey, Captain. Lieutenant. Hey, Noah. Mackey found you.

This lesson is over. My task was

to get Shinra Kusakabe to command a show.

Now that this objective has been accomplished.

I have no need to stall for any more time.

All is in accordance with the will of the evangelist.

Hold it.

So Abdullah bursts are the cause of human combustion. Huh?

What the hell is happening to the world right now?

Yeah. Just keep walking.

I'll leave Lisa with you. But you will never reverse her conditioning.

Please don't leave me behind. I'll do anything

you tell me to. I'll be good. He's.

Faith, religion, brainwashing the ailments mankind could never cure.


It doesn't matter how swiftly you can move.

You will never be able to match me.

Knave. The fact is that you and

I exist in two separate universes.

Universes? Hold on. What are you saying?

That you're on a different level than me.

So you think I should just give up?

I'm taking you home if I have

to drag you kicking and screaming.

That steam.

You play tag? Kind of rough little bro.

Universes. Time freezing if he's engaging enough

heat to expand the whole universe.

That can't be. And even if he is a third generation,

is that kind of thing really possible?

Shinra, we need to run. I'm serious.

You don't stand a chance here. His power is too much. Huh?

Then have you figured out how his power works?

You can move as fast as you want in your universe.

That's meaningless to me. Because in my

universe, I am fully in command.

You're in command of your own universe.

The hell is that supposed to mean?

Is this another dollar link? This is something

that's better shown than explained with mere words.