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01x19 - Into the Nether

Posted: 01/12/24 05:41
by bunniefuu
As the world man had built was buried in ash.

A leader appeared, a man who would

later be known as raffles. The first

Raffles and his disciples embarked on a quest

to find new light. And they did

what Raffles found was an unsullied flame,

the spark that would kindle an empire.

It won't be long before someone in the fire

force figures out we're down here in the Nether.

You're right. But that's to our advantage.

Yonas at the gate. Tell him to be on guard.

We'll assist with preparations and reconnaissance. There's no need for reconnaissance.

Our enemy is the nave with the Adolla link.

Uh, that was close. Hey, Shinra. You can

read your book after you finish picking up your toys.

One minute. Are you sure? Seems kind of risky.

You know, bad boys get taken to the nether. Oh.

So dumb. Why would I be afraid of the nether?


You don't have to be scared of getting taken to the nether

because your big brother will swoop in to save you.

There in the Nether. You're sure? Based on leaks,

analysis of what clues were left after the att*ck on Vulcan's workshop,

we've determined that the Evangelist's followers are hiding out underground.

The Holy Solar Temple tells us the nether

Those caverns are both dark and unclean..

For reasons we just heard from Sister Iris.

The nether, which has roots beneath most

of Tokyo, is considered forbidden ground.

This, of course, makes it the perfect

place for a band of cultists to set up shop.

As for what the nether looks like,

it's comprised of the now defunct railway

tunnels that used to run throughout the city.

My understanding was that most of the tunnels

collapsed on the day of the great cataclysm.

But it's starting to look like more

of them survive than one would expect.

I looked at what Giovanni left behind,

cross-referenced that with a map of artificial

combustion sites and found where they are.

Tomorrow we're going to bust into the secret

lair of the bastards who've been burning innocent people alive.

We'll knock down all their doors and

find the secret of human combustion.

Expect a full on battle with all our lives at stake.

We're bringing your brother home, Shinra.

Sir. Okay, let's get ready for tomorrow. Dismissed.

Tamaki. You have a minute, sir? Are

you sure you want to do this?

Hi ho. Silver.

It's so hot.

Sister Iris.

Earthquake doesn't seem like an especially big one.

Yeah, but.. They're getting more common.

Mayday, mayday, mayday. Pakistan. Six, six, one. We've lost one inch.

Take what you got and leave now.

You're wearing out your welcome. No one

here wants to see you here. Yeah.

Think that you want from day one. The devil.

Cause you know just why he wants you.

Jeff, try to save yourself like you always do.

Extreme inmates.

Guess this job is a first for both of us.

Kind of gives you the jitters, huh?

Can't say that bunker gear suits you.

Yeah, but I'm still wearing my lab coat beneath it.

There a reason or.

We're finally starting

to look like a real company. Yeah, we are.

Uh uh, um. Uh.

In order to enter the nether legally,

you have to obtain special permission from

the church. Most requests are summarily rejected.

In light of our investigation, the temple

has made a reluctant exception, but only for Company eight.

It's like they think whoever goes down there will be corrupted somehow.

The temple says it's a tainted land

connected to hell and home to inhuman creatures.

Nobody should go down there. Numerous.

I can't believe we used to put our trains underground.

So this is it. The gate to the nether.

You're freaking out. So dumb. Why would

I be afraid of the nether? Don't be ridiculous.

We're really going in there. Mama would

tear me a new one if she knew I was anywhere near here.

You seem strangely calm, Bulk. Yeah. It's not my favorite place,

but I've gone a few times to check

out the water treatment facilities. Again, not my favorite place.

I don't like this. Do we really have to..

Go down there? Stop making such a fuss.

Before we go, would you mind if

I offered a prayer? Please do.

Who do we worship? The rising sun.

We beseech thee, Grant thy light to the souls of the innocent.

What the hell? Look sharp, everyone. It opened on its own.

It must be Merlin's magic. Don't be stupid.

This an invitation from the White-clad?


It actually opened. Looks like the electricity still works.

Wait, that was you. Tell us next time.

Vulcan. Hey, I don't guess there's another button

you can press to turn on the. Lights in their.

What does it look like, Captain? See anything?

Nothing. Hate me? Didn't realize you were that wound up, captain.

Sure is dark. Well, yeah, it is the nether.

Whoa. So this is the nether? I

can't believe I'm here. Crazy, huh?

Huh? Marcie, have a light? Uh.

Yes, sir. Right here. Sputter and flare. Smithers, British sputter.

I was hoping for a normal light.

This is the closest place to hell there is.

Don't forget that. We'll find the base

of the evangelist and the truth about human combustion here.

Stay sharp and keep moving. Yes, sir.

Yonah, let's shake things up. Art is meant

to disrupt and I mean to push art to its limits.


Take your positions. Everybody stay close. Where did you come from?

Huh? Hey, Captain. You here? Seen Help?

Something's got a hold on me.

Don't let them.. Get me, please. Hang on.

I'm coming. Don't run off, Shinra. We have to stay close.

Give me your hand. Right. Least we knew

the two of us are real.

Oh, this way. Go. I found a place where the fog is..

A lot thinner. Hurry up.

No, Stop. Don't let them split us up.

Damn it. I'm only picking up two life forms right now.

Yes, everyone but us was lured or dragged away.

Wait a sec. How do I know if you're the real captain?

Obi Wan, Look at those goggles. Tells me you're real.

What an imposter. Know you well enough to say that?

Sorry, sir. I made these life sensing goggles to counteract Mirage's ability.

Didn't occur to me that they'd use

fog along with it as well as living imposters.

This is a sloth snout. Cool, bro.

Thanks to Mirage and Yona's efforts,

we've succeeded in dividing the enemy.

Good. Send in the exterminator as*ault.

I shall go as well.

Then again, as*ault the bloody incendiary round

might just wipe out the entire eighth on his own.


Um. Okay. Iris. You know I'm the real one, don't you?

Don't listen to her. She's lying.

Why are you even struggling to figure this out anyway?

Get it. That weirdo's a fake.

That isn't true. She's totally the real imposter.

And she's a meanie. Mm hm.

One more thing that proves I'm real. Plus, I was in.

I remember. And I have blamire's hair.

Well, I certainly can't.. Argue with that.

Totes not fair. You're trying to fool

her by doing something that I can't do.

What a mean trick. Don't make me cry.

This could be an incredibly clever deception.

Why are you acting so? She sounds like a grown ass man. No.

Are the real Tom. Yeah. Now you know for sure, huh?

I'm going to take out my frustrations

with Iris on you. Pops. Hey, you..

There? Get back here. Take what you've got coming. Hey.

You're the first. The first on today's long list of targets.

Mm. as*ault. The name of the man who will k*ll you.

I will not hold back.

Well, this bites. How did I end up all alone down here?

Oh, it's just a woman. You seem a bit twitchy.

What are you scared of? The dark.

That's the least of your worries down here, little girl.

Uh. Wow. What a relief. This place is creepy when you're alone.

I almost convinced myself you were ghosts.

What the hell's wrong with this girl?

Has the darkness driven her insane? k*ll her.

Huh? You think this is a game? Uh oh.

It's not that. I'm just glad you're all human.

It means I know how to deal with you.

Prepare to engage. Hover at degrees.

Pressure circuits. Ready. Release power units. Pilots

to their battle station. Maintain formation.

Your name is Flail, right? I'm told

that you and your friends gave one

of my precious little rookies quite the b*ating.

Twin hover units. Teseo at the ready. Move out.

Even through your gear, I can see that you work out,

but you can't actually expect to b*at us. We're all combat professionals.

Yeah. Can't say I'd have guessed from the looks of you.

How dare you mock us? So she's

the second chin. Keep sh**ting. Take her down.

Throw those little sparks all you want. They're nothing to me.

Annoying little.

In the Evangelist Hollow name. I grant you Death by fire.

I swing it like a daisy chain, but I'm in control.

In your strike.

Resistance is useless. Just let it crush you.

I don't care how brawny you are, you're still just a woman.

You can't hurt me.

Gorilla. Cyclops.

I better hurry and find the others.

Iris, stay back.

He's a third gen to.


You have decent fire resistance, if nothing else.

Are you okay, Tamaki? I'm fine. Get back.

Forgive me, but I have others to deal with besides.

Enemies or not, I find it distasteful

to inflict needless suffering on women.

So I'll make your deaths quick.

Are you sure you want to do this? It'll be dangerous.

And you're with company one. We'd understand if you bowed out.

Even if it's just because of my suspension.

For the time being, I'm a member of the eighth,

which means I join you on your missions.

Hey, Tamaki. Hey. I hear you're coming with us to the nether.

If you end up needing to be saved, call for me and I'll come.

Don't forget I'm.. A fire soldier, too.

My job is to protect people, not be your dumb damsel.

Oh, yeah. You are a fire soldier. I almost forgot.

Okay. They gave me this uniform for a reason.

I can do this.

Don't be scared, Iris. I'll protect you.

I am the assassin from the abyss. And you're in my grasp.

You see that I stand before you.

Yet you do not run. I commend your courage.

But this fight ends now. Crimson b*llet.

Give me some credit, you arrogant jerk.

She touched it.

Yeah. Oh, in my grasp.

Oh. Oh. Oh. Get off me!

I feel so.. Impure.


Thy will be done in so easily.

Look, look, look, look, look. Got him, Got him. Got him.


Madam. How you like them apples? Kusakabe.

It's plain to see that I'm a badass ass kicker. Do you..

Really think that's what.. He would have

gotten out of seeing all that?

What did I say? Because what I meant is,

all's well that ends well.

I'm depending on you.


It's pretty dark, so you better stay close. Okay. Right. You.