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01x07 - The Investigation of the 1st Commences

Posted: 01/12/24 05:31
by bunniefuu
Causes of death are many and varied.

Old age illness, su1c1de. But out of that long,

morbid list, there's one end that people fear above all others.

Seems the eighth and the fifth had a joint training session.

Quite the cover story.

It sounds like Hobbes finally making his move.

To grill is to pick one skill against the fury of the flames.

To grill is to pit one skill against the fury of it.

Ladies, gentlemen. Well, first of all. We're

glad to have you here for our job.

Well done. Party. The nighttime joint exercise

was a big success, so thank you.

When I spoke to Captain, or I guess it's Princess Hibana. Whatever.

I'm self-satisfied punk rabble does not speak.

Does not even breathe without my permission. Right. Shinra.

Oh, we, uh. We do appreciate you taking

on a smaller company like ours.

Enjoy. Yeah, sure.

There we are.

Ooh! Ha ha. Be gone.

You damn will-o-wisp. For the lieutenant said

If you tried to play with fire, my duty would be to snuff it

out. We're here to enjoy ourselves.


Just to be sure. Are you saying

we have the full cooperation of the Fifth?

Not the whole companies, but I'll cooperate personally,

as I'm sure you realize, the fifth is aligned with Haijima Industries.

As things stand, Company eight would be hard

pressed to confront that corporation directly.

You plan to start by destroying the Fifth

and exposing our research, Correct? Yeah.

How did you come by your Intel on the fifth, anyway?

Were Iris's actions a part of your plan?

That was all her. I promise. That said,

I did figure she'd be an ace up my sleeve with you.

You answered one question vaguely and ignored the other.

Well, I doubt a meat head ape

like yourself could understand the fifths research.

You should be grateful to have my help,

because you're certainly going to need it.

Why the sudden change of heart? I once

went through something that turned my faith in flame to despair.

The more I learned of this country,

this world, the deeper that despair took root.

I told myself that my growing cynicism was making me stronger, smarter.

I thought that to face this crummy world,

my only hope was to fight evil with evil.

Then when a self proclaimed hero named Shinra beat me, I remembered.

Justice can be gentle, Flame can keep you warm.

He showed me that it's possible to stand

against evil without allowing it to taint who you are..

From the way you talk about him.

It almost sounds like he's your hero.

Oh, no. It's nothing so trite.

No shame in admiring a hero's courage, Princess.

Honestly, I think his light will guide

us out of this dark prison of flame.

So your mission is to investigate the other

companies in order to solve the mystery of the flames. Yeah.

That's why we came to steal your research.

I heard that you made quite the discovery.

Something related to the cause of human

combustion. Did I hear right? Yeah.

And it may help you to see why I turned devil.

Someone out there is deliberately creating Infernals.

That said, I'm not suggesting every spontaneous human combustion case is m*rder.

But certain samples I studied were very different from the others.

I can explain in detail later.

I can't believe.. Someone out

there is sick enough to do that.

Well, they won't get away with it. I will hunt them down.

The nuns, my friends, all burned to death.

If a human being was responsible for their pain.

Then I swear by Saint John's wart and the malice it symbolizes.

I'll do whatever it takes to find them and burn them alive.

Sounds like we're both after the same mark.

I guess that's true. Of course, this investigation

of yours will only get harder now.

Yeah. How do you mean? The suspected

manmade infernals all have something in common.

They were first sighted near Shinjuku Ward. But that's Company One's turf.

Pardon, sister, but what are you doing here at the eighth? Hum.

I mostly came by to make sure you've been maturing properly.

Stop it. That's a dirty move. That's rather rude.

I'll have you know I'm quite clean right now.

You know. Not what I.. Meant, sister. It must be nice for

the two of you having such soft, feminine figures.

Oh, come on, I say, those hard

earned muscles are beautiful in their own

right. Do you mean.. It? That's kind of nice to hear.

Sister. You're planning something dangerous, right? Yes.

I'm working with your captain to investigate company one.

There's a chance it leads to w*r.

A surreptitious investigation of the first using the rookie training reassignment system.

Not bad, O.B. That might work.

Yeah. The rookie training reassignment system enables

first year crew members to broaden their

experience by getting temporarily assigned to different companies.

I'm going to use this to send

the two of you to Company one as spies.

So we're going to the first undercover. Just me and Arthur.

Somebody in their jurisdiction, perhaps in their company,

has potentially been turning human beings into infernals through artificial means.

Try to come up with any leads you can.

This could be the key to cracking the mystery of human combustion.

So be careful. Best of luck.

I'm on it, Captain. If someone really

is causing human combustion, they'll pay.

They may begin to suspect something. If they're

only assigned recruits from the eighth.

I'll send one of my soldiers to.

And I'll have a word with some other companies.

So this is the Holy Soul obelisk, huh?

I think it's even taller than I imagined.

I bet I could climb it.

Pretty lame, if you ask me. Company

wants Grand Cathedral is so sacred,

I don't feel like I'm worthy.

Who are these guys? They're camouflage. Okay.

You should try to make nice with

them. Thank you for your help.

Mm hm. So you're the newbie in training rookie newbies? Sheesh.

I bet even your crap is crap.

Are you crappy, You crap. Huh? Huh?

I bet even your crap is crap. Are you crappy? You crap.

I feel like he's trying to insult us,

but it sounds like he's just talking about crap.

You bet your ass I know an ass when I see one.

And your ass is an ass like any other. Get me.

What did you say? Calm down. He's

basically just telling you that your ass is an ass. Huh? Huh?

Captain Burns is expecting you all. Come with me.

Company ones. Captain Burns. He was at the fire years ago.

He knows something.

He'll be waiting before the altar. If someone

caused it on purpose. I need to know.

Company one welcomes you. I'm glad you recruits could join us.

And I'm one step closer.

That's bad form wearing those uniforms in a church.

Cut him some slack. They didn't know.

I am Macchio's first class fire soldier here from Company eight.

I've brought the new recruits in for training.

We're speaking as soldiers, but we're still in the Grand Cathedral.

Forgive me for asking, but I would

prefer for you to tent hands rather than salute.

Of course, sir. My apologies. I'll introduce Lieutenant Karim Flam.

Lieutenant Rika Hoshimiya and Lieutenant Hoyeon Lee.

They'll be looking after you for the duration of your training.

You're free to look around the premises.

We want you to feel at home here.

Excuse me, Captain Burns. I know this is sudden.

Huh? But I thought I'd ask to give

you a chance to assess our abilities.

Why don't we start our training with

a quick sparring match? Wait, Shinra.

Did you really just say that? We read

about all your abilities in the paperwork that came with you,

so there's no need for that.

That's all right. Rika helped me give

all of them a workout. Huh? Do you mean it?

Calm down. We're in the Grand Cathedral.

Right? What do you think you're doing? Shinra throwing a light jab.

See if I manage to beat you.

There's something I'd like to ask you about.

That's fine by me.

I hope those kids are okay.

There's nothing more you can do to help

them, so there's no point worrying.

I'll be that as it may, worrying is still a captain's prerogative.

I can't work like this. Hey, stop

complaining. Just get back to it.

Why don't you get back to your post at the Fifth?

I hope Shinra doesn't get too full

of himself because he beat me.

That Captain Burns is a seasoned veteran.

You just got here and you're already sparring with Captain Burns.

It isn't fair that Captain hasn't even sparred with me before.

Hit that twerp hurts or tenant. I'll cave his cocky face in.

I'm going to do this, damn it.

I'll make him spill everything he knows.

Is your friend all right? He seems to be a little aggravated.

I think he's just so delighted to be

at the first that he can't contain himself.

Then he's a high spirited crewman. Sweet. I'm getting all fired up.

So which of us should go first?

How about we start with the recruit from the lowest numbered company?

There's no need to hold back.

I want you to put your full power on display.

The lowest numbered company.

I have to go first.

Hey, I'm Lieutenant Hoshimiya. It seems the

two of us will be sparring.

I'm second class Fire soldier Takuru Noto.

My family owns a jacquimo farm, so

I started getting called Jaga Moto.

And then that turned into Juggernaut. I'm

looking forward to a heated match. Okay. No, No fire.

Please. Do you think this guy is okay?

No, this is just awful. Now there's

fire coming from me. Somebody put it out, please.

That's what I like to..

See, buddy. Those flames symbolize your burning passion.

That is not what this is. I'm

just scared. Really scared. It's so hot.

You and I like it. Hot. Juggernaut, Keep on pushing.

Let me see the best flames you've got.

That enthusiasm is always set to broil.

Yeah. I'm a little worried. I'll deal with any stray sh*ts.

See that? You do. Good grief. This nuisance

really is an annoying thorn in my side.

I'm simmering. Oh, man. The special fire

force has been waiting for talent like yours.

You know who talk like that? You're

going to get me stirred up. I'm scared of fire.

I joined the special fire force because

I wanted to get my flame put out.

But you guys just keep fanning out.

The gate you're putting out is incredible.

Well, every last shot has the force of a.

So it out. Nice one. Keep it up. Come on.

Dodge them all, you lazy slacker. Sloth.

It's all good because I've got you backing me up.

What the. He stopped them.

But that much energy can't have just been erased.

So he froze all that flame.

Damn it, Rica. That might have burned

the captain's uniform if I hadn't been here.

But you were here. And I totally believe in you.

Does the first really have a fire

soldier who conjures frost instead of flame? Huh.

I'm just a regular second generation. You

really think I have some kind of frost powers?

Then where'd that ice come from? It's called Thermoacoustic cooling.

It's a technique that allows me to convert

the heat energy of flame into sound

by compressing it in a specific way.

As that sound abrades the air, it's converted into cold..

So you can take a fire's heat

and convert it into sound to freeze it over.

I didn't even realize that was possible. Huh.

Someone in or near the first is artificially turning people infertile.

The culprit could be one of these guys.

Or it could be all three.

Let's start the next. I only fight when I see an essential

purpose. You'll have to excuse me.

Yeah. So I can only do this stuff on my paperwork.

Which means you should know what I can

do without me fighting that. Okay.

That leaves Company eight. You to fight as a team.

I'll take on both of you.

Why would the captain agree to waste his time on them?

Bring it on.

Chivalry dictates that we take turns. And since

I'm going to beat him, you won't get one. Have at thee. Oh.

What are you planning to do with that hand?

Fight me with all you have. If you don't,

this match will be completely devoid of any meaning.

Fine. But don't blame me if you lose an arm.

You would need to wield a hotter

flame than that one to cut me. Set your mind at ease.

A hotter flame than that. What's hotter than Arthur's Excalibur.

He can even use that blade to cut through steel.

Least I warned you.

Your sword kills with one strike.

But what if it should fail you?

No way. Not even the ogres could extinguish Excalibur.

What are you waiting for? Don't ease up on him now.

That crewman packs some impressive firepower to.

Step back or you'll be k*lled.


A question for you. Why join the fire force?

I lost both my mom and my brother in a fire.

I joined the force to solve the mystery

of human combustion and make fires like that..

A thing of the past. To become a hero who can save the world

from the terror of the flames.

You still have a long.. Way to go.


Let me bid each of you welcome to Company One.

You'll be here, but for a short time.

I suggest you work hard and make the most of it.

Are you hurt, Captain? That was. Yeah.

Uh. Gotcha. You're lucky. LeCHER lure is no

match for my reflexes. We're good.

Thank you. Lieutenant Rika.

You company. Eight guys will train under me.

You two never had a chance against Captain Burns,

but you still did all right. In a fairly decent way.

Of course we did. Thank you for saying so, sir.

But whether your pace keeps you a pace

of our pace or whether your pace gets outpaced by our pace,

just try to hang in there, okay?

Thank you very much, sir. Huh?
