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01x05 - The Least Dangereous Game

Posted: 01/11/24 16:36
by bunniefuu



Leo's up early this morning.

What's he eating?

Don't they feed him at night?




Come here. What are you doing?

Get in here.


Oh, no, not again.

Yeah, again. Now what
happens is it answers the phone,

beeps, and then shuts off
before you can leave a message.

Pound cake?

I was talking about
the pound cake.

That's the third
time in two weeks.

Did I ask for a show of hands
for the breakfast menu, huh?

Well, at least it's improving.
This is better than Mom's.

Yeah, well, it is Mom's. Oh.

She stopped by. She wants
us to come to dinner tonight.

Is this Sunday? No.

Oh, that means
she's dating again.



Thank you for calling Simon
and Simon Investigations.

Our staff is not in the
office at the moment,

but you can leave a message
for us when you hear the beep.

Please leave your name and telephone
number, and we will get back to you

just as soon as
we can. Thank you.


Morning A.J. How'd
you know it was me?

'Cause your recording's sexier.

Oh, yeah?

Besides, I know your
machine's broken.

I took a message
for you yesterday.

I was watering your plants.
Somebody from the zoo.

No, well, we already gave
at the office. Thank you.

No. They want a talk
to you about a job.

You're supposed
to meet a Mr. Frye

in the administrative
offices at 11:00 this morning.

Can you make it?

Oh, gee, well, we'll have to
shift a lot of stuff around here,

but, yeah, I'll squeeze it in.

I mean, after
all, it is the zoo.

Hey, thank you. You know, you
ought to water our plants more often.

No, you should. I'll
talk to you later, okay?

Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

MYRON: What was
that about? Nothing.

Derek Frye at the
zoo? About a job?

Not for us.

For them?

Now, Daddy.

Derek Frye is a
lodge brother of mine.

You mean, he called
them and not me,

and you gave them the message?

Now, Daddy, look, you're
getting all upset about nothing.

There's absolutely...
Well, wait a minute.

What's happening here?

My friends hire the competition,

my own daughter takes bread
out of the mouths of her children?

Daddy, I don't
have any children.

In fact, I'm not
married. Remember?

Well, you keep hanging around
with them and you never will be.

You know, there is
room in San Diego

for two detective agencies.

No, there isn't.

RICK: A.J. A.J.: Yo.

Bet you can't remember the
last time we went to the zoo.

Hey, come on. You
still stole me five bucks

for Hoveland's horse last week.

Yeah, but that was
a trick question.

Now, when was the last
time we went to the zoo?

Are you kidding?

Cub Scout, den

you were going
for your Wolf badge.

Den mother.

Mrs. Schneider.
You little twerp.

All right. Now, five bucks
says you can't come up

with the kid who
had to leave early

because he was pitching
pennies at kangaroos.

Oh... Uh...

Come on. Delay of
game, delay of game.

Hold on, hold on. I can
see his saddle shoes.

Yeah, Jimmy Dunbar!
Wrong. Toby Short.

Okay. So, who's the big kid

who got busted for
climbing onto Monkey Island?

Double or nothing.

SANDY: Well, as you can see,

a zoo isn't all popcorn
and chattering monkeys.

Who was he?

David Howell.

An employee in charge
of feeding the big cats.

Man did his job
right to the very end.

Now, just so we have
an understanding.

Several other
members of the board

wanted this investigation.
I did not. I was overruled.

But so you know,

if you do anything to harm
the reputation of this zoo,

you'll find it extremely
difficult to get work again.

Always nice to kick things off
with a little vote of confidence.

I'm sure you have no
need to worry, Mr. Frye.

When did this happen?

Two days ago.

Now, so far, we've managed
to keep it out of the papers.

The police have
had an investigation.

So have the insurance carriers.

Accidental death?

Of course it was accidental.

We just have to find
a way to explain it.

You see, David Howell
was an experienced keeper,

and the lion was a model
citizen for five years.

I think that we might look into

David Howell's private life.

Perhaps there was
a personal problem.

dr*gs, drinking, anything that
can explain how it happened,

if you understand my meaning.

Yeah, yeah. I think so.

Can I just ask you, though, do
you have any preference here?

Drug abuse, alcoholism,

animal husbandry?

If you gentlemen don't feel
that you can handle this case,

why, I'm sure there are
other agencies that can.

I want the right
kind of results.

Just out of curiosity, Mr. Frye,

what happens if he didn't
have any personal problems?

I'm sure you'll find something.

Well, was there
anything in the autopsy

to indicate, say, intoxication?

There wasn't enough left of
the body to perform an autopsy.

Now, if you gentlemen are
ready to start earning your fees...

Do we have an
understanding, Mr. Simon?

Oh, yes. What you want is a little
discreet character assassination.

Let me put it this way.

My family has been
supporting this institution

for two generations with
very extensive contributions.

I will do anything
necessary to protect it.


SANDY: I just wanted to tell you

that I don't agree
with Mr. Frye.

When you work with animals,

some of their instincts rub off.

There's just something
wrong about this.

I mean, it just never
should have happened.

David knew the lion was ill.

The lion was sick?

Yeah, we were just about ready
to send him off to a research clinic.

I was treating
him for meningitis.

I don't know, he probably
would have died anyway, but...

Well, when an animal injures
someone we have him destroyed.

It was like losing a
friend in Leo's case.

Funny thing is these people
will never know the difference.

They'll just wait for us
to acquire another lion.

Well, I've got rounds.

Let me know if I can
be of any help, okay?


Thank you.

Alan Grey.

Alan Grey? What?

The kid on Monkey
Island. Alan Grey.

Wrong. What wrong?
It was Alan Grey.

It was not. He wasn't
even along that day.

He had chicken pox, remember?

Five bucks it was the mumps.

You're really asking
for it, aren't you?

Five bucks. Five bucks.

RICK: I'll spot you a minute or
two and then I'll make the call.

What did you say the guy's
name was? A.J.: Leon Mendoza.

Well, that means I better bring

our favorite bureaucrat
out of retirement.

Art Sanchez? Mmm-hmm.

Oh, come on. Old Art
nearly got me busted

the last time we went fishing.

Don't worry. This time
he'll give you good cover.

I hear he's got a
fancy new position

with the building
inspector's office.


Hi. You're the manager?

Yeah, that's right

I understand you got
an apartment for rent.

Well, the guy's
stuff is still in there,

and they haven't
come to get it yet.

And I'm really
not supposed to...

Would it be all right if I just
take a quick look around?

Yeah. I guess
it'll be all right.

Great. What happened, he
get transferred or something?

Something like that.

This guy was really
into animals wasn't he?

His stuff ought to be
out of here in a few days.

How come he's moving?

Business, I guess. He was
a nice guy. Quiet. No trouble.

Listen, that's for me.

Hold on. I'll be right back.

Sure, hey, no problem.
Take your time.


Hello, is this Leon Mendoza,

manager of the Del Capri
Apartments on Cabrillo Avenue?


PACK“. Hi, this is Art Sanchez

with the Municipal
Building Code office.

Yeah, we're preparing for
some on-site inspections,

and I'm gonna have to
ask you a few questions.

Okay, now let's
move on to air con...

Are we talking about
central refrigeration here?

Okay, now the code states that
you gotta have one parking space

for each unit.

We already have two.

Well, yeah, two is better.

This won't take much longer,
Mr. Mendoza, and from the way it looks,

I'm not even gonna
have to send a man

out there to poke
around your place at all.


Listen, can you hold on for just
a second? My other line's ringing.

Okay, now let me just
go down my list here

and see if I missed
anything, okay?

Oh, yes. Let's talk termites.

Could I have the date of
your last inspection, please?

LEON: We're
gonna get that fixed.


The water pressure. We're
gonna get it juiced up for you.

Oh, great. Okay.

Well, plumbing
looks terrific to me.

Sure. We do everything
by the code around here.

In fact, we just got a stamp of
approval from the building inspector.


Thanks again. You bet.

Surprise, surprise. Uh-oh.

Yeah, looks like Mr. Howell did
have a little problem with dr*gs.

You're kidding. No.

What is this, PCP?

You ever hear of
anybody sh**ting PCP?

Yeah, well, we'll get
it analyzed. Find out.

You know, it was
awfully nice of Mr. Howell

to make it all so easy for us.

Wasn't it?

Now, if you were a cop... Yeah.

And you were searching
a man's apartment,

wouldn't you look under
the bottoms of the drawers?

Yeah. Uh-huh. And
if you found a bottle

with some funny little pink
pills in it, wouldn't you take it?

Of course I would.

All right.

So? It's phony.

Yeah. Obviously
we're being set up.

I mean, somebody put the pills
and the syringes there for us to find.



What foul? That was clean.

Now, obviously we're discussing

Mr. Frye from the
zoo here. Am I correct?

What does he think we
are, stupid or something?

No, he thinks we're greedy.

Checks around town, finds
out that we need the business.

He figures we'll take a quick buck
and keep our mouth shut, right?

Open and shut situation.

Question is, what is it
that he's trying to cover up?


Well, we're not being paid to find
out what he's trying to cover up.

Yeah, I know. We're being paid

to do his dirty work for him.

CECILIA: Dinner's ready!

d*ck, could you pass
the buns, please?

And the butter please, Andy?

Thank you.

Mom, do you know a
guy named Derek Frye?

Wasn't he married to
one of the Lennox twins?

No, no, no, no.
That was Ed Randall.

You're thinking
about Evie Parker.

But she only dated Frye.

You're right. She had
just divorced Bob Gordon

and hadn't met Lyle Hughes yet.

Well, was that before or after
Lyle's nervous breakdown?

Oh, it had to be before.
She caused it, remember?

Could we get back to
Derek Frye for just a second?


Derek Frye. You remember, the
guy who only dated Evie Parker.

Oh, sorry. I only know
him by reputation.

Well, what's his reputation?


Old money.


Spends all his time spending it.

You know, things like charities, civic
projects. Why are you fellows asking?

Oh, we're doing some work
for him. For the zoo, really.

Oh, that's right. The
zoo is his pet project.

Yeah, he serves on
the board, free of charge.

Donates a million
dollars a year to it.

What are you doing for the zoo?

It's confidential, Mom.

Results already?

Actually, I'm
afraid not, Mr. Frye.

We searched Howell's
apartment yesterday, and...


Come up dry.


We just thought we
ought to let you know.

Yeah, you know, in case
you had any other suggestions.

Am I supposed to do your jobs
for you? I'm paying you for results.

Oh well, we'll get the results.

It's just, you know... [SIGHING]

When a man has
personal problems,

it's usually the people at work
that know something about it.

We were just thinking that maybe you
could tell the personnel here at the zoo

that we're from the poor side of your
family and get us a couple of jobs here.

I think we can do that. What
kind of job did you have in mind?


Relax, Detroit.
Just room service.

Go on out there and take a
look at all those wild humans

we got for you today.

Big cats are nothing,
once they get to know you.

Yeah, great.

How well they know the guy
who got k*lled the other day?

Howell? Yeah.

The question is how well
did he get to know them?

Wouldn't catch me in the
same room with a sick lion.

That cat was running a fever.

Was being treated by
the vet for convulsions.

Didn't Howell know that?

Yeah. But he went in
two hours after his shift.

Some people around here
are wilder than the animals.

Isn't that good.

[SIGHING] That tastes so good.


Okay, kids, now if
you're all very quiet,

you can move in a little
closer and get a better look.

This is Dr. Sawyer,
our veterinarian.

Dr. Sawyer, would you like to tell
us a little bit about your patient there?

Yes, I'd love to.

This is Ronnie. And Ronnie
is about 10 months old.

And we had to bring him in here
because his mother couldn't feed him.

But if he keeps drinking his
milk and taking his vitamins,

he'll grow up to be a
big, strong chimpanzee.

Okay, if we go back
down the hall now,

you can all see what happens
when a leopard breaks its leg. Okay?


I need a favor. If you could
tell me what was in there,

and if you could tell
me what these are.

I think I can do that.
Where'd you get them?

David Howell's apartment.
And I need another favor.

For the time being, let's
just keep it between us, okay?


Thank you. Better get
back to my little monkeys.



KRAMER: Did you
want to see me, Mr. Frye?

Come in, Kramer.

I thought I told you to plant
those pills in Howell's apartment.

I did. Did you?

Well I went ahead
and hired detectives

who went to the apartment
and found nothing.

That's impossible. I made it so
easy, you couldn't have missed it.

All they had to do was find the PCP
and trace it back to the vet's office

where Howell stole
it in the first place.

I want you to find a way
to get rid of those two.

Manufacture an incident. Give me an
excuse to fire them and shut that board up!

If this backfires on
me one more time...

Don't worry.



AJ; We're now approaching
the Great Flight Cage,

home to over 1,500 different
species of birds from around the globe,


Including 100 races
of the parrot family,

a world of waterfowl, and many
more of our exotic feathered friends.

On our left a grouping of
African and Asiatic elephants

and if you look closely, you
will see a white-bearded gnu

and the fringe-eared oryx.


Up ahead, you can see one of our
skilled attendants, preparing their lunch.


Okay, we'll stop here
for a few minutes.

For those of you who
want to take some pictures...

Ladies, please, let's save
some for the Reptile House.



You look like you're
having a real nice time.

Oh, come on. I
offered to flip you for it.

Yeah, well, you knew I couldn't
remember all that garbage.

Well, I figure I have to memorize all that
garbage so it makes us just about even.

Yeah, we're gonna get even more
even when we split the check for this job.

Okay. Well, just keep
track of your hours, that's all.

Yeah, I'm already
doing that, bwana.

Hey, gonna load
those feed bags today?

I was thinking about it.

Good. Because when
you're finished here,

there's a couple of gorillas over
there who wouldn't mind seeing you.

There's a new
attraction for you.

North American Jerk.



It's a real jungle out here.

Come up with anything?

Yeah. I got a little steak
joint I want you to see tonight.


Well, I love the atmosphere. Are
you sure we don't need a reservation?

The paperwork says
that all the cats consumed

the normal amount
of meat last week.

That's just about 10
pounds per day, per cat.

Now, those records are kept by
whoever does the feeding, right?

For every five pounds of meat
they consume, they get one of these.

This is a processed
food supplement.

Contains all the nutritional
requirements to keep a big cat healthy.

You know vitamins,
minerals, like that.

That's swell, Mr. Wizard.

Yeah, but there are ten more
of those packages in there

than there ought to be.
That's five days' worth.

So what? The cat was sick.
He probably wasn't eating right.

Yeah. Well, according to the
records from the meat locker,

he was eating right.

According to what's
in there, he wasn't.

Now, nobody in his right mind is
gonna walk into a cage with a hungry lion.

Especially not one that's
been starved for five days.

So either Howell wasn't in his
right mind and was high on PCP...

Yeah, or he checked
these records,

figured the lion was eating all right,
walked in there and got one big surprise.

In which case, he was m*rder*d.


Hey, you don't look like a bear.

don't look like a bear.

Hey, what do you
think you're doing?

It says, "Don't
feed the animals."

Then don't feed the
animals. Just beat it.

Mister, there's a
bear behind you.

Listen, kid, you better get out of here
before I take those peanuts and shove...


Hey, kid go get help.

What's it worth to you?

Five bucks.

Nope. $10.

Okay, $10. Just go!


AJ; We're now
approaching Bear Country,

which is currently
being remodeled.

When it is finished, it will be one of the
most fascinating outdoor environments

ever created for these creatures

collected from
all over the world.

Now, before we go on,
are there any questions?

Okay. Well, on your next visit,

you will be able to see the
North American Grizzly...


What the...

Little help here.

Stay there. I'll be right back

I'm not moving.

Excuse me. Excuse me, please.

Hey, here you go, here
you go, here you go, boy.

Come on, good bear. Come on, go.

A.J., unwrap them first.

Oh, yeah.

Here you go. Come on.

[WHISTLING] Come on, come
on, go away, beat it, scram.

Come on, Huey. Get out of
there! Come on. Get up here.

Come on, Huey.

What the hell are you
doing in here with him?

What the hell was he
doing in here with me?


JANET: What did you do to
yourself? Would you hold still?

Rick, let me see the other one.

What happened? Easy.

Oh, he was shinning
up and down trees.

You know, I think I finally got
this thing fixed. We got a message.

WOMAN: This is Mr. Frye's
office at the zoo calling,

He's asked me to give
you the following message:

I did not hire you to turn
our institution into a circus.

On recommendation of legal counsel,
I am terminating your employment

without pay

since you have demonstrated
no ability to deliver results.

You'll be getting a
letter to this effect.

Thank you and have a nice day.


A.J., I'm gonna go
fishing. You want to come?



MYRON: Janet!

Just got a call from Derek Frye.

We've got the zoo assignment.

That's wonderful, Daddy.


You know, you two really
stepped in it this time,

Frye's got a lot of
contacts in San Diego.

You two just might
be out of business.


On second thought, I will go
fishing. Let me get my stuff.

You? No. I have got
to get back to work.

AJ; Please leave your
name and telephone number

and we'll get back to you
just as soon as we can.

SANDY: This is
Dr. Sawyer at the

I've finished the
analysis for you.

I think you better come to
my lab as soon as possible.

SANDY: It was PCP.
Animal tranquilizer.

And it was used
on an animal, Leo.

There was lion tissue
embedded in the needles.

But a dose that large
would've made Leo sick.

Now why would
Howell wanna do that?

What kind of sick?

High fever, convulsions,

reduced appetite, weight loss.

Oh, my God.

That's textbook meningitis.

I just lost a panther
to it six months ago.

And Leo was developing
the same symptoms.

A lion and a panther with the
same disease. Isn't that unusual?

Who was in charge of feeding
the panther? Was that Howell?


I think I'm starting
to get the picture.

Yeah. Me, too.

They've been with
her for over an hour.

Then bring them out here.

Suppose they don't want to come?

Then do what you have
to do. I need a private talk.

Make sure Sawyer doesn't know.

Now look, she could be trouble.

I've already covered that.

The zoo's about to
get a new veterinarian.

You bet.

A.J.: See, Frye planted
the pills for us to find,

but he didn't
plant the syringes.

Howell was injecting Leo with enough PCP
to duplicate the symptoms of meningitis.

But there was only one problem.
That PCP was stolen seven months ago

and in a liquid form it
has a very short shelf life.

So it went bad.

Well, that means that Howell wasn't
m*rder*d, it was just an accident.

I mean, he went in thinking that
Leo was too tranquil to attack him.

Yeah. He got exactly
what he deserved.

Here it is.

Look at these.

The two autopsy reports from the
Kenner Foundation are identical.

But no mention of PCP in
either the panther or the lion.

What is the Kenner Foundation?

It's a research clinic. It's non profit
and loosely associated with the zoo.

It must be pretty loose, 'cause
whatever the hell's going on here,

these guys are part of it.

Oh. I can't believe that.

The Foundation was set up
by the Frye family years ago.

Frye? Derek Frye?

Well, it was
created by his father

but I'm sure he's
in charge of it now.

I'm getting very
frightened by all of this.

Well, I think you have
very good reason to be.

And I think it's time you and I
had a little talk with Mr. Frye.




A.J., listen to me. You're
gonna have to be quiet here.

AJ“ new “stem to
me. Listen to me.

You've been shot
with a tranquilizer dart.


You've been drugged. Now, you're
gonna have to be quiet, you understand me?

Shut up!

Are you gonna be quiet? Huh?



A.J.: Hey, Rick.


Why'd you hit that
guy at the dance?


He was only dancing with her.


Boy, Dad's gonna be mad
at us when we get home.


Would you shut up?

Did you see the face on the guy

when we dropped the water
balloon in his convertible?

If you don't shut up,
I'm gonna tell Dad

what you did in old
man Edwards' rose bed.

All right.




I wanna go home, Rick. I
gotta get up for my paper route.

Climb it.


Come on, climb it.



Monkey bars!

Get up.

Come here.

Oh, boy.

A.J.: Oh, nice doggy.


A.J.: See, doggy?

A.J., shut up!

Say what?

Shut up! That is not a dog.
Now, if we're both real quiet,

maybe he'll only eat one of us.

Now, get up there, get up there.

He's hungry.

I know he's hungry.

Come here, come on.

Good boy. Good boy.

Get out.

Sweet doggy.

Hungry doggy.

I want to go on Monkey
Island, Mrs. Schneider.

Rick got to go on Monkey Island.

Well, didn't we have a bet?
That was you, you little creep!

[CLANKING] You finked on me.

What's going on? Can you walk?

I think so.

Look, we gotta make
a run for that tram.

I feel like I'm
playing at 33 1/3.

You better speed it up to 78.

A.J.: Hey, Rick, drop me off at
Barbie Herman's on the way home.

RICK: Barbie Herman's
married and has four kids.

But she's only a freshman.

Oh wonderful! We're
attracting attention.

Try explaining this to the
cops. Grand theft zoo tram.

Now, just get a grip. Where
is that lousy microphone?

Ladies and gentlemen.

Support your local 100.

Yes, it's our annual fund drive
and we're taking to the streets

to pass the word
on to kids of all ages.

The zoo needs you.

Hi, folks, come on into the zoo

and see the North
American grizzly bear,

Like the song says, it's
all happening at the

Looking for a cheap
date? Try the

You don't have to wait in line
for romance and adventure,


Hi, Mom.

Yeah, okay. We'll be
there in half an hour.

Yeah. Bye.

How long was I
out of it last night?

About 16 years. Here you go.

Get your act together. We
got a date with Dr. Sawyer.

Mom? We're gonna pay a little
visit to the Kenner Foundation.

Hey, Mom, can we borrow the car?

Let's go.

Yeah. Bye, Mom.


Ma'am, there's a stolen zoo
vehicle parked in front of your house...

There is?

There certainly is.

How do suppose
it got there, Officer?

I was about to ask
you the same question.

Well, I didn't leave it there.

I've been here a
few times before.

The clinic is in the
back of the building.


Listen, there's something
going into that truck

I think you ought to
take a look at. Come on.

SANDY: It's Leo. I
kind of thought it was.

Yeah, but he's supposed to be
dead. You saw the autopsy report.

I got a weird feeling if we don't do
something pretty fast, he's gonna be dead.


Look. You're gonna
have to follow that truck.

Whenever it gets to where
it's going, you call the cops.

Yeah, but where
are you gonna be?

With him. Come on.

[LEO GROWLING] Okay, he's
all yours. You can take him away.

Is that thing drugged?


Better be careful.

Psst. Psst.

What's the plan?

Oh, no.


Can I help you, ma'am?

Excuse me, I was just
curious, who lives here?

This is the Frye estate.



Nice day for a hunt, isn't it?

Don't do it, Mr. Kramer.

No, you might get one shot off
before this cat goes all over your boss,

but there's nothing madder
than a wounded lion, now is there?

Why don't you just
lock that thing up again?

Why don't you tell your friend
Kramer to put his g*n down?

Do as he says.

What? I got a clear shot, here.

Do it.

RICK: Now, then,

everybody except Mr. Frye
here, just back off nice and easy.

Come on, back up.


Now, this is not bad.

A fenced-in estate.

No way for the
animal to get out.

Just a matter of time before the great,
white hunter makes his k*ll. Right, Frye?

How much is it gonna cost
me to keep you two quiet?


Oh, I wish you'd
made an offer sooner.

It looks like it's
a little late now.

Try this one.

Oh, my God.

Oh, no.

Are these from the zoo?



They should've kept you at
the zoo where you belong.

We just came over to take
care of your share of the fee.

Well, how much?

Daddy, we can't accept anything.

We didn't even assign
anyone to the case.

I was handling it personally.

I sort of figured you were.

You were our subcontractor,
you might say, right?

You realize you have to
report this on your income tax?

Okay. Well, now, what we did was

we designed a formula based
on the maximum amount of time

that you had since
Frye hired you

and divided it by
the time it took us

to successfully conclude
the investigation.

It came to $7 and change.

But why quibble over car fare.

Let's make it an even $8.

Real pleasure having
you aboard, Myron.

We'd like to have you work
for us again sometime real soon.

There you go. Thanks again.

Oh, can you hold on to
that for about 10 days?

Thank you.