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02x09 - Gone Daddy Gone

Posted: 09/10/11 15:09
by bunniefuu
[ Panting ]

[ Keys jingle ] Come on.

[ Gasps ] Come on!

[ Keys drop ]

[ Screams ]

[ Screaming ]

Rizzoli and Isles 2x09
Gone Daddy Gone

[ Knock on door ]

No. No.

No, no, no.

Did you forget?

Oh, sh**t.

Maura, this crack-of-dawn run was your idea.

Damn it, I could have slept in. I am so sorry.

Tommy: Hey, babe, once you touch it, you got to do something with it.


What is Tommy doing here so early?

It's not early so much as late.

He spent the night.

Playing chess. He's quite good.


Knight to b3.

Mm. Declining the gambit. Risky move.

Morning, sis.

I didn't realize you two were so chummy.

Oh, this isn't chummy.

I've all but destroyed his king's pawn defense.


Mm. Good for you.

Mom goes to Atlantic city for a few days, and now you're sleeping over?

Like she said, Jane, we're just playing chess.

Best opponent I ever faced.


[ Cellphone rings ]

[ Beep ]


Yeah, okay, I'll be right there.

Come on, we got a possible homicide.

We got to go.

I'm about to castle.

And I...I haven't been called in yet.

[ Cellphone rings ]


Dr. Isles.

No moves without me.

No moves at all.

Show yourself out.

Do not sleep with my brother.


Jane, it hadn't even occurred to me.

Although he does have exquisite long bones.

"Long bones"? Eww!

Femur, tibia.

Look, it's his mind that I find myself most attracted to.

[ Laughs ] He barely graduated high school.

Well, Bobby Fischer was a high-school dropout, and he's a world chess champion.

Well, okay, so when Tommy becomes a world-class chess champion, you can sleep with him.



[ Siren wails ]

Neighborhood thieves stripped this baby clean last night.

Didn't get around to calling us about all the blood in it till an hour ago.

What, they steal the victim, too?

All we know is that there was one.

Well, it's a good place to dump a car if you're gonna k*ll somebody in it.

Two distinct patterns of arterial spray.

Both the victim's carotids were severed.

Whoever sat here is most certainly dead.

Without a body, we're gonna need as much evidence as we can get.

Uh, hey, officer, spread the word that BPD will pay triple what any pawn shop or fence will pay for anything stripped off this car -- no questions asked.


And, uh, anything that gets turned in, homicide gets it first.

It's Duncan, by the way.


My name-- officer Ronald Duncan.

Did I say something wrong?

People just like to be acknowledged, Jane.

Which reminds me --



Sensitivity training is mandatory for the entire department, and it's incumbent on me to make sure that you attend.

Look, I don't want to pull rank.

I'm in the middle of a homicide investigation.

I don't have time to go sit with some emo-n*zi and have her tell me what I can or cannot say to all the lowlifes and scumbags and gangbangers that I got to deal with.


Uh, car belongs to a Melissa Joy Black from Michigan.

22 years old.

Called Ann Arbor P.D. No stolen-car report.

They checked her phone there-- disconnected.

Yeah, well, it's 'cause she lives in Boston now.

That's a current parking pass at the local terminal.

My guess is...

Melissa Joy works at the docks.

Secretary in one of the offices, maybe?

Well, now, that's a very sexist remark coming from a guy who's pitching sensitivity training.

She's 5'2" working at the docks.

How's that sexist?

Because a mesomorphic woman of that height could easily lift two times her body weight, detective Korsak.

Frost, e-mail this to me?

Hey, you want to process the crime scene?

I'm gonna go to the docks.

See ya.

You, of course, are coming with me.

Well, you know, I'm beginning to think that you are deliberately trying to take me away from my chess game.

Yes, Maura, I am sabotaging your knight-to-queen castle thingy move.

I drove you here.

[ Foghorn blows ]

Hey, babe. Nice tits.

Oh, yeah, we've been waiting for you all our lives.

What's he think we're gonna do?

Just run over there and tear off his clothes?

He's not thinking consciously at all.

It's a natural chemical response to our pheromones. - Really?

"Nice tits" is a natural chemical response?

[ Laughs ] Perceived fertility is Paramount.

Males seek mates capable of nursing offspring.

Abundant breasts do suggest --

Yeah, you know what his abundant belly suggests?

Snowball's chance in hell.

[ Chuckles ]

Here -- The office is over here.

[ Machinery beeping ]

Oh, hey, excuse me.

Can you tell me who's in charge here?

Uh...He's busy.

So am I.

Boston Homicide.

Hey, what can I do for you lovely ladies?

That's a doctor. I'm a detective.

And you are...?

Ray Murphy. I'm the Union rep around here.

Is there a problem?

Are you familiar with this employee?

Melissa Joy Black?

Well, I can tell you she's not one of the office girls. [ Chuckles ]

It appears every female here is over the age of 18.

[ Clears throat ]

Could she be a longshoreman?

I guess she could be one of the casual workers, but we don't have many gi-- girls.

Um, let me have you talk to one of the Union bosses.


This detective needs to talk to you.

You're a cop. That's a turnoff.

Bummer. Do you recognize her?

M.J. Yeah.

She walked off the job halfway through her shift yesterday.

Affirmative-action hires are bullshit.

No muscle, no use.

Actually, male and female muscle tissue is identical.

What varies is the size of the male skeletal frame.

Men generally have less body fat.

But not always.

Man: What's going on?

Call 911!

Need some help! Call 911!

[ Alarm blaring ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Tide started going out when one of the guys noticed her.

It's Melissa Joy Black.

Is that --

It's an ice pick, Jane.

Doesn't mean he's back.

Yes, it does.

Korsak: Paddy Doyle's signature --

Ice pick through the heart with a message attached.

I guess he didn't like e-mail.

What kind of message is he sending, though, with the m*rder of a 22-year-old female dockworker?

Whatever it is, I won't be the one forensically interpreting it.

I'm calling in Dr. Pike from the Western Mass office.

Oh, no, anybody but him.

Don't know what's worse-- his pompous attitude or his O.C.D.

That's very insensitive language, sergeant Korsak.

I'm sure language like that would really hurt Dr. Pike's feelings.

Come on, Maura.

You don't have to do this. All right?

The only people who know about your connection to Doyle are us and frost.

We may finally be able to prosecute Paddy Doyle for m*rder.

I don't want to risk a defense attorney finding out that he's my biological father and using it against us in court.

What are you gonna tell Pike?

We don't have to tell him anything. I'm his boss.

Oh, my God.

Bill Sutton, Mass Shore Chief Executive Officer.

Is there some way...

Her body can be covered?

It's, uh-- it's pretty upsetting.

You say you're with Mass Shore?

Yes, our company runs the docks.

Some people say the mob still does.

Well, uh, I know there's a long history of that down here.

Ever since we took over last fall, we've taken steps to change that.

Don't think Paddy Doyle's taken too kindly to that.

You don't think he had anything to do with this, do you?

A dockworker is tied to the piling with an ice pick sticking out of her chest for everybody here to see?

Yeah, we think there may be a connection.

Mr. Sutton, have you or anybody at your company received any graft demands or extortion threats since you took over?


Our corporation doesn't have any ties to the mob.

They do.

And by "they" you mean the dockworkers.

Look, like every company, we've had our troubles with the Union.

You're probably not gonna get a lot of help out of those guys, but we'll do everything we can.

Sooner we can rid the docks of this element, the better.

All right, well, you can start by getting us all your surveillance video footage --

Anyplace you got a camera.

You got it.

He's right, you know. Longshoremen won't talk.

It goes against their code.

Remember that line from "on the waterfront"?

[ As Marlon Brando ]

"I don't know nothin'.

I ain't seen nothin'. I ain't sayin' nothin'."

Here's the deal.

I'll do sensitivity training, you don't do Brando.

Could he be more a**l?

Actually, yes.

Although he exhibits many of the classic Freudian traits-- rigidity, fixation on rules and orderliness-- his autopsy work is less than meticulous.

When will you be starting?

Pike: Momentarily.

Seems not much stock is put in the proper placement of instruments here.

You gonna let him talk to you like that?

This is ridiculous.

You're his boss.

Is there something particular you require, doctor?

Yes. Organization.

Now, we have a well-developed female Caucasian, 22 years old, with an incised gaping wound across the neck.

Later that same day...

I do miss this.

Not many near decapitations in the hinterlands of Western Massachusetts.

The ice pick is a nice touch, though unnecessary-- she bled out in under a minute.

That Doyle really is a butcher, isn't he?

Will you excuse me?

Don't let that idiot get to you.

Well, I can't fault him for telling the truth.

Paddy Doyle is a butcher.

Paddy Doyle has nothing to do with you.

He fathered me.

He...Simply provided the sperm.

All right?

And judging by the amazing person that you turned out to be, his DNA didn't win.

[ Computer beeps ]

I don't understand the strategy behind this attack.

Well, that's simple.

I mean, Doyle is just trying to scare the hell out of anybody that won't do his bidding at the docks.

No. I-I meant Tommy's decision to move his rook to b5.

Wait a minute. My little brother is im'ing you at the office and sending you little smiley faces, and there's nothing going on between you two?

Well, you and I keep in touch throughout the day.

It must be my amazing long bones.

[ Elevator bell dings ] Oh!

Mm. Mnh-mnh.

[ Grunting ]

What --


[ Knock on door ]

I hope you can forgive me for my invasion of your personal space.

Allow me to introduce myself so we can dialogue.

My name is Carol Madigan.

Sensitivity training liaison.

Dr. Maura Isles.

[ Chuckles nervously ]

How may I help you?

I'm looking for detective Rizzoli, who I'm told is here, although she's scheduled to be in my "connect, protect, and respect" class.

You seen her?

I believe she is in the building.

Um, but...I don't see her right now.

Tell her I'm looking for her.

Where's Jane?

You sicced that sensitivity freak on me?

"Freak"? Maybe you do need sensitivity training.

[ Sighs ] Got the victim, Melissa's, address.

You gonna hide, or you want to come with me?

How'd you get it?

Melissa had to file a dockworker's card with homeland security -- They had a local address.

Great work, sergeant detective Korsak.

I think that we should investigate, but what do you think?

Jane: We're very sorry for your loss.

It's the first time I've ever been glad my father's not aware of anything.

I wouldn't know how to tell him about my sister.

And can we ask what he's suffering from?

A head injury.

Doctors say he probably won't come back from it.

He was hurt six months ago. He's a longshoreman.


Can you think of anyone who might have wanted to harm your sister?

You ever heard of Paddy Doyle?

Everybody in Southie has. Why?

Any issues between your father and Doyle?

Your dad ever mention him coming around the docks or the Union hall?


Did she ever mention Doyle's name in the last few months?

No. Melissa's a college student.

Actually, she went by her initials, M.J., at the docks.

What? Nobody called her that.

Why was she at the docks?

She was working as a casual there.

Last place she was seen alive.

[ Sighs ] I can't believe she did this.

Did what, Shannon?

The Union said our dad's accident was his fault because he'd been drinking on the job.

Melissa wouldn't believe it.

She...Was gonna find out the truth for herself.

[ Computer beeps ]

Dr. Isles?


I discovered in the victim's stomach contents a micro SD card.

It's from a camera.

Video, my guess.

Must have swallowed it just before she was k*lled, and I'll bet Paddy Doyle wanted it.

That sounds very much like an assumption.

You think there's a drug deal on it?

A m*rder.

I don't... know.

Nor is it within our purview to guess.

Please take this up to detective frost in homicide.

Arguably the most important find against a notorious mobster, and I'll be credited with it, all because you needed help.

Funny, huh?

[ Sighs ]

Funny, good night, Doctor.

Please don't sit in my chair.

I'm very intrigued by the assertiveness of your play.

Just giving what I'm getting.

And what does that tell you?

What the hell?!

Wait -- Tommy, don't!

He needs a doctor -- now!

My God, that's Paddy Doyle.

I know who he is.

[ Screaming ]

The b*llet seems to have fractured your clavicle.

You're lucky.

[ Sighs ]

Thought your idea of luck would have been if had pierced my heart.

[ Groans ]

The bone prevented the b*llet from hitting a major artery.

Been through this before. Just need stitching up.

It's not that simple.

You have tissue damage, vasculature concerns, bone fragments.

Conroy: Do it...

Or he dies.

I'll need his help.

Please ask the guy with the g*n to stop pointing it at him.

Tommy, find me some towels, bowls, um, hot water.

I'll need to irrigate the wound before I can suture.

That your boyfriend?

You're holding me hostage.

You think you have any right to ask me personal questions?

[ Exhales sharply ]

The exit wound is quite large.

It's gonna be difficult to close.

I don't have anesthetic.

Don't need any.

What happened? How did you get shot?


Was the woman m*rder*d at the docks "business," too?

Not mine.

I didn't k*ll her.

How the hell do you know this guy anyway?

I'm her father.


Sutton sent over all the dock surveillance footage.

Found Melissa leaving.

So she did leave in the middle of her shift.

I wonder why.

No idea. But no one follows her.

Well, it's not like Doyle's the type to show up on surveillance footage.

Anything on the SD card?

Still trying.

Stomach acid did a number on it.

I don't have any audio, but look at this.

I only got a few frames.

Someone's chasing her.

Yeah, Paddy Doyle.

Oh, we just need one frame of that bastard's face.

Oh, yay. Officer helpful's back.

Hey, uh, yeah. Thanks for bringing that up.

Um, a battery probably isn't going to help with the investigation, so you can just take that down to evidence.

It's not in the job description to bust my balls for homicide.

Why doesn't he have to take sensitivity training?

He already did.

Works wonders.

Did some checking on Richie Black.

Before he wound up on a ventilator, he was pretty much a dockworking stiff.

No criminal record, not a single tie to Doyle.

No, he works the docks, Paddy owns the docks-- there's your connection.

I also got a copy of his OSHA accident report.

Lab from the E.R. said his blood alcohol was .10.

Guess he was drinking on the job.

Yeah, but Melissa didn't believe he did it.

She went undercover to prove it.

Maybe she stumbled across something she wasn't supposed to.

That alone's enough to get her k*lled. Weapons, dr*gs, human trafficking -- It all goes through the docks.

We got to get one of those dockworkers to talk.

I just wish we didn't have to wait till tomorrow.

We don't. High tide's at 2:01. They'll all be there.

How do you know so much about it?

I had an uncle who was a stevedore.

I flirted with it in my younger days.

Decided it wasn't a good fit.

I like my fingers and toes.

So you could have been a longshoreman.

More than that. [As Marlon Brando] I coulda been a contender.


Instead of a bum, which is what I am!

You all right?


So, what are you, adopted or something?


How long did you know you were related to him?

Not long.

Bishop to d7 captures the rook.


It's okay.

We don't need to talk about it.

[ Wheezing ]

Help him.

Help him!

Like this?

You want him to die, dude?

Shut up!


Now fix him!

[ Wheezing ]

[ Groans softly ]

He really should be on an I.V.

His body is working to replace fluids and white cells.

[ Weakly ] You look a lot like your mother.

Who was my mother?

You would like her.

She would like you.

Did she love you?

She did.

But you would still like her.

Korsak: We can't possibly talk to all these jimokes.

Pick a target.
Oh-ho, look who's back.

Baby, I guess you want some of this.

Oh, get your hands off your junk!

This detective's a lady.


Thank you, kind sir, for defending my honor.

No, I merely defended an individual who happens to be female from an inappropriate harasser who happens to be male.


Speaking of which, why don't you try to get through to the gorillas and I'll talk to her.

Hey. Boston Homicide.

Can I ask you a couple questions about M.J. Black?

I don't know anything.

Even if I did, Union rep told us not to talk.

[ Hand slaps ]

Whose hand is this?

Because I found it on my ass.

Got one more where that came from.

Do you?


Here's what I got.


[ Murmuring ]

Hey, let go!

Freakin' l*zzie.

What the hell happened?!

What? He grabbed my ass.

This scumbag had the nerve to put his filthy hands on you? - Just one.

That's all I need to take you in, you dumb son of a bitch.

[ Cellphone rings ] Come on.


Yeah, okay.

[ Beep ]

We got another dead body.

It's Paddy Doyle's right-hand man.

Kevin Brennan.

He and Paddy got kicked out of grammar school together.

They've been partners in crime ever since.

Multiple GSWs.

Maybe they had a falling out.

I don't see an ice pick.

How many shell casings are there?

They're still counting them.


This just -- It feels like an ambush more than an execution.

You know?

This guy spends 50 years attached to Paddy's hip, and then winds up dead?

I don't think Brennan was the target.

And, either his blood got on Paddy's shoes, or Paddy took a b*llet himself.

I'll have CSRU check the blood trail.

See if there's more than one type.

So we talking mob w*r?

Yeah, maybe, for control of the docks.

Ohh, what the hell is pike doing here?


Where's Dr. Isles?

I have no idea, nor do I understand your question's relevance given our nearly identical credentials.

Just tell us what you're doing here.

Dr. Isles was unreachable.


Yeah, I got it. Go.

It's discrimination, pure and simple.

The Governor felt he needed to appoint a "woman."

Once again, I'm penalized for being a white male.

Don't even.

[ Cellphone ringing ]

That's probably Jane.

Let it go.

[ Ringing continues ]

Why did you even come here?

You could have paid off any number of doctors for treatment.

But they wouldn't have been you.

That's supposed to warm my heart?

Because it doesn't.

I've seen what you're capable of.

I saw what you did to that young woman!

I didn't do anything to her.

I don't k*ll women or children or anyone who doesn't deserve it.

Oh, so even you have standards?

Regardless of what you think of me, Maura, in my world, I'm a man of honor...

And of my word.

I'm being framed.

I don't believe you.

You're the chief medical examiner.

Use your science.

It'll tell you if I'm guilty or not.

[ Door opens ]

Where are you going?

To finish what someone else started.

[ Sighs ]


Where is he? Where's Doyle?

Gone. 15 minutes ago.

Paddy was shot, right?

A b*llet fractured his clavicle.

He lost a lot of blood, but the injuries weren't life-threatening.

How'd you know?

Well, because I just came from a crime scene where his top lieutenant wasn't so lucky.

Do you know what happened?

No, but for Paddy Doyle to take a b*llet, somebody he trusted must have given him up.

God, it looks like an E.R. in here.

Maura had to fix him at gunpoint!

He told me that the sh**ting was over business.

So, what?

So Melissa's m*rder was under the category of pleasure?

No, he. He said somebody was trying to frame him.

That he doesn't k*ll women or children or innocents.

Of course he told you that, Maura.

He's not gonna confess to the one person in the world that he gives a damn about.

A mob boss like Paddy Doyle couldn't rule the streets this long just on fear.

He lives by a code. That's why he has respect.

Are you finished?

He has a heart, Jane.

I'm serious! You didn't see the way he looked at her.

He may be a bad guy, but he loves his daughter.

Korsak: All of his victims were gangsters --

No women, no children.

Jane: That we know of.

No forensic evidence links Paddy to any of these killings.

None of his DNA was recovered from Melissa, either.

He's good.

Yeah, that's part of his legend.

He may go down for racketeering or tax evasion like Capone, but m*rder? No way.

He isn't usually this messy.

You think he's slipping?

He told Maura he was being framed.

Nobody's stupid enough or suicidal enough to frame him for m*rder.

Yeah, but it would be brilliant if somebody could pull it off.

You know, m*rder Melissa, make it look like Doyle did the deed -- case closed.

Hey, Frost, you get any audio of that SD card yet?


Oh, whiz kid's finally met his match-- a half-digested SD card.

Hey, if you want to try...

Oh, God.

Can somebody please sign for this?

And t*rture the poor guy? He's here for you, Jane.

No, he's not.

Oh, yes, he is.

This guy hates me. I'll show you.

On your desk, Rizzoli?

Uh, no. I-I'll take it, but thank you...

Very much...

Officer Duncan. Thanks.

Actually, this is kind of heavy.

I could take it down to evidence for you if you want.

That's okay.

No, it --

No, it's okay. I got it.

It's okay.

[ Both stammering ]

I got it! Thank you.

Thank you.

[ Thud ]





Shut up.

All right, what do we have in here?

We got a stereo, a CD player, some wires.

An amplifier.

Oh, yeah, that looks modified. Check it out, Frost.

Axl's time in lockup is almost up.

Hopefully it's put him in a mood to talk.

Dr. Pike.

I've...Looked through your report on Melissa Joy Black.

I didn't see a reference to an examination of the victim's teeth or gums.

Cause of death was quite clear, as is my report.

I didn't feel the need to floss her molars.

Specifically, I am concerned about the post-mortem bruising around the victim's mouth, here and here.

Hmm. Which I noted on page 27.

But, uh, it suggests that the perpetrator applied force against the victim's mouth during the attack.

And what's your point?

Detective Rizzoli's investigation indicated that this was a very brave young woman going undercover on her own.

I don't make my rulings based on a victim's personality traits.

Well, neither-- neither do I. [ Chuckles ]

But I would consider that such a woman may have bitten her k*ller.


I want to see the body.

Already released to the funeral home per her family's request.

Without my approval?

I'm a medical examiner, too.

No, you are an assistant medical examiner.

You work for me, Dr. Pike.

[ Chuckles ]

It figures that someone like you would try and pull rank.

I went to Harvard, you know that?

Shut it!

Or I will assign you to a town that will make Western Mass feel like Paris.

You have one hour to get that body back, understand?

Yes, doctor.

Was there any talk about M.J., anybody following her around?

I ain't saying nothin'.

Especially to no dumb bitch.

Hey! Show some respect, piece of crap!

[ Clatter ]

Nice moobs. Moobs?

Yeah, man boobs.

[ Chuckles ]

Your little grab ass at the docks--?

That's indecent as*ault and battery on a police officer.

You're looking at seven and a half years.

You got 30 seconds before we officially press charges.

Remember Melissa Black.

She was m*rder*d, and we think you know why.

[ Scoffs ] No, man. I barely knew the broad.

You sure as hell knew her father, Richie Black, didn't you?

You serious?

She was his kid?

10 seconds.

5 seconds.

Richie was a stand-up guy.

He wasn't afraid to roll up his sleeves like the rest of us.

He had my vote.

He was running to be your Union rep?


Safety on the docks been going to hell, and Richie was the only one taking it on.

It looked like he was gonna win when he had his accident.

Who was his competition?

It's the guy who won -- Ray.

Maybe Paddy had something to do with Richie's "accident."

[ Pen clicks ]

Paddy and Ray would be good pals.

Look at Ray's rap sheet.

as*ault, fraud.

Put his 6-year-old on the Union payroll.

Poor Richie. That's not a guy to run against.

Melissa must have thought that Paddy and Richie had something to do with her father's accident.

So she spies on Ray to prove it.

You have any footage of Ray the day that Melissa left early?

Yeah. Here.

Looks like Ray left mid-shift, too.

Just a few minutes before Melissa did.

Go to the dock parking-lot camera.

[ Keys clacking ]

Ray's got nice wheels.

No way can that guy afford an AMG on a longshoreman's salary.

Pull up the footage of when Melissa left.

[ Beep ]

There she is.

Frost: Yeah.

Leaving right behind him.

Korsak: So she wasn't being followed.

No, she was following Ray.

Ray's wife she's at the docks today.

Why? They don't work when the tide's low.

You ever shake hands with the guy? It's like a marshmallow.

Ray doesn't work much at all.

[ chuckles ]

Hey, there!

Miss Madigan.

Sensitivity trainer. I was gonna call you.

And tell me that she failed to complete her training...


You can just forget about winning that extra "c" day, sergeant detective Korsak.

That's why you've been all over this?

So you can get an extra day off?

I also happen to feel very strongly about the teaching of tolerance.

Really? Because I just got out of a half-hour meeting with Mr. Dwyer, who's lodging a formal complaint about the abusive treatment he received while in custody.

Did you tell Mr. Dwyer he had moobs?

Yes. Yes, I did.

And I am completely ashamed by the cruelty of my words.

It was inappropriate and unkind and insensitive.

No charges will be filed, Mr. Dwyer, and I do hope that you can accept my sincerest apologies.

I-I guess so.

I-I do have every intention of finishing my sensitivity training, asap.

Thank you, detective.

Uh, now, if you'll excuse us, we are in pursuit of a suspect.

[ Elevator bell dings ]

Oh, of course.

Take care.

Quite a performance.

Incredibly sensitive, don't you think?

Maura: You're lucky they hadn't begun the embalming process yet.

I don't know why you're not doing this yourself.

Because it's your case, Dr. Pike.

I'm not overriding it, I'm... expanding upon it.

Isn't that a fine euphemism for insulting my professionalism.

This isn't personal, Dr. Pike.

It certainly feels that way to me.

I'd focus on the maxillary central incisors, as well as the canines.

I'm not seeing anything at all.

She has a bit of an underbite.

Check the mandibulars, as well.

I think I found a particle.

It appears to be skin.

After analysis, add this as an addendum to your original autopsy report.

I don't need your pity. This was your find.

But your autopsy. You take the credit.

I insist.

Thank you.

[ Woman whimpering ]

[ Whimpering continues ]

Boston police! Open up!

He's not whimpering.

[ Groans ] Not anymore.

[ Whimpering continues ]

[ Whimpering continues ]

[ Cries, coughs ]

Jane: You okay?

No, it was horrible.

Oh, my God! Poor Ray! Oh, my God!

[ Sobs ]

Do you remember anything? Anything you saw or you heard?

I just heard screaming. I just heard screaming.

Korsak: Looks like he was tortured first.

Two of his fingers are broken.

Yeah, and eight of them aren't, so he must have talked.

[ Sobs ]

The question is, who'd he give up?

Or what?

[ Door opens, footsteps approach ]

Jane: Hi.

Did you get the DNA results back on the skin yet?

I'm sorry?

The DNA results.

On the skin particle that you found on Melissa's teeth.

Do you have them?

It's too soon to tell.

But I'm fairly certain that I know who Melissa's k*ller is, even without them.

Yeah, well, me too, but...

It was a rush to judgment, Jane, but science is unbiased.

The impression made by this bite matches Melissa's dental records.

So the DNA results are a formality at this point.

This man k*lled Melissa.


Paddy Doyle was telling the truth.

Paddy Doyle runs those docks.

All right? Ray just could have been following orders --

Your father's.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

It's Frost. He says he has something big that we both need to see.

What did you find?

Melissa hid this behind her CD player.

It's not an amplifier. It's a wireless receiver.

So she was uploading everything she recorded.

Backing it up wirelessly.

She was also recording onto the SD card she swallowed.

Frost, tell me there's footage.

There is.

40 years the Fed's been trying to get Paddy and his g*ng on tape.

Think a 22-year-old girl got the job done?

[ Beep ]

Maura: She's following Ray.

The forensic evidence proves that he k*lled her.

Yeah, but it doesn't prove that Paddy wasn't behind it.

Ray's meeting somebody.

That's a clear shot of Ray.

Okay, now we just need one of Paddy.

Frost, can you blow him up?

I can try.

Get it done. You screw this up...

Can you do anything to the audio?

[ Keys clacking ]

I'm not paying you for nothing, okay?

You push them faster.

I don't give a damn about safety regulations.

All right That's not his voice.

Is that Sutton?

Yeah, looks like Ray ditched the old mob for the new mob, the Corporation.

But it's the same racket.

Faster the dockworkers unload, the more ships they can get in, the more money they make.

Hey! What are you doing in here?!

Get her!

It was Sutton. Paddy was telling the truth.

He didn't order Melissa's death.

I'm thinking Ray gave up Sutton before he died.

Then you'd better find Sutton before my father does.

Stand back.

Sutton's office is on the sixth floor.


[ Elevator bell dings ]

[ Man groaning ]

Sutton: [ Voice breaking ]

Please help.

Jane: Where's Doyle?

I don't know!

Korsak: Frost, the stairs!

I got it.

[ Groans, screams ]

Is there any other way out of this place?

He told me I was gonna die slow.

He's right.

You will, in jail for the rest of your miserable life.

It's a private elevator. Damn it!

Damn, he's getting away again.

[ Tires screech ]

He's gone.

At least we got our bad guy.

Yeah, one of them.

I'll put out a BOLO.

[ Door opens ]

Hey, ma. How was your trip?

Oh, I lost 85 bucks on the nickel slots.

But look at all this really great stuff I got.

Hey! Anybody need a robe?

Ma...Did you take this from the little fridge?

They refill it, Jane.

This isn't free, ma. They're gonna charge your credit card.

I paid $109 a night for that room.

Really? I'm gonna send it back.

Four hours of sensitivity training, and I passed with flying colors.


Did you learn anything?

Yes. I am an equal-opportunity offender.

Okay, are they gonna charge me for this?

[ Telephone rings ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Beep ]


Doyle: Detective Rizzoli.

How did you get this number?

I'm one of the good guys compared to this new way of doing business.

I know you know that.

I'm not sure I do. Where are you?

You know I'm not telling you.

Well, that's too bad.

Why don't you tell me about Melissa Joy Black?

Back when I ran the docks, we didn't k*ll women...

Or hurt hardworking people like her father, Richie.

Well, that was ruled an accident.


Check the DNA on the blood alcohol test they said was Richie's.

Take care of my daughter.

I can take care of myself.

Hang up.

[ Beep ]

I do think he loves you.

It doesn't mean I have to love him back.

Oh! What happened to the door?!

Tommy forgot his keys.

Tommy, you know better than that.

Jane: [ Sighing ] Oh.

I make a suggestion?


What -- you know how to play chess?

Yeah, who do you think taught him?

Tommy's not the only Rizzoli with a beautiful mind.

[ Chuckles ]