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08x08 - The Curse of the Aesthetic

Posted: 01/11/24 15:53
by bunniefuu
Gulls cry waves crash I am nobody's nymph, goddess, venus or aphrodite.

I'm just me, a chaste maid from ireland.

Goodbye forever.


The eternal flower, for the third and final time.

Goinggoing .


Gone! Thank you for praying for isabella.

How are you?
If I'm honest .


I can never forgive myself, father.

I-i can't.

I benjamin ii should have seen it, you know, how unhappy she'd become.

You cannot continue to blame yourself.

She was living under my roof, so! Sorry.


I understand your new exhibition is devoted to isabella's memory.


Earthly angels.

It's about those rare people that have a saintly quality about them.

Not unlike your good self, father.

12:00 Today.

We will be there.

Birdsong hello, you.

You always liked the blue ones.

So .


Justfor .



Hello, benji.

I baked you some buns! Thank you, rose, but you're a little early for the exhibition.

I was hoping to have a word.

Now that poor isabella is gone, I thought maybe I could start modelling for you again.

Now just really isn't a good time for me, o?
What benjamin is trying to say is that he's got a new model.

Oh! Whowho is she?
Come along, dear, he's very busy.

And don't bother him again! Sorry I'm late.

No, not all.

Your, eryour timing is perfect, in fact.

Now, erlet's get you out of that dress, hm?
You know where to go.

Birdsong now, put your fist in the air, grace.

Excellent! All right, grab the placards, we'll take some up by the house.

Take a break, ladies! Katie?
What on earth are you doing?
That brother of mine is trying to extend his half of the estate.

But I thought benjamin wanted to end your feud?
Then why erect this?
! Probably to keep the guests off the grass.


It's his way of letting me know that I'm not welcome.

A warm welcome indeed.


I'm so sorry.

Let me introduce myself.

Conrad french.

Art critic and collector.

Katie milton.

I'm here for the art exhibition and was told that you run a b&b on the estate.

Welcome to milton manor.

Charming! Oh.

No, it's delightful.

Jazz recital no, thank you very much.

Low chatter I'm so glad you could make it.

More drink for the father.


Thank you.

Isn't he a little old for a nanny?
I think nowadays, she's more of ahousekeeper.


If I may have your attention?
Umit's time to reveal the centrepiece of the exhibition.

A monument to the ethereal beauty of my tragically-deceased muse.

Ladies, gentlemen, I give you .



Um huh! Sorry.

I shocked gasps oh! What?
Oh! Oh! Isabella! Katie! I might have guessed.

It wasn't me!out you go! Benjamin, I'm telling the truth! You lying little harpy! That's not mine! Ow! You're hurting me! Benjamin! Loud cry the cable from the lamp has been wired to the door handle.

So when mr french opened the door from the outside he was lit up like blackpool tower.

It's not still live, is it?
No, I've unplugged it.

I take it this room is not open to the public?

No, erit's my studio.

No-one ever comes in here.

Except you.

Soit looks like you were the intended victim.

- The police want to speak to everyone.

- Penelope I adore your new hat, mrs m! Although I do think it would look a bit better without the price tag.

! Penelope, you should be ashamed of yourself.

I saw you, buckling up your belt.

Well, I was just sitting for a painting.

Benjamin wanted me to be a jacobean strumpet.

Oh, yes, I'm sure he did.

Just a bit of harmless fun.

That kind of harmless fun easily leads to scandal.

Oh, mrs m! He has the reputation for persuading his models to take off their clothes.

Well, yessoif you continue modelling for him, I may simply have to write to your aunt.

Oh! You really should let them take you to hospital, sir.

I can't miss this exhibition.

Anyway, it's only a minor burn.

Sir, mr french's injuries, they're not life-threatening.

Well, I can see that! Now, what exactly were you doing in the studio?
Benjamin said he had some sketches of isabella in there.

That's the model who took her own life, sir.

- I just couldn't resist.

- Obviously, you were trying to steal them.

No, I just wanted to look.

I'm hoping to buy them.

Out of the question.

I'm not having benjamin's art fall into the hands of a common thief.

How dare you?
! She's wrong.

Ever since buying a sketch, I've been rather obsessed by isabella.

Bit of a looker, was she?
It's a question of aesthetics.

No, he's talking about artistic beauty, sir.

Who do you think you are, van-ruddy-gogh?
! Well, get in the car, goodfellow! Benjamin.

Any word from the police?
No, not yet.

Don't worry, father brown will get to the bottom of it.

Well, I'd be eternally grateful for any help you could offer, father.

Any idea who might benefit from your death?
Well, katie would get my half of the estate.

But, no, she's not capable of m*rder.

Excuse me, father.

Poor benjamin! Ah, father brown.

I saw! Clock chimes benjamin?
Where did you get it?
A friend of mine, in the forces.

I need it for protection.

Boys and their silly toys.

Well, here is some warm milk for your nerves.

Thank you, but, umi'd rather a brandy, I think.

There's no need to be scared, not with me around.

Come to nanny.

He sighs I'm not a child any more.

You always will be to me.

Had enough of the exhibition?
No, no.

No, just thought I'd freshen up, after my ordeal.

I, er heard about the sculpture.

I had nothing to do with it.

Do you really think I'd be stupid enough to leave the hammer in my bag?

Looks nasty.

I've had worse.

Nanny was always walloping me for something.

She winces here, let me.

You're very gentle.

Well, lots of practice.

My children were always grazing themselves.

I bet you're a great father.

I miss when they were little.

All the bedtime stories and nursery rhymes.

Nanny never told me any.

Georgie porgie, pudding and pie.

Kissed the girls and made them cry.

I wouldn't cry.

Sorry!no, no, I'm, eri'm sorry if I misled you.

Was it this?
No, of course not! That's what they all say.

I saw you, looking.

So the attacker probably went to the studio to do his wiring whilst everyone else was at the gallery.

Nanny ribble.

Oh, hello, there! She's in trouble! It's ruined! Completely ruined! My hat! My my new hat! Nanny! Any more crimes at this place and we'll need to take up residency.

Nanny always locked her door when she took her afternoon nap.

Well, seeing that the windows were also locked, maybe it wasn't foul play.

An accident?
Perhaps she was knitting, dozed off and fell on her own needle.

But nanny ribble's knitting is beside her bed.

With two needles.

Excuse me.

Everyone I love dies.

Maybe I'd be better off dead, too.

It's no more than I deserve.

Why would you say that?

I should have saved her.

She was in a very dark place.

Is there anything I can do?
Umi I need to throw myself into my work.

Are you free tomorrow for a sitting?
I'll be there around 10.

Benjamin! - Are you all right?
- Um yes.


I was, er I was just going to tell katie about, ernanny.

Umbut she's she's did you smash my window?
Of course not.

Listen, I I have some sad news.

I've already heard.

And don't you even care?
I mean, she was your nanny, too.

She was a devious old witch! Katie?
Perhaps this is not the time.

Oh, has has he not told you what she did?
Benjamin sighs how she worked on our father when he was dying, made sure benjamin inherited most of the estate?
But that was not your brother's fault.

Katie, please, let's stop all of this and just come home! You're just scared of being alone now that nanny's dead.

No! I want my sister back.

Perhaps you should give him a chance.

I've missed you.

I've missed you.

Come on.

Get away! I tried my best, father.

- I tried my best.

- Miss milton?
I understand you weren't on good terms with nanny ribble.

I assume you have an alibi?
She was k*lled at 3:30 this afternoon, miss.

I was with conrad.

Excuse me, madam.

I saw you, chatting to benjamin.

I told him I didn't want to model for him any more.

Well, that's very good news! Now, please, would you get rid of that for me?
I cannot bear to look at it any longer.

Hold that.

Oh, and that.

Ah! Here it is.


Resourceful as ever, mrs m.

- Still not arrested anyone?
- Mr milton, we're doing all that we can.


And what is it I should do in the meantime, hm?
Order my coffin?


Let's take another look at the old dear's bedroom.

Hell's bells!you all right, sir?
Get that cleaned up, sergeant.

Pronto! Footsteps approach he sighs he grimaces eurgh! Door opens my condolences.

Your nanny.

Thank you.

That's not why you're here.

I won't waste your time, I want to buy all your artwork of isabella.

And why would I sell to you?
You tried to break into my studio.

I apologise.

But I assure you, I am not some rogue or kern.

I'm just mesmerised by her beauty.

Did you ever meet her?

But from your sketches, she looks like a kind of living sculpture.

A rare jewel.

Meant only to be glimpsed, but never touched.



Forgive my asking, but, er .


Were you .


Just close friends.

Anything more would havebeen wrong.

There's something so ethereal about her.

So sacred.

It would have been almost blasphemous.

Like spitting in the eye of the pope.

- Door opens - yes.


Birdsong bunty?
Or whatever your name is.

You'd better stop modelling for benji.

You mean benjamin?
If you don't, you'll regret it.

I like smashing things up.

What do you mean?
Did you smash the sculpture?

Maybe not.

Just do as I say.

I'm his model, not you! Mrs mccarthy?
Would you do me the honour of sitting for a painting?
I beg your pardon?
I would be most grateful.

I I need people around me, now that nanny has, um oh, yes, that is very understandable.

However, iyou think it's too dangerous to return?
- No, it is not that.

- No?
It is simp it's this rumour about me asking the models to undress.

I do not listen to idle gossip.

Mrs mccarthy, I simply ask them to change into jacobean costumes.

I have a passion for the period, you see, that's that's all.

Be that as it may, I'm sorry, I still feel I must decline.

The bishop mrs mccarthy, one one moment.

The bishop, you see, he's commissioned a series of sketches entitled the catholic flock.

- The bishop?
- Mm.


They're going to hang in his great hall.

They're going to depict virtuous and religious people of the cotswolds.

Yes, well, perhaps I was a little hasty.

I'll be there tomorrow, but please, can we keep it between ourselves?
Of course.

Looking for more corpses, padre?
Inspector, you appear to have mislaid your shoes.

I didn't want to bring paint into the house.

Now, what do you want?
I'm looking for benjamin.

He's very upset about nanny ribble.

If you ask me, there was something very odd about their relationship.

They were very close.

His mother died when he was a baby and nanny ribble became his wet-nurse.

Wouldn't surprise me if she was still breast-feeding him.

Anyway, he's not up here.

Why did you lie to the police?

Well, you weren't with me at 3:30.

What are you hiding?
I didn't want them to find out.

About what exactly?
Perhaps I should speak to the inspector.

So, he k*ller fired a needle through the gap in the door?
How gruesome! That's ingenious! I think I will return there tomorrow, after mass.

If you ask me, whoever k*lled nanny ribble is the same person that wants benjamin dead.

Katie hates benjamin.

And rose is very upset at beingreplaced by isabella.

And mr french was very angry with nanny ribble.

Well, because she wanted to stop him buying any of the artworks of isabella.

Whoever the m*rder*r is, isabella seems to be at the centre of it all.

He gasps for breath nymph, goddess, venus, aphrodite.

Isabella! Nymph is it you that's trying to k*ll me?


Venus, aphrodite.

Please forgive me! Nymphi should have stopped you! .


Goddess, venus, aphrodite.

He shrieks argh! Sorry, benji! I didn't mean to scare you.

What are you doing here?
Iclimbed in through the window.

Umi had to speak with you again.

Please don't send me away! Rose.

I'll do anything you want, if I can just be yourmuse?
Is is that the right word?
Make me feel special again! - Please, benji! - All right.

All right, just promise me you won't leave until the morning.

No! No! Just hold me, that's all I ask.

He sighs you miss your nannydon't you?
Birdsong oh! Penelope! Forgot my gloves.

Well, I'll see you later.


In a hurry, mrs m?

I-i need to catch the next bus to evesham.

I have a few errands to do and I'll probably call in on my friend, mrs begley.


Well, I would offer you a lift, but I'm actually seeing a friend myself.

Figgy erquart.

Well, enjoy your day.

And you.

What can I do for you, father?
I've just come from benjamin's studio.

All his sketches of isabella have been torn down the left-hand side of the face.

Your suspicions are correct, father.

You don't have to leave, conrad.

I came to kembleford to buy artwork of isabella.

Now what am I supposed to do?
! Let me explain.

Save your blether about your feud with benjamin! It's no excuse! Door slams shu sowhy did you damage the drawings?
She sighs unless you still blame him for what happened when you were a child?
We were making paper dolls.

He had the scissors.

Benjamin always maintained that it was an accident.

Huh! Yes, that's what he tells people.

Like everyone else, you've succumbed to his charm.

Just go, father.

Yesterday, you pushed him away.

Did he whisper something?
Of course he did.

Another of his little games.

I did it, I smashed the sculpture.

Get away!so why frame you for smashing the statue?
The same reason why he broke my window.

I recently contested father's will.

So he's trying to intimidate you, make you stop.

He's trying to turn everyone against me, make my life hell.

He'll deny it, of course.

In the gallery, I noticed there were no pieces of broken statue on the floor.

I assumed that the culprit had disposed of them.

Andon reflection?
It is possible that benjamin damaged the statue before he placed it in the exhibition.

Soyou believe me?

She exhales two sculptures.


An inferior first attempt, but this one is faultless.

Iwoke up and you'd gone.

Yeah, I needed more supplies.

To paint me?
After such a perfect muse, how could I ever go back to someone like you?
Ii know I've put a bit of weight on, but i-i still think that I'm oh, rose! You really are simple, aren't you?
! I mean, just look at you! Look at you! I'm sorry, but your appearance disgusts me.

So, you just used me last night?
He sighs I hope the k*ller gets you! - No, i-i'm sorry, benji, I didn't mean it.

- Get out! Well, don't look at me like that.

Nymph .


Goddess - who's there?
Venus, aphrodite.

Nymphwhere are you?


Goddess, venus, aphrodite.

Nymphit wasn't me.



Goddessit wasn't me! .


Venus, aphrodite.

No! It wasn't me!.


Goddess it wasn't! You k*lled yourself! - Venus, aphrodite.

- Isabella! Isabella?
! Argh! He yells he's always been selfish and cruel.

And nanny ribble allowed it?
He was the golden boy.

Whereas i, I was always kept out of sight.

Nothing's changed.

Whatever I have, he wants.

- The estate.

- And isabella.

She was my model, before he lured her away.

Did you see the su1c1de note?

The police asked if I recognised the handwriting.

It was so moving! "I am nobody's nymph, goddess, "venus or aphrodite.

"I'm just me, "a chaste maid from ireland.

"Goodbye forever.

" Isabella was irish?
From a little village near galway.

May I use your telephone?
Birdsong come to pose for benji?
If I said yes, would you thr*aten me again?
Sorry, ii didn't mean it.

It doesn't matter now, anyway.

Why not?
Benji's never going to paint me again.

Is it really that important?
You don't understand! How could you, looking the way you do?
Modelling for benjamin is just a bit of fun.

Not for me, it isn't! He used to make me feel sobeautiful.

Like I mattered.

- It was just lies.

- You do matter! Look at me, I'm fat and ugly.

That is not true! Listeneven if benjamin doesn't want to paint you, that's his loss! Doesn't feel that way.

Rose, you should never let a man define who you are.

With or without benjamin's affirmation, you are beautiful.

And so much more besides.

- Am i?
- Yes.

Excuse me.

Mrs m?
Oh! Penelope! Aren't you supposed to be seeing figgy erquart?
Aren't you supposed to be meeting mrs begley?
Yes, well, plans change.

And, as ever, I have to keep an eye on the good father.

Ah, yes.

That's exactly why I'm here.

Yes, well right! Hello?
Anybody there?
Benjamin! It's father brown.

I'll get you to the hospital.

Father brown! Father! What's happened to benjamin?
Blow to the back of the head.

Father brown! Father brown! Who did it?
Don't take me for a fool.

You would have bludgeoned him to death if I hadn't disturbed you.

I know you k*lled nanny ribble, and you tried to k*ll benjamin.

You seem very sure of that.

Blue paint.

From the palette on the studio floor.

Proving that you weren't just outside.

You planned to electrocute benjamin, but that backfired.

After you'd wired the door handle to the mains, something went horribly wrong.

Electrics fizz oh! Argh! Argh! Open this door at once! The telephone in the manor! The police will be here in an instant! He'll be dead before then! Oh! I presume this is revenge, for your daughter.

You know! Isabella was irish.

And despite your accent, so are you.

Although you still use irish words, like blether and kern.

How careless of me.

I telephoned the parish where isabella was raised.

And asked about her father.

And although you changed your name, the description they gave was of you.

Isabella wouldn't have wanted this.

You don't know what they did to her! I think I do.

I thought it odd that there was a bolt on the outside of the studio cupboard door.

And then I saw the scratches.

Benjamin was obsessed with her.

Couldn't bear her leaving.

- Lock her up.

- In you go! So with his nanny's help, he locked her away!let me out! - I'm sorry.

- By the time she escaped, she must have been suicidal.

How did you find out?
After shedied .


I sent a friend to collect her belongings.

Hidden in her make-up box was her diary.

You need to seek forgiveness.

Conrad laughs for the sake of your soul.

Please, put it down.

Isabella! What has he done to you?
Mybeautiful, little girl! Conrad sobs quietly why didn't she come back home, to you?
- What?
- When she escaped.

Why did she take her own life?
In fact, why did she leave ireland in the first place?
Because I I heard how you referred to her - "a living sculpture.

"A jewel not to be touched.

" I loved her! And how did this love manifest itself?
All eyes will be on you tonight.

I'm not a doll! Don't! Stop it! You don't own me!i said stop! Was she just a beautiful object?
A c*ptive bird?
I'm sorry! Conrad sobs quietly in fact .


Did you treat her any better than benjamin did?
If not, then how can you justify k*lling him?
In the eyes of god, are you any better than him?
Conrad sobs I'm sorry.

Forgive me! Conrad sobs birdsong if you don't mind! I just want isabella! I want my nanny.

I want my nanny! Call this a crime scene?
It's more like a six-year-old's party! We're all children in the eyes of the lord, inspector.

Are you all right, dear?
I will be.

Go on.

Miss, erkatie?
You know that photoshoot you're doing, women in power - would you consider me?

Why not?
Hm! It's on the front page.

Benjamin milton, charged with unlawful imprisonment.


Poor isabella! - Ahem! - Oh, mrs m, before I forget I hope you like it.

Oh, penelope, thank you! Oh! That is very thoughtful! Oh, and don't worry, I have removed the price tag.

Very amusing.

What do you think, father?
He's been like this all morning.


I've been thinking about isabella's su1c1de note.

It all makes sense, except calling herself a chaste maid.

Why include that?
Well, she probably wanted people to know that benjamin hadn't - corrupted her.

- Perhaps.

Benjamin never made a pass at me, despite asking me to dress as a jacobean strumpet.

The book of jacobean plays in the store cupboard.

Where she was kept?
She must have been reading it! I don't follow.

There's a jacobean play, a chaste maid in cheapside.

About a young woman, fakes her own death.

And isabella's body has never been recovered! Do you think she's alive, father?
Yes, I do.

Hopefully, she's out there somewhere,