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06x14 - Million Dollar Mountain

Posted: 01/11/24 13:57
by bunniefuu
Rick has watched your back
for all these years,

And then you jump on him.

on this "gold rush"...

I'm tryin' to keep a crew

You have reached
beyond my expectations.

Would you look at that?

I thought he had coffee
in that thing.

[ Laughter ]

We got a real chance
to beat that kid.

Shut it down.

We've got a big hole
in this belt.

If you did your [bleep]

We would have been all right.

The finger pointing,
it's what leads people to quit.

It's [bleep] garbage,
and it's good stuff.

That's the [bleep] bottom line.

These last 3 or 4 days have been
really rough on everyone.

Just a matter of time till
everything starts fallin' apart.

Narrator: two-thirds of the way
through the gold-mining season,

Parker schnabel
is in real trouble.

He has only one-third
of the gold

He needs to reach
his 3,000-ounce goal.

He's taking a leap of faith,

Investing $500,000 in opening up
his new massive boundary cut,

And his crew is at w*r over new
mechanic derek antoniuk.

People are just startin' rumors
and [bleep] about me.

Is it the fact

That I came in to replace,
just temporarily for carl,

And I'm staying, and he's gone?

I mean, do people
think I tried running him out?

I don't know
what they're thinking,

But I'm not gonna let
it affect me anymore.

Narrator: two weeks ago,
derek's arrival

Created a rift in the crew.

I just wanted to punch him
in the [bleep] face

Just lookin' at the guy.

and mechanic carl ross quit.

It's a joke.

I'm just going home.

Then, when rick refused
to shake derek's hand...

Just tell him to stay
the [bleep] away from me.

Don't put me in this position.

Parker ordered his faithful
friend off the claim.

Things were going fine
when you were gone.

-So leave.

Now before parker ends his 3 1/2
year relationship with rick,

Elder statesman chris doumitt
tries to broker a truce.

Rick needs a second chance.

He doesn't have my back.

You know, he didn't have
my back yesterday.

He doesn't have
my back right now.

Well, he's watched your back
for all these years,

And then you jump on him,
you know?

I told him to get his head
out of his ass.


Yeah, maybe...

And I'd say it again.

I said, "why on earth
would you take this position?"

He says, "I'm trying to keep
a crew together."


He's the reason
it's getting torn apart.

Well, all right.

That kind of stuff can't
happen, you know?

I have to have better than that
from a foreman.

I have to.

if parker pushes rick out,

It will be the second foreman
he's lost this year,

And it could destroy his season.

People follow leaders.

They don't follow bosses,

And where rick goes,
the crew goes.

Your attitude is outrageous.

You can't just pretend that kind
of stuff just didn't happen.

I get it.

It's unacceptable.

I know I came in kind
of like a [bleep],

And that was stupid
on my part.

My head was in a million places.

I'm not trying to use that
as an excuse, but you know,

I wasn't -- I wasn't right --
I wasn't...

You know, I've put you in
a position where you can't

Bring that to work, right?

You're -- you're my foreman.
Like, you can't bring that here.

You told me at the beginning
of the season

You don't know how much
your mood effects the operation,

And the same goes for you now,
all right?

I really want to move forward.
I really do.

And I'm just telling you
it's gonna be hard for me

Because you've always
had my back.

So are we good for --
for a fresh start?

All right.

Narrator: parker has given rick
a second chance.

He can now get back to
rebuilding his fractured crew,

And making the biggest cut
of his life pay out.

This is not good.

at eureka creek, tony beets

Wants his dredge to work
like it did 75 years ago,

With just a single generator
and a crew of two.

But so far this season,

He's mined only 327
of the 900 ounces

He needs to recoup
his million-dollar investment.

Foreman gene cheeseman

Is determined to make
the dredge start paying.

He has a plan
to up the gold count.

I'm just stripping off

The overburden
in front of the dredge here.

Why run this [bleep] through?

No reasonable person's gonna
want to run mud

Through the trommel,
or through the wash plant.

It's just not
a little bit of it,

But that's more
than a little bit,

So I just want to get --

Get rid of it, and --

So we don't have to run it.

unlike a normal wash plant,

The dredge
runs all the dirt in its path.

Here's the topsoil --
the overburden topsoil,

Absolutely no gold in it.

This fine sand has nothing in it
where we found, you know?

I mean, it's...
Each layer of this --

This 6-foot layer,
essentially, of garbage --

If you get rid of this stuff,

And run strictly material
that has gold in it,

Then your cost per yard
will go down.

the dredge's bucket line

Chews through 8 feet
of gold-rich pay dirt,

But above the pay,

It has to process 6 feet
of worthless overburden.

Gene wants to use
heavy equipment

To remove the overburden
ahead of the dredge,

Allowing the dredge to process

Twice as much
gold-rich pay dirt.

Got a lot of mud here,

But I don't think
there's any gold in this stuff.

And it's just all mud,
you know?

I think it's
cutting our production

Down on the dredge,
what -- recovery.

It's just --
and it causes --


I think it's cutting our
production down on the dredge.

I'd like
to peel the [bleep] off

And get rid of it
and haul it,

Move it once with the excavator
and some...

It's [bleep] garbage,
and it's good stuff.

That's the [bleep]
bottom line.

Narrator: tony gives in
and agrees to gene's plan.

In a week, should be able
to prove to him that we --

It was worthwhile
to bring that equipment in.

Time to go to work.

6:00 a.m. At mckinnon creek.

Kevin hiatt
prepares for the day.

I'm not much for conversation
this morning.

I'm just not a morning
person, okay?

Narrator: the hoffman crew
needs to up their game.

Last week, they failed to hit
their 200-ounce weekly goal.

Their 2,700 ounce,

$3 Million season
could be slipping away.

Andy: right now, everybody just
needs to be on their "a" game.

We got to stay focused.

We're right in a very crucial
part of the season,

And this is always where it, uh,
starts wearing on people.

It's my job to, uh,
watch everything on this plant.

[ Bleep ]

We've got a tear in the belt.

Shut it down!

We got a big hole in this belt.

Here it comes right here.

Narrator: tailings have built up
beneath the conveyor,

And a sharp rock has ripped
a 2-foot hole in the belt.


[ Belt stops ]

There's 3 feet of sand
up to the belt,

And that's what's gonna
break this.

Dave: plant's gonna be down
for a good half a day.

There's another half a day
we'll never get back.

breakdowns just add

To the workload
of mechanic juan ibarra.

We were shut down yesterday.
We're shut down today,

And, uh, we're getting
further and further behind.

We got a mountain
developing right behind us,

And, uh,

We're going to be completely
buried in pay here pretty quick.

Todd: you got to watch
this [bleep].

And that belt over there

Looks like somebody didn't
dig out from underneath it.

I didn't ask you to come
over here and give me grief.

You know, todd, you already
got us running around

Doing everything, man.

I don't know
what's going to happen, dude.

Hey, you got to keep
your eyes open.

You're just gonna have to be
more on it, I guess.

If I see that again,

I'm going to be fricking pissed.
Don't let it happen again.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

Wait! Hey!

We're running 22 hours a day,
6 days a week.

When do you want us to do
all this?

Narrator: the hoffman operation
is at a standstill.

That is [bleep].

Narrator: all sluicing has
stopped at mckinnon creek.

One of the wash plant operators
failed to keep the base

Of the conveyor
free of tailings,

And the belt is now badly torn.

-How bad is it, dave?
-It's pretty bad.

Oh, sh**t, it went lengthwise.

I'm gonna do it single splice,

Lace this up,
save some time, get sluicin'.

Narrator: stopping monster red
for 3 hours

Could cost the hoffmans
up to $10,000 in lost gold.

This isn't going to stop,

So we just got to fix stuff
as fast as we can,

And bam, get back going again,
I guess.

I think that somebody
didn't dig that out right.

Is that what you were --
what you're thinking?

I think somebody wasn't
paying attention at night.

All right.
I'll see you in a bit.

We got a lot of work to do.
All right, I'll get this going.

The splice is done.

It's a quick bush fix.

Hopefully this thing
stays together.

We'll have to say our prayers.

Turn it on!
[ Power whirs on ]

When you run 6 to 7, 8,000 yards
through this plant in a day,

It just eats itself up.

That rock just chews up
the steel.

The guys,
if they stay awake at night,

Stay awake during the day,

And they see the small things,
and we fix them immediately,

Then there's no major

That's what we're trying
to avoid right now.

I don't think
I'm done by any means,

But I got to find a way
to start giving a [bleep] again,

That's for sure.

At scribner creek,
morale is at an all-time low.

Parker has given
rick another chance,

But the crew
could implode at any moment,

Unless rick can make peace
with derek.

Derek's just a [bleep] talker
that stirs the pot.

You know,
I've seen guys like him.

You know, he comes in here

And immediately shoves his head
right up parker's ass

Because he's the boss,
gets in good with him

And then starts [bleep]
talking everybody, you know,

That's been here
working all year, not --

Not just started a week ago.

And, uh, I just
don't like people like that,


I'm usually a pretty good judge,

And I'm doubt I'm wrong.

I'm sorry you had
to deal with that [bleep].

I don't care.

I-i feel like a lot
of it is directed at me, too,

And we've busted
our [bleep] hump.

Thanks for sticking with me.

-Thanks for...
-New guy's not...

-Sticking up for me.
-New guy's not leaving.

-The new guy's not leaving.
-Good man.

[ Laughs ] okay.

There's our boy.

Narrator: the schnabel family
arrives from haines, alaska,

To check in on parker's
new operation.

that must be derek.


We made it.


-Hi, mom.
-It's been too long, man.

-How are you, honey?
-It's nice to see you.

-...think he knows --

Oh, surprise.
-Hello, parker.

How are you doing?

Oh, I'm doing fine
except I'm -- I'm shorter.

-[ Laughs ]
-i'm fine.

We just got our new plant up
and going.

It's been quite a marathon
for you, hasn't it?

It's been nonstop.
I've never -- i, honestly,

In the last few years,
I've never worked that kind --

Like in the last week
the amount of hours...

-Right on.
-In the last week, 10 days.

Right on. But your crew's,
uh, up and running?

Except rick.

Derek's come in and made a bit
of a splash, you know?

If somebody's, like,

He'll line people out if...

They're doing something wrong.
Like --

Like any good person would.
He's got it together.

Like he wants to see
stuff get done, and --

And some people around here
don't like to be --

Don't like working with somebody
like that, right?

And rick showed up
and said, "I have nothing

To say to that piece
of [bleep],"

Refused to shake his hand,
called him a piece of [bleep]

To his his face --
because I pulled him over

And I said, "we're going
to get along here,

And we're gonna to shake hands
and we're gonna work together."

He flat out refused.

-Rick still refused?

"I'm not shaking your hand,"
he said it five times.

Didn't know his name,
hardly, yeah?

Didn't -- didn't... Yeah.

Said it five times,
"I'm not shaking your hand."

But that is so not rick.

But I can't have a foreman
here that --

If he's gonna be a super --
he's not a super?

He's not caring
about the operation.


It's bad when your foreman

Can't even come to say hi
to your family, right?

That's pretty bad.

You going to talk to him
about it?

Because that's not rick.

roger has known rick

Since he came to work
with parker

At the family's big nugget mine
four years ago.

Hey, welcome back.

If anybody can convince rick
to make peace with derek,

It's roger.

It was a tough trip for you.

Yeah, turned out that way.

Yeah, well,
I guess the real telltale --

Were you happy to be back?

I wanted to come back, uh,

Energized, and I'm feeling
quite the opposite.

Parker relies on you, you know?

You -- you've stepped up
and made, you know,

He put you in a more --
a position of -- of --

Of a lot more responsibility,
you know?

Yeah. Yep.

And I know he's counting
on you, so...

Yep. Ugh.

Parker's all upset
that I didn't like the new guy.

And -- and you want
to preserve a relationship.

Yeah, that's what I'm
dealing with right now.

I don't really see myself
getting along with the guy,

But it's my job
to shake a guy's hand.

I can get around --
I can get over that, so...

Well, I hope so.

I-i mean,
I don't know, i...

-Things are okay? Or...

-Things are gonna be good.
-Good. Good, I hope it does.

-Well, it's nice to see you.
-Yeah, you too.

It really is.
I'll see you back in camp.

I'll be here for
a couple of days.


Take care, fella.

If I got to shake
a guy's hand,

That's what I got to do,

Still don't mean
I got to [bleep] like the guy.

Narrator: eventually,
for the sake of his crew,

Rick takes roger's advice.

Sorry I called you a name.

Fine, handshake.

All right.

Pretty wussy handshake.

It was meaningless,
but whatever.

We'll see how it carries on.

Keep the show rolling.

[ Laughs ]


Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

Brandon unsworth is approaching
the end of the night shift.

He's going plant maintenance,

While new operator
doug sutherland loads pay dirt.

Everything usually seems
to happen when, you know,

When you're tired, fatigued.

You know, you miss stuff.

You're just tryin'
to stay awake.

Only a couple of us
run on nights, so, uh,

We're nonstop.

As the time goes on,
it's starting to get darker.

It's harder to stay awake,
that's for sure.

Not that I'm falling asleep,
but it just makes it tough.

Narrator: at 7 a.m.,
The day shift takes over.

Good morning, kevin hiatt.

Hey, brandon.

How are you doing, buddy?

Oh, I just woke up
about an hour ago.

-Everything go good?
-Everything went awesome.

-Yeah, not a hitch, so...

That's what we like to hear.

Yeah, everything's fueled up,

And hopefully there's some gold
in the box for us tonight.

Yeah, ran some product,
that's for sure.

Oh, yeah.

just as the night shift

Heads back to the trailers...

Shut it down.

Shut it down!

[ Power stops ]

A buildup of tailings shuts
down the plant,

Only 20 hours after the rip
in the conveyor belt.

[ Bleep ]

We're gonna
have to shovel it out.

This thing is [bleep].

We're going to have
to take that cover off.

So all these rocks
in here are causing us problems.

They're -- they're tight
against this belt.

This has to be shoveled.

So we need to be looking
at this every hour.

These little things are
what eats up your 2,700 ounces

At the end of the year.

If you lose an hour here
or an hour there, they --

That adds up,
and you never get it back.

Narrator: todd's ambitious goal
is under threat,

And neither the day or the night
shift will take responsibility.

-Hey, juan.

Probably wouldn't have happened
if you guys

Shoveled your conveyors.

If you did your [bleep]

We would have been
all right.

Good morning.

Good morning.

-Did you just wake up?

Narrator: the hoffman crew
is at a standoff.

No one will admit who caused
their wash plant breakdowns.

I just heard that it was said
that --

That the shoveling's not
getting done

Up at the wash plant
properly and stuff.

Let me just tell you
what happened.

-I showed up.

That tail pulley was buried.

I'm trying to figure out why.

There was never
any accusations.

Nobody disparaged your name.

Nobody said, "somebody
did it at night."

Nobody said,
"brandon didn't shovel."

So just relax.

I don't doubt that you guys
have confidence in me,

But the only two things that I'm
gonna be showing for it

Right now is that I wasn't
a good enough operator,

And we're not doing
a good enough job up there.

That's two things that people

Are going to see
and notice about me.

Do you think, brandon,

That you're shoveling
more than everybody else, okay?

Go tell whoever,
but let's don't grumble, okay?

We need to quit
talking about each other.

If you got a problem
with somebody,

Bring it to 'em.

Don't talk to somebody about
somebody else behind their back.

That's the kind of stuff
that's a bunch of [bleep].

You know, it's like sometimes

We're working against
each other.

Do you think as --

As a team, that we
have improvements to make?

-Okay, that's the whole point.

We're starting to cause
our own frickin' downfall.

[ Chattering ]

It's real easy to get on shift
and, you know,

Criticize what everybody else
does on the other shift,

But you really know what -- you
don't know what they had to --

To deal with that day.

Night shift,
we're working full time,

You know, religiously
shovel out those conveyors.

It's nonstop, you know,
so, you know, anybody that --

To sit and look around
and judge what we're doing

And what we're not doing,
you know, they're not there.

They don't see
what we have to deal with.

You know, the finger pointing
and miscommunication, it's --

It's what leads people to quit.

Gene: let's get to work.

Narrator: gene cheeseman
is re-inventing

Tony beets' operation.

Gene: tony wants to, you know,
just run everything

Through the dredge,
and I don't see any point

In running material through
the dredge that has no gold.

It's full of sticks and wood

And causes nothing
but havoc with the dredge.

Narrator: he's removing the
overburden in the dredge's path

So they can just run the
gold-rich pay dirt underneath.

Gene: we can move that material
with excavators and equipment.

The way
people are doing it nowadays,

Cheaper and more efficiently.

tony doubts that gene's new plan

Will net them enough gold

To pay for the extra fuel
to run the heavy equipment.

But he's prepared
to try the idea for a week,

And has brought in
a 40-year-old belly scraper.


Well, that's good.

We got to do something
with it here.

It's starting to stack up
on us, so...

I don't really care
one way or another --

Wheelbarrow, truck,
scraper, whatever.

I just want to get this stuff
out of our way

So we can keep running.

It will help
all the way around,

And the dirt don't care
what it looks like.

to get down to pay dirt,

Tony and gene need to remove
6 feet of overburden.

Took a while to get tony to get
rid of this brush and mud,

But he's got the scrapers,

And I don't really care
how we move it.

I just want to get it
out of here,

And that's what we're doing.

Gene: in my mind,
there's no sense in sluicing

Material that has no gold in it.

After 8 hours, they've cleared
2,500 yards of overburden.

There's nothing but pay dirt
ahead of the dredge.

To test gene's theory,

They'll run pure pay
through the dredge

For 24 hours straight.

Starting to hog
into her pretty good here.

Ah, it just slowed.

We're up against that bank.

Gene's risking his reputation
on this new plan.

Nice looking bedrock there,

he must prove to tony

That the extra cost
of removing overburden

Will be covered by
a significant increase in gold.

Hey, we got a problem.
We're a man down.

We're a man down
on our night shift.

todd agreed with brandon

That he could leave
before the end of the season,

But he failed to tell the crew.

Brandon's gone home.

I wish I was.

Narrator: if they don't run
the night shift,

They'll lose roughly $35,000
in gold.

Dave turin calls an emergency

Hey, everyone,
we got a little problem.

We're down a night shift guy,
and I personally --

And I'd see what you guys say,

But I'd like to keep
running the night shift.

I'm willing to run the shift,

And if we can split this up,

I'm looking for some volunteers
to finish night shift.

dave has volunteered to cover

Part of brandon's 12-hour shift,

But he needs three more guys
to each take three hours.

Yeah, I'll help you out, dave.

Yeah, I'm in.


I'm in.

We just need one more person,
and we got it covered.

Anybody else?

Dave, I'll take a shift.

That gives us four guys.

Let's go to work.
I'll take first shift, I guess.

Everybody's tired,
but you know what?

It doesn't really matter.
Our -- our job is to get gold

Out of the ground and run it
through that wash plant.

That's exactly
what we're going to do.

Narrator: on his watch,

Dave is determined tailings
won't damage the conveyor.

Dave: this rock
is just unforgiving.

I volunteered.

I got the 1:00 to 3:30 shift,

So I follow dave,
and then kevin's relieving me.

then kevin relieves randy

To take the graveyard shift.

Hey, I'm ready to swap you out
whenever you're ready.

Yeah, go ahead.

It's 3 in the morning.
It's my shift.

Uh, I'm gonna just
run straight through.

It works out better for me.
Because I run the plant,

I can just keep going
until, uh, quitting time.

Thanks, man.

Narrator: that means 15 hours
of nonstop loading dirt.

This isn't mandatory.

This was -- dave asked us.
We all stepped up.

That's what we do around here,

Is we just have
each other's back.

[ Yawns ]

As long as monster red is able
to run, we're gonna run it.

We're not gonna shut it down.
We're not gonna play the card

That there's nobody here
to run it.

We're all just gonna step up
and keep this plant running.

I've been going
since 3 this morning,

And I have to go
my normal shift.

And, uh, I'm gonna be tired
at the end of the day,

But it's gonna feel
even better knowing that we, uh,

We kept the plant running.

We definitely didn't take
the easy way out.

We stepped it up
and gave it our "a" game.

That's all good gravel
down there.

Narrator: for 5 days,

The dredge has run
mixed overburden and pay dirt,

But for the last 24 hours,

Gene's had it running nothing
but pay dirt.

Despite the mixed material,
they should be able to tell

Whether gene's experiment
has paid off.

-Good. How are you?
-Hey, tony.


Yeah, we should.

Narrator: after a series
of bad cleanups this season,

Tony has only mined 327 ounces,
worth less than $360,000.

The only way
he'll reach his 900-ounce goal

Is to produce nearly 80 ounces
a week from here on out.




50, 60.

It's gettin' close to 100.

There you go, that's 100.



I think we are.

Narrator: 120 ounces,
worth over $130,000,

Puts tony back on track

And is proof that gene's
new mining strategy works.

That is pretty good stuff.


I'm glad it worked out.

I guess we know
what we've got to do now,

And we'll just keep hammering
away for the rest of the year.


I mean, it was good.
We got almost 120 ounces.

We're improving on things.

That's the whole goal,
was to get better,

Figure out what the problems are
and how to get better.

Narrator: parker has moved
over a million yards of dirt

In the biggest cut
he's ever mined,

But he's taken a massive risk --

Not one of his test pans
in the boundary cut

Showed any significant gold.

When we were doing that cut,

I was not able to get a good pan
out of it.

Two flake pans, one flake pan.

parker shuts down the plant

To see if there's gold
in the sluices.

[ Power winds down ]

24 Hours or so of running.

Holy mackerel.


I mean, I don't want to jinx it,
but if I had to guess,

There's probably 20 ounces
in this run.

The timing is good.
It really is, yeah.

He's had a tough couple
of days from what I'm told,

And, um, it's always nice
to have good news.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Randy, when they have a sign,

And it says, "special,"
that's what you don't order.

[ Laughter ]

Narrator: it's the end
of the week at mckinnon creek.

Time for todd hoffman

To reveal if the crew has hit
their 200-ounce weekly target.

[ Sighs ]

130 Ounces. We're 70 short.

Narrator: 130 ounces
is worth less than $145,000.

That wash plant, that's
the heart of the operation.

One thing goes wrong, and we
ain't making gold, all right?

We got to keep our eyes open.

We got to love that thing
like we love our families

Because I'll tell you what --
if that breaks,

We have no backup.

I got a little lax there
for a little bit,

And uh, you know,
after you talked to us,

I really feel
like we need to step it up.

You're right, you know?
We're here for a short time.

We're doing this for
our families, and, uh, yeah...

Let's do it, man.
We're gonna kick it up a notch.

Let's do it.

Watch that plant.

That's the key, man.

And you guys are the gatekeepers
of this whole thing, okay?

You know, we're 70 short,
will we make it up?

Maybe, you know,
if we keep that thing going.

todd's total for the season

Stands at 1,702 ounces,
over $1.8 million worth of gold.

Dude, I know we don't have
as good as ground as parker,

But we got a chance -- we got
a real chance to beat that kid.

We cannot let this happen again.
There's no way.

[ Equipment whirring ]

The table has been
looking like this

For about the last half an hour,

And I got another half an hour
to go on it.

at scribner creek,

Preparations are underway
for a make-or-break gold weigh.

With only 6 weeks
left in his season,

Parker still needs 2,000 ounces
of gold to hit 3,000 ounces.

His season is riding
on his new wash plant

And his new untested cut.

Hey, will you guys come here?
So what have we got going here?

The boundary cut's just been
a long process, you know,

A lot of things in the works,
and it's a big --

It was a big undertaking.

I thought this thing
was gonna be the death of us,

And then in the middle
of all that,

We get to move in a new plant.

You know, the last two weeks

Have just
been rough with that thing,

Just getting it up and going.

And I want to thank, especially,
um, mitch and derek.

I mean, you guys
did a hell of a job.

Um, you guys
put in some crazy hours,

And you guys k*lled it,
you know?

You guys did a good job.

And, um, thanks, derek, for
coming in when we're down men.

I appreciate that.

So we ran 150 hours,

And, um, I was honestly hoping
for an ounce an hour,

And we did -- we did do
a little better than that.

-That looks nice.

-This looks good.

I thought he had coffee
in that thing.

[ Laughter ]

-It's a lot better than that.
-Would you look at that?

That's 409.7 ounces.

[ Cheering ]

Man: all right, parker!

Narrator: 409.7 ounces

Is worth a staggering

In just one cleanup, parker
has almost recovered every cent

He invested
in the boundary cut.

His high-stakes gamble
has paid off.

I'm just relieved, so...

And the boundary cut right now

Is the best ground
we've ever ran.

Parker, you have reached
beyond my expectations.

You have brought a crew

And I know that everybody
is going to respect you

And look up to you
as a fine example

Of how to grow up.
Oh, no.

I've just got a good group
of guys here.

-And -- and girls.

[ Laughter, chattering ]

Narrator: 409 ounces

Brings parker's gold total
to 1,450 ounces,

Worth over
a million and a half dollars.

Parker has reunited his crew

And is almost halfway to
his season goal of 3,000 ounces.

The race to be the
"king of the klondike" is on.

-Let's do this again.
-No kidding.

We'll do it again tomorrow
and tomorrow

And the day after
and the day after.

On the next "gold rush"...

I brought another dredge
down there.

I think it's going to be
a success story from one day

To the end.

Todd: we're going to make
a million-dollar mountain.

-[Bleep] it's on fire.
-Cut it!

I should have three times
the amount of gold in this pan.

We're going to fail
if we keep doing this.

-Whew! That's a lot of gold.
-Nice week.

I know todd's going pretty hard,

But I don't think
he stands a chance.

Are you gonna take my deal
or not?

I'm not here to lose.

I would love to kick
your butt.