06x04 - Grandpa's Golden Advice

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x04 - Grandpa's Golden Advice

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: in the gold fields
of the klondike,

Todd hoffman is out to get twice
as much gold as ever before.

We're going to turn this thing
up to 300 yards an hour

And start kicking some ass.

But to double his take,

He has to figure out
how to run double the dirt.

This is our year,
and we're not turning it down.

And when his crew is overcome
by a mountain of tailings...

I can't keep up with it.

His attempt to bring in
a massive new conveyor...

[Bleep] hit it. Hit it.
Hit it.

Pits father against son.

Just be quiet.

I know how to back-drag.

No, you don't.

Parker schnabel's season
is a shambles.

season's going to be a fight.

his cut is flooded.

[Bleep] water's pouring in here
like a [bleep].

He's yet to see
a speck of gold.

This is just hellish
up there.

And he's forced
to make a decision

That could make
or break his season.

Do we hightail it out of here?

Or do we sink a pile of money
into that cut?

We all have to learn
the hard way sometimes.

And when tony beets

Hands the keys
to his ancient gold dredge...

...to a rookie operator.

Well, it looks like I'm
the number one winchman.

The million-dollar dredge
comes to a grinding halt.

Man: shut her down!
Shut her down!

[Bleep] thing.

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

Narrator: mckinnon creek.

In his fourth year
mining the klondike,

Todd hoffman has set his crew
their biggest season goal yet:

2,700 Ounces.

To hit their $3,000,000 goal,

The hoffman crew has to run
their wash plant, monster red,

Harder than ever before.

We're going to turn this thing
up to 300 yards

And hour and start
kicking some ass.

I just want to make sure
everything's dialed,

Everything's perfect.

Narrator: jim thurber has to
load far more pay dirt.

Thurber: good job.
Three hundred yards an hour.

I think, the first time
I ever mined,

We did 25 frickin' yards
an hour.

We're doing 300 now?
Holy crap.

Narrator: at the same time,

He has to clear away
even more tailings

Before they pile up
and hit the end of the stacker.


Absolutely stupid.

How you doin'?
How are you doing?

I'm great, I'm just...

I'm clear up to my ass
in gravel.

Listen, just --
just keep at it.

We were doing fine at 250.

You bumped it up
another 50 yards, [bleep].

I can't keep up with it.

Hey, just get into
a rhythm.

Yeah, I got the rhythm --
k*ll the old guy.

I got the rhythm.


"Hurry up. Hurry up.
You gotta go faster."


Frickin' sick and tired of it.

What are you doing?

Keep going.

I can't keep up with it.
I got to watch the plant.

I got to check other things.

Look at it,
frickin' mountain of tailings.

I'm not turning it down.

You're going to have to just
frickin' do it.

Try it. You don't think I'm
trying, bustin' my ass.

I know you're trying,

But you just, you got to get
this pile over that cliff.

Get back in there and just
keep doing it. Okay?

I'm busting my ass.

You know what?
This is our year,

And we're not turning it down.

Narrator: afraid he might have
a mutiny on his hands,

Todd calls the crew
in for a meeting.

Listen, guys.
It's going to be tough.

You're all going
to have your doubts, okay?

But guess what?
We're going to win this year.

We're going
to conquer this thing.

We're going to become true,
hardcore miners

If we can get 2,700 ounces.

That's like $3,000,000 in gold,

More gold
than we've ever seen.

to hit his ambitious goal,

Todd needs to push his crew
like never before.

We got to run more dirt.

I've done the math,
and I'm not kidding ya,

It's going to take
300 yards an hour.

The only way we're going
to frickin' make it, though,

Is if we're a team.

We got a new face in camp, juan.

Nice to meet ya, juan.

Juan's a mechanic.

He had a great resume.
He's worked at mines.

The main thing
is he's a family guy like us.

Juan, you're going
to be working with randy.

Hopefully, you guys
can keep this stuff floating

Because we're not going
to make it through this season

If we can't keep
this stuff running.

All right. Definitely.
I'll work my hardest,

And we'll get at it.

You know what, you guys?

Jack has always talked
about putting gold

In people's pockets,
and I think this is the year.

We're going to look back and go,

"We kicked ass."

And it starts now.

Definitely a really tall order.

You know, 2,700 ounces
is, uh, no small feat,

But, uh, never been a slouch
for work, so, uh,

I'm here to help and, uh,
in any which way I can.

Hey, listen to me.
I love you, man.

We've been
in through worse things,

But you gotta keep up.

You gotta figure it out.

This cannot be our bottleneck.

We just can't do it, you know.


I'll keep working, do tailings
all frickin' night long.

You know, I've traveled a lot
of road with thurber.

I've seen him overcome a lot
of things.

I don't know if this is going
to be one of them.

Narrator: ten miles east,
at scribner creek,

Parker schnabel is a month
into the short mining season.

And he's yet to find
a single flake of gold.

His crew's been clearing 40 feet
of overburden in the berm cut.

Now, the early summer sun
is rapidly thawing the ground.

Man: the water is pouring in
here like a [bleep].

It's just a mess.

That's the real bummer
about this cut is that,

Every level we're at,
we're fighting the water.

It's frustrating.

You know, last year, we found
nearly $3,000,000 worth of gold.

But this season,
I'm a little scared.

We don't have the security
of having gene around anymore,

So I don't know
how to deal with them.

You know, gene was the one
that had us up on step

For the last two years,
and we're in over our heads.

You know, this cut
is kicking our ass.

parker's old foreman,

Gene cheeseman, refused to work
with him this season.

Without gene,
parker's had a disastrous start.

He desperately needs
to replace him.

We're at a point now where...

You know how losing gene is
going to affect the operation.

That's, kind of,
consequences for my action

To a certain extent, you know?

And, uh, I apologize.

Your attitude controls
the attitude around here.

100 Percent...
All right.

Probably a lot more
than you know.

And yeah, and I don't think
about that kind of stuff.

You know.

I bulldoze around when I'm
pissed off like a maniac.

You know,
to a certain extent,

I'm scared because we've got
a bunch of green people,

And I am not going to look
like a failure up here.

Right. This season has to work
because success is the thing

That matters to me.

I know that you
feel the same way.

So I need a new foreman.


You know, I need --
I need somebody in the cut,

That's there every day,
that can run stuff,

You know.

Well, I hadn't -- I certainly
hadn't thought about that,

But I guess,
with the green crew,

I don't think I have
much of a choice, do i?

Well, it's your choice because
this has got to be your life

For the next 6 months.

It is a big responsibility.

But I'm up for it.


Thanks, brother.
Let's get it.

I'm beyond proud
that he's asked me to do that.

I mean, he... I -- I kind

Of feel I've stuck by him
the last 4 years.

I think I earned this shot,

And, uh, I'm super glad
he's giving it to me.

rick's first task as foreman

Is a tough one --
drain the berm cut.

Oh, boy.

That's deep yet.

Bouncing through those puddles

Is, uh, definitely tiresome
by the end of 12 hours.

This is a nightmare, for sure.

Definitely could use
some dry ground.

As far as water management goes,
this is a pretty big project

And, you know, gene
was always our guy for that.

He's a mastermind.

But this is definitely a first
for me.

What the hell is he doing?
What the [bleep]?


Hey, I need someone
to come look at this truck.

It just died on me.


Narrator: they're losing
machines to the flooded cut.

I think water's the issue here.

We're sucking it in when we're
crossing the deep waters,

So, uh, it's not going
very good, you know?

[ Engine turning over ]

Water everywhere.


We need to get
the water draining.

Yeah, yeah.
I'm on it.

We had all day
to have this ready,

But whatever.

You know, that's rick's job,
is to manage water.

What a [bleep] mess.

at scribner creek,

Rick ness is struggling
to drain the berm cut,

His first task
since parker made him foreman.

It's getting out of control
here with this mud,

So we gotta get a handle on it.

Uh, otherwise,
we can't run trucks on it.

If we ain't running trucks
on it, we ain't moving anything.

Hey, brendon,
you got a copy?

Hey, rick.

Dig that ditch as deep
as you can go all the way.

Okay, I'll do that.
You betcha.

We've got to keep a ditch

With all the ground water
of the entire length of it.

rick comes up with a plan:

Dig a 250 foot ditch
10 feet deep

Along the side of the berm cut.

The ground water
should flow into the ditch,

Eventually drying out
the waterlogged cut.

He'll put a culvert in the ditch
beneath the haul road

To allow water
to flow out into the creek.

All right, brendon,
I got that pipe.

Uh, what do you say we
drop her in and see what we get?

Yeah, let's get her
under here, man.

Okay, I think we actually
got it in place here.

You can, uh, start covering up.

It's a short pipe, but it
will give us our one lane.

And I think this is going to
actually work out pretty good.

Nice work today, boss.
We did good.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: at eureka creek,
tony beets' 350-ton dredge

Is running dirt
just like it did in the 1930s.

Tony's already mined
81 ounces of gold with it,

Worth $89,000.

But he needs a whole lot more.

This season, he wants to recoup
the $1,000,000

He spent on the old machine.


It's got water...
So we're in business.

Oh, there should be.



Narrator: gordon martin worked
on this dredge in the 1980s.

But he's heading home
to see his family,

So has to train the man that
will replace him as winchman --

Jerry rhodes,
one of the machinists

That rebuilt the dredge
last year.


So what's your goal here,

We're going to swing it first.

We'll just bring it up
and let it bunt in there.


Drop her down.

the key to running the dredge

Is mastering the winch levers
that control the 72 buckets

That pull pay dirt
out of the ground.

Well, every day is
my apprenticeship as a winchman.

I'm going that way.
Yeah, I know.

Do you want to be
going that way?


Jerry's getting
along really well, actually,

For the short time
he's been here.

All he needs
is a little more practice.

Just give her
another little shot.

That enough?

Now you've got the procedure.

If you're happy,
than I'll bugger off, I guess.

Narrator: gordon leaves,

Putting jerry
in the hot seat.

So I guess I'm going
to try to operate this.

The controls are real basic,

But there's a lot
to keep track of.

I'm watching to see what --

How it happens, and if doesn't
look like it's working,

I'll say something.

Gordon hasn't been
gone 10 minutes,

And here
I am sitting in his chair.

It looks like I'm
the number one winchman.

Ah, [bleep].

Damn it.

The operator's
forgot the brake on.

That's what caused
it to start smoking like that.

They're just made of wood,

So it'll smoke and smoke
and catch on fire.

What is the issue, jerry?

Should've taken the brake off
when we started the bucket line.

Think about what you're doing.

No one's ran this machine
here much other than gordon.

Brakes are off,
and we're good to go.

If I can get through
the rest of the day

Without screwing something up,

I'll be pretty pleased
with myself.

[Bleep] thing won't release.

[Bleep] thing.

Shut her down.
Shut her down.

Oh, [bleep]

What happened?
I don't know.

The winches quit.

What the hell you doing, jerry?

The winch shut down,

You were
moving and winching?


It's like a frickin' circus
around here, I'm telling ya.

Narrator: todd hoffman is out
to get

Twice as much gold as last year.

To achieve that,

His crew needs to run 300 yards
of dirt an hour.

But they're struggling.

Hoffman: we're drowning in
tailings right now.

We're trying
to hold the 300 yards an hour.

It's not working.

And it's adding up everyday.
Boom, boom, boom.

Narrator: todd has a fix,
but it's cost him $52,000.

I think, I found a solution.

You know, the guy
said this will move well

Over 300 yards an hour.

Sounds too good to be true.

There it is.

How you doin', man?
You're todd?


Narrator: todd's new conveyor

Should be
able to move his tailings

Another 100 feet
from the wash plant.

She ain't pretty, but it looks
like she'll move some rock, huh?

What'll happen
is this will lift up,

Gets at a very high angle,

And it'll actually power itself
and sh**t the tailings

Off the cliff.

Now, uh, the tricky part is,
we got to get it into the mine.

How long are you with the truck?

Ninety-four feet,
front bumper to back bumper.

All right, let's load up.

todd hoffman now owns

One of the klondike's
biggest tailings conveyors.

Now, he needs to haul it
60 miles to his claim.

What really makes me nervous
is, uh, once we get on the dirt,

It's going to start getting bad.

To be able to run 300 yards
an hour,

We need this piece of equipment.

Without it, there's no way.

If -- if all humanly possible,

We need to get her into the mine
by tonight.

Narrator: the stacker convoy

Makes short work of the first
40 miles

Up to honker's summit.

From here on, it's downhill.

this ground out here is soft.

It looks like it's solid,
but it's not.

Hoffman: okay, listen,
you're going to have to

Hit this corner hard, okay?

If you don't hit it hard, you're
going to get the soft right

Around that corner.

We got a hairpin turn,
right here.

Steep downhill.

That is some unstable ground.

It's just muck.

Hit it with everything
you got, okay?


Keep going.

We're spinning.
We're spinning.

Hit it. Hit it.
Hit it.

Look out!

Now, we're for real stuck.


Narrator: just 2 miles
from mckinnon creek,

Todd hoffman's new super stacker

Is stuck
deep in melted permafrost.

Man: the road's so soft.

We sunk right up to the bumper.

How bad is it?

Actually, we're right
onto the axle.

We have to lift the front.

Uh, hunter, hunter,
you got a copy?

Yeah, we're going to need
a loader and a strap.

Okay, I'm coming down, then.

It's really hot out,
so all the permafrost underneath

There is actually starting
to melt and crack.

You can actually see
it right here.

It's, even,
oozing mud up out of there.

We got to get it
out of there, quick.

I don't want it to keep sinking.

Narrator: thawed permafrost

Runs right down the middle
of the next 100 yards of road.

Now, you see that ground
just pumping.

And that's just me.

I don't weigh as much
as that front wheel.

Here comes hunter.

hunter, todd's 16-year-old son,

Arrives in the 34-ton loader.

His first task:
pack down and flatten

The road's muddy center.

keep your wheels like that.

Don't get in the middle.

Hunter has to make sure
his heavy tires

Don't make things worse.

Turn your bucket.

You got your wheels in the mud.

No, not too much!
Whoa! Stop.

Get your tires
on the effing road.


Quit putting them in the middle.

Look what you did.

I was stuck in the middle,

And I had to cross the road
to get to the other side.

I can't jump the loader.

You set it up wrong.

So don't -- don't say that.

You're tire needs to be here.

If you guys would back up,
I can see, and I can line up.

Left a little more.
Okay, right there.


Put your bucket
down and back-drag that.

Tip it up a little more
and then come down.

Untip it.
Tip it up.


Come down.


Just be quiet
and let me back-drag it.

I know how to back-drag.

No, you don't.

Keep going
'til you don't leave a mess.

There. There you go.

What we're going to try
and do is lift this truck up.

Nice and slow.

Back it a little bit.

Hunter, put it in reverse.

Keep your foot on the brake.

Hey, both of you guys
are saying two opposite things.

I don't know what to do.

I wouldn't look at
your grandpa.

I'd look at me.


Go with him, hunter.
Go with him.

Hold up.


Keep going.


We did it.

I don't know.
Maybe I'm just being a bad dad.

Who knows?
He's very good on the loader,

But to communicate from father
to son is damn hard.

Hey, guys, we got a conveyer
rolling into camp.

I'm just glad that we got
it here and it's over with.

[ Laughter ]

What do you mean?
It's about all I think about it.

I think I need a drink, thurber.

Let's do a double iced tea.

I like my dad and everything,

But, like, just, I don't
work well with him, I guess.

I don't know.
He's bad at communicating,

And he's frustrating
to work with, so it's hard.

Hey, sorry I yelled at ya.

You did a good job.

I get frustrated, you know?

I just don't want anybody to
get hurt, that's all.

Know what I mean?

You did a good job, buddy.

Come here.

Let me get you an iced tea.

Narrator: at scribner creek,

New foreman rick ness drainage
channel is working.

The berm cut is dry.
Hey, brendon,

You ready for this?
You betcha.

That black stuff,
that's our stuff.

Go get your load outs
and pay dirt.


Narrator: and they're down to
their first pay of the season.

Parker's crew
is getting back on track.

Man: this is the minute
I've been waiting for.

Can't wait to see the yellow --
little yellow flakes

On the sluice box.


Oh, yeah, this looks good.
Move it.

First truck of gold
up to the wash plant.

Narrator: they can finally
start to make money.

But half the cut
is still covered

In 40 feet of overburden.

It will cost tens
of thousands of dollars

And hundreds of man-hours
to clear the rest.

Before they commit, foreman rick
wants to be sure it's worth it.

It's been an all out brawl
at this point

Just to get to where we're at.

You know, we're just kind
of assuming that this whole area

Is going to be as good
as what we did last year...

We gotta do a test, you know?

We'll test 1,000 yards
of it because this,

If it's worth it, this --
this will be a great, big area.

If it's not,
it -- it ain't worth the fight.

That's expensive stripping,
that's for sure.


But if it's not good,

Then, when -- where do we need
to go from there, you know?

I'd rather find out now.

Let's do it.

It's probably a good move
to make, you know?

Rick's -- rick's thinking on
his feet, which is good to see.

Narrator: rick fires up their
wash plant, big red,

For the first time this season.

It's showtime right now.

I love it.

We're washing rocks, baby.

Hopper's working great,
so we're looking good.

That's the sound
I've been missing.

That's all the rock
bouncing off that metal plate.

It's good to hear it again.

Hey, parker, good news, buddy.

She's up and running.

We're goldmining.

All right, good job, man.

Narrator: just hours after they
begin their 1,000 yard test,

Parker's 95-year-old grandpa,

Mining legend
john schnabel,

Arrives for his first visit
of the season.

Oh, look who's here.

All right.

How are you doing, grandpa?

I'm so ha --
happy to be -- be here.

It's good to see yeah.

You're looking wonderful.

So are you.

Well, thank you.
I'll show you around.

I'll hop in with you.


Now things
are chugging along up here.

It's been tough to get up
on step.

Well, I hope you hit real
profitable ground this year.

We need it.

We're spending money, like,
like, it's expiring.

You can't make it
unless you spend it.

It's how you feel
is more important than, uh,

Than money, really.

Tell the fuel company that.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: at eureka creek,
the dredge is at a standstill.

And tony is losing money.

Jerry rhodes' first solo mission
at the helm

Has not gone according to plan.

This dredge hasn't been
run in 27 years.

We didn't repair
much of anything.

We took it apart,
threw it back together,

And we're finding things
that should've been repaired.

It's a pain in the ass.

electrician jason folster

Has figured out why the dredge
is dead in the water.

The electronics
are really sensitive.

It's one single motor
that runs all the cable winches.

And when you run equipment
all at once,

It loads up that motor
to a point where it trips out.


jerry raised the bucket line

And operated the steering winch

At the same time,
causing the motor to overheat

And the electricity to cut off.

You know, if jerry is, uh,

Working too many levers
up there,

That's going
to overheat that motor.

We're going to figure out
some way to make it work.

We need to be able to run
more -- more than one function

At time on the winches.

So I think the fan on that motor
can't keep that motor cool.

It's just --
it's spinning way too slow.

If we can speed that motor up

And still achieve
what you need to achieve,

Uh, I think we'll be okay.

And I'll just tone it up
and get another smaller pulley

To get that thing spinning
faster to, uh, cool itself.

So I think it would be
a really good idea

To get a smaller pulley.

I'll get on it.
Sounds good.

All right, thanks, jerry.

Narrator: the winches are
powered by a drive pulley,

But its motor is overheating.

Gene plans to replace the drive
pulley with one half its size.

The drive pulley can,
now, be run at twice the speed,

Making the fan go faster

And stopping the motor
from overheating

While the winch mechanism
still runs at the same speed.

Tony's just arrived from dawson
with the smaller pulley.

Well, when you give me a hand,
we'll get it done.

Get that one out of there.

Get the key way, the key.


The internal cooling fan

Wasn't turning fast enough to
cool it with the bigger pulley.

The smaller pulley's going
to make it turn faster

To accomplish the same thing.

Yeah, hopefully.

You got it.

Narrator: five miles west,
at mckinnon creek,

Todd's plan to double his gold
this season

Has hit a roadblock.

This thing is bent bad.

Hey, todd,
I think we got an issue.

Oh, frick.

The whole nose of this thing
is shoved over.

You notice the belt.
See how tight it is here.

You got, like,
what, 2 inches over here.

Oh, good lord.

What happens if we just
run it like this?

The belt's going to,
uh, run off center.

And, uh, eventually,
it -- it'll start to tear.

What do we got to do?

We're going to have to cut
this whole front piece off

So we can get in there
with our tools

To be able to bend it back in.

So basically we gotta rebuild
the whole back-end

Of the shaker.

Narrator: the hoffmans' new
mechanic, juan ibarra,

Is also a welder-fabricator.

And he has a plan.

Juan's got some magic
up his sleeves.

So, right now,
we got that front plate off.

We'll be able to use
a hydraulic, uh, ram,

From that corner to here.

And that way I can pull it and
be able to straighten this out.

Narrator: the hydraulic ram
produces 20,000 pounds of force.

Combined with some good
old-fashioned muscle, juan

Should be able to get the sides
of this stacker back in line.

Now, it's --
it's looking okay.

See how... It's quite
a bit straighter than it was.

I started, you know,

Working with my dad
every day after school

Since about 8 or 9 yeas old.

Yeah, so I followed in his

And took it
a little bit further.

Got a little baby girl
on the way.

That's definitely one of my
driving factors,

Is wanting to make a little
better living for my family.

Narrator: the last step --

Juan welds on
a new end plate.

For what it is, it --
it's really, really close.

It's going to be strong.

juan has delivered.

The stacker's bent nose
is fixed.

Looks like juan did
a good job.

I think she's ready to go.

It's moving, guys!

Look at that, dude.

That's unbelievable.

monster red's current stacker

Moves tailings 45 feet
from the wash plant.

By adding their new rotating
super stacker, the hoffman crew

Can now distribute tailings
in a massive arc

145 Feet from the wash plant,

Allowing them to run 300 yards
an hour

Without interruption.

Todd: I think we're to sh**t
some tailings over the cliff

And, uh, put some gold
in the box.

Fire in the hole.

Stream's comin' on.

Beat conveyor!

It's moving, guys!

Looks real good.

We can actually
move the pile over.

That's the beauty
of having a radial stacker.

We can actually
spread the tailings out.

What do you think, thurber?

Thurber: dude, I love it.

A lot better, huh?

To a loader, that is heaven.

I love it.

What will we do with thurber?

Thurber, we're going
to have to let you go.

[ Laughter ]
thank god.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

The population
has doubled overnight.

Hunter, come here to grandma.

I'm so glad to see you, honey.

Narrator: the miners' families
have arrived for the summer.

I've always wanted
to be a bellhop.

The real joy is just having --
doing this with with them.

It isn't the gold in this pan.

It's just being with my family
up here.

All right, I quit.

I'm sticking
with the heavy equipment.

scribner creek.

To get his rocky season
back on track,

Parker needs rick's 1,000-yard
test to pay off.

Grandpa john and parker
weigh the gold

That'll determine whether or not
the berm cut is worth mining.

Out of the 1,000 yards,
we'd normally want,

What, 10 or 12 ounces.

Yeah. Have you seen any s--
any sign in there?

Oh, yeah.


Nuggets like that,
we're on to something.

That's pretty nice.

How's it going in here?

Not bad.

Just finishing drying up
right now.

Looks a little light, huh?

It's hard to predict, but...

All right,
well, let's weigh it up.

Narrator: to be economic, parker
has to get at least $10 a yard.

This 1,000-yard test

Should produce at least
9 ounces of gold.

With that nugget,
we're at 7.1.

That's certainly not, uh, as
good as what we're hoping for.

I wouldn't mind this result
on normal ground,

But this is just
hellish up there.

You know, that ground is a lot
deeper than our average ground.

Narrator: last season,

The first section of the berm
cut produced twice as much gold.

Parker faces a decision that'll
make or break his season.

That's a lot fighting
for not a lot of result.

Do we cut our losses
and hightail it out of here

On -- on that result?

Or do we sink a pile of money
into that cut?

I'm not going to tell you
how to spend your money.

That's for you to decide.

Yeah, I wish you would.

Well, we all have to learn
the hard way sometimes.

There's got to be more.

Yeah, I think you're right.

I'm inclined to
go with my gut.

If it were my money,

I'd go for it.

I broke my own determination
to shut up.

Nice nugget
is a pretty good signal

That, uh, you can expect
better recovery.

Let's hope
you find 1,000 of 'em.

So we're going for it?

Let's do it, then.

Thanks, rick.

I think it was was a good call.
Right on.

My grandpa said, you know,
if it was his money, he'd do it.

I feel like that's going
to be a good cut,

But that's the risk
we take, right?

That's why we're up here,

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,
the hoffman crew

Cleans up after 3 days running
a full 300 yards an hour.

Todd's ambitious plan
to double their gold haul

Depends on the gold
in these mats.

Damn, fred.

She's yellow
all the way across.

We're, uh,
working long hours,

But this year,
we know it's worth something,

And it's fun.

Other than kevin's butt's
right in my face.

You put your face in my butt.

No, you put your butt
in my face!

You put your face in my butt!

You both liked it!

Narrator: the hoffman crew
gathers with their families

For their first proper weigh-in
of the season.

Now, jack's going
to walk out here,

And he's going to have some gold
in his hand,

And that's going to be the fruit
of our labor.

Juan, if we hit our goal
of 2,700 ounces,

A lot of that will be
because of you.



I appreciate you guys, uh,

Taking me in and treating me
as one of your own.

I really do.

In a 6-day week,

We -- we need to clear over 200
ounces a week to make our goal.

This first clean up is only
3 days of running, okay?

So we need to clear
at least 100 ounces on this,

Or we're going to be in a hole.

Grandma: here comes jack.

It wasn't, uh, quite
like I was really expecting.

It was 140.55.


That's impressive.

That's about $160,000 worth
of gold we did in 3 days, guys.


This summer, we're going to go
flying right past that 2,700.

You think so, huh?

I think so.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Narrator: on the next
"gold rush"...

Yeah! Finally got 300 yards
an hour,

And it's kicking our ass.

See that water coming over?
Hit the bypass.

Shut it down!

There's something
wrong with the system.

Don't stand around and whine
about it, get the thing fixed.

One more time.


Get out of there!

Work hard, play hard, right?

And if you become a team,
you can't help but win.
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