06x02 - Gold Ship

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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06x02 - Gold Ship

Post by bunniefuu »

north in the klondike,

Gold mining history
is being rewritten.

I christen you "minnie's a.t.m."


Narrator: tony beets'
75-year-old gold dredge

Goes to work for the first time
in three decades.

But when tony surprises his crew
with a new dredge captain...

Gene cheeseman.
How's it going, buddy?

...it's a slap in the face
for the men who built it.

Gene's got it made.

Mike and I put it all together
for him.

Gene ain't gonna be my boss.

Narrator: and when the ancient
mining machine

Proves too hard to handle...

...skeptics like todd hoffman...

I don't know how much gold
this dredge is gonna get.

...looked like they just
might be proved right.

But it's definitely
a tourist attraction.

20-year-old parker schnabel

Races 500 miles west

When his beloved grandpa
is medevaced to the hospital...

...as 95-year-old john schnabel
faces emergency heart surgery.

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

Last season, tony beets
shelled out $1 million

For a gold dredge built in 1938.

After five months
of backbreaking work,

He finally got it running.

Now, he's desperate
to catch gold

So the dredge
can start paying for itself.

Hey, tony.
What's up?


List is getting shorter.

It's pretty close to actually
just being operational here now.

We understand
your dilemma, tony.
We're trying.

Narrator: all of last season,

Machinists jerry rhodes
and mike krisher

rebuilt the dredge,

But it didn't happen
fast enough for tony.

Once the dredge is afloat,

Its bucket line should chew

Through 100 yards
of pay dirt an hour.

The pay dirt will then
drop into the trommel,

Where water will wash any gold
off the rocks

And down into
the internal sluice box.

dredges have been

Incredibly efficient
gold mining machines.

But until this one floats,

It's just 350 tons
of rusted metal.

[ Engine turns over ]

Tony rips into the dam,

Which is holding back
10 million gallons of water.

[ Laughs ]

It's coming in.

we got a problem here.

[Bleep] oh, crap.

Narrator: within minutes,

Water from the holding pond
surrounds the dredge.

Got to get mike [bleep]
out of here and his truck.

Gonna get wet.

Watch out. I'd get off
the ground if I was you guys.

The water's coming up
pretty fast.

I hope tony knows
what he's doing.

He hasn't thought.

See, how are we gonna do
the rigging now?

This is [bleep]

I'm not sure about this.

The forklift is down here.

Rhodes: oh, really?


I almost got a little wet.
[ Laughs ]

Water's going in.

She's climbing fast, actually.

Well, we wanted water.

Now we got tons of it.

Narrator: with $1 million
and his reputation on the line,

Tony's hired someone that he
believes will run the dredge

Better than jerry and mike --
the men who rebuilt it.

Permission to come on?

For the past two seasons,

Gene cheeseman was
parker schnabel's
trusted foreman.

Gene played a vital role

Helping parker bank
over $4 million in gold.

Thank you, gene.

[ Cheers and applause ]

But, tired of answering
to a teenage boss,

Gene quit.

I'm not gonna take any [bleep]
from the little punk.

Gene [bleep] cheeseman.
How's it going, buddy?

Let's go.

I worked for gene last year

At parker schnabel's site.

You don't
[bleep] around with gene.

Like, we're gonna get a --

A better teamwork scenario
out of gene being here,

Where everybody can work
a little more together

Instead of independently

And doing whatever
the [bleep] they feel like.

Narrator: but not everyone
is happy to have a new boss.

Having another boss
telling us what to do

Is not gonna move this
any faster.

We all know
our jobs on here.

We needed [bleep] help
last year in clear creek.

Mike and I took
this [bleep] thing apart

By ourselves pretty much.

So gene's got it made.

Mike and I put it
all together for him.

I'm just gonna talk
to everybody for a minute here.

Beaudry: cool.

Is everybody...
Y'all ready?

'Cause I don't want
to do this again.


Okay. I just wanted to talk
to you guys for a minute.

First of all,

I'm excited to come work on
this project with all you guys.

I'm not here to steal
anybody's glory, thunder.

Everybody's busted their ass
to do this.

We got no problem, gene.

Well, that's -- that's great.
I'm just, uh...

-We never have, okay?
-Glad you're on board, gene.

We're glad you're here.

You know, I don't know.

And I'm not gonna come in here
and start barking orders.

I just want to get this thing
digging and finding some gold.

I'm not sure
what everybody's role is

And job,
who's been doing what.

Well, we all
just kind of go around

And do whatever
needs to be done.

You know, it's just...

Well, tony wants me to come here
and push it along.

I want to get
the thing running.


Gene ain't gonna be my boss.

Why should he come over
and start

Right in the end of the project
and say, "hey, this is mine.

Get to work"?

It ain't gonna happen.

Parker: my grandpa got medevaced
to anchorage last night

With heart issues.

Nobody's heard from him
in a little bit.

It's not good.

20-Year-old parker schnabel
races over 500 miles

To be with
his beloved grandpa, john.

Parker: his heart rate was,
like, 35 or 40.

The doctors
were pretty surprised

That he didn't have
a heart attack.

just three weeks ago,

Parker left his family
in haines, alaska.

Saying goodbye
to his 95-year-old grandpa,

Who's already had
two heart operations,

Was especially hard.



I love you.

[ Chuckles ]

I know you do,
and I love you, too.

Take care.

By the time
parker arrives at the hospital,

John is already
being prepped for surgery.

Cardiologist dr. Yee ming wu

Updates parker
on his grandpa's condition.



it's the first day on the job

For new dredge master
gene cheeseman

And his dog, puck.

Cheeseman: hey. Come here.

Oh, I don't know. There's always
challenges to everything.

You know, it's...

Big thing for me is just
never being around one,

You know, not knowing exactly
how things are gonna work.

So it's a learning curve.

gene's an expert at moving dirt,

But he's never run a dredge.

So tony's brought in
gordon martin,

Who was a winchman
when tony's dredge

Was last afloat in the 1980s.

It was a highly-skilled job,

Maneuvering the dredge
in its pond

To maximize the gold haul.

oh, it'd be about 30 years now
I guess since I was on here.

Quite something.

I never thought I'd see
them turning again.

Yeah, this particular dredge
at one time

Was the most efficient
gold recovery unit in canada.

how much gold did you see?

Martin: you'd just reach
in there with your hand

And pick it up
like a handful of leaves.

[ Laughing ] yeah.

gordon will train jerry and mike

To be winchmen,

Responsible for operating
the dredge.

But it's been a long time

Since gordon last ran
this massive machine.

And the brakes would
just be left off, right?

You wouldn't have
to operate the brakes

On the front winches.
Martin: no.

You should be able
to do it

If you...


But they're both
on now.

This is off.

This one's off.
You got this one on.

And this is off.


Narrator: their first task --

Move the floating dredge
into position

On pay dirt
at the western edge of the pond.

so I think we're ready
to pull this thing out

Into the middle there
into position.

So I was thinking
we'd just get the cat

And run along this berm
over here

And get it
pulling the dredge around

And just kind of
move along as we need it.

The 350-ton dredge

Has no propeller to power it
or rudder to steer.

gene will maneuver the dredge

Using cables attached
to a pair of dozers.

One dozer will pull
the front of the dredge

Forward towards pay dirt

While a second will swing
the rear of the dredge around,

Keeping it pointed
in the right direction.

Jerry takes charge
in the wheelhouse with gordon

While mike is stationed
below deck

To keep a close eye
on the winches.

[ Engine turns over ]

Gene tows the front cable...

...while tony's son kevin
pulls on the rear cable.

go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go.

Okay. I'm gonna need to get
a little more slack.

to clear the bend in the road,
gene needs more cable.

Just trying to keep an eye
on things.

Narrator: once gene has
the slack he needs,

Jerry and gordon
lock off the winches

So he can resume towing.

I think we're good.
And the brake is set.

All right, gordon?

[ Cable snaps ]

[ Metal clanks ]

Something ain't
working here.

I can't figure out
why we're not [bleep] moving.

We just lost our cable.

The cable that was attached
to the front here, it's gone.

-We parted our cable.

Narrator: gordon and jerry
applied the wrong brake.

The cable has come off the drum
and fallen into the pond.

[ Metal groaning ]

we've run aground.

Narrator: with the front
winch line no longer attached,

The dredge
has drifted off course

And is now beached on a sandbar.

That was a big [bleep]

There's not much we can do.
We're stranded.

Cheeseman: like a bunch of rats
on a sinking ship,

Scurrying around.

gene takes charge.

Cheeseman: gordon or jerry,
you guys got a radio?

Go ahead.

I was thinking we could just
use the buckets reversed

To paddle it over
to the other bank.

We could try it.

We're really slow
in reverse, though.

Well, let's just see
if it works.

If it's too slow,
we'll get the skiff

And paddle a line over there.

The thing is, they wanted
to maybe use the buckets

And move it across.

Walk it over there?

But you know
how slow reverse is?

Yeah, I know.
But that's what they want.

gordon lowers the bucket line.

Gene's hoping that by running
the buckets backwards,

The dredge will slowly
back off the sandbar.

I don't think
we're doing anything.

I thought he hurried up,
did things in a hurry

Instead of just [bleep] around.

[ scoffs ]

Narrator: gene's plan gets off
to a slow start...

But it works.

We're fine, gene.
We're good.

Tony: no [bleep]

Narrator: by the end of the day,
thanks to gene's ingenuity,

The dredge
is in position on pay dirt

And finally ready
to start mining.

Gonna need a lot
of wd-40 for that.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Both laugh ]

500 Miles west
at the hospital in anchorage,

Parker's 95-year-old
grandpa john is out of surgery.

I'm sorry I can't get up.

[ Chuckles ]


I-i-i apologize.

[ Laughing ] what?
You have nothing
to apologize for.

Well, I love you,
and I want to hug you,

But I can't do a very good job
laying here.

Oh, parker.
You're looking beautiful.

I'm so happy to see you.
[ Laughs ]

You're the one looking good.

[ Laughs ]


You're obviously
feeling good then.

I'm not too rational because
they've had me drugged up,

And I'm just
a little bit off-kilter.

The pacemaker,
is it kicking in?


I run like a clock now.

I don't variate at all.

I'm set on 60,

So I can sit here

And synchronize
with that clock.

And we'll all
be in the same boat.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughing ]

Hi. Oh, doc!
Hi, john.

Hey, look at --
back at you.


Oh, I love that man,
and I'm happy.

I might even decide
to live.

[ Laughter ]

You cut me open
and put a pacer in there.

So I now can beat
60 pulses per minute.

At least?

Wait, it's not stable?

[ Laughter ]

At least I say --

You mean,
if I see a beautiful woman,

It'll go up?


[ Parker chuckles ]


That sounds like
I got a bright future.

Hey, you.

Pretty amazing compared to
when I last saw it dry docked.

Now she's floating.

Monica: now it looks
like an actual dredge.

Narrator: tony beets' dredge

Is finally in position
on pay dirt.

Oh, it's amazing.
I can't wait.

after a 30-year break,

The only working

Bucket line gold dredge
in north america

Is once again ready
to catch gold.

Let's party.
Let's party.

We'll have a party.
[ Laughs ]

tony's wife, minnie,

And his kids mike,
kevin, and monica

Gather to christen their vessel.

I can't wait to see
this thing finally going.

It's nice
that it's actually floating.

Oh! Hey!

We need a lawn chair here.

I'm christening you
"minnie's a.t.m."

[ Cheers and applause ]

There we go.

Let's go.

Narrator: after $1 million
and five months of hard work,

This is the moment of truth.

[ Engine turns over ]

"Big mike" beaudry
hits the power.

2,000 Gallons
of water a minute

Surge into the ancient plant.

[ Tony whoops ]

Narrator: built in 1938
and shut down after 50 years,

The dredge is once again
digging klondike dirt.

[ Laughter ]

Tony's dream of mining
like the old-timers...

...has become a reality.

For all the hubba-bubba
over the last year and half,

It's finally nice to get to see
the damn thing actually move.

Group hug.

That's terrifying.

Forget it.
[ Laughter ]

Narrator: the dredge
is chewing through pay dirt,

But now it's time for jerry

To start sweeping
the bucket line

From side to side.

Drop the spud,
and fire up the winches.

[ Lever clicks ]

To act as a pivot point,

They drop the 9-ton steel spud
at the rear of the dredge.

By pulling
on the right-hand cable,

The dredge will move
to the right,

Allowing the bucket line

To carve its way
through pay dirt in an arc.

Well, yeah,
it's kind of a unique

Operating skill,
I think.

the biggest thing would be

You have to really keep an eye
on how you're digging,

How deep, how fast.

There it goes.
It's going.

Hey. Hey!

Don't be pulling over
too hard.

I can see that bucket line
moves over like that,

We're on the dirt.

It's too fast.

Well, we're trying
to have the dredge

Swing at a nice, slow rate.

It's going, like,
three times as fast

As it should be
on the sweep here.

way too fast.

Narrator: gordon and jerry
are moving the bucket ladder

To the left too fast.

What was that?

[Bleep] we better stop
winching back the other way.

We can't control the speed.

[ Metal thuds ]

Look out!

[ Metal screeching ]

Stop! Stop!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Water trickling ]

Narrator: just one hour
into its mining season...

we've already screwed up today.

We knocked the bucket ladder
off the drum.

But, you know,
it's a learning curve.

This is the first day.

Narrator: tony beets' dredge
is dead in the water.

I guess we were
pushing so hard sideways

It flipped the buckets
off the side of the drum.

I'll take credit
for that one.

so that'll be it for the day?

Probably so.

I'm not interested
in repairs.

I'll be back when
there's gold in the box.

Jerry and gordon pushed the old
dredge too hard to the left,

Causing the 24-ton bucket line
to derail.

The bucket line slipped off
the tip of the ladder.

It's like losing a track
on an excavator.

We got to get
all the equipment rounded up

And the rigging to try
and pull it back on there.

Narrator: to get the buckets
back on track,

Gene, the new dredge master,

Brings in the heavy equipment.

You need to be right
alongside of him.

Big mike uses the side boom
to lift the bucket line...

While kevin uses the winch
on the d6 dozer

To pull the buckets back in line
with the ladder.



Go up again just a little bit.

Krisher: you're never gonna
get it on this way.

We're gonna try it this way,

But I think there's a better
way to do it.

That's good, mike.

Be careful
they don't break a bucket.

Let go of it, mike.
Back off.

I want to cut you loose.

Just hold up, kevin.

gene tries one last trick.

pick up on the bucket line

So that we can get it
to run in reverse,

And we'll get it
to ride on there.

Narrator: a maneuver used
to reseat the track on a dozer.

That might get it on there.

There's so much weight hanging
on that slack side right now.

Rhodes: well, and it's got
a lot of friction

In the dirt down there.

Okay. Are you guys ready
to run it in reverse?

We're ready, gene.
Give us a signal.


[ Whirring ]

[ Metal creaking ]

[ Metal clanks ]
just keep her coming.

Okay. Hold her.
Hold it.

Oh, stop.

the buckets won't clear

The circular flange
on the end of the ladder.

Martin: how far is it on there?
I mean...

It's sitting
on top of the drum.

Krisher: 'cause you'll never
drive those buckets

Back over the edge
of that flange.

Well, I think the dirt might be
keeping it from sliding over.

We just need
to bump it over now.

We should cut that loose.

We could just come over with
the cat and push on it in there.

He's turning out
to be quite the operation.

Narrator: gene's only option --
use brute force

To get the 75-year-old buckets
back into place.

Cheeseman: got to come in with
the corner of the blade on that.

if he breaks just one bucket,

The dredge
will be crippled for weeks.

We did it!
I can't believe that.

It's back on there now.

We got to get everything
all hooked back up

And anchors hooked back up

And our [bleep] picked up

And start sluicing again,
I hope.

Mike, let's go ahead
and get the water going

And get everything spinning.

after a three-hour delay,

The dredge gets back
to catching gold.

Cheeseman: we're getting
the water going again

So it can get
to running again.


Cheeseman's [bleep] smiling.

It's a great day.
[ Laughs ]

Word that tony's dredge
is up and running

Has reached his neighbors,
the hoffmans.

[ Engine turns over ]

Hey, tony.

How you doing?
You remember my son hunter?

So this is it, huh?

She's running too, huh?

I'm going big.

300 Yards an hour.

Did you just say
you do 10 gallons an hour?

I'm doing 10 gallons
a second right now.

I got dozers going,
and I got big bills.

todd is burning through fuel.

But with his big crew
and massive wash plant,

He's also running three times
as much pay dirt as tony.

I wonder
if you're gonna be able

To move enough ground,
that's all.

I'm hauling ass
and my plant's --

I mean, talk about two
different ends of the spectrum.

Todd's season depends on pulling
gold out of his supercut

Before it turns
to a lake of mud.

Well, I don't know in the end
what's gonna be better,

But I'll tell you what,
we're gonna find out.

All right, man.

Good luck with that.

You know, I don't know how much
gold this dredge is gonna get,

But I'll tell you what, it's
definitely a tourist attraction.

Pretty cool.

Narrator: in anchorage, alaska,
just 2 days after heart surgery,

95-Year-old john schnabel
is out of the hospital,

And he's eager for an update

On parker's rocky start
to the season.

John: how are things going
with you over on your mine?

I don't know.

With gene not coming back,
it's gonna be tough.

But good group
of guys, you know?

It makes
all the difference.

That's right.

Your crew is the next best thing
to your family.

Parker, you'll never know
how much I really appreciate

You coming to help me get
through this day or yesterday

And get back on the road
to home.

You know you don't need
to thank me.

You'd have done the same thing
in a heartbeat.

[ Laughs ]

Good. Good.

Narrator: tony beets has been
running his dredge nonstop

For 20 hours.

It's finally time to find out

If it has caught its first
ounce of gold in 30 years.



Should be able to do that.


Shut her down!

When tony beets announced

He was going to resurrect
this ancient dredge,

The mining community
thought he was crazy.

I don't know if I'd say
the system's working well.

It's working, I just --

You know, until we start
doing the cleanup,

That doesn't mean anything.

tony's about to find out

If his gamble has paid off.

Minnie: yeah, I'd be happy
with that, too.

Narrator: if the dredge
can produce an ounce an hour,

50 Hours a week,

Tony will get 1,000 ounces
this season

And recoup the $1 million
he spent on it.

Don't count
yourself rich yet.

That's about size of it.

So those are
the last buckets, kevin?

Yep. Last bales.

Okay, so are you gonna head
out to the hill right away?

I can do that, yeah.

Because I'm actually
really curious

To see how much is there.

'Cause the pans looked okay.

But you never know
until you weigh it, right?

Kevin: oh, I know that.

So get to the hill, clean it up,
and we'll see you there.

How's that?
Sounds like a plan.

Okay. Sounds good.
See you.


Kevin and monica beets separate

The dredge's first
gold concentrate

With a pulsating jig.

It's exciting to be doing
the first jig for the dredge

'Cause, I mean,
we spent a lot of time,

Money, and effort on that thing,

So it'll be really nice
to see it

Actually producing
and see what's coming out of it.

I mean, we know
there's gold in the ground.

We just got to see if the dredge
actually works right.

so at the end of this process,

All the gold's
in the pails down here.

All the other junk --
pbht -- gone.

Likely gonna get a lot
of garnets in there.

Monica: and garnets
are what you want

'Cause garnets and
gold go hand-in-hand.

You can have the garnets.
I'll take the gold.

Tony and minnie,
we're ready for the gold weigh.

Come on up, guys.

Narrator: gene cheeseman
and the beets family

Head to the gold room

For the first weigh-in
of the season.

Over the last two days,

The dredge ran pay dirt
for a total of 20 hours.

For this operation to be viable,

Tony needs a minimum
of 20 ounces.

[ Bowl thuds ]

Kevin: that's 21 ounces.

the dredge's first cleanup
in almost 30 years

Yields 21 ounces, worth $23,000.

It's honestly better

Than what I thought
it was gonna be

For the first few days
in the learning curve.

It's actually better
what I thought it would be, too.

I'm impressed.

I really am impressed
with what you guys done.

So it catches.
There is no doubt.

And we know it's there.
We've proven it.

[ Laughs ]

tony's 75-year-old dredge
is catching gold

At just a fraction
of the running costs
of other claims.

It looks like
tony's controversial investment

Just might pay off.

On the next "gold rush"...

Ready to rock 'n' roll!

[ Air horn blows ]

and come hell or high water,

We're gonna start
kicking some ass.

[ All cheer ]

Some of these people
get all worked up

Over absolutely nothing.

Once in a while,
you need a sense of urgency.

Oh, [bleep]

[ Woman cries ]

You guys can't be here.

Don't. Get out
with that camera.


Okay, parker,
something's going on with emily.

I don't know what it is.

Do we need, like, a helicopter?
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