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42x17 - Louis C.K./The Chainsmokers

Posted: 01/11/24 10:05
by bunniefuu
Do we have a surprise for you


He was on his way to washington,

But he decided to be with the

People who brought him there.

Please welcome the president of

The united states, donald trump.

Thank you.

Thank you.

We all love trump, don't we.

We do.

I had an amazing week, folks.

China, e jupt and jordan.

Gorsuch was confirmed and the

Media is saying nice things and

No one is talking about russia.

What a difference 59 tomahawk

Missiles can make.

I want to spend 20 minutes today

With my people.

Folk who is don't whisper oh,

God, what's happening after I

Leave the room.

I know how hard it is for you.

Things have changed so much

Since I was growing up.

A lot of pverty is white now.

Isn't that crazy.

You like that I bombed syria?

I sure do, sir, but I wanted

To talk about my job.

I recently got laid off from a

Coal mining plant.

God, I love coal.

You guys have suffered terribly.

Worse than anyone.

I am going to do everything I

Can to make sure you people work

In coal for the rest of your


And your kids will work in coal

And your grandkids.

It's going to be incredible.

Mr. President, thank you so

Much, but all we want are good


They don't have to be in coal.

Sorry, it's all coal.

In trump's america, men work in

Two places.

Coal mines and goldman sachs.

Careful, I'm cutting all job

k*lling regulations.

I'm proud to announce that as of

Today, your coal mines will have

No regulations.


It's a free-for-all.

How about you.

Are you glad that I bombed


I guess so.

I found out my premiums have

Gone up and I have to drive 90

Minutes to see a doctor.

I know you tried your best to

Fix it but you couldn't.

Paul ryan did, but I did.

I posed for pictures and went

Honk, honk!

I won't give up.

I am talking with the freedom

Caucus and we are going to get

Rid of it?

My health care?

All of it?

All of it.


After we are done.

You will never have to drive to

See a doctor again.

How does that sound?

I trust your judgment, sir.

There must be some reason you

Are a billionaire.

We think exactly alike.

I say quietly to myself, all the

Time actually.

There must be some reason I'm a


Who is next up?

I want to talk about my wife

Who is addicted to pain K*llers.

Susan rice.

Put her in jail, right?


I work in unions, but my wife

Won't move because she is in a

Rehab program an hour away.

My wife doesn't want to move


200 Miles away and costing the

Federal government millions of

Dollars, but she loves her own



Like I was saying, my wife

Stays because of the federal

Rehab program.

Don't worry about that.

We will get rid of it.

You are getting rid of it?

Junking it.


Now she can live wherever she


Did I make you feel better now?

I'm not sure, but I voted for

You and you are my president.

That's why I came here.

You stand by me now matter what.

You found a finger in your chili

And still eat the chili and you

Don't know how much you love


It's tremendous.

Thank you for coming.

I wanted to talk about my own

Child who is in an after school





I work two jobs for minimum


Minimum wage, gone.




It's just we can't afford a new

House because my morgan is under


We are getting right of that?

My mortgage?

Your house.

We can't drink the water

Because there is lead in it.

We will keep that.

We still love trump?

You are my president.

You are blowing my mind.

Keep eating that finger chili.

Remember I'm one of you and live

From new york, it's saturday


Announcer: it's "saturday

Night live" with --

Vanessa bayer,

Beck bennett,

Aidy bryant,

Michael che,

Pete davidson,

Leslie jones,

Colin jost,

Kate mckinnon,

Kyle mooney,

Bobby moynihan,

Cecily strong,

Kenan thompson,

Sasheer zamata.

Featuring --

Mikey day,

Alex moffat,

Melissa villasenor,

Musical guest --

The chainsmokers and your

Host --

Louis c.k.

[ Cheers and applause ]


Ladies and gentlemen, louis c.k.


Thank you very much, yes,

That's right.

That's appropriate.

Here's a joke.

Why did the chicken cross the


Because there is a black guy

Walking behind him.

And he was nervous.

He was new to the city, this

Chicken, and he was like "I feel

Like he is following me."

But then he thought if I cross

The road, then if he crosses the

Road, he definitely folowing me.

So he crosses the road.

The black guy went home, he's

Just living his life.

And the chicken is like "I'm

Such a r*cist."

He felt bad.

About a month later a black guy

Ate the chicken.

Different black guy.

I'm just telling you what


By the way, this joke is not


Don't be afraid.

This is not a r*cist joke.

The chicken was r*cist.

The chicken was definitely --

But that's chickens.

Chickens are very, sort of,

Closed down, sort of suspicious,

Prejudice people.

You kind of can't blame them

Considering that their species

m*rder rate is 100%.

That's why chickens are like --

No friendly chickens.

You can feed the same chicken

Every day.

I know what you want, you black

Son of a bitch, I'm not coming

Over there.

I'm not in your soup yet, you


I like animals.

I like wondering about animals.

I like wondering what they are


You can ask about any animal and

The conversation is over.

I wonder if animals are aware of

Their lives.

Like, is a giraffe up there

Going, "whoa!"

It's too high!

Hey, horse.


What, man?

Look at my neck!

That's why horses make that


You are near a horse and he does

That, that's because you suck.

Does a moose look different when

It's surprised?

Did you see a moose?

They have this -- I saw a moose

Once in person.

Or in moose.

Maybe I was projecting because I

Was like oh, my gosh, a moose

And he was going oh, my god, I'm

A moose!

Every moose looks like a dude

Who got turned into a moose

Before you looked at him.

I was thinking of buying a goat.

Because I want to have a trash

Can that I can make love to.

That's why I'm going to buy a


I can do that with a trash can I

Have now, but I don't have a


That makes it better.

I don't care that you are upset.

I'm still getting the goat.

I love doing this.

Stand-up comedy.

I have been doing it for

32 Years now.

It's been going great for four

Years, 28 years it was a


But you know what, I was happy

When I was struggling.

I was.

Because when your life sucks, it

Just sucks and you live it.

When it gets better, you start

Getting unhappy.

Then you're upset.

That's what happens.

Like, now I stay in beautiful

Five-star hotels and I'm


I used to stay in motels.

Not even like a nice -- like a

Motel 6.

That would have been great.

Like a not even a name.

Just motel.

Like they built it and one guy

Is like "what should we name


The other guy is like, "what?"

Last time you took a dump, did

You name it?

You know the motels on the

Highway and you say, who is

Inside of that?

Right on the highway.

Like, the door opens onto the

Highway and atruck takes the

Door --.

And when you get in the shower,

You are dirtier now.

They give you soap and you have

To peel oust paper and it makes

A rash.

You can write your name in skin

Disease with the soap.

And there's always two beds and

One bed has a big pool of sperm

Right in the middle of it.

Just a big deep pool with a


High tide at the sperm pool!

Where's the boat?

I stayed in, like, in motels

Like that for years and I was


Because what are you going to


Complain to the motel?

What are you going to call the

Front desk?

"I want to speak to the


"Well, he's dead.

Somebody duct taped him to a

Chair and shot him in the head

Because he owed him $15."

Now I stay at beautiful hotels

And I'm miserable because I

Don't like the fancy hotel


They tie your bathrobe into a

Swan and I don't like it when

You call room service they say a

Long flowery hello before you

Talk about foot.

You call down to room service,

They're like, "hello, this room

Service --"

[ Uninteligible ]

I hate it.

Stop it!

I never let them finish.

It's like, "hello, room

Service --"

Stop, stop, stop!

Thanks, I'd like some coffee!

I'm mean.

You stay in the hotels and you

Are used to it and one time my

Laundry wasn't there.

So I called housekeeping.

Now they don't answer the phone

All fancy at housekeeping.

This is how she answers the

Phone, she goes, "hello?"

And I actually said this to her,

I said, "do you want to try that



I'm telling you things about me.

I was like, "did I reach you on

Your personal phone today?"

So she said --

She goes, "what do you need,


And I said, "well, I gave you my

Laundry yesterday."

She said "you didn't give it to


I was like, oh, my god, I'm so

Excited about how mad I get to

Be now.

I said, "I gave my laundry to

Your department and I was


Like it's in the constitution

That you get your laundry.

It's been longer than 24 hours.

She said, "what do you want me

To do about it?"

So I said, "okay, listen, first

Of all, you can hear in my voice

That I'm white."

And by the way, I'll defend that

Right now.

I'll defend that.

Because look, it's wrong that

White people get preferential


It's wrong.

But as long as they do, what's

Going on at this hotel?

I'm supposed to get the best

Because I'm white which is

Awful and long, but where is it

Right now?

So she gets sick of me.

She says, "do you want to speak

To a manager?"

I said yes.

So the manager comes on, "hello?

It's ned --"

[ Uninteligible ]

I said, "I am very upset!"

She was like, "oh, I'm so sorry,

White sir.

What happened today?"

I said, "I don't have my


He said, "aah!"

He said, "I'm going to conduct

An investigation."

I was like, "yes, that's a very

White thing.

I want a white investigation

Into my laundry."

So he said "I will call you back

In five minutes or less."

So I'm waiting in my room

Like --

So he calls me back later, he

Says, "sir, I looked into the

Matter and I have one question.

Are you certain you gave us


As soon as he said that I was

Like, "I did not give you --

We have a great show tonight.

The chainsmokers are here.

So stick around and we'll be

Right back.


So there you have it.

I was five miles away from that

Bar playing poker with his

Friend, mr. Bird, the night of

The m*rder.


That's it.

I rest my case.

All right, jurors.

You've heard opening statements

From both the defense and the


[ Light laughter ]

Mr. Douglas, you may now call

Your first witness.

The prosecution calls

Gregory sharpe to the stand.

[ Light laughter ]

Hold on.

Excuse me, mr. Douglas.

Has anyone ever told you that --

Well, frankly, you have the most

Beautiful eyelashes?

[ Laughter ]

Thank you, your honor.

I mean, this can't be the

First time you're hearing this,


[ Light laughter ]

It's not, your honor.

[ Laughter ]


[ Laughter ]

What a pickle to be you, huh?

[ Laughter ]

Walking around town, bringing

Spring wherever you go.

Your honor, can we call the

Witness, please?

Of course.


Do you swear to tell the

Truth, the whole truth, and --

Nothing but the truth.


[ Laughter ]

Um, I'm sorry.

It's just, um, I'm losing my

Train of thought.

Mr. Sharp, where were you on

The night of the 7th?

Like I told the cops, it was

Poker night, and I was playing

Poker with my buddies.

Including mr. Bird?

Yeah, he was there.

So you are going to look me

In the eye, these eyes and tell

You he was with you that night?

All night?

I, um, well --

All night?

It was poker.

Mr. Sharp, was it then?

[ Laughter ]

Um, well, what do you want me

To say?

[ Laughter ]

I want you to look at me --

Come on, man.

And tell me the truth.

[ Laughter ]

He wasn't with me.

He's was always talking about

k*lling people.

Come on, man!

No further questions.


What is this with the eyelashes?

I'm appalled by the prosecution


Appalled or jealous?

[ Laughter ]


This is not fair.


The jury will do their best to

Not be influenced by the

Prosecution's gorgeous, inviting


[ Laughter ]

And they will also disregard the

Fact that the defense's lashes

Are clumpy and unremarkable.

[ Laughter ]

Fine, thank you.

Mr. Sharp, when you were

Questioned by police, you stated

That mr. Bird joined you for

Poker night at your apartment.

[ Laughter ]

In fact, he came to your place

Early to help you get up.

You even had leftover beers you

Brought that night.

[ Laughter ]

Now, I'm sorry, but --

My god!

[ Laughter ]

Okay, now he is directly

Influencing the jury.

That's ridiculous, your


Permission to approach the


Well, I would like to very,

Very much.

[ Laughter ]

Oh, both of you.

I can get you disbarred for

This, manipulating a jury.

[ Light laughter ]

I've never seen someone so

Blatantly disregard --

[ Laughter ]

So blatantly disregard protocol

In such a --

[ Laughter ]

Oh, my.


There --

[ Breathes heavily ]

There is something about you.

Maybe it's your unorthodox


Maybe it's the way you carry



[ Laughter and applause ]

You can't trust the


Threats from north korea.

Mistrust of government.

We so many problems in the


It seems like there was no

Hope things would change.

Then one man spoke up.

This song is about him.

Thank you, scott.


♪ Turned on the tv

What did she see

Blood being spilled

w*r in the middle east ♪

♪ Rescue she seeks

Did she cross the sea

With hundreds of drowning

Yearning to be free ♪

♪ She couldn't sit by and do


He had to act before it was

Too late ♪

♪ He shared an article

On facebook

And then everything changed

Thank you, scott ♪

♪ You solved a problem


You brought the struggle

To an end ♪

♪ Scott

By sharing that article

With 84 facebook friends

Thank you scott ♪

♪ But then scott realized

That black people's lives

Matter as much as the lives

Of the whites ♪

♪ Some people protested

And got arrested

He has to do more to

End their oppression ♪

♪ He knew he had to stand up

He knew he had to march

Over to his laptop and

Write black lives matter ♪

♪ In his twitter bio

Thank you scott

You ended racism

Scott ♪

♪ Now we're all equal


And compared to you

Mlk didn't do [ bleep ] ♪

♪ At all

Thank you scott

You know why I love

This dude the most ♪

♪ He tells me how to feel

On top of top of his post

Story about government

Ripping your rights ♪

♪ Got him pissed and

He cares so he shares

And above right

Women's march got me like ♪

♪ Biofuel got me like

And when his sister had a

Baby scott liked

'Cause it's a ♪

♪ Big deal

So raise some hands

Every race color and

Creed for the ♪

♪ Man pulling up your feed

Thank you scott

You're the hero

That we waited for ♪

♪ Scott

We won't ever forget


That you fight for ♪

♪ Our rights for

Your phone while

You're on the toilet

Scott ♪

♪ Doing things on

The internet


Then you post them ♪

♪ On the internet

For all the lives that

You saved and

The battles you ♪

♪ Have fought

Thank you, scott ♪

You're welcome.

Gee, g*ng, that math test was

The bees knees.

I love math.

Oh, connie, you're such a


Isn't connie a nerd, louise?


Sorry, I wasn't listening.

I was moping.

Louise, are you still upset

About not getting asked to the


We know what will make you feel


Hey sam, how about a root beer


We got someone down in the


Well, sure thing girls.

But speaking of ice cream,

What's the scoop.

Who is pouty penny?

It's me.

I'm the only girl who didn't get

Asked to the spring fling bepop

And sock hop.

Well, it sounds to me like

Those boys are making a whopper

Of a mistake.

I'm gonna give you an extra

Scoop of vanilla on the house.

Thanks, sam.

I wish all the boys to be more

Like you.

Sam is the best.

Well heck, if I were

Younger -- 20 years younger, I

Would ask you myself.

I mean it.

And gee, I would ask you at the

Age I am right now.

Ha ha, sam.

Very funny.

Sam tells the best jokes.

So what do you say?

To what, sam?

The dance.

Are we doing it or what?

The spring fling, sam?

That's for teenagers, sam.

Well, then wouldn't it wow

The crowd to show up with an

Older man on your arm?

I would go with sam if he

Asked me.

Well I didn't ask you,

Stupid, I asked louise.

Sam, you are being awfully

Nice, but I wanted to go the

Dance in a normal way, like with

A boy my age instead of an older

Married man.



The next time I kiss my wife

Will be at her funeral.

Neato, sam.

Hey, you know what would be

Fun if we did a test run.

Of what?

Our date.

We're are still talking about


Well, sure.

Let's pretend this booth is a


Just pretend.

You sure are cookie, sam.

And this is fun.

Can we be a part of the scene?

No, is show shut up.

Sam, this is nice and all.

Get down.

Bang, bang.

I k*lled two people.


Why did you do that?

I didn't like the way they

Were talking about you.

They were saying stuff like

Louise thinks she is better than

All of us now that she has

Fallen in love with a married

Man and they are running away to

Get married where the rules are



Thank you, sam, but I would like

It get out of the car now.

You can't.

We are in a tunnel e.

Where is there a tunnel on

The way to school.

Louise, I have been looking

For you.

Why, johnny?

I have been trying to do


Louise marie, will you be my

Date for the spring fling?

Oh, johnny, of course I will.

What does that mean for me?


I made dinner and you are here

At the pervert's photo shop.

Louise made us come here

Because she knows sam is going

To make inappropriate sexual

Advances towards her.

I like knowing I could get

Sam in big trouble, but he does

It anyway.

Makes me feel powerful.

It sounds silly, but I want to

Be a dominatrix when I grow up

So it's not as hair brained as

It sounds.

See ya, sam.

Oh, well.

I guess it's just you dancing

Alone again tonight, sam.

I cut the heck out of my hand.

And that's a cut on


Let's will be ready to roll in


Thank you.

How is it going,

Mr. Director?

Good, good.

I'm really excited.

Well, you should be writing

And directing a commercial for


It doesn't get much bigger than


Oh, hey.

This is my sister.

I got to get this real quick.

Carrie, hey.

Sorry, I can't super talk right


I'm on the set of a huge pepsi

Commercial I'm doing.

I know, right?

This is, like, completely my

Idea, and now, they're doing it.

That's great, yeah.

I mean, okay, so well it's an

Homage to the resistance and for

The huge protests in the streets

Reminiscent of

Black lives matter.

And so, everybody is marching,


And they can see police

Officers, and they think it's

Gonna go bad because there's

Kind of, like, a standoff.

And then, kendall jenner walks

In, and she walks up to one of

The police officers, and she

Hands him a pepsi.

And then, that pepsi brings

Everybody together.

[ Sighs ]

Isn't that, like, the best ad



[ Light laughter ]



[ Light laughter ]

Sort of tone deaf.

All right, guys!

Three minutes away!

Three minutes!

Thank you.

I think maybe you just don't

Get it.

Is doug there?

Can you put him on?


Hey, man!

Take a breath.

What's up?

Hey, I want to run this pepsi

Commercial by you that I'm doing

And make sure you are loving it

As much as I am.

Um, cool, cool.

The whole thing is an homage to

Resistance and

Black lives matter.

So, everybody is marching in the

Streets, and they come up to the

Police officers -- yeah, silly


And then, kendall jenner comes

Up to a police officer and gives

Him a pepsi, and everybody


People of every single culture

Come toge -- uh-huh.



No, we're celebrating these


We're celebrating black culture.

[ Laughter ]

But we're are also celebrating

Asian culture.


Do you want me playing the


Mm, mm, mm.


Got it.

Just kind of using them?


It's all soda?

[ Whispering ]


It's gonna be bad.

All right, people!

60 Seconds until we roll on this

Man, singular vision!

Ah, yes!

Hey, man, could you put a

Neighbor on the phone, a black


[ Light laughter ]

Hi, ma'am.

Hey, we're sh**ting a little

Pepsi commercial over here.

I want to run it by you, and get

Your opinion on it.

Okay, great.

So, the whole thing is an homage

On black lives matter.



Don't even touch it?

[ Light laughter ]

It would be insane to touch it,



Don't even show police?

[ Sighs ]


What would you do if you were in

My situation?

Just run to my car?


All right.

We have got to go, people!

Hey, kenny.

Do we have time for a rewrite?

Hey, no can do, bud.

Let's invite kendall to set.

She has her heart out in

45 Seconds.

No, no!

Okay, well I'll call you.

I am on the set of my pepsi


Um, I stop the police from

sh**ting black people by giving

Them a pepsi.

I know!

It's cute, right?



[ Cheers and applause ]

> Ladies and gentlemen, the

Chain smokers.



♪ We were staying in paris

To get away from your parents

And I thought, wow, if ♪

♪ I could take this in a

Shot right now

I don't think that we

Could work this out ♪

♪ Out on the terrace

I don't know if it's fair

But I thought, how could ♪

♪ I let you fall by yourself

While I'm wasted

With someone else ♪

♪ If we go down then

We go down together

They'll say you

Could do anything they'll ♪

♪ Say that I was clever

If we go down then

We go down together

We'll get away with ♪

♪ Everything let's show

Them we are better

Show them we are ♪

♪ Show them we are

Show them we are

Show them we are

Let's show them ♪

♪ We are better we were staying

In paris to get away from your


You look so proud standing ♪

♪ There with a frown

And a cigarette

Posting pictures of

Yourself on the internet ♪

♪ Out on the terrace

We breathe in the air

Of this small town ♪

♪ On our own cuttin class

For the thrill of it

Getting drunk on the

Past we were livin in ♪

♪ If we go down then we

Go down together

They'll say you

Could do anything ♪

♪ They'll say that

I was clever

If we go down then

We go down together ♪

♪ We'll get away

With everything

Let's show them

We are better ♪


♪ Let's show them we are better

Show them we are

Show them we are ♪

Show them we are

♪ Show them we are

Let's show them

We are better ♪


♪ If we go down then

We go down together

They'll say you

Could do anything ♪

♪ They'll say that

I was clever

If we go down then

We go down together ♪

♪ We'll get away with


Let's show them

We are better ♪

♪ If we go down

Let's show them

We are better

If we go down ♪

♪ Let's show them

We are better ♪


♪ We were staying in paris

Let's show them ♪

♪ We are better

Let's show them

We are better ♪

♪ We were staying in paris

Let's show them

We are better ♪

♪ Let's show them

We are better ♪

♪ Let's show them

We are better ♪

♪ Let's show them

We are better ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]


> Announcer: it's weekend

Update with colin jost and

Michael che.

[ Cheers and applause ]

What's up, everyone?

Welcome to weekend update.

I'm michael che.

And I'm colin jost.

Well it turns out the only thing

Scarier than donald trump acting

Un-presidential is donald trump

Acting presidential.

[ Laughter ]

In response to the syrian

Regimes chemical weapons attack,

President trump on thursday

Spent 59 tomahawk missiles to

Disable a syrian air field.

Because when trump is angry, he

Always presses send.

[ Laughter ]

This is one of those moments

Where it's seems extra jarring

That donald trump is our


Even if you are a trump

Supporter, it's gotta seem a

Little crazy that a guy is

Starting a w*r with assad while

He's still bogged down in a

Twitter w*r with schwarzenegger.

[ Laughter ]

Remember after trump was elected

And everyone kept saying, "stop

Taking trump literally.

He's not literally going to ban

Muslims and deport mexicans and

b*mb the hell out of everyone."

And all im saying is, if I were

Hillary clinton, I'd start

Getting in prison shape.

[ Laughter ]

I may be oversimplifying the


The u.s. Has att*cked assad

Who, like us, is already at w*r

With !sis.

But assad is a close ally with

Russia who trump has said he

Wants to work with to defeat


Even though the threat to !sis

Is assad who trump just bombed.

So, in case you are having

Trouble following all that,

Here's a reenactment of what I

Just described.


[ Slapping noises ]

[ Laughter ]

Simple enough, right?

The attack comes as a surprise

Because just monday, the

President said he wanted nothing

To do with the syrian conflict.

And by thursday he had already

att*cked them.

He's handling conflict the way

My mother handles family drama.

At first, she's like, "this

Ain't none of my business.

Y'all leave me out of this."

Y'all grown.

Then three days later, she's

Outside my ex's job in a track

Suit with a brick in one hand

And her wig in the other.

[ Laughter ]

Trump also broke protocol by not

Waiting for approval from


He didn't even wait until he was


He was still on vacation in

Margaritaville or wherever he


[ Laughter ]

And then sent 60 missiles from

Amazon prime on a whim.

[ Laughter ]

President trump met with

Chinese president xi jinping --

This week at his mar a lago


And then when the two men stood

Next to each other for the first

Time, one thing became very


If you mash them together, they

Would look exactly like

Steven segal.

[ Laughter ]

On friday the senate voted to

Confirm supreme court nominee

Neal gorsuch which made it extra

Awkward for merrick garland's

Family when he pretended to come

Home from work again.

After a long day at the supreme


[ Laughter ]

[ Audience oohs ]

This week, white house chief

Strategist steve bannon was

Removed from the national

Security council.

And this time, he probably can

Blame the jews.

[ Laughter ]

[ Audience oohs ]

The whougs reveals that jared

Kushner traveled with the chief

Of staff.

He looks like colin when he goes

Buy weed.

It was my first time.

This was a complete lack of self


They are the worst thing that

Rich white guys can be.


He is accused of being r*cist e.

He had to reduce oversight and

The way to pick up on the vibe

Of the country.

Four days into sexual as*ault

Awareness month, he comes to

Defend the guy accused of sexual


On the verge of world w*r 3,

Jared kushner rolls on his best


You are going to see generals,

Not vampire weekend.

Bill o'reilly and fox news

Paid out $13 million in payments

To five women.

The best case scenario is you

Are so bad with women, it costs

You $2.5 million every time you


But the most it cost me is a

Two-star rating on uber pool.

Last week an airport unveiled

A bus that a soccer player who

Looks like this, but the statue

Came out like this.

The artist is a jesus fanatic.

Hello, cecilia.

Do not worry about the


People are going to love it.

People love your jesus

Participating and it's a huge

Tourist attraction.

Jesus impressed me at night

He comes to me and looks upon me

With his kind dark snake eyes

And said -- and I thank jesus

For everything he has done and

He said to me -- it works out

For you, kind of.

It worked out for you so it can

Work out on the sculpture.

It's beautiful art.


The first question any great

Sculpture must ask about his

Subject is why would he lock

Like if he had a stroke.

He had the stroke while saying


Look at this.

Look at his eyes.

They love each other.

They want to be together.

They are like a little lesbian

Teenagers at a sleep over trying

To push their beds together in

The night.


Look at this.

It's like they take my beautiful

Face and put it through a snap

Chat filter where the features

Are twisted and sucked into the


Do you really -- thank you.

Do you really feel like this

Looks anything like reynaldo?

Of course it does.

It's perfect.

It's the spitting image of

Reynaldo and that's why so many

People spit on it.

Look at the gorgeous smile.

That's a smile that says I got a

Fish in my mouth and I'm trying

To keep it in there.

And just to show soccer is not

Just for boys, they make the

Neck out of a vag*na.

Yes, yes, I see how you might

Like this, but I feel like a lot

Of soccer fans out there who

Think it's pretty bad.


This is a perfect image of

Reynaldo playing football.

See how the artist captures his

Look when the ball hit him in

The face?

You think it's at an airport

And you think they want to see


You are so sad.

You want to see a friendly face

Of a man who pets a bunny so

Much it dies.

Oh, my god.


What is your next project?

You know what you are working


Nbc has commissioned a statue

For you for outside and guess

Who they hired to do it?

Who did they hire?


I could have guessed that.

You are doing a statue of me.

I all right did it.

Look at this.

Cecilia jimenez, everyone.

> A woman in california was

Injured after she fell 60 feet

While trying to take a selfie

From a bridge.

Worse, she no longer has a good


A white house unveiled

Melania trump's portrait and she

Posed in front of the same giant

Spider web I did in fifth grade.

It's official, barry manilow is


This story was first reported in

The comment section of his you

Tube videos.

An 18-year-old woman in romania

Auctioned her virginity for $2.5

Million, the second worse thing

Someone has done for money this


Officials at the cleveland

Zoo announced that one of the

Critically endangered black

Rhinos is pregnant.

Still no word if she plans to

Keep it.

New research shows 59% of people

Eat the ears first on their

Chocolate bunnies.

The rest are like me and go

Straight for that butt.

It was reported that yahoo

And aol will combine to form a

New company because no one wants

To die alone.

And manatees.

Do you own one?

Manatees have beeny have been

Upgreat the from endangered to


For a limited time only, the

Mcmanatee is back.

The weekend update.

Back at you!

[ Cheers and applause ]

You are about to enter the

"No spin zone"!

"The factor" begins right now.



I'm bill o'reilly, and I hope

You are having a terrific


The subject of tonight's talking

Point's memo is a scandal

Everyone's talking about all


A scandal no one thought I would

Have the guts to address head

On, but the shocking allegations

Of gross misconduct and abuse of

Power has been doubled against


[ Laughter ]

Let's go for laura for an


What's that?

Laura no longer works for the


[ Light laughter ]

I see.

We normally have melee in the

Studio, but we are reporting

Live from 500 yards away.

Malia, you spoke to obama

Security adviser susan rice and

Said I believe she illegally

Leaked the names of trump's

People to the media.

Yes and she denied it.

You asked her point blank and

She said --


When she said no, what was

Her vibe?

Her vibe?

When she said no, did her

Eyes say yes?

Sometimes they do that.

No, they just said no.

It was a firm no or like --

Oh, man.

Can we do that thing we talked


Terrific reporting, malia.

Thanks for having me, bill.

We will take a quick break.

As you know, 60 of our sponsors

Have pulled ads from the


No word as to why yet.

We thank the following for

Sticking with us.

"The o'reilly factor" brought

To you by dog cocaine.

You can teach dogs new tricks.

"The o'reilly factor" sponsored

By prescription strengz el kwis.

Cialis for horses.

Get your horses boomed up and

See what happens.

The horse aphrodisiac for the


And finally, the movie chips.



Very proud of all of our


This is hard for me to discuss,

But I also have been in the new

This is week.

Several women have come forward

And accused me of offering them

Exciting opportunities here at

Fox news.

The details are fuzzy, but one

Man was brave enough to come to

My defense who is unimpeachable

On all female issues.

Please welcome the president of

The united states, donald trump.

[ Applause ]


Hello, everywhere.

Good evening, bill, it's so

Wonderful to be here on the


I'm a big man.

I'm a big fan as well and

It's an honor to have you here.

You look even better on tv.

I know.

I do.

I look fantastic and can I tell

You something, I actually see a

Lot of myself in you, bill.

Thank you, mr. President and

Thank you for coming to my

Defense even though no one ask

You to.

You even went as far as saying

Bill o'reilly did nothing wrong.

That's correct.

Based upon?

A hunch.

A loose hunch.

You are not familiar with the

Facts of the case?

I'm more familiar with this

Case than, say, health care, but

I didn't look into it much, no.

I was busy being super

Presidential by bombing.

I appreciate your support on

Behalf of all women and thank

You, donald trump, for promoting

Sexual as*ault awareness month.

That's right, bill.

It's a subject near and dear to

My hand.

Thank you for stopping by the

Factor, mr. President.

Make it a good one.

Is that a joke?

Excuse me.

A lot of people say keep up

The good work and I found it was

A joke.

I was not making a joke.

I promise.

I'm back, baby.

Don't forget to check out my

Hit book, old school, life in

The sane lane.

It's about having terrific

Morals and values and couldn't

Have am come at a better time

I'm bill o'reilly.

Thanks for watching the factor.


I'm seth.

I'm the birthday clown.

Sorry I came early.

That's okay.

Did you find parking okay?

I took an uber?

Dressed like this?

It's part of the job.

I'm used to it.

Set up here.

You have to get a better


It has been a good season.

Where is the birthday boy.

Little ernie.

That's me.

I'm ernie.

It's my birthday.

So -- do you want -- should

We wait for everyone to show up.

No, it's just me.

Whenever you're ready.

I'm sorry.

Before I start, I'm wondering

Why --

I have to take my mind off

Some stuff.





I'm just going to do it.


Hey, kids.

Are you ready for do do the



I can't hear you.

Yeah, I'm ready.

Now here comes do do!


Hey, kids.

Do you remember my name?

Do do.

And what's your name,

Birthday boy?

Ernie sullivan.

How old are you turning


I'm 53.

What's your favorite color?

Um, I don't know.


Um, boy I sure am hungry.

I hope I got a snack!

That's pretty funny.

Here you go.

You giving me a tip?

You want me to wait until


There is no protocol for

Whatever this is.

Go ahead.

Excuse me.

You want me to stop and wait?

No, I can see from here.

Keep going.

Hey, can you get that?

We are here for little

Ernie's birthday party.

You don't want this.

I think I should go too.

Yeah, man.

Listen, I'm sorry.

I try to do something different

For my birthday.

It got weird.


It's okay.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Can you come into the kitchen

For a minute?


What's up.

I'm going to chop you up in

Little pieces and put you in the


Seems abo


> So long as men can breathe

Or I can see, so long live this

And this gives life to thee.

Sectional couches.


When I was a little boy my

Grandmother bought me a new


I looked at it and I said where

Is the rest of it?

That's the first of many stories

You are going to hear.

This is going to be long.

What if I told you that where

Most people's couches end, yours

Can bend and keep going?



King me.

Nothing like it.

Legend has it that, in ancient

Rome, the emperor asked for a

Very long couch.

One that would stretch to


But, when they bought them the

Couch, he gazed at it and

Powerfully said, "well that's

Not going to fit."

So, they put a bend in it, and

They built it in sections.


[ Singing in foreign language ]



This one's called the "bad


God knows what it's stuck with.

Each [ inaudible ] bouff

Unfolding and unfolding for


This one's called "the


It looks like elephants gathered

For an important [ inaudible ].

It has a phone charger and

Electricity runs through it.

Rest your tired head in the

Bosom of this robust goddess.

Drink of milk?

If you don't have this one, let

Me ask you a question.

What are you doing?

These are all made on earth.

But, all these couches are

Nothing compared to what I'm

Going to talk about right now.

Listen had to me speak.

There was once a woman named

Barb somewhere in racine,


She went to a couch store and

She said --


So they showed her a bigger

One and she said --

No, bigger!

And then they showed barb a

Couch bigger than any other

Thing on earth!


And she said --



I'll take it!

This piece is called "the


It is the eye of the storm.

The rest of the sectional is

Born from this point, and that

Is how they're made.



I used to have a family.

Wife sits on a couch here, then

Sits on a couch there.

I longed to connect them.

So, I bought my first sectional.

Then I bought another, and


Then a warehouse to store them,

And then a storefront to show

Them to the people through the


Then he came in and asked how

Much are they?

I replied, "get off my property.

These are not for sale."

And this is not a commercial.

I got this air time to say

Please let me be.

This is not a commercial.

Good night.

Sectional sofa emporium,

8259, Soda street.

Not open to the public.

Not a business.


Once again, the chain




How can I help it if I like the

Way she makes me feel ♪♪♪

♪ Give me time, give me space,

Give me reason ♪♪♪

12340E9 that's what you tell me

When you are leaving.

Change your mind every night ♪♪♪

♪ You are insatiable and I know

You say you want it now ♪♪♪

♪ Give me the run around ♪♪♪

♪ Which one can help me now ♪♪♪

♪ She has seven personalities

And every one a tragedy ♪♪♪

♪ She wants every night ♪♪♪

♪ She finally decides to

Finish ♪♪♪

♪ She wants every night ♪♪♪

♪ How can I help it if I like

The way she makes me feel ♪♪♪

♪ Time and you are for real.

You are the real world ♪♪♪

♪ Check my phone ♪♪♪

♪ I kind of love it though ♪♪♪

♪ I know you say you need me

Now ♪♪♪

♪ Give me the run around ♪♪♪

♪ Which one can help it now ♪♪♪

♪ She has seven personalities

And every one's a tragedy.

She wants to break up every

Night ♪♪♪

♪ Don't want to wait until she

Finally decides to finish ♪♪♪

♪ Tries to bring me back to

Life ♪♪♪

♪ How can I help it if I like

The way she makes me feel ♪♪♪

♪ She wants every night ♪♪♪

♪ Don't want to wait till she

Finally decides to finish ♪♪♪

The bridge is up ♪♪♪

♪ The bridge is up ♪♪♪

♪ The bridge is up and the

Bridge is up again ♪♪♪

♪ The bridge is up again ♪♪♪

♪ She wants to practice every

Night she wants every night ♪♪♪

♪ Don't want to wait until she

Finally decides to finish.

She wants to practice every

Night ♪♪♪

♪ That's a feeling every

Night ♪♪♪

♪ How can I help it if I like

The way she makes me feel ♪♪♪

Okay, squeeze on in here


Our next stop on the museum tour

Is this apartment which appears

Exactly as it would have in


Okay, pay attention, guys.

Some of this is going to be on

The quiz.

Now, this was the home of the

Linzowsky's, the working class

Family from poland and to help

Us understand what it was like

For them in the strange new land

Of america, a group of

Historically trained actors will

Be joining us to bring the

Linzwsky's back to life.

In fact, I think I hear them



My darling ava.

For 16 hours today, I'll

Break my hands in factory.

I can afford to bring home

Cabbage forks, we should have


We should have stayed in poland.

Michael, our bodies will have

To be filled with love.

Food will be a luxury for the

Next generation.

Awe, they came here for their


I wish I could bring home

More money --.

There are no good jobs.

They have all been taken by the

Filthy grease ball italians.

[ Laughter ]

What did he say?


Shame on you.

It's not their fault they are


That's just how god made them.

Well, did god also make them

All horny, knuckle dragging,

Monkey grinders?

[ Light laughter ]

I'm not sure this is okay for

My students to hear.

Oh, no, no.

I assure you this conversation

Is 100% historically accurate.

Mitchell, no more talk of


I don't like to see you upset

Over this crotch grabbing liar

Who are not even really white


Okay, please.

Sit and relax and eat.

Good, now look at the bulls

Mrs. Lindowsky is using.

Something like that would be a

Treasured family heirloom.


What's up with the italian


Hey, let's just wait until

The scene is done for questions.

Let me ask you, how do you

Brain wash an italian?

How, mitchell?

You give him an enema.

That makes sense.

And mitchell, do you know why

Italy is shaped like a boot?

Why, my love?

Do you think they can fit that

Much crap into a tennis shoe?

[ Light laughter ]

That is very true, really.


Are they just telling italian



I must go or I will be late

For my night shift at the


You work so hard, mitchell.

I work hard in factory so

That some day our children will

Be boss of factory and then --

They will hire half wit, rat

Faces and work them to death at

The machines.

This is my dream.


Let's hear it for the


[ Applause ]

Feels kind of weird clapping

For that but all right.

Now, magically the

Lindowsky's can hear you all the

Way back in 1913.

So would anyone like to ask them

A question?


Um, you say grease ball is it

Because the food is greasy or

They are?

Please don't answer that.

Anyone else?

I have a question.

He has chocolate face.

[ Laughter ]

And you just answered it.

Actually, I have a question

For mrs. Lindowsky.

That contraption there, I don't

Know what it is.

Can you tell me about it?

Yes, this is for to dry


You put the wet fabric here and

You turn and leave it like this.

One bed sheet, three hours.


A lot harder than just tossing

Your clothes in the drier, huh?

But it will not always be

This way for my wife.

I work hard and I save money.

And one day, god willing, I

Hired chocolate lady to do this

For me.

[ Laughter ]


Yeah, we're leaving.

I want to say don rickles was

The funniest man in the world

And he was a lovely beautiful

Guy and I will miss him for the

Rest of my life.

And I want to thank alec


And everybody.

Thank you very much.
