01x03 - Sympathy for the Devil

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rizzoli & Isles". Aired July 12, 2010 - September 5, 2016.*

Moderators: Trialia, Trialia

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Detective Jane Rizzoli and Medical Examiner Dr. Maura Isles team up to solve crimes in Boston.
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01x03 - Sympathy for the Devil

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, that's beautiful.


Yeah, if you're a farmer's wife.

Ma, come on. My birthday was last month. It's fine.

Well, we're not leaving until we find something that we both like.

Did you bring food and water?


All right, do me a favor. Try this one on.


Let me see.


Every girl needs an LBD.

Not me. I got vaccinated.

Come on.

Let me see it.


That is one stunning little black dress.

And, Jane, you look beautiful.

Ma, where am I gonna wear this? A m*rder at the Boston Pops?

Okay, we're not leaving until we buy it.

Okay, okay, fine. Get the damn dress.

It'll look fabulous in my closet.


Rizzoli. Hey, get... Ma, knock. Come on. Wha...?

What? Like I haven't seen that before?

Jane: Okay, Frost, I'll meet you there. Okay.

Yeah. No, no, no. I'll be right there.

All right. I love you.

No, not... No, not you. Bye.

Okay, I'll see you later.

Good day.

Thank you, Mom.


Jane Rizzoli, Victor 825.

Man: I don't know.

Damn. Look how young he is.

No obvious signs of injury, it's odd.

Reporter: Can you give us a statement?

I can promise you that we are working tirelessly for justice in this case.

Yeah, tirelessly. Look at him work.

Shh. Somebody might hear you.

Grant: But as you know, uh, Boston has the finest detectives.

I wonder if that guy has a satellite for the news vans.

You know, he's not a cop, all right? He's a police officer. He's a climber.

He's an ass.

Well, he's got a lot of pulp.

Juice. Should we say, guy's got juice.

You're gonna be drinking yours out of a sippy cup if you don't lower your voice.

What k*lled this kid? I don't see anything.

There's no knife wounds, no b*llet entry or exit wounds.

No external sign of trauma to indicate a beating.

Wasn't k*lled for his stuff.

His school ID.

Mathias Senna, 15. God, I am never having kids.

What have you got for me, Rizzoli?

Don't you wanna wait for the camera crews?

No obvious cause of death. I'll know more after the autopsy.

Hey, hey, hey. Don't touch anything in my crime scene, all right?

So as to not contaminate.

Right. Might want to take a look under there.

I'm not finished processing the scene.

Well, I bet that you could match those shoe prints to that skateboard.

If you tried.

I'd do it, but I don't wanna contaminate your crime scene.

Thank you. That was very helpful.

You're welcome.


That went well.

Find something.


Mathias. Mathias.



Beatrice: Mathias.

Mathias. No.


No, no, no.


He didn't come home last night.

I even called his father.

You're divorced?

Since he was 10. We are fighting.

Over custody of Mathias?

All he wanted to do was skateboard.

I told him, it's not safe out there.

He wouldn't listen.

The devil got into my boy.

And left me alone with his curse.

What do you mean, the devil?

He was not the same after he met those boys, the skateboarders.

We'll need their names.

I don't know them. I just know they are bad.

Mrs. Senna...

...I understand that you don't trust us right now.

But we want to find your son's k*ller as badly as you do... and I promise you we will do everything... everything we can to find the person who did this.

Thank you.

He was all I had.

How much you know about Cape Verdeans?

You mean do I have special insight because I'm black?


Yeah. The gangbangers I've arrested... are usually somewhat suspicious of white female cops.

It's a pretty insular culture, uh, not that I really know much.

They think of themself as more Creole than black.

Jane: This Mathias was a good kid.

He's got no arrest, good grades.

All right, let's look at everything.

Um, pull up sex offenders and predators.

See if anything pops.

Got it.

That comment the mother made about the devil getting into her son... let's see if there's any tie to local gangs, devil worshipping.

We narrow it down to, uh, skateboarders.

Nice. I'll check with BRIC.


You seen Korsak?

Coffee shop.



Jane: Korsak.


Woman: Would you like coffee?

Uh, no, thank you.

Who's she?


What are you doing here?

Working on my testimony for the O'R eilly m*rder. I'm up tomorrow.

Yeah, but why are you working here?

Uh, it was cold at my desk.

All right. How's the trial looking?

Oh, bunch of idiots on the jury who watch too much TV...

...waiting for the presto-bango magic DNA.

Ah. You still got your connection at family court?

Okay, I got a juvie victim named Mathias Senna.

What do you need me for?

What's in that custody hearing?

Oh, sure, I'm not doing anything.


And switch to decaf.


Lungs are congested and heavy, but overall organs appear normal.

So, what's the cause of death here?

I don't have one.

Mees' lines, possible indicators of toxins in the system.

So he was poisoned?

Hmm, doubtful.

Pinpoint petechial hemorrhages could indicate asphyxia.


No airway obstruction... or external indication of strangulation.

Hello, cause of death?

Do you think Lieutenant Grant is sexy? You know, in a male kind of way?

Do you like him?

Not my type.

You know, I'll do a tox screen on arsenic and heavy metals.

Both can cause Mees' lines.

You just said he wasn't poisoned.

I said it was doubtful based on the evidence.

God, woman.


Grant's a brass-kisser.

Even when we were young, he had all the nuns wrapped around his finger.

"Oh, I'll erase the board, Sister Mary Pat."

At recess, he would yell out: "Roly-poly Rizzoli eats cannoli."

You were overweight?

No, I was athletic.

Strong. Maybe I was a little chubby. Why, what'd they call you?

"Maura the bore-a." You know.

They meant boring, but it doesn't rhyme.


Do you think maybe I was?

What is that?

Crime Lab confirmed the presence of candle wax.


Hold your questions.

These dark particles, those are burned feathers.

Okay, let me guess.

He was smothered with a burning down pillow... while he drank candle wax?


Maura, I know it makes you break out into hives... if you have to guess, but I need a theory, okay? Just one.

The medical evidence is consistent with what I would expect to find... if the victim went through an exorcism.

He was k*lled by an exorcism?

I didn't say that.

Dad's not religious.

It's the mom's church.

It's a storefront.

It may not look like a church, but it's an urban crystallization... of an American pattern of religious choice.

Yeah. It's also a good scam.

Even the drive-through chapels are tax-exempt.

Well, commercial spaces can still be sacred.

Frost: This is the guy who runs it. Father Osorio Kokou... the leader of Cidade Velha Church.

Born Reginald Perry.

In and out of jail since he was a kid, robbery, as*ault, oh, check fraud.

Started his "church" while he was on parole.

So he's raking it in, exorcism goes bad, he dumps the boy's body.

Excuse me, this is an awful lot of speculation.

It's a theory. It's different.

Who in this day and age is performing exorcisms?

The Catholic Church has been performing exorcism... since the second century, and they still do.

It's an effective ritual for expelling demons.

Good to know.

This is Father Kokou, my priest.


Maura: Hello.

We're investigating the death of Mathias. Did you perform an exorcism on him?

We performed purification rituals on the boy, yes.

And did you purify him the night he disappeared?

Father Kokou would never hurt Mathias.

He was helping.



Exorcisms are very powerful.

Is that what she said?


That what you said?



I said, "May God give his soul rest."

And she thanked me by saying, "Stay in God's peace."

We were fighting hard for Mathias. The devil was strong in him.

And the devil k*lled him.

Hmm. See, we don't think the devil k*lled him.

We think Mathias may have been k*lled by an exorcism.

Think. So you don't know.

You're good, Reginald.

We're not finished.

Thanks for stopping by.

This is a house of mourning.

It's time for you to go.

Beatrice, that's up to you.

Please do as the priest said.

The forces of evil are powerful.

I can handle evil.

Not this kind.

Maura: You were a little disrespectful.

Jane: I was disrespectful?

Father Cuckoo is my number one suspect.

Father Kokou.

I know, Maura. I was making a point.

Kokou is the most popular boy's name with Cape Verdeans.

I don't need a history lesson, thank you.

Very intriguing culture.

Descendants from Portuguese explorers and slaves from Cape Verdean islands.

I'm impressed.

I can Google too.

And that Father Kokou or whatever is a phony.

Did you check out that poncho?

A grand boubou.

I said I know.

Oh, you knew what that was robe was called?

A boo-boo?

It's popular with the Christians in West Africa.

The Swahili in East Africa and some Bantu speakers in Central Africa also...

Like their boo-boos? Ha, ha.

Yes. Ha, ha.

That's not funny.




Okay, give me the address.


I will see you back at the ranch. I'm gonna talk to the boy's father.

I'll get you a boubou.


A boubou?

I tried to get Matt away from his mother and that crazy voodoo priest.

I should have taken him.

Think your ex-wife may have had anything to do with Matt's death?

Not Beatrice. No.

Maybe the church.

You did everything you could, Malcolm.

And my son is dead.

When did your ex-wife join the church?

After the divorce.

The priest is a crook.

He got her to give him all of her money, even the child support.

He spent every last dime on lawyers fighting for custody.

We put off having our own children...

Alicia, I have a child already.

Alicia: I know.


The judge was just about to rule in our favor.

We were gonna bring him home, get settled, be a family.


Dad's story checked out. He was getting full custody.

So maybe the mom k*lled him.

I'll e-mail the whole file to you.

I'm guessing she's in the waitress protection program.

And you're working here because you're her new bodyguard.

I'm working a case, Rizzoli. Undercover.

And you're undercover to get her beans-to-water ratio?

Heh. Someone's been stealing from her till. I said I'd help her out.

I have a fresh batch of blondies, my mother's recipe. You want one?

Don't wanna insult your mother.


I will insult your mother if it keeps my ass smaller.

I hear you.

How much is missing?

11.01 yesterday.

14.99 the day before.

Jane: Wow, 26 whole dollars.

Now I understand why you don't have time for homicide cases.

Hey, I got a full load here, and I'm in the middle of a trial.

You got time for blondies.

Are you gonna tell me again how much you hate Grant?

Don't keep your mouth shut, I'll tell her how much you like her.


It was a nasty custody battle. Mom and her church against Dad.

Is something there?


What do you got?

Tracking Matt's friends and, uh, child predators.

Angela: Jane.

Hi, Ma.

Look who I found in the lobby.

You weren't answering your phone.

And the brand-new officer O'Connell wouldn't let me up.

All right, well, I'll talk to him.

Angela: Thanks.

Uh, do you have Matt's autopsy report?

I'm waiting on tox and micros.

I can tell you this conclusively, it was not a natural death.

Really? You could knock me over with a chicken feather.

Uh, and what are you doing here?

I brought you the dress... you're going to wear tomorrow when you come to dinner.

It's just the Solernos, Mom.

So you can't look nice?

Oh, look at this. Oh, wow, look at the detailed ottoman ribbing.

It's got that, uh, Grecian V-neck.

Maura: Oh, gorgeous.

Woven-edge hem...



Um, when you two are done playing Project Runway, I got work to do.

I know you always forget to eat.

Thank you.

I love you.

Angela: Love you.

Oh, look at that.

Want some?

Is it okay?


All right. Look at this.

What is that white substance?


Light, downy particles of cotton?

It's marshmallow.

And the brown substance is called peanut butter.

It's ground up, heavy, oily particles of peanuts.

What? They didn't have that in your fancy boarding school?

Oh, it's really good.

Frost: Two hits on pedophiles that like Matt's type.

Both in custody when he disappeared.

What about his skateboarder friends?

g*ng Unit says Matt was hanging with some bad kids. Ran the names.

All brought up on minor drug charges except Matt.

This is the g*ng leader.

Jane: Oh.

"Cruncha" a.k.a. Jerome, 18...

...and the only adult.

He recruits juveniles on skateboards to run dr*gs for him? Maybe Matt said no.

Origin of g*ng names is quite fascinating.

A nickname signifies a change in status or identity.

Not a true member until you have a nickname.

Yo, Dr. Death...

...Jane-Lo needs a cause of death, not a seminar on gangster nicknames.

Maybe there's something to what doc is saying.

If Matt had a nickname, he was in Cruncha's g*ng.

So maybe it's time to talk to Cruncha.

Frost: You know this guy?

Yeah, that's the homey Ollie right there, man.

We used to skate.

So Ollie was Mathias' nickname?

Hey, he was... He was bad on the board.

But, uh, I'm done talking to five-0, so you can go bother somebody else, dude.

You mind, Jane? I, uh, didn't make it to the gym today.

Yeah. Be my guest.

Let me go. Let me go, dude. Let me go. Let me...

I'm not a dude. I'm a detective. If you disrespect that, I will hurt you.

You got that? You got that?

Yes, I got it. I got it.

Now, your boy got k*lled out here.

I ain't k*ll nobody. Go ask his mother.

Crazy Cape Verdeans and they hexes, and they evil, man.

Brothers and sisters at they church, they off the chain. So just let me go, man.

I ain't do nothing.

Get out. Get out of here.

So, what do you think?

My gut says he's right, church and the priest are evil.

That's not enough for a warrant.

Let's move.

Another set of micro and tox reports came back, all negative.

I could run tox screens every day for the rest of my life... and still not have a cause of death.

Gee, that's encouraging.

All right, what about the herbs that they use in exorcisms, can you run those?

Already on it. It'll be in next screening.

It's so frustrating. This poor kid.

Poor parents.


What is it?

Shh, shh.




I hate snakes.



Jane: You can't take me off.

I'm not taking you off the case. You can't ignore a threat.

A crazy priest and some garden snakes.

I understand what it...

Whoever did this covered the security lens with spray paint.

No prints, nothing on the tape.

Do exorcism priests tag?

Hey, hey, no jokes, okay? This is a very dicey political situation.

We cannot be seen as persecuting priest or church.

Is that all you care about, how this affect your career?

No, what I care about is you going about this in a smart way so it sticks.

So you believe me.


Get Kokou. Just be careful.

Okay, thank you.

Yet another set of tox report that came back negative.

Didn't die from an herb commonly used in exorcisms.

Well, look for the uncommon ones.

That's thousands. We have to narrow it down.

I can't go after that priest until I know what Matt died of.

Well, I'm not gonna guess.

All right, what if you were to guess... just hypothetically guess... what would be your guess, hypothetically?

I found several cases of people in the literature who were hexed to death.

m*rder*d by hex?

Enough guessing.

Well-documented. Victims who are so convinced they were cursed... they suffered catastrophic catecholamine-induced arrhythmia.

I don't even know what that is.

Heart attack.

A heart attack because they were scare...? My kid didn't die of fear.

Well, haven't you ever been afraid of anything?

Uh, witches. My family went to Salem when I was little.

You were very impressionable.

I had to sleep with a nightlight.

Why? What were you scared of?

Chromobacterium violaceum.

What's that?

It's a flesh-eating bacteria.

Crawls inside your ear... your nose and it starts eating you from the inside out.

I got it. Thank you.


Every culture has an exorcism ceremony.

You know, and there's no law against being a charismatic religious leader.

Yeah, yeah, like Jim Jones and Kool-Aid... and David Koresh and Waco. What could go wrong?

I feel like going to church. You?


We are about to do a ceremony.

I'm about to serve a search warrant.

This is a very disruptive way to observe a foreign culture.

Well, at least one of us will fit in.

Could've told me you had a warrant.

She didn't.

We didn't have time.

You lied?


I said I was about to serve a warrant, I didn't say when.


Your rituals could seem as strange to others as ours do to you.

Blood into wine, bread into flesh.

He's right.

It's no different than the poteau-mitan.

Linking heaven and hell.

You know about the poteau-mitan?

I spent two years in Dakar with Médecins Sans Frontières.

You were in Doctors Without Borders?

Why can't you just say that?


Please. Let us complete the ceremony, help Sister Beatrice.

Then you can do your search.

Only if we can observe.

If you wish.

Don't worry.

No, why worry?

We're just locked in a room with an ex-con who's about to do an exorcism.

This is great.



Snakes. Snake...

Shh! Shh!




[WHISPERING] She believes the devil that possessed her son is inside of her.

Think of an exorcism as a... As a massive therapeutic intervention.



Passed from her son's heart to her!



Man: Go, go, go!

Get everybody out the back. Go! Come on, Maura. Come on.


Where'd you get the sweatshirt?

My homey Ollie gave it to me.

Before you put a pillow over his head and smothered him?

Look, I'm a skater, not a k*ller.

That's cute, Jerome. You just threw a Molotov cocktail at a cop.

Think you can scare cops off this case? With some snakes and a fire b*mb?

Ha, ha. What are you talking about snakes, man?

Ain't messing with no damn snakes.

And the firebomb?

Look, the voodoos k*lled Ollie.

I want a lawyer.

Okay, we're done.

Take him to lockup.

He has kids do crimes to cover for his ass but throws the revenge b*mb?

No, he didn't k*ll him.

So you make the priest for it?

Oh. Big Daddy Voodoo isn't saving souls.

I haven't ruled out the parents either. Damn it, I am late for dinner.

My mom's gonna k*ll me.

You were firebombed, Jane. It's a good excuse.

You don't know my mother. Will you call and tell her I'm on my way?

Frost: Yeah.



Angela: Hi.

I'm sorry.

No worries. Mwah. I'm glad you're here.

Like it? Okay.

Yeah. Okay.

Help me out. Go entertain.

Okay, okay, okay.

Grant: Rizzoli.

Wow, you look amazing.

Thank you.

What the hell, Ma? Where's Pa and the Solernos?

They went to go pick up ice cream for later.

No, they didn't. There's no one else here.

I made ragu bolognese.

You made me wear this dress for Joe Grant?

What? No.

I don't know what you're talking about.


I need to know you're taken care of.

By him? Are you kidding?

He's cute.

He's not cute.

He's very cute.

So what?

Go. Be a girl.

You go.


I love you.

So, uh, I haven't seen you in a dress since, what, senior prom?


With Charlie Krenz. He was a dork.

Yeah, he was a dork.

You gonna tell me I've filled out nicely?

Uh, and risk being brought up on harassment charges? Uh, maybe.

You look good.

I had no idea she was inviting you.

She didn't invite me. I broke in the window.


Yeah, you always were funny.


Jane: Uh...

Thank you.

You're welcome.

How did she convince you to do this?

You kidding me?

She, uh, wouldn't take no for an answer.

Just told me it was a reunion or something.

Yeah, apparently.


So I, uh, ahem, heard about your little incident at the church.

Are you gonna write me up?


You gonna write me up, uh, for harassment?


But you'd have to do it first.


I think you look perfect.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Angela: Dinner's almost ready. Set the table, Jane.



Jane: I can't believe my mother.

It's just the two of us, right?


My mother still...

Where does...? Ha, ha.

Here. Yeah.

My mother still likes to tell me when it's gonna rain outside.

So I bring an umbrella, you know?


No, no. She just wants you to be happy, that's all.

But I don't need a guy to make me happy.

And no one's proposing here, so...

What's that supposed to mean?



This is a bad idea, huh?

Yes. Yes. Heh. It is a bad idea. Ahem.

All right. I'll go.


Tell your ma I said sorry.

Tell her yourself.


Why are you laughing? No, I mean, se... Do I look stupid?

Ha, ha. No. Are you kidding?

Really? You don't know? You're gorgeous, my friend.

Then why are you laughing?

Really? Okay, well, tell my mother that. She thinks I'm some sort of pity project.

She loves you, that's all.


Want some cheese?


Ew. No, not out of the dead fridge, no.

If she loves me so much, why did she hand me off to that creep?

I don't believe you think he's a creep.

Well, I do.

I've known him since he was 5, you know he used to lisp.

Ha, ha. So?

So you get rid of guys if they have receding gums.

That's true.

That is true.

You're always complaining the guys you date... don't understand or like your job, and he respects you.


You think he's this political animal.

But it's just that it comes out of him when he's around you... because he wants to impress you. It's mating behavior.

I think it's sweet.

I think you're insane.

I'm off to solve a m*rder.

Nightlight on or off?

On. I can't wait till we solve this one.

[g*n COCKS]



Thank you. It's in there.

There are almost always explanations for these phenomena.


Well, maybe the dog knocked the flowers over.

Maura, it's four feet off the floor.

Hey, you know, maybe ghosts are real.

Maybe I can pick the winning lottery numbers today.

Maybe I am losing my mind.

I could do a brain scan if you like.

That's very helpful.


Can you run one more tox panel?

Okay. What do you want me to look for?

I can't even believe I'm saying this, okay?

Purple poisonous plants?



Mathias was holding purple flowers.


Monkshood is a purple flowering plant that grows in Boston.

Is it poisonous?


And it works very quickly and it's extremely hard to detect... but I can try.

Tox report on monkshood, positive.

Low levels were detected but enough to determine cause of death.

Mathias was poisoned.

I know why I had that dream, I know where I've seen that plant.

Can you type the genetics of the monkshood in Matt's body?

Match it to the plant that it came from?


Can you lie about that?

No. I don't lie.

Well, it's not a lie.

Well, yes, it is.

I know when. I start to hyperventilate.

Okay, it's a white lie?

It's still a lie.

Never lied to a guy and told him he was good when he wasn't?


Do you like this shirt with this jacket?

Not really, no.

We're sorry, but your son was poisoned.

What? How?

Actually, with a plant like this one right here.

I didn't poison my son.

That church... Beatrice's crazy church.

That's how they did it.

We don't think so.

What's interesting is that Dr. Isles can type the genetics of plants... which means she can match the monkshood... that was found in Matt's body to the plant that it came from.

Isn't that right, Dr. Isles?

Yes, we do do genetic typing.

Basically, someone would just have to soak the monkshood in a bottle of water.

Find Matt on his skateboard, offer him a drink.

That's right.

This is crazy.

If I may.

Malcolm wouldn't have a child with you, isn't that right?

Wait. How do you know that?

It's in your custody papers.

One of the reasons the judge gave you Matt.

It's because of your commitment to him.

There you have it, right? He didn't do it.

Yeah, you didn't want another child, you had Matt.

But you wanted one of your own, didn't you?

You knew Malcolm was winning the custody battle... and you knew it was never gonna happen.



You knew about the exorcisms because of the custody dispute.

And you figured that the church and his mom would be blamed.


You know she never would've stopped fighting for custody.

We would've spent all our money on lawyers.

It just was trapping us in the past, and I swear, Malcolm, I swear, I did it for us.

No! No! No!

Oh, God.

Hey, hey.

Frost: Mr. Senna, focus.


No! No!

I'm sorry.

Calm down.

Jane: You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be held against you in a court of law.



Didn't your mother tell you it was gonna rain?

No. Yours?


How long you been sitting? You're soaked.

Longer than I expected.

I gotta leave for D.C. Soon.

Just wanted to come by and see you before I left.

Say bye if that's okay.

What's in D. C?

Big job I wasn't expecting.

They appoint you to the Supreme Court?

No, not that big.

They appointed me to be a liaison... between Boston and Homeland Security.

Well, that is big.

Guess I'll be out of your hair now.

That's cool. I mean, you know, for you.


I'm sorry I called you Frog Face.

What about Roly-poly Rizzoli?

Yeah, that too.

I liked you.



For a long time.

I mean, like, a really, really, really long time.

You're leaving.


Well, have fun in Washington.

I'll miss you.
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