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05x09 - Gut Check

Posted: 01/16/11 07:51
by bunniefuu
I wanted to let you guys know I'm going back to school.

[Knock at door]

When you want to go out, give me a call, okay?

Anything... carrier pigeon.

I believe you have a future.

You're not gonna make a difference.

I am who I am.

I don't know about that.

Oklahoma Tech is a great school.

You want us to come up there tomorrow?


Is that even allowed?

As long as it's not an official visit.

I'm sure your father has your best interest.

That offer, it's worth nothing.

You're knocking on the wrong doors.


The dream is over, folks.

There will be no undefeated season for the East Dillon Lions this year.

Tonight we saw a Lions team in total disarray.

All the good work of the last eight games gone in one hugely disappointing performance.


Five minutes...

That's all I get?

None of y'all got no heart.

We had momentum.

We were coming back.

We didn't have any damn momentum.

We had momentum.

No, we did not, man.

You have to put points on the board before you can start coming back.

It was your fault.

Hotshot red 22.

Tink, you better make sure you get in that hole.

Cafferty, what are you doing out here right now?

You're not supposed to be here.

Yes, I am. He called Eagle.

I heard him, man.

We're doing hotshot, idiot!

What's he doing?

Luke, what are you doing?

Come back here!


Get off the field, man.

We got too many people on the field.

Hotshot red 22 on one.

Ready, break.

[Whistle blows]

[Crowd booing]

That penalty cost us the first down.

That wasn't my fault, man!

There's 11 people on the field, not 12. 11.

That's not my fault, man.

I was freakin' exhausted because defense was on the field the whole damn night.

That's why, 'cause you were sucking ass.

Hut, hike!

[Crowd roars] Damn it!


Defense, get ready.

This is getting old, QB.

Do your job! Do your job!

Y'all do your job.


Y'all do your job.

Stop worrying about me!

Turnovers, man... We can't win a game with turnovers.

Cary busted his route.

I threw the ball where it was supposed to be at.

You had three, dude...

Three picks.

Not one of those was your...

Because nobody knows the damn plays!

Hold up!

[Overlapping arguing]

I'm the quarterback.

I'm supposed to know!

You're supposed to!

He gets one call all night, and he can't even get that right.

Yeah, I know.

It goes inside on the reverse.

It goes outside.

Look at the play book.

I got the play book.

I know the plays. You don't...


Y'all get your stuff together and get out of our field house right now.

Get the hell out of our field house right now.

Pick it up and go.

A defense that gave up a season high 14 first downs and two missed field goals to boot.

These Lions look nothing like the team of the last two months.

Maybe we counted our chickens too soon, folks.

And maybe those chickens have come to roost.

Coach Taylor's been riding this team with a loose rein all season, and tonight we saw the result of that.

That wasn't a team out there, folks.

It was a bunch of individuals trying to...

[clatter, radio stops]

[Door slams]

You all good in there?


I, uh...

I just want to let you know I had a really good weekend.


Uh, me... me too.

And I know that I was supposed to leave today, but I'd really love to see more of the city, and I don't really have anything I have to urgently be back for.


Um, so you... you want to stay longer, then?

Yeah, if that's okay.

That's good.

That's fine.

That'll be fine.


If we win on Friday, we're in the playoffs.

But even if we lose, we still got a chance if Meade beats Laribee.

So we make it even if we lose.

We're not gonna lose.

That's not what I meant.

Coach, is there something you want to say?

You haven't said a damn word all morning.

Look, we all know the problem.

It's Vince.

He's lost this team.

Hey, Epyck.


Come on in.

How you doing?

I'm fine.

What brings you down here to the dungeon?

[Drumming on leg]

I suck at Texas history.

And I have a test on Friday, and if I don't get at least a B-minus, I'm gonna flunk.

Well, we'll keep our fingers crossed for that b-minus.

And Nicky Diaz says if I fail, then I'm gonna have to repeat the tenth grade.

That's not true.

One "F" is not gonna hold you back.

Are you working on it in the after-school program?

Mrs. Sachs hates me.

She's always telling me to shut up and stuff.


No, she doesn't.

She doesn't like me.

Would you like me to help you?

Yeah, I guess so.

I'd be happy to.

[Overlapping chatter]

It's not a big deal.

What do you mean it's not a big deal?

I mean, look at everything that we're doing.

It's a big deal.

It's your last home game.

You know what it is?

It's for moms and dads.

So they can be like, "my little baby boy is graduating.

"This is the last time I'll see him in his cute little Lion uniform."

That's what it is.

But it's the last time I'm gonna see you in your cute little Lion uniform too.

Come on, I'll take you out after the game.

I want to do something nice for you.

This is nice.

Yeah, but something really nice.

You know, like, this whole starting-over thing.

My mom and dad are really excited about this.

And she really wants to take me out to dinner after the game.

And I don't think that, you know...

No, no, no. Yeah.

I completely understand.





Thank you.

You're the best.

I can't argue with that.



Last week's game pretty much sums it up.

That's not who we are.

It's sure as hell not what we're capable of...

Pretty much a complete breakdown of everything that we've learned together.

This Friday we got fort hood.

They're the next thing standing in our way.

But let me tell you this.

In my gut, I think there's only one thing standing between us and the playoffs, and it's not our opponents.

It's ourselves.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

You're not gonna let that happen.

Y'all have spilled too much sweat and blood on this damn piece of dirt out here to allow it.

Vince, let Luke have that jersey for today.

Let's go, coach.

Break 'em down.

Let's go to work, boys.

What? Wait, what? Play QB?

Let's go, defense.

Let's go, let's go!

Hustle up, 44.

Here we go.

Hey, coach...

Hey, you're putting Luke at QB?

Yeah, we're gonna keep the wildcat option open.

Coach, be... be serious.

What are you doing?

Hey, you know what? Will you do me a favor?


From now on, when you're out here on this field, you don't talk back to me.

You want to come to my office, you got questions, something you want to ask me, that'd be the time to do it.

I'll give you all the time in the world.

This is really cute, Evie, but, um, I don't think there's a back to it.

Yeah, that's the whole point, baby.

Hey, like my new outfit?

I feel like I'm gonna puke.

It's not that bad.

Wait. Is fat Jack out there?

No, like, for real sick.

This sucks.

There's, like, a thousand tables out there, and everybody's using a credit card.

She's waiting tonight.

We have to do it once a week.

I should go home and get into a bath and crawl into bed.

So go.


I can't.

We're short-staffed.

Pepper would k*ll me.

I could take your shift.

What? I'm serious.

I've waited tables before.

Yeah, I love it.

Not gonna happen.

Oh, come on, you feel like crap, and I can do this.

I could use the cash anyways.


Come on, Eddie's not even here tonight.

Donna's working behind the bar.

We love her.

Yeah, we love her, dream crusher.

The girl should have won a car last week.

At least let her make some cash.

I'll take her home later.

She's safe with me.

I told you coach was gonna be pissed off I missed that practice, right?

Yeah, man, but so what?

So what?

This whole thing was your idea.

You said nothing was gonna happen.

Yeah, I know I did.

Man, look, what... what did he say when you told him why?

Huh? That O.T. is gonna offer you?

He said it don't mean nothing.

Oh, come on.

They offer people every day, and I ain't special.

Come on, now.

These people want you, boy.

That's a fact.

Now, that's what you need to be focused on right there.

That's what you need to remember. Come on.

Get your mind right.

Come on, I mean, this deal here with the coach...

It's just a power move.

See, he's just trying to show you that he in charge.

That's it.

By giving Luke my offense?

For one practice, right?

Not a game, one practice.

Bottom line, all right?

Coach... He want to win.

All coaches...

They just want to win, right?

Now, y'all been doing plenty of that with you leading...

Not Luke, you.

Now, you think he gonna mess with that with the... with the playoffs coming?

No, you're right.

It don't make no sense.



Ain't nothing to worry about, man.

♪ ♪

Got a Nelson, two tequilas, and a seagram's seven.

What's that, darling?

You got a tab?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's Gilbert.

It's a visa card with a picture of Bevo on it.

When are you gonna be up there?

Well, we'll just have to see, won't we?

What's it gonna take?

How's that?

You'll have to spend a lot more money to get me up there, honey.

Consider it a down payment.

But he's so good with the kids.

I know.

I agree with you.

All right, we'll talk about it later.

I'll see y'all later.



Hey, did you hear about Dave Morris?

Yeah, I hear everyone gabbing about it.

Well, I think it's a pretty big deal.

When there's cuts, there's cuts.

Levi's like the angel of death around this place.

Listen, I'm not gonna be home for dinner tonight.

I'm gonna have a meeting with John Arnoli.

If you're all right with that.

Oh. Okay.

I thought you weren't gonna do all that Shane State business.

This is more of a favor to Jason.

Just see what the market's like.

Well, it's fine with me.

I like Atlanta.


Shane State's in Florida.

I know.

I know you know.

Listen, also, though, if I do that, can you pick up Gracie?


And guess what.

Epyck is gonna come over and have dinner at our place tonight.

I'm gonna help her with her history.



See you later.

I love you.



How you doing?

Sorry to keep you waiting.

I'd like you to get with Luke tonight, work on sets and patterns in the wildcat package.

Tonight's no good.

Can't do it.

Why not?

Why are you asking me?

Because I'd like to get to the playoffs, and if you get hurt, I'd like to count on someone other than a freshman...

That's why.

You've never been worried about that no other time.

Why now?

I feel like I'm being punished for something.

I'm asking you to help out a teammate.

You can't do that?

You got it, coach.


Thank you.

No way!

You like it?

Oh, it's beautiful.

It's 100% satin.

Where'd you get the money for this?

Don't worry about it.

I love it.

I love it so much.

I just wanted you to look nice for dinner with your parents.

You're mad at me for not inviting you.

Uh, why would I be mad?

Because my mom is stubborn and judgmental, and I'm... I'm too scared to call her on it.

Okay, I'm mad.

You know, I get it, 'cause she kind of freaks me out too, but you didn't do anything about it.

I just... I got to go.

I'm sorry.

Like I ain't got nothing else better to do.

I got a highlight reel to work on, homework.

I'm tired.

Yeah, I'm sure Luke is tired too.

Yeah, but I ain't his babysitter.

Why I got to hold his hand?

Because your coach asked you to.

Yeah, you would say something like this.

Here, put 'em in.


You can't just put it in there?

I ain't your damn maid.

Oh, attitude...

What's your problem?

Nothing's my problem.

I'm tired of hearing you complain all the time.

That's all you ever do in here...

Bark about your teammates, about coach doing this, coach doing that.

That's all you ever do in here.

Well, if you don't like it, Jess, you don't have to listen.


I could leave?

I said to you very clearly I didn't want you on this team.

I don't want my girlfriend in the locker room talking to coach behind my back.

I can't trust nobody no more.


I'm talking to coach?

So now you're accusing me, huh?

Now I'm against you too, huh, Vince?

You know I had your back since day one.

You the one that lied to him.

You the one that skipped practice.

You the one that talked all about yourself and forgot all about your teammates in that TV interview.

Again with the TV interview?

Jess, I know I'm good.

But I can't control what they put on TV.

Yeah, 'cause it's never Vince's fault, right?

I cannot believe you are actually trying to sit here and blame me for you being in trouble with coach!

You just can't hear yourself, can you?

Or maybe you got your dad's hand so far up your ass, you can't see nothing but your own damn ego.

Jess, you better watch your damn mouth.

Don't you tell me to watch my mouth.

My dad's the one that's gonna get me into college.

All right, it ain't gonna be coach, it ain't gonna be this team, and it ain't gonna be you neither.

Yeah, you're right it ain't gonna be me, 'cause I'm not needed, right?

[Sighs] I can't stand being around your ass anymore.

All right, leave, then.

I'm leaving.

Because you know what? We're done, jackass!

We're through.

I think you need to put the books away and finish your dinner.

It's gonna give you indigestion.

I like your thinking.

Well, I appreciate your commitment to it, but we can talk about it.


"Remember the Alamo."

[Gracie mutters]



What in the world are you doing up?

You've been in bed for a while now.

Who is this?

Starfish princess.

Starfish princess?

Hey, do you want to come up here and play with me?


We could play with starfish princess.

Come on.

Oh, you are so adorable.

Are you hungry?

You want some food?



This is Epyck, Gracie Belle.

Her name is Epyck.

She's not your friend.

She's not my friend?

No, we're friends, huh, Gracie?

Are we friends?

High five if we're friends.



What do you want me to draw you?

Draw a starfish princess.

I could draw you a starfish princess.

Let's try one.

You mind?


Do you want to help me?


Here, you grab the pen.

And let's see, we'll draw some eyes.

Let me see your hand here.

And we'll put some hair like this.

[Gracie mumbles]

Well, it's, like, I go to college because I think it's gonna be my big break, and it was everything that I was working towards my whole life.

And then it's, like, I get there, and I don't belong there.

And then I come here, and everything's fantastic and amazing, and I just fit.

And it's like my life finally makes sense.

And that's frustrating?

It's frustrating...

Because I miss you, and I miss us.

And it's, like, tonight, watching you with all these people...

It's like you've moved on, which I get.

But it just sucks.

It's like... I don't know.

I feel like I just don't fit in your life anymore.

I've been wanting to do that ever since you showed up.

[Door opens, closes]

He's not coming, is he?

No, he's not.

Perfect! Perfect!

Okay, let me see this.

You know what? It's not your job to cover his ass for him.

I don't want to be here anyway, so...

Okay, yeah, well, you know, it's not about Vince.

This is about me... the fact I want to win.

And if coach puts you in, you better be ready.

We're not gonna win.

Wildcat 20 red...

What's your hot?

I go to, um...

Um, no, no, no, no, no.

Sit down.

We got work to do.




So you missed me?

Yes, I already told you that.

I want to hear it again.

I missed you.

I missed you too.


I kind of have something I need to tell you, and I don't want you to freak out.



Had an affair with a T.A. at my school.

And he was married.

And there was just this... this...

Big mess.

Aren't you gonna say something?

What do you want me to say?

I don't know.

Are... are you mad?

Are you...?

Yes, Julie, I'm mad.

I'm furious.

I'm very disappointed in you.

I mean, it's... it's fine.

It's fine.

Well, just my parents got super pissed off.

Yeah, well, those are your parents.

I'm not your parents, okay?

Look, it's not like we were together or anything.

You didn't cheat on me.

It's fine.


I mean, I hope this doesn't freak you out, but I don't know, I just...

I think maybe that you and I need to, um...

We need to go get breakfast, 'cause I'm hungry.

And there's a very good bagel place down the street.

Bagels it is.

Bagels... All right.

Here we go.
[Overlapping chatter]

Hey, coach.

Excuse me.

What's up?

You're benched for Friday.

I'm what?

I ask you to do one simple thing for this team, and you can't even do that.

You're benched for Friday.

Man, I hate snitches.

You know what? You're gonna show up for practice.

You'll lift your weights.

You'll come to the game, but you're not playing Friday.

See, you're trying to mess up my future.

There you go, opening that mouth again.

You want to sh**t for two weeks?

No, sir.

That's what I like to hear.

Hey, can I talk to you?

Yeah. Golly, you know, talk about budget cuts.


What's going on?

I think Epyck...

Stole some money from my purse.


I mean, it's only 20 bucks, but...

I'm pretty sure it was her.

[Sighing] Oh, sh**t.

I don't see what the big deal is...

You work there.

The big deal is I'm an adult, and you are not.

I'm basically an adult.

And it's just a waitressing job.

It's not like I'm dancing or anything.

That's my point.

Why don't you waitress at, like, Red Lobster?

Because Red Lobster doesn't have a bunch of drunk guys giving you $100 tips.

You know what? I don't even really want to talk about his anymore, 'cause I just don't feel like it.

Are you okay?

Are you okay?

Don't worry.

I washed it.

You're pregnant?



Were you planning this?


Planning it, in the sense that Billy came home like a whiny, horny eighth-grader and climbed on top of me and then passed out on top of me and smelled like nachos the whole time...

That kind of planning it.

Still, this is exciting.

You're gonna have another little Stevie.

You're happy, right?

I didn't steal the money.

I think you did.

Well, I didn't, lady, all right?


She doesn't respect me.


So who else do you think might have done it?

Well, what about Nicky or Maury D?

They were there too.

No. Uh-uh.

I was with them the whole time.

Well, I didn't steal the money, okay?

I don't even care if you don't believe me, 'cause it's the truth.


So I'm gonna just look in your bag.

No, no.

This is ridiculous.

This is ridiculous! Stop it!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Get off of me!



Oh, my God.

Sit down. Sit down!

I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Mrs. Taylor, I'm sorry.


Hey, mom.

Hey, babe.

What are you doing here?

I got benched.

Coach is putting Luke at quarterback instead of me Friday night.

Is this because you missed that practice?

That's what started it.


I thought your father said everything was gonna work out.

He did.

He thinks coach is just bluffing.

And what do you think?


Okay, look, come over here.

Come on.

You... you know your father loves you, right?

Yeah, but...

Okay? And he just wants the best for you.

And I know sometimes he gets really excited, and he just doesn't know what to do with himself.

But you know what? He thinks you're a star.

He tells me that all the time.

I know.


But I-I think you need to, um, maybe not take his advice all the time.


I mean, you have a good head on your shoulders... use it.

You know what to do.


Yes, ma'am.

Okay, just let me look.

I'm fine.

Just look straight.

Just hold your head still.

I need to see if you might have a concussion.

It's about time you showed up.

Where's security when we need them?

What happened?

I'll tell you what happened.

This little psycho pushed your wife halfway across the room.


No, it was an acc...


It was an accident?

Come on in.

Y'all, this is not necessary.

Stand up for me, please.

Turn around.

This is ridiculous.

The board is setting up counsel.

And they got to talk to both of you.

This is absurd. I'm sorry.

Y'all, this is not necessary.


It's out of my hands, Tami.

It was an accident, for lord's sake.


[Jess cries softly]


Hey, coach.

You okay?


Why are you crying in here?

I'm sorry. Uh...

You don't need to say you're sorry.

Um, I just think, like, Vince and I broke up, so...

But it... it won't be a problem.

I promise I won't make a big deal, like...

I didn't know anyone was in here.

You know I got two daughters, don't you?


You take all the time you need.

You're benching Vince?


Because, Hastings, just like in real life, there are still rules on this team.

Unlike real life, nobody's above the rules on this field.

Break 'em down.

Here we go.

Bring it up.

Bring it in.

Let's go!

Blue 18! Blue 18! Hut! Hut!


Luke, come on!

Take charge of this thing.

Let's go.

Set, hut!

Blue 18! Blue 18! Set, hut! Hut!

Luke, you got to stay in there and get the exchange.

Let's go from the line again.

Come on, now.

Get up underneath there.

You understand?

Let's go.

So I went to see a couple museums today, and they were pretty amazing.

And then I was gonna go to the planetarium, but it was the most beautiful day outside, so I decided I'd just go for a walk.

And then...

Have you seen the bean?

I have seen the bean.

The bean is kind of amazing up close in person.

Julie, what... what are you doing?

I'm telling you about my day.

Right, I know, but I mean, what are you doing here in Chicago?

Don't you have to go home at some point?

Well, I thought that you said that I could stay.

Right. And you can.

B-but do your parents even know that you're here?

Look, this has all been great.

This food is amazing.

You're amazing.

I just... I don't want to be your safety net.

What is that supposed to mean?

I mean that it feels like you're only here because you're trying to avoid some stuff that's going on in your real life, you know, 'cause you're supposed to be at college.

I am. It's not like I'm moving in with you or something.

Don't get mad, okay?

Do not get mad at me.

I'm just... I'm just trying to say to you you have a life somewhere else that you need to be living, and that life is in Burleson.

So this whole week, you and me...

Has been amazing.

It's been great.

I wish you could stay longer.

I wish you lived here.


But you don't live here.

I got to...

Where you going?

I got to go for a walk.


I just need some air.

You got to be kidding me.

You got to be kidding me!

This is friggin' fantastic!

Hey, Stevie's gonna have a little brother...

Or a sister.

Yeah, let's just calm down.

I'm not gonna calm down.

I can't wait to tell Tim.

You do realize I have to quit my job...Again.

Who cares?

I care.


Kids are expensive.

So what?

Hey, I got a good job right now... Things are okay.

And you paid the premium for the maternity coverage, right?

No. But, hey, I will deliver this little bastard myself if I have to, okay?

Seriously. Hey, this is a good thing, all right?

We got rigglet number two coming to a theater soon.

This is big-time stuff, all right?

Hey, we'll figure it out.

All right?

All right.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you, gorgeous.

I love you!

I love you.

Oh, man.

My boys can swim.


I peed on that.

[Clears throat]

I understand.

Mm-hmm. Thank you too.

All right, bye-bye.

[Phone hangs up]

[Indistinct chatter on television]

Well, Levi says they're gonna send her to Kilroy.

And they're gonna put her in a different home now too.

You did everything you could for that girl.


Come here.

You know what? They're teenagers.

You know they can be exhausting, and...

They can come with a hell of a lot of baggage.

You know, when I was meeting with John Arnoli from Shane State the other day, I was thinking how nice it might be to work with adults for a change.

Are you thinking about pursuing that?


[Knock at door]

Who is that?

I don't know.

Coach, hey.


What the hell are you doing?

It's after 10:00.

You got to start Vince tomorrow.

I don't think I can do it.

Get your ass in here.

Our next senior is...

[Cheers and applause]

Our co-captain and leader of our defense, our hit man, number 44, first team all-district, Mr. Luke Cafferty!

[Cheers and applause]

Thank you.

Appreciate it.

Sending his flowers to his parents, Tom and Margaret Cafferty.

Oh, Lucas, honey, these are really nice.

I'm so proud of you.

Give 'em hell out there, all right?

It's your night.

Yes, sir.

Now, y'all give 'em a roar.

Band, let's send 'em home, and let's win this game.

[Cheers and applause]

[Marching band playing]

Yeah, Luke!

♪ ♪

Thank you, parents.

♪ ♪

It's senior night at East Dillon field, and after the Lions' first loss of the season last week, the big news tonight, Luke Cafferty getting the start at quarterback over Vince Howard.

Blue 18. Set. Hut!

Cafferty takes the snap.

Still not looking comfortable out there holding the rock, folks.

Nowhere to go, and he's sacked for a 12-yard loss.

Ouch. That hurt.

And another one for the Luke Cafferty highlight reel.

Blue 18! Blue 18!

Set. Hut!

Third and 22 from the Lions' 26.

Cafferty drops...

Watch your side!

Looking for a receiver.

Pressure coming from the weak side.

Oh, he looks lost out there.

Fumble! Ball's on the carpet!

It looks like the big man, Tinker, falls on it, picks it up for East Dillon.

Poor Luke Cafferty.

Here come the boo birds.

Vince Howard still not warming up on the sideline.

Thanks, Tink.

Good looking out, man.

It really helps if you don't drop it!

It really helps if I have some time out there, damn.

How much time do you need?

You're not milking a cow, farm boy!

Come on, Taylor.

You want to win, put my boy in there.

[Marching band playing]

Late in the fourth quarter, and the Lions are barely hanging on, up by 3.

Listen, they're pressuring the line, so hit Hastings on the seam route.

You got it?

Yeah, yeah.

It's, uh, 27 Texas...

No, no, no.

It's a spread 41 tiger, right?

It's a slot seven, son.


You got it? Slot seven!

Slot seven. I got it.


Coach Taylor gutting it out with Luke Cafferty, hoping he can ignite this offense and get something going.

Blue 18. Hut!

Cafferty steps up, looking for the slant, fires...

Oh! And the safety was sitting right on that one.

Cafferty never saw him.

Another turnover, as fort hood takes it in for 6.

You got to wonder, how much longer can coach Taylor afford to keep Vince Howard out of the game?

Put Vince in, man!

Yeah, put Vince in.

What you waiting for?

All: We want Vince!

Luke Cafferty looks helpless out there.

And these Lion fans are not happy.

All: We want Vince! We want Vince!

What is going on?

It's too fast, coach.

I can't remember the plays.

You got to put Vince in, please.

This is crazy.

You want me... you want me to put Vince in?

Is that how you want to go out of this?

You tell me, that how you want to go out of this?

You make the call.

I can do that.

No, no, no.

You sure?

What are we gonna do?

What are we...

Why don't you tell me...

What do you want to run?

Tell me now, though.

Don't wait too long.

You run the counter pattern?

Yes, sir.

Run the counter pattern.

Shotgun, no huddle.

If you let me use my feet downhill, I think I can move the sticks.

You don't think about it!

You do it! That's fine.

Don't think, just do!

Under two minutes to go, folks.

The Lions with one final sh*t here.

And Taylor is sticking with Cafferty quarterback.


Cafferty, play action...

Keeps it and goes off-tackle for a nice little gainer for the Lions.

And Luke Cafferty is moving the sticks, folks.

Let's go, let's go, let's go!

Lions going no-huddle.

Cafferty takes the snap, fakes the counter.

Another keeper, and he's grinding it out into this fort hood secondary.

They're taking a b*ating.

Luke Cafferty delivering the mail!

[Cheers and applause]

[Shouting out signals]

Cafferty over center... counter fake.

Oh, and it's lofted over the middle.

Touchdown! Lions win!

Luke Cafferty has done it, folks.

He has brought this team back from the brink.

And we'll see you in December, folks.

Coach Taylor and these East Dillon Lions are going to the playoffs.

[Cheers and applause]

Pop. Pop. No.

Hey, pop. Pop. Pop.

No, no, no, no.

Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop.

No, hold up. Wait. No, no.

Let me talk to the man.

No, not right here.

Not right now!

For me, for me, for me, just... just relax. Just chill.

Man, you almost lost.

I know. I know!

For me. Please!

It ain't right!

Pop, pop, please.

Not here.

Not here.

Not right now.

Tell the man I want to talk to him.

Yes, sir.

This ain't over.

Yes, sir.

Not once, man!

[Cheers and applause]

Where is he?

I'm hungry.

I know you're hungry.

Just don't get cranky.

Sorry we took so long.

Y'all remember Becky, right?


It's Tom, Margaret...

Hey, Becky.

How are you?


So, uh, let's make this reservation for four.

Why not?

Absolutely. Come on.

This way.

He kissed her.

Did you see that?

You charge your cell phone?


Okay, if you need gas, there's a gas station just right around the corner over there.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I just kind of want to get out before there's too much traffic.

So, uh, thanks for the hospitality.


♪ ♪

[Engine turning]

♪ ♪



Julie, hey, stop.

It's all gonna be okay, all right?

We'll figure this out.

[Horn honks]

I love you.

[Horn honks]