05x21 - The Whole Truth

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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05x21 - The Whole Truth

Post by bunniefuu »

you know, five years ago,

My dad and I set out
to make us all millionaires.

It almost k*lled us.

But look where we are now --

Right at the crossroads.

This is the ground
that we could come good

On that promise for my guys.

Can we keep it?

I believe we can.

for two seasons now,

Tony calls all the sh*ts

Because I have nowhere else
to go.

Now's the point
where we have to start fighting

For new ground and freedom

'Cause the season ain't over.

in the freezing gold fields
of the klondike...

I think we got a chance
of pulling this off.

Narrator: ...the hoffman crew
has somehow

To scrape more gold
from their frozen ground...

Do not shut
that frickin' plant down!

...to secure their future

On a claim
that could make them all rich.

I can't get this ice
through the grizzly bars.

parker schnabel's crew
is determined to leave.

Cheeseman: everybody's wore out.
Everybody's tired.

the 20-year-old mine boss
has to win them back...

We could go buy our own ground.

...to get the gold he needs

To buy his own klondike claim.

This could be mine --
my own empire of dirt.

Narrator: and tony beets
battles the big freeze...

...to get
his 75-year-old dredge...

...catching klondike gold.

[ Laughs ]

Three crews...


...seeking a fortune...

Tell us what we got.

...a future...

...and freedom.

I mean,
this cleanup right here is --

Oh, my.

Winter has already begun

Its long freeze in the yukon.

At scribner creek,

Parker schnabel's mine
is shut down.

His crew has had enough

Of mining and parker
for the season.

I'm just trying
to pack up my tools

So I can get headed home.

is parker a good boss?

[ Sighs ]
you really want to go there?

I don't really want him,

I really don't.

[ Clears throat ]

I screwed up and said
too much on camera before once.

he's still young and ambitious,

But there comes a time

When you've got to pick up
on somebody else's wisdom.

Everybody's gone south but us.

Maybe we should have went
with them.

Narrator: this season,

Parker's already mined
2,060 ounces of gold.


...worth $2.5 million,
twice what he got last year.

After hitting their goal,

His exhausted crew decided
to head home.

We've wiped your ass
for 2,000 ounces all season,

And now we're empty.

Everybody's wore out.

But next year,

Parker desperately wants
to be his own boss.

I need a better deal.

With him, my wings
are pretty well-clipped.

to buy a claim of his own,

He needs at least
another 400 ounces of gold.

But he can't do it alone.

These guys have had a hell
of a long season,

But I need them on board
if we're gonna do this.

Hey, mitch!

Do you guys have a minute?


So, I'm not happy
with myself,

And I know you guys aren't happy
with me.

I know my communication skills
are pretty piss-poor,

So I apologize to you guys
for that.

And at that last meeting,

I may have gone
a little overboard,

But I want you guys
to know

That it's not just,
"more, more, more."

You know,
we're trying to get set up

So that we can have
our own ground.

And so that's why
we're gonna try to push

If you guys will stick me
for another 400 ounces.

I don't like the way

Things are headed
with tony, you know.

Every year, it's something else,
something else, something else.

Pretty soon, it'll be something
we can't deal with

Or we can't afford
to give up.

That's why I'm asking you guys
to stick around.

Man: what if the weather takes
a dive?

Well, I mean,
the weather is the weather.

We can't dictate that.

We're all wore out, parker.
We've had a tough season.

Every one of us is ready
to go home.

I know you guys are,

And I know you guys
have busted your asses,

But we can go buy
our own ground

And not have to deal
with tony.

What is your plan?

How are we gonna do this?

I think that the ground
that we've got open

Will damn near have
what we need.

So I'm thinking that we
sluice out what we've got open.

We'll walk away.

But I can't do it
on my own, you know?

I need you guys
to be behind this.

If we can just push
through one more week,

What do you reckon?

let's go get it done.

Let's do it.

All right.

Thanks, guys.

Let's do this.

We're all exhausted,
but another week, we can do it.

You know, what we're doing.

Let's go get all the ground
we've got opened up sluiced.

parker's convinced his crew
to give him one more week,

But they need
to mine 400 ounces --

Almost double
their best weekly gold haul.

Parker: if we're gonna be able
to find 400 ounces,

Everybody just has to give it
a good, final push.

That's what needs to happen.

at mckinnon creek,

The hoffman crew also faces
an uphill battle.

They need 1,300 ounces of gold

To secure their claim
for next year.

But all their ground

Is either mined out
or frozen solid.

Their only hope
is a muddy, gold-rich cut

That almost swallowed up
dave turin's d9 dozer

Earlier in the season.

Well, we haven't been in here
for a while.

We left this cut
at the beginning of the season.

There was so much mud

That our dozers
couldn't handle it.

I hated to abandon this

Because I know what the
drill results are under here.

I know there's good gold.

There's $27 to $31 a yard.

Looks pretty mushy.

It's pretty soft.

We got to figure out
what we're gonna do next,

But I got a big pond full
of mud.

Narrator: last week,
the hoffmans hit their goal...

[ Cheering ]

...1,000 ounces
worth $1.2 million.


Then, claim owner peter tallman
offered todd

The chance to return
to gold-rich ground,

But at a steep price.

Go get me 300 ounces,
and you got a deal.


They scraped up every last yard
of thawed pay dirt.

We pulled everything.

There's nothing left.

but it wasn't enough.

I pulled up 48 short.

Now, their only option
is the unminable swamp.

Turin: I can't get to the gold
that's under here.

We pretty much lost the battle.

Todd to dave,
you got a copy?

yeah, go ahead, todd.

I got a little surprise
for you.

Yeah, 10-4.
I'll be right there.


I hate the idea
of leaving gold behind.

We're not done
on that cut.

I'll tell you what.

It's gonna be awesome.

do you got a copy?

yeah, go ahead.

Yeah, bring her in.

Dave, I got a surprise
for you.

What did you bring?

Here it comes.

[ Laughs ]

Holy crap!

That thing is huge!

I know!

The biggest dozer
in the klondike, dave.

Frickin' thing's
a superdozer.

Dude, I borrowed it
from the neighbors,

But dude, we have to the end
of the day today

To get that dirt out of that cut
into the plant.

the 900-horsepower superdozer

Weighs over 100 tons

And has
a giant 20-foot-wide blade.

[ Laughs ]

Dude, how much
can that thing push?

About 45-yard pushes.

That's like three times
the amount of that one.


That's a dozer!

Todd: jump in there
and kick some ass.

We can get that pay dirt
out of here.

I'm rolling.
Nice job.

Todd: we got to hurry up and get
that pay dirt out of there.

all right, let's do it.

Todd: they let us borrow it
for one day only!

But let me tell you,

I think that's all
it's gonna take -- one day.

Turin: you know what,
I know how to mine,

But todd hoffman
can make a deal.

Wow! This is gonna take
some getting used to.

This thing is huge!

I feel like I'm on the top
of the equipment world now!

Todd: all right, we'll see
what this thing is made of, man.

all right. 10-4.

the last time dave tried to get

To the $30-a-yard pay
beneath this swamp,

He almost lost his d9 dozer.

All right, here goes nothing.

[ Metal scraping ]

Oh, wow.

Come on.

[ Bubbling ]


how's that, buddy, huh?

This thing is awesome,

You made the right choice
on this one.

With this machine,

I think we've got a chance
of pulling this off.

Narrator: the superdozer weighs
twice as much as the d9,

But with its wider tracks

And almost
three times the horsepower,

It has no problem moving
45 cubic yards of sludge

With every pass.

The hoffman crew
is back in the game.

Turin: yeah!

Look at this thing.

Narrator: at eureka creek,

Tony beets' ancient dredge
is high and dry.

He's almost out of time
to get it up and running.

Six months ago,

Tony bought the dredge
for $1 million.

He ripped it apart
piece by piece,

Dragged it over mountains,
and reassembled it.

But when he finally tried
to float it...

...one of the pontoons
sprang a leak.

Tony: whoa.

the dredge started to sink,

Forcing tony to drain the pond.

Now, he has to find the leak,
fix it,

And quickly refloat the dredge,

Or his dream of catching gold
like they did 100 years ago

Will be on ice
until next spring.

I'm gonna go down and see
if I can find the leak.

[ Clears throat ]

Yeah, there's about six or
eight inches of water in here.

I see a little --

Oh, [bleep]


Probably leaking right
in that corner

'Cause all the mud's
washed out.

jerry quickly spots the problem,

A 10-inch crack along a seam.

Tony: oh, man.

Narrator: tony only trusts
one man for the crucial fix --

His son, kevin.

I got to [bleep]
but who else is gonna do them?

[ Grunts ]


Yeah, it looks live to me.

Yeah, it's a crack about
a foot long.


It's annoying.

Not the end of the world,
but a real pain in the ass.

Everybody watch out.

There you go.


It's a little rough and ugly,

But it doesn't need
to be pretty.

Came out nice.
I hope she holds.

Narrator: tony once again
opens the floodgate...

...allowing millions
of gallons of water

To pour into the dredge pond.

It'll take 24 hours to fill up,

And for tony and crew
to see if their fix has worked.

At scribner creek...

...rick ness and greg remsburg
load pay dirt from the berm cut.

They've reluctantly agreed
to push on in the cold

For their young mine boss,
parker schnabel.

This is my third season
working with parker.

[ Horn honks ]

He never has liked to call it
quits at a reasonable time.

parker's promised they'll mine
the easy ground in the berm cut

For just one week,

But getting 400 ounces
in that week

Has parker
rethinking his plan.

where are we going?

I think there's an area

That's even richer
than the berm.

I mean, you can kind of see it
from right here.

The ground's been getting better
as we work upstream.

And see where the berm,
like, cuts way back in,

Right, dead straight
in the valley from here.

It doglegs out up there.

I think a few good days
and a dozer,

And we'll be able
to get it open.

I'm having a little bit
of a hard time

what you're talking about.

Parker's given the crew
his word --

They won't have to open up
new ground.

You know, is this something
we want to chase?

Well, we have to.

Do you want to go put
a bunch of effort

Into something
that we're not gonna get to?

I mean, I think there's
enough pay right through here

To make it
the rest of the year.

I mean, it's just
if you're gonna have time,

Things are gonna
hold out here long enough

To go up
and get it hauled.

That's kind of
the big unknown.

Parker: if we're gonna get away
from tony,

We need something big,
and to me, this is it.

I think
it's gonna be big gold.

It's not worth spending
the effort ripping and trying --

We're just gonna do it, gene.
That's the way it's gonna be.


Parker's going back
on his promise.

I understand gene's concerns,
but we're sticking around,

Really trying to push
for this extra 400 ounces,

And I think that if it's as good
as I think it is,

It'll put us well past that.

Narrator: parker heads
a half mile upstream

In the d10

To break ground
on the new dogleg cut.

Parker: I'm hopeful
that it's gonna be good.

But this season, we've had
the greatest group of guys

I've ever worked with.

And, well, they're wore out.

You know, nobody really wants
to be here.

I hope I'm not burning
any bridges by doing this.

[ Dog barking ]

at mckinnon creek,

The hoffmans are struggling
to get another 48 ounces of gold

To lock up their claim
for next season.

Dave turin hunts for pay gravel
with the biggest dozer

In the klondike.

Hey, hey, hey!
We made it.

I'm down to pay.

if that's frickin' pay dirt,
we're back in business.

Turin: yeah, this thing's
working now.

It's amazing.

Narrator: after moving five feet
of sludge in just one day,

Dave's hit pay gravel.

I'm ripping now, buddy.

I'm gonna get andy

And the rock trucks
down here now.

Whoo, look at that thing,

Right through it!

Well, here we go, andy.

You got pay.

It's all riding on this cut.
It's all we got left.

That dozer's pushing
through it good, though,

And that's what's important.

Get her to the plant and see
if we can run this stuff.

Narrator: the hoffman crew
begins trucking what they hope

Is gold-rich pay dirt
to monster red.

we're able to run.

That's the good thing right now.

[ Rattling ]

Pasley: [bleep]

That is just banging.

Dave turin, you copy?

Can you come down
to the wash plant?

I think we got a broken spring
on this shaker.

Hold off, kevin.

The shaker sits
on these springs.

That's whole you get
this whole shaker effect.

I think a spring is broke.

We don't need that right now.

monster red's shaker

Separates rocks
from the pay dirt

By vibrating
745 times per minute.

It's precisely balanced
on eight springs --

Two in each corner.

One of the springs has broken,
causing the shaker

To hit the platform below
with every vibration.

Holy craparoni, man.

We can't run
this spring this way.

This thing will
absolutely tear itself apart.

Todd: how bad is it?
It's bad.

It's not gonna bounce right,
is it?

It won't handle it.

I cannot believe this.

Oh, you're freakin'
kidding me.

What a way to end it, man.

All right.
[ Spring clatters ]

Narrator: without the shaker,
there will be no more gold.

But the hoffman crew is in luck.

Jim thurber has found
one extra spring...

Hey, todd.

...that came
with monster red's supplies.

Todd: is that it?
Is that it?

That's it.

[ laughing ] yeah!

Get it up here, man.

Narrator: but their problem is
far from over.

To replace the broken spring,

They need
to raise the 9 1/2 ton shaker.

With no crane,
mechanic steve has to improvise.

What do you think,

I'll jack this shaker up.

We'll get it just high enough,
pop that spring in there.

you think it'll fit?

It'll be close, man.


Narrator: steve crawls
deep inside the crippled shaker

With a simple jack designed
to change the wheel on a truck.

You okay, steve?

I'm ready to go up
when you are.

[ Creaking ]

you're getting it.

Looking good.

Whoa, hold on, steve.

You're up
against the wash box.

Narrator: the top of the shaker
is hitting the wash box above.

Steve has only been able
to raise the shaker four inches.

Pasley: dave, do we got room
to get that spring in there?

I got room to pull
the old one out.

Holy cow.

Look at that.
That thing is in pieces.

The broken spring is out,

But the gap is too small
to install the new one.

[ Sighs ]

This is something
I really didn't need.

We're gonna
pull up short again.

I can't live with that again.

Turin: I got to get --
I got to get this up.

Narrator: dave has to somehow
squeeze an 11-inch spring

Into a 9-inch space.

What do we look like,

we don't have the room.

Let's see,
if I go this way.

Todd: I want this land
so bad I can taste it,

And I don't want to lose it.

Grab that hammer.
I got this.

Pasley: oops, sorry.

Narrator: the only way
to get it done --

The yukon way...

Get a bigger hammer,

Narrator: ...brute force.

[ Clanging ]


It's in!

Todd, we got it in.
It's in.

freakin' kidding me.


So, what do we got to do?

Let's lower it down,
get my bottle jack out of there.

Fire it up.

All right.

Narrator: monster red is
once again ready to wash rocks.

Turin: we're fixed.

Let's hope this thing
stays together now.

Todd: this is it.

If you get tired,
you call me,

You get coffee,
whatever it takes.

Get the dirt
through the plant.

Turin: we're gonna do this,
you guys.

they have enough pay dirt
for one final run.

To keep their gold-rich claim
at mckinnon creek next year,

The hoffman crew needs a total
of 1,300 ounces

Worth over $1.5 million.

See if we can get some
rocking and rolling.

they're still 48 ounces short,

And the temperature
has dropped below 22 degrees.

To stop monster red freezing up,
they have to keep it running.

I'm not gonna quit until
all this dirt's ran.

[ Engines turn over ]

water's on its way.

Generator's coming on.

Todd: roger that.

Pierce: I thought
that plant was toast.

We're not gonna shut this thing
down until we get our goal.

Hey, skipper!
[ Horn blasts ]

I'm turning the feeder on.

Todd: 10-4, dave.

We're up and rolling.

Narrator: at scribner creek
in the yukon,

Despite freezing conditions,

Parker schnabel's opened
the new dogleg cut.

Now he has his foreman,
gene cheeseman,

Building an access road.

Cheeseman: everybody's wore out.
Everybody's tired.

We've had a good year.

You know, here we are,
out doing something half-assed

Instead of doing it right
the first time,

And that pisses me off.

It's not the way I like
to do things.

It's all a bunch
of [bleep] [bleep]

half a mile downstream,
the rest of the crew digs out

The last of the easy pay
in the berm cut.

They're not happy.

Yeah, I thought that
the plan was that we were gonna

Finish off here with the
berm cut and call our season.

I mean, we're all tired.
I'm tired.

I mean, I guess
I can still feel my fingers.

Just sit here and deal
with the cold.

It doesn't really matter
what I think.

It's really hard to work
when there's been trust broken.

Parker: how's it going?

Good, man.

Take this excavator
up to the dogleg cut.

We need to dig a test hole
and pan the bedrock.

It ain't getting
any warmer.

It's just kind of
the last push.

I really think that it's gonna
be good ground up there.

We found a lot of good gold
as we've moved upstream.

Okay, okay.

Sounds good. Thanks, rick.

rick drives his excavator

Up gene's new road
to the dogleg cut

To dig a test hole.

Ness: we're hopping over
a whole bunch of ground

To go after this little piece

That parker seems to think is
gonna pay off really well.

It ain't giving up easy.

It's really rough ground here
in the dogleg.

It's tearing my bucket apart,
so I'm gonna have to sit here

And try to dig
all this [bleep] out.

I'll try a pan.

Pretty bony bedrock, huh?

Ness: yeah.

parker needs to find good gold

To prove this new cut's
worth mining.

there's some gold in there.
And that's almost 40 flakes,

Which is pretty damn good,
but they're tiny.

It's just weird to see
that they're all real fine.

There's not one coarse flake
in this pan.

I mean, going off
the number of colors,

It's some of the best ground

But they're tiny.

I can't help but think that,
with that kind of bedrock,

It's just gonna be
like a sluice box, you know?

Sinking down in there.

But it's
nothing special to me.

Well, let's do it.

Parker, this is [bleep]
you know?

This is a waste of time.

Last-ditch effort here.

Narrator: parker decides
to mine the dogleg cut anyway.

Ness: first pay dirt.

Sending it up to the plant.

We're gonna knock
this dogleg thing out

And get the hell out of dodge.

with his crew ready to quit,

Parker's staking everything
on uncertain ground.

You know, this cut
could make a difference.

It's definitely worth
the risks we're taking.

[ Whistling ]

Good boy.

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,
the hoffman crew

Has been feeding monster red
for 26 straight hours.

They need just 48 ounces,
worth $57,000,

To lock down their
gold-rich ground for next year.

Hiatt: we're just gonna make
the best of it

And get everything we can.

I hope we can pull it off.

Hiatt: there is a lot of ice
in this pay.

It is not good.

It's not even going in.
It's just jamming up.

This is bad news.

Logan, do you copy?

I need you to get over here
and give me a hand.

See if you can start knocking
some of this stuff

Through the grizzly bars.

Dude, you copy?

Pierce: yeah,
I'm on my way, kev.

Narrator: logan attempts
to force the frozen dirt

Through the grizzly bars.

I can't get this pay
through here.

It's all frozen
like this.

I think we're gonna
have to shut down, dude.

Do you copy, todd?

Todd: I heard you,
and we are not shutting down.

Repeat --
do not shut that plant down.

I guess I don't have
anything else I can do

But keep trying.

This right here is

Turin: holy cow.

it's about half ice.

It is.

it's heavy.

This ain't gonna go

It ain't going through.

[ Rock thuds ]

Turin: kevin, is all the pile
like that?

Hiatt: everything.


This ain't good.

Well, maybe run it over.

If I get the dozer,
I'll just walk it out,

Spread it out about a foot deep,
and run over it.

And then hope it's small enough
to get through the plant.

And I'll just crush it.

I mean,
all we can do is try it.

I'll go get the dozer.
Okay, hurry.

We can't afford
to shut the plant.

And if we've got
to run our dozer

On top of our pay,
then so be it.

That's what we're gonna do.

We're not gonna
come out of here short.

We're not doing it.

Coming in.

Narrator: dave's plan -- crush
the chunks of frozen pay dirt

In the d9 dozer to get
every last yard of pay

Through the grizzly bars
and into the plant.

We are so close.
Every ounce is gonna matter.

If I can get it small enough,
we've got a chance.

Todd: let me walk around
and take a look at it.

There's one there,
some here.

This ball here
has been broken up.

Overall, we got probably about
half of the ice squished.

It's working?

I'm gonna get kevin
in here for a scoop.

All right.

Kevin, take what's behind me.
Try to get it through the plant.


I hope I got this broke up
small enough for you.

Hey, it's starting to go
through the plant now, todd.

Looking good.

Todd: 10-4.

I can still see ice balls
here and there,

But overall
we got a lot of it out.

I see more pay dirt going
through the plant.

I think
it's starting to work.

It does sound crazy.
It's pretty unorthodox.

But anything to keep us running
all night, we're gonna do it.

Narrator: at 4:00 a.m.,

Kevin loads the last
of their pay.

there goes the last bucket!

Narrator: their future depends
on what's in the sluice box.

If they get less than 48 ounces,

They won't have their claim
next year.

Todd: if we got the gold
in there or not,

You know what,
it's out of our hands now.

That's it.

Narrator: at scribner creek,

Parker's crew
runs the last pay dirt

Through the wash plant.

Parker will soon find out

If he's got
the 400 ounces he needs

To buy his own klondike claim.

Hey, parker.
Doumitt here.

I have no more pay.

hey, there, youngster.

Well, that's the last
of the pay, huh?

Doumitt: that's it,
my young friend.

That's a season,
whatever's in the hopper.

Let's see
what we got for gold, huh?

Yeah, let's do that.

Doumitt: it's a heck of a day
in the yukon.

That one for the last time.
That one for the last time.

That one for the last time.

the exhausted crew

Is relieved
their season is finally over.

It's good to be the last one.

That's what
we've been looking for.

Everybody did a good job
and busted their butt

To get it finished, you know?

Narrator: and grandpa john
has come to join them

For the final cleanup.

Oh, look who that is.

[ Laughs ]


Hey, grandpa.

Oh, it's good to see you.

Oh, I tell you --

What's the forecast
for shutdown?

Parker: well,
you just missed it by an hour.


You mean for the year?

You can come over
and take a look.

Let's go.
I want to see this.

It's a little warmer in here.
Oh, yes!

Cheeseman: hey, john.

Ooh, look at that.

Money, money, money.

[ Laughs ]

You got to --
you're gonna be here a while.

[ Laughs ]

We caught it.
It's not getting away from us.

John: wow.
That is a big pot.


That's too heavy.

[ Laughs ]

How much ounces?

Cheeseman: 30.


That sounds like
you're a winner.


Some of it's tony's.

Well, I know that.

20% Royalty now.

Again, another rise?

Hopefully, we don't do too good
and it goes up to 25%.

Is he that greedy?

Well, why don't I go
show you around a little bit?

I'd like that.
Sounds good.

Okay, let's go.

Parker: oh [bleep]
I've got gold on the stove.

I'm really happy to be here
to see how he's doing.

And I think he's done well.

I mean, this is the final gold
of the season right here.

And one thing that's nice is
my grandpa's here to, you know,

See it and be a part of it, and
that means a lot.

I mean, he's the reason
I started all this.

Right here is
more than three times I got

My first season
mining big nugget with him.

parker has another day's worth
of concentrate to clean up.

Then, he'll find out if he has
the 400 ounces of gold he needs

To buy his freedom,

His own klondike claim.

I hope we've got the gold.

This here,
it's money in the bank

So that next year
it's gold in the ground.

Want a shot?

Narrator: at eureka creek,

Tony beets' 75-year-old dredge
is finally floating.

After investing over $1 million
and six months of grueling work,

Tonight, he'll find out

If she can catch gold.

So, you're gonna
make it run, eh?

It's about time, you know?

It better.

with snow on the ground,

This is tony's last chance to
bring the dredge back to life.

now full speed ahead.

If he fails, he'll have to wait
till next year

To see if his dredge can catch
klondike gold.

[ Laughter ]

Kevin: they shouldn't have
let me drive.

[ Engine turns over ]

the dredge has power.

For the first time in 30 years,

She's ready to go to work.

Tony fires up
each system one by one.

the heart of the dredge --

The nine-ton trommel.

Tony: there, bingo.

the trommel rotates flawlessly,

to separate worthless rocks

From gold-rich dirt.

The 85-foot stacker

Is ready to dump the tailings
off the back of the dredge.

Man: it runs!

the one part tony's never tested

Is the 24-ton bucket line --

A chain of 72 cast-iron buckets

to chew through the dirt

And unearth klondike gold.

Tony takes command
in the wheelhouse.



That's a good idea.

First, tony has to raise the end
of the 60-foot long bucket line

From where it rests
on the bottom of the pond.

Well, I don't know how --
you do it.


there you go, there you go.

It held.

[ Clicking ]

the winches still have the power

To lift the bucket line.

Man #1: yeah!
Man #2: yeah!

Rhodes: it's in gear.

[ Engine starts ]

[ Laughs ]

The bucket line
works without a hitch.

The dredge has come back
to life.

that thing is [bleep] cool.

The viking ship is ready

To scoop her first
eureka creek pay dirt.

Man #1: yeah!
Man #2: yeah!

Man: at the beginning
of the season,

I asked you
if you were nuts or not

When you wanted us
to move this.

and it's a reality now.

Not many people can say
they've done this.

Thank you, tony.

Narrator: the dredge can't wash
pay dirt without water.

Tony rushes to the pump.

[ Engine starts ]

[ Water rushing ]

[bleep] water everywhere.


water gushes out of a bad weld

In the trommel's spray bar.

If water isn't getting
to the sluice box,

The dredge can't catch gold.

Tony: yes.

despite losing water,

The sluice box
is still functioning.

Tony can fix the leak
in the spring.

It's a little wet,
but yeah, it works.

[ Laughs ]

There's a big hole
in the --

I may need a lift.

Pretty [bleep] cool,
isn't it?

What a night.
I know.


Next year,
we'll put some heat in here,

And it'll be wonderful.

Man: a place
to kick your feet up.

And your pump's big enough
down there.

You could have a flush toilet,
a shower, a jacuzzi.

The monster comes alive.

Narrator: at last,

The dredge is working
as she did 75 years ago.

But tony
will have to wait a few hours

To know
if she's actually catching gold.

[ Laughter ]

Narrator: at scribner creek,

Parker's crew celebrates
the end of a long season.

Well, let's go inside
and see how we did, boys.

Come on.
John: okay, we'll go.

This cooler
contains all their gold

From six brutal months
of mining.

Six, seven, eight, nine.

What did we do
with the little scale on this?

Everyone of those is
100 ounces.

That's impressive.

Last week,
parker beat his season goal

Of 2,000 ounces,

a staggering $2.4 million.

I worked all my life
to make this much money,

And he did it
in six months.

With tony's cut,
that was 2,060.

Oh, tony did very well.

[ Laughs ]
I'd say.

There's the reaction.

But he needs another 400

To buy his own claim
and finally get out

From under his landlord,
tony beets.

So, since the last cleanout

We've done...this.


Oh, my.
And what is that?

That's 200.

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ]

Oh, man.

Look at that.

That's another 200.

here he comes again.

[ Laughter ]

This is parker's
biggest cleanup ever --

478 Ounces

Worth well over
half a million dollars.

His goal for the season
was an ambitious 2,000 ounces.

The 20-year-old mine boss

Now has
a phenomenal 2,538 ounces....

I mean, that's $3 million
right there on the table.

Narrator: enough gold
to buy himself a new claim.

I mean, this cleanup right here
is double our best one.

And all this is is 2 1/2 times
what we got last season.

It's a damn good feeling,
and I thank you all for it.

The honest truth --
I don't deserve it.

But I appreciate every one
of you guys sticking in here.

okay, everybody take a jar.

[ Laughter ]

There's one guy who I would
like to thank specially.

Thank you, gene.

it's been a good year, gene.
I appreciate it.

Gene, you are the best guy
I've ever worked with.

[ Applause ]

You've done a damn good job.

Thank you.

I get up and put my pants on
one leg at a time

Like everybody else.

I just want to do
the best job I can.

Couldn't ask
for a better foreman.

Thanks, gene.

You have a lot of hands
to shake.

[ Laughter ]

parker has far exceeded
his extraordinary goal

And managed
to keep his crew on side.

What this group of guys
have done in the last 10 days,

You know, it makes me proud.

I couldn't as for a better group
of guys to work with.

I'm damn proud
of every single one of them.

I rode them into the ground.

To put that gold on that table.

That group of guys
can move dirt.

They're [bleep] group
of ass kickers right there.

midnight at eureka creek.

The dredge has run dirt now

For five hours.

Minnie beets, tony's wife,
joins her family

To find out if
their 75-year-old gold factory

Can still catch gold.

It's pretty amazing,

Hey, you know what I want
to see, right?


tony lifts the bucket line

And shuts down the dredge.

[ Tony laughs ]

Minnie: well?

Oh, wow.

I see.

that's pretty cool, tony.

Wow, that is just awesome.

that's amazing.

the dredge is catching gold.

It's already started paying
for itself.

The fruit of your labor.

And you got gold.

That is amazing.

Man: thanks, tony.
Man #2: thanks, tony.

Narrator: at scribner creek,

Parker's crew preps
for their long trip south.

Parker: there's still
some ground up there.

And we left some pay
on the pad.

What are you talking about?

We pulled the pumps
and everything already.

Well, the pumps go back in
in a couple hours.

[ Sighs ]

I'm just [bleep] with you.
I knew it.

I'm just [bleep] with you.

[ Both laugh ]

Good job this season.

[ Laughs ]

I enjoyed the season.
Thanks, man.

That's my gold share.
That's nice, man -- a bar.

That's rad.

I was not expecting that.

I went from wanting to k*ll him
to wanting to hug him real quick

When he handed me that.

I don't think I'm gonna
let go of this sucker

The whole way home.

[ Laughs ]

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,

Jack weighs
the final gold of the season.

Claim owner peter tallman
joins the crew

To find out
if they've hit his target.

Hey, peter.
Man: hey, peter, what's up?

I'm good.
How are you guys doing?


You well
the last little bit?

Thurber: we won't know
until they weigh it up.

Right now,
the anticipation is k*lling us.

Narrator: they need
another 48 ounces of gold --

A total of 1,300
for the season --

To convince their claim owner
to grant them a lease

On mckinnon creek next year.

moment of truth, guys.

Todd: peter,
thanks for coming out, man.

Guys, we thought we had it
at 1,000 ounces,

And you know what?
It wasn't enough.

We thought we were tired before.

Now we're just shot.

It's been a hard battle.

Dad, why don't you show us
what we got?

guys, we needed 48.

We have double -- 97.

[ All cheering ]

Todd: yeah!

There you go, huh?

Good job, buddy!

Man: good job!

Narrator: the hoffmans
have mined 1,349 ounces of gold

Worth $1.6 million --

More gold than they got
in all four

Of their previous
mining seasons combined.

One word that would sum up
my season would be thankful.

for another shot at a dream.

We couldn't have done it

If you guys didn't take
another risk with me.

Hey, peter,
here's your cut.

And I am truly thankful
for it,

And I got something
for you.

And that is the future.

There's another three years
or more of gold

And six miles of ground.

Thank you guys
for hitting that target.

Peter, thank you.

What I hold in my hand
right here, guys,

Is several years of mining

'Cause we got
a lot of gold to go get

Right here on this map.

Dad, hand their gold out.

Jack: what do we got?

Here you go, bud.


All right, man.

Spinks: thanks, jack.

Thank you.


Thank you so much.
You bet, man.

Pierce: in this jar
is more than just gold.

It's hope.

This can change lives,

And it's
definitely changed mine.

Now, I can go back home
to my dad,

Pay him back in gold,
and say, "we did succeed."

the klondike season is over.

Every gold miner has gone south.

But before he leaves,

Parker schnabel
takes his grandpa

To see the land
he can now afford to buy.

So, this is the ground
right here.

John: oh!

It's 100 claims,
and they've mined a lot of them.

But there's a lot of benches,
which, you know,

Those are sometimes
the best gold.

I agree with that.

What do you think
you're gonna do here?

I'm not sure yet,

But we've got the option
to buy our freedom.

I hope
it's freedom you buy.

Me, too.

[ Laughs ]

Well, he's never made
a bad decision yet.

I hope he don't make
a bad one here.

[ Chuckles ]

I could show up next spring
and be mining my own ground.

It wouldn't be easy.
It's tougher ground to mine.

It's expensive.

But there would be
no better feeling in the world

Than not being under anybody,
you know, having our freedom.

It'd feel damn good.

I mean, this could be mine.

My own empire of dirt.

Let's do this.

Parker, tony, todd.

We've just seen the finale.
What do you think?

I thought
the finale was great,

And, you know, reflecting back
to our teams

And what we accomplished --

It's kind of emotional.

It's good. It was good.

I didn't even realize
that it was the first time

That everybody's
hit their goal.

Yeah, first time ever.


Sitting next to tony
looking at land for next year --

Weird to watch together?

A little. Yeah. Yeah.

Tony's laughing.

'Cause he knows he's got
better ground. [ Chuckles ]

Tony, what'd you think
of seeing that dredge running?

You know what?

When we finally got that thing
up and going,

Hey, I don't think
I've ever in my life

Had that much fun
with my clothes on

Because once you get
that thing going -- pshew!

[ Engine turns over ]

We set out
to accomplish it,

And the same
as your thousand

And the same
as parker's go,

It is always nice
to see you reach that

Because you work so hard
towards it.

I mean, you know,
you live at a camp

Six, seven months
out of the year,

And then,
at the end of the day,

If you win,
if you accomplish your goal,

that's a good day.

Damn right
that's a good day.

Parker: it's an impressive feat,
no doubt.

I wouldn't
have gone after it.


You know,
it takes a lot of balls

To spend a pile of money
knowing that,

You know, "this year, I won't
see a penny back," right?

It's a long-term

Now, todd, this is
your highest gold total.

Yeah, it is.

It's special for us, man.
It's cool -- really cool.

Was a great year for us.

guys, we needed 48.

We have double -- 97.

[ All cheering ]

yeah! There you go, huh?

Good job, buddy!

I want to dedicate my season
to my dad.

He's sitting over here.

that's nice of you.

Hit a thousand.

Dedicated to jack.


That's great.

You know, we may not have land,

And it's just the two of us,
but we're father and son.

And together,
we can conquer the world.

after watching that finale,

Who do you think had
the hardest time this season?

What crew?

I mean, everybody faced
different challenges.

I'm not gonna say anybody's
was tougher than anybody else's.

They're incomparable?

Yeah. I mean, everybody has
their own struggles, you know?

What was your own personal --
your biggest struggle?

Probably not backing my guys
when I should have

At the end
of the season there.

I kind of
railroaded them.

I don't want you guys here
if you don't want to be here.

So come to me, I'll share
you out, and you can leave.

I didn't realize
it was this bad.

I'll hurt for that.

You were under
a lot of pressure,

And you may not have reacted
well to that, you know?

Yeah, it was tough.

It's not worth spending
the effort ripping and trying --

We're just gonna do it, gene.
That's the way it's gonna be.


Yeah, we found a bunch of gold,
but, you know,

Ground in the yukon
isn't worth a thing

If you don't have a good group
of guys to mine it.

Right? Really.

And, um...

I should've thought about that
then and not now.

So, is your take-away
that your crew needs to be

More important
than your gold take?

I wouldn't say
more important

Because we're running
a business,

But there needs to be --

You know,
the weighting needs to be

Not fully one way
or fully the other, right?

For me, it's my crew's
always more important

Than anything else.

My faith and then my crew.

And I love my guys.

And you know what?

I got frickin' a thousand guys
that want to come work for me,

'Cause they're gonna get
a fair shake, you know?

And that's probably the stuff
that parker learned,

But you know what?

It's easy to throw stones
when you're in those situations.

We all make good decisions
and bad decisions,

And, you know, I'm 45, I got
a lot of mistakes behind me,

And I've learned
from some stuff.

Parker's young, and he's gonna
learn from that, too.

Tony doesn't learn anything
'cause he's tony.

[ Laughter ]

He doesn't want
to learn.

He already knows
what he needs to know

To get the job done.

He was born
with full knowledge.

[ Laughter ]

Tony, did you make any mistakes
this season?

I hope so.

Big mistakes?

He hoped he would make one,
but he didn't.

You want to make mistakes
so you learn from them?

They happen.

And then
you deal with them.

That's all you do,
you do that daily.

Best move he ever made was when
he asked mini to marry him.

Probably did.


But how do you know I asked her,
and she didn't ask me?

[ Laughter ]

coming up, things between
the miners get a bit testy.

Are we gonna
get into this?

Just give me one.

No, I'm not gonna engage
with you, todd.

parker finally reveals

How he got
his monster, 478-ounce cleanup.

How many days did you run
to get that cleanup?

Oh, about a week,
I think.

That's pretty good
for a week.

Narrator: to make things
even more awkward,

Parker and tony look at some of
their more heated exchanges...

Screw it.

...sitting side-by-side.

Like, is there anything
you just regret?

I mean, I'm a little bit more
of a hothead

Than I should be,

Like when he called him

You mean that one?

I don't know who started
calling him a klondike legend,

But it's more like
a [bleep] klondike [bleep]

That's kind of
an ingenious line.

Even tony
will admit that.

Narrator: and later, an old
rivalry rears its ugly head.

Parker, do you need
to apologize to todd

For anything said
in the past?

I've never meant anything
by it, you know?

I mean, we're competitive.
It's kind of a competition.

I'll accept your apology.
[ Laughs ]

We didn't fight
that much this year.

All season long,
I had the wrong number for you,

So you couldn't text me,
and I couldn't text you.

It's perfect.

I still don't have your number
anymore, so that's good.

No. That saved
our relationship.

Do you two need, like,
a moment here?


All right, christo,
we're rolling!

Okay, ready?

tonight, you had

Just an amazing cleanup --
478 ounces.

Tell me how
that's even possible.

Tell me how
that even happened.

Ooh. Oh, my.

That's 200.

[ Laughter ]

That's another 200.

Up at the dog leg cut,
I wanted to see what was there.

It ended up being

Some of the poorest ground
we mined all season,

But the berm where we left off
was just phenomenal ground.

How many days did you run
to get that cleanup?

Oh, about a week,
I think.

I mean, 478 ounces -- what
did you think of that cleanup?

That's pretty good
for a week.

That ground is damn good,

And that was pretty much
all that was left there,

Was that skinny,
little berm there.

And that was the only area
that was thawed?

Yeah, and that's the thing
that saved us on that ground,

And tony's told me that
before is,

"Go down there
where it's all virgin ground.

You'll find out how things
are usually done around here."

You know, you'll admit
we've got damn lucky.

Tony, did you think
parker was capable

Of that big cleanup
at the end?

Hot and cold --
you never know.

I'm glad he did,

It doesn't matter
how much drilling you do,

It doesn't matter
who you think you are.

Until you actually mine it,
have it in the hand --

But, I mean, it's good to see
that it's down there.

Hey, I don't know exactly
where you dug it up,

But it just goes to show

That there is spots
that are well worth mining.

Parker, in the end, I know there
was some pain and suffering.

You absolutely shattered
your goal.

I mean, I thought 2,000 ounces
was totally insane.

I mean, how did you feel
going home with that much gold?

It was good.
It was a good feeling, you know?

It was
a huge accomplishment.

You know, I've got to hand it
to gene and the crew

That they've -- even though
they probably didn't want to,

They poured their heart into it,
you know?

It was a great moment
with my grandpa up there.

[ Laughs ]


You can't take that
away from me.

I mean, this cleanup right here

Is 2 1/2 times
what we got last season.

It's a damn good feeling,
and I thank you all for it.

I appreciate every one
of you guys sticking in here.

that last cleanup, parker,

Gave you a lot of options,
but I think --

You know, you and I
have talked about it --

Buying land is not as easy
as people think up there.

Uh, no, and especially
because, you know,

It's very select few people
that have good ground

That I would feel comfortable
making that big of a risk on.

You're not buying land.
You don't own the land.

You just own
the mining rights.

If you buy a chunk of ground
that doesn't work out,

That's it.

Like, you just put that money
in a fire, you know?

But it gives us options,

And that is the first step,

I think that tony and I
have both been happy

With the way things have gone
so far.

I mean, we could've been

A little more civil about it

Hold on, hold on.
Things did not always go well.

No. They didn't.

But what I mean is
that we've both made money,

And that's why we're both --

You have,
but it was ugly at times.

Let's be honest.

Let's take a look back
at some of it from this season.

I don't want to
watch this.

Doyle: when parker first came up
to the klondike,

Tony beets was his mentor.

Parker: how many holes
should I drill?

But now their relationship
is all business.

This season, parker
and his viking claim owner

Have not seen eye to eye.

[Bleep] that.

I mean, if tony wants me to mine
his [bleep] ground,

Then I don't even know if I want
to go back to the klondike.

Tony: put the [bleep] thing in.

Whatever, tony.
[Bleep] that.

Yeah, and I'm the one that loses
the [bleep] money, tony.


I have to make money, too.

Look, tony, that's just

The [bleep] way
we're gonna do it, all right?

No, no.

I might as well
take a hike, then,

'Cause I have to make
[bleep] money, too, tony.

I don't know who started
calling him a klondike legend,

But it's more like
a [bleep] klondike [bleep]

Yeah, I forgot.

Good thing I didn't.

Screw that.

He's got an issue
with the [bleep] royalties.

Parker: if we can't meet
somewhere in the middle,

Then I'll have to look
somewhere else.

Can't argue with a closed door.

First of all,
I think, todd,

You should probably sit
in between the guys.

No, I'm not going to.

All right,
so let's talk about it.

That was a lot of beeps.
A lot of bleeps.

I don't love the bleeps,

But I love the back and forth
between these guys.

I think it's
an honest relationship.

Parker, you did sign
the deal, right,

That had all those stipulations
in there, right?

Yeah, and, you know,
when I look back at that,

I think I probably should've
handled myself a little better.

Because the deal's the deal.

Why burn a bridge
with tony?

Where does it come from,

You just not wanting to have
anyone over your head?

You'd rather just be
your own boss.

Wouldn't it be
a natural thing for him?

I mean, that's what
my family's done for 100 years.

But it went from, you know,
tony was your mentor

To now tony being
kind of a thorn in your side.

Yes and no.
I mean, that's a highlight reel.

Yeah, that makes it look
particularly bad.

We have a functioning
business relationship,

And I have a huge amount
of respect for tony

Because --
what do you want?

[ Laughs ]

I've already got it.
No, I've already got it.

Look at
where I have gotten

Because if the doors
that tony's opened for me.


Gone from finding 36 ounces
or whatever --

34 Ounces four years ago
to doing that in some days now.

You know, I owe that
completely to tony, right?

Because ground is what makes
or breaks a gold miner.

Now, is there anything
in particular,

Probably in that tape,

That you feel
particularly bad about?

What are you getting at?

Like, is there anything
you just regret?

I mean, I'm a little bit
more of a hothead

Than I should be, but...

Like when he called him
a beep-hole.

You mean that one?

Is that what
we're fooling around --

That's kind of
an ingenious line,

Even tony will admit that.

That's the one
that I would regret.

I did regret that
after I said it,

And I actually asked
the producers,

"Hey, you think you could,

Maybe cut that out?

And he immediately --

Immediately said, "no,
that's going in the show."

He immediately starred it.

Yeah, probably.
Highlighted it.

That disc got put in a gold box
and sent to london.

It was texted to london.

All this b.s. Aside,

I think tony and I do have
a good relationship,

And 10 years from now,
I have no doubt

That we'll sit down
and have some beers together

And still be good friends.

you think that's true?

As long as he buys.

[ Chuckles ] cheapskate.


Doyle: tony's confident

That his dredge will clean up
next season.

Tony: do we got to get it going?
Yes, definitely.

Will it run for years?
Yeah, I do think so.

Doyle: but one miner has doubts
that the viking will catch

Nearly as much gold
as he thinks.

I'll put 25 ounces
that that thing does not do

Anywhere near what
tony's numbers are saying.

There's no way.

The boxers are the most
comfortable thing in the world.

We're talking about boxers.

Hey, let's roll!

Woman: everybody's getting
good gifts over here.

Tony doesn't wear

Todd wears
whitey tighties.


Wow, this is off
to a good start.

[ Laughter ]

Tony, it's the 11th hour.

You finally got gold
in that dredge.

We saw it in the pan.
How good did that feel?

When we finally took
the gold out,

Took that pan,
was a great moment.

that's pretty cool, tony.

Yeah, that was awesome.

Yeah, I think
not a lot of people

Thought you would get
that far.

No. Well, I mean,
the way it went.

But at the end of the day,
like I say, we accomplished it.

We had gold in the runs.
I think it was great.

So you now think,
based on that pan,

That you can
get that thing going

And get a ton of gold
next year.

We're not talking about
a ton of gold,

But that we're gonna
get it going?

Yes, definitely.

Will it be successfully?
Will it run for years?

Yeah, I do think so.

Todd, is tony's dredge
gonna work next year?

It's gonna work, but it's not
gonna work like he thinks.

I think he's gonna have
some serious issues with it.

His cost per yard's
gonna go down.

You look at the amount
of moving parts

That it takes you or I
to get a piece of dirt

From the ground
to our sluice box.

I know it in theory.

But it's 2%
of the moving parts.

He's still got to strip.
You've still got to run a dozer.

So what?

I'm saying it a no go.
I don't think he's --

I think tony --

You guys just don't have
a dirt-moving imagination.

Well, maybe we don't.

History don't lie, gentlemen.
These dredges have --

Then why aren't they
still running, tony?

Well, the first time
they shut down

of the gold rush.

Why aren't they
still running now?

Who has the ground
to run it, todd?

And then who has the ground
to run them?

I got ground.

No, you don't.

[ Laughs ]

He's saying your ground
is terrible.

Is it?
Well, we'll find out.

Because you're not ready.
Your ground is froze.

Yeah, I think
tony has a plan.

Are you sure
you're not over your head?

[ Laughs ]

Not even close.

[ Laughs ]
not even close.

I don't know
if I would say tony's --

I'm gonna step out
on a limb here.

I don't think he grew up
with confidence issues, do you?

[ Laughing ]
no, I don't think so.

[ Laughter ]

I'm just firing the guy up
a little bit.

So you have a plan.

Don't start without one.

Tony always has a plan,

Are you gonna make a bet
right now?

I'll put 25 ounces
that that thing does not do

Anywhere near what
tony's numbers are saying.

There's no way.

When you come to the yukon,
what did they say?

You don't predict the gold price
and the weather.

As for how many ounces
I'm gonna get,

I just don't get
into these things.

You cannot regulate that.

What you do is you get in there,
do the best you can.

Okay, I'll bet you that
you won't do the best you can.

[ Laughter ]

What we can bet on is
cost per yard.

At the end of the day,

It doesn't matter who's mining
or who's doing what.

Not how many ounces
you took out.

What do you actually bring in
at the end of the day?

That's true.
Cost per yard.

How come you almost
squished your kids

Like four times?

Tony: hammer, kevin.


We're sketchy as [bleep]

Watch out, kevin!

You almost squished
monica and your boy.

Every other episode,
somebody almost got squished.

We're all worried.

If they were
a little skinnier,

They wouldn't have
that problem.

Now, would they?
[ Laughs ]

Don't you love
your family?

That's what the fans
are probably asking.

How else they gonna learn
to get out of the way?

Here's how you learn
how to swim.

You just throw them
in there.

I don't think you can use
the pain-association trick

With like
10,000-pound parts.

Just don't think that's
a good parenting technique.

But I'm not the parent here.
I'm no the parent here.

You don't think social services
will go with that, do you?

Todd, I very rarely
give you praise,

But I'm gonna
praise you here.

Now I know what
your wife feels like.

[ Sighs ]


You got 300 more ounces
than your goal.

Thanks, man.
That's unheard of for you.

That's pretty big for us.

What's the ripple effect?
How good did it make you feel?

It feels good.
It encourages us.

And we're gonna go
pretty big next year.

We got to come back.
We got to drill holes.

We know what we're doing,
know where we want to go.

And hopefully,
we can pull it off.

Now, when we started
the season,

You were
a completely broken man.

Who's with me?

I'm out, todd.

I'm out.

Dude, I'm out.

Doyle: did you every think
you'd get to where you got to?

I mean,
what are the chances?

It wasn't just
the start of the season, man.

I mean, I was taking
a lot of hand grenades

All the way through
till I get there.

So, yeah, we started out bad,
and we came back from the ashes.

Now we got a foothold.

And we got drill holes.
We got a home to come back to.

Laugh if you want,

But we're gonna be
the guys to beat next year.

That's a big,
bold prediction.

Yeah, it is.

todd and parker make nice...

Kind of.

Todd: I'll apologize
if I need to apologize.

I'm a work in progress
for sure.

Parker, do you need
to apologize to todd

For anything said
in the past?

We're competitive.
It's kind of a competition.

That's the closest thing
you're gonna get

To an apology
out of parker.


All right,
right now we're gonna decide

What season does the season end
in just a bra?

Tv years is almost like
five regular years.

So we're gonna look pretty old
in season 12.

That's a good question.
Who wins in a fight?

All three of you guys?
Just a thunderdome.

Dude, you got to go with
the big dog.

[ Laughs ]

Now, look,
everybody knows

That you guys have
a little bit of tension,

A little bit of history.

Nobody's gonna fight, christo,
by the way.

I don't want
anyone to fight.

Yeah, you do.
No, I don't.

Yeah, he does.

I want to say right now
if there's anything, like,

That I've ever said
about parker or whatever

That maybe was uncalled for
or whatever,

I can apologize
for any of that kind of stuff

'Cause there's always
a little bit of tension.

There probably always will be
with me and this kid.

We're completely
two different guys.

You know, I'll apologize
if I need to apologize.

I'm a work in progress
for sure.

Parker, do you need
to apologize to todd

For anything said
in the past?

I've never meant anything
by it, you know?

I mean, we're competitive.
It's kind of a competition.

Isn't it?


I'll take that.
I'll accept your apology.

[ Laughs ]
I'm just kidding.

I'm not asking him
to say anything.

That wasn't even an attempt
at an apology.

I look at this
no differently

Than talking crap
on the basketball court.

To me,
there's no difference.


"I'm gonna beat you."

Some of my best friends
that I played basketball with,

I was a foul-mouthed
high schooler,

And, you know,
off the court it was --

We were fine.
They're friends.

But I respected them,
you know?

You look at what todd's created
with "gold rush"

And everything that he's done
in the last four years,

And it's an incredible

Not too many people in the world
can say that.

Hey, that means a lot
that you said that to me.

I appreciate that.


That's the closest thing
you're gonna get

To an apology
out of parker.


You know what?
That's --

But it's true, too.

I'll take it.
That was cool.

Parker, now, I know it might be
a little uncomfortable,

And we don't have to
get nasty at all,

But what do you think
todd did wrong this year?


I don't want to sit here
and pick at his operation.

One thing
you mentioned before --

Don't ask me that, 'cause I'm
not gonna comment on anything,

'Cause I really --

He moved around a lot,
did a lot of things, and --

But moving the wash plant
closer to your pay

Is one that is very
controversial up there, right?

The problem is this.
You got to understand something.

I don't have water over there.

I only have water in one spot.

And I needed to stay.

We made the decision
to stay near our water.

Next year, our plant's gonna be

At the other end
of the property.

We got to do some water-piping
for next year.

But is there anything you guys
can learn from each other?

I mean, learn from tony?

I mean, do you guys ever
trade information off camera

That we don't know about?

I've had six wash plants
on the show,

And some of those are used

By other people
sitting at this table.

I mean, I'm good at bringing
equipment to the table,

and things like that.

[ Laughs ]

Are we gonna
get into this?

Just give me one.

No, I'm not gonna engage
with you, todd.

[ Laughs ]

Let's don't do it.
Let's go.

There's so much
good stuff there.

Let's end on a high, man.
You want to stay high?

Yeah, man, stay high.
You can't give me --

He's from oregon.
Of course he does.

You can't give me what parker
should have done differently?

No, I'm not gonna tell --

Every one of us has to make
our own decisions,

And how do we know?

And from the looks of it,

Parker really kicked some ass,
had some great guys.

His problems's probably gonna be
next year to see who --

If he burned bridges or not.

As far as tony goes,
you know what?

He just went out on a limb, man.

Tony: every viking needs a ship.
That is mine.

The monster comes alive.

Todd: it was cool
seeing it all come together.

Whether he's gonna build a mine
as cheap as he says,

I doubt it.

But what the heck
do I know, man?

I grew up in the city.

Tony, what about you?

Would you ever give todd advice
on things he should do?

Yeah, tony.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

What should
todd do differently?

Get up in the morning,
go to work.

Right? I mean,
who the hell am i?

We all do it different
out there.

Only thing that counts
is on the end of the day.

Everyone does it different
up there?

Yeah, pretty much.

You may say whatever
you want to say about tony,

And there's people
that like him,

There's people
that don't like him.

But the way he loves his wife
and his kids is pretty cool.

[ Laughs ]

For some of us,
that's a big deal.

I don't want to make him cry.
He's pretty sensitive.

Pretty sentimental guy,
you know?

We did learn that he's
kind of a big teddy bear.

Kind of.

He definitely looks
more like a teddy bear

With the city beard,

But the claim beard
is terrifying.

The thing is, he probably
wears that little vest

When he goes to sleep
at night.

With pajama bottoms.

Picture that.

I think only the vest.

[ Laughs ]
just the vest?

Don't picture that.

Now, parker,
is there still stuff

For you to learn
from tony?

Or are you now
in this landlord relationship?

I've seen tony and his crew
do a lot of fixes and stuff

That it's like,
"you're doing how with what?"

You know, with some welding rod
and a torch

And just
getting things going.

I still learn quite a bit
from him.

There's a lot to be learned
from everybody up there.

I really enjoy
being in an area

Where there's a lot
of different mines,

And there's all sorts
of different styles

And ways
of doing things.

So, tony, have you learned
anything from me at all?

[ Laughter ]

That's my favorite question
so far.

[ Laughs ]

What have you learned?

Have you been able to pick up
any few things,

Like, from my operation,

How to name wash plants.

Yeah. I'm the best
at naming wash plants.

Best at naming
wash plants.

I'm gonna name this plant
right now.

I'm gonna call it...monster red.

Best flag
over my wash plants.

You do have a giant flag.

It's part of the game.

Wait. What counts more?

How much gold comes out,
or how big the flag is?

I'm not answering that.
I'm not gonna go there.

I think
we're gonna cut that out.

That was mean.

[ Laughs ]
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