05x06 - Cursed Cut

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gold Rush". Aired: December 3, 2010 –present.*
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Reality based series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada, as well as in the U.S. state of Alaska.
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05x06 - Cursed Cut

Post by bunniefuu »

up in the klondike,

Parker schnabel
is in a world of trouble.

[ Groans ]

A flooded cut...

That's all
supposed to be dry.

...a waterlogged pump...

The thing was
completely under water.

...and a severed pipe...

Okay, I'm in.

...are drowning his hopes
of a 2,000-ounce season.

I mean, this could be
the last nail in the coffin.

Dave turin is done taking orders
from todd hoffman.

We either go big
or we might as well go home.

But straight away, working
as partners creates conflict.

Dave's wrong
on that cut.

And dave goes out on a limb...

...pushing his equipment...

His sanity...

And his new partnership
to the limit.

We came into this
as partners.

I think
we're wasting our time.

In an attempt to get his ancient
dredge catching gold...

...tony beets
puts his daughter to work.

Okay. You ready?

20-Year-old monica
moves the longest part

Of his massive machine...

...but she's in over her head,

And tony's million-dollar gamble
hangs in the balance.

Whoa, whoa,
you're into the bank. Stop.

Captions paid for by
discovery communications

A third of the way
through the season,

Parker schnabel
has mined 263 ounces,

Worth around $316,000,

Barely 1/8 of what he needs

To hit his 2,000-ounce goal.

Parker: what the...

Narrator: the last thing
he needs now is another setback.

[ Groans ]

That's all supposed to be dry.

And the water's supposed to be
over there.

Narrator: overnight, the dam
between parker's tailings pond

And his cut washed away.

All his pay dirt is flooded.

Parker: what we were gonna haul
as pay today is buried.

[Bleep] of a way
to start a morning.

And the only thing
that made this cut work

Was that it was simple and easy,

And this is actually quite
expensive and complicated

And a massive pain in my ass.

parker's string of bad luck

Is taking a toll on his men...

I don't -- I don't know what --

I mean -- I mean,
everything could go wrong.

[ Engine sputters ]

...his machines...

It's not good.


Narrator:...and even on his
14-week-old puppy, dozer.


[ Dozer barking ]

Dude, I think this place
is cursed.

Yeah, no kidding.

Dave kroeker,
one of parker's operators,

Believes these setbacks
are no coincidence.

I think it was back in the '80s,

There was a husband and wife
mining out on this corner,

And she was fooling around

And trying to take off
with his gold.

And he put a g*n to her head
and pulled the trigger.

Some people say
they've seen her ghost.

Narrator: parker's cursed cut
has another surprise in store.

What happened here?

His pay dirt
isn't the only thing

That was submerged
when the dam burst.

What happened?

Flood in the pump?

The thing was
completely under water?

Right to the picking eye.

Where's the hoses?

They got ripped off.

You can let her down,


That's what we needed
this morning.

It came in pretty quick,

It pushed it 50 feet,

But it ripped
that suction hose off.

Do you know if it was running
when it went under?

We're not sure yet,
but it had that float switch on,

So there's a very good chance
it was.

That means
we're looking at the engine

right full of water.

We won't be able
to turn it,

'Cause that'll bend
all the push rods.

That could mean
busted cylinders.

We need that pump
in the cut, so...

We're gonna have to tear the
engine down, drain the water.

All right, well, let's tear it
apart and see what you can do,

But without this pump,
we're not sluicing.

we'll get right on it.

Do what you can, I guess.

Narrator: without a pump,

Parker's mine
is at a standstill.


This cut's gonna be
the death of this place.

10 Miles away,
at mckinnon creek...

...dave turin is back
with the hoffman crew.

I'm here to move dirt,

Get the guys motivated,
and get a lot of gold.

Narrator: this season,
dave's not a hired hand.

He's invested
$500,000 in equipment

To become a 50/50 partner
with todd.

todd and I are partners,

But I'm the guy
running the mining.

And I'm making the decisions,
and that's how it's gonna be.

as head of mining operations,

Dave's first task is to assess
the crew's work in the cut.

Hey, logan.

hey. How's it going?

How's the plant running?

It's running.
The shifts have been sporadic.

Nobody knows
when they're working.

This many guys, we need to be
running more dirt.

Turin: hey, jack.

How's it going?

Kind of slow.

Hey, I'm just glad
you're here, 'cause...

it's nice to be here.

...they won't listen
to me.

It looks a little chaotic,
but we'll figure it out.

Turin: well,
the crew is kind of scattered.

It's kind of chaos here.

They're just not
getting it done.

Narrator: dave identifies
some basic problems.

He's ready to make big changes.

Todd: tell me
what you're thinking, man.

We need to open up
some new cuts.

We were mining there,

Because it's convenient
and it's close.

I've been looking
at these maps.

I think the good gold's
down here by these spots here.

There's $27 a yard.

At this end,
it goes clear up to $31 a yard.

I think we just get started
opening up this huge cut

And work our way
towards this big gold.

I don't want to strip off
the top layer

And not get to the pay dirt
because it's frozen.

I brought the equipment.

We've got the men
that want to work.

We're gonna put in
the hours,

And that ground
is where it's gonna happen.

And you're serious
about that?

I'm dead serious.

That's 20 hours a day,

We either go big
or we might as well go home.

Okay. You're a partner now,
dave. It's on you.

dave's master plan

Is for the crew to finish up
running thawed dirt

In the old cut,

While he goes on ahead
in his dozer

To investigate where the drill
map shows the best gold.

Turin: this is what I've been
dreaming about.

And the good thing is,
I'm mining it my way.

I'm just hoping and praying
I'm -- ow --

Not one of those guys
that come to the klondike

And lose a bunch of money.

Narrator: 20 miles north,
the beets family camp.

For nearly two months,

Tony beets has been dismantling
a gold mining dredge

That hasn't run in 27 years.

His mission --

Get it up and running
by the end of the season.

All right, guys.

Tony is way behind schedule.

Minnie: you're late.
Time is running out.

Good for you.

So, where are we at
with the dredge?

You're supposed to
have it out by now.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, but...

It's, like, 90 feet long.

Oh, that five feet's
gonna make a difference.

Okay. Don't like it,
but I'll try.

Kevin: no, there is no try.
There is only do or do not.

God sakes, kevin.

I hate you.

Do my best.

Narrator: the conveyor
is the longest part

Of the 210-foot dredge.

It carries tailings
out of the wash plant

And dumps them behind

The self-contained
gold-catching machine.

Without a working conveyor,

The dredge can't shift tailings
and will never catch gold.

Monica and doug,
the semitruck driver,

Have to transport
the 75-year-old conveyor

86 Miles to paradise hill
without damaging it.

Monica: we've got to get
this out today, one piece,

And I want this to be safe.

Nobody really knows
how it's gonna turn out

Until we get going with it.

the conveyor hangs 30 feet

Off the back of the trailer.

The end here is sticking out
a bit far for my liking,

But that's how tony wants it.

Monica: ready, doug?

Narrator: ahead of them,

30 Miles
of mountainous dirt roads

Before they even reach
the highway.

Ooh, baby.

Monica leads
to look out for any trouble.

I'm just keeping an eye on doug.

I just want to make sure
he's good.

Narrator: keeping tabs at
the rear is ryan, tony's pilot.

Good times.

That's if everything
goes okay.

I wanted to go to town tonight.

just an hour into the journey,

They hit their first
major obstacle.

Doug crawls through the creek
and up the far side.

It's definitely
down into the water. Whoa.

Doug is spinning out,
trying to get up that hill.

you're into the bank. Stop.

Narrator: the bank's too steep
for the 30-foot overhang.

and he's spinning hard.

how far are we dragging?

Narrator: just 5 miles
into an 86-mile trek,

Monica has run the conveyor
into the creek bed.

Yeah, let's hope
it's not damaged.

Doug: [bleep]

Narrator: monica beets
is transporting

Her father's dredge conveyor,

But just 2 miles
into an 86-mile trek,

Her convoy is in deep trouble.

The conveyor's 30-foot overhang
has run aground in the creek.

Doug is stuck
in the creek right now.

We need him out, like,
five minutes ago.

Oh, hold onto your britches.

Ah! Rocks on the road!

This road is [bleep]

Narrator: monica races
up the track to get her loader.

Her plan -- use the power
of the 20-ton machine

To pull the lowboy free.

To go in the loader.


I don't care
if they set up or not.

I'm just going.

I hate this thing.

Get that truck to back up.

Back up, back up, back up.
Thank you.

20-year-old monica

Grew up
on her dad's klondike claim.

She's been driving a loader
since she was 12, and it shows.

But until she can make it
back to the creek,

There's nothing the guys can do.

Back it up.

Doug's got that cable,
if you want to guide me back,

So you can hook me up.

Do you want to be
the eyes?

Ryan: yeah.

Monica will use
the 214-horsepower loader

To drag the truck up the bank.

Okay, ready?

Yeah. Hold on.
Just tighten her up.

[ Engine revving ]

Despite bottoming out,

The 75-year-old conveyor
is undamaged.

How's it feeling,

It's feeling good.

I wouldn't want
the wrath of your father

If something broke.

Nobody wants that.

At scribner creek,

Parker's crew is scrambling
to rebuild the dam

That keeps their tailings pond
from flooding their cut.

Beaudry: hopefully,
it won't flood out again.

but with their drainage pump

A casualty of the flood,
the only way to drain the cut

Is to commandeer the pump
from the wash plant.

With that plant not running,
nobody's making a nickel.

You good?


You ready, mike?

You betcha.

[ Engine turns over ]

Here we go.

We needed two pumps.
We have one.

This is a major headache.

This here's a migraine.

Narrator: parker's operation
is at a standstill.

It will take two days
to pump the cut dry.

Gene uses the downtime
to take care of business

Back in juneau, alaska.

Just getting ready
to head home here for a few days

And pick up some parts.

I'm looking forward to getting
out of here and getting home.

Narrator: mechanic mike starts
stripping down the flooded pump.

Beaudry: worst case scenario
with the pump being flooded

Would be that it was running.

It did get water inside.

Could be bad.

Could be really bad.

Some water for your engine.

The deeper we get,
the worse it's looking.

She'll be hydrolocked right up,
right now.

Narrator: if it's hydrolocked,
the $40,000 pump is toast.

In an engine,
air and fuel are compressed

By a piston before igniting.

Because water is a liquid,
it can't be compressed.

In the hydrolock,
water sucked into the chamber

Can destroy the pistons
and the rods.

Chief mechanic mitch
suspects the pump is a goner.

They don't normally
come back to life

After you drown them
like that.

It's a $40,000 pump here.

So...and we're pretty hooped
without it.

I mean, this could be
the last nail in the coffin

For the swamp cut,
quite honestly.

The valve train itself
looks good.

We'll just pull the push rod,
check it.

And, fortunately...

All the rods
are nice and straight,

So that means we didn't get any
water in a compression stroke

Before it kicked itself off.

That's going back on.

I mean, I'm pretty happy
the rods aren't bent.

[ Sighs ]
well, that's a relief.

[ Chuckles ]

Hit the trigger
and see what it does.

You might want
to step back.

All clear.

[ Engine sputters ]

We might have to
get creative.

You reckon?

That's the brain?
That's the brain.

It normally goes
when they get wet.

And basically,
what I'm trying to do

Is bypass
all this important stuff here

And just get power
to the right wires

On the outside of the panel.

Narrator: mitch makes
the radical decision

To bypass the computer
that controls the pump

And hot-wire the pump's engine.

You ready?

Beaudry: you betcha.
Give her...

[ Engine sputters ]

Got smoke
coming out of there.

[ Engine sputters ]

Oh, yeah.

That's what we're
looking for.

I think you got lucky.

Yeah, I mean,
it's much needed luck, for once.

[ Engine sputters, turns over ]

We'll set a rod here
and run it and make sure
it doesn't blow up,

But it sounds pretty good.

Narrator: the push fix
just saved parker $40,000

And precious days of mining.

Wow. Good job, guys.

I'm [bleep] impressed.

at mckinnon creek...

Okay, logan.
Come on back.

...dave turin's
calling the sh*ts.


He now has the hoffman crew
working on a new cut

That he hopes will deliver
$30 a yard.

But the ground's not giving up
any gold without a fight.

Holy cow.
This is weird, dude.

Not real sure
why it's so tight.

Andy, you need to come down here
and look at this.

be right there, dave.

Dave's used to digging
permafrost, frozen dirt,

But this cut
has a thick layer of solid ice

Blocking his way to pay gravel.

[ Sighs ]

What's going on, dave?

This is ridiculous.

I've never dealt
with ice like this.

Holy smokes.

Look at that.

I think we've uncovered
a solid ice lake.

You got about, what,
five feet of ice?

I think we're gonna have

The gold below this
is worth it.

We'll just wear out
a few ripper teeth.

I don't think
this is the way to mine.

dave faces a dilemma --

Stay and fight the ice

Or go in search of new,
easier ground.

I say we stick with it,
and let's finish this cut.

[ Sighs ]

And let's not quit now.

Dave tells the crew
to keep battling the ice,

While he heads into town
to buy more ripper teeth.

But his business partner, todd,
has other plans.

He calls andy into his trailer.

What's up?

I think we got a problem.

We didn't plan for three feet
of black, hard ice.

We just don't have
enough time left

To do that kind
of stripping.

I think our only chance is gonna
be on this hillside over here.

You know what, though?
Dave's not gonna be happy.

Plain and simple,

Dave's wrong on that cut,
and you know it.

[ Sighs ] yeah.

[ Chuckles ]

Narrator: at mckinnon creek,
dave turin has the hoffman crew

Battling through a layer
of solid ice

To reach pay dirt
worth $30 a yard.

Todd and dave agree that,
as an equal partner,

Dave would run
the mining operation.

But behind his back,

Todd's looking
for easier ground to mine.

Todd: if my assumption
is correct,

I don't think that this ground
on the hillside is as frozen.

Spinks: if we can do it
with that excavator,

It'll be half as much in cost
versus using a dozer.

All right, well, andy,
wherever you think, man,

I want you to jump in
with that excavator.

See, this here is soft.

We could probably strip
twice as much ground up here

Than what dave wants to do
down here.

I don't think
dave is gonna like the idea,

But we've got to come up
with another plan.

that's gravel right there.

That is.

That's frickin' gravel,
and that ain't frozen.

Well, that took me about
a minute and a half.

That's all gravel,
right there.

I'm gonna go ahead
and get a pan in there.

Bingo. Jackpot.

This doesn't even have
any water in it.

It's bone dry.

That'll be a good test
right there.

Come on over here, andy.

Spinks: see that one?
Todd: yeah.

a little chunkier piece.


There's a lot of little pieces,

But what's cool is,
there's two bigger chunks.

That's probably 9 bucks
a yard.

We'd be fools not to mine this,
and I mean fools.

Narrator: at clear creek,
tony beets and son kevin

their aging gold factory.

If they can get the dredge
up and running,

Tony believes
his million-dollar investment

Could produce $350,000 of gold
a week.

With the rear gantry down...


...they can finally reach
the giant spud.

The spud anchors the dredge
into the ground.

When the monster mining machine
is operational,

The spud acts as a pivot,

Allowing the dredge
to swing back and forth,

Cutting an arc
through the pay dirt.

Tony's spud
has been stuck in the mud

Since the dredge last ran
in 1987,

A year
before kevin was even born.

It's one of the vital parts
of how the dredge [bleep] runs,

So we don't really have
the option to leave it here.

We don't know if it's in
the ground 10 feet or 20 feet.

Feeling tremors in the deck.

It must be stuck deeper
in the ground than I thought,

And it's just holding onto it,

Like when you get your boot
stuck in mud.

Same thing. [ Slurps ]

Jerry: we are at 29,000.

I don't want to bust that cable

And have everything go flying
in the air.

if tony can't get this spud out,

There's no way he'll get
the dredge mining this season.

every 30 years or so,

You really should
move your dredge.

[ Laughs ]

How far you figure
that thing's stuck in there?

I say no more than five.

You're gonna be
buying the beer.


Five feet.

Yeah, it is.

I'm closer.
I win.

That is a chunk of metal,

Tony: oh, yeah.

That sounds good,
doesn't it?

over at scribner creek,

Parker's crew has finally shaken
off the curse of the swamp cut.

They've lost three days
of mining,

But they've pumped out
the flood water.

And they're back, moving dirt.

what the [bleep]

What's --
[ sighs ] what's he done?

Man #2: he k*lled the water
to the plant.

k*lled it?
Parker: no way.

and now the plant's dead.

Oh [bleep]


I'm an idiot.

What happened?

Well, I just [bleep] blew
through the [bleep] pipeline.

Chris is screwed now.

You know,
as soon as that material

Doesn't have the water flowing
with it, it's just [bleep]

Yeah, well,
that's a proper [bleep]

Narrator: after only six hours
of running pay dirt,

Big red is at a standstill
once again.

Parker accidentally tore through
a buried water pipe

With the ripper blade
on his dozer.

Oh, we lost water
to the wash plant.

Ha, now I know why.


Parker: there's probably
easier ways

For me to give you
the rest of the day off.

I saw water
come out of the bank,

And I'm like,
"no. N-no."

And then, I saw a lot of water
coming out of the bank,

And I'm like, "[bleep]"

Hey, things happen,
you know?

Not for me.

That kind of [bleep]
doesn't happen to me.


That's gonna be
a [bleep] to fuse.

I don't know how to use
that fusion machine, do you?

I've watched gene
use that one.

First time for everything,

Heck of a day for this to happen
without gene here.

I'm -- actually, I'm glad,
except he'll find out.

If gene watches tv,
he'll find out.

Gene would probably be
a little pissed.

'Cause who knows? I might
[bleep] some more stuff up.

I'm not quite done
in my destructive mood.

Damn it. Stupid idiot.

to have any hope of hitting

His $2.4 million season goal,

Parker's crew needs
to fix the pipe, fast.

But no one has a clue how to use
gene's pipe-fusing machine.

Doumitt: gene's not here,
and he's kind of like the master

Of the fusing machine.

So, we all elected mike
to take his place.

Mike didn't know it.

Now he does.

Beaudry: this will be
the first time for me.

But, at a time like this,
you do what you got to do

To keep things rolling, right?

Doumitt: they're pulling
the pipe up out of the ground,

So we get some slack.

So, we get both ends and up
and into the fusing machine.

So, it will fuse it, fix it,
and put it back in the ground.


Okay, that'll go that way.

Set her down.

Ow. It bit me.
You good?

I'll survive.

Gene's a professional
with this.

We're amateurs.

Not yet.

We'll be an amateur
at the end of the day, maybe.

Narrator: to fuse the pipe,
they first have to shave

A quarter inch off each end
to even them up.

Beaudry: it's working.

Doumitt: well,
even if we don't get it fused,

At least one face
will be flat.

Have a little faith
in this operation.

I do have little faith
in this operation.

That's not how it looks
when gene does it.


I don't know.

Cut it until it's
one continuous curl.

Like that?

There we go.

Think it's
cutting it off

In a nice, clean, flat face,
so they butt up together.

Well, don't cut it all off,
'cause we need some to melt.

I know. I know.

Looks good to me.

Narrator: they put the two ends
up against each other...

I think it just rolled back
on you, mike.

And watch your fingers.


The three stooges
right here.

Narrator: the machine uses
heat and pressure

To join the ends of the pipe

this thing ain't hot enough.

What's it at?

What should it be at?

But it's set for 475.

Well, it might just take
a little longer to warm up.

Beaudry: if you get a cold weld,
it'll just fall apart.

And if the weld is too hot,
same thing.

It's just not proper.

All done.

we put this back in the same
place, gene will never know.

Bury that busted-up pipe.

I got it, parker.
You get in the beast.

like it never even happened.

at mckinnon creek,

Todd hoffman's
not honoring his agreement

To let dave turin make
all the mining decisions.

He's pulled
the entire hoffman crew

Off dave's $30-a-yard cut

To mine thawed ground
worth just $9 a yard.

Spinks: you know, if you ask for
a perfect day of gold mining,

Today is it.

Dirt's thawed.

Trucks are rolling in steady.

Dirt's coming
out of the ground fast.

It's exactly what we want.

It's perfect.

Narrator: todd hasn't told dave
about the change of plan.

This isn't gonna go good.

Give us a little room.

Hey, what the hell's
going on here?

Why are we up here?

We should be down there
in that cut.

Watching you strip
down there, dave,

I came to the conclusion,

We're never gonna get any gold
this year.

So, I sent andy up here,
and guess what?

We just dug all the way
to gravels.

The best drill results
were down there at the bottom,

And I just want to stick
to our plan.

There's a reason
why nobody's gone in there

And got the gold
out of there,

Because it's
a sheet of ice.

This is a partnership.

We came into this
as partners.

I call the sh*ts
on the mining.

You know what? I'm gonna finish
what we started.

Well, you know what?

We stuck to the jungle, too,

And that didn't work out
so good.

You can't strip ice, dave.
I'm telling you.

You can't do it.

after less than a week,

Their partnership
is already falling apart.

Beaudry: all clear.

parker's crew is ready

To test the pipe
they've just fixed.

Doumitt: if our fix works,

We should have water
coming out the white pipe

In just a couple few minutes,
one way or the ch-- other.

We'll know.

There she is.

the fix has worked,

But they've forgotten
to secure the pipe.

It's whipping, isn't it?
Where'd it go?

to get it under control,

Chris diverts the water
up to the wash plant...

Look behind you.

But that just
makes things worse.

Man: what's going on,

Beaudry: I was told
to turn the pump off.

Something at the plant's
not right.

is your camera all right?

We're good? We're good.
[ Chuckles ]

Just another day in paradise.

at scribner creek,

It's the end of parker's
week from hell.

Right on schedule,

Tony beets shows up
to collect his cut.

Parker: hi, tony.

good, how are you?

Well, I'm doing better now
that this week's almost over.

It was pretty violent.

Our berm blew
and we buried a pump.

On top of that, I tore through
our pipeline with our dozer.

I mean, it's like we're cursed
or something.

I can guarantee you,
this ain't breaking any records.

Tony: 20.

Whoa-ho-oh-ho, 30.



Less than half.

Pretty disappointing,

Oh, well.




Yeah, I mean,
that's depressing, you know?

You know?
There you go.

Not putting a very big dent
in that jar lately.

Thanks, tony.

Parker's cursed week
brings his gold total

To just 305 ounces,
worth $366,000.

His $2.4 million season goal

Is looking
more and more unlikely.

At mckinnon creek,
todd and dave are in a standoff.

Todd has the hoffman crew mining
easy, low-paying ground,

While dave's
on a one-man mission

To reach the richest pay
on their claim.

I might need a miracle
to get this thing done.

It's starting to kick my ass.

Right now,
what I'm experiencing

Is, it's warm weather,
and this ice is melting.

And it's turning into mud,

And the problem is,
I just can't get any traction.

Narrator: dave's fight with
a melting sheet of buried ice

Is turning into a muddy battle.

Come on.

It's just not working.

Come on. Come on.

Narrator: he wrestles
with his 53-ton machine,

Just to keep it moving.

Turin: no.

Come on.

Narrator: but he just keeps
losing traction...

Turin: ugh!

Narrator: ...every time
his dozer sinks into the mud.

Damn it.

Oh, man.

dave's fighting a losing battle.

This is what I was dealt.

It looks to be, like,
six to eight feet of solid ice.

Todd wanted to go after
the easy stuff.

I tried to prove a point,

And I think I stayed with this
too long.

I can't get to the gold
that's under here.

I think this cut's done.

I think it's beaten me.

Narrator: a defeated dave
retreats to the higher cut,

Where todd and crew have been
digging pay dirt without him

For four days.

I think I need to quit.

I think I let my pride
get ahold of me on that cut.

And I'll be honest with you,
you might be right.

That thing's
kicking my butt.

I don't want to be right.

I just want to get gold.

I don't care.

Well, we need you up here, dave,
not down there.

And it's digging pretty easy,

It's going good, dave.

He's opening up so much ground
every day. It's nuts.

We'll do it a lot faster
when we get that dozer

And get you up here
with us.

Because with you up here,
we could kick some ass.

You know that.

All right, man.
Let's work together.

All right.
Get the dozer.

All right.

on the next "gold rush"...

How are you?

...parker's parents
give him a reality check.

We need another dozer.

Geez. You don't have the money
to buy a new dozer.

Desperate to make up
for lost time,

Tony beets puts his dredge's
nerve center in danger.

He's gonna rip
the building apart.

Dude, just pour it.

Narrator: and the hoffmans
get just enough gold...

Yeah! Nice!

...to swing a deal

For one of the biggest
wash plants in the klondike.

Come on, girl.

And todd finally has
a real chance at redemption.

now comes the hard work.

And, hopefully, we'll come out
here with a pile of gold.
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