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04x13 - Thanksgiving

Posted: 02/15/10 17:12
by bunniefuu
I brought you your stuff.

Never pictured you as a snow globe kind of guy.

My mom gave me that one.

You Tim Riggins?

We need to ask you a few questions about some missing cars.

You're a good dude.

And Jess, she deserves the best.

I'm glad you two are together.

What if I don't want to have the baby?

You provided this girl the information to get her child aborted.

I did not, ma'am.

We spent some time last night preparing a statement for the press.

We've lined up a reporter who's friendly for an interview.

Paul, this is an apology.

I'm being... And you'll get to keep your job.

Rodell: Let's remember this is a classic rivalry, but a friendly rivalry as well.

So that we can move forward to what I hope is a long tradition of our subway series, our Big Cat Clash.

Yeah. Let's hear it.


Let's bring our two coaches together to show us how we come together, instead of fall apart.

Good luck.

Good luck.

Rodell: And let's bring our team captains together, too.

These gentlemen have led their teams to victory and one of them is going to do it one more time.

We know how to get along in this town.

I think we can all come together and say, "Go, Cats, go.

Go, Cats, go.

"Go, Cats, go.

Go, Cats, go. "


How many cars were there?

Uh, a few.

A few. Five?

More than five?

It was...

It was more than five.

More than five?

Baby, we're trying to have a meeting here, okay?

Seriously, look, we didn't steal the cars.

The charge isn't theft, it's trafficking in stolen merchandise.

How much time?

Well, neither of you have serious records.

You both have a drunk and disorderly.

Billy, you've got the two petty theft convictions.

You have two petty theft convictions?

Baby, it's not like you're a saint either, you know.

Remember where we met.


I'm sorry.

Look, I think I can make a deal.

Plead guilty to the trafficking charges, and get you off the hook on the tax evasion, the accessory to grand theft auto.

If I can get you that deal, you're looking at about one to five years.



Julie Taylor, you come on in here, girl.

Mrs. Saracen, how are you?

It's so good to see you.

Oh, it's good to see you.

I can't stay long.

I just came over to see
if you wanted a ride to Thanksgiving at our house since Shelby's out of town.

Well, no, 'cause Matthew's got that rental car and we'll just come over there in that, darling.

Matt's in Chicago.

Oh, well, but...

You know what, honey, why don't I make that leek and onion casserole.

Think I got the recipe.

It's actually better than it sounds.

Taylor: Friday night, you're going to be challenged like you have never been challenged before.

The question flying around town is, "Can the Dillon Panthers be beat?"

Do we have the resources they have?

Do we have the Booster dollars they have, the experience they have?

No, we don't.

Are we playing on their field? Yes, we are.

However, there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Preparation, preparation, preparation.

We are going to stack our strengths up against their weaknesses, 'cause I'm gonna tell you something, while the Dillon Panthers
are over on the West Side, preparing for their Thanksgiving feast, getting their little fancy soirees together, dreaming about their playoff win and their State Championship title, well, by God, we're going to be on this field right here, physically and mentally preparing for one thing and one thing only, and that is beating the Dillon Panthers.

(ALL AGREEING) Now listen to me. Listen to me.

You look around at each other right now, you look at each other and you ask yourselves, gentlemen, because it is time, "What kind of a man am I?"

Because Friday night, Friday night, there will be a bond formed between and among you that will never be broken.

I will not be proven wrong on that.

Do I think that we can beat the Dillon Panthers?

I don't think we can beat the Dillon Panthers.

I know damn well we can beat the Dillon Panthers.

The question is, do you think that we can beat the Dillon Panthers?


Then show me.

Lion: One, two, three...

All: All the way!

Tami: "I want to apologize...

"I want to apologize for all those who were hurt.

"I want to apologize for all those who were hurt "and for all those who were offended.

"I sincerely regret any damage this has caused the community."

Honey, no, don't stand there.

It's bad enough having to read this gibberish
without having to do it in front of you.

You're going to get through this.

Am I?


Should I?

I'll get through it.

You want a cup of coffee?

Thank you.

Landry: Hey.

Hey, Landry.

I have in my right hand a brand-new Crucifictorius four-track demo, rough.

Contain yourself, please.

This is huge.

I want you to listen to it and I want you to try to figure out which one of these songs is for you.

"Song for Jess"?

Yeah, all the other names I came up with sounded corny.

So, that's just like a temporary name.

What? You really hate Crucifictorius?

No, Landry, um, the other night, we...



I have feelings for Vince.

I'm sorry.

Oh, so the area I live in is called, like, Greektown.

So, it's just a lot of Greek people around.

Oh, I live above a coffee shop, too.

So, it always smells like coffee a lot, and when I'm going up the stairs to go to my apartment,

I get like a caffeine high.

You can't get a caffeine high from smelling coffee.

It's physically impossible.

No, it's because I don't drink coffee, so...

That doesn't even make any sense.

Do I want yellow or white onions?

(SIGHS) White.

Hey, hey.

I miss you.

A lot.

You know, most people say goodbye to their girlfriends or tell them where they're going or something.

Listen, I had to get out of here.

If I tried to say goodbye to you, I never would have left.

Well, your apartment sounds real nice.

Well, do you want to see it?

'Cause I kind of already bought you a ticket.

Let's get some work done, boy.

Let's do this.

Hey, Vince...

What's up, man?

Hey, man, I just wanted to thank you for letting me know that you thought that Jess and I were so good together and I was such a good guy and everything.

Jess told me.

It wasn't...

It wasn't supposed to happen like that.

It's good to know that your word means a lot, Vince.

Paul: She should be here. She should be here on time, so...


Okay, let's get this started.

All right, could I have everyone's attention?

We appreciate you coming here today for this special meeting.

And I'll tell you what, let's just get this under way.

At this time, Principal Tami Taylor would like to make a statement.

Principal Taylor.


Good afternoon.

Listen, y'all.

I've always put the welfare of the students ahead of everything else.

Every action that I made was with that intent, and it always will be.

And that's all I have to say.

Thank y'all.


Paul: Uh, all right, everyone.

We would like to move on to our next item...

Where's the apology?

You told me she would apologize.

That is not an apology.

I want her fired.

Luke: They're offering me full scholarship.

And that's a good program.

Saint Pat's is a good program.

And they might even make it to State this year.

So it's something I got to really think about.

Why are you telling me this?

I just want you to know I might transfer, and that I didn't want you to hear it from someone else.



Is that really all you're going to say, Coach?

What would you have me say?

Anything, something about how you'd like me to stay here and not move on to another program, I don't know.

How about something about how you get injured and you don't tell a damn person around here.

'Cause you know what? Otherwise, you might be playing Friday.

Isn't that the case?


But you didn't tell a damn soul, so you sort of took it out of our hands, didn't you?

Yes, sir, and I apologize for that. I'm...

Well, then, why don't we talk about Saint Pat's when the season's over?

Coach, you got to let me play on Friday.

You know what, I'll tell you something, Luke.

You are going to suit up, but you are not going to be playing.

You're not going to be playing.


What's up?

Yep. Can I help you?

Uh, yeah, I was...

I was in town, so I just wanted to stop by and say hey.

Well, hey. (CHUCKLES)


What's going on?

That's nice of you to think about your old friend, Landry.

Uh, yeah.

You know what else might have been nice, Matt?

What? Maybe if I would have just gotten one quick phone call from my best friend?

Or maybe if I would have just gotten a quick text.

Right, uh...

Since you left, I've been dumped by a beautiful girl, I've got this big game against the Panthers coming up and I'm the kicker, so that's a lot of pressure to begin with, but I have it in my head that I'm going to choke, which, if it's in my head that I'm going to choke, that probably means that I'm going to choke.

You don't... And if you really want to see,
you know, you could stick around for the game, but I'm sure that would be asking way too much for you to do.

He's like a girl.

Hey, I forgot to mention to you, Buddy's coming to dinner tomorrow.

Buddy Garrity?


Well, he can't come to dinner.

Angela Collette's going to be here.

He's going to try to flirt with her.

Well, he's coming.

He's going to bring a turkey.

Well, honey, why is he bringing a turkey? I've got a turkey.

I'm making a turkey. Well, because he asked about the turkey.

He's going to bring his fryer with him, too.

Buddy Garrity is bringing a deep fryer to my house for Thanksgiving and cooking a turkey?


When I'm making dinner?

Does that make any sense?

It makes just as much sense Buddy being here as Angela Collette.

Well, none of it makes any sense.

I mean, we've now got the Collettes coming, we've got the Riggins coming.

Now I've got a house full of people. Well, Buddy's Ionely,
he wants somewhere to have Thanksgiving. I know.

What's one more?

It's fine.

It's Thanksgiving. You know, all I want to do is just
crawl into a corner.

What happens at this meeting?

I don't know. They are not telling me one single thing.

They didn't say anything. No one gave you any indication...

No. All I know is that we're having a meeting.

I'm having a meeting
with the school board and the superintendent on Saturday.

Nobody's telling me anything at this point.

Could be a firing meeting.


All right.

Honey, I know I went there intending to apologize and I just...

I just couldn't do it.

I'm sorry.

I just couldn't do it.

Honey, you don't have to say you're sorry.

There's no reason to say you're sorry.

Billy: This whole situation is screwed. I mean, it's screwed, you know?

There's a part of me that just wants to get in the car
and just get the hell out of Dodge, you know?

I mean, this is penny-ante stuff.

It's not like they're going to chase us across state lines for it.

But I got a baby, I can't just like pack up and go, you know?

And I don't blame you, Tim, I don't. I mean, this isn't on you.

I mean, even though that guy at the wrecking yard kind of identified you, it's not your fault. I'm the one who got you into this.

Granted, I wouldn't have taken the cars there like 15 times, but it's not your fault.


Who the hell is that?

It's for you.

Who is it?

Stevie, did you poop?

Becky, it's a little late, don't you think?

Sorry, Billy.

Billy: Did you poop yourself?

Mindy, I think we got poop here.


Heard what happened.

Is it true?

You're a liar, Tim.

All that stuff you said about turning your life around, about being a man.

You can't even look me in the eyes right now, Tim. You're a coward.

And I believed it. I believed every word of it, so good job.

My mom was right.

You're just like every other guy, and I gave you too much credit.

My mistake.

Sammy on radio: Folks, it is Turkey Day, and here in Dillon, we're following up Thanksgiving with a little Friday night rivalry game between East and West Dillon.

It's a must-win for the Panthers to get to the playoffs, and for the Lions, this is about pride.

Not so much keeping it, but finding it.

Vince: Red, hut.

Crowley: Come off the ball, now.

Taylor: Hey, what are you slowing down for?

Practice isn't over, gentlemen. Let's go.

Twenty-six ball pass, let's do it again.

You got to give them a day off...

Taylor: Hey, Coach, what did you say over there?

It's Thanksgiving.

No, it's practice.

Let's go.

Hey, defensive line,
what did I say about putting your hands up and getting in after him?

I told you, get your arms in the air when you're doing that. Let's do it.

Hey, Eric, we can drive this home tomorrow in pre-game.

You know what, Coach? Why don't you have Coach Traub drive you home if you're so excited to get out of here.

Get in there. Get after him, Tinker. Get after him. There you go.

Hey, everybody, say goodbye to Tinker.

Tinker, get out of here.


All right, fellas, I'm getting ready to go home, go eat some big, old, fat, juicy turkey.

Oh, that's great.

You can go now.

Hey, have a good one.

Let's go.


Linebackers, get out of here.

Crowley: Get off before he changes his mind.

Receivers, defensive backs, you want to go home?

Landry, get out of here.

Have a good Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Just leave them.

Go home.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

Have a good one.

Corners are going to be aggressive.

You're going to be shifting a lot, you know.

All right.


Can I do this?

Can you do what?

I know how bad you want this.

I can feel it, how bad you want to beat Dillon.

I don't think I'm the guy that can give it to you.

You got somewhere to be tonight?

Yeah, I'm eating dinner with my mom.

You sure about that?

Yeah, Coach.

Come on, I'll give you a ride home.

I got it.

You got it? I got it.

Their weak-side corner tends to ignore the backside post, you know that, don't you?

Yes, sir.

All right, hot gravy, y'all.

Buddy: Good. Good.

And for you, Tim, more of those rolls, nice and warm. Mmm-hmm.

All right, now, does anybody need anything?

Buddy: You've done everything.

This is great.

Just sit down and eat.

Tami, this turkey, now, I don't think I've ever tasted any turkey like it. It's amazing.

Thank you so much.

Oh, you know, that's actually...

That's the deep-fried.

That's Buddy's turkey.

Mrs. Saracen: There are two turkeys? Mmm-hmm.

And this is deep-fried?

It's deep-fried.

Well, I wonder why everybody doesn't deep-fry their turkey, then.

It's so good.

Tami: Well...

I think it's labor... But no, it is... It's delicious.

Well, he's handsome and he can cook.

I think that's fantastic.

Do you think we're ever going to get to sit at the big kids' table?

Um, probably not.

But on the plus side, we have the whole bowl of cranberries to ourselves.

Yes, that is a lot of cranberry sauce.

Buddy: You drop the entire turkey down in the grease and it seals all the moisture in the turkey.

Mrs. Saracen: The whole thing?

Makes it kind of succulent.

Angela: Juicy.


Tami: Well, mine's a natural one.

You know, we went to the turkey farm...

Anyway, it's just roasted, that's all.

Sorry, I got a...

I'd like to make a toast.

Sorry to interrupt everyone in the middle of eating, but...

I just... I wanted to say that Thanksgiving is...

It's not all about turkeys and gravy and cranberries and all that stuff.

It's about those brief moments on this earth that we get to spend with each other.

And to really take those moments in, to feel them, because one of these days, it'll all be gone, and we'll be as dead as that fried turkey there. (CHUCKLES)

So, I just want to say thank you to my friends, my family, my beautiful wife, my son, (GURGLING)

Who seems to talk as much as I like to.

I don't know what I'd be without y'all.

And to, uh...

To Tim, I mean, hell, man, we...

We've been together since before time, and I don't always tell you this, but I love you.

You've always been there for me and...

Yeah. Sorry to interrupt everybody's dinner.

Tami, Coach, thank you for having us in your beautiful home.

I'm done talking.


Thank you, guys.

Tami: Cheers.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Cheers, Gracie.


Mrs. Saracen: Thank you all so much.

Thank you.

Mrs. Saracen: Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Regina: Now, this is some good food.

You make sure to thank the Merriweathers, all right?

Definitely, Mom.

You ready for the game tomorrow?

It's going to be a lot of people there.


Watching me.

Reporters waiting for me to mess up, trying to find out what's wrong with me.

Baby, there ain't nothing wrong with you.

I don't know, it's just a lot riding on this game.

I've been working really hard at it, this football thing.

I'm sticking with it.

I don't know, I just don't want to let anybody down.

You won't let anybody down, okay?

Well, look who's here.

So, I see y'all just eating all the food without me.[/i]


Couldn't wait.

Some pie? Yes, it's the best pie in Texas, thank you.


And he forgot it.

I got short-term memory sometimes.


Oh, my God, did you make that or Aunt Bird because...

No, well, see...

...if you touched it, I don't know if I can let Mama eat that.

You know what? I made it.

That is the nicest thing...

(SOFTLY) My Aunt Bird made it too, but...


What kind of pie?

It's pecan pie.

Oh, my favorite.

Look at that. Beautiful!

Beautiful is right. Mmm.

Come on, let's eat this pie.


One minute.

You shouldn't be here.

One minute, please.


What's going on?

Becks, I know you should be and you deserve to be angry, pissed off, upset, and I'm not here to argue that.

I want you to be my friend, Becks.

And you being my friend means you're part of my family.

Tim, I barely know your family...

I know, it's... I know.

And I know you have your mom, and if she's not around and if I can't be there,

I want you to know that if you need anything, at any time, I promise you that they will be there.

Where are you going?

Promise me that you'll give me a second chance to earn back your trust.

I promise.


This is...

I want you to hold on to that. Um...

I will be back to get that when the time is right.



What are you thinking about?

I'm thinking about what happens if I get fired.

Uh-uh. Don't do that.

What that'll do to our family.



Come here.


Hey, Coach, it's time.

Let's go.

Taylor: Let's go. Let's go.


Albright: Willie, what a night for high school football.

I haven't seen a crowd as big as this in I don't know when.

Announcer: It's red versus blue, it's a beautiful night in West Texas, folks.

It's rivalry week. This town is ready for it.

I'm ready. Let's play some football.

Here we go!

J.D. McCoy over center.

He steps back, looks across the middle, fires!

Oh, he's got Gansby at the 40.

One man to beat, here he goes, folks.

Oh, my! Touchdown!

Touchdown, Dillon.

And just like that, Coach Taylor is down and he is climbing a mountain.

Crowley: Come on.

Let's go!

Hey, Vince. I'm going to enjoy watching you beat him all night long.

Stan: Good job. One! One, one, one. One!


Announcer: Vince Howard dropping back.

Pressure coming from the outside.

Oh, he's got a little space.

Come on, Vince.

Beautiful cut to the outside!

Yeah, baby.

Vince Howard at the edge. Oh, my, he's going to take it to the house.

Touchdown, Lions!

Coach Taylor has answered and this game is all tied up, folks.

All right, Landry!

Both: Landry!

Announcer: Landry Clarke, lining up for the point after.

Here's the snap.

It's down, it's up and...

Oh, shank you very much!

Wide left.

That wasn't even close.

Looks like Landry Clarke just got a little jittery on that one.

Panthers back on the attack.

McCoy fires a beautiful fade route.

Got a man. Touchdown, Panthers, and Dillon is back on top.

Late in the second quarter.

McCoy fires a sweet skinny route.

Sanders has it at the goal line.

Yeah, baby. Come on! Touchdown!

And the Panthers are really starting to stretch this thing out, folks.

Coach Taylor might be in trouble.

Taylor: Come here!

Come here! Listen up.

Double-tight wing left, start under center, shift the g*n, and you release it to Tinker.

Tinker? You want me to throw the ball... Is that even legal?

Well, we're going to find out if you can get the ball to him or not.

Yes, sir.

All right. Let's go then.

Let's go.

Announcer: Here come the Lions.

Coach Taylor trying to claw his way back into this thing. Come on, boys.

Vince Howard, a little play-action.

Looking deep. Oh, nice little head fake.

Howard lets it fly.

Oh, my, look at this, folks, Tinker, tailor, soldier, football pro.

Big man's got it in the end zone. Touchdown, Lions!


Looks like Coach Taylor is going for two here, folks.

Not a lot of confidence in his kicking game after Landry Clarke sent that last one into the next county.

Oh, it's a little speed draw from Howard.

Up the middle, dives for it, two points!

He's got it. And the Lions are right back in this thing, folks.

Let's go, baby.

Let's go, baby.

Do the adjustments we talked about, you understand?


I'm gonna get you the ball, man.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, listen up.

Crowley: Listen up!


Crowd: (CHANTING) Panthers! We are... Panthers!


Yeah. We've been working hard, fellas. What are we?

All: Lions!

What do we play with?

All: Pride!

What do we play for?


What are we?


Let's do this.

One, two, three!


Vince: Let's go!

Announcer: Here we go.

McCoy back in shotgun.

Here's the snap. A lot of pressure coming off the edge.

Lions are bringing it.

Oh, big sack for the Lions.

Fantastic defense!

We run that all day long.

Get in there and do it right!

Get it made!

Announcer: Linebackers in the "A" gap.

There's a blitz coming off the edge.

More pressure on McCoy.

He throws it in the dirt.

Come on!

Albright: McCoy is not happy at all after he gets up.

He is mad at his offensive line.

Boy, I'll tell you what, J.D. Has got a temper and that Lion defense is really bringing it out.

What are you doing?


Yeah, Coach.

You warmed up?

Yes, sir. Yeah.

You feel all right?

Yes, sir. I feel great.


What's up, Coach?

All right, here's what we're going to do.

We're going to run Lion.

You got it.


Run hard.

Yes, sir.

Mmm-hmm. Make three, you got it?

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Thank you.

Let's go, gentlemen.

Vince: All right, come on.

Let's go, let's go!

Announcer: And looky here, folks, number 44 is coming onto the gridiron.

Coach Taylor has brought Luke Cafferty into the game.

A little speed sweep to the outside, Cafferty's on the line.

Here we go.

Oh, big hit.

Cafferty goes down, first down, Lions.

Vince Howard under center, play-action, he's looking downfield, oh, he's got Cafferty on the crossing route, wide open in the end zone.

Touchdown, Cafferty! And the Lions are back in this.

If you've got a hat on, folks, hold on to it.

This here's about to get good.

And look at this, Coach Taylor is going for two points again, trying to make this a three-point game.

Two. Two. Two.

I guess still no for Landry Clarke, but here we go.

Let's see what they got.

Howard opens right, Cafferty on the power play, right into the heart of that Panther defense!

(CHEERING LOUDLY) Oh, my, the Lions are pushing the pile.

Cafferty could get in.

And he's got it!

Two points for East Dillon.

Hold on, folks, we got ourselves an old-fashioned barn burner.

Coach Taylor is knocking on the door.

Let's go. Good job, boy.

Late in the fourth. Last drive for Taylor. Here we go.

Let's go, baby.

Vince: Ready, hut.

Howard in shotgun, there's the snap.

Looking deep, no, it's an inside shovel to Cafferty.

He's got a little room. Oh, my, here we go, folks. He could go.

Oh, mercy me!

Luke Cafferty got absolutely lifted off his feet on that one, and he is down.

Let me tell you, folks, Luke Cafferty is one tough dude, but he is not getting up.

Luke, you all right?


I got you.



It's all right, man.

It's all right.

Time. Time.

You all right?

Luke: Yeah. Just give me one second, I can go back in, Coach.

Give me just one second.

I'm all right. I can go.

Landry? Where's my kicker?

Landry? You're going in.

But that would be a 45-yard field goal.


I can't kick a 45...

What do you mean you can't?

I can't kick an extra point...

What do you mean you can't?

You know what? I've spent three years
turning you into a football player.

You know what you're going to do?

You're gonna go out there and you're gonna kick that damn field goal.

Do you hear me?

And you know what? It could be worse, son.

It could be 47 yards.

So do us proud.

Get in there.

Let's go. Let's go.

Let's go!

Announcer: Six seconds left, and it looks like Taylor's bringing out the kicking team.

Landry Clarke's going to try a 46-yarder.

I hope you're on your knees 'cause we are going to need a miracle.

Albright: It's against the wind.

If it's good, the Lions win this game. Hands up! Hands up!

Hands up.

Set. Hut.


It's good! Oh, my!

East Dillon has defeated the Dillon Panthers.

Oh, my goodness, folks, it's one for the history books.

Coach Taylor has done it.

East Dillon Lions is the victor and Landry Clarke has put this game away.

Hallelujah, East Dillon football is alive and well.

Yes! Yeah!




I'm so proud of you.

Sammy on radio: Folks, I just don't know how to feel.

I'm a man conflicted.

I went in knowing that a Panther loss would mean the end of the football season for Dillon.

But seeing those Lions, their guts, their determination, Coach Taylor's leadership.

Golly me, by the end of the game, I think I was becoming a damn Lions fan.

Well, Dillon, this is it.

This is me, Sammy Meade, signing off until next season.

I'm sorry, it's not in my hands.

The board voted on it and we've decided
to put you on administrative leave.

Administrative leave?

Right. That just means you'll take some time off, you'll get paid, and we'll revisit it in six months.

Tami, make no mistake, this gentleman is firing you.

This is what they do, they suspend you with pay, they tell you...

No, sir, I am not firing her.

This is what the board wants.'ve lost your effectiveness, and they dismiss you.

She was trying to help a kid who came to her for advice.

That's what she does, she helps kids.

Paul: This is what the board wants.

Well, then we're in for a fight, aren't we?

A lawsuit could potentially cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Oh, it'll be big and it'll be costly. We don't care.

Actually, I do care.

I care very much. I do.

I'll tell you what, Paul. This whole situation has been horrible.

I believe it is wrong what y'all have put me through.

And what I'd like to do is, I'd like to make it right.

That's the only thing I'm interested in here at this point.

So, what are you saying?

What I'm saying is, I'd like to go where I'm needed, and I would give up being principal of West Dillon High if I could go over there and head up the counseling program at East Dillon.

Principal Taylor, is that what you want?

I think that's what I want, yeah.

Julie: So, why are we here, Matthew?

Because this is a special spot.

(LAUGHING) Because you deflowered me here?

Well, I wouldn't use those words necessarily, but, yeah.


You're such a nerd.

It is special.


You're a hard person to stay mad at.

I am sorry about the way I left.

I can't go to Chicago, Matt, because it's not just a weekend, it's...

It's a lot longer.

I'm going to go and I'm going to fall in love with the city
and the neighborhood and the way your hallway smells like coffee when you get home at night.

You'll be there.

And I'll never follow my dreams.

And as much as I love you, I need to find my own Chicago.


Billy: You're so strong. You're the strongest, aren't you?

Can his feet... He's jerking his feet. He's a runner.


Yeah, Daddy.

Look at him. Chicken running on those feet.


Mindy: Look what you did to Daddy.


Hey, guys.


Hey. What's up?

Can I steal Billy for a sec, Minds?

Oh, this is my first break ever.

No, I won't be long.


I'll be back in a second.

I'll see you, buddy.

What's up, man?



I did it. I did it all.

What are you talking about?

You did not do anything.

When we closed the shop, I reopened it.

Tim, no... You had no idea this was happening.

Timmy, I... I can't let you do this.

I stripped the cars.

I took the money.

(CRYING) No. I took the frames to the junkyard.

I can't let you do that.

You are my brother.

You are all I have.


You have a family now.

You are a father and you need to be one.

I can't let...

This is my decision.

This is what I've decided.

This is what's going to happen.

I'm sorry.

You're my brother.

I'm so sorry.



Oh, whatever.

Look, hey, Landry, I'm sorry, okay?

I should have called you from Chicago or before I left or something, but...

Julie just broke up with me, all right? So I kind of...

It would be nice if we could be friends again, please.

Okay, fine. Did you see my field goal?

(LAUGHING) Yes, I saw your field goal.

Seventy-two-yard field goal, man.

You know what? It actually wasn't.

I was there, I saw it.

It wasn't 72 yards.

It was really close.

It was a miracle.

It was a miracle.

You want a Coke or something, man? Sure.

Um, so, is Julie going to take that ticket?

I don't know.

Maybe I can give it to Grandma or something.

You're going to give your ticket to Grandma?

And Grandma's going to be running around all over Chicago?

Yeah, why not?

All right.

You're going to be a Christmas tree.

You're gonna be a Christmas tree!


Hey, y'all.

How you doing?


I'm doing all right.


How are y'all?

(GASPS) Look at my girl!

What do you have?