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04x12 - Laboring

Posted: 02/07/10 20:46
by bunniefuu
They come by with a car and I break it down to its component parts.

They need it turned around... Chop shop.

You'll make more money in two months than you could in two years.

I sure didn't see you coming.

I didn't see you coming either.

I can refer you to the adoption agency.

What if I don't want to have the baby?

You provided this girl the information to get her child aborted.

I did not, ma'am.

(g*n f*ring)

Kennard: Get out of here!


Calvin's dead.



Wade: Bill, now do you see what we're concerned about out here?

We've got 18, 19 more holes all throughout this field.

Not to mention all the glass that's in it.

Joe: Bill, there's a pothole over there on the 35-yard line.

You drive your car over it, hell, you're going to pop your hubcap right off.

Buddy: Yeah, when you're driving around on the football field.

We usually don't drive around on our football field.

I'm not going to put my players at risk just because they can't maintain their field.

We got... We got playoffs coming up.

We've been playing on this field all year and not one Lion has fallen from the pride.

Buddy: Yeah, and remember, Joe, you've got to win Friday night to make the playoffs.

You've got to win first, Joe.

Man: You got to win.

Did I hear the voice of a dead Panther?


You know, Coach, you really ought to consider investing in some turf.

They have a legitimate concern here.

Man: Exactly.

Joe: Very much so.

Let me recommend something.

Buddy: Hmm?

It's simple. How about a neutral field?

Joe: That's a very good idea.


Hey, hey, how about Joe's backyard?

...ours, we're not playing on yours...


William: We can look into a neutral site!

We can look into a neutral site!


Hey! Hey!

I'm the conference director here.

The decision is on me.

All right?

Coach, you feel like you got a handle on this?

Bill, it's Saturday.

The game's Friday.

I can promise you this field will be in fine shape for play by then.

All right. All right, gentlemen, we're adjourned.

Y'all know where the parking lot is, Coach.

Mom, it's a one-month training program.

They house you, they feed you, they bring in amazing people to speak.

And Jimmy Carter's part of Habitat.

I know who Jimmy Carter is, honey.

Well, do they know how old you are?

'Cause I think that could be an issue for you.

Well, by the time I'm completely done with the training program, I'll be 18.

And normally they don't make this kind of offer
to somebody of my age, but I wrote a really amazing essay.

I have prior work experience, great recommendations.

All right, where, when, how long and how much?

Um, it'll be in New Orleans in about three weeks.

What? Honey, no.

Mom, it's only $3,000.


Honey, you're hilarious.

Half of it they'll pick up with grant money
and I have $500 saved up and... Yeah.

...if I pass my government class, I can graduate this semester and next semester I was only going to take electives anyways.

No, no, no and no.

I think it's wonderful that you like Habitat for Humanity so much.

You're finishing school, period.

You haven't even looked at any of the brochures, Mom.

I need your help. Would you please go grab those things and start working on that stove, please? Thank you.



Oh, hey, little man.

Hey, buddy.

Come on up.

Good boy.

I brought you your dog back.

I can see that.

Mom hates him even more now.

She says he reminds her of you. (LAUGHS)

I'll take that as a compliment.

I think that's how she meant it.


I brought you your stuff.

My mom threw it out.

Tim: My stuff, huh?

Well, that was nice of her.

She's mad.

Never pictured you as a snow globe kind of guy.

My mom gave me that one.


I've got to get that.


Riggins' Rigs.

Billy! It's due day! The baby's coming.

The baby's on its way!

Who the hell are you talking to?

It's Tim.

You want to talk to him?

No, I don't...

We practiced this.

The for real D-day?

She's gonna pop, or what?

Billy: Like, for real.

Oh, my God, Billy!

The baby might even come this minute.

Oh, my God! Hang up the phone and take me to the hospital.

I got to go.

Where are my keys?

All right.

What is it?


I'm going to become an uncle today.

Right now?

Yeah, right now. I got to go. You need to go.

I've got to put my pants on!

I don't care about your pants!

Mindy! Mindy, you can't drive right now.

My boots.

There's my pants.

Coming! Mindy, wait, wait, wait!






I wish he would've been more like you, Vince.


I wish he would've stayed on the team.

It just happened.

I'm sorry.

I am sorry.

He loved you.

He loved all of us.


That's my baby.

You speak to the cops yet?

Jess, if I go to the cops, I go to jail.

I don't see my mom no more.

I don't see her get better. Nothing.

Vince, you were in the car.

You did not do a thing wrong.

Doesn't matter.

Look, I know I laid a lot on you last night.

That was wrong of me, I shouldn't have done that. That was stupid.

No, no, no, no, no. Look, I'm glad you came to me.

I've got to trust you.

You can't say nothing to nobody about anything.

You know I won't.


I got to go.

Kennard: You getting any heat on this?


You ready for payback?

I'm down.

Sammy on radio: Four days from Thanksgiving and five days from Armageddon.

I'm talking blue versus red, West versus East, Panthers in the playoffs or Taylor's revenge.

Who's got something to say out there?

Male Caller: I've got something to say, Sammy.

I say that Eric Taylor better enjoy his turkey on Thursday 'cause Friday's going to be his comeuppance.

He quit on the Panthers twice.

He quit on his own team the first game of the season.

Stole that boy Cafferty from us.

Tami: Why don't you turn that stuff off?

Male Caller: We should already be in the playoffs.

This game shouldn't even matter.

But it's all good 'cause he's...




Tami: Hello?

Woman: You're a baby k*ller, Tami Taylor!

Who is this?

You're gonna burn in hell for what you've done!

Hey there, Jess.


How's it going?



Yeah, I've been standing here for about 20 minutes trying to perfect this pose.


I just didn't want you to think that just because of our scandalous romance, I had forgotten about the debt that I owed you.




That's not exactly the...

The response that I was looking for.

It's great, it's great.

I'm sorry.

You know, my mind's just...

We're going to a church service right now 'cause...

You know Calvin Brown?

He got sh*t the other night.

And you know, he d*ed.

Calvin Brown, Vince's friend? The one that...

Yeah, yeah. And so, I'm...

You know, I'm just...

No, I'm sorry.

That's not the best timing.

Thank you. You should have shut me up a long time ago.

No, I'm sorry it...

Aunt Bird: I'll bet you're Landry.

Yes, ma'am.

How are you doing?

Landry Clarke.

Good. I'm Bird.

Pleased to meet you.

Jess: My aunt.

You got a lock for that bike?

Uh, no, ma'am, I do not. I didn't...

She's going to need a lock for that bike.

I've got to go.

You're going to need a lock for it.

I should have thought about that.

Thank you.

I... I'll call you.




Man: All right, let's load this one up.

Take it up to that spot.

Come on, we need some pressure. We need some pressure.

Luke: Hey, Coach.

Coach Crowley said we're going to practice at Carroll Park this week?

Yeah, everybody except for you.

Hey, Stan! Stan!

Where's Tim Riggins?

His brother's having a baby with his wife.

His brother's having a baby...

How come you know that and I don't know that?

I left you a note on your desk.

This is going to be a bad week.

Don't leave notes on my desk.

You got something to say, say it face to face, would you, please?

Face to face.

That'd be great.

His brother's having a baby. Yeah. I understand.

Thanks very much.

What do you mean, everybody except for me?

Because of your hip, that's what I mean.

I'm fine, Coach, I can play through. I can gut it out.

You know what? You want to gut it out?

Why don't you gut it out and fill up the Gatorade jug?

That'd be just fine.

Stan: I want five!

Thanks, Coach.

Buddy: This looks great.

Stan: Five!

This looks real good.

It's very smooth.

Gonna like it.


Hey, Luke. Come here.

I'm sorry.

Appreciate that.

You know what? As far as the work I want you doing, I want you taking care of your hip.

That's it. That's the only work I want you doing.

Hey, put that jug down.

Appreciate that.

Thank you.

Lion: All right, Coach.

Landry: Just seems like we're making a bigger mess than...


Taylor: Lance.

Run them down the end.


Fill that jug up.

Billy: This place is ridiculous!

When did you get here?

Tim: What happened? I'm going frigging nuts in there!

They threw me out.

What do you mean they threw you out?

Nurse Ratched threw me out.

She said I was too enthusiastic, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.

What did Mindy say?

Mindy said, "Get the hell out."

Well, no, no, no, Mindy screamed, "Get the hell out."

It's ridiculous, man.

I got a baby being born.

I can't even be inside with him right now.

I'm going nuts, Tim.

And how many of those have you drank?

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Just answer the question.

I don't know, five?



Here, you're cut off.


Because it's pure caffeine, Billy, that's why.



What? This isn't funny, Tim.

Crowley: Let's go! Let's go!

Let's get this chalk down.

Come on.

Stay with me.

Stan: Let's go, bring it in!

Lion: What's up, Coach?

This is a baseball field, man.

Taylor: A football field now.

Let's go.

Hey, Vince, I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Calvin.

I know it's got to be tough.

What do you care for? You didn't even know his last name.

Calvin Brown. And I care about my teammates, and you're my teammate, so...

Hey, Landry, thanks.


Crowley: All right, bring it up! Helmets on! Let's go!

Taylor: Let's go!

All right, listen up, this is the field we're going to be using this week. Understood?

You pissed off? I'm pissed off, too. Good, use it.

Hey, Coach, what's this bull I hear on the radio
about them not letting us use our field on Friday?

Don't worry about the damn radio.

Heard all that crap before.

Listen to me, word of the week, focus.

Is that understood?

Lions: Yes, sir.

Is that understood?

Lions: Yes, sir!

Let's break it down!


Lions: One, two, three, four, five, six...

Luke: Pay attention to what we're doing.

Dallas: I ain't going to have any knees left for this Friday.

Shut up, Twinker, man.

If I can do this with my hip, you can do it with your knees.

Yo, man, whose idea was this anyway?

All: Landry's.

Yes. It was my idea. Thank you very much for pointing that out.

And it was a brilliant idea because if we can't practice on our field then they're not going to practice on their field.

End of story.


Hey, Paul.

Hey, Tami.

How are you?

Just fine.


Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

Come on in.

Yeah, of course.

No, it won't take but a moment.

(STAMMERING) Uh, okay.

sh**t, I know you live at least 50 miles away.

It must be something important.

Well... Can invite you into my home.

Well, I just wanted to see how you're holding up.

Well, thank you.

It's not blowing over like we hoped it would.

You saw the articles. You see them? I don't... Yeah.

We need to set the record straight.

We think you need to make a statement. The sooner, the better.

I agree.

I think I should.

I'd like to get the facts out there.

Good. Good. Actually, it's part of the reason I came over.

The board, we spent some time last night, a little overtime actually, drawing up something for you.

And we'd like you to think about it, if you would.

We... We've lined up a reporter who's friendly.

He's going to interview you.

Paul, this is an apology.

We have a friendly reporter that's going to interview you.

This is saying "inappropriate conduct," Paul? That is inaccurate.

The paper's going to bury it in the Thanksgiving Day edition.

Paul... The Panthers will be in the playoffs and everyone's going to be happy.

Y'all are being bullied.

I'm being...

And you'll get to keep your job.

I do live 50 miles away.

The reason I drove here is because I think you're very good at what you do.

I don't want to lose you.

Well, I don't want to lose my job either, Paul.

Look, I hope you take this very seriously, okay?

I know you'll make the right decision.

Give my best to Eric.

This magazine sucks.


I'm the dad, right?

Yes, you are.

And it's my baby that's trying to, you know...

To claw.

To claw his way out, or her way, or whoever, but... To claw.

Its way out.

Its way out.

Are you ready to be an uncle?

I've been waiting 38 hours for this.

Yeah, you have.

All right.

I'm going back in.

Get in there.

I'm going.


I'm going in there.

Sir. You can't stop me. I'm going back in!

I'm the dad.

I'm the dad.

I'm the dad.

I'm the dad.


I'm the dad.

I know, honey.

We got this under control.

Billy, get out!

I am the dad.

All right. All right.

It's all right.

It's all right.

Go. Help her breathe.

Help her breathe.

Okay, baby, just breathe.

You know what you're doing.

Just breathe. Just breathe. (GROANING) Oh, God!


Do you want a ride?


Listen to me, I want you to do me a favor.

I want you to be easy on your mother this week.


I want you to be easy on your mother this week.

It's going to be a long one.

You do this for me, and what I'll do for you
is we can talk about this house building or whatever.

So, we got a deal?


What are you going to do about the car?

I'm going to clean the car. You go to school.

Go to school.

Do you want some help?

Nope. I don't.

You go to school.

FEMALE CALLER On Radio: Sammy, that field they play on don't have near enough seats, and the neighborhood, I'm going to tell you the truth, I don't feel safe taking my family over there.

You know, things are just different on that side of town.

Sammy: Now, now, caller, hold on.

There's a lot of good folks over in East Dillon.

Female Caller: I'm not saying that ain't true, but I was told they had g*ng members on that team.

Coach: Hey, why are you stopping?

McGill: Get out there!

Let's go!

Wade: Come on, guys!


It's just toothpicks.

Get it cleaned up.

McGill: All right, boys, let's spread out.

Let's get them out of there one by one.

Take them out.

Let's go! Let's go!

Coach: We can't start practice until we get the field cleaned up![/i]


Wade: Get it out.

You all right?


Taylor: Anybody got a toothpick?


I understand it took West Dillon two hours...

Two hours for West Dillon to pick all those toothpicks out of that field.

Anybody want to share with me who the genius was who came up with this master plan?

Wasn't me, Coach.

I didn't do it.

Lance, you look a bit tired today. How are you feeling?

I feel great, Coach.

I'm ready for practice.


You know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna have some fun today, gentlemen.


What we're going to do is, we're going to let Lance kick a 40-yarder.

If he makes that, we're going to begin our practice.

But until he does, we're going to run jingle jangles.

Come on, man.


Let's go, right now.

Set it up. Let's go.


Come on, Lance.

Crowley: Let's go, 2-1.


Jingle jangle!

It is a beautiful day.

You know, I mean, this wasn't on school grounds, she's not my student, and I followed district protocol all the way.

I'm not saying you don't have a case.

Oh, okay. Good.

Now, if you're telling me the whole story, I think you've got one hell of a wrongful termination suit.

Okay. They were trying to tell me I've got to make this big public apology.

Look, you don't need to make an apology.

I don't?

No. But if you don't and they take your job, I'll file that in court.

I got a pretty good idea we'd win.

Okay, good.

But I want you to know something, Tami, cases like this can drag out.

It could take a long time.

Well, what do you mean?

I mean, when you say "long time," is that months or...

It could take years.

And it's possible we can get you reinstated at the end of it all, but I doubt that.

And then while the case is pending, you're...

Let's face it, you're gonna have a hard time getting work
as a high school principal when this is going on.

My record is exemplary.

I understand that, Tami, but there's law and there's life.

Hey, Uncle Tim.

Tim: Did he make it through or what?

You need to see for yourself.

It's a boy.

This is Steven Hannibal Riggins.


Oh, what?

Come on, y'all.


Come on, now.

Come on, now, y'all.

No, come on, now!



I mean, this has gotten out of hand.

Yeah. They ought to find other things to do with their time, shouldn't they?

You would think so.



Tami: Here, Grace.

Where's the meat?

(SIGHS) I don't cook flesh, Dad.

Your daughter made dinner 'cause she knew we needed the help.

Thank you so, so much.

You guys are just busy, so I thought I'd help out.

Oh. All right.

Thank you.

I appreciate it.

Hey, thank you.

You're welcome.

That whole toothpick thing
had everybody in an uproar today.

You know kids will be kids.

What'd the lawyer have to say today?

He had a lot to say.

Well, I wasn't there.

What'd he say?

I don't know, honey. Do we have to talk about it at dinner?

I'm just asking. Did he say anything about the statement?

I need to talk to somebody else.

All right.



Do you want me to get that?

I'll get it.

Tami: Thank you, honey.



Man: Lions suck!

(LAUGHING) Hey, you know what? Go to hell.

Landry: Well, y'all want any of this?


You still have some.

This is brisket for your mom, and that's for you.

Hey, there. I made this for you. Here.

Wait, so you... You're giving me your iPod?

Well, no, it's a loaner, but I made you a playlist.

You made me a playlist, Jess?

Yeah. I made you a playlist. Like a...

(CAR APPROACHING) It's for you to practice.

Slow jams on the mix?

Aunt Bird: How you doing on that grill?

Everything's going good, ma'am.

All right, now.

Kennard: That looks good, son.

What's up?

I found him.

Where at?

Kennard: His punk ass laying low about two and a half hours away from here in Bubbat County, hiding like a little bitch.

You sure it's him?

Man, for sure.


Tomorrow night.

You in?

You know I'm down.

Jess: It says "Landry."

Yeah, you got it. Right there.

Press play.

Landry: Oh.

This is, um...


This is all just crowd noise, though, Jess.

It's a football thing.

Y'all never, you know...

Oh, so I listen...

You can hear a crowd.

I listen to this while I'm kicking.

While you're kicking, while you're practicing.


Just use it.

Practice to it, okay?

All right.

Well, thank you.


One of these days, fellows. (ALL LAUGHING)

I'm jealous.

I'm so jealous.

That's what I thought.

That's what I thought.

Jealousy is an ugly thing.

Vince: Hey, Clarke!

Can I talk to you for a second?

You're a good dude.

And Jess, she deserves the best.

I'm glad you two are together.

Make her happy.

It's pretty wild, huh?

Billy: Yeah.

How do you get away with just sleeping like this?


Billy: (SOFTLY) I think he's winking at me.

Tim: Yeah.


All right.

You want to ride into work together?

You're good.

Be a dad for a day.

You serious?


We got two cars coming in. Yeah.

I can take care of two cars, Billy.

Can you?

Be a dad for a day.

Hell, be a dad for a week.

All right.

Thanks, man.

All right, little man, keep your guard up.

Stay angry.


I'll see you.

Thanks, man.


You did good.

Thanks, man.

Mmm. I'll see you.

You're not angry, are you, Stevie, hmm?



You love your daddy, don't you, hmm?

You love your daddy?

Your daddy loves you.


Sheriff: Yeah, I'm gonna put men on this. Don't you worry about that.

As many men as I can spare.

Panthers did this, Michael.

Sheriff: I don't know if I'd jump on that right away, Buddy.

But you know me, I'm gonna follow up on it.

What do you want to do about the team?

Just get them on the bus, get them over to Carroll Park.

I'll meet you over there when I can. Yes, sir.

Burnwell: Taylor, why this nonsense have to come to my school, huh?

Trouble always seems to be drawn to you, Levi. I don't know.

Yeah, ever since you came.

I guess you about right.




Did you hear what the hell happened over here?

Yeah. I'm... I'm sitting here with Wade Aikmen, actually.

We're gonna put you on speaker.

Wade: Hey, Coach.

I talked to Principal Burnwell twice already and we just wanted to call you to talk this whole thing over.

Wade: Eric, I just wanted to assure you that if any of our players had anything to do with this, I'll punish them. I'll suspend them from the team if I have to.

They won't play Friday.


So, how bad is the damage over there?

Do we need to call the conference director or anything?

Well, I just got off the phone with him, Wade.

And what are you guys thinking?

You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking maybe you give me a call back in an hour.

I'd like to talk to my wife for a few minutes.

All right, I'II... I'll call you in about an hour, then.

Thanks, Wade.

I'll see what I can find out, okay?

All right. You mind closing that door?


Thank you.


Hey, babe.

How you holding up?

I am not playing on a fair field here.

(SIGHS) I know.

That makes two of us, hon.

You gonna be all right?


All right, I'll see you at home.

All right.

Tim: Yeah.




Becky: Do you love it?


That's an understatement.


Oh, man.

Never thought I'd say this, but I do feel like I figured it out, you know?

Figured out...


Life? What it's all about, you know?


You know, owning this land, and Billy, and just his son, and...

The shop doing as well as it is, and...


You know, I don't...

It's just so...

I'm happy.

And I can honestly say that.




It's so great.

Thank you.

Tim, I love you.

We can't do this.

I'm sorry.



I'll be...

(STAMMERING) Why are you here right now?

What the hell you say that to Landry for, huh?


Kennard: Hey, yo, Vince, come on!

I'll be a second! I'll be coming right down!

Kennard: Come on!

I ain't got time for that.

I ain't got time for this.

Jess, I don't got time.

Oh, hell, no.

Vince, you think I'm stupid?

Stupid about what?

You think I don't know what you're up to right now?

(CAR HORN HONKING) No, uh-uh. Hell, no.

No. Vince, no.

Kennard: Come on!


Vince, no.

Excuse me. I got something to do right now. Vince, please!

No, Vince, Vince. No. I know you. Why are you here?

I know you.

You don't know me!

I know that good guy that's inside of you.

No, you don't.

You got your good guy.

You got your good guy!

Yeah. Yeah.

Landry's so good for me, right?

(CAR HORN HONKING) Woman, please. Woman, get out of my way.

He's such a good guy, right?

And you're horrible, right?

That's exactly what I am!


I am a monster!

That's what I am!

I'm that guy!



Vince, come back!








You Tim Riggins?

Police Officer 2: 33. You're the football star, huh?

Used to be.

What you been doing in here?

Just fixing cars, sir.

Police Officer 2: We need to ask you a few questions about some missing cars.

Kennard: Say, youngster, you ever fired off one of these?


Kennard: Short barrel.

Your pops used to carry that g*n, or one just like it.

Your pops, thug.

You cross him, you best believe you was gonna get got.

He said you ain't got no thug in you.

What you say?

Vince: I say I'm in the car, ain't I?

Go on, take your drink in, steel up them nerves.



When we get there, we're gonna park about a block away from the house.


It's a trap house. It ain't got but two doors, one in the front and one in the back.

I walk up with this sawed-off, blow a couple of holes through the front door.

Hell, everybody in there either down or he running towards the back door, and that's where you waiting for his ass.

(IMITATING g*nsh*t)

That's payback, son.

Now, he ain't stupid enough to keep the bag on him at the house, so I ain't saying we coming up out of there with my money.

What I am saying is, what I find or what you come up on, we split up the middle, 50-50. You all right with that?

That's good?

What the hell wrong with you?

Where the hell you going?

Get your ass back in this car.

What you gonna do?

Man, you acting like a little bitch.

You better get your ass back in this car.


(g*n FIRES)

No, this is one deal you can't renege on, son.

Ain't no backing out!

Backing out ain't an option!

What you gonna do, son? Huh?

If I get back in that car...

My mama's not supposed to bury me, all right?

I'm supposed to bury my mama!

Looks like to me somebody gonna be burying the both of you.

Because you gonna die if you don't get your ass back in this car.


All right, well, do what you got to do, then.

Go ahead, man, do what you got to do, yo.


Your old man was right about you.

You ain't nothing but a soft-ass little boy. (CHUCKLES)

Think this is over, youngster?

No, it's far from over, junior.

Oh, I got you. I got you, you little bitch!


So this is all to say, we're still working on it.

Those are big tires that did that damage.

We don't know every truck in town that size. Yet.

But we're going to check them all out.

We'll find them.

Sheriff, if I may.

Eric, every parent on our team was contacted.

Every single player was accounted for.

This was not a retaliation.


For the toothpicks.

Buddy: Toothpicks?


Yeah, that's a prank.

Oh, really?

Did you even see what you did to our field?

Do you have any idea how many man-hours it took?

You cost us a day of practice!


Okay, fellows! Okay!

Coaches! Please!

Look, I know we got a lot of hard feelings here.

But look, the thing we got to remember here is that in the end, this is just a football game.

Taylor: Hey, William, you know what? My family's been getting threatening phone calls all week long, all times of the night.

My home has been vandalized, and my field has been destroyed, so don't patronize us and tell us it's just a damn football game.

I'm sorry.

Look, I know the longer this goes on, the worse this is just gonna get.

So, I'm just gonna cut to the chase.

I spent the last 24 hours on the phone talking to every school from kingdom come to Timbuktu.

And with the short notice and Thanksgiving coming up, we couldn't find a neutral site.

But there is a proposal from West Dillon.

Stan: You have got to be kidding.

Man: I don't want to hear it.

This is our home football game!




I didn't do it.





I'm sorry, man.

I'm sorry.


Game's gonna be at Herrmann Field.

I'm sorry, babe.

I heard they were talking about doing that. (PHONE RINGING)


I'm sorry.

It's okay.

I'm going to make a statement. (SIGHING)

What statement are you going to make?

You guys okay?

Yeah, hon.

It's all right.