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07x06 - The Sacrifice of Tantalus

Posted: 01/10/24 12:43
by bunniefuu
Sorry, Sarge, couldn't find my


Come here.

What does this say?

Using unchristian language
in the presence of a police officer.

You see, what it was, Sergeant,
I was up at Piper's Lake

at the weekend and this bloke...
What have I told you?

You write the exact offence
according to the law.

Yeah, but I didn't know
which one to put, Sarge.

Might I suggest if you don't know
what crime someone's committed,

maybe you shouldn't
be arresting them.


Goodfellow, you're coming with me.

Where's that, Sir?

Jefferty's cottage.

Down past the spinny,
I thought it was abandoned?

A man's been spotted breaking in,
matches the description

of Alan Tylett, the fugitive wanted
for brutally murdering

a police officer.

The press are calling him
the butcher of Bawdsley Green.

And you want us to go
and arrest him, Sir?


We bring him in and I'll be
the toast of the force.

Constable Blaisen,
round up all available officers,

tell them to follow us,
but first call HQ,

let them know what's happening.
What exactly is happening, Sir?

What's keeping them?


While I've got you here, Sir,
I was hoping to have a word

about young Colin.
Let me stop you there, Sergeant.

Constable Blaisen's father is the
divisional Chief Superintendent.

I know, sir, Colin seems
a nice lad but...

Ours is not to reason why,
ours is to help the boy

commence his inevitable
rise through the ranks.

Mark my words, he might not know his
truncheon from his elbow

but that boy will outrank
us both by Christmas.

I see movement.

Let's go.Shouldn't we wait?

I hear that Tylett k*lled
that officer in cold blood.

That's exactly why
we can't let him escape.

I'll take the front, you nip round
the back, head him off.

Keep low.

That's easier for some.

Tylett. This is Inspector Mallory
of Kembleford police.

We have the place surrounded.

May as well give yourself up.

Look out, sir!

He's getting away.

I think you've broke my collarbone.



Seal off the area,
nobody touches anything.

Any news on Goodfellow, Sir?

b*llet went into his back.

They've taken him straight to
hospital but it's not looking good.

What were you thinking?

I hoped we could apprehend
the suspect before... Hoped?

The intelligence suggested
that Tylett was armed.

You put a fellow officer's
life at risk and you let

a dangerous criminal escape.

Sir. At least tell me you got
a good look at the man.

Took quite a whack on the head, Sir.
It's all a bit hazy.

I was reading something, a notebook.

I can't remember what was in it.
We'll find it.

Concentrate on getting better.
Yes, Sir.

We need you fit for that
disciplinary board.

I've found something.
Where are your gloves?

Sorry, Inspector.There go
the fingerprints.

Don't be too hard on him.
This is your mess.

Good work, lad.

Can I help?

We're looking for Sergeant
Daniel Goodfellow.

He was brought in earlier this
morning. The policeman?Yes.

He's in surgery.Oh!
Can you tell us how he is?

You family? We're friends.
He's lost a lot of blood.

The surgeon's trying to fix the
damage but... It's touch-and-go.


Don't get your hopes up.

No need for the last rites just yet.

Might I offer a prayer
for your swift recovery?

Save your prayers for Goodfellow.
I don't deserve them.

Is there anything
we can do to help you?

Has your wife been informed?

No, and don't even think
about telling her.

Face that trial by fire
when I'm good and ready.

Then I will leave you to recuperate.

Padre, wait.

There is something.

I found a notebook in the cottage.
I think it might be important,

could you ask Constable Blaisen
to bring it to me?

I wouldn't ask, but I'm stuck here.
I would be happy to do so.

And as for Sergeant Goodfellow,
God is with him.

The sergeant, he's been so good to

If I'd just got the officers
there sooner...Not your fault.

Now, Inspector Mallory has asked
if you would take him the notebook

retrieved from the cottage.Dad!

I mean, Sarge...

We've had a call from Scotland Yard,
they've sent in an officer to take

charge at the moment.Typical.
They give a name?

Inspector Truman, Sir.
Inform me the moment he arrives.

I'll be using Inspector
Mallory's office.

The notebook's probably in the
evidence room, I'll check the log.

I'm sorry, Father, I've searched
all through the evidence,

there's no notebook.

Inspector Truman. You should be
expecting me.

Yes, sir, I'll just go and...

Truman?Hello, Father. Long time,
no see.

Here he is now.

The surgeon reckons
the operation was a success

but Sergeant Goodfellow
is still very weak.

Where are his family?
Haven't they been informed?

Apparently, Mrs Goodfellow
and the children are

in Birmingham visiting relatives.
We've not been able to reach them.

I'll stay with him until his family
arrive, however long it takes.

Me too.

Sergeant Goodfellow apprehended
the ruffian who tried

to steal my favourite
handbag last week.

If that won't win a girl's loyalty,
I don't know what will.

All right, but please,
he needs rest.

We'll be as quiet as the grave.
Sorry. Just slipped out.

Inspector Mallory.And you are?

You can call me Inspector Truman.

Although I suspect some
of your officers

will know him by another name.

You've lost me.I used to be based
here in Kembleford.

I'm trying to avoid drawing too much
attention to my presence.

Is that so? Well, you can't be any
worse than the last man

to keep my seat warm,
Mulligan, wasn't it?

Bit of a jobsworth
from what I heard.

I hear you had a run in
with Alan Tylett.

Didn't set eyes on the man.

My sergeant saw his
g*n and jumped on me.

So you've no idea where
Tylett was heading?

I've been asked to take charge
of the investigation

while you're recuperating.Well....

Yes, thank you, Father, for your

Yes. I'll go and see how Sergeant
Goodfellow is getting along.

There's a good Father.

There was a notebook
with Tylett's belongings.

I think it contained
a list of names.

Recognise any of them?
I don't remember.

But I've got it in my
head that they were police.

Now, what if Tylett's got
a grudge against coppers?

And those names were his targets.

Now, I've asked one of my constables
to... Fetch the notebook.

I heard. Unfortunately, it appears
to have vanished.

Vanished?Never made it to evidence.

Fear not, I'll catch Tylett
before he can do any more damage.

Inspector...Much as I'd relish
the opportunity to catch up,

Father, I've a cold-blooded
k*ller to apprehend.

Do you really?

The g*n at the scene of the crime
was loaded.Yes.

Well, a cold-blooded k*ller
would be unlikely to flee

while he still had amm*nit*on,

leaving Inspector Mallory
and Sergeant Goodfellow alive

to identify him.

And why dispose of the w*apon
when he'd know that every single

policeman within miles
would be hunting him down?

No, it seems like the desperate act
of a frightened man.

Father...I'll go back to St Mary's,
work on my homily.

I was about to ask if you'd like
to accompany me to the crime scene.

I've learned a lot since
leaving Kembleford.

Specifically, the importance
of using all resources

at my disposal.

We need to find Alan Tylett
before anyone else gets hurt.


That smell takes me back.

It's spoiled but half eaten.

Ugh. You'd have to be half starved
to force that down your throat.

So why the alter ego?

Since my encounter with
the Illuminati, I've been working

with Special Branch
to tackle police corruption.

When any of us are on assignments,
we use Truman as our cover.

Tribute to a fallen colleague,

and, of course, makes it
harder for our enemies

to target us individually.

So you think Alan Tylett's crime is
linked to police corruption?

Tylett's been working for a violent

running protection rackets in
Birmingham. Kendal brothers.

Our intelligence suggests that local
officers have been receiving

payments from the g*ng.

I suspect DS Muir was m*rder*d
for refusing to co-operate.

So if you can get to Tylett first...

Hopefully, he can provide names
of any of the officers

on the g*ng's payroll.What makes
you think he'll co-operate?

I'll offer him life imprisonment
rather than the gallows.

It's an incentive
that usually works.

That's, of course, if they don't get
to him first.Yes. Quite.

Now I understand your
choice of partner.

Someone from outside
the police force.

Someone you can trust.

I wouldn't go that far!

Looks like he's been
injecting dr*gs.

Amphetamines, maybe. I'll get the
laboratory to test this.


Insulin.He's a diabetic.
No wonder he was desperate for food.

After days on the run, his blood
sugar must have plummeted.

He ran off without taking his
belongings, so we can assume

he doesn't have any
more insulin on him.

I've checked with the pharmacy,

all our insulin stocks are accounted
for. What makes you think

he'll come here?

He won't have the energy to traipse
through village to village

until he gets lucky.
This is his best bet.

If he did try elsewhere,
I've got officers keeping an eye

on every doctor's surgery and
chemist within a five mile radius.

Oh, but the medicines
here are kept under lock and key

and the pharmacist is on duty
throughout the day.

Which is why he'll probably
wait until nightfall.

I'll speak to Matron,

double check all the windows and
doors are locked.

Station officers outside, then...
No, we don't want to scare him.

Let's give him exactly what
he wants.

What are you doing here?

Looking for this?


All right. Just stay back,
all right?


Wait, the priest? You're going to
k*ll me, aren't you?

No!We'll let the hangman
do that, shall we?

Alan Tylett, you're under arrest
for the m*rder of DS Phillip Muir

and the attempted m*rder
of Sergeant Daniel Goodfellow.

You are not obliged to say anything,
but anything you do say...

What do you mean, attempted m*rder?

The police officer
you sh*t at the cottage.

I didn't sh**t nobody.

I didn't k*ll that other copper
either, I'm being set up.

Of course you are. Let's discuss
this at the station. No!

Please don't take me in. I'll tell
you everything you want to know.

You'll be perfectly safe in a cell.
No, I won't, not with those people.

If you put me inside, they're going
to k*ll me.He has a point.

Oh, you scared me.

I wanted to surprise you.
I'm hardly in the condition.

Anyway, patients are sleeping,
what you doing here?

My dad sent me to watch
over the Sarge.

I miss you. These shifts, I barely
get to see you.

A couple more weeks,
we'll be waking up together

in our own little cottage.
Which is good

because if you get any bigger,

everyone's going to know how naughty
your mummy's been.

Shut up! Stop it.


I do hope I'm not
interrupting anything.

Sorry, this is my fiance, Colin.

Colin, this is Mrs McCarthy.

Where is the doctor?
I need to speak to him.

Sergeant Goodfellow is showing no
signs of improvement.

That's to be expected.

First 24 hours are about keeping
him stable

and making sure his wounds are

He's allergic to penicillin, so any
infection could be very serious.

But we are doing everything we can,
I swear.

Oh, and that includes
canoodling in laundry rooms.

I'll go and check on Sergeant
Goodfellow straight away.

Like I said, I was in the outhouse
around the back.

I saw your copper going in the back
door and I scarpered.

When I heard the g*n, I thought
he was sh**ting at me. Mm.

Father, I'm telling the truth.
I believe you.

Let's go back. What prompted this
sudden desire to go straight?

Your criminal record could stretch
from here to Timbuktu.

I'm sick of it. The game's changed.

Gangs are controlling everything.
I'm not a violent man.

I only got into it because no-one
would give us a job.

So you went to see DS Muir and...
Told him I could give him names.

Bent coppers.

In exchange for protection.

Why trust him? How could you be sure
he wasn't corrupt?

Yeah, because I heard the Kendal
brothers talking about him.

How he'd arrested one
of their mates and refused a tip

to turn a blind eye.

Anyway, so Muir says he'll talk
to one of his bosses,

someone who could arrange things.

Only the following night,
this noise wakes me up.


I go downstairs, and there he is.

I guess Muir's boss ain't
as clean as he thought.

As soon as I saw the body,
I knew I was being set up.

I grabbed what I could
and I scarpered.

And the names in the notebook?

They're all officers
you think have taken bribes.

I don't think, I know.

The notebook's only half of it.

I stole this from Michael Langborn.

Tricky Mickey.

He does the books for
the Kendal brothers.

These accounts include
a list of payments.

Each one has an initial next to it.

And those initials, they correspond
to the names on your list.

Concrete evidence
of police corruption.

If you get me the notebook back,
maybe I can still make a deal.Ah.

There may be a problem with that.
The notebook's gone missing.

Oh, no!

I knew it.

There's one name on the list
I should have mentioned.

As you were.

Just popped in to check
on Goodfellow.

How's the shoulder?On the mend,
sir. Has Truman found Tylett?

No word yet.

That's why I'm here.

Perhaps it's best we take matters
back into our own hands.

Sir?I'm intending to do a bit
of investigating myself,

see if I can speed things along.
This notebook you mentioned...

Don't suppose you've been able
to recall its contents.

It's still a bit foggy, sir.

Must be the painkillers they've got
me on. I see.

If you remember, you tell me first.

I don't want you talking
to anyone else about it.

Not even Truman.

As you say, sir.


Thank you.

Why are you in here, Father?Waiting
for you, Chief Superintendent.

I was told you'd gone to the
hospital.Yes, and now I'm back.

Well?St Mary's would like
to organise a special event,

to raise money for Sergeant
Goodfellow and his family.

Whatever happens, the next few weeks
are going to be difficult for them.

A kind thought, Father,

and in principle you have my full

but don't you think
we should wait until the Sergeant

is out of immediate danger?

Yes, of course.

my priority is catching the man who
did this to him.

Of course. Thank you.

I need the toilet.You've just been.

Yeah, well, I've got a
weak bladder. Tough.

It's me.

I got your note.

Why come back here?

Couldn't risk any of your flock
dropping by and seeing him.

Any luck?

You were right.

Chief Superintendent Blaisen had it.

His name's in it.

Along with about a dozen others.

I think you should take Mr Tylett
and the evidence

to the Special Branch, while you
still have a chance.

We've got safe houses in London
where I can hide him

until he testifies, but...
might not be that simple.

What do you mean?

If the Chief Superintendent fired
the g*n, there's every chance

Goodfellow could identify him,
were he to wake up.

So you think he'll try
and finish Goodfellow off?

If he's that dirty, he'll do
anything to avoid being exposed.

I need to get to the hospital.

No. I'll go.

You need to stay here
with Mr Tylett, and we can't risk

Chief Superintendent Blaisen
knowing we're on to him.

Go, quickly.

I've got to get back,
or I'll get in trouble.

And you're supposed to be watching
the Sergeant.Just one more minute.

I need help. Doctor!

Oh, I must have dozed
off for a moment.

Just give him some room.

What's happened? I just popped out
to get us some breakfast.

I don't know.His breathing changed.

Oh, no.

What are they doing to him?

He could be dying.

You were going to quit the job
anyway when the baby comes.

Yeah, but not for ever. I thought I
might come back to it one day.

Now I might not have a choice.
It's my fault,

I shouldn't have distracted you.
I let you, didn't I?

He's hanging on.They blame me.

I'm being hauled in front of Matron
first thing tomorrow.

The doctor said something
about a mistake in medication.

I gave the Sergeant something
for his blood pressure,

but that's it. Doesn't
make any sense.

How long were you away
from the ward?

Half an hour, maybe.

Long enough for someone to see
the coast was clear,

and then inject Sergeant Goodfellow
with penicillin?

Why would anyone do that?

Because were he to awake, he might
identify the man who sh*t him.

Father, we know who sh*t him,
it was Alan Tylett.

So what, he came back
to finish off the job?Well...

You think it was someone else?
Who?I can't say.

Not without proof.

But if I find out for sure,
it may be enough for you to get

your job back.What can we do?

Because we will not stand
idly by while some madman tries

to k*ll Sergeant Goodfellow once
and for all.Stay with him.

But...Make sure no-one
tries anything.

Very well, we shall
guard him with our lives. Yes.

Only me.

I just wanted to say...

You were right.

We should have waited.

Instead, because of me, you're lying
here in a right old state.

So in case I don't get
another chance...


And thank you.

Not just for saving my
backside, but for...


You're a fine officer.

And a fine friend.

I was just giving Goodfellow
a stern talking to.

Just like him to be lazing in bed
when he should be on the b*at.

Did you happen to notice anyone
near Sergeant Goodfellow

before the allergic reaction?

You think...?I fear so.

Oh, unless Miss Windermere
or Mrs McCarthy were responsible.

Don't be absurd.Then the only other
people I saw with him

Well... The chief super
went to check on him.

And he's hardly likely to bump off
one of his best sergeants, is he?

Any chance we can lose the cuffs?

So you can do a runner?
You know it weren't me.

All I know is, I need your testimony
to bring those officers to justice.

It won't change nothing. Dirty
coppers are like weeds,

you get rid of a few, and new ones
just grow in their place.

What took you so long?

Someone injected Sergeant
Goodfellow with penicillin.

He's allergic, he went into shock.

Chief Superintendent Blaisen
was seen with him

a few minutes before his
condition deteriorated.

He's a senior officer.

Special Branch or not,
I can't touch him without proof.

So, how do we get it?

We use a trick.

Taught to me by an old friend.


Divisional Chief Superintendent
Blaisen speaking.

You've got him?

Excellent. I'll be there
straight away.

And don't tell Birmingham just yet.

We'll keep it to ourselves.

Constable Blaisen. Yes, Sir.
Give me your notebook.

My notebook, sir?

I was told never to lend
it to anyone else.

I think you can make
an exception just this once.

What do you need it for anyway,

I've started remembering
some of the names on Tylett's list.

I want to write them
down before I forget again.

Good news. Doctor says you can go,
soon as we've sorted your paperwork.

At last.And they want you back
in a fortnight to check

Doubt I'll still be here,
but they'll make sure

you're looked after.

You get some rest now.

Absolutely. Straight home to put
my feet up.

Just as soon as Tylett's
behind bars.


What the devil's going on?

No, Sir.

Come on, Sir.

He k*lled one of our officers
and put another in hospital,

you can hardly expect me not
to ruffle his feathers.

All things considered.

Strictly between us, I,
I'm concerned he intends to make

false statements against
some of our colleagues

in the Birmingham City police,

damaging their otherwise
untarnished reputations.

I believe it's my duty
to dissuade him.

Why don't I have a word?

Very well, Sir.


In case he gets out of hand.
Or tries to escape.

I'll be outside having a smoke.

Oh, please, don't.

Hey, I'm just here
to talk, that's all.

Look, I didn't sh**t DS Muir.

I know, but the information
you gave him, he wanted to take

to the top brass.

So my friends had no other choice.

You've been disloyal, Tylett,
and now you're in a very deep hole.

Let's see if we can get
you out of it, eh?

Where's the accounts book you stole?
It's there.


Look, please, I won't say anything,
just don't send me to the gallows.

Very well. If you prefer
another alternative.

What are you doing?

Just protecting the interests
of my employers.

It, it was you, wasn't it? You sh*t
that other copper downstairs.

Me? No.

I was 20 miles away at a meeting
of the watch committee.

You're lying.If I wanted to bump
off a fellow officer of the law,

do you think I would be stupid
enough to do it myself?

Look, just stop. Who'd believe me

It'd be your word against that of
a known criminal.


And that of another
officer of the law.

And a priest.

And you're right,
you didn't need to sh**t

Sergeant Goodfellow,
someone did it for you.

Fancy a lift home, Sir?

No, you can take me back
to Jefferty's cottage.

Let's see if we can find that
notebook. Very well, Sir.

Where is Constable Blaisen?

Oh, he left about ten
minutes ago. Why?

I'll check the station. You
stay with Goodfellow.

Is Colin in danger?Not exactly.

When was Inspector
Mallory discharged?

A short while ago, just before
Colin left. Father...


Isn't it quicker going
down Wyatt's Lane?

Sorry, Sir, I was miles away,
I'll find somewhere to turn round.

It's all a bit of a blur.

I remember...


Why would the lad do
something like that?

No time to explain.

Is there anywhere he would go
if he wanted to hide?

He's mentioned Piper's Light before.

I think he goes fishing
there at weekends.

That's not far from here.
It's isolated. Hidden from the road.

Mrs McCarthy, would you telephone
the police station and tell

Inspector Sullivan to meet me
at the lake?

Might as well save your energy.
You're going to need it.

Have you any idea what
they do to coppers in jail?

Just leave me here!

They know everything anyway. If you
k*ll me, you'll just make it worse.

No, no, no, please don't.You know
what they say, a little knowledge is

a dangerous thing.

Well, where are you going now?

I said the cottage.

That should be locked
up in evidence.

Get out. Get out.

Whatever's going on, lad,
this isn't the answer. Quiet.

Please do me the decency
of telling me why?

I can't risk you remembering.
Remembering what?

That his father is on the list
of police officers

taking kickbacks from criminals.

So, the Chief Super's on the take.
No, no, he's lying.

Chief Superintendent Blaisen
had already been tipped off

about evidence of police corruption
stolen by Alan Tylett.

And when young Colin called him
to say that Tylett had been spotted,

he ordered you to retrieve it.
Didn't he?

By any means, you understand?

Get that notebook or we're finished.

Not just me, both of us,

and you can kiss your wedding
to that strumpet goodbye. Now go.

It wasn't Goodfellow that Tylett saw
going into the cottage,

it was you.

You thought you'd have time

while Inspector Mallory waited
for backup, but he didn't wait.


This is Inspector Mallory
of Kembleford Police.

We have the place surrounded.

May as well give yourself up.

It wasn't my fault.

I was just trying to scare him off.

I was aiming to miss,
only the Sergeant jumped in the way.

Look out, sir!

You didn't aim to miss
when you injected Goodfellow

with penicillin, though, did you?
That was attempted m*rder.

No, that wasn't me.
No, that was his father...

..trying to make sure that
Goodfellow didn't identify you.

He said he'd take care
of everything.

I never meant for any of
this to happen.

And God will forgive you, Colin,
if you truly repent,

but you cannot let another man take
the blame for what you've done.

What about Alice?

What about my baby?

I've messed everything up.

Yes, which is why you owe
it to them to make this right.

Be strong and tell the truth, Colin.

What's going to happen to me?
Release the lad.

Dad.He's confessed to sh**ting
Sergeant Goodfellow.

Nonsense, he's trying to protect me.

I sh*t Goodfellow. But...Quiet.

You said you were 20 miles away.

I lied.Or you're lying now, to
save your son.

Wait, what have you done with
Tylett? He's escaped.

He's back on the run.If you've hurt
him... You'll what?

Because I doubt it's worse
than what's in store for me.

Where is he?I let him go.

An act of mercy.

If you'd forced him to testify
against corrupt officers,

he'd be dead before they ever got
to the court.

That list of names?

It's just the tip of the iceberg.

So why are you here?
To make a deal.

I'm willing to testify
in Tylett's place.

Name every dirty cop
in the Midlands.

Just as long as you keep my son out
of it.Dad, you don't need do this.

I'll even tell you who
really k*lled DS Muir.

But only if Colin walks.

He is just a lad.

None of this is his fault.

Send him away and they will tear
him to pieces.

Any chance of a lift into town?

Inspector Sullivan!
What a nice surprise.

Good to see some colour
back in your cheeks, Goodfellow.

And you should be at
home resting, sir.

I wanted to tell you in person that
your attacker has been arrested.

I still can't believe the lad
would do such a thing.

Actually, it was his father,
the Chief Super.

He had us all fooled.But I remember
seeing Colin's face.

Strange thing, memory
is, Goodfellow.

Plays all sorts of tricks,

especially after a particularly
traumatic incident.

Don't you worry about it, Sergeant,
all you need to know

is that the right
man is behind bars.

Young Colin has decided
that the police force is not

the life for him.

But he's asked us to pass on his
gratitude for your support.Right.

You just fix yourself
up now, Sergeant.

Thank you, Miss Windermere.
You two be getting on now.

I'll walk you out.

Actually, Father, could
I have a quick word?

Don't worry, I'll wait
for you outside.

I'll be driving to
London immediately.

Do you think we did the right thing?


Colin has a good heart. What he did
was down to the sins of the father.

You know, I rather enjoyed
being on the same side for once.

We were always on the
same side, Inspector.

About what happened
when you, you know...

I'm not very good
with things like this.

I know you'd do the same
thing for me, Inspector.

I would, yes.

Now, I want you back at work
as soon as possible.

I don't want Kembleford's best
copper lying at home,

feeling sorry for himself.
Right you are, Sir.

Talking of home, I should be getting
back before the wife sends out

a search party.

Actually, perhaps I'll...

...until your family gets here.

That's very decent of you,
Inspector. We're off duty.

Call me Gerry.