01x10 - Hang-Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Emergency!". Aired: January 15, 1972 – May 28, 1977.*
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Series follows two rescuers, who work as paramedics and firefighters in the Los Angeles metropolitan area.
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01x10 - Hang-Up

Post by bunniefuu »

[g*nf*re on TV]

[g*n firing continues]

(man #1) I had to,

Pete would've blown
his stack if I'd let you go.

(man in) Where's
Reed? Where's our help?

(man #1) Settle
down. It'll take a while.

(man in) We can't settle
down till we get out of here,

(man 13) Okay, now, fellow. Up,

[g*nshots on TV]

[birds cawing on TV]

(man #1) Hey, cop!
I wanna talk to Neil.

Trade you.

Shanks for Reed.

How about it?

You can't do that. You
gotta take care of me.

(man 1&5) Hey,
Malloy, you gotta...

(Malloy) Shut up.

(man N) You got a minute
to make up your mind.

[alarm buzzing]

(man 1&6) We'll be around.

(man on radio) Station 51,
Sheriff reports a man caught

in an air conditioning duct,

2913 North Falmouth.
2913 North Falmouth,

Cross street, Gayle.
Time out, 2017.

(Captain) 10-4. KMG 365.

[sirens blaring]

Never fails.

When you get hooked
on a television show,

you get on a run.

It goes with the territory.

[car honking]

[sirens continue]

(Captain) Where is he?

He's upstairs somewhere.

You may have to rip
half this place apart.

I'll show you.

He says he's hurt.

(Roy) How bad?

We don't know.

He's a burglar.

Probably the same guy
who's been hitting pretty good

for the past couple of months.

He crawls in
through the air ducts.

(Deputy) And that's
where he went in.

(Captain) You are kidding.

He's got to be the
skinniest crook in town.


(Harry) Get me out.

I can't see much.

The thing takes
a turn right here.

I guess he must have hid out

in here until the
building closed.

(Deputy) He's been beating
the window and door alarms.

But, I guess when he got stuck,

he panicked and yelled for help.

Night watchman
heard him and called us.

[banging on roof]

(John) Hey!

[bang on roof]

Somebody give me a boost up.

(Roy) Here we go.


(Roy) Here's a ladder, Johnny.

Put your foot over
here. There we go.

Yeah, that's it.


(Harry) Who are you?

County Fire Department,
Rescue Squad.

You guys took your
own sweet time.

Get me out of here!

All right, take it easy.
Where are you hurt?

I got all cut up on
something. I'm bleeding.

How far up are you?

I don't know.



Can you move?

Don't be dumb. Why
do you think I'm here?

Can you move backward?

I can't move front,
back or sideways.

Get me out of here!

All right, relax.
We're working on it.

Damn, he's really
stuck up in there.

Looks like you guys got a
night's work ahead of you.

[siren blaring]

[banging on roof]

How would you like
to keep thumping?

(Harry) Yeah, okay.

[bang on roof]

It sounds like
we're getting close.

[banging continues]


(Harry) Yeah.

We've got him.

His head's about a
foot into this closet.

(Captain) Kelly, the axe.

(Roy) Cap.

(Captain) Yeah.

He's trapped behind some pipes.

We're gonna have to cut him out.

Uh, get me a K-12 and a ladder.

(Chet) We're gonna
need your K-12.

(John) It's right here.

[banging on roof]

All right. All right.

Okay, I've got his feet marked.

Okay, rap with
the knuckles, okay?

[Harry rapping knuckles]

(Captain) Give him some leeway.

We don't wanna cut off a hand.

(ROY) Right.

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.

Rampart Base, this is Rescue 51.

(Dixie) 51, this is
Rampart Emergency.

(John) Rampart, we
have an injured male,

He's bleeding and in
an inaccessible place.

Stand by.

10-4, 51, we'll stand by.

[K-12 saw running]

I'll take that.

Hi, how're you doin'?

(Harry) Did you have
to make so much noise?

I'm nearly deaf.

Take it easy. Give me a hand.

Okay, Cap.

You're gonna have
to push it toward us.

Are you guys ready?
Now, take it easy.

(Harry) What are you guys doin'?

Don't... Don't drop this.

Hey! Hold it! Hold it! Hold it!

Can you move your ladder over?

Move that one over there.

(Harry) I don't like this!

Hold on.


Okay, here we go.

Take it easy.

Take it easy, will you?

Easy now.

Watch it, will you?


[Harry groaning]

(Harry) Watch my
back, will you? Watch it.


(John) Here, I'll take that.

Watch it, will you?

Go down slowly.


Sure is a neat package.

Pity we can't put a bow
on him and take him in as is.

[siren approaching]

I haven't got anything.

Job like this, I don't
even carry a toothpick.

It takes up too much room.

Better not say anything else, Mr.,
not until we've given you your rights.

Fine with me.

"You have the right
to remain silent.

"If you give up the
right to remain silent,

"anything you say can

"and will be used against
you in a court of law.

"You've the right to
speak with an attorney

"and have the attorney
present during questioning.

"If you so desire
and cannot afford one

an attorney will be appointed for
you without charge before questioning."

Rampart, we now have the victim.

(John) He's a male,
in his middle 305,

approximately 145 pounds.

He has a deep cut
on his right side,

lost a considerable
amount of blood,

Now, hold on for vital signs.

Blood pressure's 90/50.

Pulse rate and respiration
are both a little fast.

BP 90/50.

Pulse and respiration,
both a little fast.

51, start an IV with
Ringer's Lactate.


(Brackett) Were there
any other injuries?

Uh, negative.

You guys treat me like
I'm a piece of furniture.

You heard him. I'm a citizen.

And condition
seems to be stable.

10-4, 51. Bring him right in.

(John) 10-4,

[siren wailing] It was bound
to happen sooner or later.

I knew that.

Just take it easy.

There I am, I got
this beautiful M.O.

I mean, really beautiful,
and I'm scoring good.

For the first time in my
life, I'm into heavy bread.

Like it was falling
out of my pockets.

Yeah? Why don't you just relax?


I knew I was going to
get hung up one night.

What's the use of having
money if you can't enjoy it?

Steak, baked potato, sour cream,

chives, ice cream.

Ate myself right out
of this perfect M.O.

I put on too much weight.

But man, while it
lasted. Out of sight.

[woman chattering on PA. system]

Oh, Doc, how's our burglar?

Oh, he's gonna be okay.

Doctor Early's sewin' him up,

and then he'll be on
his way to the jail ward.


[people muttering]

Sounds like a pretty wild caper.

Well, it was kind of different.

Wasn't near as wild
as Adam-12, though.

I wish I knew how
that turned out.

Got pulled out in the middle
of a TV show again, huh?

It happens every time. Come on.

(Dixie) Well watch
the newspapers.

They'll probably run the same
episode again in a couple of months.

(John) Yeah.

(woman on PA.
System) Dr. Allan, 63.

Dr. Allan, 63.

Hey, maybe we could go back

and ask some of the patients in
the hospital how the show came out.

It's not that important, Johnny.

After all, it's only
a television show.

Besides, visiting
hours are over.

Yeah, I guess so.

[man chattering on radio]

Squad 3, what is your status?

Squad 3, what is your status?

It's just that I'm
curious how Reed

and Malloy got
out of it, that's all.

Nothing wrong
with that, is there?

I think it's kind of childish.

Trouble with you, Roy,
is you've got no curiosity.

Look, it's just a
television show.

I know they got out of it okay.

I know they'll be back again
next week with another problem.

Doesn't bother
me in the slightest.

Hey, get me a doctor.
I'm bleeding to death!

What've you been drinking?

(Eddie) Beer.

How much?

Oh, four or five.

Did you get hit on the head?

No, I don't think so.

I probably hit it
when I went down.

I whacked him one.

Were you unconscious?


What happened to the other guy?

I don't know.

They pulled him off me

and brought me
straight over here.

He was riding me
and riding me at work.

He just wouldn't let up.

Then tonight

he kept it up and he kept it up.

And I couldn't
take it any longer,

so I belted him one.

[people chattering]

[woman chattering on PA. system]

What's the trouble?

Guy slugged me.

He knock you out?

No way.

Open your eyes, please.

I'm just standin'
there and "pow"

this dummy belts
me with a pool cue.

Where'd he hit you?

Here. And there.



Darn dummy.

I'm gonna get
him fired for this.

Union or no union. He's through.

Sure you don't hurt
anyplace else? No.

Where did all the
blood come from?

I don't know.

Must be his. It ain't mine.

Who's that, the guy you
were fighting with? Yeah.

I fixed him. I nailed him good.

Where is he?

I don't know. Who cares?

This hurts right here, doc.


(Brackett) I'll start with
the facial cuts first, Dix.

What did he use
on you, a bottle?

Yeah, he got me
down and kept cutting.

Better notify the Sheriff.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

You've had enough
fighting for a while.

I swear. The next time
I see him I'll k*ll him.

Let's see, 25 pounds
friction loss per 100

times eight.

That'd give you 325 GPMs

out of an inch
and a quarter tip.



Is that the right answer?

Um, what did you
say? I... I wasn't even...

325 GPMs.


Yeah, if you're gonna
help me, stay with me.

What's the next problem?

You know what I figure happened?

Reed got away and ran for help.

Now, I'll tell you why
I figured that way.

Okay. I'm gonna
settle this thing

before you drive me crazy.

[dialing telephone] I just remembered
seeing an old Adam-12 once

where he was a track star
on the high school track team.


Maybe my wife watched it.

Hi, honey, it's me.

No, no, everything's fine.

Look, did you watch the
Adam-12 show tonight?

Great. Well, you know the place

where Reed and
Malloy and the prisoner

get pinned down in that ditch?

Yeah, that's the place.

What happened after
Reed was captured?

He went to steal
the crooks' car.


The crooks fired a shot at him?


Are you kidding?
Did... Did he get hurt?

Was he hurt?

Was he hurt?

Yeah. I see.

Well, give him a kiss for
me and tell him to go to sleep.

Yeah, honey. Bye-bye.

"Kiss for me?"

It went like this.

After Reed was captured,

Malloy went to
steal the crooks' car

and the crooks fired a
shot at him, and right then

Chris fell out of bed.

I mean, he's... he's all right.

He just had a bad dream.

Ann missed the rest of the show.

(man on radio) Utility
1, call Station 38,


Now I wish you hadn't called.

It makes it even worse.

Yeah, the crooks handcuffed Reed

with his own handcuffs.

Now I'm beginning to wish
we'd watched the entire show.

Wait a minute.

I thought you said
it didn't bother you.

It doesn't.

Not really. I just...

I wonder if there's
anyone else we can call?

(woman on PA. system) Dr. Roberto
Alonzo, Administrator's office.

Here, take a break.

Oh, thank you.

I was hoping some kind soul would
force some coffee between my lips.

I can't remember when
we've been this busy

during the middle of the week.

I know. Feels more
like Friday or Saturday.

Don't tell me you've actually
been working for a change, Kell?

Go ahead, Dix,

you won't embarrass
me if you want to tell him.

Tell him what?

What beautiful work I do.

Dr. Early.


Dr. Brackett says to tell
you he does beautiful work.

Now, you made it
sound like I'm braggin'.

I just put in 82 stitches.


But my pride and joy
is a couple of facial cuts.

Believe me, Joe, the
scars will hardly be visible.

It was nice work.

Nice? It was beautiful.

[phone ringing]

(Joe) You know what I like?

A guy that doesn't boast.

I'm gonna call you the
next time I tear my pants.

What've you got?

(Joe) Hairline skull fracture.

Broken collarbone. I
think the ribs are okay.


Unsporting use of a pool cue.

Bar fight?


What time did he come in?

Around 9:45.

You know, I think we've
got the other guy here, too.

Mr. 82 stitches?

Yeah, could be.

Dix, when we move 'em, make sure
they don't wind up in the same room.

Yeah Dix, they've already done
a pretty good job on each other.

(Vern) Hey, doc, how
about a little service, huh?

I'll be right there.

What's the problem?

Uh, my leg hurts. This
cast ain't worth a darn.

Motorcycle accident?


10 days ago?

What've you been doing
to this cast? Nothin'.

Well, it didn't get
that way by itself.

Now, what've you
been doing to it?

I told you, nothin'!


When did it start hurting?

Uh, I don't know, about

three days ago.

Don't you think you
should've come in then?

Sure, probably yeah, but...

Why did you wait till tonight?

Because my leg hurt so
badly I couldn't even sleep.

Now, why don't we go?

Let's get this
thing on the road.

You waited three
days. What's the hurry?

I wasn't talking to you, nurse, so
why don't you just stay out of this.

Hey! That'll be enough of that.

Look, I have been
here for hours.

"Come here, go
there fill out the forms,

pick up the papers,
go to room so and so."

You know, I've about had it.

You're not the
only patient I've got.

Look, I just saw you
standing over there,

yakking it up, drinking coffee.

That's the first break
he's had in over five hours.

Well, that's his problem.

Now, I want this leg fixed,
and fixed right this time.

Your leg was fixed right.

You've been doing something
stupid for a man in your condition.

I can do anything I wanna do.

And I didn't come here for
a lot of talk and questions.

Now, maybe the rest of the people
in this place let you get away with it

because they think you're a big
doctor or something, but not me.

Now, you know, I could file a
complaint on you, Dr. Brackett.

How'd you like that?

Oh, for Pete's sake.

All right, all right,
let's just settle down.

I'm gonna do what I can for you.

Yeah, well I thought
that'd bring you around.

Look, you want my help, you
tell me what you did to this cast.

Otherwise you can
just hobble outta here.

No bawlin' out?

All right, all right, all right.

I went surfin' over the
weekend, up the coast.

Surfing? With a cast on?

You could've drowned.

Well, I'm, uh, real
good in the water.

Now I've heard everything.


Well, let's get
the cast off him.

In here, Dix.

Weren't you afraid?


You should have been.

What for?

Look, you've only
got one left leg.

If you don't take care of it, you
could wind up with a permanent limp.

That's assuming you
don't lose it altogether.

Didn't I say no bawlin' out?

Mister, when I get
finished with you tonight,

I hope you get very
sensible, very fast.

(woman on PA. system)
Nurse Jones, reception, please.

(Ellen) Yes, Doctor.


Be right back.

(woman on PA. system) Stat,
idem, doctor, Treatment Room 3.

Stat, doctor, Treatment Room 3.


When he's through in
X-ray bring him back here.

All your talking to him,

do you think it'll do any good?

For a while, maybe.

"How about some service, doc?"

You shouldn't have
to put up with that.

What's the matter, Dix?

The Florence Nightingale
Syndrome again?

Don't try to kid
me out of it, Kell.

You're just tired.

Oh, you bet I am.

I'm tired of all the nonsense.

The wasted time.

I don't mind the ones

that dream up something
wrong with them so they can

come in and have
somebody to talk to.

They're just lonely.

But the others,
the ones that can't

or won't take care
of themselves,

the ones that try and con you

so they can get their
eight days' disability,

the ones that come in with a
hangnail, hollering "emergency"

because they can't be
bothered going somewhere else.

They just treat this place
like a swinging-door clinic.

You know I'm right.

Emergency's a
new specialty, Dix.

Sure, it's still got
some bugs in it.

But when someone needs
you here, they really need you.

Admit it, Kell.

Once in a while, don't
you get discouraged?

(Ellen) Somebody,
anybody, they're fighting!


(Brackett) Break
it up! Break it up!

Break it up!

I only got one hand,
dummy, but I can still take you.

Get him out of here!
Strap him down!

(Gus) He snuck up
and hit me with a bottle!

I can get up.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm all right.

Kell, those beautiful
stitches you put in?

Yeah? He tore them loose.

All of them? Most of them.


Yes, Dix,

once in a while I do
get a little discouraged.

(John) You're about the
third person I've called tonight.

No, none of them
have seen it either.

Well, I guess if
you weren't home,

you couldn't have seen it.

That's okay. Thanks
anyway, Charlie.




Are you through?

Yeah, right, Captain.

Well, let's, uh, get some sleep.

All right.

[sighs deeply]

He was at a movie.

He didn't see it.

You know, maybe
it was a two-parter.


You know...

I could call the
television station.

Why didn't I think
of that before?

(Chet) Gage.

Forget calling them,
I'll give you the ending.

I'm gonna strangle you.

(Marco) We'll all
hold him for you.

This is Karen Wilson.
She has a headache.

I've seen you before, haven't I?


I've seen her five or six times.

Remember what I
was talking about?


She always comes in
around this time of night.

Says she has a migraine,
wants pills for the pain.

Is that what you want
now, Karen? Pills?

I don't care. Anything.
Just k*ll the pain.

Can you show me where it hurts?

Right there.

When did it start?

An hour, a couple,
maybe. I don't know.

Do you have any nausea?

Sit up here for me, please.

She's got all the
symptoms down pat.

Usually carries on.

She doesn't seem
to be carrying on now.

Does the light bother you?

A little, I guess.

Right eyelid's
drooping a little.

Karen, I want you
to follow my finger.

Right eye won't move upwards.

It looks like third
nerve involvement.

Slight papilledema.


Dix, set up a spinal tray.

(Brackett) Hold
very still, Karen.

You're going to feel
a little needle sting.

Just make my head stop hurting.

What I'm doing, Karen,

is drawing off a little
fluid from your spine.

It's a simple procedure,

nothing you should
be worried about.

You shouldn't feel anything.

But it might give us some idea
what's causing that pain in your head.

Clear, but yellow.

Almost finished.


[metallic clinking]

Karen, I'm going to send
you upstairs to a specialist.

Okay. Whatever.

They'll take good care of you.


On the double.

(woman on PA.
System) Dr. Hanna, 63.

Emergency in 6.

This is Dr. Brackett.

I'd like to speak to
Dr. Stein, please.

Yeah Dave,

I'm sending a woman up by the
name of Karen Wilson to see you.

I think you should
look at her right away.

I suspect a berry aneurysm.

I already did a spinal tap.

Yeah. She's on her
way up right now.


I thought she was trying
to work us for dr*gs again.

I should've kept my mouth shut.

You did the right thing.

Anytime you know
something, I wanna hear it.

All right.

As long as you don't pay
too much attention to me.

I'll keep an open mind.

Open mind. Open mouth.

I don't believe I like
that arrangement.

[alarm buzzing]

(man on radio) Station 51,
Engine 236, Engine 95, Truck 127,

Battalion 14, industrial
fire, 140 Haldane.

140 Haldane.

Cross street,
Curzon. Time out 1:07.

Station 51, 10-4. KMG 365.

(Roy) Haldane.

[siren blaring]

Engine 95, Engine 51,

take the hydrant on the north

and lay a line
down the driveway.

Engine 236, Engine 51,

lay tools from the
front of the building

to the hydrant on the north.

[sirens continue blaring]

Chief, thought we'd set
the snorkel up in the back.

236 is gonna hit
the fire from the front.

Good, I'll take it from here.

(Roy) Are you okay?

(guard) Yeah, but just
barely. It really went fast.

(Chief) What happened?

I'm not sure, but it could
have been a gas expl*si*n.

Gas? What do you make in there?

Mostly, it's classified.
But they do have

a hot room in there, in the lab.

A hot room? Well, that
means radioactive materials.

Yeah, but I think the doc got
everything secured, all right.


What are you talking about?

Dr. Duncan. He's still in there.

Where? The lab!

(Dixie) Dr. Brackett.
Dr. Brackett.


51, what's the
victim's condition?

We have no definite
information yet.

We want to alert you.

We've been told
there's one victim,

and radioactive
materials may be involved.

We're going in now.

10-4, 51. We'll stand by.

(John) 10-4,

Until we know better,
we'll have to assume

he's been both exposed
and contaminated.

See if you can locate Joe Early.

We'll have to
isolate three beds.

He said only one victim.

If they have to go in and get
him, they'll be exposed, too.

[alarm sounding]

(Roy) I get a reading.

Truck 127, Battalion 14,

set up a water tower
operation on the north side.

[siren wailing]

[alarm continues sounding]

Hold it, Cap. Hold it. Hold it.

I'm gettin' a higher reading.

[glass clinking]

You get a pulse?


(Roy) The door is
jammed. Must be the power.

Let's get out of here.

[glass crunching]

(Roy) How long were we in there?

About a minute. Is he alive?


Do you know the rooms I mean?

Yeah, and I'll take care
of the wash-down set-up.

Right, and plug
the drains. Okay.

We'll pump the water later.

Engine 51,

I want two jacks,
pry bar, three men.

On the double!

[fire crackling]

Rampart, this is Rescue 51.

51, this is Rampart, go ahead.

Rampart, we have a male,
approximately 40 years old.

He's alive but unconscious.

I don't know the
extent of his injuries.

He's pinned under some wreckage.

He's been exposed to heavy
radiation for about five minutes.

10-4, 51. We're standing by.


(Brackett) Dix, it's definite.

We've got a radiation accident.

I want you to notify the
Radiation security guard

and the head of
Nuclear Medicine.

Explain the situation to him

and tell him I may need him
for an immediate consultation.

Also, arrange for isolation.

Right away.

Get that beam up
about 8, 9, inches.

Ought to do it.

Don't worry about the floor,
it's solid, but the room's hot.

The port leading into
the hot cell has blown out,

it's jammed, and
that radiation's

coming out of
there like a spotlight

and that's really
hot. You stay out.

Kelly and I'll go in
first. You two men next.

The working time's
six minutes, no more.

Then out. The next pair go in.

DeSoto, you and Gage
will be the last ones.

Now men, remember, when
you get the beam off, don't touch it.

Turn it over to the paramedics
and let them handle it.

DeSoto, I want you
to watch the time.

Six minutes. Okay, let's go.

[alarm sounding]

This is our radiation
control expert.

Frank Conoyer.

Okay. Have you notified the
Atomic Energy Commission?

Yeah. Duncan's still in there?

They're working on it.

Now this is what
we've done so far.

We've set up a
two-MIR perimeter.

Any equipment that
goes inside, stays in.

We've set up a
decontamination point.

Maybe I can help inside.

(Roy) Okay. Time's up.
Get them out of there.

[metallic clanking]

All right, take off, you two.

They ought to be
able to finish the job.

[truck engine running]

[man chattering on radio]

What kind of stuff is in there?

Cobalt 60.

That's in metal slugs?

Yeah. But there's
also Iodine 131.

It's a liquid solution
in glass bottles.

They probably broke.

It must be all over the place.

(Lopez) The beam's off, Cap!

Thanks. You'd better go.

(Roy) What's hangin' him up?

(John) I think it's his leg.

All right, time's up. Come on.

We'll be out in a minute.


I can't make it.

I said, time's up.
Come on out. Now!

[alarm continues sounding]

Watch his leg.

(John) Blood pressure 80/40,

respiration shallow, pulse 40.

He's unconscious.

The dosimeter reads
450 roentgens of radiation.

And there's possible
internal injuries.

He's bleeding from the ears.

(John) Do you want us
to wash him down now?

Affirmative, 51. Do it there, then
start an IV with Lactated Ringers.


Get him in here
as fast as you can.


[man chattering on radio]

All right, John.

[woman chattering on PA. system]

(woman on PA.
System) Emergency in 6.

Emergency in 6.

Let's get him in there.

Can I have a doctor
in Treatment 1?

Can I have a doctor
in Treatment 1?

How much radiation
did you two take?

About 25.

I got him beat.

(Roy) He took one big jolt.

Over 100.

I'm afraid you're gonna have to
stay overnight for observation, Johnny.

You're liable to be sick.

What about Dr. Duncan?

Well statistically, I'd say
he's got about a 50-50 chance.

He wouldn't have that if he'd
gotten much more exposure.

That's good to know.

Look, I wanna get to bed.

Come on.

Oh! Did you guys shower?


(Brackett) Take another one.

[woman chattering on PA. system]

The visiting hours are over.

Hi. Hi.

I thought I'd take off.


Is there anything
I can do for you?

Books, magazines?
Whatever you want.

No, nothing. Thanks.

All right, well, I'll
call the TV station

in the morning and
check on Adam-12 for you.


What about it?

You've forgotten how hung
up you've been all night?

[chuckling] Yeah, I
guess I was, wasn't I?

That's putting it mildly.

I'll find out for you
how it turned out.

What for?

You'll just ruin the rerun
for me next summer.
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