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02x06 - The Great Blue Lake Land and Development Company

Posted: 01/10/24 09:53
by bunniefuu
Mr. Hart, you have $10,000
of my money in your safe.
I want it back.

What kind of a shakedown
is this?

What are you trying to pull?

They're selling
an invisible lake.

I'm gonna get my money back.

And at this point,
I don't particularly care how.

Mr. Tanner here
will escort you in your car
to the center of the lake.

If your body ever
is found,

the verdict will be
accidental drowning.


This is Jim Rockford.

At the tone, leave your name
and message.

I'll get back to you.


Hello, Jim Rockford's machine.

This is
Larry Doheny's machine.

Will you please have
your master call my master

at his convenience?

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.






looks like I got here
just in time.

Looks like you didn't.

Well, look,
I got a little problem
with my fuel line.

I got some sand in it.
You think you can fix it
for me?

I'm closed.

Bring her around
in the morning.

Oh, I can't wait
till morning.

You got no choice.

Next station's 35 miles
from here.

Look, mister,
I'd like to help you,

but I clerk nights
at the motel.

Got to get my supper
and check in.

Come by and I'll give you
a rate on a room.

Hey, look, pal...

Pal, I got a few
important papers,

ought to be kept
in a safe.

You got a safe
in the motel?

No, sir.

Well, where's the bank?

It's going up
right down the street.

You mean you haven't got one?

Not yet. It's going up.

Why don't you
use the land office?

What for?

To lock up them papers.

They got a safe.
Everybody in town uses it.

Just as good as a bank.

I don't know.

Look, mister,
I got close to $500
in there.

You want a bank, that's it.

Where would I find it?

About a mile down this way.

Great big fancy building
on the right.

You can't miss it.

Thanks a lot, pal.

Can I help you?

Yeah. My name is Rockford.

The man from the gas station
sent me over here.

Oh. I'm afraid we're closed.

Matter of fact,
I was supposed to be
out of here

half an hour ago.

If you could come back
in the morning,

somebody would be glad
to take you out,
show you the lake...

Look, I'm not interested
in property.

See, there's no bank in town,
and I have something I'd like
to lock up overnight.

I understand you have a safe.

Mr. Rockford,
that's a courtesy
the land office extends

to residents of the town.

Well, could you extend me
the same courtesy for $50?

What's worth $50 to you?

Well, you see,
I'm a private investigator

and I picked up
some bail money for a client

and they gave it to me
in cash. It's $10,000.

Mr. Hart is the manager.

He's... He's gone for the day.
I'm just a salesman.

What's it gonna hurt?

Not sure Mr. Hart
would like it.

You're not a resident.

Well, sure I am.

I'm staying in a motel
till they fix my car.

$50, huh?



Hey, Rocky.
Where you been?

Waiting for you.

We was supposed
to have supper.

Yeah, I know. I know.
I've been calling
for over an hour.

Oh, was that you?

Yeah, it was me.

Why, you been there
all the time?

Why didn't you
answer the phone?

Because I'm tired of
getting hollered at,
that's why.

There's some guy
down in the county jail
who wants out.

His lawyer's been calling
to find out
what happened to you.

Where's the bail money?
Where are you?

At a place called
the Great Blue Lake.

Look, the next time
he calls...

I ain't gonna
answer the phone.

Just tell him
I'm having engine trouble.

I'll be back in L.A.
After I get it fixed
in the morning by noon.

1:00 at the latest.

It won't work.
He wants out now.

He don't want to
spend the night in jail.

why do I have to be the one
to tell him?

You know I hate
passing out bad news.

Well, it's not that bad,

This is Thursday.

They got chicken fried steak.


Good morning, sir.
May I help you?

I'm looking for
Murray Johnson.

Paul Tanner's my name.

And if you don't mind
my saying so,

this is the smartest move
you ever made.

Most of the folks
we get in here,

they've got blue hair
and an outside chance
of another 10 years.

You're buying in young.
You're gonna have time
to enjoy your investment.

Maybe I should
talk to a Mr. Hart.

Mr. Hart's in management,
not sales.

I hope I didn't give you
the wrong impression.

When I said most people,
I meant we get our share
of senior citizens,

but we've got a lot of folks
who fit right into
your age bracket.

Yeah, my name is Rockford
and I'd like to
speak to Mr. Hart.

It's personal.

Mr. Hart is not in sales.

That's gonna work out
just fine

because I'm not
buying anything.

Mr. Rockford?

Please come in.

Thank you for seeing me,
Mr. Hart.

Not at all.

Now, you said
it was personal.

Yeah, well, I wouldn't have
disturbed you with it,

but I didn't see
Murray Johnson outside

and I am on
a pretty tight schedule.

They fixed my car
and I'm ready to leave town.

I'm sorry,

I just don't seem to be
following this at all.

Oh. Well,
I guess if he hasn't
come in yet

he didn't have a chance
to explain it to you,

but I had to stay
in town last night

and Mr. Johnson
was kind enough
to let me use your safe.

Here's the receipt.
It's self-explanatory.


That's right. It's signed
for by Murray Johnson.

And just who the devil
is Murray Johnson?

He's one of your salesmen.

Well, I have three salesmen.

Paul Tanner, Terry Burch
and Henry Fielding.

And Murray Johnson.

What kind of a shakedown
is this?

What are you trying to pull?

Mr. Hart, you have $10,000
of my money in your safe.
I want it back.

Just like that?

Just like that.

You come in here
waving a phony receipt

signed by someone
I've never even heard of,

and I'm supposed
to give you $10,000?

Return, not give.

Get out of here.

Would you at least
look in your safe?

Mr. Rockford, you do not
have $10,000 in my safe.

I saw Johnson put it there.

Wait, you say
you never heard of him.

Then how did he have
the key to the office?

How did he know
the combination
to your safe?

It's a wall safe. It's behind
the county map outside.

And the receipt
is on your letterhead.

Sally, would you call
Sheriff Mitchell, please?

Ask him if he can
come on over here.

It seems we've got a problem.

Yeah. Yeah.
We've got a problem.

Now, this is a small town,
Mr. Rockford.

Maybe that's why you figured
you could pull off a stunt
like this

and get away with it.

But let me tell you,
you're gonna be sorry
you tried.

If that's meant to terrify me,
Mr. Hart, it doesn't.

I want to see the sheriff
as much as you do.

I'm not leaving this town
without my money.

Bet on it.

I thought we got this
all settled
back at the land office.

I want to file a complaint.

Mr. Hart was kind enough
to open up his safe for you

and let you look inside,

and your $10,000
just wasn't in there.

It was in there last night.
Johnson stole it.

You know, ever since
that land office opened

we've had salesmen
just coming and going here.

I can't keep track
of them all,
but Mr. Hart can.

Because he hires them.

And he said he don't know
any Murray Johnson.

I don't care what he said.

I want to file a complaint.
I have that right.

Well, you want to
waste your time and mine.

I guess I can't stop you.

Murray Johnson.



Oh, he was about...






Brown. Brown.
His eyes and his hair
were brown.

Light brown? Dark brown?


Look, Sheriff,
I'm trying to be
as accurate as I can,

but he didn't have
any distinctive features.

He's just one of those guys
who kind of fades
into the background.

All right, give me your
home address and phone number,

and anyone turns up looking

I'll give you a call.

If anyone turns up?

You think he's waiting around
to get caught?

He's got $10,000.
He's running.

Well, if he runs
more than 15 miles,

he's gonna run
right out of my jurisdiction.

All right. For the record.

There were 10 $1,000 bills.

There's a copy
of the serial numbers

and on the back
is his home address.

Number 12
Second Street North.

Second Street North?

That's right.
I followed him home
last night.


When you give somebody
that much money,

you want to know
where to find him.

You been out there
this morning?

I didn't have any reason to,
until now.

It might be a good idea
if I was just to
go along with you.

Yeah, it might be.

If I find him with my money,
I'm gonna clean his clock.

You sure you
got the right place?

Yeah, I'm sure.
This is it.

Morning, Billie.

Something wrong?

No, no, no, no.
We just want to ask you
a couple of questions is all.

Like what?

Well, this fellow,
Rockford here,

he come to me with a kind of
a peculiar story.

I'm looking
for Murray Johnson.

Murray Johnson?

Do you know him?

No. Should I?

He lives here.

Mister, I don't know
who you are,

but I happen to
live by myself.

About 6:15, 6:20 last night
I followed him to this house.

He came up to the door,
he took the key...

Billie, that is a
damn fool place
to leave a door key.

He took the key,
he put it into the lock,
he opened the door

and went inside.

Now, I saw him
and nobody's gonna tell me
I didn't.

I can't say
one way or the other.
I wasn't home.

Sheriff, 6:00 is our busy time
at the restaurant.

You know that.

I was serving you your supper.

I would have known
if there'd been somebody
in my house.

There wasn't nothing missing,
nothing out of place.

He has brown eyes, brown hair.

I told you.
I don't know Murray Johnson.

Sheriff, is that all?
I'm already late to work.

No, that's all, Billie.

And, Billie, you tell Cooper
that I kept you.

Don't want him
docking you none.

Mr. Rockford,
I'm afraid I don't know
what to make of your story.

Why don't you
try believing it?

You mean, you're right
and everyone else is wrong,

So far, yeah.

Let me tell you something.

This house has been
the Carlton place
for as long as I can remember.

And Billie is not living
with Murray Johnson,

or any other man
for that matter.

This is a small town
and that kind of news
travels fast.

Now, do you have
any other checking up
you want me to do?

No. No, you've been
a big help.


I don't know what's going on
around here,

but I'm gonna get
my money back.

And at this point,
I don't particularly care how.



Oh, Jimmy?

Yeah, Rocky,

you know a town
by the name of Colson?

Yeah, off Route 181.

Hey, I thought you were
gonna be here around noon.
I told that lawyer fella.

I don't know
what he's gonna say

if you keep him
waiting much longer.

I do. I just talked to him.

Look, I'm in Colson.

There's a restaurant
by the name of The Twin Palms.

It's just off Main Street,
the east end of town.

I want you to meet me here
as soon as you can

and bring Harry DeNova
with you.

Fast Harry?

I wouldn't bring him
to a chicken fight.

Yeah, I know
you don't like him, Rocky,

but I need him.
I'm in trouble.

What kind of trouble?

I'll explain when I see you.

Sonny, I don't want you
mixing with that Fast Harry.

Now, whatever you're into,
you and me can handle it.

Rocky, bring him.
It's important.

I don't even know
where to find him.


Well, I ain't seen him
for six months.
That's the last time.

It's also the last time
I seen my 14 carat
gold lodge ring.

Harry didn't steal your ring.

And if he did,
I'll make him give it back
to you.

Now, Rocky, I don't have time
to argue with you.

The last time I saw Harry,
he was working
at a used car lot.

What if he don't want to come?

Harry's always looking
for a big score.

You just tell him
I'm on to a hell of a scam

and he could get
a piece of it.

I don't like
the sound of that.

Harry will.
Now, do like I tell you.

HARRY: I didn't have change
for a $50.

I would've picked up the tab.
You know me.

This is true?

I wouldn't have believed it.
You getting suckered.

This never would've happened
in the joint.

You had a reputation.

You dealt straight,
you didn't trust nobody.

Now, you hand $10,000
to some turkey

and you're surprised
when he steals it.

Let's just drop it, Harry,

Okay, yeah.

Why wouldn't you
level with me?

What do you mean?

Rocky didn't tell me
there's no bind.

He waltzes me out of here
with some cockamamie story

about if I come out with him,
I'm gonna fall
into a gold mine.

Why not level?
Were you afraid
I wouldn't come?

Well, I knew you wouldn't.

You never done
nothing for nothing
in your life, Harry.

That is true.

But for a pal?

Not for your
sainted grandmother.

I don't forget
I owe you a couple.

And Fast Harry
always pays his debts.

Yeah, out of
somebody else's pocket.

He's been like that
the whole way out here.

Look, if you got
any questions you want
to ask, ask them now.

Great Blue Lake's
only about 30 miles.

Now, we go in separately.

You drive the rental car,

and once we get there,
we do not know one another.

If they tie us together,
this whole thing won't work.

So you be careful
how you get the information
to me. Okay?

No questions.

Yeah, I got a question.

How come you tried to sell
my pickup?

He tried to sell my pickup.

the truck is not for sale.

Neither is the rental car.

I'd like you to
get started today,
if you can.

Yeah, well,
the sooner I start,
the sooner I can sell.

Well, you'll need some time
to familiarize yourself
with the development,

but the staff
will give you all the help
you need.

Don't worry about a thing,
Mr. Hart.

Selling real estate's
like selling anything else.

You size up the customer,
push the right button and...

Why don't you
get started then?

this section here,

it's been pretty well
picked over.

ROCKY: Well, how about
this stuff in here?

I kind of like the looks
of that. All those
shade trees and all.

Mr. Finley, you're not gonna
believe this,

but that's exactly the area
I was going to suggest.

We have three parcels left,
and every one a gem.

But that's
lakefront property.

It's snapped up real fast.

I'd like to run you over there
right now,
let you look it over.

Well, let's go.

TANNER: It's a completely
self-contained community.

Shopping center, market,
clothing stores, gas station.

'Course, they're not anywhere
near the residential area.

Everything for your comfort
and convenience.

Well, what did I tell you?

Where's the lake?


Oh, it isn't in yet.

Yeah. I gotta tell you.
If I were choosing something
for myself,

this is what I would pick.

Let me tell you exactly
what you have if you decide
on this location.

You've got lakefront.
Now, that means
an unobstructed view

and close to the country club.

Though not too close
that it'd ever be noisy
or anything.

Country club?

Yeah, right there.

Remember, with this property
you get the shade trees.

Not that it ever gets
what you'd really call hot.

But you've always got
that breeze
right off the lake.

Warm breeze.

Of course, to have access
to the lake, you have to
buy shares in it,

but the cost is so minimal
when you consider
what you get in return.

But no power boating,
and no water skiing.

No, no.

Too many potential hazards.
It's safety.

But you do have swimming,
fishing, sail boating.

Oh, incidentally,
we deal in volume.

I can get you
a very good price
on a boat.

Oh. Well, I think I'll wait
a while on the boat

till I make up my mind
about the land.

Oh, yes, sure,
but I wouldn't take
too much time

making up my mind
because I had a couple
here yesterday

from North Platte, Illinois.
He's retired.

They want to relocate,
and they've got their eye
on this property, too.

Well, I'll try to
get back to you
before they do.

I'd kind of like to
talk it over with my son.

Well, bring him around.
I'll be glad
to show it all to him.

that won't be necessary.

He'll take my word for it.

Well, be sure and tell him
about the resale value.

Now this is the North Shore,
our real prestige area.

Take a look, mister.
Take a good, long look.

No smog, no crowds... roads, no water,
no electricity.

They're selling
an invisible lake.


You know,
and that ain't all.

Out there
where there's nothing
but sand and jackrabbits,

this guy tried
to sell me a boat.

You buy it?

No, I didn't.
No, I didn't.

But they're doing
business out there

and it ain't all
mail-order business neither.

These folks get
to come out there
and pry around

and they see what they're
getting for their money.

No. They see
little white sails
on a great blue lake

and barbecue
every Saturday night
at the club.

It's called salesmanship,

That ain't what I call it.

Most of those folks
got their money in that land,
they're retired.

They're living on pensions.

Now, stealing is bad enough.

But stealing what a man spent
his whole life to save.

You know, Jimmy,
I was thinking,

as long as
we're here anyway...

The answer is no.

You don't even know
what I was gonna ask.

Yes, I do.

And I'd look lousy
on a white horse.


You sure nobody saw you
come in here?

I come in this way here.

Who is it?

Walter Hart.

The bathroom.
And take your coat.

Mr. Rockford.

May I come in?


Well, apologizing out here
is a little public.

You know,
I was gonna give you a call.

Well, then I decided that
this is something
I'd better do in person.

You know, when you came by
with that incredible story,

I thought that...

Well, you know
what I thought.

Your money
wasn't in the safe

and I didn't know anybody
named Murray Johnson.

What happened
to the apology?

Oh, well, it comes
with an explanation.

You see, I employ a man
named Terry Burch.

Well, he didn't
show up for work.

So, I sent one of
the other salesmen

over to his apartment
to check

and he was gone.

Now, Terry was born
in Los Angeles,

and he's got a mother
living down there,

so I had one of our
L.A. Office people go over

and check his house.
And they found him.

They also found this.

It's all there.

Plus a couple of hundred
for your inconvenience.

Now, you have my apology

and your $10,000.

Could I possibly persuade you
not to press charges?


Mr. Rockford.

Sad stories depress me,
Mr. Hart.

So I make a policy
of not listening to them.

I don't want to hear about
his mother's operation,
how desperate he was...

He only took that money
because it looked like
a quick, easy score.

Now, Terry's worked for me
for over two years.

Now, he's lost his job
and his reputation,

the trust of people
I think he cared
something about.

He's gonna have
an awfully difficult time
getting another job

and he can't use me
as a reference.

Now, isn't that
punishment enough?

Do you always play big daddy
to your employees?

No, only when
they're in a position
to hurt the company.

See now,
if you press charges,

it'll hit the papers

and no corporation
that deals with the public

can afford
that kind of notoriety.

So, what do you say?

I'll think about it.

Thank you.

And again,
I... I am sorry
for the inconvenience.

And the understatement?

You got it back, huh?


Murray Johnson, Terry Burch.

Sure took him long enough
to figure that out.

Harry DeNova, please.

Oh. Thank you.

Harry's in the bar.

I'd have tried there first.

All right, we can get rid of
the rental car in Colson

and Harry can drive back
with me.

Unless you want company.

He can ride back with me.

You fixing on leaving
right now?

Well, yeah.
You want to get home,
don't you?

Oh, yeah. Sure I do but...

Well, what's the matter?
You tired?

No, I'm not tired or anything.

Well, it's getting
kind of late. I just thought
it'd be nice if we stay over

and then we could drive home
tomorrow morning
when it's light

and see the countryside.

The room's on me.

For one night only.

And thanks for the help,

I don't know, Harry.

But being that close
to the club,
it just got to be noisy.

On the other side, yes.
On this side, no.

The way the club is built,
you won't hear a thing.

I personally guarantee it.

We're leaving, Harry.

Excuse me,
but we're leaving now, Harry.


Yeah, well, you don't have to
put yourself out none
on my account.

That's the kind of guy he is.

Look, why don't you
wait for me over there

and I'll be right with you.

Now, that's a sweetheart.

You're gonna be neighbors,
if you buy like I tell you.

Now, you look over
those plans a minute

and I'll be right back.

We're not supposed
to know each other.

Oh, it's all right, Harry.
I got my money back.

Now, come on,
we got a long trip
back to L.A.

I ain't leaving.

What are you
talking about?

Today's my first day
on the job, right?

About real estate,
I know zip.

I'm about to close a deal.

You aren't.

I swear. First time out.
Right on the dotted line.

Lovely lot.
Right on the North Shore.

The North Shore of what?
The lake.

There isn't any lake, Harry.


You don't think she noticed?

All right, the real estate
isn't worth spit.

You know that and I know that.

But Mildred from Minnesota
don't know it.
So don't q*eer the deal.

You stink, pal.

Did I invent pigeons?

They run them out here
on a bus
three times a week.

Put them up at the motel,
feed them, give them
a couple a drinks.

They can't wait to buy
a piece of that sandbox.

I have hit
the mother Iode, pal.

Don't tell me
not to work it.

The Department of Real Estate
is probably already
investigating that company.

And when I get back to L.A.,
if they're not,

I'm gonna
suggest they do.

You wouldn't.
Believe me, I could score big.

Believe me,
you could get busted
for fraud.

I hope you're going to be
very happy, neighbor.

Jimmy's in kind of a hurry.

Don't wait on us.
You know,
your two lots

are right directly
next to mine.

HARRY: I'll give you a ring
next time I hit town.

You know, Harry,
I've decided

that you're right about
the one I should buy.

I like children.
Don't you, Harry?

Harry likes pigeons.


You don't want to keep
the kids waiting.

Harry, you know,
I feel bad about the money.

I mean, you could knock down
a pretty good commission
on those two lots.

You're not buying?

Yeah, I know you told me
about the little problem
with the land

because of the kids
and I appreciate that, Harry.

What did Harry tell you
that he didn't tell me?

Oh, well,
it's not a big deal, really.

The land is good, I guess.

They haven't
run any tests there in years.

BOTH: Tests?

Oh, come on, Harry.

I mean, Mildred isn't
gonna be scared off

by something that happened
30 years ago.

It used to be
a nuclear testing ground.

You're selling
radioactive land?

Why, there ought to be
a law against it.


Get out of the car, Rockford!

You plan on using that g*n?

Shut up and get out!

Would you mind telling me
what this is all about?

Lean into the car.

Spread them.

I don't carry a g*n, Sheriff.

Shut up.

All right,
put them back here.

Where's the money?

What money?

Where's the money?

In the trunk.

How'd you know
I got the money back?

Because it wasn't
on the body.

What body?

We found him.

Out back of the motel.
Shot twice.

Only his name wasn't
Murray Johnson.
It was Terry Burch.

Well, you don't think
I k*lled him?

Well, you said you didn't care
how you got your money back.

I guess you didn't.

I didn't k*ll Terry Burch.

Walter Hart gave me
the $10,000.

That's not what he said.

Well, he lied.

My father overheard
the whole thing.
He'll back me up.

I'd be surprised
if he didn't.

Look, I'm telling you
the truth.

Hart gave me the money
and he could only have
gotten it from Burch.

The serial numbers match.
He k*lled him.


I don't know.

Well, you had motive,

and you made public threats
against Burch.

Now, it's getting late.


I'm allowed a phone call.

You're not gonna be
one of those guys

who reminds me
of their rights all the time,
are you?

Okay, Rockford, make the call.

I ain't gonna do it.

You have to.

I don't have to do nothing.

I'll call Beth.
She's got you sprung
more than once.

Just do what
I told you to do.


Look, I'm your pa.

You want to
get yourself k*lled,
don't ask me to help you.

It's the only chance
I've got.

I'll call your lawyer.


Jimmy never k*lled nobody.

He was framed.

Everybody says
they was framed.

He'll get to
tell his side of things
when we get to court.

He don't like
being locked up in there.

He don't think
he's gonna get a fair shake.

You got
something on your mind,
Mr. Rockford?

I don't like seeing him
in jail.

But it's better than
seeing him k*lled.

Why don't you just
come right out and tell me
what you got to say.

Sheriff, will you do
all you can to keep Jimmy
from getting hurt?

I can't promise nothing
if I don't know
what you're talking about.

He's gonna try
and break out of there.

Well, he ain't gonna make it.

I didn't say he was
gonna make it.
I said he was gonna try.

Now, Sheriff,
if you was to keep
a real close eye on him,

it might keep him
from doing anything foolish.

I'll keep an eye on him.

And a shotgun.

Trying to break jail
would be a big mistake.
I'll sh**t you.


I know what you got in mind,
but it ain't gonna work.

There's only one way
out of this cell, and that's
right through this door.

And I got the key.

What do you think
you're running here,
San Quentin?

It's a sardine can.

The question isn't
could I break out of here,
it's who couldn't?

If I wanted to
walk out of here,
I'd walk.

Well, you'll have to walk
right through me,

because I'm gonna be
sitting in a chair right here,
all night long,

with a loaded shotgun.

Now, you want to disappear
in a puff of smoke,

I'll be happy to oblige.

Breakfast, Rockford.




He did it.






Hey, Rocky, in here.

What took you
so long?

Well, this place ain't exactly
no national landmark.

And, besides,
your friend Harry
didn't want to come.

What made you
change your mind?

He said he'd tell
my parole officer

I left the county
without permission.

Did you do that?
That's not very smart.

Look who's talking smart.
They got you on m*rder One.

Yeah, they also got me
on Grand-Theft Auto.

You stole a police car?

Yeah, when you're breaking
jail, you don't wait around
for a bus.

And I'm an accessory.

I wasn't doing too bad
at the car lot.

Now, don't worry, you're just
taking a few days off.

You'll be back selling cars.

There's a limited market
in the joint.

You're not going back,
and neither am I.

All I want from you
is some inside information
on Walter Hart.

I'm not inside anymore.
They dumped me.

When did that happen?

This morning.
I get to the office
and it's locked.

There's a sign up
"Closed for Inventory."

So I look in the window
to see for myself.

They're packing up,
getting ready to split.

What's that gonna do to you?

Without Walter Hart,
you got nothing.

HARRY: No wants or warrants
on him.

How you gonna stop him?

All right, Rocky.

Rocky, I want you
to pull up to the corner
and just park there.

And if any cops come,
you take off.

Only don't lay rubber.
Just keep it casual.

You're sure
you don't want me
to go in with you?

No, no.
If it goes sour,
I want you out of it.

Get out of here.
I have to talk to you, Billie.

Get out! I'll scream!

but only listen to me first.

You k*lled Terry.

No, Walter Hart k*lled Terry,
or had him k*lled.


No. He stole some money
off of you.

You k*lled him
and took it back.

It's been on the news
all morning.

$10,000 isn't enough money
to k*ll a man for.

At least, not for me.

Now, Billie,
you loved Terry.

If you want to see me
in jail,

just go ahead
and pick up the phone

and call the sheriff.

Or do you want to find out
who really k*lled him?

Mr. Hart wouldn't have
no reason.

When I saw Terry
in the land office,

he was going through
a bunch of papers

and an account ledger.

I think
he was getting ready
to leave town.

He'd have told me.

Not if what he was doing
was dangerous.

Terry was a salesman.

Yeah. He was selling
worthless land
for Walter Hart.

Hart was making millions
out of that development.

Now, I think Terry
took something...

Now, when I was following him
and he came here,

he was carrying
an attaché case.

Did he leave it here?

Whatever was
in that attaché case

might convict Walter Hart.

Yeah, it's all here.

Uh-huh. There's receipts,
cancelled checks,

an account ledger.

It's all very interesting.

There's names, dates.

You bought
a lot of protection, Mr. Hart.

And you'd like to
sell me some more?

Well, according to this,

payoffs are
all a part of the business.

How much?


That's ridiculous.

I might be able
to raise $50,000.

Well, you could probably
raise a couple of million,
but I'm not greedy.

No. It's got to be $50,000
for setting me up
for the m*rder rap,

and $50,000
for the book and papers.

I get it all.

You won't try
squirreling anything away
for the future?

ROCKFORD: No, you get

Well, I'll need about an hour.

Where do we
make the exchange?

How about the lake?

The lake?

Yeah, well, I've heard
so much about it,

I thought I'd like to
see it for myself.

Did you bring the papers?

Did you bring the money?

You're forgetting
the money.

Well, you didn't seriously
expect me to give you
$100,000, did you?

I guess
it was wishful thinking.
$50,000 will do.

Mr. Tanner here
will escort you in your car
to the center of the lake

and if your body
ever is found,

the verdict will be
accidental drowning.

The way it was
with Terry Burch?

Well, Terry decided
he wanted a bigger piece
of the action

and when I turned him down,
he got nervous.




Sheriff's been listening
to the whole thing.

No place to hide out here,

so you might as well
give it up.



ROCKFORD: What are you
holding them for?

They know you.

I never saw him before
in my life.

Oh, shut up, Harry.

Look, you got Hart
and his gorillas.
Why not let us go?

I can't do that, Rockford.
You stole my car.

I told you where to find it.

And you broke jail.

How did you do that, anyway?

I just walked out.

That's impossible.

Look, Rockford,
it's nothing personal,

I know
what you've been through.

If there was any way
that I could let you go,
I'd do it.

ROCKFORD: Well, it's a shame.

I mean, you got
Walter Hart for fraud,
attempted m*rder, m*rder One.

It's gonna make
all the headlines

when I tell
my side of the story.

Yeah, I'm gonna
look like a jackass.
I know.

Of course,

if we'd been working together,

that'd change
the whole picture.

I mean, you were just
playing along with them

until you could drop the net.

There's no law that says
an unofficial deputy

can't use the police car.

And who is gonna believe

that I could walk
right out of your jail
without your help, huh?

You'll make yourself available
for the trial.

Oh, you know
where to find me, Sheriff.

My lodge ring!

I want to file a complaint.

HARRY: Now, Rocky,
don't do nothing rash.

You're gonna feel pretty bad
when I tell you

that ring belonged
to my own sainted father.

It was the one thing
he left me
when he passed on.

I suppose his initials
were J.R.?

That's right.
I told you you'd feel...

Come on now.
Give me that ring.

I want to file a complaint,


No, I want to
file a complaint!

Runs in the family.