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02x15 - May the Best Man Win

Posted: 02/15/08 16:02
by bunniefuu
Be honest with yourself for two seconds and tell me that you don't feel the way I feel about you.

I don't feel the way you feel about me. Move on.

Your friend left.

Are you trying to say he just started wheeling on down the road?

You really saved my ass tonight.

No problem.

You leave my sister alone.

Smash Williams is an arrogant violent thug who att*cked us because we're white.

They've decided to suspend you for three games.

They're revoking my scholarship.

That's the mark of death.

The best thing you can do for me is win.

And no matter what happens, y'all remember this: y'all are State Champs.

Thank you.

Hey, give me some money.


Give me some now.

Hey, Lyla.

Hi, Billy.


Office of Gary Powers, University of Alabama Athletic Department.

Please leave a message.

Mr. Powers, Brian Williams.

Just following up to see if you got my other messages.

Like I said, my position with TMU is changing, and I'm feeling like rolling with the tide.

Call me, okay?

For this car, everything you're getting, is the invoice price, direct to dealer.

And I swear to you, sir.

This is the absolute best I can do.

No, I appreciate.

It sounds like a good deal.

I'm just trying to knock something off here. There's got to be...

All right, you know what? You think about it, and I'll be back in a couple minutes, okay?

Hello, miss.

Hello, sir.

This is the 2008 fully loaded, you know?

If you're actually looking I could probably get you a pretty good deal.

I'm not shopping for a car, but thank you.

I know.

I was just playing around.

Sorry I haven't called you back.

That's been a bit much.

It's ten calls, ten messages.

I probably called too much.

I don't really know what the rules are either in this exact situation.

I guess it's a one-night thing, and I probably called too many times...


How you been?

I'm pregnant.

That's impossible.


I want the parking lot.

You got it.

I'm gonna trust you on that. You oughta get it done for what we're paying.

No way!

Is that Mo?

Holy cow!

Who's that?

What are you doing here?

You look absolutely gorgeous.

Hi, honey.

Oh, baby, you look so...

Who's this?

This is Gracie belle.

Who's baby?

That's my baby.

How are you, honey?

What in the world are you doing here?

Dallas and... all real estate.


You're gonna...

Were you buying the Bell's?

Yeah, think so.

Yeah, I think maybe.

We're looking at shopping centers all over the state.

Is that right?

This is Reeves. Come here.

This was the reigning rankin high school homecoming queen, 198...

All right, enough of that.

We don't need to tell him what year it was.

This is Reeves, and he's a good man.

I give him a hard time.

We were high school sweethearts.

Go get the car.

Your husband won a State championship.

Yes, we did.

Are you working?

Working at the school.

You teachin'?

I'm counseling the kids.

Which has been great.

The boys must love you.

Mo, you are too funny.

What are you doing tomorrow night?

I'm home with the family.

We're doing a charity thing at the hospital.

Would you guys come?

Yeah, it's at the hospital?


I'll check with him.

It would be an honor to have a Texas high school coach...

Champion coach at our event.

Tell him I want him to come.

Invite him for me.

Why aren't you out there? Your suspension doesn't cover this thing.

It does today.

Do it?

Yeah. Besides, I hated this game since the fifth grade.

How you doing, Brian?

Doin'okay, coach.



It's all good.

I've been talking to some people.

Alabama, Georgia, Miami.


Matt, you're out! Get out of there!


What a bitch!

It's not like that.

It's not like that?

Let me guess. She come and get some cash for the abortion.

That's what she want.

No, she doesn't want money for the abortion.

I knew I shouldn't have said anything to you, man.

I can never talk to you serious about anything 'cause you're an idiot.

Am I?

Am I? I'm an idiot?


Okay, put it this way.

You go out and finally get yourself a slice of y-bone steak, and lo and behold, she shows up pregnant.

And when she comes to tell you, you're not even pissed off.

Why would I...

"Why, why... "

You can't even take one step back to ask yourself one serious question.

Well what's that, Herc?

This kid even yours?

Of course I asked her!

I'm the only one she's been with in 2 months.

The only one she's been with?

Yeah, the only guy she's been with.

Well how about a rubber, dude?

You ever think about wearing a rubber?

Wrap that puppy, man.

I didn't exactly think about it, 'cause everybody told me that this wasn't possible.

So no, I didn't "wrap that puppy."

And if it happened, and it's true, and it's mine, then it's a miracle.

All right?


What are you gonna do about this little miracle, Street?

Nothing I can do.

She said it's her problem.

She'll take care of it.

She just wanted me to know.

We got South Pines tonight, 7:30, Herrmann field home game.

Uh, yeah, we should win by 40 or more.

What's he doing in our studio?

He's auditioning.

For what?

He wanna do a talk show about sports.

It's not a bad idea.

I wish I would've thought of it.

Guess who I ran into today.


Walking right out of Bell's, I was on my way to daycare, bumped right on into him.


Mo McArnold.

Who's Mo McArnold?

Why's Mo McArnold in town?

He's here buying up real estate.

"Real estate", like a house or what?

No, he's buying a whole shopping center.

Apparently he's a big mogul now or something.

Who is Mo McArnold?

Mo McArnold's an old boyfriend of your mom's till I came along.

Lucky for both of you, the best man won.

That's right, honey.

I'm your prize guernsey.

That's right, baby.

Wouldn't it be fun to see him?

'cause he invited us to go to this... hospital charity benefit tomorrow night.

Which I think could be kinda neat.

He's all involved with it.

It's right over at the hospital.

Don't you think that'd be a neat idea?

That'd be really nifty.

Well I sorta thought it would be nice.

It's nice that he's in town and everything.

He'd like to see you.

You could go without...

Don't think he wants to see me.

It's all water under the bridge.

Water under the bridge...

It's been so long.

He talks a lot.

He's always talking.

I know! He does!

He's got that crazy energy, but it'd be fun.

C'mon, hon.

Sure this is a good idea?

Yes, it is.

You've to put a face in front of the customer.

It's, like, the basic fundamental of selling.

This is crazy.

I'm used to them selling to me.

Okay, listen to me.

You are Smash Williams, star running back of the State champion Dillon Panthers.

You set conference records in yards, rushing, and touchdowns scored two years in a row.

Remember who you are.

Remember who you're gonna be.

If they got a second chance to sign you, then they're gonna be totally psyched.

So go out there and do your thing.

Because when you get back, you're totally gonna get laid.

For real?

No, I'm pms-ing.

But go! Come on, get out of this car! Go!

You're Smash williams, don't forget that.

Hey, Mr. Powers.

How you doing?

Doing good. Good.

I made a mistake.

I got caught up in the moment, it was a rash decision, but I changed my mind.

I know TMU pulled your scholarship, son.

Nice try though.

Look, I run a 4.4 flat.

I set conference records in yards and touchdowns, two years in a row.

Nobody's better in the state.

Look, Mr. Powers, I'm standing right here, and I'm telling you that Smash is ready to come to Tuscaloosa.

Problem is the spot's taken.

You may be the best running back, but we got a verbal commitment from Juette Coleman outta Christian Oaks in California.

He oughta fit in real nicely with this QB right here.

Mr. Powers...


What, you want me to beg?

Look, I'm sorry for your situation, Brian, but you turned us down, remember?

But like I said, it was a mistake.

We honor our commitments.

Juette Coleman is coming to Alabama, and you're not gonna change that.

To be quite honest, we're the university of Alabama.

We don't play second fiddle to anybody.

Good luck to you, Brian.

Tell your mom I said hi.

Hey you, number three.

How you doing?

I'm all right. How are you?

Pretty good.

So, uh, you hear about the premiere coming up?


Yeah, premiere.

Sports, Riggs, radio.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

How's the boy doing?



So good that he invited me to the ranch this weekend and meet his family.

Family ranch.

That's great.

It's gonna be great, you're not gonna be able to find us.

How was school today?

It was fine.

Mr. And Mrs. Clarke.

Sweetheart, do not wash that bowl, I have every intention of licking it.

Did you... did you, um, did you hear?

Hear what?

About me and Tyra?

Oh, yes. I saw the two of you holding hands. That was really cute.

What happened to Jean?

I thought the two of you were, like...

It's kind of a really long story.

It's kind of complicated.

It's not as easy as Tyra came into the situation.

Okay, well...

Gimme something.

I don't know, but I'll tell you one thing.

In, like, you know, the boudoir...

Tyra does things that I didn't even know...

She probably knows what she's doing.

She's had some practice.

It's not like you're her first...

Or second.

She was with Riggins.

Now why would you bring something like that up?

I know that she...

I just didn't really realize that she was your type.

Well, I don't know.

I mean, I didn't realize that a hot mexican nanny was your type.

Look, she's not a mexican, and she's not a nanny.

She's a guatemalan in-home care nurse.

I told you that, like, a hundred times, okay?

And she blew me off, just like Tyra's gonna blow you off and take off back to whatever other cooler guy comes along when you're... You know.

But you don't have to worry about that because we're gonna be okay.

So I've been thinking...

We should have this baby.

I was up all night long thinking about it, okay?

I started reading stuff on the internet, and this is a miracle.

It's a blessing from God.

What are you talking about?

Look, listen to me. I'm a C-7 incomplete quadriplegic, okay?

I have a 20% motility rate.

Most guys at my SCI do...

Like a normal guy would have, like, 80% motility rate.

Even to get an erection with you, had to go reflex instead of psychogenic, which you were great with by the way.

I just thought I'd tell you that quick.

I didn't know I'd had enough duct function to get sperm into the semen.

Look, point is, my boys can swim.

Ever since this injury, the worst thing has been people telling me I wouldn't be able to be a father.

But guess what?

I am.

You need to stop, and go home, and get some sleep, because you are freaking me out.

We've to have this baby, it might be my only chance.

You do not get to put that on me.

I mean...

I'm not some experiment for you to prove your manhood, Jason.

I'm 19.

You're a frickin' car salesman in a wheelchair, never been to college.

That's not the point.

It's absolutely the point, Jason.

This is my body and I'm going to make...

I'm gonna make the ultimate decision.

You were a one-night stand, for God's sake.

One of the greatest nights of my life.

I gotta go.

No, Erin, don't.

Come on, don't...

Hey, man, we're in Dallas this weekend, Houston the next.

It's open try-outs.

All you need is a pair of cleats.

And 60 bucks.

You expect me to pay to come run around with a bunch of wannabes?

Hey, man, Arena football's the real deal, man.

Kurt Warner played in our league before the Rams picked him up.

Come on, man.

I mean...

Y'all are running around inside on a tiny field with a bunch of ness.

It's kind of a joke.

We're a fan's game.

You're right about that.

Average attendance is about 12,000.

We just signed our new TV deal with ESPN.

Our guys are banking 42 grand a year for a 16-game season, january to june.

For real?


Guy like you, come in, kick some ass, become a franchise player.

You could double that in three or four years. Plus health and housing.

You wanna play pro football?

This is your chance.

With the addition of this state-of-the-art flying ambulance, and this wonderful heliport you're all standing on, I'm proud to say that Dillon Memorial Hospital is now officially a level one trauma care facility.

And so, I'd like to ask Mr. Morris McArnold, the man who made this all possible, to step forward and dedicate this wonderful new aircraft.


Thank you very much, Bob.

Let me just say...

I'll keep this brief.

As a third generation Dillon citizen, Dillon is in my heart, my family's heart.

So it's a privilege for us to be able to make this donation.

God bless you all and thank you very much.

Good to see you.

Good event.

Great to see you.

There he is, there he is.


Mo, how are you?

Pleasure to see you.

Pleasure's mine.


Let's start with this right away.

State champion.

Congratulations. Proud of you.

We got lucky.

Real proud of you.

Cheers. And to your daughter...


Gracie. What a beautiful girl.

What the hell's it been? 15?

It's been about 15.

15? Red light!

Red light.

Red light!

Green light, I gotcha.

Hasn't changed a bit, huh?


You two look great. You two look...

Not as great as this would look.

You know it looks good.

She looks better every day.

She sure does.

They got me on a schedule, so I'm gonna say good-bye for now.

Are you gonna go up in the...

In the thing?

I've got some pictures...

But I'm gonna come to the game on Friday night. I'm gonna be there.

So I wish you the best of luck.

That's fantastic.

Baby, you look great.

I'll get you some nice seats.

Get Mo some seats.

Sit with me.

I'd like that. Get me a seat, we'll sit together at the game.

We'll go to the game.

Thank you for coming.


You got a good one.

You bring 'em hell. And you bring 'em hell.

And you keep bringing them hell.


Okay, let's go.


Bye, take care.

So nice to see you.

I sure haven't missed him.

Blast from the past.

Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Morris McArnold will now take the inaugural flight in our new medevac helicopter.

Here we go.

This was not supposed to happen, all right?

I'm not supposed to be able to do this.

She shouldn't be pregnant from me.

But she is, and... this might be my only sh*t, so I am ready to be a father.

You think I'm crazy.


You're looking at me like I'm crazy.

I've heard this conversation before.

Usually it's the other way around.

It's a scared kid trying...

To get out of it.

That's not me.

I'm not trying to get out of it, but to get into it.

I'm trying to... get her to listen to me and have this baby.

And the first time I talked to her, I failed miserably.

First of all, I don't have magic words for you.

It's not for me to convince her, it's to you to find those words.

It's gonna probably be the most serious conversation you'll ever have in your life.

I know.

I can tell you that your children and the mother of your children are the two most important things in life.

How old are you?

I'm 19.

How old is she?

She's 19.

How long you known her?

Not long.

She's a...

She's a great girl.

She's just scared, you know?

I know that and I understand that.

I just...

Everything I know about women you could stick in this damn coffee cup here.

But I do know you have to have trust and honesty.

Without trust and honesty, it is not gonna work.

I can't give you any answers.

You gotta make the answers.

I know.

Thank you.

This is the Rigg Show.

We got a game tonight, South Pines.

Let's talk football, about what's really happening.

Go ahead, you're on the air.

I wanna know what it is that you're gonna do to contribute to the salvation of this championship season.

Know what? I'll tell you right now.

My character has never been questioned.

So if you've ever been to a game live, you will understand how I do what I do and why.

Man, this town is crazy about football.

Actually, that's maybe the second call he got about it.

The rest were girls just trying to get a date.

Let's do it, cheers.


I was wondering if you wanted to maybe hang out or catch a movie.

I think you're really cute.

Your long hair kind of reminds me of Jesus.

You've just been cut off.

Thank you for calling, that was ridiculous.

Lucky Lauren, let's go.

You're on the air with Riggs.

Hi, I was wondering what you think about the whole Smash Williams incident.

And what about it?

I was wondering if you think it's okay what he did, punching that man.

You know what? I know Williams probably better than anyone out there.

This guy is an honorable guy and he did take action on something, you know, that I would've probably taken even further if it were me.

So you're saying it's okay to hit somebody?

At times, yeah, I am.

We're gonna close this out now.

No regrets, 7:30 tonight South Pines.

Same old, same old.

We're gonna get a big W tonight, head into the playoffs and take State.

That's it for now.


Felt good.

Yeah, man, not bad at all. Good work.
Man, can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah, sh**t.

I know you like Lyla and you're doing this show to try and get under my skin.

I wanna let you know it won't work.

Why would I try to do that?

She's over you.

I wanted to let you know.

That's all I wanted to say to you out of courtesy.


Thanks, man, good luck tonight.

We'll listen to you on the radio.

Do you think she's gonna be thinking of me or you while you listen to me?

She's gonna be with me, so.

You're not letting it register.

Go Panthers.


Come in.

Hey, coach. You wanted to see me?

I do. Come in.

Sit down. Close the door.

I don't know what you planned tomorrow, but I want you to change it.

Come down to Whitmore with me.

For what?


Coach Deeks.

The offer is still good.


That's like Siberia...

It's a damn fine school, first of all, and they got a good coaching staff.

They were 2 and 8 last year.

Whitmore is one of the only schools that is still standing behind you after this mess you've gotten yourself into.

You think that accounts for something?

Yeah, but I...

Yeah, but what?

An airplane's waiting for you tomorrow to take you off to Lsu or Alabama maybe?

Something I don't know about?

Is that what you're gonna be doing tomorrow?

No, sir.

You didn't listen to me last time.

I'm asking you to please listen to me this time.

Two years, maybe you'll transfer.

Hell, who knows?

You might be their first player in ten years to make it to the draft.

Coach Deeks seems to think that's a possibility.

Hell, I do too.

You live up to your potential, I don't see why it couldn't happen.

Just think about it.

Get back to me before the night's over.


I'll let you know.

South Pines hasn't been able to stop the Dillon offense.

Tim Riggins goes in for the score.

It's fourth quarter and looking like it's an easy win for the Panthers tonight.

Good team!

That boy's got a good team.

Second offense, let's go! On me, let's go!

Listen up.

Wave, say hello to your folks, let's get out there and let's kick some ass.

Come on, let's have some fun.

Let's go!

Let's go!

This oughta be good!

31 to nothing.

It looks like coach Taylor is mercifully sending in some second stringers.

What you got for us?

All right.

Hey, it's third down.

Landry, you wanna show Tyra what you can do?


Here's the deal.

Three in a pass formation, it's gonna be tossed back to Landry.

On one, ready?


Make something happen!

Blue 80! Hut!

Saracen's rolling out.

It's a jump pass to 85!

Landry Clarke has got it, and oh, he's got open field!

He's gonna score.

Touchdown, Dillon Panthers once again!

And this has turned into an old fashion whopping.

Who's that?

That's my baby boy!

That end zone's been opened all night long, and Landry just walked in, untouched!

45 to nothing with eight seconds to play.

The only drama here is whether South Pines can put one in before this night is over.

Hold on, something's up. Coach Taylor is calling for a change on defense.

You're giving them the middle.

They open up a hole big enough for a semi.

Here's the snap.

And he waltzes into the end zone.


It's been a long hard night for South Pines, and our coach Taylor has lifted their spirits.

And he sends them home with a score.

They had a shut out!


Way to go, bud.

I'm proud of you.

Good game, baby.

Great game.

Oh, thanks!

Great game.

Thanks, Mo.

Cheers. Come here, you.

Come here!

There's the little one.

How you doing?

Sweetheart, bye.

See you soon.

I'll talk to you later.

Blew the shut out though.

You did blow the shut out.

Coach, put the hammer down next time!


Come here, you.

Come here, you.

Running things pretty wide open.

West coast offense.

That's what they call it now.

No offense to coach Walsh, God rest him, but we were running that down here ten years before he was.

Speed and quickness.

That's what we're looking for.

Yes, sir.

We don't have the size, but we got the heart.

And a guy like you, see the field and make his cuts.

That's exactly what we need.


I told your coach here, six years ago, that I thought you were the complete package, mentally and physically.


Six years ago?

Oh, yeah, I saw you run in the seventh grade, son.

And eighth grade.

And your freshman year when you went from JV to Varsity after that Arnett mead game.

Then old Taylor here comes along lookin'at that Dillon job.

And I said to him, that Brian Williams...

Brian Williams's gonna be a star.

He'll make you one too.

You were right.


Truth is, Williams, I didn't think we had a sh*t at you.

And if you want to keep looking, we won't take it personal.

And I say we because we're one big family here.

Let us know something, okay?

I wanna thank you for coming down.

Oh, thank you.

Thank you, coach.

Coach Deeks...

I'd like to make my official commitment to play for Whitmore University, sir.

You want to play ball with us?


Come on over and meet some of the fellas.

Okay, men.

Bring it in!

Okay, men.

This is Brian Williams.

He's gonna be joining us soon.

He's gonna be part of our family now.

We wanna make him feel welcome.

He made us a reservation at Carmelo's.

You know, that new italian place.

He wants to take us to a nice dinner.

It's the world's longest business trip, isn't it?


All right, fine.

You know what? Let's at least go get barbecue.

I don't wanna spend all night with Mo.

We don't have to go.

If you're gonna be crabby, let's just not.

We'll do it next time he's in town.

No, no, it's fine. We'll go out, we'll get it done, we'll do it.

Hey, hey, how did it go with Smash?

He's going to Whitmore.

Oh, that's great news.

Will you please tell him
congratulations from me.

Corrina must be thrilled.

I will.

Listen, I gotta go.

I'll talk to you later, all right?

All right, I'll talk to you later, bye.

He was Annabel Quimby's grandson.

Yes, and I said, "I remember when you were nothing but just a thought in somebody's back yard."

Lyla, what college are you thinking of applying to?

I'll apply probably to Texas, probably Baylor 'cause that's where my mom went.

But where I really want to go is Princeton.

Helena went to Princeton.


Cost me a small fortune, but it was well worth it.

Right, like that russian lit degree is doing her a lot of good while she's shopping for shoes at Neiman's.

No kidding, you two did it right.

You really did. You got married, you got married properly.

You married a good woman.

I just wanna raise a glass to both of you.


I guess the better man did win.

To the love that is in there.

If we could just figure out a way of getting to it.


God bless coaches like you for making that kind of thing happen.

Well that's just a very kind... kind speech there, Mo.

So fun to get together...

We're not done.

We got Julie at home.

You haven't even met Julie.

How's everything?

Bring us a bottle of good whisky.

Just for the heck of it.

We're gonna have to go home.

Naw, I'll have a sh*t. It'll be great.

Honey, we got scotch at home.


And the check.

Thank you.

I'll take the check.

You can bring the check to me, please.

Here you go.

Coach, good work. Proud of you.

To lucky.

To lucky.

Well, they totally love you.

I think my grandmother is ready to start planning a wedding.

She's funny.

I guess. You want some of this?

Yeah, thanks.

She told Kelly once, "The bigger your hair, the closer you are to God."

I can see her saying that.

You can.

I'm glad I came.

Yeah, me too.

So, are we alone?

Pretty much.

What's wrong?



Can you hold that thought?

You know how I feel about you. I don't wanna do anything to mess it up, so...

Even though it goes against every fiber of my being, I think I should go.

Are you okay?


Edward Butowski, Abilene high school, 1998.

He ran the exact same triple stack offense, counters, halfback options. Coach, you stole that offense from Butowski.

I stole it.

I never heard you thank him.

And from the Green Bay Packers, too.

Cheers to stealing.

Cheers to liars.

Cheers to liars There we go. We both agree to that.

Great. Let's head on home now...

No, no.

Let's go on home.

Let's talk about something else that you stole.

This little lady right here.

That's ridiculous.

Come on now, y'all.

You look me in the eye and you tell me you were not calling her behind my back and telling her I was sleeping with Bellita Elizabeth.

Say it, can you?

This is ridiculous, Mo.

I knew you were sleeping with her.

That's it. That's the last one.

We're going right now.

You're stupid.

To stealers and liars.

Come on, y'all. Seriously.

Red light?

Red light.

Stop it!

You stole her! Admit it!

I'll see you at home, honey.

Get your coat.

Where's dad?

He's not coming.

If he's not going to church, I'm not going to church.

Well you could go right on in there and tell him if you like.

Let's all go.

Come on.

If I've to get up and get out of bed and go to church, so do you.

Hi, honey.

Just your three girls here, wanting to see if you wanna come to church with us, hon.

What happened to your face?

I was defending your mama's honor.

With your face?

No, he was being an idiot.

Get me some aspirin please?

No, honey, we're going to church.

Sorry, we gotta run. Love you.

Say bye to your daddy.

Bye, dad.


Yell "bye" louder.

Bye, dad!

Bye, honey! We'll miss ya!

Oh, I love you too.

Great job, yesterday.

The coach and all the boys.

We're looking forward to playoffs.

Oh, yeah. It's coming up.

Hello, Ms. Garrity.

How you doing?

Bless you.

So how's the ranch?

The ranch was great.

Oh, really?

Yeah, really. His family's awesome.

He was a perfect gentlemen.

You're really gonna come every Sunday?

Yeah, of course.

Whatever it takes.

Ms. McGowan.

How are you?

Good morning, Timothy.

Good morning.

How are you this morning?

I'm wonderful. And you?

I'm great.

Would you care to join us?

I can't.

Yeah, you can.


Yes, you can.

Just sit beside us.

I'll see you later, Tim.

All right, suit yourself.


Dinner'll be ready in about half an hour.

You finish your homework?

Yeah. I'll be right down.

Baby, you all right?

I'm fine, ma.

You know your auntie Shay called this morning.

She told me to tell you congratulations.

You know how proud we are of you?

You're going to college, boy, on a full scholarship.


I know Whitmore isn't what you dreamed of.

But honey, when a door closes, God opens a window.

He don't never fumble the ball, baby.

He always gets the touchdown.

That's God's plan.

Now you're gonna get a good education, Brian.

You're gonna be the star of their team.

It's gonna be all right.

I'm gonna go and finish frying this chicken.

And I got your favorite dessert.

I knew that'd put a smile on your face.

You come on up out this room.

Come on.

There's probably a million reasons why this is a bad idea, and I get that. I completely do and I know you have to start with, like, number one being how I acted the other day.

That was totally inappropriate, Jason.

I need that job.

I'm sorry.

It's just that nothing like this has ever really happened to me before.

So I might've overreacted a little bit.

A lot.

All I'm asking you... is to not, like... make a brash decision here.

Think about it just for a little bit.

Jason, I have thought about it every which way.

It's so weird.

I already feel my body changing.

I've got cramps, and I'm tired all the time.

I mean, it sucks.

I understand what you're saying.

But it makes sense. Think about it.

There's a little... baby in there.

A little person's in there: little fingers, and little toes, and a little heartbeat.

He's got his eyes all scrunched up.

He's in a ball.

Maybe he's got a wee-wee, Maybe he doesn't.

Aren't you the least bit curious?

You got a human life in there.

You're not one of those people that blows up clinics, are you?

I'm just saying it could be...

That little person could be the next Bill Gates or the next Peyton Manning...

Or Britney Spears with a learning disorder, if that's not redundant.

No way.

Not on my watch.

Oh, God.

Look, Erin...

I understand.

This right here could be the most important decision that we'll ever make.

And if you choose to give this a chance, I will be there with you.

Every day.

You won't be the only one loving him.


Anything you ask, anything you need, day-in, day-out.

I'll be there.


Give it some time.

Give it a sh*t.


Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please.

So give it a chance.