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02x03 - Remember the Good Times

Posted: 01/09/24 20:25
by bunniefuu

Out here.

Well, I just did a load of wash for you.

If you help me sort through these,
I'd be happy to help you fold them.

Well, that's Brian's that's striped,
and the pink is Olivia's.

Hello? Anybody home?

- Val, we're out here.
- Oh.


- Hi. When do the movers come?
- Tomorrow.

But I cannot deal with that mess inside,
so I'm out here working on my tan.

- Oh.
- What's in the box?

- My new dishes. They just came. Look.
- Oh.

- Aren't they something? Yeah.
- Oh, they're beautiful.

Can you believe that this is the first set
of dishes I've ever picked out for my own?

- You're kidding?
- Oh, no, no.

When Gary and I got back together again,
well, then Miss Ellie gave us some of hers.

So all I've ever had
are just hand-me-downs.

Well, welcome to the world
of gracious living.

So if you need any old dishes,
just let me know.

- Brian's?
- Yeah.

Listen, the way things break around
my house, I'll probably take you up on it.

Uh, is there anything
that I could do to help?

I thought you'd never ask.
Could you babysit for me tomorrow night?

I'd love to, but I have to go
to a meeting with Gary.

Thought you were going tonight.

We are. He's supposed to go
to five meetings a week.

- If I don't go with him, he just won't go.
- What kind of meeting?


- Yeah, Gary's an alcoholic.
- Really?


And then I finally got sick and tired
of being sick and tired.

I was in that state our book calls "pitiful
and incomprehensible demoralization."

Well, I was too drunk to pronounce it.

But that was me.

You can call it a higher power...

call it a hunch, whatever...

something made me call AA.

They sent over Mike,
and he became my sponsor.

So, newcomers,
get as many phone numbers as you can.

Old-timers, remember,
someone was there for you...

be there for someone else.

This one right here.

Gary, I'd like you to meet Judy.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- First meeting?
- Yes. Actually, my husband's the alcoholic.

He was supposed to meet me
and never showed up.

- Had better things to do, did he?
- Yes.

There are a few cars in Los Angeles
he hasn't crashed into yet.

- He's a very compulsive man.
- Sounds like he belongs here.

And I don't know what I'm doing here.

Excuse me. Sorry.

I see you've already met.
I was just about to introduce you.

Dr. Kramer, what are you doing here?
Checking up on former patients?


I may be a doctor...

but I'm also an alcoholic.
I'm here for myself, not anybody else.

- Where's Earl?
- He didn't show up.

- Sound familiar?
- Don't look at me. I'm here now.

Seems I remember,
when you were under treatment to me...

you were too scared
to go to your first meeting too.

Charlotte's the good doctor
who got me to AA.

You came on your own.
I just gave you a little push.

See, I had to come here without him too,
just like you're doing. So there is hope.

Oh, well, no. I gave up hope...

about five cars, three jobs
and two cities ago.

Gary, I'll bet if you talked to Earl...

Come on.
I'll bet you could do him a lot of good.

I was gonna suggest the same thing.

I don't know if you ladies have heard
what the car business is like these days...

Coffee break's over.
If you'd all come to your seats.

Come on in.

She's right, you know.

Nothing will more ensure your own sobriety
than working with another alcoholic.

Uh-huh. Terrific. I'll quit my job.
That way, I'll have more time.

Oh, I'm sorry. Was I pushing you?

Phony, dumb, sanctimonious.

Can't fool me.

You know, maybe you and your
husband come over to dinner sometime...

and then he and Gary could talk.

Oh, you don't know
what you're letting yourselves in for.

We are not exactly in demand.

Well, the life of the party.

Even when there isn't one.

Gee, I thought we'd agreed
to meet at the meeting.


You agreed all by yourself.

Why did you show up
if you didn't plan on coming inside?

- Forget it.
- Wait a minute. Uh...

This is Gary and Val.
This is my husband, Earl.

- Hi.
- I sure am.

Wanna make something of it?

Gary has been sober...

- Uh, how long is it, Gary?
- Three months.

Well, shall I call
the Guinness Book of Records?

That's three months longer than you, pal.

Um, Earl, we thought
maybe you and Gary could talk.

Maybe Gary could help you.

- What makes you think I want any help?
- Well, you look like you could use a drink.

So do you.

You know, I learned a long time ago
never to argue with a drunk.

Come on, honey, let's go.
Nice meeting you, Judy.


What is this?

It's our number,
in case you wanna stop drinking.

That's home,
and that's Gary's work number.

What the hell did you do that for?

Well, that's what we're supposed to do,
isn't it?

- You're some terrific girl, you know that?
- Thank you, Stanley.

No, hey, I mean it. Usually the girls
my cousin fixes me up with are real dogs...

but I really got lucky tonight.

Thank you, Stanley.
I had a lovely evening.

Those funny cars really were funny.

- Uh, it's still early.
- Some other time.

I really have a headache.


I'll rub your temples.

I've gotta get the phone.
Good night, Stanley.

- I'll be in touch.
- Okay.

- Hello?
- Hi.

Hi, Kenny.

Did you call to talk or just breathe?

Uh, I left a mike at the house.
We need it for a recording session.

- I was wondering if I could come pick it up.
- Okay.

Come over tomorrow morning
before I leave for school.

Um, I was thinking more like now.

- Tonight?
- You know how I hate to get up early.

- I wanna go to sleep.
- I'll tuck you in.

- Oh, no, you don't.
- And kiss you good night.

I'll see you in the morning.

- Can't blame a guy for trying.
- I can.

I don't know why
you were so mean to him, Gary.

He needs help just like you did.

Earl's nothing but trouble,
and I don't need any more trouble.

Come on to bed, honey.

Well, I like Judy.

I really think that we could help him.

I wanna invite them to dinner.

Yeah, you just want a chance
to show off those new dishes.

So what if I do?

There's nothing I can do for Earl
until he's ready to ask for help.

And how do you know that?

- Because that's how it worked for me.
- See?

Now, that's why
you could be so much help to him.

You know all that because
you've been through it all yourself.

I liked being
at that meeting tonight, Gary.

I feel like we're finally beginning
to be able to fit in.

Be like other families.


even start a new one of our own.

- So I'll bring it back tonight.
- Keep it. I don't need it.

It'll give me an excuse to see you again.

You never wanted to see me this much
while we were married.

Hey, babe, we're still married.

I wish you'd remembered that
while we were living together.

It's been great seeing you.
I don't wanna argue anymore, all right?

Hey, let me give you a hand with that.

At last, a man.

- Da-dum.
- Ha-ha-ha.

I don't know how those two kids of mine
accumulate so many toys.


- Moving day?
- At last, yeah.

- Where does this stuff go?
- Put it there anywhere.

- The kids will distribute it.
- Excuse me.

Hi, girls.

Or should I say "women"?


I'm glad I saw you. Can you come over
to my house for a swim on Saturday?

Sure. Will I need a suit?

- Oh, Laura.
- Hi, Abby.

Hi. Uh...

You too. Come to my house
for a swim on Saturday, huh?

Are you sure you're gonna be
all moved in by then?

I'm not inviting any photographers
from any decorating magazines.

Just a few neighbors.

Well, if you still have stuff to move in,
we can all help.

Great. Great.

- Where do you want all this stuff, sis?
- I don't know. Karen will show you.

I'd give you a hand myself,
but I'm late to work.

That's all right. Just be there on Saturday
and help me initiate the pool.

I will.

I gotta go too.

- Bye-bye. We'll see you Saturday.
- Bye, Laura.

Hey, listen, you be sure to bring him.

It's an idea I've been developing.

A large-scale, across-the-board increase
in our parts inventory.

- That sounds expensive.
- No.

We can start offering
an in-house repair-insurance program.

Low-cost replacement of parts.

We'll keep the business we have
and generate tons more.

You gonna have us working 15 hours a day
instead of just 12?

No. I'll hire new mechanics. You train
them. Give them the Sid Fairgate know-how.

I don't think we can get parts
at a low enough cost.

I heard about this jobber out of Chicago.
He's talking prices like these.

Fleet Sales, customer on Line 2.

- We can't afford to...
- Hey, watch out.

- That's all right, I'll do it.
- Sid. Gary.

- Who's that?
- Gary.

I'll take care of it.


All right, let's go.

Come on, now.

Come on.

Do you ever think we'll get all this done?

Well, we'll just work our fingers
to the bone until we do.

- Damn.
- What are you looking for?

I met the cutest man at the hardware store.
I'm supposed to go out with him tonight.

Now I can't find his phone number
to tell him I can't go.

- Why can't you go?
- I can't get a sitter.

Oh. Let Eric sit for you.

I can't do that.

- Why not?
- Come on, Karen.

I've been mooching off your family
long enough.

Oh, don't be silly. Eric would love to sit.
Besides, he could use the money.

Abby, do you have any more rags?
This one's getting really yucky.

Well, I don't know.

Where do you think they'd be?

Oh, never mind.
I got plenty of them at home.

I'll be right back.

Did you ever clean before you met us?


Your friend's upstairs.

- Who?
- Earl.

- You're kidding.
- Nope.

Didn't I tell you
not to get involved in this?

- Well, what do you mean?
- He came into the dealership.

What if there'd been a customer?
We could've lost a sale.

- Gary, he is a sick man.
- So what? There are a lot of sick men.

What do I care?

Well, if you didn't care about him,
why'd you bring him here?

I don't know where he lives.
I didn't know what else to do with him.

And you know
that you did exactly the right thing.

You go on back to work. I'll call Judy.

- All right. I don't want you going up there.
- I won't. Come on.

- You call me the minute he stirs.
- I will, Gary.

Now, don't you worry, darling.
I can handle it.

All right.

I brought the mike back.

Oh, thanks.
I've been looking all over for it.

TV dinners? Yuck.


Guess where I'm going to dinner tonight.

I don't know where,
I don't know who with...

and I'd prefer to keep it that way.

Mama Stelloni's.

You are?

You remember?

Of course I remember. You didn't take
my memories with you when you left...

just my faith in human nature.

I was thinking of having
linguine with clam sauce.

Maybe a deep-dish pizza.

- Pepperonis?
- Uh-huh. And extra cheese.

- Now, you wanna come along?
- No.

Why not?

Kenny, you know what will happen if you
and I go back to Mama Stelloni's together.

- What? You'll get fat?
- That's not what I mean.

We had our first date there.
You asked me to marry you there.

What's the point in going there now?

Mozzarella marinara.

Stuffed artichokes.

- Scaredy-cat, scaredy-cat, scaredy-cat!
- Aah! Aah! Stop it!

I'm gonna tell on you.

Scaredy-cat, scaredy-cat,
scaredy-cat! - Stop it!

Mommy, make him stop it!
Make him stop it!

- Be quiet. Be quiet.
- Nah-nah-nah.

- I'm gonna chase you...
- Oh, Eric, hi. Come on in.

And see how you like it!

- Hi, Eric.
- Hi.

- The place is still a little messy. I'm sorry.
- That's okay. I'm used to messy rooms.

Ahh. They'll quiet down in a while.

But try to get them to bed before dawn
if you possibly can.

- We'll be fine.
- Okay.

You can have anything in the refrigerator,
not that there's much.

That's okay.

- You call your mom if you need anything.
- I will. Aunt Abby?

- Oh. Don't call me that. It sounds terrible.
- Oh, sorry.

- Abby?
- Yeah.

You really look neat.

Thank you, my man.

We moved out here
about nine months ago.

Earl had written a screenplay in New York
that was optioned by a producer out here.

- Oh. That sounds very exciting.
- No, not really.

The option money
wasn't enough to live on.

The producer tried to shop the script around
and couldn't find anybody to lay off on...

so he let the option drop.

Well, I don't know what any of that means,
but it sounds very glamorous to me.

Do you work too?

Yeah, I do.
I was a freelance writer in New York.

I've gotten a job writing a column
for a magazine out here.

Now Judy tells everybody...

everything they ever wanted to know
about jacarandas...

but were too polite to ask.

- Oh, dear. You're up.
- Mm.

What advantages there are to the state
I have yet to see.

Well, would you like a cup of coffee?

I refuse to understand why people offer
coffee to a man to sober him up.

All you get is a wide-awake drunk.

My husband appears to be in his witty,
urbane phase.

This usually lasts about 25 minutes,
and then he becomes downright abusive.

And then, if we're lucky...

we'll have a weepy, maudlin drunk
on our hands, won't we, dear?

Well, I hate to disabuse you
of your expertise, but I am not drunk.

So you'll have to find something else
to look down on me for.

Be creative, dear.
You can do it if you try.

Well, why don't you all just sit down here
and have a nice cup of coffee?

I'm... I'm gonna call Gary.
You will stay to dinner, won't you?

- Spare me.
- Grow up, Earl.

The woman is only trying to help you.

- The least you could be is civil.
- Forgive me for not obeying...

the rules of etiquette
laid down in your gardening column.

I do not write a gardening column.

In fact, I write a column
on Southern California...

and, occasionally, I do mention plants.

And to my dear husband,
this constitutes a gardening column.

- Oh, Gary Ewing, please.
- Sorry.

You write a searing exposé of the cultural
scene from the point of view of a cricket.

Well, I get paid for what I write, don't I?

And that's really
what bothers you about it.

Ha, ha. You look adorable
with cheese running all down your face.

Here, let me get it.

- There you go.
- You know what I was thinking about?

That picnic?

How did you know?

Because I was thinking
the exact same thing myself.

- We rented bikes...
- And packed that lunch.

- It was Italian takeout from here, wasn't it?
- Mama Stelloni packed it for us herself.

- We put the bikes in the back of the car...
- And we biked to that spot.

That spot.

That haystack.

What would we have done
if that farmer ever saw us?

Nobody was gonna see us.
We were invisible.

Val, these dishes are really beautiful.

- Oh, thank you. I just bought them.
- Well, you did great.

- They're lovely.
- Oh, thanks.

We'll try them out
for the first time tonight.

- Hi.
- Oh, hi, darling.

- Dinner's almost ready.
- Terrific.

How's he doing?

Well, why don't you go on up and see?


Here, you wanna put that over there?

Thank you.

- How are you feeling?
- Ha, ha.

I feel awful.

Think you can eat something?

I don't know.

Be better if you can.
Keep your blood sugar up.

Do I have to deal with them?

Just for dinner.
We'll go to a meeting later.

I'm gonna go wash up.
I'll see you downstairs.

I don't suppose you people
serve wine with dinner?

- No, they don't.
- Positively uncivilized.

Judy and Earl have just moved here
from New York.

To Southern California, man.

Haven for the insincere.

So grating to your innate honesty.

Well, uh, we've been out here
for almost a year. We just love it.

The beaches are so beautiful,
and the people are just so friendly.

Mindless idiots. The smog
has turned their brains to guacamole...

so all they can do
is wish you to have a nice day.

Uh, I feel I should apologize
for my husband here.

He's entering his abusive phase.

Well... Thank you.

I wouldn't want to spoil your record.
Excuse me.

I really am sorry.

At least I warned you.

No, please don't.
Now, you don't have to apologize to us.

Man's trying to get sober.
Can't expect him to be human.

I just wish I had your faith
that he can get sober.

He's failed so many times before.

Sorry to interrupt you.

Have you all had a chance
to get your digs in?

Perhaps I should stay outside
for a moment longer.

- Why don't you sit down, Earl?
- Huh.

And I don't know why you insist on thinking
that the whole world talks about you.

Here, why don't you
have something to eat?

The answer to everyone's problem:

Have a cup of coffee.
Have something to eat.

- You're drunk.
- Is that all you can think about?

Whether I am drunk or not?

- I am not.
- What the hell are you doing?

We're out of here. He'll be all right.
We'll be back later.



It's gonna be all right.

We don't want to embarrass anybody...

but if you're here for the first time,
we'd like to get to know you.

Is there anyone here
in their first 30 days of sobriety?

Would you like to identify yourself?

Come on, man.

Looks like it's time
you learn your first AA slogan:

"Humor your sponsor."

My name is...


Hi, Earl.

I am...

an alcoholic.

All right.

Hey, all right.

- Thanks.
- Keep coming back, Earl.

- It works.
- Okay.

- Hey, welcome to our fellowship.
- Thank you.

- Earl's not feeling too well yet.
- Well, it gets easier.

Got yourself a good sponsor.

Are you my sponsor?

Yeah, I guess so.

You're in good hands.

- Night.
- Bye.

- Come on, let's go somewhere and talk.
- Sure. Go get a drink.

- I'm serious.
- Me too.

What do you do at 10:00 at night
when you wanna talk and you can't drink?

You learn to drink a lot of coffee.

I'm sure you've heard my story
a million times.

A writer with so much to say...

that he can never get it together
to say anything.

- When did you start drinking?
- I always drank.

Always loved it.

Isn't that part of the writer's image?

Two-fisted, hard-drinking, real macho.

Now look at me. Ha, ha.

What a man.

Yeah, I used to drink to feel like a man.

Then I found out what guts it takes
to stay sober.

Well, I used to drink to celebrate
the end of a good day's work.

Then I began to drink to get to work.

And now I drink to keep from hating myself
because I never work at all anymore.

Yeah, that's part of the disease.

The drinking just gets worse.


You said you stayed sober for a year
even before you got to AA?


But it was white-knuckle sobriety.

I fought it all the way.

Then I took that first drink,
and I was right back where I started.

See, that's the difference between us.

I could never stay sober for a year.

Then try it for five minutes.
Then 10 minutes.

It's not what's different about us,
it's what's the same.

Earl, we're both alcoholics.
We can't handle booze.

I can't get through a day without a drink.

Just try it, man.

Look. Look. I'll help you.

You've got a job. What are you
gonna do, babysit me all day?

I'll do anything I can to help you
stay away from that first drink.

- It'll help me too.
- They pay you to do this, right?

People did it for me.

So, what'll we do,
go to the flower show?

- Earl, come on.
- No. I don't want to.

I don't want to stop drinking.
Can't you see?

All the good times I ever had
had booze in them.

I am not ready
for the good times to be over.

You're k*lling yourself, man.

Excuse me.

I really had a lovely evening.

Thank you.


How's Earl?

Out drinking.

Darling, I'm sorry
that I ever gave him your number.

Guy comes into my office
ready to throw in the towel...

then after a big pep talk from me
on the joys of sobriety...

goes off and gets drunk again.

Well, you said it yourself,
he just isn't ready yet.

Oh, he's ready, all right.

They just should've sent him to somebody
who knows what he's talking about.

He said giving up drinking
was giving up the good times.

Sometimes I think maybe he was right.

- Mom, what are you doing here?
- It's after 1:00 in the morning.

- Didn't Abby get home yet?
- Not yet.

- Tomorrow's a school day.
- Don't worry about it.

- You need your rest.
- I was getting my rest.

It's Olivia and Brian's first night
in their new home.

- Did they get scared?
- Everything's all right. Go to sleep.

- No. You go home. I'll wait for Abby.
- Mom.

Go on home. You have school tomorrow.


Get me out of my own warm bed...

and I gotta come here,
sleep on the couch.

Darling, it's probably because
it's just been too soon.

You just haven't been sober long enough.

Honey, I don't wanna talk about it.

Look, I'll help you.

I like to go to the meetings with you.

- We'll just learn the program together.
- I'm the one with the problem.

Yeah, I know, darling. I know that.

But we always said...

ever since we got back together,
that whatever we do...

we'd do it together, right?


So whatever trouble comes
to either one of us...

then it comes to both of us.

Now, your drinking,
it's just like anything else.

It is something
that we will deal with together.

I love you.

I love you too, darling.


Oh, yeah. Hi.

Uh, yeah, sure. Just a minute.

It's Judy.


Where is he?

All right, I'll be right there.

No, no, you stay with him.
I'm on my way.

- Darling, what is it?
- It's Earl.

He's sweating it out in some motel.
He threw away his booze and asked for me.

- Well, I'll go with you.
- No. No, honey, don't.

- Well, why not?
- Because I've gotta do this by myself.

- But I thought that we said...
- I know.

But this has gotta be
between one alcoholic and another.

I'll be back as fast as I can.
Don't wait up for me.

It's okay. It's okay.

Come on, Earl. It's all right. It's all right.
I'm here. I'm here. It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay. Okay?

- Okay.
- Oh, God.

You're gonna freeze to death.

Let's try a little coffee. Come on.
You take it.


I guess your stomach's
not ready for this yet.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

I guess I've done this on myself
enough times.

I guess I don't know
why you're doing this for us.

Well, I'll tell you this much,
I sure don't feel like drinking right now.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hm.

Don't take that first drink,
you won't have to go through this again.

- Sadist.
- Uh-huh.

Think you can handle a little coffee?

Is that your role in life,
trying to make me drink coffee?

What are you doing this for, anyway?

To remind myself of the good times.

Now, come on.

It's okay. It's all right.
It's all right, man. It's okay.

I'm here. I'm here.
There's somebody here. It's all right.


looks worse than it is.

Now, look, I've been through this myself.
He'll be all right.

You were never like him.

Hey, nobody gets sober the easy way.

I don't mean that.

You're strong.

He's weak.

Look, any strength that I've got
comes from admitting my weakness.

I can't live with him anymore.

I hope your wife knows
how lucky she is you're sober.

- Good morning.
- Oh, Karen.

What are you doing here?

Well, I had to send Eric home.
It got to be late.

Abby, I have to tell you,
I do not think this was a good idea.

- What?
- Staying out all night.

Well, I... I actually tried
to get home sooner, but I...

Well, it's a long story.

It was your kids' first night in their
new home. They could've gotten scared.

Did they?

- No, but...
- Well, then...

I'll see you tomorrow.

Bye, Karen. And thanks.

- Hello?
- Hi.

- Gary, where are you?
- I'm at the hospital.

No, no, I'm fine. It's Earl.

- We got him into Detox, and Judy's here.
- All right, I'll be right there.

You have to admit,
it wasn't very thoughtful...

asking Eric to babysit,
then coming home at 4:00 in the morning.

Eric's a big guy now.

- One late night won't k*ll him.
- That isn't the point.

Mom, you're making such a big deal
out of it. Nothing happened.

Oh, honey, clean that up.

- Mom, he's getting it all over everything.
- I said, clean that up, Michael.

- Don't do that.
- It's okay. I'll take care of it.

Hey, little guy.
You just watch your step, little monkey.

I don't know where he gets his energy.

That's the price you pay
for having healthy kids. Ha, ha.


- Where was I?
- You were complaining about Aunt Abby.

- I mean, Abby.
- I was not complaining.

I was just making a point.

Abby's always been a little bit wild,
but she's never done any harm.

Miss Luvishi, 1736. Miss Luvishi, 1736.

Excuse me. Uh, Earl Trent's room.

- Dr. Cooperman...
- Hey, Val. Just the person I wanted to see.

Gary's in there with Earl.
Why don't you and I take a walk?

- Well, is everything all right?
- Everything's fine. Everything's fine.


guess it's breakfast for two
at the old homestead again, huh?

What are you talking about?

Well, I'll get my stuff
and move back in today.

Is that all you think you have to do,
is just get me into bed...

and that makes everything all right?

Seems to me
it was a little more than all right.

Well, what about Sylvie?

What has she got to do with this?

Because unless we resolve some things...

then everything just stays the same.

Honey, how can you say that?

I mean, how could we spend
a night together like we just did...

and still wanna be separated?

- I don't want to.
- Well, then let me come home.

- No.
- Why not?

Because nothing's changed. You haven't.

Well, then what was last night about?

I don't know.

Gary doesn't need you to look after him
anymore. He can do that for himself.

Yeah, but I thought the whole point of AA
was to bring families closer together.

The whole point of AA
is to get drunks sober, period.

Gary's going to be involved
in a lot of things which won't include you.

Whoo. It just feels like such
a strange time not to be close.

Well, there's no reason
why you can't be closer than ever.

Nobody ever lost anything being sober.

I'm just saying different,
not further apart.

There's an organization for the families
of alcoholics called Al-Anon.

They have their own meetings.

Does that mean that I shouldn't go
to the AA meetings with Gary?

Well, sure.

The best way you can help Gary
is to let him deal with his own problems.

Al-Anon will help you deal with yours.

I didn't know that I had any.

That's why they call alcoholism
the family disease.

It never affects just one person.

Well, all I've ever really wanted to do...

is what's best for Gary.


And when you wanna do
what's best for you too...

you know where to go.

Dr. Wagner, report to OR 4.

Dr. Wagner, report to OR 4.

Take care.

Dr. Rogers, call your office.

Dr. Rogers, call your office.


It's really weird.

I felt better about myself
than I ever have before.

There was a moment.

I think it was
when he was throwing up on me.

- Oh.
- Ah.

But it was...

It was like his life was more precious
to me than my own. Like...

Like I loved the guy.

- I don't know, I can't explain it.
- You don't have to, darling.

I'm so proud of you.

- Yeah.
- I am.