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01x08 - Street Kid

Posted: 01/09/24 17:29
by bunniefuu
I got a friend over
there named Tracy.

She's gonna be sitting in on classes.
You're gonna be nice to her... period.

♪ Celebrate now,
celebrate life Yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate now,
celebrate life Yeah ♪

What is it that that girl does?
She sings, dances, what?

I'm not sure. Doris knows.

- I just wish that I had more
time before I had to audition.
- You're gonna be fine.

I got to find her real quick.

I'd like some I.D.
from both you girls.

- Dellinger. Juvenile Vice. That's far enough!
- Let her go!

♪♪ [Disco]

♪ Fame ♪
♪ I'm gonna live forever ♪

♪ I'm gonna learn how to fly ♪
♪ High ♪

♪ I feel it comin' together ♪

♪ People will see me and cry ♪
♪ Fame ♪

♪ I'm gonna make it to heaven ♪

♪ Light up the
sky like a flame ♪

♪ Fame ♪
♪ I'm gonna live forever ♪

♪ Baby, remember my name ♪
♪ Remember, remember ♪

♪ Remember, remember ♪

You got big dreams.

You want fame.

Well, fame costs,

and right here is where
you start paying in sweat.

♪ Fame ♪
♪ I'm gonna live forever ♪

♪ Baby, remember my name ♪
♪ Remember, remember ♪

♪ Remember, remember ♪

♪ Fame ♪♪

[Doris] Uh, an animal dying!

A fish out of water!
A fish out of water.

A turtle trying to
get off his back. No.

Oh, I know! A garden
hose going out of control.

No. A balloon losing its air.

A balloon. Yeah.

- A dead balloon.
- Are you done, or are
you taking a nap?

I'm done. Good.

Would you mind telling the
class what you were doing?

It's a piece of bacon frying.

How was a Jewish girl from
Brooklyn supposed to guess that?

I was 13 before I realized that
"B.L.T." wasn't "bagels, lox, and tsuris."

- [Laughing]
- Okay, okay.

- What does everybody
think about that?
- About what Doris said?

- Yes.
- It was a good line. I wish I thought of it.

It was a good line. But
it was also an attitude.

Very prevalent attitude.
Hey, it was just a joke.

On one level, yes. But on another
level, it's what we call... shtick.

Now, that's something
that you do, and you do well.

But it's safe, secure... easy.

Amatullo does one-liners
and impressions.

Montgomery, uh, analyzes
things to a fare-thee-well.

And Julie, she would like to play
every sweet, quiet ingenue ever written.

But there is no risk,
no stretch, no guts.

- You're kidding.
- Let me show you how much
I'm kidding.

In three weeks, I want you all to
come in with a scene, or an improv,

in which you portray a character
that is as far removed from you...

and what you think
you are as possible.

Sounds like a contest.
What's the winner get?

A little more knowledge
as to how talented you are.

Or are not.

[Bell Rings]

The reason this isn't working is
that you are the person I'm looking for.

I really don't
want to let you by.

I'm flattered, but I'm also late.
Could we put this off till lunch,

whatever it is? We don't
have to put it off at all.

Because now it's done.

Loan application
for the credit union...

for a car, Mr. Shorofsky?

You're going to buy a car?
Why is this such a shock?

Well, for starters, do
you know how to drive?

They have schools,
courses. They teach you.

What do you need a car for?
We're subway people around here.

Friends of mine are moving to
someplace called Cody, Wyoming.

I don't know why. They
seem perfectly fine otherwise.

The point is, they
want to sell their car,

which is 20 years
old and a classic.

It goes up in value every year.

- An investment.
- A way to see the leaves turn
in the fall in Connecticut,

a way to visit the Berkshires where students
are appearing in the music festival,

and a way to get a lazy old
man out and about and doing.

I'll get it into the credit union
and start the wheels turning.

Miss Sherwood, you
know how to drive. Yes.

And you obviously
know how to teach.

Why should I give my money to strangers
when there's a friend close at hand...

who could help? Mr. Shorofsky...

Assuming, of course, there is a friend
close at hand who is willing to help.

[Crandall's Voice] I want
you to come in with a scene...

where you portray a character
as far away from you...

as possible.

- Doris?
- [Horn Beeping]

Doris? Unless
there's a giant ape...

crawling up the side of the building,
I don't know what you're doing there.

Mr. Crandall, do you
think I'm a nice girl?

Sugar, spice, everything nice.

- But dull.
- Never.

But not-not a seductress.
Not a femme fatale.

Well, not your standard
model, let's say.

That's it!

Oh! And you do believe
in research, right?

And motherhood and the flag!

Once again, returning from the Bermuda
Triangle known as Doris Schwartz.


What are you doin'?

I'm new here. Yeah. I probably
would have remembered...

if you'd been hangin'
around here before.

No, actually, I'm looking for some
information. Yellow pages, sweetheart.

That is not my style.
No. I just want to talk.

[Laughs] Talk? Please.
Give me a break.

Actually, in reality,
I'm an actress. Mm.

Which one? Lassie?


I'm sorry. I-I wasn't
looking where I was going.

- See, I only have one heel...
- Does Donny Love know you're here?

- Who?
- Donny Love.

This is his corner.
He controls it.

And he'll be real mad if he finds
out somebody new is workin' it.

- Working it?
- Mm-hmm.

No. No, I'm not working it.

I'm just...

This was really a dumb
idea, when you think about it.

I'm gonna take my one heel... I
heard you tell Shirley you're an actress.

Is that true? Yeah!

Kinda young to be an actress.

I'm 16. Me too.

Isn't that kinda young
to be a... [Laughs]

Can I buy you a cup of coffee?

Yeah, you could have gotten into a bad
scene if Donny Love had come around.

He's got a mean streak.

Who's Donny? He's your,
uh... He's the man in charge.

So. What do you want to know?

I don't really know
where to begin.

How about you begin
by opening up this purse...

and showin' me you don't
have some police I.D.?


You think I'm a cop? Look, not
every cop looks like Angie Dickinson.

I mean, maybe it's
silly... [Laughing]

Okay, it's silly. There's
no maybe about it.

But look, I just can't go around
trustin' everybody I meet on the street.

A person like me just can't
do that. Look. Fair enough.

Want to check me out?

Student I.D., brush...

Gum... house keys...

Half a candy bar... must have been
there for six months, don't touch it...

[Chuckles] student bus card...

[Man] Anything in there
says you're over 18?

I'd like some I.D.
from both of you girls.

- Dellinger. Juvenile Vice. That's far enough!
- Let her go!

Listen, I can explain all of this.
This is really a funny mistake,

and you're really gonna laugh
a lot when I tell you all about it.

Well, let's do our laughing
down at J.D.H. J.D.H.?

Juvenile Detention Hall. What?

[Sighs] My mother's
gonna k*ll me.

That's if she's in a good mood.

Oh, I am in so much trouble.

If you hear a dripping sound,
it's my heart bleeding for you.

You know, it's weird.

You and I being the same age.

- But we're so different.
- You think we're
that different?

Well, yeah. 'Cause
with me, it's pretend.

But with you, it's...
Finish that sentence...

without making me
feel like a piece of meat,

and I'd say you're
some kind of talker.

- What'll happen to you now?
- Donny Love'll find out
where I am,

come and try and post bail.

He's the one with
the mean streak?

- But they won't
let him take you.
- No.

They see if there's room at Father Ritter's.
It's like a halfway house for street kids.

And if he's booked up...
Which I heard he is...

They look around
for a foster home.

Foster home? Why
not your own home?

Because I've run away every
time that they send me back there,

and I'll do it again,
and they know it.

But don't your folks... You
sure ask a lot of questions.

- Any good at answerin' 'em?
- I'll try.

When we were
back, havin' coffee,

the vice was after me, and you
tried to slow the guy down. Why?

- Your mother?
- [Door Opening]

Nice meetin' ya.
Have a nice life.

Doris, what in heaven's name...
Mom, just be quiet for a second, okay?

It's really important
that you just listen to me.

All right, I really don't wanna be mean, but I
just need you to sit down and shut up and listen.

Okay. You remember Van Cortland
Parkway, three years ago on Thanksgiving?

No. We were stopped
at a light by the park.

We were going to Aunt Ada's and
Uncle Jack's for Thanksgiving dinner?

And I was looking through
the window at the park,

and I saw this baby bird fall
out of a tree, out of its nest?

And it looked like it had
broken a wing and it had d*ed,

and I asked Dad if we could
stop, and he said that we couldn't...

because there was too much traffic, and
you said that Aunt Ada would be furious...

if we were late... Do
you remember this?

So I kept talking about it all through
dinner, and sniffling and sniffling,

till finally you gave in and
you said that we could go back,

and we went back after dessert,
and we found it, and we got it better,

and we gave it to the kids at
the school on Riverside Drive,

and they raised it as a pet?

Do you remember that? Yes.

And do you remember
what you said about it?

I'm sure I said a lot
of things. You said,

the next time something like that happened,
you weren't gonna waste your breath arguing.

Because I'm just as stubborn as Dad when it
comes to those kind of things... remember that?

Yeah. Ma,

I just found another baby
bird with a broken wing.


School zone. I'm slowing
to 20 miles an hour.

School bus ahead.
Any light flashing?

No. I proceed at a
safe rate of speed.

Turn left at the next corner.

Fire engine behind us
with the signal going.

I stop and pull over.
You pull over and stop.

You knew what I meant. I knew what you
meant, yes, but it's still the wrong answer.

Do you think I believe it possible to first
stop the car and then pull to the curb?

Of course not. But
the answer's still wrong.

I pull over and stop. Don't forget to
signal your stop and use the parking brake.

With my left hand,
I signal "stop."

With my right hand, I
pull the parking brake.

Should I steer with my chin?

Sarcasm is not going to
help matters, Mr. Shorofsky.

Has the fire engine
passed? It has.

I check for oncoming
traffic, it is safe,

I signal I am pulling out, I
check the rearview mirror,

and I slowly and
carefully pull out into traffic.

You forgot to disengage
the parking brake.

Gott in Himmel! Are you
like this with your students?

I'm thorough with my
students, and they learn.

No wonder they call
you what they call you.

What did you say?

Don't bother me when I'm
driving. Who calls me what?

What's coming up?
Railway crossing, stop sign?

Divided highway? What?
I asked you a question.

I'm pressing down on the accelerator,
and exceeding the speed limit.

Who calls me what, I said.

I am making a left-hand
turn and to hell with the signal.

I am driving through the playground for
handicapped orphans at a high rate of speed.

Mr. Shorofsky, you will stop
this car and answer my question.

I signal I am slowing.

I check to make sure
the cars see my signal.

I pull off onto the
shoulder of the road.

I come to a complete
halt. I turn off the engine.

And I fully engage
the parking brake.

Now, what do they call me?

Captain Queeg.

They don't! Whatever
you say, Captain.

Captain Queeg.

[Mouths Word]

♪♪ [Congas, Synthesizer]


♪♪ [Continues]


Wait here. I'll be
right back. Yeah.

Guys, let's just lay it on the line so
there won't be any misunderstandings.

Regardless of what my
mother told Julie's mother,

I was not arrested for soliciting; me
and my friend Tracy were pulled in...

for being underage
and nothing else.

My friend Tracy isn't what you think,
and even if she is, she's my friend.

And that's all you have to
know about it. Got it? Doris?

What are you talking about?

- You got arrested
for soliciting?
- No, I wasn't.

Look. You fill them in. Bottom line: I
got a friend over there named Tracy.

She's gonna be sitting in on a couple of
classes, and you're gonna be nice to her.

Period. Whoa. Who said she
could sit in on any classes?

Me. Just now.

Hey, what happened?
Tell us what happened.

Remember the assignment that Crandall gave,
about finding a character far from yourself?

Does this kind of
stuff go on all the time?

Yeah. Just like I told you.

School of the Arts.
Music. Acting. Dancing.

Plus all the regular stuff. It's like a
combination kindergarten and zoo.

Close enough. Come on.

Each of you is unique
and irreplaceable.

Keep that in the
back of your mind.

So that, when you see a, uh,

Pacino, a Robards, a Bacall,

you think to yourself,
"I can't do that,"

bear in mind they
probably can't do...

what you do either.

We're not looking to make
you into copies of anybody.

We're looking to
create originals.

Are all your teachers
this kind? Not exactly.

That was the laziest, sloppiest,
dumbest performance...

I have ever seen in my life.

And, Cynthia, girl, what
are you doing? Come here.

Dancin' like a piece
of Wedgwood china.

Hold this. And sit down.

Now, you can strut on your own
time, but we're dancing in this class.

All right, everybody in
top position. Let's go again.

♪♪ [Piano]

♪ I was lost on a winding road ♪

♪ I thought that life had
nothing ♪ ♪ Left to give ♪

♪ And you came and
showed me that just to live ♪

♪ Was the greatest gift of all ♪

♪ And you showed me ♪
[Chorus] ♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Lord, I'm gonna celebrate ♪
♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Life is a celebration ♪
♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Come on now And
celebrate, celebrate ♪

♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Look, it's a revelation ♪

♪ So celebrate now,
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ How could I
have been so blind ♪

♪ Just to think that
We were livin' to die ♪

♪ You came along and
I was no longer alone ♪

♪ And you led me to the light ♪

♪ And you showed me
Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Lord, I'm gonna celebrate ♪
♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Come on now and
celebrate, celebrate ♪

♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Look, it's a revelation ♪

♪ So celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪♪ [Instrumental]

♪ Life is a celebration ♪
♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪
♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Life is a celebration ♪
♪ Life is a celebration ♪

[Danny] ♪ Lord, I'm gonna
celebrate ♪ ♪ Celebrate ♪

♪ Life is a celebration ♪
♪ Life is a celebration ♪

♪ So come on now and
celebrate, celebrate ♪

♪ Life is a celebration
Look, it's a revelation ♪

♪ So celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate now
Celebrate life, yeah ♪

♪ Celebrate,
celebrate Celebrate ♪

♪ Celebrate, celebrate
Celebrate life ♪♪

All right, class. You can relax.

All right. Miss
Cynthia, you see that?

Now, girl, when you come in tomorrow,
I want you to do it just like that.

So I don't have to...
work so hard. [Laughing]

Now give me my bracelet
and get on out of here.

All right. That was
good. Magic time's over.

Next period, biology.
Can I ask you a question?

Now? Yeah.

Sure. Could a person like
me... go to your school?


Sure you could!

No problem! [Laughs]


I'm assuming you are here
to apologize and to explain.

Apologize and
explain? That's correct.

Apologize why and explain what?

For yesterday. Yesterday, you had a
friend here observing some of our classes?

You told Miss
Sherwood I approved it.

You told me Mr. Shorofsky
gave the okay,

and you told Mr. Crandall that
Miss Sherwood gave her permission,

when in fact, you
hadn't talked to anybody.

Had you? Well, not officially.

Oh. Mm-hmm. How
about unofficially?

I guess I didn't do that, either.
That's why I asked to see you today.

I wanted to kind of make up for
not talking to anybody yesterday.


I wanted to ask you about
arranging an audition for my cousin.

She just moved here. From where?

Cleveland. Where
are her parents?

Well, her father
was a policeman.

But he was k*lled
chasing a bank robber.

When that happened, her
mother had a nervous breakdown.

That's why Tracy came
to stay with us. Doris.

How terrible for your family.

Is it your mother's brother or
your father's brother that was k*lled?

I-It happened pretty recently.

It's kind of hard
to talk about it.

Doris, you know there are
procedures for auditioning.

And I don't think we can
make exceptions, just because...

I hope you're not building up to a "no,"
because I don't think she could take that now.

I'm the only person
she knows in New York.

She even had to leave her
puppy back in Cleveland.

Does the puppy have a terminal
illness that I should feel bad about too?

Too much, huh? Please!

Doris, if you were writin' a
soap opera, honey, maybe.

Now, let's not waste each other's time.
What are we talking about here, Doris?

I guess I better tell
you what happened.

'Cause there's a lot of
stuff that you should know.

Okay. I'm listening.

I was thinking of scheduling a
production for next semester...

of Aristophanes' The Frogs,

but now I'm afraid Doris
will take off for the swamps.


I don't think it's
anything to joke about.

Look, that thing about "Give me your tired,
your poor," that's on the Statue of Liberty.

Not the front of this place.
Greg's right, you know.

- We're not social workers. We're not trained for it.
- Fine. We turn our backs.

We run the school the way
the school is set up to be run.

The way it's supposed to be run.

If the girl wants to audition, we
will audition her the next time around.

The next scheduled auditions
aren't for three months from now.

- I am well aware of that.
- What is it that
that girl does?

She sings, dances, what?

- I'm not sure. Doris knows.
- Oh, for Pete's sake.

Well, what? Is the whole
world gonna come to an end...

because we bend one of our rules to let
the girl audition a couple of months early?

No, but if we bend the rules,
we have to have a reason.

I mean, if somebody asks,
what makes this kid so special,

we have to have an answer.

An answer that isn't draped
in well-meaning intentions.

And wanting to be a do-gooder.

Well, I'm afraid that's the
kind of answer I can't deliver.

And I'm not so sure why wanting
to do good is such a terrible thing.

If this girl goes out and hits the street
again because we can't show some flexibility,

well, I'm not gonna be the
one that explains it to Doris.

Because I don't think I
could look her in the eye.

[Shorofsky] Could we
possibly agree on the following?

We allow the girl
to audition early,

but we do not lower our
standards in the slightest.

We have a reputation that's based
upon excellence, not on being nice.

If she qualifies,
wunderbar. If not,

we will explain to
Doris as best we can...

and proceed to concentrate on
the people that truly belong here.

Okay. Okay.

But I get the feeling she's
gonna have to be sensational...

in order to satisfy
you. Miss Grant?

That feeling is
probably correct.

As I said, the school
is based on excellence.

And that is more important
than any one person.

Well? Well, I'll go tell Doris.

Thank you.

See you guys tomorrow.

Pretty chilly between those two.

A compromise never
receives a standing ovation.

However, I have good
news to brighten your mood.

What's that? Tomorrow,
I take delivery on my car.

We can take
our first test drive.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

[Both Laughing] It's
called "belly-breathing."

Belly-breathing? Yeah, well, in
the olden days, they used to call it,

"supporting a tone by using your
diaphragm," but I guess everybody...

started to giggle at that, so the
teacher called it "belly-breathing."

But what does it do for you?
It helps you sustain a note.

Um, hold it longer
and keep it steady.

♪♪ [Piano] ♪ Ahh ♪

I just wish that I had more
time before I had to audition.

You're gonna be fine. You
hope so, or you think so?

Both. Hi.

Hi, Ma. How was Grandma?

Okay. At her age, you know, even the
sniffles can cause you a little concern.

But she was complaining about
my not being there often enough,

so obviously
she's feeling better.

Did you check the bulletin
board in the kitchen?

Forgot. Was there a message?
Not for you, but for Tracy.

Oh, Tracy, you didn't let any grass grow
under your feet. Your boyfriend called.

Mrs. Schwartz, um, the person
who called, did he leave his name?

Yes, as a matter of fact, he did.
Donny Love. If you can believe that.

If you want, I could probably get
my folks to change our number.

No, don't bother.
He won't call back.

He won't?

Then why'd he call
in the first place?

Just to... let me know
he's still out there.

And that, if things don't
work out for me at the school,

that he'll still be out there.

Mr. Shorofsky! It's beautiful!

Thank you very much. I do
believe it has some... merit.

It also has the steering
wheel on the right-hand side.

Is this a problem?

I'm not sure. Let's get in.


Mr. Shorofsky. It has
a four-speed stick shift.

Has it, eh? Well...

We've been doing our lessons on the assumption
it would have an a*t*matic transmission.

A second problem, yes?

It... could be.

You told me you knew how to
drive. I do know how to drive.

Two tiny problems seem to have
you panic-stricken, if I may say so.

Mr. Shorofsky, these are
not tiny problems. However,

I think we will not
give in to this problem.

We are bigger than that.

Driving along.

Residential street.
Thirty miles an hour.

There's an intersection coming up.
You want to make a left-hand turn.

Make that a right
turn. [Clears Throat]

There's a stop sign
at the intersection.

[Laughs] Get your
hand off my knee.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Shorofsky,

have you finalized the
transaction regarding the car?

I mean, is it yours, legally?

One hundred percent? All of it.

Every nut and bolt, mine.

I even bought this little cap.

Is it waterproof?

Waterproof? Why?

Because it is my considered opinion
that you will swim the English Channel...

before you learn how to drive.

Some of us got it,
and some of us don't.

And you own it,
but you don't got it.

How 'bout one last
drive around the park?

I'd love to.

[Imitating Engine Sounds]

[Continues Engine Sounds]

Whenever you're ready, Tracy.

For my audition, I would
like to sing, "Blue Moon."

♪♪ [Intro]

[Off-key] ♪ Blue moo... ♪

The first one's for free, Tracy.

Try it again. Take your time.

We'll be here.

♪♪ [Intro]

[Weakly] ♪ Blue moon ♪

♪ You saw me standing alone ♪

♪ Without a dream in my heart ♪

♪ Without a love of my own ♪

♪ Blue moon ♪

♪ You knew just
what I was there for ♪

♪ You heard me
whisper a prayer for ♪

♪ Someone I really
could care for ♪

♪ And then, there suddenly
appeared before me ♪

♪ The only one my
arms will ever hold ♪

♪ I heard somebody
whisper Please adore me ♪

[Off-key] ♪ And when I looked,
the moon had turned to gold ♪

♪ Blue moon ♪

♪ Now I'm no longer alone ♪

♪ Without a dream in my heart ♪

[Tearfully] ♪ Without a love ♪

♪ Of my own ♪♪

♪♪ [Continues]

♪♪ [Ends]

Thank you very much, Tracy.


- [Door Opens, Closes]
- Martelli, you did everything
you could. We appreciate it.

You know, there are times
when I could do this job for free.

This is not one of those times.

Hey, here he is.

[Sighs] Not even close.

- Your opinion.
- Look, Doris. She was terrible.

I mean, even if she sang as well as she could,
there's no way she belongs in the school.

Her voice is average,
Doris. Just average.

And the same
goes for her dancing.

Why didn't anybody
say anything before?

Because you
wouldn't have heard it.

Where is she now? I don't know.

Uh, she left right after. She wasn't
in the hall when I left the auditorium.

We gotta find her. I
gotta find her, real quick!

[Doris] Ma, I'm gonna stay here until
8:00, when the janitors kick me out.

If Tracy comes home before I do,
have her call me at this number, okay?

No. Yeah. Or if she calls
before, have her call me here.

It's really important
that I talk to her.

No. Ma, I got other people out
on the streets looking for her.

They're gonna
check in with me here.

I'll be home when I get home!

That's all I know right now.

Yeah. I will.

Thank you, Mom. Good-bye.

[Hangs Up Receiver]

You want some company
while you're waiting?

No, thanks.

I got into this myself. I'd
like to get out the same way.

You know, I hope you're not gonna get all
down on yourself about this thing with Tracy.

Sure made a lot of promises
I couldn't deliver on. Hey.

If she could have gotten in here,
she'd be the happiest kid in the world.

She'd never want to leave.

You couldn't give her your talent,
Doris. You gave her what you could.

A chance. A dumb thing to do.

A Doris thing to do.

And that's something
very special.

And don't you forget it.

You're right! Hmm?

You said she wouldn't leave
the school, and you're right!

Cover the phones.
I'll be right back!

[Phone Ringing]



Bruno, does this sound
like Doris Schwartz, child?

How long have you been here?

Most of the afternoon.

Why are you getting
made up like that?

Going back to the
guy on the corner.

But you been here all afternoon.

So you don't really want
to go back. Not really.

Where else is there?

Your folks. Home.

[Scoffs] They won't talk to me.

You don't know that
until you talk to them.

I'm scared.

I'll tell you something else, I'm getting
sick and tired of being scared all the time!

Let me tell you something now.

Remember when you asked me why I was helping
you when the vice cops were chasing us?

My mom. She calls me
the world's twin sister.

'Cause a lot of times, when one
twin feels bad, the other one does too.

When I see somebody start
hurtin', I start hurtin' for them.

And that's true,
a lot of the times.

But when I stopped hurting
for you, and started hoping,

was when you
decided to audition.

And you started trying like
anything to get it together.

Because trying... That's
all they really teach her.

You keep trying until you
find something that works.

You can call your folks,

or you can call that
slime who runs the corner.

I don't care which.

Part of what I
just said is a lie.

I do care who you call.

So do a lot of other people.

[Door Closes]

You don't have to watch
the phones anymore.

I found her. She was
in the makeup room.

Is she all right?

[Softly] I don't know.

Hello? I'd like to place
a collect call, please.

To Cleveland, Ohio.

I don't know what
the area code is.

Mrs. John Alexander.

Just say that
it's Tracy calling.

Okay. Doris.

Tell us your name.

My name doesn't matter.

'Cause most of the time,
people don't remember it anyway.

The other half of
the time, I change it.

So let's just pass on
the name thing, okay?

I guess what you
call me is a runaway.

That doesn't get it either.

Because most of the time,
we're running to someplace.

As much as running away from it.

Running to somebody who
understands and listens...

without judging us
when we foul up.

You're supposed to
be allowed to foul up.

That's what I thought.

That's how you learn.

When you're workin' so hard...

to be Daddy's little princess,
Mama's pride and joy,

and sometimes you just
wanna scream to be left alone.

Then you scream
and nobody hears ya.

You just want to find a place
where it's okay to be you.

Where you could be scared,
or confused, or angry...

Or just quiet.

Where you can just be
you, and it'll be all right.

'Cause it's you that
you want 'em to love.

The you part of you.

That's why my
name doesn't matter.

Because until you love me,

neither do I.

Doris? [Clears Throat]

A-plus. Take a bow.

♪♪ [Disco]

♪ Fame ♪

♪ Fame ♪

♪ Fame ♪

♪ Remember, remember
Remember, remember ♪

♪ Remember, remember
Remember, remember ♪

♪ Fame ♪♪
