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01x07 - The Strike

Posted: 01/09/24 17:28
by bunniefuu
This is really the cast list?

"Othello, Leroy Johnson.
Iago, Danny Amatullo. Yeah!

Desdemona, J... Julie Miller."

This is a play about passion.

♪♪ [Recorder]

When Othello loves, he does it
with incredible emotion, from his heart.


When he hates, it's
with intense rage,

- capable of m*rder.
- ♪♪ [Disco]

Mr. Martelli, we're talking
about a Shakespeare festival,

not an evening with Con Edison.

♪♪ [Disco]

♪ Fame ♪
♪ I'm gonna live forever ♪

♪ I'm gonna learn how to fly ♪
♪ High ♪

♪ I feel it comin' together ♪

♪ People will see me and cry ♪
♪ Fame ♪

♪ I'm gonna make it to heaven ♪

♪ Light up the
sky like a flame ♪

♪ Fame ♪
♪ I'm gonna live forever ♪

♪ Baby, remember my name ♪
♪ Remember, remember ♪

♪ Remember, remember ♪

You got big dreams.

You want fame.

Well, fame costs,

and right here is where
you start paying in sweat.

♪ Fame ♪
♪ I'm gonna live forever ♪

♪ Baby, remember my name ♪
♪ Remember, remember ♪

♪ Remember, remember ♪

♪ Fame ♪♪


Doris, did they post the
cast list yet? I hope not.

Yo, Danny, what's up? I'll let you
know when they put up the cast list.

I heard that!

Then you have to go through
the script and find out...

what characters are in the same scenes
and come up with a rehearsal schedule.

Piece a cake. Montgomery...

You have to find out what the
kids' after-school commitments are.

That is not a piece of cake. I
knew that when I volunteered.

Knowing it up here
is one thing, child,

but actually doing
it is something else.

The stage manager's always
gonna be on the spot now.

The director's gonna be snapping
at you. The actors are gonna be...

complaining that you're
being too tough on them.

It's lonely at the top, but it's no
bed of roses in the middle either.

- I think you're
just trying to scare me.
- You bet I am,

and I hope it's
working, for your sake.

Remember, when the director's not around,
it becomes the stage manager's show.

- Yeah, but you're
gonna be around.
- Yeah, well,

that's the plan, at any
rate. What do you mean?

Here. This is the cast list. Go
run off some copies and post them.

You are gonna be
around, aren't ya?

Montgomery, didn't I just tell you
the director would be snapping at you?

Well, I didn't mean to get
started before rehearsals.

Run off copies of the cast
list, then post them, please.


This is really the cast list?

Good-bye, Montgomery.

A lot of people are gonna
get bummed out about this.

Copies of the cast list and
post it. Right on it. I'm goin' now.

[Exhales] It's gonna be rough.

♪♪ [Vocalizing] Leroy,
could you give us a break?

You look like one of those
bobble-head dolls or something.

If you want to talk to him, you're gonna
have to go down to the radio station.

- Earth to Leroy. You there?
- What?

- Man, could you cool out? We're not in the mood.
- That's your problem.

I wish she'd post
the cast list already.

What's the big deal? It's just a
play. We do plays all the time.

Othello is not just a play.

And the musical version of
Othello isn't even just Othello.

And the winners aren't even
winners 'cause they get to tour...

in what they win... because they're
winners... because they're winning...

I know what I meant to
say. That's what counts.

Oh, Mr. Shorofsky,
there you are.

Good morning, Miss
Sherwood. Good morning.

I've been trying for two
days to talk... It'll have to wait.

Mrs. Berg is expecting me
upstairs for a meeting, and I'm late.

Excuse me. But...


Good morning. Good
morning, Mrs. Berg.

Mr. Shorofsky just
left to meet with you.

To meet me for what?

Didn't you have a meeting with
Mr. Shorofsky this morning? No. Why?


Never mind.

Here... Here he is!

"Othello, Leroy Johnson.
Iago, Danny Amatullo. Yeah!

Desdemona, J... Julie
Miller. Emilia, Doris Schwartz."

Hey, Montgomery, I'm tellin' you right
now... I want my own dressing room.

- No way.
- Okay, then I'll share
with Julie.

- [Doris] I got it! I got it!
- I know!

[Scoffs] Congratulations,
you guys.

Congratulations to you too.

- Congratulations for what?
- You got the part of Desdemona.

You're kidding.

Don't I wish. Excuse...

[Doris] Coco, wait! All right!

All right.

Oh, no.

If that's how she handles good news, I don't
wanna be around when she gets bad news.

- I don't think I could take it.
- ♪♪ [Synth Strings]

Strings just don't do it for me.

What do you mean
they don't do it for you?

This is a play about passion.

When Othello loves, he does it
with incredible emotion, from his heart.

When he hates, it's with
intense rage, capable of m*rder.

I don't hear violins.

What do ya hear?

I hear synthesizers,

a bass with a heavy
backbeat, even congas.

Mr. Martelli, we're talking
about a Shakespeare festival,

not an evening with
Con Edison. [Groans]

What we're talking about is
a show where the lead is...

a black kid from 128th Street.

Excuse me. You talk to him.

Got a minute? To
tell you the truth,

I'm right in the
middle of something.

Mr. Shorofsky, are you coming to
the strike meeting after school or not?

Not. You have to come.

Have to? I left "have
to" when I left Germany.

This isn't a dictator's order,
Mr. Shorofsky. It's your fellow teachers.

I gave Mr. Wyler my
proxy. That's enough.

No, it isn't. It's
lazy and uncaring,

and that's not like you.

Miss Sherwood, I'm
a public employee,

and I do not believe public
employees should strike.

Fine. Come to the meeting.
Convince us of your point of view.

- Impossible. Your minds are made up.
- And yours is so open?

It certainly is.


Two thoughts...


someone who's seen what it's
like when a country loses its way...

should be the last
one to send in a proxy.

And what's the second?

You're too old to pout.

♪♪ [Note]

"Heaven bless us! Say you?

"It is not lost, but
what an if it were?

"How! I say it is not lost.

"Fetch it, let me see it.

"Why, so I can, sir,
but I will not now.

Why, so I can, sir, but I..."

- You seen Leroy anywhere?
- He was in the library.

After school, he was checking
out a copy of Othello. Like me.

He's been duckin' me all day. I can't
set up a rehearsal schedule without him.

I'll track him down. Can
I ask you a question?

- Sure.
- Come on in.

[Whispering] Hey,
close the door.


Why did Miss Grant
choose me for this part?

She didn't discuss it with
me. Why do you think?

- I don't know.
- I didn't ask what you know. I asked what you thought.

We both know Coco's a
better actress than I am.

Not true. We know
Coco's a good actress.

But... we don't know if she's better than
you 'cause we don't know how good you are.

You haven't had a
chance to show anyone yet.

Maybe that's why
Miss Grant chose you.

She wanted to give you a
chance to show everyone.

You know what I think? No.

I think Coco would have
gotten the part if she was white.

You're probably right. If
you were black and male,

you might make a
dynamite Othello.


You think I'm being silly? I
think you've been given a chance,

and when you get a chance,
you go with it as far as it takes you.

You don't question
it. You... [Tapping]


[Sherwood] Quiet. Listen!

If we all talk at once, we aren't
going to accomplish anything.

So, please, boys
and girls, if you'll...

- [Laughter]
- If you want to keep me
after school, it's okay.

In the words of Danny
Amatullo, "Wakka, wakka, wakka."

Look, I don't know what
this meeting is about anyway.

I mean, the strike is a
foregone conclusion, isn't it?

The consensus is the
strike will take place.

The question is do we
go out with everyone else?

What are they talk... Shh.

I vote we don't.

Lydia, I don't believe you.

You're a member of two
unions, this one and Equity.

Three... and AGVA. American
Guild of Variety Artists.

So how can you refuse to strike?

Because I can't afford to strike and
neither can half the teachers here.

I can't afford not to strike
and for the same reason.

I've got a kid that's getting braces
and another one that's into figure skating.

I mean, do you know how
expensive a thermal tutu is? [Laughter]

Yeah, well, how about our kids?

Our kids aren't like
most kids about school.

Our kids want to learn
something. They wanna be here.

How can we walk out
on that kind of attitude?

Look, we're not striking
just for ourselves.

We're striking for the kids...

For their extended class
time, for more books,

for... decent cafeteria food.

Nobody wants to strike,
but we have to do it.

And none of you minds that while
you're walking around the block,

someone else, someone who
doesn't know what he or she is doing,

is sitting in your classroom...

destroying everything you have
accomplished with your students?

None of us wants
that, Mr. Shorofsky.

This school pays me
in more than money.

It pays me by being a place
I want to go to each day.

I go here to teach the
students and to learn from them.

I go here to be with
you all, my friends.

I do not like being
asked to choose sides.


Well, I think we've said
all there is to be said.

The strike vote will take
place tonight at the armory.

I need to know how many of you are
going to be there to support the strike.


So if the strike vote passes,

I'll expect to see you all tomorrow
morning, on the picket line.

Did you hear anything?

It said on the news the schools
would be run by office personnel.

What do you think that means?
Probably no Shakespeare festival.

No Shakespeare festival?
And eights hours of study hall.

Oh, I hope this thing
doesn't last long.

My mother's already talking
about finding another school,

maybe in New Jersey. Is there a
school for the arts in New Jersey?

Yeah. Problem is it's
located in a refinery.

Miss Grant, you want me to carry your
sign for ya? Give me a break, Amatullo.

How long do we
have to keep this up?

Till the first bell. Then
again at lunchtime.

And what do we do
between then and now?

It's a little early for
matinees, dear girl.

I don't know. Shop?

Oh! Go on strike and
go shopping, yeah.

Run up those bills. Yeah, that makes
about as much sense as anything else.

I think I have a solution. What?

I have a key to the freight entrance,
which leads to the scene dock,

which adjoins the makeup
room where there is a coffee pot.

Oh, I don't know. I mean,

do you think it would be
right to go on school property?

Elizabeth, how can a
picket line cross a picket line?

No, we don't have
to give up on Othello.

And, no, we aren't getting a guest
director. That was just a rumor.

I heard Al Pacino may come in.

Yeah, with Frank
Sinatra. All right. All right.

- Would you listen up? We got a lot of work to do.
- Shouldn't we wait for Leroy?

Yeah, where is he? I
could've taken the day off too.

I don't know where he
is. He's late. He'll be here.

Now, if we're gonna do this thing
on our own, we got a lot of work to do.

Who's in charge?

- [Murmuring]
- In the professional theater,

when the director's not around, it
becomes the stage manager's show.

Well, unless somebody's
been hiding my paycheck,

- we're not in
the professional theater.
- [Laughter]

I think maybe we
ought to call it off.

Look, Miss Grant can't be here. And Shorofsky
can't be here to help Bruno with the score.

And it's a great excuse
for you to chicken out.

I mean, you can do
whatever you wanna do,

I just don't think you oughta kid
yourself about why you're doing it.

Look, the teachers took a
vote about going out on strike.

I say we take a vote about whether or not to
get this thing up on its feet without 'em.

I say we give it a shot.

[Thunder Rumbling]

All right.

[Thunder Crashing]

Orphans of the storm. The only
way to picket. Anybody got any cards?

We're supposed
to picket, not picnic.

Leave it to an English teacher.

[Thunder Rumbling]

Ooh. Hope that lets up before
we're due back out front again.

Whether it does or not,
we are gonna be there.

Yes, my captain.


Mr. Shorofsky!

Strike headquarters called me.

They said I had to
picket, or I'd be fined.

I came down to picket.
No one was there.

Mrs. Berg said you were all in here.
Could you explain that to me, please?

We're only picketing before the first bell
and at lunchtime, when we can be noticed.

You're obviously only
picketing in good weather also.

Hey, we're not
mailmen. We're pickets.

Wrong, Mr. Crandall! We're
not pickets. We're teachers.

But some of us seem to
have forgotten that fact.

May I please have the damn picket
sign so I can get this thing over with?

Don't you at least want
to wait until the rain stops?

What I want to do is get
back out there before I dry off...

and have to get wet all
over again a second time.

The sign, please?

Thank you.

Have a nice day.

What will you give me for
that same handkerchief?

[Mimics Tough Guy] What
handkerchief, sweetheart?

[Southern Accent] What handkerchief?
Why, that the Moor first gave to Desdemona,

which you did so
often bid me steal.

Did you steal it for me, baby?

- What are you two doing?
- We're trying to put a couple
of laughs in this turkey.

Laughs? You're using your wife to
get your best friend to m*rder his wife.

What's so funny about that?

- Take my wife. Please.
- [Laughs]

[Groans] I tell ya, I
don't get no respect.

So I think I'm gonna leave.

Leave your wife, big boy, and
come up and see me sometime.

Yeah. Maybe I'll do that.

Yeah! [Laughs]

All right, everybody take five.

Make it 25.

Hey, Montgomery, when
do I get to rehearse?

I can't rehearse you
until Leroy shows up.

Yeah, but when do you think
that'll be? I don't know. I don't know.

Well? It's not happening.

The music's not ready. I
have to rework the score.

When do I get the music? We can't
do the choreography without the music.

I know that. What I don't
know is when you'll get it.

I go to the meetings.
I pay my dues.

I picket during the day.

What's the harm in working
with the kids at night?

Lydia, the union
would never go for it.

I left Montgomery
holding the bag.

Let's face it, that boy is
not an emotional fortress.

I'd hate to see
him fall on his face.

I think you're overreacting.

The strike could be over
by the end of the week.

What if it isn't?

Elizabeth, those kids need help.

Especially Julie and Leroy.

I wouldn't be teaching.
I'd be directing.

And this p... [Sighs]

This production is special
to me. It's the festival.

It could bring a lot of good attention
to the school or bad attention.

Why bad attention?

Because I put some of those kids in
it so they'd have a chance to stretch.

If I'm not there to help them,
I'm afraid of how it could turn out.

It hurts to fail, Elizabeth.

Oh. I've got them
in over their heads.


if you're on strike,
you don't work.


Look, I know you're not
an answering service.

I know you're just the manager.

So could you just manage to knock on Leroy's
door and ask him to come to the phone?

[Line Clicks] Hello? He...

Hey, how's it goin'?

Othello is a tragedy
in more ways than one.

I got no music, no
direction, no lead.

- What happened to Leroy?
- I'm about to take the subway
to 128th Street to find out.

Montgomery, that's not
your turf, man. I don't really...

You wanna get off my case, okay?

I'm headin' up there. I'm not
gonna let this thing fall apart on me.

- I'm headed for Leroy's.
- Montgomery...

I-I've been in that rehearsal
studio all morning...

trying to put a routine
together for myself,

- and you know what?
- What?

It's lonely. I miss you
guys. Isn't that stupid?

Coco, I wish you
were in the cast, but...

Yeah, so do I, but I'm not.

So I can stay all
bummed out about it,

or I can try and
help, if you'll let me.

- You really wanna help?
- Yeah.

Could you get 'em to really
buckle down and rehearse?

I mean, they'll listen to you about
the dancing and singing and stuff.

When I try it, it's just me.
They won't take it seriously.

I'll do what I can.


Hey, just a minute! Uh...

Did Montgomery
leave the building?

- Oh, yes, Ms. Berg.
- Oh, but he's not supposed
to leave during...

Shouldn't you be at
s-some class, somewhere?

- Ms. Berg,
I'm goin' right now.
- Oh, good.

Tighten your tutus, children,
your director is on her way! Whoo!


You get on the
wrong bus or what?

Can we talk? About what?

About you.

[Man] Leroy, you in or out?

I'm out, man.

Hey, call me next
hand, all right? You got it.

Pot's right. Who wants cards?

Want something to
drink? Got any Perrier?

I'm fresh out. Ain't that
always the way though?

Actually, I was just kidding.

What'd you want to
talk about, Montgomery?

About why you're not
showing up at rehearsals.

There's a teachers' strike, man.

School's still open, Leroy. And
we're tryin' to get Othello on its feet.

Man, I ain't interested
in no Shakespeare.

Then why'd you audition? I
didn't know what I was doin' it for.

Miss Grant said to walk around
like a king and say things like a king.

That's fun to me. I can do that
okay. Then you can do the part okay.

Look, let's go outside
and talk for a minute.

Hey, fellas, give me a holler
next hand. All right, you got it, man.

Look, I think you better
count me outta this. Leroy, no.

Look, nobody said nothin' about
no Shakespeare when we tried out.

Miss Grant decided to
run the auditions that way,

so no one would get
any preconceived notions.

So nobody would get uptight.

I ain't gettin' uptight!

I just ain't interested, that's
all. Get yourself somebody else.

Leroy, man, you can't do this
to me. I ain't doin' nothin' to you.

I'm doin' it to me. I'm
takin' me outta the show.

Hey, Leroy? Deal
you in? Yeah, man.

We're done talkin'. You're
done maybe, but I'm not.

Julie Miller is scared to death
about that show, but she's there.

Amatullo's hiding behind every bit and
joke he can think of, but he's there too.

Coco, man, she'd
k*ll to be in that show.

That didn't work out, but
she's still there helping to direct.

And you, man? You're up
here playing acey-deucey...

while your friends are
going down the drain.

You know that slaughterhouse
on 12th Avenue?

Maybe you should stop in
there and buy yourself some guts!

Pot's light, Leroy.
It's up to you.

Mr. Martelli, that is music
only a mother could love.

- Is it lunchtime?
- For me, always.

For you, another hour or so.


Not going so well, I take it.

You take it right.

I just can't make this work the
way Shorofsky would want it to.

Rewrite it. Nah.
I couldn't do that.

It wouldn't be fair. If
Shorofsky were here,

if I could argue with him, show
him that my way was okay, fine.

But to rewrite him without him
getting a chance to fight back,

it wouldn't be fair.

Why are you so
worried about fair?

What's fair about any of this?

What's fair about a system
that keeps the "barfeteria" open...

and closes down
the rest of the school?

So what's fair about a system
that has cost of living increases...

that don't keep up
with the cost of living?

You sound like you've
been talking to your father.

Yeah. Well, yeah.

Yeah, and I've
been talking to mine.

"The unions are
gonna ruin this country.

"We don't stop them,
they'll all go on strike.

Then the garbage piles up,
and the planes can't land."

And try and take a
subway to school.

Don't blame it on unions.

It's those other
guys that are at fault.

Which is why
you're on their side.

- I'm not on their side.
- And you crossed a picket line
and came to school?

Look, I crossed a picket line...

because if I didn't come
to school, I'd get canned.

And I don't feel
very good about it.

That's why you're having
trouble with the music.

Maybe. Plus doing it
behind Shorofsky's back.

Well, would you have any ideas
for rewriting it if he was here?

Yeah. Some.

Show me.

A little luncheon
music, if you please.

♪♪ [Pop Rock]

♪ [Woman] Here, as I
watch the ships go by ♪

♪ [Man] I'm rooted to my shore ♪

♪ [Man #2] I keep
asking myself why ♪

[Woman] ♪ And if there's
more on the other side ♪

[Woman] ♪ Here, as I see
the friends I thought I made ♪

[Woman] ♪ A little bit
crazy knowing now ♪

♪ We've outgrown one another ♪

♪ [Together] Star maker ♪

♪ Dream breaker ♪

♪ Soul taker ♪

♪ [Woman] We're happy now ♪

[Together] ♪ Here, as I
watch the time go by ♪

♪ How I'd like to sail away ♪

♪ Leaving all my past behind ♪

♪ But I know I'd only last ♪

♪ For a couple of days ♪

♪ Here stands everything
I thought I made ♪

♪ It's the only life I know ♪

♪ And I can't even
call it my own ♪

♪ I've got no hope
I belong to you ♪

♪ My star maker ♪

♪ Dream breaker ♪

♪ Soul taker ♪

[Woman] ♪ We're happy now ♪

♪ We're so happy now ♪

♪ Oh, we're happy now ♪

♪ We're so happy now ♪

♪♪ [Ends]

Thank you.


It looks unbelievable, man. It's
finally coming together, you know.

She's a miracle worker,
MacNeil. Are you serious?

Yes, I'm... we're serious. This
musical number is a thing of beauty!

All right, let's go!

Sit down. Sit down.

Yeah, but, how'd you
do this without Leroy?

I got Willie to stand in. When he
shows up, we'll show him the steps.

What about the music?
Bruno's rearranging the score.

The tempo's the same, and,
you know, that's all that matters.

Great. Let's see it. Okay.

♪♪ [Recorder, Guitar]

[Strains, Groans]

[Strains, Groans]

My lens!

Stop! Everybody!

Oh, my mother will k*ll me.

She gave up a whist tournament
at the Catskills for these things!

Everybody on point!

No walking around, please!

So, listen, they were all at school
today rehearsing. Why weren't you?

I don't know.

Leroy, did you
quit or get fired?

Neither yet.

If I don't quit now, I'm
gonna get fired soon enough.


Well, I ain't no king.

Miss Grant said... And
this is a direct quote...

You looked every inch
a Moorish monarch.

She said that? Mm-hmm.

That's 'cause she
ain't heard me talk yet.

What? I mean, she heard me
say my words about being a king...

but not Shakespeare's.

Montgomery doesn't like the
way you say Shakespeare's words?

- He ain't hear me yet either.
- But you've been rehearsing.

- They have.
- Why haven't you?

Well, you know how
you got on my case...

when I was doin' that
"Casey at the Bat" poem?


Well, can you think what I would
sound like reading Shakespeare?

Did you try?

And let everybody see what
a dumb jerk I am? Uh-uh.

Leroy, that's not true.
In no way is that true.

Now, you've had some
rotten training in the past.

And you've got some catching
up to do now. But that's all.

There isn't any dumb about it.

Could you help me be good
enough to be in this play?


the problem is this strike.

I'm not... You're not
supposed to help.

Well, obviously, a teacher's always
supposed to help a student, but...

- You won't help.
- Leroy, I'm not supposed...

Look, thanks for the coffee.


Look, you swear to
me you ain't sayin' no...

'cause you think I'm too
dumb to learn these words.

I swear.

You gettin' paid
while you on strike?


How you gonna
manage if this goes on?

Well, I've got some money saved.

I might be able to get a
part-time job of some kind. Why?

Well, you ever "toot" people?

Tutor? Uh, yes, sometimes I do.

I got...

six dollars and 35 cents.

How much tutoring
will that get me?

I'd say that...

will get you just about all
the tutoring you can handle.

♪♪ [Rock]

That's terrific, Bruno.

I agree. Great.
Then let's use it.

- No.
- Why don't you
want to use it?

- Because it's like doing it
behind Shorofsky's back.
- So?

I'm not gonna let you use my
rewrite until Shorofsky says it's okay.

- Yeah, but he's not here,
and he can't be here.
- Montgomery, I know that.

I told you that
would be his attitude.

Look, Bruno, if you had a
cure for the common cold,

would you withhold
it from the public?

I do not have a cure
for the common cold.

Or hiccups? Would
you hold back with that?

Or hickeys? Or herpes? Anything?

Thanks for nothin', chum.

"But I do love thee! And when I
love thee not, Chaos is come again."


Good morning. Doesn't seem like
the morning is gonna be as interesting...

as the night you must have had.

Oh, I just...

I got caught up watching a
late movie on TV last night.

Which one?

Red Rock Canyon.

A western.

Randolph Scott.

You are a big fan of
Randolph Scott westerns?

[Scoffs] Please.

Never miss a one. Elizabeth...

We really should get out to
the picket line. No, hear me out.

I really think I should go
to one rehearsal. Just one.

For a couple of hours just
to see what they're doin'.

I'm sure they're doing fine. You know,
I think you really underestimate them.

Elizabeth, be realistic.

You can't expect high school students to
mount a production of Othello by themselves.

I don't care how talented they
are. They need supervision.

I'm sure Coco's
doing a good job.

Coco? What do you mean Coco?

She's their director.
Temporary director.

Where did you hear that?

One of the kids told me.

Well, how come
you're talkin' to the kids?

We really shouldn't
be late. Come on.

"Major issues have
not yet been resolved,

"but union and board of
education negotiators...

"have reached agreement
on several minor points.

Many observers anticipate a
breakthrough before the end of the week."


Excuse me. There's a
dress rehearsal after school.

If this is okay with you, I'm
using it. Nice talking to you.

Come on. I'm comin'. I'm comin'.

Shame on you,
girl. Shame on you.

Good morning, Mr. Shorofsky.

[Montgomery] Lend
me thy handkerchief.

Here, my lord. That
which I gave you.

- [Door Opens]
- I have it not about me.


Aw, come on, man. You gotta
put more meaning in it than that.

You don't know what
this here play's about?

It's about some dude who
gives this girl a handkerchief.

Some other brother come
along tellin' my man Othello...

he seen her give it
to somebody else.

Now, this made my man
Othello mad. He burning up now.

He think his girl tryin' to cheat
on him. You know what I mean?

Show you how it's done.

[Snaps Fingers]

Come now, your promise.
What promise, chuck?

I have sent to bid Cassio
come speak with you.

I have a soft and sorry
rheum offends me.

Lend me thy handkerchief.

Here, my lord.

That which I gave you.

- I have it not about me.
- Not?

No, indeed, my lord.

That is a fault.

That handkerchief did an
Egyptian to my mother give.

She was a charmer, and could
almost read the thoughts of people.

She told her, while she kept
it, 'twould make her amiable...

and subdue my father
entirely to her love,

but if she lost it...

or made a gift of it,

my father's eye should
hold her loathed...

and his spirits would
hunt after new fancies.

She, dying, gave it me...

and bid me, when my
faith would have me wive,

to give it her.

I did so,

and take heed on't.

Make it a darling
like your precious eye.

But to lose it,
or give it away...

were such perdition as
nothing else could match.

- [Cheering]
- Leroy!

Whoo! All right,
baby! You know it!

♪♪ [Synthesizer]

This is for you.

But don't ask me
where it came from.


We finally brought it together.
Even with the strike, we did it.

That says a lot
about us, you know.

We're a powerful bunch of kids, you
know. We gotta believe in ourselves.

'Cause we can
do a lot, seriously.

We should all believe that.

You know? All right, now,
on the count of three, man,

let's just rock this place
with a loud noise, all right?

All right. Yeah. Let's go.

One, two, three!


What time is it?

A few minutes after 3:00.

The paper said both sides
were really close, huh? Mm-hmm.

Two peas in a pod.

♪♪ [Recorder] Anybody hear that?

[Sherwood] What?

Sounds like... I
don't know... music.

It's hard to tell way down here.

Excuse me, y'all. I'm
going to the little girls' room.

Me too.

Little boys' room.
The men's room.

I'm gonna go check my box.

I have a, uh,
catalog I'm expecting.

It's mailed to the school?

Plain brown wrapper.
That kind. Uh-huh.

[Clears Throat]

Oh, to hell with it!

♪♪ [Disco]

Okay, people.
Come on from the top.

♪♪ [Recorder]

♪♪ [Disco]

♪ Ooh, my Desdemona ♪

♪ Our loving's been so good ♪

♪ You know I wanna own ya ♪

♪ I wonder if I could ♪

♪ Such a fine kind of lady ♪

♪ Making the boys so crazy ♪

♪ There's somethin'
you should know ♪

♪ About Desdemona ♪

♪ Don't ya ever leave me ♪

♪ Don't know what I'd do ♪
♪ Don't know what he'd do ♪

♪ Can't I just
believe your love ♪

♪ Is really true ♪

♪ Desdemona ♪

♪ She just might deceive you ♪

♪ Take you for a fool ♪
♪ Take you for a fool ♪

♪ I can't stand the thought
of someone touching you ♪

♪ Desdemona ♪

♪ You say that
she's been messin' ♪

♪ With a friend of mine ♪

♪ Don't you keep me guessin' ♪

♪ What I'm gonna find ♪

♪ 'Bout Desdemona ♪

♪ She's not just your woman ♪

♪ You're not her only man ♪
♪ Not her only man ♪

♪ If I can't have
her for myself ♪

♪ Then no one can ♪
♪ Desdemona ♪

♪ I'm warning you
don't know what I'll do ♪

♪ If your love isn't true ♪

[Chorus] ♪ Desdemona ♪

♪ He's warning you
don't know what he'll do ♪

♪ If your love isn't true ♪

♪ Desde... Desde... Desdemona ♪

♪♪ [Recorder]

♪♪ [Disco]

♪♪ [Chorus Vocalizing]

♪ Desdemona ♪

- ♪ Watch your step ♪
- ♪ Don't know what he'll do ♪

♪ If you're steppin' out on me ♪

- ♪ Desdemona ♪
- ♪ Desdemona ♪

♪ Don't know what I'd do ♪

♪ Take you for a fool ♪

♪ If you leave me ♪ ♪ He can't stand
the thought of someone touchin' you ♪

♪ Desdemona ♪
♪ I'm warning you ♪

♪ Don't know what I'll
do if your love isn't true ♪

[Chorus] ♪ Desdemona ♪

♪ He's warning you
don't know what he'll do ♪

♪ If your love isn't true ♪

♪ Desde... Desde... Desdemona ♪

♪ Desde... Desde... Desdemona ♪

♪ Desde... Desde... Desdemona ♪

♪ I'm warning you ♪♪



♪♪ [Disco]

♪ Fame ♪

♪ Fame ♪

♪ Fame ♪

♪ Remember, remember
Remember, remember ♪

♪ Remember, remember
Remember, remember ♪

♪ Fame ♪♪
