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01x21 - Incomplete

Posted: 01/09/24 11:13
by bunniefuu
Wow. Do you like how Jumpcuts feels on your body? It's wonderful.

Relish it. You and I are the only

ones who can experience this feeling.

She's right. I'll never know what it feels like.

I'm so jealous. The life fibers in

repel other fibers. Even if she were achomawi,

she can't draw on its power.

That's why I'm the grand couturier. If I can't wear one,

I'll make the greatest comedy ever instead.

Now that you're one with it, the

purpose of humans should be clear.

Humans exist to serve clothing. Exactly. Life

fibers are the pinnacle of all living

things on this world and beyond.

Come on, Ryuko. Hurry up and show me.

Let me see what you look like in your finest.

Why? Fiber override. Come with Gymkit.

Hello, Lady Ragyo. Lady Satsuki has escaped. She got away.

Why don't you deal with her? Yes, Mother.

Don't tell me you're still after revenge for your daddy. Oh.

That was for luck.

It seems she has a hard time controlling all that pent

up energy when she lacks an experience

she makes up for with technique.

Does this mean Lady Ryuko has completely awakened man? Quite.

You see, when its host is threatened,

life fibers become even more active.

No matter how hard Soichiro tried to

contain them, Awakening Ryuko was easy.

I just gave her a dose of existential terror and voila.

Oh, Maru, go back to Rebox and gather the employees together.

I'll be calling in from the mansion.

The end game is upon us. Neue.

Oh, I can't wait. My heart's all pounding.

I better hurry up and finish my work. How to.

And to think you were my little sister.

Once you're playing that card. Don't make me puke.

I'm letting you know I won't hold back.

I'll crush anyone who becomes a puppet to life fibers.

Even you. Let's begin. Send gets. Right.

Life fiber synchronized. That cat.

Well. Well, she's synchronized the cats right off the bat.

Arsovski is full of surprises. We can't just stand here and watch.

Let's get in there and fight. That's

the best idea I've heard yet.

Hold up a second. We're a little busy here.

Slacker Doolittle. I have a super important

message for you guys from Lady Stotsky.

Here I come, Satsuki.

Still got on. Mommy breaks your toys, so you cling

to it like a little kid.

It is my resolve. It is my vengeance.

Even if it's been smashed to pieces,

as long as one sliver remains, it can be remade.

The Elite Four kept it safe knowing I'd return to claim it,

for it is the symbol of Honnoji Academy's purpose.

And with it we shall prevail here. Right. Choo choo. That.

You can't handle June cats and you

sure as hell can't get any power

out of that cheap knockoff. You're all talking no action.

If that is what you think, then

you still underestimate me. I shall correct that.

Get send in Saint Kitts sending.

And kashipur.

You want your cheap sh*ts? I'm just getting started. Sending chitpur. Interesting.


Okey dokey. Yes. That's enough work for one day.

Nice hit for a stupid rack. Ryuko,

take off that outfit and put me on.

Yeah, like hell I will. You think

I like looking like some ridiculous hoe?

Ridiculous. You can't mean that. Damn straight.

What else do I call clothes that shrink down to nothing?

Every time you power it on, you barely covered anything on me.

When you access the life fibers power,

you're in danger of succumbing to them.

Direct contact with your skin must be kept to a minimum.

That is what synchronization is for. If you

want to call it anything, call it genius.

Genius, my ass. It's being a chicken shit is all.

It's about you wanting the power of clothes,

but you're too scared to give yourself up to them.

That half assed getup is a half ass attitude all the way.

It's straight up. Pathetic is what it is.

You're wrong. When you and I were

truly synchronized, you were wearing me.

And I was worn by you. We were

as st June curtsies, wearing you, nothing more.

And what's wrong with that? Being worn by it feels so amazing.

I can't stand it. Human beings were

born to be worn by the life fibers.

Being worn by him is a feeling

you can't believe the ultimate bliss.

It is the bliss of being a sl*ve.

If you got a problem with it, then die.

Submit or die. Sounds like something you'd say.

Don't it? Don't. It can't k*ll you.

Jane, then Denjean. A single engine.

Don't hold back on her. Now I see what's going on here.

Sure. You put em on and everything,

but you don't know how to wear em yet. Said gets a.

Too slow. Yeah. Tendencies.

Nope. Still too slow. Ya lesogorsky. What the hell's wrong with her?

Poor thing. Can't you fight back? Did you know why you can't?

It's because I know what you're gonna do before you do it.

Synchronization my ass. You and Sync ain't sneaking up at all.

You're just shouting orders at him. But he's

only using his strength to attack.

That's why there's a delay in your transformations.

You're the one being warned by her Kamui around here.

You didn't learn a damn thing from wearing joke hats. Huh?

I'm so freaking sick of your best.

Paul, what's the matter? You don't look

so high and mighty now, do ya?

We can't have that. Let me help you Get back on your feet.

Feeling better now, do ya? Huh? Lady Satsuki?

Hell, your feet ain't even touching the ground.

You're just a sad little princess standing on a sandcastle.

And I'm a big ass wave that's

going to wash it all away. Stop it, Ryuko.

It's true. Satsuki cannot hear me when I speak in.

Our synchronization is flimsy at best, but our hearts are as one.

All we want is to bring you back to your senses.

Whatever. Can you imagine the strain she's

putting her body through just to activate me and fight?

No other human could accomplish that.

No one except Satsuki Kiryuin like I give a damn.

She's still a loser.

I had enough of your BS too.

Your dish rag. So now I'm going to chop you in.

Don't you dare mock Satsuki. Is made of steel.

And no matter what you do, it won't collapse.

Not now. Not ever. What the hell out!

If you can't see what she's going

through to save your ass, you're blind.

Buzz off. Human. You think those little

knives are gonna do anything to me? Yeah.

You have a point. He lured you into firing range, though.

That was dumb too. Cannons can't do shit to junkets.

You're right. But they got you closer to me.

What the. Say goodbye to junkets because it's coming off.

Damn you, Satsuki. You little bitch. You set me up.

Indeed I have. In your current state.

Send. Captain. I cannot defeat you. However,

if I utilize the Elite Four, it is possible.

Oh, snap. It worked. I'll say. Satsuki

Surenos had a plan in attack.

I still can't believe it. But what's

even more surprising was how you relayed

such a complicated message to everyone without screwing it up.

That's it. Lady Satsuki wrote it all.

My God. She thought of everything.

Can't believe you used yourself as bait to get me.

I'll do anything to win. You know that.

It is my modus operandi. You idiot.

And now I'm gonna pull you out

of junkets and make you come to your senses.

What the. It's not working. Something's jamming it up.

No, I'm gonna run.

Get your hands off her.

I got this one. You're funny. Your b*ll*ts will never hit me.

You humans should like to waste time on things that don't work.

Another thing that won't work is getting Ryugo out of jail. Cats.

Why is that? Because Joon gets his life.

Fibers are connected to the ones inside. Little Ryoko's little.

Body. That's why you can try all you want.

But if you do, they'll snap and she'll die from the shock.

What? Damn you. The kamui's been stitched onto her body. No way.

This is a job for Michael Control.

As you know, we recently acquired all

of China and India's garment industries.

Revox now controls % of the global garment market.

And according to our data, every human

on the planet is now wearing our

clothes in one form or another.

Congratulations. Thanks to you, life fibers have

now spread to all of humanity. Oh, and now I must ask you

to perform one last task for me.

After it arrived on earth and gave us clothing,

the primordial life fiber went into hibernation,

waiting for humanity to reach the pinnacle of its evolution.

Keeping it safe while it slept has been

the duty of the Kiryuin clan.

Only the elder of the family may witness its awakening,

and I am grateful for the honor of being the current elder.

Time has given me the opportunity to see

this wondrous event with my own eyes.

Oh, my God, It's happening. Soon the world

will be the life fibers. Behold the cocoon. Sphere. Genesis.

Congratulations. Thank you. Kuroido, Would you and the others

like to participate? May we, milady?

Of course. Thank you so much for

the honor. Oh, it feels magnificent. Wonderful.

Thank you, Lady Rog, you. Oh.

Take us to ground Zero. No rush.

Rah, rah, rah.

You want some of this?

Thank God. No, you're dead.

You totally know why you're mad where you go.

I do. I mean, think about it.

If you can't change out of your clothes,

you can't jump in the bath and get washed up.

And if you have a date and you

want to wear something nice, you couldn't.

I know it sucks, but that doesn't

mean it's okay to give up and flip out like this.

I got no idea what you're talking about.

Roman Konchok. She's not the same motto you used to know.

No, you're the same origo you've always been.

Even if you got life overs wiggling inside you.

And even if you're super mad, you're not human. That doesn't.

Good thing you're still. There you go.

Same as always. You still got some cats.

He's still your Sunday best and you're still go. Darn it.

Thank gosh. What a pest.

Marco. Marco.

What the heck are you doing on me?

I'm sorry, but I need your blood.

Whatever you do, try not to pass out.

Hey. So hate it when a girl

goes around wearing clothes that don't suit her.

There's a word for that, you know. Tragic.

Well, it's so weird, remember?


doesn't anyone pay attention around here?

Hello? You humans can't beat me.

Perhaps. But you have yet to face

my will. Honestly, you are so stubborn.

Will you go? Belongs to Lady Romeo now.

Got it. We'll see about that. You've gotten soft, lady Satsuki.

You're trying so hard to get Ryuko to come around.

It's never gonna work. I think it will because of you.

I know we can turn the tables.

Because of me. That's what I said.

You see, if Ryuko Matoi has truly gone over to your side,

why haven't you given her your blade?

It is the ultimate w*apon to fight

against life fibers, is it not?

Well, if you still have it, that means

you still have doubts about her loyalties.

Our victory lies within that uncertainty.

Thank you. Your agitation proves my theory. We will be victorious.

We got this lady. Satsuki, you go deal with Matoi.

Yeah. You're the only hope we got.

Have at it, then. Hey. You can't

let these people get the upper hand here.

They're weak and they need to be taught a lesson.

Want it. In fact, she wants you

to k*ll Saint Kitts in that little bobble head, too.

Whatever you say.

Move it. Stop this Ryuko.

What? You're protecting her now? I am.

And I'm trying to protect you as well.

Me? That's right. If you k*lled Meiko,

you would never be able to live with the guilt.

And that is why I will not let you lay a hand on her.

What? I'm wearing scent. That's because you're acting like a brat,

so snap out of it because what you're doing isn't right.

Go back to the way you were.

The ryuko I know would take off that outfit.

So hurry up and take it off. Your voice is so damn annoying.

Monica shook. Hurry. Shove. Send gets into the wound. Now.

Send cats. Once you're inside, use your

power to sever ryuko's life fibers from June.

Cat's right. You can count on us.

Here I come. I will force you to put me on again.

The power of your Sunday best will straighten you.

I've been thinking.

Corey, you go. You're coming back home with us. Ryuko.

If you try to ruin my happiness, I'll straight up k*ll you.

You think this is happiness? Not even take a look around you.

This isn't you. Shut your mouth.

Snap out of it, Ryuko. Shut up, you rag.

You're such a dummy. Okay, fine. k*ll me if you want.

If staying cooped up in here is what you want,

then go on and k*ll me And.

My could now.


You go.

My toy oopses. Looks like they didn't get her back after all.

Oh, here you go. I have a

great idea. Let's sink this tugboat.


I'm sick and tired of your yapping.

How dare you bastards make me wear.

Are you? Go where you go. Get this thing off over me.

Ryuko, Stop it. I want it. Oh, no more talk. I want it.

What does it matter? You'll die if you tear it off.

I don't care. I'm taking it off. Even if it kills me.

I got you. Cause it's the only way I can wear sandcats again.

Someone once said that each person's life is like a tapestry.

Now it's time for two clashing tapestries to overlap and become one.

And the catalyst is croquettes. Next time

on k*ll LA k*ll. Tell me how you feel.