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01x20 - Far from the Madding Crowd

Posted: 01/09/24 11:13
by bunniefuu
I'm done with you. I'll never wear you again.

Here you go. Just looking at you pisses me off

cause I'm the same as you.

I'm not human. I never was. I'm a life.

What are you saying? Where you go?

Sanchez is your bestest friend in the whole

world. There you go. I know.

Okay. Something so horrible. She wouldn't. She wouldn't. She wouldn't.

That's not the. There you go. I know it's not. It's.

And then you don't know me. Everything about me was a big,

fat lie. I ain't even human.

Hell, I can't even die. My God damn monster. Just like Ragyo.

You're not. Oh, someone's having a bad day today.

You're hurting me.

Don't you think you're

getting all grumbly wobbly at the wrong person? Fight me.

Honestly, what happened to getting revenge for your daddy?

Don't get mad at everyone else and ignore little old me.

I k*lled him. So come after me. Come on.

Pretty, please. There.

What nimble reflexes you have, Daughter, dear.

I ain't your daughter. I understand your

confusion, but it's not my fault.

Blame it on Soichiro. Oh, pardon me. Isshin.

It was his idea to hide the truth from both of us.

And you can see how foolish that plan was.

But what's most despicable is he used you like a pawn.

As your mother, I can sympathize with

how angry you must be feeling, right?

The last time you're not my mom.

Hahahahaha. Magnificent. Now that's determination. Looking at you,

my heart sings more than it ever

did for that failure of a sister of yours.

Enough. I will not stand by and let you mock Lady Satsuki.

Now why on earth would I give

any praise to the daughter who stabbed me in the back? Hmm.

You don't resent your mother, do you,

dear? You don't really hate me. All I want to do is k*ll you.

If that's really what you want, come

to Honnoji Academy and we can put

this little mother daughter feud to rest. Oh,

he'll be coming for you. All right. You can count on it.

Do you want me? See you when we see.

Ryuko. Wait. What do you want? You're walking right into their trap.

Cool down before you do something stupid.

Quit acting like you're still my teacher.

This was all your fault from the start.

You knew everything, but you played it cool

sitting back laughing at me, Laughing at the freak.

You know that's not true. I know what I know.

And I'm sick of your bullshit. Looks

like humans and clothes can't get along

after all. Wasn't human to begin with.

So you can take your little sayings and shove em.

If anyone gets in my way again, they're gonna get.

Cut through those buildings with a single blow.

I'm sensing serious hate. Ryuko. Deal with it.

Because this is who I am. You can take

off your Goku uniforms whenever you want,

but I can just spend the rest

of my life with these life fibers in me.

You will think this is some kind

of w*apon made to k*ll his own kind. But he isn't.

I am. That's not true. I get pissed off when I look at you.

You know that. Could you remind me how stupid I've been?

Ryuko don't cling to me anymore. We're through.

What the heck are you talking about?


You gonna stick to you like a cheap

sweater that's so full of static you

can't peel it off without you getting.

I got electrocuted. Huh? Are you? Go. How can I?

Don't do this secret.

There once.

It's a shame. Oh, did you know?

You can find what you.

Order for.

No sign of covers reinforcements yet?

Yeah, probably because they were only after Matoi.

If I'd known what she was sooner, I could have done something

here. Right? She still would have flipped out.

Either way, we've lost Matoi is an asset.

All we can do right now is try

to figure out how we're going to get through this without her.

There's no time for coulda, shoulda.

You kid. Sure are level headed. Pretty rare for high schoolers.

Well, we were trained by Lady Satsuki.

No way are we going to let something like this get us down.

I wonder what they're up to. Luring

Matoi to Honnoji Academy like that.

Hey, if Matoi can kick Ragyo and Nooyi's asses,

it'll save us a lot of trouble.

It won't be that easy. We're talking

about Ragyo. Kiryuin here. Must k*ll.

Ryuko is suffering. She's scared and confused.

And she's lashing out because she's in pain.

She can't do this on her own. I have to go help her.

Why am I speaking? No one hears me.

You want to go after you go to, don't you?

You do, don't you? I can't believe it.

You can hear me. Oh, it's okay.

Uh, can you hear what Sanchez is saying? Nope.

I knew it. I know just how he's feeling, though.

Cause I feel the same way he does about it.

Yes. Well, I think we're all going

to want to go after Mateo now.

What do you mean? I finally hacked into the academy systems.

They building something? Seems like it, but that's

not what I wanted to show you.

Lady Sunsky. Lady Satsuki. She's alive. Oh, my God.

Avert your eyes. Don't look at her.

My shingetsu doesn't work with monitors. What do you see? Tell me.

They've got her chained up. Naked. Naked in chains.

The hell does that mean? It means what you think it means.

Would you guys please shut up? I think

I hear something. Need more volume?


You hear that? She's sharpening the fangs of rebellion,

or in this case, a toenail.

She's alive. Jeez, he almost didn't hear

her because of all the yapping.

Next time, try shutting your mouths and opening your ears.

Yeah, well, are we all on the

same page regarding our next move?

If it's breaking Lady Suzuki out, then Yup.

It's laundry day at Honnoji.

Gee, thanks for warning us. You were going to say it.

Huh? Oh, don't even. We agreed when

the time came, we'd say it together.

But no, you had to go and hog

that line all to yourself, didn't you? Oh, boy.

If you guys are that raring to go, then so am I.

Except I'm going in full on naked.

k*ll me now. Since we can't count on Ryuko anymore.

Satsuki Kiryuin is humanity's only hope for survival.

To rescue her, we'll need every asset

nudist beach has, including our ultimate w*apon.

Wait, are you talking about the naked soul? Naked? What?

You better grab on to something because

we're about to play our trump card.

The naked soul is setting sail. Come on, people.

We're moving out. Get the civilians off the ship. Military personnel only.

Oh, hells yeah. About time they took it out for a spin.

Open the door bar. Guess. Opening the customary gates.

Opening the Dotonbori gates. Stand clear. Stand clear.

Your secret base is a ship. Yeah,

we burn through every last cent of

the Takarada syndicate's money to make it.

This is nudist beaches. Ultimate w*apon.

The naked soul.


Oh, you're kidding. Oh, hey, we're coming, too. Yeah. Can't

let you stay without a doc on board.

And since you're going to Honno town,

I thought I'd pick up a fresh

bottle of cooking oil for myself.

I just want to see the chick fight. Cut! Cut.

Let's go fight the bad guys together. Oh, goody.

No wonder slackers gone and invited herself along.

Don't even fight it. Mankanshoku has the best

selective hearing of anyone I know.

No one can pull out her mental earplugs. Not even you.

I could throw her overboard. No, they can stay.

We need the extra help. Right.

This thing cost a fortune. Yo. Get out there, you b*tches.

Kick the ass out of those rags

and give him our money's worth. Do us proud.

You newly. Here I am.

Come out and face me. Or are you chicken?

My heart's all aflutter. You're so wild and cool.

Like a punk rock goddess. Did you do something

with your hair? Shut your pie hole.

I'm here to k*ll you and rock you.

So let's get it on already. I don't

see what good k*lling Lady Rock.

You and me would do. It's not

like you can go back to the way things were, you know?

It'll shut you up for good, though.

But it.

Oh, my. You're fast, fast, fast.

What? Rascals.


Here come the pain.

All missiles fired, Direct hits confirmed. Too

bad she's not the kind of person missiles have any effect on.

Yeah, I know. Isn't it annoying how

she can shrug them off like that?

Huh? What horrid mechanical designers you have.

Oh, well, have fun while you can.

It seems my ride is here.

These cheap scraps don't stand a chance against me.

My false toenail is made from the same material as Bakhuizen.


I know how lost you feel now. Really, I do.

All this time thinking you were human.

Just to find out you owe your

existence to the life fibers you've been trying to k*ll.

Who are your friends? Your enemies. You think you're all alone?

You feel like there's no one else around who really understands you?

Are you gonna fight me or talk my ears off?

You don't have to suffer anymore. You

don't have to be alone anymore. Because now you have me.

I'm the only one in the whole world who understands you.

You don't know a damn thing about me.

So shut. To die like a good little girl.


Just kidding.

What is he? Something neat.

Height. See how the light fibers sparkle when it beats?

Isn't it the prettiest thing ever? No way.

Yes way. I'm exactly the same as you.

Well, not exactly. Exactly. The only difference

is you grew inside Lady Ragyo's belly.

Me? I was conceived artificially in a womb made of life fibers.

Pretty rad, huh? In a way that kind of makes us soul sisters.

Yeah, Like hell. Last thing I need is another freaking relative.

You can't fight the threads of destiny, sweetie. Destiny. My ears.

It's. Joe Katz.

The grand couturier has tailored

a special gift just for you, my dear Rocio.

You bitch. What you do to me?

Actually, I took your measurements while we were fighting

and shot you full of tacking needles.

You are my darling daughter, after all.

Wearing a half finished rag like Sandcat simply won't do.

Your clothes must be first rate. Stop me.

In my humble opinion, Kamawi. Juncus is much more your style.

That's June gets.

Toy. So that's Ragyo's plan.

How can I hope to stop her if I'm like this?

The mass produced trash never ends.

Mm. Milady. Don't catch cold. Put this on.

We're sorry for the delay. Not at all.

Your timing is perfect, as always.

Don't fight. Open your heart to junkets. Go on, get it off.

Get it.


Been thinking of you. Your cast out your.

When you stay with me.

Just before. Want to know. Oh, the bliss

you feel when you're worn by clothing.

That is what happiness is. Ha! Now,

do you understand? Oh, yes, Mother, I do.

Interesting. So this is the nudist beach flagship.

I see the Toccatas have put their

shipbuilding skills to good use. Lady Satsuki, if you please.

I do apologize for the crude accommodations, miss.

If it means I'll have more of your tea, I'll put up with it.

Thank you. Well, now that we've got you back safe and sound,

we should hightail it out of here before we're spotted.

You feel like going back to Osaka?

We're not leaving any time soon.

I have a feeling an old friend is about to pay us a visit.

She's right. Looks like there's a bogey heading straight for us. What?

Now that I got your attention, it's time to bust some heads.

There she is. A worst case scenario.

Guys, if we don't want to be sunk by a high school girl,

we better do something and fast.

Oh, that does it. Wait. You'll die? Not in my customised dtrh.

I won't. But it hasn't been tested yet.

Yeah, but at least mine's got tougher

armor than yours. It's her only shot. Oh.

Lady Satsuki. Wait. These will work

a hell of a lot better in your hands than they would in ours.

Oh, my God. Why is Ryuko wearing jackets?

She what? She can't go around wearing other kawase.

I'm coming in.

Lady Satsuki.

Look at Mr. Mohawk driving with his ass hanging out.

Time to die.

Well, look what we got here.

Teaming up against me, huh? You just made my day.

I know how much you must hate me.

But right now, you and I are the only ones who can stop her.

Lend me your strength. Send.

Clothes you love to wear.

Clothes you can't wear. What is the difference

for Ryuuko and Satsuki? Two very twisted sisters.

The time has come at last to

unravel the tangled threads of destiny.

Next time on k*ll La k*ll. Incomplete.