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01x18 - Into the Night

Posted: 01/09/24 11:12
by bunniefuu
People do not live for the sake of clothing.

Satsuki Kiryuin. And rising up to overthrow the life fibers.

I did not create Honnoji academy for you,

but to destroy you. Remember that? Ragyo Kiryuin.

For years I've waited for this day pretending to obey you.

Fear is freedom. Subjugation is liberation. Contradiction is truth.

Those are the facts of this world.

And you will surrender to them. You pig who fawns over clothing.

Nonsense. You won't get away with this.


Shackle regalia. Mark two.

Inomata release everyone at once. We'll do.

Look what happened. Mom, Dad's got your back.

Thank you, God. What'd you do? Oh,

I just fired off some jamming rounds that neutralized life fibers.

It's nudist beach tech that I modified myself.

You damn teenage scum. You shouldn't underestimate them.

We are neither scum nor are we weak.

No. Every student here is a warrior trained to fight life fibers.

This is Honnoji Academy. This is our power.

So that was her plan. Good one, Satsuki. I'm impressed.

We got unfinished business, don't we?

Blade Regalia. Mark three.

I'm Susanna Gilmore of the Elite Four.

Get ready, cause it's payback time.

So now Satsuki is taking on her mom.

Perhaps this means her goal is the same as ours.

Now, what the hell is going on? Don't know.

I'm as confused as everyone else.

Matoi. Lady Satsuki was planning to rise

up against the life fibers from the start.

She put on a false front because it was the only way to make

sure Director Ragyo didn't find out.

If that's true, then how come you

guys are trying to k*ll me in the nudist beach dorks?

I have no need for half baked allies.

The only way to find out if you are

capable of winning the w*r against life

fibers was to put you up against my finest son.

What's done is done. And if you

don't like it, then I'll fight you after.

But as of right now, if you

want to protect the freedom of humans everywhere from this tyranny,

then you will join us and fight.

I admire your ambition. You have no problem

stabbing your mother in the back to

get what you want. Do you? Of course not. If what I have done

today makes me a villain, then I embrace it.

Gladly. I'll use any means necessary to

bring down a monster like you.

Really? Now, you'd call your own mother a monster.

After being stabbed through the heart, you

remain unfazed. What else could you be?

You're a monster because you merge with the life

fibers and gave up your humanity.

I am no monster. I am the ultimate life form.

I am enlightened.

You guys see that for a woman her age,

she's super tough. Yeah, More like super freaky.

This is the true nature of life fibers.

If you are watching this feed, go and burn your reebok's clothing.

Destroy it now for the sake of humanity.

Pay back for what? Did I lend you something?

Don't tell me you forgot about your

little sneak attack on me. Oops. Guess I did.

I usually forget the guys I've owned after I change my underwear.

Come on. Did you honestly think your

new suit's gonna help you beat me? Yeah. I did.

You like that? I traded

my sight for the power to move faster than light.

Exaggerating again. A. It's quite impossible for

a human to move faster than light,

but it is possible to appear like you can.

Just fix your after images in place

and use optical camouflage to hide.

Look at the computer nerd. I'll sneak

in around and pushing buttons. You're creepier than me.

Let's see you try to get out of that bind.

Oh, three against one, huh? I told you.

We're called the Elite Four because there's four of us.

Hey, you never told me that. Oh, yeah, you're right.

I must warn you. We never give up.

We will never bow down before the likes of you.

Tough talk. I hate when people do that. So annoying.

Dad. Mom, I hate it.

Like. Did you have a fun trip,

hun? Little buddy? You're still alive.

If I died, you'd never get the souvenirs brought back from.

That's my sis. Always thinking ahead. Hot time to.

Unconscious. Konchok. What the hell are you doing?

What do you mean? I'm eating? There a law against that?

Now there's a battle in progress.

One konchok. Evacuate the spectators. Wait. Do it

because it's not safe here and we don't

want any unnecessary casualties. Do it. Yes, sir.

Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum,

dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum.

Hi, guy. Yummy Taco.

So when did you turn against me?

I've been against you from the start

for as long as I can remember.

My life has been spent preparing for this moment.

Has it now? Yes. I learned the truth when I was five.

My father told me everything about life, fibers and covers.

And about you as well. I know

everything about your vile plans to destroy humanity.

My father said, Satsuki, this will be your wedding dress.

But when you put it on, you'll become a sl*ve to clothing.

Father was a great scientist.

The only

reason you married him was to have access to his skills.

I was the result of that union.

But I was born only to be used

as a test subject for life fighters.

It's not working. Apparently one year is too old.

I'll have to use this one now.

You continued your experiments with your next child.

You tried fusing it with life fibers

when it was barely out of your womb.

Another subject rejected by life fibers. How

can something with my genes be so weak? Oh, well.

But that was when Father made up his mind.

From then on, he would rebel against life fibers and you.

So Ichiro was a hack. A hack

with a small mind who couldn't fathom the truth of the universe.

And yet he was intelligent enough to know you would silence him.

That is why he trusted me with the truth about you.

A grown man turning to his five year old daughter for help.

I was no ordinary child. Satsuki Kiryuin is anything but ordinary.

You're good at monologues. I'll give you that.

But even if you can defeat me,

my fibers will continue on regardless.

Do you mean the primordial life fiber?

I have a plan for that.

Are Honnoji Academy Sewing Club. I've been awaiting your arrival.

So those are covers. Strike team fire the insta freezing agent.

Milady. We've rendered the primordial life fiber dormant as ordered.

How did those rats get beneath my mansion?

It was simple. I dealt with Kuroido

and the rest of your people on the night I stayed over.

Rocio. In the name of humanity, I hereby sentence you to death.

Lady Rocio, stay out of this.



Oh, Slutsky. Nicely done. Your troops are mine now.

Oh, crap. She went and turned all the kids into zombies.

This is mind stitching. I've sewn my basting

thread right into their brains. Get her my puppets.

Lady Satsuki.

Stay sharp. Consider all who

attack to be your enemy. Until we defeat

you, you must turn your hearts to steel.

Life. Fiber override. Tommy.


Ryuko Go deal with Ragyo.

We can handle these guys. What do you do?

Still having a hard time believing Satsuki Kiryuin planned this.

I know, right? But at this point

I don't care who brings Ragyo down.

What we even come here for?

You won't escape me. Ragyo Kiryuin.

Even though you betrayed me, I'm impressed.

But I'm afraid you've made one gigantic mistake.

My tie. I can't undo this thread.

Bringing the motto girl into the picture

was a bad move on your part.

You thought she'd fight for you, but after

a little mind stitching, she's my pawn.

It's such a tragic turn.

That much power without synchronizing. Magnificent.

It appears the girl has the innate ability to summon it.

Control yourself. I got you. She got $.. Okay.

Crap. Mommy. No. Put the potty.

You'd be more fun if you guys weren't so uptight.

Going to let my cute little doppelgangers fight you.

Maybe then you'll remember how to have fun.

That. My toy. Snap out of it.

I'm sorry, but your little friend will

never break free of my control.

I have her nervous system tied up good and tight.



We ain't your puppets. I won't let you tie us down.

Put some g*dd*mn string.

But that's impossible. How could anyone break free of your

mind stitching? This feeling. It can't be.

It seems your annoying personality has saved you yet again.

I got serious bones to pick with you after this.

But till then, would you quit raising

on me? Bitch is going down hard.

Lovey Adjusted. Ready, set. Get ready. Life is so truly amusing.

Long time no see where you go.

Anyway. Pardon me. You know how Satsuki

told you the whole k*lling your daddy

thing was her idea? It wasn't. No, no, no.

Go. It was a lie. Lady Radio and I were behind it.

You still want to get your hands

on this scissor blade? Then come on.

Avenge your dear old dead daddy right now.

Just don't blame me if your quest for revenge kills you.

Kerwin Ragyo's all yours. She was never anyone else's to begin with.

Defeating her has been my life's ambition.


Like five or or Cavalry.

What's up? Kind of remember you being this slow before?

Okay. You think your little scratch could stop me?

What's the matter? You're feeling okay? You're looking kind of worried.

Ryuko. You're not gonna give me crap about getting fired up again,

are you? No, the opposite, huh?

We've never been so in sync before.

Right now, you and I are behaving as one.

This is life fiber synchronization. Oh, right. Damn, this feels.

What? How can an ordinary. This much power. Stand aside.

Tokyo Kirui. You'll pay for taking the

life of my father. Souichiro Kiryuin.

And for the life of my baby sister.

Really? All this over some vendetta. How awfully trivial of you.

You gave your humanity two life fibers.

So who are you to judge? Only

a human would understand a noble cause.

k*lling me won't be so easy. I doubt

even a monster like you could survive without a head.

And now I'll have it. Hot.


It is done.

What's going on?


Honnoji Academy. Does anyone copy? Honnoji Academy.

What was that? It is you who are done. Satsuki.

Finish what you start for as long

as a strand of thread connects my head

to my body, I can always regenerate myself.

And it appears your barkhuizen cannot sever all the connecting threads.

Impossible, lady Satsuki. Stay down, you dogs.

Oh dear. What do we have here? Is a case of misunderstanding.

The fact is, you only think you're wearing junkrats properly.

What are you talking about? All you're

doing is forcing it on you.

And that doesn't work. It is impressive

for an ordinary human to survive wearing it, though.

So you get an A for effort. However,

in my opinion, nothing is uglier than a person

wearing clothes that don't fit them.

Your mistake was wearing junkets to this battle a terrible mistake.

Its strength is the reason you have the nerve to face me.

You collapse in a heap. Without it.

I've heard enough of your garbage.

Your little scheme today has proven quite entertaining,

but I think it's time you returned junkets now.

Look at the sky.

I those what I think they are?

Yes. Those are covers beings that were

created from the primordial life fiber.


You are a disgrace. Satsuki Kiryuin.

Anyone who dares oppose me. No. The life

fibers will suffer the same fate.

You bitch. Satsuki was never a worthy host for the life fibers.

I, on the other hand, am.

Life Fiber override Kamui junkets. No way.

Thanks to that fool of a daughter

I met the last person I ever expected to.


you're kidding. It can't be. Here you go.

My toy. Don't you see? Your body

is one with the life fibers like mine.

I thought you were dead. But now I know you are my daughter.

Ryuko is unconscious and Satsuki and Meiko are missing.

All three are out of action at a time like this.

But the Elite four remain. The naked warriors remain.

They'll show Ragyo how humans endure. Next time on k*ll a k*ll.

Raindrops keep falling on my head.