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01x17 - Tell Me Why

Posted: 01/09/24 11:11
by bunniefuu
Welcome back, ladies. You performed well on the raid trip.

I trust you rested? Yes.

How'd it go with the director?

She said she was pleased with our results,

and she's decided to pay a visit

to Honnoji Academy. Then this is it? Yes.

Sweet. I was looking for an excuse to settle things with you.

What are you gonna do? You don't

got your comb or your scissor blade.

You're just a high school chicken. Dorky underwear.

Not much of a threat, if you ask me.

If you're trying to psych me out, it ain't working.

I'm ready to do this full on naked

if I have to. You can't do that.

The only person in the whole world

a girl should reveal herself to is the one she loves.

Can you say you love Mr. Mohawk?

Ryuko? You love him all deep like that, do you?

I think you're misunderstanding again. You don't.

Didn't you know it? That's why you were

it all the time. Because you love him.

Close. Besides, it'd be gross if you

warm and you didn't love him because he's alive. Huh?

Huh? Girl only flashes her bits to her one true love. And so.

Ryuko. I am flattered you'd stand up for

me like this, but put me on. If I may be so bold.

Saint Kitts. You'll catch a cold like

that if you don't. I'll catch a cold.

Man, you guys are something else. And everyone's friends with clothes again.

I don't feel like sh**ting him now.

This is Osaka. God, it's horrible. Yes.

This is what the life fibers power

is capable of and what we are capable of.

Yeah. Mizuki was right to keep us in the dark.

Up until now, even after seeing this,

being told life fibers are from outer space is mind boggling.

Huh? That's funny coming from you.

This whole thing's got me freaked out. Why?

I don't know. It's like everything's gone

from a stupid fight to this crazy w*r that's over my head.

People are saying things like fate of humanity

and extinction of our species, Blah, blah, blah.

My head was spinning, and I wanted

to say I don't give a crap.

Instead, I used you as an excuse to get angry.

No, you go. You got angry at them

because you were standing up for me.

That's the kind of person you are.

What's up with him? Yeah, well, his

older sister died during an experiment with life fibers.

When your dad created Nudist Beach, he set up a lab.

His top assistant was Tsumugi's sister. He knew Echinargus.

They found that only leaf vipers could fight like fibers,

so they tried making one that would obey a human's will.

They ran experiment after experiment. And during one of those she well.

Jesus. That was his sister. A while

ago he told me I was headed

down the same road as her. Oh, right.

The last words to him were. Whatever

you do, don't stop the work.

So Dr. Matsui kept going with the experiments

until he figured it out and made sunsets.

His breakthrough came when he spliced sunsets,

life fibers with your central nervous system's DNA.

Hey. What? It's true. That's why you're

the only one who can wear him and hear him.

He's a combat uniform. Your dad designed for you and you alone.

But why would he do something like that?

He told me he did it because he wanted to protect you.

Oh, man. What the hell? Your team is. Thank you.

I've had a lot of your tea over the years, haven't I?

I've been making it for you since

you were five. Yes, you have.

Since that day when my father showed

me June cats for the first time.

On that day, he said to me, This will be your wedding dress.

So I've heard. I suppose that day

was when all this really began.

Seems like yesterday. Even this tea that I once

found so bitter is now the most delicious thing in the world.

What is it? You thought it was bitter?

I never mentioned that with the first cup.

You smiled. You said it was delicious.

All this time you've been putting up with it humoring me.

I beg your forgiveness, miss. It's fine, really.

Perhaps I was more. Compassionate back then.

Ten hurt. Eyes front. Listen up. Tomorrow's

a big day for us all.

The day of the Cultural and Sports Grand Festival.

All new star students and their parents

are required to attend and welcome Director Kirui.

These are your ceremonial dress uniforms. And yes,

they are required at zero .

You will convene at the stadium entrance wearing your new uniforms.

You will not be late. Shirts will be tucked in.

If there is so much as a hair

out of place, the penalty will be death.

Are we clear? Hold on a second.

And who are you? I happen to

be Mako Mankanshoku dad, Merizo Konchok.

And I'm his wife, Sukekiyo. And I'm his son. Mukuro.

Nice. A family unit where even the dog introduces himself.

Well, what do you want? Where the hell is my girl?

The word on the street is she got drafted

to serve on your raid trip.

All the other students made it back already.

But Mako and Ryuko never did. So why

aren't they back yet? Matoi and Mankanshoku.

They're considered rebels now. And since you're related to the traitors,

your home is now confiscated and you're banished from Hono town.

But since the Cultural and Sports Grand Festival is tomorrow,

I will grant you a special pardon.

If you wish to atone for their crimes,

you must participate in the ceremony.

And when it comes time, you will

toast the glory of Lady Satsuki and Ragyo Kiryuin.

Otherwise, no special. Pardon. Is that clear?

I've got two questions.

What? Are the girls still alive? They are.

Question two Is the festival going to

be catered? Of course it will.

Uh, very well, then. I swear on the honor

of the unconscious that we will atone

for our daughter's crimes by eating every

scrap of food on our plates,

licking them clean if we have to.

You have my solemn word on that.

So what are we watching? We're looking

at a live video feed from the hidden

cameras I set up at the academy.

This thing must be big. If they got

ragyo Kiryuin coming all the way out to do it.

The hell she gotta be there for.

She's the head of the Kiryuin conglomerate

and the CEO of Revox, remember?

She made it her mission to sell

clothing laced with live fibers all over the world.

God, what's with the rock show lighting? She's tackier than Satsuki.

Yeah, but she's even more formidable than Satsuki. Trust me on that.

You seeing what I'm seeing? They're trucking

a hell of a lot of life fibers in. Wonder what for? Oh, no.

She's coming to conduct the final experiment at Honnoji Academy. What?

The academy is a testing ground. The first

experiment was figuring out how to make

Goku uniforms that humans could handle.

Next, they tweaked him for combat and used

them to conquer every school in the country.

Now everyone's being forced to wear uniforms laced with live vipers.

At least the ones who can physically handle it.

Once the rollin uniform and sitting in the stands,

they'll be offered up as human sacrifices to the life fibers.

Sacrifices? Yeah. It's the final experiment in the chain.

Get everyone in town wearing life fiber infused clothing.

Get them into the stadium, then sacrifice them.

That's what the Cultural and Sports Grand Festival is all about.

Oh, crap. If the plan to get

everyone to get eaten by clothes.

And so while mako's mom and dad.

Yeah, I suppose they will too. You know they will.

Well, screw that.

There's no way I'm going to let that happen. Ryuko

Procurement Satsuki Kiryuin. I'm going to take

both those b*tches down for good.

Jumping into the jaws of death again, huh?

Yeah, but this time I'm heading straight down its throat,

ripping its guts out with my teeth. Ryuko. Don't worry, it's cool.

I won't lose control. That's one thing

I'll never put you through again.

But one way or another, I got

to settle this fight with Satsuki,

and now's as good a time as any.

So you're with me on this? Of course.

Me too. Well, looks like we're all going.

We don't have much time, though. The clock's ticking.

The hyper inner manufacturing plant in Mozambique was att*cked by militant radicals.

Yes, ma'am. They found out about how

Revox special mid-layers boosts the wearer's physical capabilities.

Apparently they wanted to see if the rumors were true.

Exactly as planned. If we can't force everyone to buy our clothing,

we can simply trick them into taking it.

Regardless, once they are worn by Reebok's clothing, their fates are sealed.

What a beautiful world. Not yet. We're just getting started.

Tomorrow we step on to a new stage.

The awakening of the covers. Your daughter's

impressive teens have the highest tolerance to life fibers,

and conquering that demographic was a brilliant move on her part.

Acclimating the kids to life fibers by hooking

them on the power of Goku uniforms was ingenious.

Having all your ducks in a row is cute,

but super dull. Grand couturier don't lie.

Ah yes. You find more toys, daughter more interesting.

Uh huh. I still can't believe she hunted

down all the pieces of her komui

and stitched them back together herself.

That girl takes insulins to a whole

nother level and I love it.

It's always fair. Is foul. And foul

is fair with you, isn't it? You know it.

Well, those are empty words from an empty age.

There is only one truth now. The only

things which can be called beautiful are those that earn my approval.

The Grand Festival is tomorrow, and I expect

you to dress appropriately for it.

Enough to satisfy even my sense of style.

I swear her and her daughter are

like, cut from the same cloth.

This is for you. You're giving me a knife? No.

A tailor's dagger and a tailor's glove.

Used together, they can cut through light fibers.

I figured you'd need a little more than your g*ns on this.

Slice the bonsai and the bad guys lose their shirts.

Nice. Very nice. Stay focused out there.

Our targets are Ragyo and Satsuki. Only it's just us three.

So let's not mess around with anyone else.

Is Marco going to be safe while

we're gone? She's going to be fine.

I have a team on standby here, so they'll keep an eye on her.

You're trying to ditch me again, aren't you? Marco.

Well, I'm going, but you can't. It's

not safe there. What do you mean?

I got all these souvenirs to give Mom and Dad.

Damn it, Marco. If you're going back home, then I'm going to.

You're as stubborn as me.

The Cultural and Sports Grand Festival is tomorrow.

You got that? I expect you all to put your souls into it.

Yes, sir. I said put your souls into it. Yes, sir.

Put these lights down a little bit more.

They should wrap the stage just like that.

It's a big day for Honnoji Academy,

so it's got to be dramatic looking.

This is going to be great.

Faster people. We're in the home stretch, Yuri.

How are things going? It's the day Lady Satsuki's dreamed of.

We'll be ready come hell or high water.

Get back to it. Then I'll be done here in a bit.

It looks like those naked apes have taken the bait, milady.

Leaving their hidden cameras up was a stroke of genius.

They will provide the final piece of the puzzle.

Some and the others to my chambers.

Now that preparations for my mother's visit are complete,

I'd like to thank you for your hard work,

milady, to the success of the Cultural and Sports Grand Festival.

Conquered every school in the country. All

who opposed our Goku uniforms have been eliminated. So today we celebrate.

Eat and drink your fill. Praise the Kiryuin name.

Let Honnoji Academy's cultural. The in.

This is so exciting, isn't it? Who cares? Eat, woman, Eat.

That's gonna load up and hightail it out of here.

Hold the phone. Is your suit painted on? Hell, yeah.

I sold that dumb ass thing as soon as I got it.

Son of a. Why didn't I think of that, huh?

Now, for the moment, you've been waiting for.

Join me in welcoming our guest of honor.

I present to you the founder of this academy, Ragyo Kiryuin.


What a grand entrance. Impressive as always.

Those who rule must shine like the sun at all times.

It's been too long, Auntie. Yes. And

how is your father doing? No.

Fine, thank you. And you? Still occupying

your time with hacking and stock manipulation?

Oh, no, not anymore. Really? What a pity.

Ladies and gentlemen, I ask you, what

is the world? Why the world is clothing,

the fate of which is ruled by beings known as life fibers.

I have been entrusted to take their

rule to the next stage of completion.

I am their emissary and their voice.

Honnoji Academy was created as a vessel for their will,

where the weak will serve as the foundation

for what is to come. So consider yourselves honored

to know what you talking about? She's

talking about all of you pigs.

Today is when you'll be eaten by your

clothing. Now let the celebration begin.

Mom. Dad! God. Oh, crap.

Did you hear that? Sounds like it started. Let's hurry.

This baby will get us over the wall

and onto the stage. It's my custom

Judo Tomboy Robo TTR. Yeah. Dotonbori Robo TTR.

He hates that name. Just humor him.

Geez, don't we got enough to worry about?

Wait, what about me? Oh, no, I slipped.

Go and hide and they'll bring some snacks back for you.

TTR going up. Have fun storming the.

At last there is silence. Magnificent silence.

The babbling of the foolish humans fade,

leaving nothing but the tranquil fibers to fill the void.

Yes, Lady Ragyo. The experiment is a success.

Party's over. Satsuki Kiryuin, Let everyone go. Or else.

Well, well. You must be Ryuko Matoi.

Bite me. Indeed. And I take it that is Kamui Senketsu.

The end product of Isshin matoi's futile efforts.

It's quite lovely. So your ragyo kiryuin.

Just like your daughter. A big shot with a big mouth.

How droll. Perhaps you do not realize who you are talking to.

I am Ragyo Kiryuin head of the.

What is the meaning of this? The time for speeches is over.

Hear me, Director? As of this moment,

Honnoji Academy and I are putting an end to your reign.

What the hell? Oh. That's your game.

Are you trying to take the throne from me? No, I'm not.

People do not live for the sake of clothing.

Satsuki Kiryuin and rising up to overthrow the life fibers.

I did not create Honnoji academy for

you, but to destroy you. Remember

Chaos breaks loose on the stage, but who

tugs on the thread of destiny of these

girls who fight in living clothes?

And as the loom of fate spins the fabric of karma.

Who is that? Smiling in the shadows?

Next time on k*ll La, k*ll into the night.