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01x11 - I'm Not Your Cute Woman

Posted: 01/09/24 11:06
by bunniefuu
Fei fei.

We'll call this think it's cheaper.

So now the gloves are coming off.

You stick it back. Take her to

the point where you go. Yeah. Peter.

She's bloody guts. Go. Jeez, everyone looks like they're having so.

You think this changes anything? Ha! I don't care.

If you can't fly, you're still toast.

You can't stop my performance. Performance, my ass.

She's just taking pot sh*ts. Ryuko. We have the edge in maneuverability.

Let's get up close and attack.

Where is she?

We're gonna cut her right out of the sky. Roger that.

Okay, that does. Time to drop the bass on you.

Little bit. Oh, come on. Chill out, Jacuzzi.

You can't lose your cool like that.

Get off me right now. My unconscious.

You better watch it. I don't want

to make Omagari mad. Actually, he's already pretty angry.

You let her waltz right in and steal your air superiority.

There's no excuse for that Yakuza.

Oh, no. Oh, no. What if I went and got. You go look at my.

Where are you going? Ryuko.

We can fly. Might as well go hit our real target.

Yes, of course. Improvising has always been your signature move.

You know it. Suski Continueing. I'm coming

for you. Like hell you are.

Do you think I've let you attack Satsuki?

No one gets between me and her. No one.

Blow it out your ass, bitch. It's gonna take a hell of a lot

more than you to stop me. I've had enough of your sour notes.

It's time for a new tune.

And it goes something like this. Symphony regalia. Musical brass.

Don't touch that. If anything happens to my

laptop, I swear I'll k*ll you.

On one side. He's on the other.

Keep hanging in. There you go. I'll

keep hanging in over here, too.

Oh, damn it. I can't believe she got the drop on me.

So what happened to your big performance? Can't you fly anymore?

I was just wondering. Because if you can't, you are so screwed.

She's all yours, buster. Shit. With pleasure.

I could get used to flying around. I like it.

Whoa. Hold it. I can't fly anymore.

So shouldn't you come down and fight? You have an unfair advantage.

Don't play that card with me. I got a chance to win,

and I'm taking it. Finishing moves, then.

She. It. That was over faster than I expected.

Why the long face we won? Socheata was not achieved.

Huh? I don't know why, but I was unable to absorb her life.

Fibers. Do not underestimate the elite. Four Ryuko Matoi.

We want more. We want more. We want. More.

We want more. We want more. We want.

We got to be kidding. We want more.

We want more. We want. We are seeing.

Symphony regalia Da capo. For my encore,

I'm going to go with one of

the standards. She's doing an encore.

Now you'll see the power of a three star Goku uniform.

Jacuzzi doesn't know when to end a performance.

Her encore is drag on and on.

Here's a little tune known by everyone

all over the world. Beethoven's Symphony. No. Five. Fate.

I my eardrums. Just getting started.

Your connection is getting weak.

Saint Kitts. What's wrong? I don't know.

I can barely hear your voice. For real? Yes.

That music is so loud. It's hurting me. What?

Hey, you look confused, new girl. The sound

blasting out of my Goku uniform resonates

with the, like, fibers in yours.

You're taking on damage in a big way right now.

That's the power of my symphony regalia.

Da capo. So you're going to lie

there like a broken doll until the force

of my batons att*cks finish you off?

What the hell are you doing? Matoi? You can't lose to her.

You and me got a date for a fight.

I'm the one who's supposed to kick your ass.

Whose side are you on? You monkey.

You're making too much noise over there.

It's bad manners to talk during a performance, so pipe down.

God damn voice. Everyone around here talks so much,

shut out the noise and try to focus and kiss.

As much as I'd like to do that,

every last life fiber in me is vibrating to that cursed music.

Then here goes nothing.

Well, guess it's time for this encore to come to an end.

Along with you. This is your finale. Your fate ends here.

Oh, my God.

Let my music ring out. It's not that it isn't ringing out.

I totally lost. What's going on? What do you see?

Matoi's using her power to take Yakuza's rhythms,

make them resonate, and turn them into a pure tone.

Wait. What? She's altering the frequency of the sound

waves and making them match her own.

I see. It's the same principle as a tuning fork.

When hit. It sounds dull, but it becomes a single tone.

So basically what you're saying is where go super awesome.

Leave it to mankanshoku to boil down your explanation to its essence.

How's that for a pure tone? More like pure stupidity.

Sanchez. You hear me now? Yes. Loud and clear.

Is that your heart beating? Yeah.

Just keep focusing on that. Block out

Ah. So this is your sound. Impossible.

How can she block my sonic attack like that?

No, she's not just blocking it. I'm sending it right back.

Move your.

Oh, she's trying to push me back, huh? Time to crank it up.

Wish I could hear what you're playing.

And again, I bet it sounds like ass.

You g*dd*mn stinking fags. Suck it.

The car was made entirely of life fibers.

Therefore, the frequencies it emits are more

powerful than yakuzas Goku uniform. Therefore its neutralizing her sound.

Way. Decapitation, ma'am. Your concert over.

Now. Then he shakes.

That girl's wearing a collie. That's so adorable.

Did you see that, Yuri?

Yes, and I've already located the problem

spots in both the shackle and probe Regalia's.

We're examining the symphony regalia right now.

Good. Keep me informed. Yes, milady.

All right, people get to work. There

are two things you need to know.

One. If your clothes get ripped, you take them off.

Two. You look like a sack of shit in those rags.

Sooner you take them off, the better.

It's a disguise. You know that. I'm a spy.

And if I walked around in all my nude glory,

I'd attract way too much attention.

It all sounds like a big pain in the ass.

Here's what you asked for. It's the only one.

So think before you use it.

Thanks for bringing it anyway. HQ is freaking out.

I can't believe you're going to use the b*llet on her.

His motto that strong now. She absorbed two Three-star Goku uniforms today

compared to the last time you fought her.

She's on a whole nother level now.

You. They get it. Are you going to sit with us, too?

Thank you. Excellent data. Bite me. And

if you bring it up again,

I'm going to switch out your lenses with non-prescription ones.

You fluoride nerd. Fascinating. I'll save that retort for future reference. Hey,

aren't you going to, like, say anything to Jacuzzi, Ray?

To, you know, about her wearing a tracksuit?

I would never dare cross that line with a lady.

So girls get a free pass, huh? Finally I get my turn.

Step on up. Time to finish what we started.

Once and for all. But this time I ain't gonna run.

Good. Just remember, even though you took my eyes,

I can see even better now.

And this time I'm going to take you apart.

Permission to kick your ass for good lady Satsuki.

You have it. Round number four. Begin.

Sen cette Saint-Jean and sen cette shipu. Huh.

I like how you evolved. Even so,

it's no match for what I've got going on. Check it out.

Three star Goku uniform. Blade Regalia. Mach two.

Like fiber synchronized.

What the hell? Who are you?

Get out of. Why does Lady Satsuki sound so panicked?

I've never seen her lose it like

that. Wow, that girl's totally cute.

There's no data on her. Where's that cosplayer come from?

Just when it was getting good. Sorry, Charlie.

Time's up, you cheap ass. Son of a.

Give me some more money, honey.

Sorry, we don't have any more. Then

we're blowing this pop stand. Let's roll. Family unit.

Where are we going to go to Honnoji Academy.

Of course we're going to sneak in and see

the rest of the fight. Awesome idea. Dad got.

Who in the hell is that chick?

What is the meaning of this, anyway? Harriman.

He said.

Now, which of you will adorn my body today?

I'm sorry I'm late. Oh, Maru.

Not at all, ma'am. You're right on time. However,

however. What is it? The grand couturier

is paying a visit to Honnoji Academy.

Yes. I already know you're a scamp of the highest order, ma'am.

Not at all. I'm simply playing along with her whims.

Shall I take us to Honnoji Academy? No.

We have a meeting with our global branches.

Take us to the home office at once.

This isn't fair, Lady Satsuki. Why didn't

you tell me you were doing something this fun today?

I'm not obligated to tell you anything.

Don't be like that. I bet you

and I were way closer like two peas in a pod.

Who are you trying to fool here? You associate with no one.

You're as breathtaking as ever. Your icy

stare and icy skinner simply ravishing.

My fingers will be tingling for the rest of the day.

I'm not going to let anyone get

in the way of my fight with Matoi, so move it.

Might as well find a seat because

I'm going to be fighting her next.

Huh? I said get out of my way.

What the hell? He blocked a three star. Without a uniform.

No way. How'd she do that? I have a bad feeling.

Bad? Like really bad. Yes, overwhelmingly bad.

This one do? I was hoping you'd be more fun that you're not.

Finishing Move He shines in Zante.

I'm back to being a naked monkey. Sweetie.


Time he fell down. Oh, no.

A three star uniform unraveled by pulling one thread.

How can that be? What do you mean, how?

Isn't it your job to explain this sort of thing? Right.

But I can't analyze something without data.

I know. I know. It's the red thread of fate.

Connecting the pinkies of people destined for each other.

Hello. Clothes don't have pinkies, you doofus.

But there was a red string. Didn't

you see it? Zip it, Underachiever.

That was one of your Goku uniforms, huh, Lady Satsuki?

I thought it would be more durable.

Hmm. Don't you think the stitching's a little weak for combat?

She severed its bungee, but no one

can spot the banshee at a glance,

Not to mention sever it in an instant.

What are you talking about? What's a banshee?

It's a life fiber that's been infused

with the will to become clothing.

The thread that's key to creating a Goku uniform.

It has multiple layers of defenses to keep it safe from attack.

Why? Even when Matoi's Kamui absorbs life fibers,

the banshee's the last to go, and for

anyone to find one so quickly,

then pull it out and cut it is inconceivable.

You see, it is the red thread of fate.

Don't pat yourself on the back too hard.

Underachiever It's Mako mako Mankanshoku. I might be an underachiever,

but I still have a name.

Did you just admit to being an underachiever? You have spirit, Mankanshoku.

God damn it. Who is that woman?

We got a big shot on our hands.

Newey Huteimi. The grand couturier. You've got to be kidding.

The one from Revox. You know of any other ones?

The high order tailors here from the head office.

And if she's here, that means she was

sent by Revox CEO and Satsuki's mom.

Ragyo Kiryuin. Oh, man. Things just got more complicated.

You don't mind if I step in, do you, lady?

Are you asking for my permission? Of course.

I've never, ever disobeyed you before, have I?

God. Whatever. Could we just do this already? You.

If I have to go through her to get to you.

Satsuki Kiryuin. I don't give a damn who she is.

Suit yourself then. No, please, miss some

tea to calm you. Thank you.

Of all the times for Hattie Mae to show up,

it's just like her to send her mistress Rogue.

Who else do you think it's in your hands now? Ryuko Matoi.

Don't you have a Goku uniform? No,

I don't wear such crude things. But enough about me.

Let's have a look at your Kamui.

Dressed like this. Didn't you see I

defeated that Goku uniform just now.

Don't you worry. You can cut loose

with your kamui's power. All you.

In that case. Want to see something neat? Ready or not?

This? Yeah. It's the other half of your.

I got this from your dear dead daddy.

It was you. You did it. Uh huh.

Totally. I'm the one who k*lled him.


Shouting up yours at the sea.

That is youth getting dumped. That is youth

giving into your rage and destroying the school that is also youth.

Wait, that's bad. Calm down where you go.

Next time on k*ll LA k*ll. Spit your sadness away.