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01x08 - I Will Wipe My Own Tears

Posted: 01/09/24 10:59
by bunniefuu
Today we embark on the complete overhaul of the student council.

If you participate, you will have free rein to attack your peers.

There are no restrictions on weapons or tactics.

Those who survive will meet here in seven days.

These survivors will then fight to claim their social standing.

A fight for change. An election in

the form of a battle royale.

Election, my ass. Unlike traditional elections, you will

not choose someone to represent you.

You will represent yourself, your status, your strength, your way of life.

In seven days at : a.m., the survivors

who have assembled here will have a sudden death run off.

And if you emerge victorious, I will

personally grant you a brand new Goku uniform.

Now, students. I know. Ji Academy.

Begin. Iori. Yes, milady?

Activate the high velocity life fiber jamming emission.

You can s*ab it, sh**t it, nuke it.

That damn thing is pretty much impenetrable, even with Sanchez's help.

I doubt you'll break through that cocoon.

I thought this was going to be my chance to get at her.

But no, she's got to whip everyone

up into a frenzy and sit in her bubble.

It's all part of the plan. She

rules this place with an iron fist,

but she knew as soon as she took

herself out of the equation, it'd be anarchy. See?

I swear I'm so sick of her.

Oh, man, this is crazy. Why the hell is she doing this?

She's tearing apart the system she made.

She always takes things to the extreme.

Tear it down and build it back up.

That's lady sex in a nutshell. Gives. At least it gives us an

excuse for some downtime. Good idea.

I think I'll take a few days off.

See you next week, sharp.

Did you hear that? It sounded like a car key.

Good ears. He just got his driver's license.

Lady Satsuki needed a chauffeur, so he told

her he'd do it. His loyalty is impressive.

Okay. I'll see you boys in seven days.

I seriously doubt any of us sucks

so bad we won't make it to the sudden death run off.

The loincloths may.

Gosh, things are sure crazy in town today.

What's everyone's sitting around looking all philosophical for?

Oh, you know, just thinking about all

the good stuff we learned recently.

Like how instant gratification ain't all it's

cracked up to be? Yeah, right.

Patience is a virtue. See if I wait

till everyone's tired from fighting, I'll have easier pickings.

Pocket pickings, that is. Mataro, you little know.

So can I use your scooter? I got it for you.

Scammed it from the guy who owns the scooter shop. Drive safe.

Go in any place special today? Not really.

So you're just fooling around, then? In

that case, I'm coming too. Ready, set,

go. Hey, easy. I'm gonna hold on tight.

Oh, what the hell? Suck it up, Saint Kitts. We're heading out.

Can't breathe.

You're going to fight this thing to.

Star. There's no point, you know. And besides,

if I don't fight, it's like getting a vacation for a week.

You got a point there. Me and the fans

are going to be cheering you on

in the sudden death runoff. So kick. Roger that.

Where are we? My dad's place.

No way. This dump. Then I guess you're poor.

Just like me. Aren't you? No. I didn't

live here when it was like this.

It used to be a really nice mansion before it burned down.

Oh, it was. Hey, wait. Then does

that mean you're loaded? No, of course not.

My mom died a little while after I was born,

and my dad was a scientist who was always in his lab.

He and I didn't really get along all that good,

so he shipped me off to a boarding school.

I was always getting into fights there,

and by my first year of high school,

I was a straight up punk. And then six months ago, I got

a note from my dad saying he wanted to talk. So I came back.


Dad. Dad. Hang on. Stop fussing and listen.

If you want to live a peaceful life. Leave here right now.

But if you want to continue my

fight, you're going to need that.

What do you mean, fight? If you find

the other half of that scissor, you'll find my k*ller.

But a cruel fate lies in store for you.

Hold it. Come back where you go.

Let them go. I haven't told you everything.


There are times when I hated the old man,

but his dying was a wake up call

for me because I realized I didn't really know anything about him.

I decided right then and there I'd

find out who k*lled him and why. What he wanted to tell me.

And find out what this is. But

I still haven't got any answers.

I also want to know why he made you think it's.

There's nothing here.

Well, that was a total wash. I was hoping to find some kind

of clue in one of those big piles of fabric,

but it's all gone. Mizuki might know about that. Maybe.

Well, that sucks. Dad got you a messed up scooter.

Sorry about that. Nah, the damn gas gauge is busted. Us all.

Say where you go. You know you're not alone anymore.

Because now you got us in your life.

And by us, I'm talking about cats and me and my whole family.

We all love you. Lots and lots, You know We do, right?

Of course. I never had any doubt.

Oh, I know. We should hitchhike. Hey, we're two young girls.

We need a ride. Don't worry. We're not picky. Oh, come on.

Watch where you're driving, you jackass. Huh?

Ladies, is something wrong? Well, I hitched a ride with Gamma.

Oh, great. Are you following me around? Calm down.

I have no intention of fighting you here.

Huh? We'll fight on the day of

the sudden death run off. Not before.

Okay, then what do you want? Get in.

I am the appointed chair of the Disciplinary Committee of Honnoji Academy.

And when I'm off campus and find a fellow student in need,

it's my duty as a committee member to help that student out,

even if it's you. So get in.

But we can't use. These are comfy.

Wow. Is this a new car? It looks new.

Must be new because it's all sparkly and clean.

Let's go for a ride. Ryuko. Come on.

Get in. Get in. Let's go. Hey, we're all going on a ride.

We ride to hell. Hey, Upside down and around.

Around. Hell. Hey. Gonna jump the track and crash into a wall.

Hey, rear end a fender bender. Caution to my soul.

We're all gonna make her stop that god awful singing.

Hey, when she's on a roll, no one can make her stop.

A red light wouldn't even stop on konchok.

That's right. Cause the traffic signals of my life always flash yellow.

Proceed with caution. Nice philosophy.

I hate drivers who don't follow the rules of the road.

This is a no passing zone.

Down, Marco.


You didn't hear the automotive

and airsoft clubs merge to form the automotive airsoft club.

Don't worry, they're not after you. Even

if they got their hands on your camo, they couldn't use it.

Miko Ogan found that out the hard way.

So they want to get their hands on your uniform, huh?

Will you go look at that nice clunker? Gamagori.

But is it fast enough to escape me? Ryo Stadtholderockie,

president of the Automotive Airsoft Club.

Come on, man. Let's find out. They're gaining.

Looks like we picked the wrong car

to get into. Here they come.

They're fast, but good driving takes more

than speed. It takes skill to.

We're out of control. No shit. That's

what happens when you crank the wheel

hard like that and you ask.

You learn to drive a go kart track.

Are you okay, Marco?

You guys think you're all that, huh?

You stay out of this motto.

Why? It's my mess. So I'll handle it.

We got you cornered, big man. When

we get through with you, you're gonna be bawling.

It'll take more than you lousy punks to make me cry.

But even if I did shed a tear,

I'd just wipe the damn thing away and then put you down.

You're all talk and no action. Light him up.

Three star Goku uniform Shackle regalia. Oh, he transformed.

So what if he did sh**t his ass?

Man, that thing's hard. You have no idea.

Yes. More. Punish me. Oh, I've been such a bad boy.

Can you punish me? It's like you're whipping my heart.

And the more you punish me, the stronger I get.

Just like I was back then.

What are you waiting for? Jump. You got

milk on my uniform, you clumsy dork.

That was an accident. So we're giving you a chance.

You jump, we're even. What do you think you're doing?

Well. Well, if it isn't our student council president.

Why don't you do yourself a favor? Don't get involved.

I have to do this, Kamigori.

My dad will get fired if I don't.

Yeah. His piece of crap. Dad works at my old man's company,

and my daddy's the chief of police in this town,

and he's not going to bust his little girl.

This is inhuman. No one deserves to get treated like this.

There's nothing inhuman about it. We got status, we got backup.

That means we call the sh*ts. And if he wants

to jump to save his dad's job,

that just proves he's being a good

son. Well, get it over with.

Don't do it.

Now. That's what I'm talking about.

Go ahead. Keep acting all high and mighty.

But at Reinado Junior high, people do what we say or else.


The in deluxe trampoline has a nice spring to it.

Don't you think?

Gotcha. Don't let me go.

If I don't die, they're going to fire my dad.

You needn't worry about that, for I've just purchased that despicable company.

Who are you? What are you new here?

You didn't buy my dad's company? Yeah.

Get lost or else I'm going to have

my daddy throw you in jail with the Patos.

Fortunately, I've relieved your father of his duties.

If you don't believe me, look at this.

What the hell? How do you think you are? Hey, guys.

Go on, take that bitch apart.

My name is Satsuki Kairui.

From now on, I rule over this school and every student in it.

You are selfish and petty, and I will

not tolerate thugs like you in my school.

Hold on. You're using your parents influence

just like them. How are you? Any different?

Unlike those criminals, I do not leech

off the power of my parents.

I am different. Because no matter. Whose

power it is, I will exploit it all.

I will not share it with anyone.

I will take it, absorb it, and wield

it on whatever I see fit.

My resolve is what makes me different.

What do you mean? Simple gamagori without resolve,

you wouldn't even have the strength to wipe away your own tears.

And that's how I met Lady Satsuki.

I waited two years for her to graduate

just so I could enroll in Honnoji Academy with her.

She gave me this Goku uniform as a reward for my loyalty.

Wait. How old are you? I'm turning this year.

I always thought you looked older. Are you gonna talk or my.

Yes, that's more like it. The more punishment I take, the bigger

and harder I get. Wowzers. He's old and perverted. Not perverted. Converted

as soon as I reach my climax.

The power that's building up inside of me will explode every.

Three star Goku uniform Scourge regalia.

If a two stage transformation.

Be careful going home. Don't stop for any strangers. Okay, Dad.

See you with a sudden death run off.

I'll make sure to pick the perfect spot for our fight.

Wait. What?

It is Time, Lady Satsuki.

Students of Honnoji Academy.

For the past week, you've fought long and hard.

However, your fight has only just begun.

Sudden death run off. Every battle over

the past week has been recorded,

and now we know who the survivors are.

Based on what happens today, I will

determine who acquires three star status.

Fight your way to the top of one

and be a frontrunner in the election. That sneaky.

She's making this up as she goes.

Well, well, well. The Elite Four lives up to their name.

Did you expect any different? Lady Satsuki We,

the Elite Four, would like to propose

an additional rule for the sudden death runoffs.

Each of us wants a shot at facing Ryuko matoi in a fight.

We are going to fight her anyway.

We might as well do it here on this grand stage.

It would be an expl*sive finale to the Academy's first election,

don't you think, milady? It would at that.

Final battle. My toy. You will fight the Elite Four.

If you win, I will tell you

the details of your father's death.

You're wrong. I will be the first

to face you in battle. My toy.

I'm Lady Satsuki's impenetrable shield. I challenge

you and I will crush you.

Good luck with that.

Life five or synchronize cowboy thickets.

It's a King of the Hill style battle,

and her first opponent is Era Gamagori Shackle, Regalia, Scourge regalia.

He's a two stage pervert. He's a hard

ass who stands erect on the b*ttlefield.

Next time on k*ll a k*ll a once in a lifetime chance.